Bucket List Type Stuff
Last week Redbeard (Michael)& Cowgirl (Liz) went from last to first; Shamir showed us that he has anger issues and is a delicate flower who cannot take pain, especially to his sensitive man-bits; and unfortunately, the no-choice Swolesisters, Jessie & Francesca, came in last and were eliminated.
Michael & Liz are the first out at 8:47am - they read the route info that tells them they are flying 6000m to Tanzania, once there they have to make their way to the monument for soldiers that fought in the first World War and then find their next clue in the local paper sold nearby. Since they are basically travelling around the world, everyone will be travelling together. Oh yeah, and the clue also had a Caution: Blind Double U-Turn ahead. Yikes!
-Michael & Liz are already strategizing on who they are going to U-Turn, Michael trots out the reality competition trope, "We're not here to make friends," and they are thinking to U-Turn Seth & Olive (Cop & Firefighter). Leaving in fourth place, Seth & Olive realize it is likely they will be U-turned.
-Matt & Redmond, are proud that they have no drama in their team because, Redmond says, "we are team man." However, they've made an enemy of Ashton & Vanck by not sticking to their word about flipping a coin for spots at the Helipark - Ashton has not forgotten and she is thinking if they get to the board first she is going to U-Turn Matt & Redmond. Matt does mention trying to get Ashton & Vanck back on their side just in case, but it seems like Redmond couldn't care less, he doesn't consider them competition so he's not worried.
-Floyd & Becca are their typically psyched selves to be heading to Tanzania. They aren't too worried about the U-Turn because they are team fun and team adorable, who'd want to U-Turn them?
-Scott is trying to make 'Keesh' happen, which he tells us is something that is hotter than hot but still cool. His partner Brooke says she's just too old for this (or to care, I think, and I'm with her) though she's not too happy when Scott agrees, she is too old (eek - that wasn't very keesh.)
-Tara (team Mom & Dad) also isn't there to make friends, they'll U-Turn people if they get the chance.
-Finishing out the teams are Logan & London, also no drama, though I think she may be a bit of a smitten-kitten. And Shamir & Sara, as he prattles on about his "injury" Sara does her best not to roll her eyes - she is the opposite of smitten with her partner (and who could blame her?)
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Teams hit the ground running to the taxis and they are all heading out into the setting sun and the crazy traffic in Tanzania. Logan coins the title of the episode, "This is bucket list type stuff here."
-They all hit the newspaper stand at about the same time and pour through the paper find the ad that they have to travel by ferry to Zanzibar to get their next clue.
-Everyone runs to the ferry terminal and they get in line to buy their tickets... except Matt & Redmond who sneak in sideways at the front and buy their tickets first - just adding to Ashton's reasons for not liking that team (I don't blame her, that would have had me fuming too.)
-Matt & Redmond said they just didn't engage, pretended they didn't hear everyone complaining about them skipping the line, "because now is not the time to get in an argument." (No, now is not the time to antagonize everyone by skipping the line, when you are all going to be on the same ferry... but they are team boy so what's the point, they are going to do what they want.)
7AM - They are all on the same ferry at sunrise, heading to Zanzibar. They hit the island running and hop in cabs because once they get to the market, the first thing they'll hit is the double blind U-Turn... so it is definitely a race to the board.
First team to the board is Tara & Joey, and they U-Turn Seth & Olive just on their strength as a team alone (carp, that's my team.)
Second team, due to their cab passing Matt & Redmond's, is Ashton & Vanck and she is very quick to throw the boys up on the board. Matt & Redmond will also have to do both Detours.
DETOUR: Build it or Weave it
In Build it; they will have to put together a desk for a local school room, having to figure it out just from the pieces they have in their pile. Once they get a pass from the carpenter they will have to deliver the desk to the school and have a quick Swahili lesson.
In Weave it; plastic bags are banned on the island of Zanzibar, the locals have replaced them with baskets woven from coconut leaves - the teams will have to weave two passable baskets to get their next clue.
To reach the Detour teams will have to cross the bay in a traditional boat piloted by a local - but as all the teams are reaching the board one after the other, the first teams are still running for the boats when the first U-turned team, Matt & Redmond get to the board and then it gets a little ugly when Redmond starts taunting Ashton & Vanck, "We're going to get you." She says they should have been nicer to begin with but he won't let it go, "I hope you're scared. Hey Vanck, are you scared? Because you should be scared." (What a bully, just shut up and take your punishment like a man, sheesh.)
