Playing With the Devil
Last week the Heroes and Hustlers came together to take out a Healer and, while Joe thought they would be voting for him and played his hidden idol for himself, they actually voted out Jessica (and we won't have to watch her make googly eyes at Cole anymore.)
Solewa - Night 19
-They return to camp and Joe is giving Ben props for blindsiding them with the Jessica vote - Cole is just pouty that everyone lied to him (grow up.)
-Ben is still trying to downplay his part but he's riding high with his plan coming together. He hopes he can keep the reigns on this Heroes/Hustler alliance and ride it to a seven but he's leery (okay, he said weary, but we all know that's wrong) of the individual part - all it takes is one individual to mess the whole thing up (uh, yeah, they're all out there for number one... and that ain't you.)
Solewa - Day 20
-Lauren's hammering a nail into the tree to hang something and it flies off so she goes to get another nail and finally notices the Secret Advantage that has been in with the nails since the merge. She slips it in her pocket and slips away to read it. The Secret Advantage will allow her to secretly not vote at the next Tribal Council, instead she will put the secret advantage scroll in the urn and take the blank voting parchment to vote twice in the future. Her biggest worry is how to do this switcheroo without 10 other people noticing. (My worry would be someone realizing there is one less vote than there should be - but that's just me apparently.)
Reward Challenge
They will be randomly divided into two teams. On Jeff's go, one person from each team will race through a series of obstacles, up a tower to a huge slingshot where they will have to try and hit 5 targets. Everybody on the team must go through the course at least once and then the people that are good at the target hitting can keep going until the targets are done. First team to hit all the targets wins reward of: Spaghetti, salad, bread and wine.
There is one extra person as there are still eleven people so the odd man out will win the lottery, not have to participate in the challenge but still go on the reward. And that winner is Joe (ugh, that guy doesn't deserve a reward - I'm hating on Joe tonight guys - if you like him, I'm sorry.)
We have the beefcake against the not so beefcake:
Blue: JP, Devon, Cole, Chrissy & Ryan vs Red: Desi, Ashley, Ben, Dr. Mike and Lauren.
The blue team had people run through make one attempt at the target and head back down so that they met the everyone participating quota and could concentrate the ace shots to hit the targets.
The red team had everyone keep shooting until they hit a target before changing people out and this was their downfall when Ashley was up there a long time and Blue hit the fifth target before Desi even had her chance to try.
So Beefcake Blue won the Reward and Jeff tells them of another little twist in this Reward - the meal will be served family style - so all the food on one big plate or bowl - and they will eat one at a time (oh jeez, don't let Cole go first). Joe, as the lottery winner, gets to choose the order that people get to eat as well. Yikes.
-Joe doesn't want people to hate him even more so he chooses Devon to go first since it's his birthday and he says that he'll go last because he didn't do anything to earn the reward, he's okay with the scraps.
Devon gets in there and he eats a healthy portion, plus a bunch of salad and a pretty health glass of wine. As he gets up to leave, they show us that there is just the bit of a letter peaking out from under the food - Devon ate all along one edge and didn't see, there is writing on the platter under the spaghetti.
JP gets there next and again proves he's not the sharpest tool in the shed - he eats a lot of the spaghetti but messed it up so he never saw the bottom of the plate - also missed the clue.
Cole was next and his first bite, he notices there is writing on the plate - he reads that there is a hidden immunity idol buried under the flag back at camp... then trying to figure out how to hide this from everyone else, he moves the food onto a towel and puts it over the plate so they can't see under the food.
Chrissy is next and she's immediately looking for a clue, eating is secondary (do you not think it's weird that the spaghetti is on a towel?) - finally she moves the towel and also reads the clue.
Ryan comes next and he finds the clue pretty quickly - he's not taking any chances on Joe reading it - he takes the platter and hides it in the bush under a log covered with foliage.
Joe gets the dregs on a towel... but they don't show him eating - I'd be wondering what the heck?
-Chrissy can't help herself, she is whispering to Ryan asking if he saw the clue, wondering if Cole did (and he's right beside them) Cole knows they must be talking about the clue and asks them what they are whispering about - Oh nothing... (Chrissy just can't help herself I think.) Cole's not too worried if they saw the clue, when push comes to shove he figures he can out-muscle these two and he'll go all out the an idol.
