Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Survivor Game Changers - April 26/17 Episode Recap

A Line Drawn in Concrete

Last week we saw the merge which spelled the end of the line for Hali (though she was the first on the jury) and Zeke started a revolt against Andrea but she fought back and amid the chaos Debbie saw her opportunity to strike - and manoeuvered the vote against Ozzy (who became the second member of the jury... always a bridesmaid that guy, hopefully he'll stop coming back now, d'think?)

Maku Maku - Night 24
Debbie is going to be unbearable, she thinks she's got this thing all sewn up now - the line was drawn in concrete and she, Sierra, Brad, Troyzan, Tai and Sarah are a solid six which will not be divided.  They are going to pick off the other five, systematically, one by one. (Are you sure about that? I think Survivor Karma may be paying Debbie a visit.)

-Both Andrea and Zeke were left out of the vote and feeling vulnerable but still fighting with each other she confronts him to "talk" about why she voted for him and then when he is presenting his reasons for turning on her she just cuts him off and calls him all kinds of shady (great come back).  Zeke says basically screw you, I'll stick with the majority then.

-Sarah goes and talks to Zeke on the down low, basically telling him that she was sorry she left him out of the loop but she needs the majority to trust her - she still wants to work with Zeke and thinks Andrea's behaviour will make it easy to get her out next.

Day 25 - Reward Challenge
This one is an obstacle course out on the deeper water.
They will be divided into two teams of five - on Jeff's go, one person from each team will dive in and make their way through a series of obstacles including a large slide, a submerged rope walk and a balance beam - once they get to the other platform and hit the mat, the next person can go.  Once all five team members are across, one person will dive down, retrieve a grappling hook in the water then get back on the platform and reel in five floating rings in the water - first team to get all the rings wins Reward: They will be taken by seaplane to a picturesque chain of islands and then have a picnic with anything they could want (including brownies!) 

They did a schoolyard pick and because there are 11 people left, one person was left out and would not be eligible for the reward - who was that? Michaela... and she was salty!  It was like Cirie never had a talk with her, she made no effort to hide how pissed off she was.  Maybe if she had taken her head out of her butt she would have noticed that right by her foot on the bench was a rolled up parchment with the words SECRET ADVANTAGE written on it in huge letters... but no, that did not happen.

Teams: Blue: Brad chose Sierra, Andrea, Debbie, Aubry
Red: Cirie chose Sarah, Troyzan, Tai and Zeke

It was pretty much a blow out for the Blue team - Cirie was the last to go for the Red team and she could not get out of the water even to try the second obstacle - her team rallied around her and Sarah went back to help Cirie but the Blue team had already won before Cirie could try the balance beam.
Jeff made a big deal about everyone waiting there to support Cirie if she wanted to keep going until she made it (I would have said, "No, I'm good." but Cirie is telling us it meant a lot for her to show her sons especially not to give up, etc.... oh, yeah I guess there's that - ha!) They tried to make it such a triumph-of-the-human-spirit moment but it just seemed forced and set up to me.

As they are all getting ready to go - Jeff tells them he's not going to make them swim out of there, boats are coming... and Sarah notices the Secret Advantage rolled up on the bench where Michaela was sitting the whole time.  So Sarah swims over and is the last one there all by herself (how did that happen?) and she gets on a boat all by herself with this Secret Advantage - well I guess they wanted Sarah to have that... oh, on second watch, I think everyone went below when they got on the boat and Sarah just made sure she was last... okay, maybe.

Maku Maku - Day 25
Losing team returns to camp and Cirie is still emotional - she is proud that she didn't give up and actually was able to finish even if the team won and Sarah & Tai say they are proud of her too - Lots of crying about how tough this game is this season, I think natural food resources are more scarce and they are all older now too - (I can tell you, the olden's get weepy.)

Secret Advantage - Sarah takes off to read what it is... and we find out that she has the right to Steal a Vote from someone at Tribal Council - it is non-transferrable and cannot be stolen from her.  The last time she can use it is when there are five people left in the game.   She vows that she is going to be the first one to play this vote correctly (don't make claims like that, you're just ensuring it's not going to happen.)