Tara scolds Redmond to stop it but he gets one more lick in, "You only U-Turn if you're weak, so you must be weak." (And I guess losing a leg doesn't make you a nice guy.)
Meanwhile, Seth & Olive have reached the board and when they saw they were U-Turned Seth says, okay, we'll just have to deal with it. (See, yes, Seth is boring and maybe not exciting TV, but he's a grown up.)
So everyone is trying to get on the boats from in the water - not all that easy - Shamir gets his foot stuck in the muck... oh no, the world needs to stop, Shamir has a problem (I really can't stand that guy.) He needs Sara to hold his hand to drag him through the water (just shaking my head - she has the patience of someone who really wants to win a million dollars.)
Matt yells over to Joey & Tara's boat, asking if they U-Turned Seth & Olive. Joey totally denies it (after Redmond going off about only weak teams U-Turning why would he admit it, it was a blind U-Turn for a reason), Matt mutters, "bold-faced liars." (Can you blame them? Obviously Team Man is no longer no-drama.)
All the teams are doing Build it to start with except Matt & Redmond who decide to start with that one and Logan & London since she's an artist and is convinced she can weave these baskets in her sleep.
Seth & Olive start with the opposite task to Matt & Redmond because Seth's theory is if they go fast, it will light a fire under Matt & Redmond to go faster (but this ultimately proves their doom because Seth & Olive had no one to light a fire under them when they were weaving - but I get ahead of myself.)
Build It:
-Shamir starts off with is usual defeatist attitude, "I can't build stuff. My sister puts together all my Ikea furniture." (Really Shamir, what can you do?) He and Sara struggle through this challenge.
-Michael (Redbeard) comes from a long line of carpenters so he better be good at this, he jumps right in sizing up the pieces, seeing how the slots fit together and the wooden pegs go in to anchor everything, he's ripping through it.
Weave It:
-This was my favourite thing almost ever on the Amazing Race - when Matt & Redmond show up to do the weaving, a local climbs up the super tall palm tree, singing the whole way - his voice reminded me of Harry Belafonte, it was awesome - and just bare hands and feet, no fall protection - crazy but Keesh - for sure. He cuts the leaves for the boys to start weaving. Oh, I heard Hakuna Matata in that song, no worries!
-London & Logan get there and she is greeting "Butterfly" our singer in the tree - he starts doing some tricks, oh, he's got a big rubber band between his feet, that must help with grip - but I love that guy, he was so fun. Weaving the baskets however, was another story. London thought she'd be go good at it because a lot of her art is crocheted - palm leaves and yarn are not the same.
Build It:
Everyone is figuring out there is only one way to put these desks together, each part has to be facing the right way or it won't fit together so there is a trick to it.
-Shamir got a splinter and Sara had to talk him through it, "You're okay, it's okay, you'll be okay..." (He would be so exhausting.)
Weave It:
-Matt has gotten the hang of the weaving and London hasn't - so she's freaking out and the more agitated she got, the worse it was, she couldn't focus and was worried it was taking too long - so Team LoLo decided to switch tasks.
Build It:
-Scott has his hands full trying not to let his negative-Nelly partner Brooke bring him down - she keeps going on about how this won't work, this doesn't fit here.... Becca is thinking her lucky stars that she and Floyd are both positive people, this building has been pretty painless for them.
-Everyone is surprised to see Logan & London show up, she admits the weaving was really hard.
-Mike & Liz are the first to get their desk inspected but they are missing one peg, so it fails. Leaving the door open for Seth & Olive to be the first team to pass and head to the school.
Weave It:
Butterfly is still singing and almost twerking in that tree - ha! I wish they would show him in every episode - little transitional interludes with Butterfly.
-Meanwhile, Matt & Redmond can do anything and are almost finished the baskets.
Build It:
The desks are heavy and apparently it's a bit of a walk to the school so kinda hard for some of the women. Olive is getting tired. A piece falls off Mike & Liz's when she can't hold it up.