So they head back to camp and Chrissy, Ryan and Cole are the last three straggling by the flag. They can't very well just have at it right away so they continue on to camp and make small talk answering questions about the reward - when Cole goes to take a pee and Ryan ceases his opportunity. He slips over to the flag and quickly digs up the idol. JP wanders by and Ryan quickly tucks the idol in his shorts and walks away - Chrissy comes out and he tells her he has it and she should cover up his digging - but I don't know if she heard him. She seems to start digging and Cole has come back and sees her there and he sprints over to her bowls her over and starts digging - she's yelling at JP to help her, then Ben gets in on the fray... and Ryan is just standing there with the idol in his shorts watching these grown adults writhing in the sand.
-It does break up and Ben announces that Cole got it, he just saw him shove it in his pants. Cole didn't get it but no one believes him and he just doesn't know what to do about it - he's going to have to try and win immunity.
-Ben doesn't like Cole and this little stunt just makes him dislike him that much more - Ben's trying to blow out Cole's game, he doesn't care. (Better watch out, people can turn on you if you become too much of a bully.)
They will be standing on a narrow beam while balancing a small statue on a board in front of them at the end of a very long pole. At certain intervals, they will have to move back on the beam, having to use more of the long pole to keep the statue balanced on the board. If at any time they step off the beam or their statue falls, they are out. Last person and statue standing wins Immunity.
-Off they go and Dr. Mike is out immediately (he should have just let his shirt do all the work - that thing looks like it could stand up on it's own - gross) - they do start dropping pretty regularly, this one is hard. Joe is next off, followed by Devon (which surprised me, surfer dude usually has great balance) - At this point Jeff remarks that he can see Ryan's heart beating right out of his chest and you can - OMG! This guy is so skinny you can literally see his heart beating under his ribs, that's so crazy. Lauren is next to drop, followed by Ryan.
-10 minutes elapsed and they move back on the beam - Ashley drops her statue, Chrissy drops and we're down to Ben, Desi, Cole and JP... with all the guys wobbling... but it's Ben who falls next and then Desi (darn it! I thought she'd go all the way) now it's Cole vs JP and somehow COLE was able to pull it out of his butt and win Immunity.
Solewa - Day 21
They return to camp and Cole is preening like peacock about his win, so humble. Yes, he is ecstatic he won immunity and saved his own butt, but he knows that the Healers are a sinking ship at this point.
-The Heroes/Hustlers are still solely focused on taking out the Healers, with Cole off the table they decide to split their votes between Joe and Desi in case there is another hidden immunity idol among them.
-Cole tells Joe and Mike that he does not have the hidden idol so he's not going to be able to save anyone. They figure that the two remaining hustlers, Ryan and Devon, are the key to all of them sticking around so Joe goes and tries to get them to turn on Ben.
-Joe goes and talks to Ryan and Devon - and the best part of this whole scene is Ben hiding in the foliage behind a tree listening to the whole thing - Joe basically tells them they're stupid to allow Ben to call the shots and if they go to the final three with Ben, he's going to win.
-Ryan does agree that Ben would be hard to beat, he's a former marine, he's got a great story and he's just a really nice guy - but now is not the time for Ryan to make a move on Ben.
-Ben just really doesn't like Joe now either - and he postures up to him, "Jo-jo, what ya going to do tonight man? Play another idol?" Joe plays it cool, "maybe"... until he doesn't. Joe starts pushing buttons like Joe likes to do, he casually says that he's heard Ben swear on the Marines to people... and that was it, he found the button for sure - Ben gets really angry that Joe is lying or someone is lying about him using the Marine Corps (I'm not really sure why swearing on the Marine Corps would be so bad but anyway it was a trigger and it got loud.) I can't stand people like Joe, just stirring up drama to throw people off their game. Desi hopes Joe knows what he's doing - this could reflect heat back on her with the Healers on the bottom.