-Everyone is enjoying the food - my favourite moment was Aubry, with cabbage hanging out of her mouth offering the coleslaw to Sierra.  But then Brad tries to tell us that he's following Survivor rules 101, never take your whole contingency on a reward - so he left Troyzan and Sarah behind on purpose to be his eyes and ears back at camp (whatever dude.)
-Brad and Sierra ask Andrea about her feud with Zeke and as she is telling them she didn't know why he turned on her - we see Sierra's talking head crowing about how fantastic it is to see the five fighting when they should be coming together to try and take down their super tight six. (Pride go-eth before the fall - or Survivor karma is gonna get ya!)

Back at Camp - Sarah is talking to Cirie who is telling her straight up that she does not stand a chance of winning if she stays with the current power six alliance - if Sarah went to the finale with Sierra and Brad, they would just say they carried her, she wouldn't win.  So then Sarah & Cirie start counting up who they have to fight the power - if they have Sarah, Cirie, Michaela, Aubry - they think Zeke would vote with them and Cirie thinks they can get Andrea back - then they would have the majority and could take one of the others out... Sarah's not sure if the time is right but she's ready to make a move if it is (how could the timing not be more right??? Sheesh.)

We've seen this one before too - they have to hold up a wobbly table top with a rope then slowly stack blocks spelling Immunity - they have to go back and forth between the stable table to get the blocks and the wobbly table to stack the blocks and not let the table or stack fall or they have to start over.

This was a heartbreaker for Andrea - she was leading the way with only a couple blocks left and Troyzan breathing down her neck, when her table dropped and there was no coming back - Troyzan was able to complete the stacking with no drops and he won his first Individual Immunity!

Back at camp - the power six is gunning for Andrea tonight but they are also all fed up with Michaela, she eats all day and is just generally unpleasant to be around - but Brad still wants Andrea to go first.  Even Debbie called Michaela "highly annoying" (seriously, if Debbie is saying that, you have to take a look at yourself, yikes).  Anyway, the power six comes together and it is decreed that they shall vote for Andrea this evening... and Sarah realizes this decision was made without consultation and she is not high in their pecking order - it may be time to make her move (yathink?)

Sarah goes and talks to Zeke - he agrees that voting with the power six is not ideal for them, he is always willing to make a move and Sarah just tells him that they have to work with Andrea and he's willing to suck it up, even if only for one vote.
So Sarah goes and talks to Andrea and she is also in, she really has no choice and she knows it.

But then Sarah is talking to Sierra who is doing the classic Barbie move of lining up an ugly-duckling sidekick - Sierra strokes her ego, tells her that she wants to go to the end with her and Debbie... and Sarah feels the sunshine on her face for a minute, the popular girl likes me (she's lining up her goats, don't fall for it!)

Debbie is her usual obnoxious self - she tells Aubry that the six (of which Aubry is not included) are going to decide who goes home tonight and if Aubry shows her (Debbie) that she can trust her, there is a way in.  Debbie tells her that they are voting Michaela, that Sarah doesn't trust her (Aubry), and she'd be stupid to screw her over.  I could see Aubry just fuming but Debbie is oblivious, she thinks she has Aubry in the palm of her hand.

Aubry goes and tells Michaela and Andrea that Debbie told her they are gunning for Michaela and Aubry's safe, "But the way she said it, I was like, Go f&ck yourself!" (Exactly.) They are so cocky it's disgusting.  Aubry also goes and tells Sarah what Debbie told her and Sarah can't believe she straight up lied - Oh yeah, Debbie's got no pants because they all burned up, she's such a liar.

-So Sarah tells us she's torn - Cowgirl Barbie (Sierra) had her thinking she could go to the final three with Debbie but now, she's not sure that's a good move - but then turning against the power six could prove her downfall.  She's going to decide at Tribal.