-Everyone else is starting to finish their desks except Sara as Shamir is just whining that they are last instead of doing anything productive.
-Logan & London are zipping through this, they are very happy they switched. Oh, and Brooke is also whining at the judge not to smack it so hard (this desk has to withstand children, it has to stay together if he smacks it - sheesh.)
-Seth & Olive are the first to the school and they have to sit and repeat back four Swahili phrases. Good news, Good travels, Thank you very much, and Goodbye. Then they have to take off to do the basket weaving.
Weave it:
Matt & Redmond are still there when Olive & Seth arrive but they expected that - Redmond thinks this may be difficult for Seth, his cop skills won't help him here - all he has to do is listen to Butterfly's serenade, Hakuna Matata! No worries.
Build it:
Matt & Liz and Joey & Tara have delivered their desks and move on to learning the Swahili - Matt & Liz are the first team to get the clue to travel to Darajani Market and then search for their next clue by the entrance.
Weave It:
Matt & Redmond have just gotten the nod on their baskets and they take off to build it.
Build It:
When Mat & Redmond get there, there are still teams building the desks - Floyd & Becca, Logan & London and of course Sara & Shamir - this was a huge confidence booster for the boys, they are not necessarily last.
-Shamir & Sara are still struggling and he's getting angry, at one point he's telling her something won't fit and when it doesn't, says, "You see my point? You see my point? You see my point?" (What an @sshole! Was that your point? Because that's what I saw.)
Tara & Joey are the first team to reach Darajani Market and they read the clue to the - ROADBLOCK: Who's ready to do some market research? What's for dinner?
Following a shopping list, one person must shop through the market, buying everything on the list (so they had better have enough money - this also proves an issue) - once they deliver the correct food to the family chef, they'll get their next clue.
-Joey is doing this one, and he doesn't know what half the items on the list are.
-Michael is going to do this one, as a butcher and someone in the food industry, he's familiar with the ingredients.
Build it:
Scott & Brooke, Ashton & Vanck, and Floyd & Becca have all completed the Swahili lesson and are heading for the Roadblock.
-Seth & Olive are still weaving baskets.
-Logan & London are finished, heading to the school and Matt & Redmond are getting their desk checked (yeah, they're done, they seem to be good at everything, ugh.)
-Shamir & Sara still don't have the seat on theirs. Shamir starts telling Sara they have to pick it up and she finally snaps at him, "You realize I haven't stopped right?" (No, he has no capacity to realize his own shortcomings, it must be her fault they're behind.)
-Michael is loving this, he's in his element. Joey, not so much.
-Vanck lucks out and has a couple guys helping him out, they are grabbing all the stuff for him.
-Floyd, Brooke & London are working together.
-When it comes time to pay all the vendors, that's when we start to realize that the money may be an issue and they are going to have to haggle to pay for all the items they need.
-Sara & Shamir finally get their desks together and then can't figure out how to work together to carry them to the school... oh, these two.
-Seth & Olive are just getting the handles on the baskets.
-Matt is going to do the marketing for them. The other teams are still trying to not lose their shirts to the merchants in the market.
-Joey is the first back with all his stuff but his chicken is still alive, that is not correct, it needs to be halal, which is the method of slaughtering the bird in keeping with Islamic law. Michael knew that being a butcher so he chose his live chicken then had to ask for it to be prepared halal.
-Shamir & Sara finish the Swahili lesson and are heading out in eighth place.
-Seth & Olive finish their baskets and are now in last place but heading to the Roadblock.
-Liz & Michael are the first team to get the clue to the PIT STOP: Emerson on Hurumzi, a rooftop hotel where they can overlook stone town and meet up with Phil.
-Joey & Tara are heading out right behind them.
-Floyd, London & Brooke have been working together in the market, each of them paying for certain things and they pretty much have realized they've been getting screwed on the pricing.
-Shamir & Sara show up and the cab driver is asking for more than they want to spend - they end up giving all their money to the cab driver which means that Sara has almost no money to get all the food (I'm blaming Shamir, isn't he supposed to be a money guy? ha.)
-Matt finishes the Roadblock before Floyd, London & Brooke and Scott is just gobsmacked, two detours and a Roadblock before any of them even finish (curse those guys!)