-Lauren has to fess up to Ben that she won't be part of this split vote because of her hidden advantage that is allowing her not to vote so she can vote twice in the future. Ben is trying to be understanding and supportive of Lauren using her advantage cause it could be used to their advantage when they down to the nitty-gritty, but he's not happy she could be messing up his plans tonight.
-Ben decides they need a Healer to vote with them and goes to Dr. Mike saying he can't stand Joe any longer and he needs Mike to vote with them (for Joe) or Ben could be going home.
-Mike doesn't get it, the numbers don't add up - but this could also be his chance to get off the bottom with the Healers by showing his alliance to Ben. Mike goes and tells Cole (yeah, cause he's a great sounding board) but they know if Joe goes tonight, Cole would be next, then Mike.
-Joe starts immediately saying that Ben is running the show.
-Ben says apparently he is a threat to Joe but his is not a one person alliance, they sit at a round table and they have each others back.
-Cole knows that the Healers are the targets for sure, he is not buying into the lies that his former Yawa people are still with them. And Joes uses this as another chance to throw shade at Ben, saying he told them that they shouldn't have trusted Ben and the Healers were strong until they let Ben call the shots... (jeez dude, read the room)
-And Ben brings up that this is coming from a guy who said he swore on the Marine Corps which he would never do - He said Joe was pushing buttons as he likes to do - Joe interrupts, "I wasn't pushing buttons..." Ben asks if he could let him finish and Joe is still talking finally Chrissy tells him to just stop talking, "no one wants to listen to you anymore" (Yay, Chrissy was my spirit animal at that moment.)
-Jeff is impressed that one guy can get so many people emotional - Ashley says it's very hard to say if Joe is really good at playing this game or just really good at being very annoying - and Joe even interrupts that to say it's a bit of both - which annoys her that she can't even get her point out without him talking.
-Desi says something really articulate but possibly over everyone's heads - basically she thinks that Joe has been very consistent in his game play and he manipulates words so they could have two meanings... (whatever, his crap is splashing all over you tonight.)
-Mike felt betrayed by his Yawa alliance not sticking together.
-Ben has struggled since leaving the Marine Corps and he apologized not for Joe pushing his buttons but for him allowing himself to get so angry about it.
-Desi again, the most we've heard from her, says you could look at Survivor pushing people to be the best version of themselves but most of them would agree that lying isn't being the best version of yourself and everyone there has lied to some degree - it's where you want to draw your moral line.
-Then we go off on a little existential tangent about being stripped down and not able to be the being of light you're meant to be... Seriously?
Time to Vote:
So my husband was wondering if Lauren put the advantage scroll in her front pocket, how's she going to do this without them seeing and I'm like, it's in her bra ... and it was, she pulls it out of her cleavage and puts the blank one back in her shirt (bra, the magic pocket.)
Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.
Ben - 1
Lauren - 1 (who voted for Lauren?)
Desi - 1
Joe - 1
Desi - 2
Joe - 2
Desi - 3
Joe- 3
Desi - 4
Joe - 4 - so we are at a tie with 4 votes each for Desi and Joe... and no one notices that there are only 10 votes between 11 people.
Anyway - they will be voting again - Desi and Joe cannot vote, everyone else can only vote for Desi or Joe... and Lauren still has to abstain so this time she just pushes the parchment off the back end of the table.
I'm figuring this is a no-brainer, good-bye big mouth...
Desi - 1
Joe - 1
Desi - 2, 3 (what is going on?) 4... 5 and it's Desi voted out. WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I do not get it. How could they not have taken this opportunity to get rid of Joe?? Just flabbergasted.
So with Desi leaving, that takes Sunnie C., Trish W., and Yvette S. out of the pool. (You were robbed I say, gone too soon.)
Next week: Lauren is armed and dangerous with her advantage - and Ryan has loose lips, telling Devon and Ben about his idol, then Ben telling Devon about Ryan's idol... which blows up Devon's game.
Desi is crying in her exit interview - it didn't go as she had hoped and it's truly heartbreaking. She is not used to losing but she wasn't part of anybody's plan to go forward so someone had to go home... and she had nothing else to say. (I'm sorry we didn't get to know her better, I think I would have liked her... but she was too smart and quiet to make good TV, I guess.)