Jeff brings up the Reward challenge to make Cirie cry again I guess - I don't know, that whole thing seemed so ham-fisted. 
-Moving on to the Immunity challenge - Andrea may be going home tonight because she lost that challenge - she knows she's on the bottom especially after last tribal.
-Zeke agrees there is a very obvious power alliance and he names them - Sierra, Brad, Debbie, Troyzan, Tai and Sarah all got up, went into the woods and decided who was going home.
-Debbie with a self-satisfied little smirk on her face the whole time validates that is correct - she is in that six and they came to a unanimous decision democratically, everybody talks, everybody listens (really Debbie? Then why were only three of you there for that?  Sarah wasn't consulted, where were Tai & Troyzan - Yeah, Debbie just needs to stop speaking... but she doesn't.)
-Andrea thinks it's her because the word got back to her it was Michaela but the six is smart enough (don't stroke their egos) to put out false information, plus they kind of cheered when her blocks fell so she's pretty sure it's her.
-Sarah talks a good game, she says Survivor is all about the numbers, so can you blame them for being secure when they obviously have the numbers?
-Debbie runs her mouth some more, "It is inconceivable for anybody to conclude that there is anything but a strong six sitting here tonight." Aubry can't believe what she's hearing and whips her head over to look at Jeff wanting him to call her on this bs... but Debbie continues, "we have a six that has a very accurate perception of themselves and we just click." (Oh man, Debbie has the least accurate perception of herself I've ever seen... make her stop talking.)
-Troyzan is going to worry about his place in the six once he gets to six.
-Zeke likes to think the deck re-shuffles after every vote so maybe after tonight, there will be a reshuffle and he can see where he fits then.
-Sarah says the re-shuffle theory is just wishful thinking.
-Michaela lays it out, "we all know who's running the show and you can either do something about it while you have numbers or you can sit here looking like boo-boo fool" (that confused Troyzan, but I think we get the gist.)

Time to vote:
-Debbie votes for Andrea - says to the camera that in their six there is no one that gives orders or takes orders, it's called a democracy (she really is delusional - she gives orders like nobodies business).
-Andrea votes for Debbie - you think you are running the show but I hope you are in for a really rude awakening.

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.

Andrea - 1
Debbie - 1
Andrea - 2
Debbie - 2
 - oh, and Michaela started eating coconut like it was popcorn at the movies, all attitude, no worries.
Andrea - 3
Debbie - 3
Andrea - 4
Debbie - 4
Andrea - 5
Debbie - 5... one vote left and it is DEBBIE! Michaela started clapping sarcastically and Brad and Troyzan have no idea what just happened.

So with Debbie leaving (finally!), that takes Sheila G., Stacey L., and Lindsay J. out of the pool.

Next time on Survivor - the tide has turned but the line in the sand is washed away - they show Sierra possibly wanting to work with Andrea and Cirie and Zeke approaching Brad & Troyzan.

Debbie's final thoughts: That was absolutely a blindside she did not see that coming - she was surprised that anyone would flip and now possibly be in a worse position, she's stunned. (Do you think she watches this back and realizes what she did wrong? Ha, of course not, it's Debbie.)

I have next week off and am going to a concert on Wednesday, so the recap will be delayed until the following Monday.

Have a great weekend,



Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Amazing Race 29 - Apr 20/17 Episode(s) recap

Another One Bites the Dust

Last week there was a double U-Turn which didn't slow down Matt & Redmond that much, though it did damage their relationship with Ashton & Vanck - and it ended up taking out my team of Sean & Olive.

Michael & Liz were the first team out at 8:17am - the route info tells them to make their way to Farrokh Bulsara's house in stone town (they are already in stone town) where "Another One Bites the Dust" to find their next clue.  First thing they need to find out is that Farrokh Bulsara is the birth name of Freddy Mercury of Queen, so they need to go to Mercury house.
-Mike & Liz unfortunately are steered wrong from the get-go and they waste a lot of time looking at bags of dirt (another one bites the dust).
-Tara & Joey jump in a cab and the cabdriver knows where to take them - even though Joey was sure he didn't, Tara just ignored him and that proved the right call - they are the first team to get the clue to the DETOUR - Lock or Knock.
In Lock: They will have to find the rooms full of Zanzibar chests which all have a hidden compartment in them. If they can first figure out there is a hidden compartment and then find one with a key in it - they must use the key to unlock a tricky lock to open the chest and retrieve their clue.
In Knock - they have to find the three royal doors in stone town (which is a maze of little alley ways) knocking on the correct doors which are marked with a lion, serpent and falcon emblem, they will receive three marked carvings - once they have all three they have to deliver them to a shop on a certain street to get the next clue.
- I'm just going to say that both of these tasks are hard!  Joey & Tara start out doing knock and she lucked into actually knocking on one of the doors and getting the first carving - but it was just a fluke, they have no idea how to find the other doors so when they come upon the marked door that is the Lock detour, they decide to switch.