-Sara has to use all her begging and desperate pleas to make her limited money stretch. She has to go back to some of the vendors to ask for a refund - luckily she has a local translate and advocate for her (yes, sometimes being a pretty girl does help in these situations.)
-Olive finally gets there and she has the money problems too - she's trying to pay with Brazillian currency and the vendor is having none of it - she tries to just take off but Seth, ever responsible, says they have to figure this out or they won't be able to check in. They finally get the vendor to agree to accept it.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Liz & Michael - They won a trip to Amsterdam... Huh, I wonder if they win two trips? Or would they have to go together?
2) Tara & Joey - good job today partner.
3) Ashton & Vanck - Phil asks them about U-Turning Matt & Redmond, Ashton says there was some bad blood from before and doesn't understand why they were so surprised by it.
4) Matt & Redmond - and Redmond starts in on Ashton & Vanck again, "oh, we're two minutes behind them and we did both Detours." (Seriously dude, you came in fourth, why antagonize them?)
5) Floyd & Becca - They showed their cab driver giving Floyd his card which I found curious...
5) London & Logan
6) Brooke & Scott
** And then we find out that Floyd & Becca don't have their passports and Phil tells them they can't be checked in unless they have their passports so - they have to go do what they need to do. Becca's Fun-time persona is totally out the window when she berates Floyd for being a total idiot (Whoa!) and not zipping up his fanny pack. Luckily they have the cab driver's card and conveniently, their passports were in the cab (well, would you look at the producer manipulation of this episode, Jebus.)
7) Shamir & Sara - I'm sorry to say I was a little disappointed they didn't come in last.
8) Floyd & Becca - She admits she lost a lot of trust in Floyd in that moment and is going to hold on to their passports from now on.
9) Olive & Seth - ***ELIMINATED*** Boo! This was my team. They have no regrets, it's been a great experience they just wish they could have stayed longer (Me too!)
And with Seth & Olive's elimination, that takes me, Sheila G., Carol-Anne D., and Lois L. out of the pool. (sigh.)
Next week will be a two hour episode. Vanck & Ashton start fighting and Brooke reaches her breaking point (which we know isn't very difficult to reach, she is the female Shamir this season.)
Have a great week everyone,
Last week Redbeard (Michael)& Cowgirl (Liz) went from last to first; Shamir showed us that he has anger issues and is a delicate flower who cannot take pain, especially to his sensitive man-bits; and unfortunately, the no-choice Swolesisters, Jessie & Francesca, came in last and were eliminated.
Michael & Liz are the first out at 8:47am - they read the route info that tells them they are flying 6000m to Tanzania, once there they have to make their way to the monument for soldiers that fought in the first World War and then find their next clue in the local paper sold nearby. Since they are basically travelling around the world, everyone will be travelling together. Oh yeah, and the clue also had a Caution: Blind Double U-Turn ahead. Yikes!
-Michael & Liz are already strategizing on who they are going to U-Turn, Michael trots out the reality competition trope, "We're not here to make friends," and they are thinking to U-Turn Seth & Olive (Cop & Firefighter). Leaving in fourth place, Seth & Olive realize it is likely they will be U-turned.
-Matt & Redmond, are proud that they have no drama in their team because, Redmond says, "we are team man." However, they've made an enemy of Ashton & Vanck by not sticking to their word about flipping a coin for spots at the Helipark - Ashton has not forgotten and she is thinking if they get to the board first she is going to U-Turn Matt & Redmond. Matt does mention trying to get Ashton & Vanck back on their side just in case, but it seems like Redmond couldn't care less, he doesn't consider them competition so he's not worried.
-Floyd & Becca are their typically psyched selves to be heading to Tanzania. They aren't too worried about the U-Turn because they are team fun and team adorable, who'd want to U-Turn them?
-Scott is trying to make 'Keesh' happen, which he tells us is something that is hotter than hot but still cool. His partner Brooke says she's just too old for this (or to care, I think, and I'm with her) though she's not too happy when Scott agrees, she is too old (eek - that wasn't very keesh.)
-Tara (team Mom & Dad) also isn't there to make friends, they'll U-Turn people if they get the chance.