Have a great weekend everyone,
Last week the Heroes and Hustlers came together to take out a Healer and, while Joe thought they would be voting for him and played his hidden idol for himself, they actually voted out Jessica (and we won't have to watch her make googly eyes at Cole anymore.)
Solewa - Night 19
-They return to camp and Joe is giving Ben props for blindsiding them with the Jessica vote - Cole is just pouty that everyone lied to him (grow up.)
-Ben is still trying to downplay his part but he's riding high with his plan coming together. He hopes he can keep the reigns on this Heroes/Hustler alliance and ride it to a seven but he's leery (okay, he said weary, but we all know that's wrong) of the individual part - all it takes is one individual to mess the whole thing up (uh, yeah, they're all out there for number one... and that ain't you.)
Solewa - Day 20
-Lauren's hammering a nail into the tree to hang something and it flies off so she goes to get another nail and finally notices the Secret Advantage that has been in with the nails since the merge. She slips it in her pocket and slips away to read it. The Secret Advantage will allow her to secretly not vote at the next Tribal Council, instead she will put the secret advantage scroll in the urn and take the blank voting parchment to vote twice in the future. Her biggest worry is how to do this switcheroo without 10 other people noticing. (My worry would be someone realizing there is one less vote than there should be - but that's just me apparently.)
Reward Challenge
They will be randomly divided into two teams. On Jeff's go, one person from each team will race through a series of obstacles, up a tower to a huge slingshot where they will have to try and hit 5 targets. Everybody on the team must go through the course at least once and then the people that are good at the target hitting can keep going until the targets are done. First team to hit all the targets wins reward of: Spaghetti, salad, bread and wine.
There is one extra person as there are still eleven people so the odd man out will win the lottery, not have to participate in the challenge but still go on the reward. And that winner is Joe (ugh, that guy doesn't deserve a reward - I'm hating on Joe tonight guys - if you like him, I'm sorry.)
We have the beefcake against the not so beefcake:
Blue: JP, Devon, Cole, Chrissy & Ryan vs Red: Desi, Ashley, Ben, Dr. Mike and Lauren.
The blue team had people run through make one attempt at the target and head back down so that they met the everyone participating quota and could concentrate the ace shots to hit the targets.
The red team had everyone keep shooting until they hit a target before changing people out and this was their downfall when Ashley was up there a long time and Blue hit the fifth target before Desi even had her chance to try.
So Beefcake Blue won the Reward and Jeff tells them of another little twist in this Reward - the meal will be served family style - so all the food on one big plate or bowl - and they will eat one at a time (oh jeez, don't let Cole go first). Joe, as the lottery winner, gets to choose the order that people get to eat as well. Yikes.
-Joe doesn't want people to hate him even more so he chooses Devon to go first since it's his birthday and he says that he'll go last because he didn't do anything to earn the reward, he's okay with the scraps.
Devon gets in there and he eats a healthy portion, plus a bunch of salad and a pretty health glass of wine. As he gets up to leave, they show us that there is just the bit of a letter peaking out from under the food - Devon ate all along one edge and didn't see, there is writing on the platter under the spaghetti.
JP gets there next and again proves he's not the sharpest tool in the shed - he eats a lot of the spaghetti but messed it up so he never saw the bottom of the plate - also missed the clue.
Cole was next and his first bite, he notices there is writing on the plate - he reads that there is a hidden immunity idol buried under the flag back at camp... then trying to figure out how to hide this from everyone else, he moves the food onto a towel and puts it over the plate so they can't see under the food.
Chrissy is next and she's immediately looking for a clue, eating is secondary (do you not think it's weird that the spaghetti is on a towel?) - finally she moves the towel and also reads the clue.
Ryan comes next and he finds the clue pretty quickly - he's not taking any chances on Joe reading it - he takes the platter and hides it in the bush under a log covered with foliage.
Joe gets the dregs on a towel... but they don't show him eating - I'd be wondering what the heck?
-Chrissy can't help herself, she is whispering to Ryan asking if he saw the clue, wondering if Cole did (and he's right beside them) Cole knows they must be talking about the clue and asks them what they are whispering about - Oh nothing... (Chrissy just can't help herself I think.) Cole's not too worried if they saw the clue, when push comes to shove he figures he can out-muscle these two and he'll go all out the an idol.