Vanck & Ashton start out the day fighting and it just gets worse.  Every decision he makes she argues, every decision she makes he argues... it was unpleasant. Matt & Redmond are right behind them they go to different places but find out having the locals use the computer that Farrokh Bulsara is Freddy Mercury and then they pretty quickly get to his house.
-Michael & Liz are still digging through dirt because someone told them that Farrokh Bulsara's house had been demolished... they finally decide to ask at a tour place and they see Freddy Mercury on the wall, showing his name - and find out the place is right up the street (d'oh!)

-Tara & Joey are the first to the room full of these chests and they start searching.
-Michael & Tara show up and Michael pretty quickly realizes that the bottom drawers are shallower than the box and finds the secret compartments so they know where to look at least.
-Matt & Redmond choose lock, as well as Logan & London and Brooke & Scott.

-Ashton has decided they are going to knock - so there was endless yelling about which direction to go, when to ask directions, she just wanted to go-go-go, he wanted to be more methodical.  At one point she says if she is wrong she will gladly admit that she is wrong - but she lied and when he threw that in her face... I think she is just over him, she's not able to be nice anymore.

Shamir & Sarah and Becca & Floyd are the last two teams out looking for Mercury house.  Shamir & Sarah say they are going to work on their communication this leg.. but you know how that goes.

-Mike & Liz are the first team to find key and get the clue to travel by ferry back to the mainland and find the metal shop in town. 
-Scott & Brooke and Logan & London have now arrived and immediately Brooke is whining and complaining about how heavy the chests are and her resounding refrain of the episode, "I can't do this." Poor Scott.
-Tara & Joey still haven't figured out the hidden drawer and with all those people there now, they decide to switch back to knock.

-Ashton & Vanck fighting, fighting, fighting, he wants to switch she almost screams at him that they are not switching and amid the fighting they find someone who actually knows the doors and tells them where all three are - but can they find them... that's another story.

Floyd & Tara decide to do lock and Sarah & Shamir decide to do knock - well she does and dragging the man-baby around all day was a chore for all of us to endure.

-When Floyd & Becca show up Brooke welcomes them with,"Hi, welcome to hell." (She is such a negative nelly) and immediately Floyd chooses the room that Brooke is not in (I do not blame him, she is wholly unpleasant.) But it is Brooke that is the next to discover the hidden drawers, unfortunately Matt saw her find it and he finds the key right away and the Boys are gone (really, these guys are charmed I swear.) Scott & Brooke found a key but couldn't get the lock open so they look for another key and find one and finally open a chest and get the clue. As they are about to leave Becca asks if they need that other key and Scott gives it to her... much to Brooke displeasure.  But Scott figures having another team owe them something is not a bad thing.
Becca & Floyd then open the chest and also take off for the Ferry Terminal.

-Sara & Shamir are trying to ask directions but he demands her attention so he can berate her while she is getting directions... I dislike Shamir a whole bunch.
-Ashton & Vanck have found all the doors and gotten the clue to hit the ferry.
-Tara & Joey are bickering back and forth but they're not mad, she just dishes it right back at him and it's working for them - they get it out and don't take it personally and most importantly keep moving... and they finish and head for the Ferry.

-Logan & London are the last team left at the lock detour and they finally decide to switch.  As they hit the street there is a lady right outside that knew where every one of the royal doors were so they knocked this one out quickly and headed for the ferry.
-Sarah & Shamir still have one more door to find... and finally he breaks her and she agrees to switch tasks.

Everyone is on the same ferry, watching the gangplank to see if Team LoLo or Sarah & Shamir are going to make it... and Logan & London do arrive - Sarah & Shamir do not.

Back on the mainland they all jump in taxi's and head for the metal shop where they get the clue to the ROADBLOCK: Heavy Metal - one team member will have to turn an aluminum sheet into a ladle strainer along side a craftsman in the ear-splitting din of the metalwork shop.
-Becca, Joey, Vanck said he wanted to do it and he better do well or Ashton will kill him.
-Scott thinks Brooke should do this one, she's more artistic but as soon as she sees she has to work with metal, "OMG, I don't think I'm going to have the strength for this." (None of us had the strength to listen to her constant whining, complaining, tears... I also dislike Brooke in this race.)
-Becca has good grip strength from climbing and she knows that Brooke will have trouble cutting the metal so she goes and helps her as a thank you for the key... but once the circle is cut Brooke is still bawling that she can't punch the holes and she can't swing the hammer.  She goes out and wants Scott to bolster her but he's over it - the other teams actually start encouraging her - Redmond even stops by to tell her she can do it, Mike also helps her by showing her how to use the weight of the metal to shape the handle... a damsel in distress I guess, but I really wish someone had slapped her, "Snap out of it!" In the end she stuck with it and got the ladle completed, good for her, I guess.