-Finishing out the teams are Logan & London, also no drama, though I think she may be a bit of a smitten-kitten. And Shamir & Sara, as he prattles on about his "injury" Sara does her best not to roll her eyes - she is the opposite of smitten with her partner (and who could blame her?)
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Teams hit the ground running to the taxis and they are all heading out into the setting sun and the crazy traffic in Tanzania. Logan coins the title of the episode, "This is bucket list type stuff here."
-They all hit the newspaper stand at about the same time and pour through the paper find the ad that they have to travel by ferry to Zanzibar to get their next clue.
-Everyone runs to the ferry terminal and they get in line to buy their tickets... except Matt & Redmond who sneak in sideways at the front and buy their tickets first - just adding to Ashton's reasons for not liking that team (I don't blame her, that would have had me fuming too.)
-Matt & Redmond said they just didn't engage, pretended they didn't hear everyone complaining about them skipping the line, "because now is not the time to get in an argument." (No, now is not the time to antagonize everyone by skipping the line, when you are all going to be on the same ferry... but they are team boy so what's the point, they are going to do what they want.)
7AM - They are all on the same ferry at sunrise, heading to Zanzibar. They hit the island running and hop in cabs because once they get to the market, the first thing they'll hit is the double blind U-Turn... so it is definitely a race to the board.
First team to the board is Tara & Joey, and they U-Turn Seth & Olive just on their strength as a team alone (carp, that's my team.)
Second team, due to their cab passing Matt & Redmond's, is Ashton & Vanck and she is very quick to throw the boys up on the board. Matt & Redmond will also have to do both Detours.
DETOUR: Build it or Weave it
In Build it; they will have to put together a desk for a local school room, having to figure it out just from the pieces they have in their pile. Once they get a pass from the carpenter they will have to deliver the desk to the school and have a quick Swahili lesson.
In Weave it; plastic bags are banned on the island of Zanzibar, the locals have replaced them with baskets woven from coconut leaves - the teams will have to weave two passable baskets to get their next clue.
To reach the Detour teams will have to cross the bay in a traditional boat piloted by a local - but as all the teams are reaching the board one after the other, the first teams are still running for the boats when the first U-turned team, Matt & Redmond get to the board and then it gets a little ugly when Redmond starts taunting Ashton & Vanck, "We're going to get you." She says they should have been nicer to begin with but he won't let it go, "I hope you're scared. Hey Vanck, are you scared? Because you should be scared." (What a bully, just shut up and take your punishment like a man, sheesh.)
Tara scolds Redmond to stop it but he gets one more lick in, "You only U-Turn if you're weak, so you must be weak." (And I guess losing a leg doesn't make you a nice guy.)
Meanwhile, Seth & Olive have reached the board and when they saw they were U-Turned Seth says, okay, we'll just have to deal with it. (See, yes, Seth is boring and maybe not exciting TV, but he's a grown up.)
So everyone is trying to get on the boats from in the water - not all that easy - Shamir gets his foot stuck in the muck... oh no, the world needs to stop, Shamir has a problem (I really can't stand that guy.) He needs Sara to hold his hand to drag him through the water (just shaking my head - she has the patience of someone who really wants to win a million dollars.)
Matt yells over to Joey & Tara's boat, asking if they U-Turned Seth & Olive. Joey totally denies it (after Redmond going off about only weak teams U-Turning why would he admit it, it was a blind U-Turn for a reason), Matt mutters, "bold-faced liars." (Can you blame them? Obviously Team Man is no longer no-drama.)
All the teams are doing Build it to start with except Matt & Redmond who decide to start with that one and Logan & London since she's an artist and is convinced she can weave these baskets in her sleep.
Seth & Olive start with the opposite task to Matt & Redmond because Seth's theory is if they go fast, it will light a fire under Matt & Redmond to go faster (but this ultimately proves their doom because Seth & Olive had no one to light a fire under them when they were weaving - but I get ahead of myself.)
Build It:
-Shamir starts off with is usual defeatist attitude, "I can't build stuff. My sister puts together all my Ikea furniture." (Really Shamir, what can you do?) He and Sara struggle through this challenge.
-Michael (Redbeard) comes from a long line of carpenters so he better be good at this, he jumps right in sizing up the pieces, seeing how the slots fit together and the wooden pegs go in to anchor everything, he's ripping through it.