So they head back to camp and Chrissy, Ryan and Cole are the last three straggling by the flag. They can't very well just have at it right away so they continue on to camp and make small talk answering questions about the reward - when Cole goes to take a pee and Ryan ceases his opportunity. He slips over to the flag and quickly digs up the idol. JP wanders by and Ryan quickly tucks the idol in his shorts and walks away - Chrissy comes out and he tells her he has it and she should cover up his digging - but I don't know if she heard him. She seems to start digging and Cole has come back and sees her there and he sprints over to her bowls her over and starts digging - she's yelling at JP to help her, then Ben gets in on the fray... and Ryan is just standing there with the idol in his shorts watching these grown adults writhing in the sand.
-It does break up and Ben announces that Cole got it, he just saw him shove it in his pants. Cole didn't get it but no one believes him and he just doesn't know what to do about it - he's going to have to try and win immunity.
-Ben doesn't like Cole and this little stunt just makes him dislike him that much more - Ben's trying to blow out Cole's game, he doesn't care. (Better watch out, people can turn on you if you become too much of a bully.)
They will be standing on a narrow beam while balancing a small statue on a board in front of them at the end of a very long pole. At certain intervals, they will have to move back on the beam, having to use more of the long pole to keep the statue balanced on the board. If at any time they step off the beam or their statue falls, they are out. Last person and statue standing wins Immunity.
-Off they go and Dr. Mike is out immediately (he should have just let his shirt do all the work - that thing looks like it could stand up on it's own - gross) - they do start dropping pretty regularly, this one is hard. Joe is next off, followed by Devon (which surprised me, surfer dude usually has great balance) - At this point Jeff remarks that he can see Ryan's heart beating right out of his chest and you can - OMG! This guy is so skinny you can literally see his heart beating under his ribs, that's so crazy. Lauren is next to drop, followed by Ryan.
-10 minutes elapsed and they move back on the beam - Ashley drops her statue, Chrissy drops and we're down to Ben, Desi, Cole and JP... with all the guys wobbling... but it's Ben who falls next and then Desi (darn it! I thought she'd go all the way) now it's Cole vs JP and somehow COLE was able to pull it out of his butt and win Immunity.
Solewa - Day 21
They return to camp and Cole is preening like peacock about his win, so humble. Yes, he is ecstatic he won immunity and saved his own butt, but he knows that the Healers are a sinking ship at this point.
-The Heroes/Hustlers are still solely focused on taking out the Healers, with Cole off the table they decide to split their votes between Joe and Desi in case there is another hidden immunity idol among them.
-Cole tells Joe and Mike that he does not have the hidden idol so he's not going to be able to save anyone. They figure that the two remaining hustlers, Ryan and Devon, are the key to all of them sticking around so Joe goes and tries to get them to turn on Ben.
-Joe goes and talks to Ryan and Devon - and the best part of this whole scene is Ben hiding in the foliage behind a tree listening to the whole thing - Joe basically tells them they're stupid to allow Ben to call the shots and if they go to the final three with Ben, he's going to win.
-Ryan does agree that Ben would be hard to beat, he's a former marine, he's got a great story and he's just a really nice guy - but now is not the time for Ryan to make a move on Ben.
-Ben just really doesn't like Joe now either - and he postures up to him, "Jo-jo, what ya going to do tonight man? Play another idol?" Joe plays it cool, "maybe"... until he doesn't. Joe starts pushing buttons like Joe likes to do, he casually says that he's heard Ben swear on the Marines to people... and that was it, he found the button for sure - Ben gets really angry that Joe is lying or someone is lying about him using the Marine Corps (I'm not really sure why swearing on the Marine Corps would be so bad but anyway it was a trigger and it got loud.) I can't stand people like Joe, just stirring up drama to throw people off their game. Desi hopes Joe knows what he's doing - this could reflect heat back on her with the Healers on the bottom.