-But long before that, Joey was the first to get a pass on his ladle and they got the clue to the PIT STOP: Coco Beach (ooh, I want to go to there.)  Becca & Floyd are right behind them.

Oh hey, Sarah & Shamir are on the ferry.  They must have found the key and clue.  But they don't get to the Roadblock with anyone else there.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Tara & Joey - they won $5K each.
2) Becca & Floyd - Fun meter is max red right now.
3) Liz & Michael
4) Matt & Redmond
5) London & Logan
6) Ashton & Vanck - she wants to enjoy this experience but it's very hard, she's stuck with him (she says with Vanck standing right beside her (yeah, she's a peach.)
7) Brooke & Scott - -she is so grateful to all the other teams, she would not have finished without them.

Finally, in the dark, Phil comes and meets Sara & Shamir at the Roadblock to let them know they are ELIMINATED from the race.  He says he's proud of her and how he ran the race (really?) and I think she seemed relieved it was over - though she will remember all the great things they got to do (I'm sure not having to ever see Shamir again was prize in itself.)
With Sara & Sharmir leaving, that takes Sharon R., Katie L., Robert L., and Kevin R. out of the pool.

We head right into the next leg where all the teams are heading to Alesund, Norway!
That's 5000 miles from Tanzania, and everyone is on the same flight.
Once they land in Alesund, they have to go to a lighthouse and eat some rakfisk (salted and fermented fish) to get their next clue. 

Oh and the Express Pass can only be used through leg five, which is this leg, so Floyd & Becca say they are definitely using it this leg.  The best part of the Express Pass talk was Scott teasing Brooke with it, he says he has the express pass which she does not find funny, so he keeps bringing it up (poking the bear if you will) which kind of tickled me and made Brooke mad (hehe).

-Becca & Floyd were the first team to the lighthouse followed closely by Brooke & Scott and Ashton & Vanck - Rakfisk for everyone! Everyone eats it no problem, except for Brooke - immediately, "I can't eat all this." Scott has to be a constant cheerleader which must just be exhausting.

Becca & Floyd are the first team to get the clue, Route info to drive themselves to Slinngen or... there was also a Fast Forward - which they decide to go for (really?? You guys have the Express Pass, greedy - but they want to come in first so can't really blame them I guess.) Then Phil tells us this fast forward will require Floyd & Becca to parachute out of a helicopter (WHAT? Oh man, they are going to love that!)
-Scott wanted to do the Fast forward too, but when he saw Becca & Floyd were already in the helicopter there was no point.  Scott & Brooke have a fight in the car, he's just over her this leg.
-All the rest of the teams are eating the fish and then heading out for Slinnigen.

-FF - in the helicopter, Floyd & Becca are seeing amazing scenery, they even fly through a rainbow over a fjord - the ff was worth it just for that shot.  But, they still have no idea what's in store for them.

ROADBLOCK: Who wants to help break a world record? 
Every year this town tries to break it's own world record for largest hand stacked bonfire.  They build a 13 storey stack of wooden pallets and set it on fire. (Sadly the fire won't be until a week after this, but they did include a clip so we could see it torched.)
-In the roadblock, one team member must climb the side of the stack to the top, nail down one of the pallets, then climb back down. (Oh man, Becca is going to be bummed she missed the climbing challenge.)
-Matt scurries up and down the thing like it's nothing.
-Joey does pretty good for the old guy of the group.
-Ashton is doing this one because she thinks she does everything well and Vanck is useless.
-Mike has Liz do this because she's smaller and he keeps calling her a little sewer rat, which I would not have been too happy about.
-London does it too - oh, and Scott is doing this despite his crippling fear of heights, I think just to get away from Brooke - who has the gall to scream at him the whole time to hurry up (really lady, when you sniveled and cried through your last Roadblock? She's a piece of work this one.)