Weave It:
-This was my favourite thing almost ever on the Amazing Race - when Matt & Redmond show up to do the weaving, a local climbs up the super tall palm tree, singing the whole way - his voice reminded me of Harry Belafonte, it was awesome - and just bare hands and feet, no fall protection - crazy but Keesh - for sure. He cuts the leaves for the boys to start weaving. Oh, I heard Hakuna Matata in that song, no worries!
-London & Logan get there and she is greeting "Butterfly" our singer in the tree - he starts doing some tricks, oh, he's got a big rubber band between his feet, that must help with grip - but I love that guy, he was so fun. Weaving the baskets however, was another story. London thought she'd be go good at it because a lot of her art is crocheted - palm leaves and yarn are not the same.
Build It:
Everyone is figuring out there is only one way to put these desks together, each part has to be facing the right way or it won't fit together so there is a trick to it.
-Shamir got a splinter and Sara had to talk him through it, "You're okay, it's okay, you'll be okay..." (He would be so exhausting.)
Weave It:
-Matt has gotten the hang of the weaving and London hasn't - so she's freaking out and the more agitated she got, the worse it was, she couldn't focus and was worried it was taking too long - so Team LoLo decided to switch tasks.
Build It:
-Scott has his hands full trying not to let his negative-Nelly partner Brooke bring him down - she keeps going on about how this won't work, this doesn't fit here.... Becca is thinking her lucky stars that she and Floyd are both positive people, this building has been pretty painless for them.
-Everyone is surprised to see Logan & London show up, she admits the weaving was really hard.
-Mike & Liz are the first to get their desk inspected but they are missing one peg, so it fails. Leaving the door open for Seth & Olive to be the first team to pass and head to the school.
Weave It:
Butterfly is still singing and almost twerking in that tree - ha! I wish they would show him in every episode - little transitional interludes with Butterfly.
-Meanwhile, Matt & Redmond can do anything and are almost finished the baskets.
Build It:
The desks are heavy and apparently it's a bit of a walk to the school so kinda hard for some of the women. Olive is getting tired. A piece falls off Mike & Liz's when she can't hold it up.
-Everyone else is starting to finish their desks except Sara as Shamir is just whining that they are last instead of doing anything productive.
-Logan & London are zipping through this, they are very happy they switched. Oh, and Brooke is also whining at the judge not to smack it so hard (this desk has to withstand children, it has to stay together if he smacks it - sheesh.)
-Seth & Olive are the first to the school and they have to sit and repeat back four Swahili phrases. Good news, Good travels, Thank you very much, and Goodbye. Then they have to take off to do the basket weaving.
Weave it:
Matt & Redmond are still there when Olive & Seth arrive but they expected that - Redmond thinks this may be difficult for Seth, his cop skills won't help him here - all he has to do is listen to Butterfly's serenade, Hakuna Matata! No worries.
Build it:
Matt & Liz and Joey & Tara have delivered their desks and move on to learning the Swahili - Matt & Liz are the first team to get the clue to travel to Darajani Market and then search for their next clue by the entrance.
Weave It:
Matt & Redmond have just gotten the nod on their baskets and they take off to build it.
Build It:
When Mat & Redmond get there, there are still teams building the desks - Floyd & Becca, Logan & London and of course Sara & Shamir - this was a huge confidence booster for the boys, they are not necessarily last.
-Shamir & Sara are still struggling and he's getting angry, at one point he's telling her something won't fit and when it doesn't, says, "You see my point? You see my point? You see my point?" (What an @sshole! Was that your point? Because that's what I saw.)
Tara & Joey are the first team to reach Darajani Market and they read the clue to the - ROADBLOCK: Who's ready to do some market research? What's for dinner?
Following a shopping list, one person must shop through the market, buying everything on the list (so they had better have enough money - this also proves an issue) - once they deliver the correct food to the family chef, they'll get their next clue.
-Joey is doing this one, and he doesn't know what half the items on the list are.
-Michael is going to do this one, as a butcher and someone in the food industry, he's familiar with the ingredients.
Build it:
Scott & Brooke, Ashton & Vanck, and Floyd & Becca have all completed the Swahili lesson and are heading for the Roadblock.
-Seth & Olive are still weaving baskets.