-Lauren has to fess up to Ben that she won't be part of this split vote because of her hidden advantage that is allowing her not to vote so she can vote twice in the future. Ben is trying to be understanding and supportive of Lauren using her advantage cause it could be used to their advantage when they down to the nitty-gritty, but he's not happy she could be messing up his plans tonight.
-Ben decides they need a Healer to vote with them and goes to Dr. Mike saying he can't stand Joe any longer and he needs Mike to vote with them (for Joe) or Ben could be going home.
-Mike doesn't get it, the numbers don't add up - but this could also be his chance to get off the bottom with the Healers by showing his alliance to Ben. Mike goes and tells Cole (yeah, cause he's a great sounding board) but they know if Joe goes tonight, Cole would be next, then Mike.
-Joe starts immediately saying that Ben is running the show.
-Ben says apparently he is a threat to Joe but his is not a one person alliance, they sit at a round table and they have each others back.
-Cole knows that the Healers are the targets for sure, he is not buying into the lies that his former Yawa people are still with them. And Joes uses this as another chance to throw shade at Ben, saying he told them that they shouldn't have trusted Ben and the Healers were strong until they let Ben call the shots... (jeez dude, read the room)
-And Ben brings up that this is coming from a guy who said he swore on the Marine Corps which he would never do - He said Joe was pushing buttons as he likes to do - Joe interrupts, "I wasn't pushing buttons..." Ben asks if he could let him finish and Joe is still talking finally Chrissy tells him to just stop talking, "no one wants to listen to you anymore" (Yay, Chrissy was my spirit animal at that moment.)
-Jeff is impressed that one guy can get so many people emotional - Ashley says it's very hard to say if Joe is really good at playing this game or just really good at being very annoying - and Joe even interrupts that to say it's a bit of both - which annoys her that she can't even get her point out without him talking.
-Desi says something really articulate but possibly over everyone's heads - basically she thinks that Joe has been very consistent in his game play and he manipulates words so they could have two meanings... (whatever, his crap is splashing all over you tonight.)
-Mike felt betrayed by his Yawa alliance not sticking together.
-Ben has struggled since leaving the Marine Corps and he apologized not for Joe pushing his buttons but for him allowing himself to get so angry about it.
-Desi again, the most we've heard from her, says you could look at Survivor pushing people to be the best version of themselves but most of them would agree that lying isn't being the best version of yourself and everyone there has lied to some degree - it's where you want to draw your moral line.
-Then we go off on a little existential tangent about being stripped down and not able to be the being of light you're meant to be... Seriously?
Time to Vote:
So my husband was wondering if Lauren put the advantage scroll in her front pocket, how's she going to do this without them seeing and I'm like, it's in her bra ... and it was, she pulls it out of her cleavage and puts the blank one back in her shirt (bra, the magic pocket.)
Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.
Ben - 1
Lauren - 1 (who voted for Lauren?)
Desi - 1
Joe - 1
Desi - 2
Joe - 2
Desi - 3
Joe- 3
Desi - 4
Joe - 4 - so we are at a tie with 4 votes each for Desi and Joe... and no one notices that there are only 10 votes between 11 people.
Anyway - they will be voting again - Desi and Joe cannot vote, everyone else can only vote for Desi or Joe... and Lauren still has to abstain so this time she just pushes the parchment off the back end of the table.
I'm figuring this is a no-brainer, good-bye big mouth...
Desi - 1
Joe - 1
Desi - 2, 3 (what is going on?) 4... 5 and it's Desi voted out. WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I do not get it. How could they not have taken this opportunity to get rid of Joe?? Just flabbergasted.
So with Desi leaving, that takes Sunnie C., Trish W., and Yvette S. out of the pool. (You were robbed I say, gone too soon.)
Next week: Lauren is armed and dangerous with her advantage - and Ryan has loose lips, telling Devon and Ben about his idol, then Ben telling Devon about Ryan's idol... which blows up Devon's game.
Desi is crying in her exit interview - it didn't go as she had hoped and it's truly heartbreaking. She is not used to losing but she wasn't part of anybody's plan to go forward so someone had to go home... and she had nothing else to say. (I'm sorry we didn't get to know her better, I think I would have liked her... but she was too smart and quiet to make good TV, I guess.)
Have a great weekend everyone,
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