Matt & Redmond were the first team to get the clue to the DETOUR: Trolls or Troll
There is some fairy tale about a great fire and fire trolls being trapped in buildings anyway - in Trolls, they have to find the buildings with the troll markings, recite a spell to "free" them and then collect a huge firework.  Once they have all six fireworks and deliver them back to the theatre they'll get the clue to the Pit Stop.
In Troll: they must kayak through a local canal and check the lures of local fisherman (who can fish from their own windows) to find the lures marked with the name of the Pit Stop (Aksla).

Matt & Redmond and Joey & Tara were the only teams that did the Kayaking Troll - everyone else did the Trolls which seemed much harder.

Floyd & Becca are still in the helicopter - which is finally setting down where they finally find out that they are going to have to do a tandem skydive out of the helicopter and the fun meter almost busted they were so excited. (Cool for them, but, is it me or is this task already taking a long time?)

-Ashton rocked the climb but as they run for the car she realizes that Vanck didn't grab her fanny pack which of course was his fault, not her own fault to make sure she had it, so they have to run back to get her pack.
-Logan & London and Scott & Brooke finished at the same time and they are going to do Trolls together.  As they run for the car Scott says, "Should I use the Express Pass now?" Brooke, "I will murder you!" (Hahaha!)
-Liz & Michael are bringing up the rear this leg, largely because whenever they have to drive themselves places, they get lost, and Norway was no different.

Troll: Matt & Redmond get in the kayak and start checking lures, no marked ones yet.
-Joey & Tara start out well and they find the marked lure right away, which makes Tara think that they must have been wrong so they pull up another one and it's marked as well.  She wants to go and check with the Boys, see what their lure says but they don't have the marked one yet - Joey ends up spilling that they have the clue and he tells them where the other one is as well (dude, these two do not need your help.)

Fast Forward - Floyd & Becca are just getting suited up and finally back in the copter (really?)

Trolls: Vanck & Ashton, Brooke & Scott, London & Logan and Michael & Liz are all doing this task.  There was fighting trying to figure out the map - especially between Mike & Liz.  He gives her no credit for knowing anything and he's just a cranky bear today... being behind does not make for a happy Redbeard.
There was lots of running around, the rockets/fireworks they get are huge - so they can't carry them all at once.  They are going to have to make a couple trips to get all the rockets. 

Fast Forward: Hey look, Floyd & Becca finally jumped out of the helicopter and it was pretty spectacular!  They get the clue to the Pit Stop: Mount Aksla.

Detour: Tara & Joey and Matt & Redmond find out from people on the street that Aksla is the mountain they can see, it's about 10 minutes away and 400 staircases up to the top (oh sweet jebus, that would kill me.) Staircases are not Redmond's friend and Tara has a sore leg as well. Fun.

Trolls: This side of the Detour was just lots of running around and reciting the silly spell - and they all finished around the same time.  Scott was carrying three of the huge rockets to Brooke's one and she was still whining that it was hurting her shoulder, then she caught herself, "but I can't really complain" when Scott was like, "Are you kidding me right now?"
-They all find out that Aksla is the mountain and they are going to have to climb the stairs.  Michael thinks he is smarter than everyone and he finds a parking garage at the base that he is convinced will have an elevator in it to take them up to the top (dude, they're not going to let you do that.) Liz has to argue and argue to get him to finally relent and start climbing (I get it, I wouldn't want to climb it either, but you know there is not going to be a magic way around it right?) No apparently he doesn't and it's her fault she didn't let him drive up.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Tara & Joey - They beat the team that used the Fast Forward...
2) Matt & Redmond
3) Becca & Floyd - They are thinking that Team Fun was #1 - they didn't believe Phil when he told them they were third.
4) Ashton & Vanck - When Phil asks if she's happier with her partner today, she says they're working on it (so no.)
5) London & Logan
6) Brooke & Scott - She whines and complained the whole way up, and yelled at Scott for making her feel like crap - because she apparently needs constant affirmation and he can't even. (I was yelling at Brooke to shut the heck up.)
7) Michael & Liz - They were totally fighting at the mat, she knows everything, won't listen to him... but Phil tells them they better pull it together because they are still racing! And he gives them the clue to keep going.  But the last thing we hear as the screen fades to black is Liz saying, "this is it, we're done, it's over."

To Be Continued...

So, there you have it, only one team leaving after two hours. 
Next episode they will be heading to Italy and they will also face another U-Turn... and we see Brooke crying again (surprise.)