-Logan & London are finished, heading to the school and Matt & Redmond are getting their desk checked (yeah, they're done, they seem to be good at everything, ugh.)
-Shamir & Sara still don't have the seat on theirs. Shamir starts telling Sara they have to pick it up and she finally snaps at him, "You realize I haven't stopped right?" (No, he has no capacity to realize his own shortcomings, it must be her fault they're behind.)
-Michael is loving this, he's in his element. Joey, not so much.
-Vanck lucks out and has a couple guys helping him out, they are grabbing all the stuff for him.
-Floyd, Brooke & London are working together.
-When it comes time to pay all the vendors, that's when we start to realize that the money may be an issue and they are going to have to haggle to pay for all the items they need.
-Sara & Shamir finally get their desks together and then can't figure out how to work together to carry them to the school... oh, these two.
-Seth & Olive are just getting the handles on the baskets.
-Matt is going to do the marketing for them. The other teams are still trying to not lose their shirts to the merchants in the market.
-Joey is the first back with all his stuff but his chicken is still alive, that is not correct, it needs to be halal, which is the method of slaughtering the bird in keeping with Islamic law. Michael knew that being a butcher so he chose his live chicken then had to ask for it to be prepared halal.
-Shamir & Sara finish the Swahili lesson and are heading out in eighth place.
-Seth & Olive finish their baskets and are now in last place but heading to the Roadblock.
-Liz & Michael are the first team to get the clue to the PIT STOP: Emerson on Hurumzi, a rooftop hotel where they can overlook stone town and meet up with Phil.
-Joey & Tara are heading out right behind them.
-Floyd, London & Brooke have been working together in the market, each of them paying for certain things and they pretty much have realized they've been getting screwed on the pricing.
-Shamir & Sara show up and the cab driver is asking for more than they want to spend - they end up giving all their money to the cab driver which means that Sara has almost no money to get all the food (I'm blaming Shamir, isn't he supposed to be a money guy? ha.)
-Matt finishes the Roadblock before Floyd, London & Brooke and Scott is just gobsmacked, two detours and a Roadblock before any of them even finish (curse those guys!)
-Sara has to use all her begging and desperate pleas to make her limited money stretch. She has to go back to some of the vendors to ask for a refund - luckily she has a local translate and advocate for her (yes, sometimes being a pretty girl does help in these situations.)
-Olive finally gets there and she has the money problems too - she's trying to pay with Brazillian currency and the vendor is having none of it - she tries to just take off but Seth, ever responsible, says they have to figure this out or they won't be able to check in. They finally get the vendor to agree to accept it.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Liz & Michael - They won a trip to Amsterdam... Huh, I wonder if they win two trips? Or would they have to go together?
2) Tara & Joey - good job today partner.
3) Ashton & Vanck - Phil asks them about U-Turning Matt & Redmond, Ashton says there was some bad blood from before and doesn't understand why they were so surprised by it.
4) Matt & Redmond - and Redmond starts in on Ashton & Vanck again, "oh, we're two minutes behind them and we did both Detours." (Seriously dude, you came in fourth, why antagonize them?)
5) London & Logan
6) Brooke & Scott
** And then we find out that Floyd & Becca don't have their passports and Phil tells them they can't be checked in unless they have their passports so - they have to go do what they need to do. Becca's Fun-time persona is totally out the window when she berates Floyd for being a total idiot (Whoa!) and not zipping up his fanny pack. Luckily they have the cab driver's card and conveniently, their passports were in the cab (well, would you look at the producer manipulation of this episode, Jebus.)
7) Shamir & Sara - I'm sorry to say I was a little disappointed they didn't come in last.
8) Floyd & Becca - She admits she lost a lot of trust in Floyd in that moment and is going to hold on to their passports from now on.
9) Olive & Seth - ***ELIMINATED*** Boo! This was my team. They have no regrets, it's been a great experience they just wish they could have stayed longer (Me too!)
And with Seth & Olive's elimination, that takes me, Sheila G., Carol-Anne D., and Lois L. out of the pool. (sigh.)
Next week will be a two hour episode. Vanck & Ashton start fighting and Brooke reaches her breaking point (which we know isn't very difficult to reach, she is the female Shamir this season.)
Have a great week everyone,
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