Have a great weekend everybody,



Survivor Game Changers - April 19/17 Episode Recap

There's a New Sheriff in Town

It was two episodes back to back so I'm going to go through it quickly.

Nuku - Day 19
We start with a little bit of fallout still from the Varner outing Zeke debacle.  Sarah is still angry with Varner and Tai is still raw.  Zeke feels very touched by the strong reaction of his tribe mates and their total support... but his mind is already back in the game, he's there to win a million dollars so let's get back to it.

So both tribes get to their mats and they see this long banquet table laden with food - they are starving there is no mistaking that - but there is also another smaller table that is covered and this makes everyone nervous... what is going on?

They don't have to wait long, Jeff tells them this is indeed the merge but before they become one and can partake of the feast, they have one more separate tribe decision to make... They will only be able to eat the merge feast IF one person from each tribe volunteers to sit out. (Oh come on, that's just mean.)  Jeff says if they don't get volunteers the banquet goes away and each person will get one cracker (with cheese) and a single swig of ice tea (I think some of them looked okay with that, something is better than nothing.)  But it didn't come to that:

Relatively quickly Brad Culpepper agrees to sit out, the quarterback is going to take one for his team - and there was some scoffing from the other tribe about how he was willing to fall on his sword to garner favour, how he didn't like how he was portrayed the last time he played (is that a bad thing?  Maybe it made him more mindful of his actions... not necessarily bad.) Then he says, "It's what Monica would do." (Ugh, I did roll my eyes at that, don't deify your wife dude, that's creepy.)
So then all eyes shift to Nuku and there is some shifting around, Ozzy says he doesn't think he can do it and then Tai steps up, he's already made up his mind, he's going to do it - they'll enjoy it more than he does. (Hey, this is the guy who sacrifices his own food to feed the chickens back at camp, of course he'll do it.)

With a quick thank you guys - Jeff has Brad and Tai move down the beach so they don't have to witness it - but everyone falls on the food and there was no holding back their baccanalian glee... literally in Debbie's case - she starts imbibing and acting all crazy, even mooning Tai who looked like he wanted to wash his eyeballs with bleach (can you really blame him, lady, put your pants on!)
-But then Debbie tells the camera that she wasn't actually drunk, she didn't touch the alcohol, it was just an act. What? Why? (Oh who cares...) okay, she says she was trying to make everyone comfortable with her because she knows it's going to be pandemonium with all thirteen of them back at camp.

-Over on their log, Tai & Brad are reconnecting, Brad tells him that he has Sierra and Troyzan with him and Michaela & Hali are on the bottom so he wants to still target those two.  Tai is all good with that, he's sure Brad will have his back and he's joining a large number, no worries.

-Oh yeah, Sierra also reminded us that she has the Legacy advantage which she can only use when there are thirteen or six people left... there are now thirteen, but she'd rather hold on to it until there are six (and that makes me a horrible person because I hope she doesn't make it to six.)

Merge Tribe - Day 19
They get back to their shared camp and the first thing we see is Debbie apologizing to Brad about her blow up - she tells us she swallowed her pride because Cochrane told her to... (huh, maybe it did do her some good after all.)  So now Brad thinks he has Debbie in his back pocket.

Next they want to hear the Jeff story and Zeke steps up to tell it - how Jeff in order to show his ability for deception asked why he had not told anyone he was transgender - and there were gasps all around...(even though Debbie tried to step on his moment, just shut up lady)  Aubry has more respect for Zeke in telling his story than she does for a handful of these jokers after knowing them for twenty days (ha, tell us how you really feel.)

Now people are breaking off into little groups trying to figure out where they fit in - Ozzy's talking to Brad & Troyzan, Brad & Ozzy of course think that they have everyone with them and they can do whatever they want - so Brad floats Michaela and Hali, especially Michaela to be the next to go.  That's fine with Ozzy, they're not his people and he takes the plan to vote out Michaela first to Zeke who also agrees.
Troy tells Tai, Ozzy tells Sara, Tai tells Hali (hmm, she says), Brad tells Sierra, Sierra tells Cirie and Aubry.

We see the girls painting the new tribe flag - new name is Maku Maku (sure, why not.)

Sarah confirms with Sierra that they are thinking Michaela first... and we find out that Sierra just can't stand Michaela, she thinks she's shifty and always skulking around, coming up on conversations (how dare she try to find out what you're whispering about when you're not talking to her... Sierra needs a reality check.)

-Zeke talks to Cirie and Andrea and they may not want to take Michaela out just yet, she could be a number they can use against Brad and Sierra before it's too late. (Oh ho, not everyone's down for the plan.)  And the chicken laid an egg on the roof... How far will that go to feed 13? (actually, how are there chickens left alive, that Tai is magic.)

-Hali is feeling like she needs to do something to keep Michaela there since she seems to be the only person playing with her right now - so she tells her that her name is being thrown out there and Michaela does not like that but she does something smart - she seeks out Cirie.  And Cirie recognizes her younger self in Michaela, she gives her some really good advice - like controller her temper and be mindful of the resting b!tch-face - you do not want to push people away in this game.  Michaela actually listens to her and will now do whatever Cirie says - so now Cirie has a reason to keep Michaela around and she starts working to get the vote switched to Hali (oops... Hali may have just set in motion her own demise.)

This is the first individual immunity challenge and it's an ankle/toe killer.
They will have to stand on their toes with a block wedged between their head and the top of the frame.  When they can not remain on their toes, the block will drop and they are out (I would last two seconds, maybe.)
Immediately people start dropping like flies - before Jeff even finishes all the explanation, Hali, Troyzan and Zeke are out... and they aren't allowed to touch the frame or the block. Ha!
-Our final two duking it out are Tai and Andrea, when Jeff says a woman has never won the challenge she steeled herself a little bit more and broke that record - ANDREA won the first individual immunity (Yay, she's mine in the pool.)

Maku Maku - Day 21
Sierra tells us she feels like she's in charge and she loves having control (oh come on Survivor Karma, I'm ready for Sierra to go.) But Sierra is worried that Hali has a hidden idol and she's thinking that they should split the votes between Michaela & Hali, more to Michaela so she'll go home but she's hoping to flush this supposed idol Hali has because she's acting so much more confidently this time. (Oh honey, you're not that smart, Hali is more confident just because she's played before, she has no idol.)
- They decide to tell Michaela & Hali that they are voting for Zeke tonight because, as Debbie says, he has the absolute best story - they don't want him going to the end (ah, I knew that would occur to someone.)  Hali has no other play but to go with the Zeke vote.
-Cirie sees her opportunity to get the vote count switched to Hali and appeals to Zeke who goes to Sierra who is not happy to have her plan questioned - She's the new sheriff in town, but whatever, either one doesn't matter.
-Cirie gives Michaela the heads up on the sly that they are lying about voting Zeke but she just needs to go ahead and vote that way, she's got her back... and Michaela listens. (Yup, Cirie is the Michaela whisperer.)

Cirie is the last person that had not been to Tribal yet, so she got her torch lit finally. (Huh? It just goes to show how much they've switched things up this season, I had no idea anyone hadn't been to Tribal yet.)

Not much surprising happened at this tribal council, they are still feeling each other out - Hali and Michaela feel like they are on the chopping block - yada yada.
Then the talk turned to hidden immunity idols and how you can suspect but you're not going to come out and ask or accuse.  Hali volunteers to shake down right now - strip and dump out her bag to prove she does not have an idol... but she's not going to actually do it unless someone asks her to... and no one asks.  That was very telling. 

Time to Vote:
Hali votes Zeke
Cirie votes Michaela (to keep with the number plan but she knows it won't mean anything.)

No one plays a hidden idol (only Tai and Troyzan have one so of course no one played one.)

Tallying the Votes:
Zeke - 1, 2
Michaela - 1
Hali - 1
Michaela - 2
Hali - 2
Michaela - 3
Hali - 3
Michaela - 4
Hali - 4
Hali - 5, 6... and the first member of the jury is HALI!  Which takes Kevin C., Carol-Anne D. and Sunnie C. out of the pool.
Hali just thinks these people are all dumb.  She is just glad she made it to the jury.

Maku Maku - Day 22
Cirie is quietly amassing her army - she tells Michaela to keep their relationship on the down-low, no one needs to know about it - Michaela will do anything for Cirie at this point.  Cirie goes and talks to Zeke & Aubry on their way to get water and she wants to make a move on Sierra or Brad... the way she sees it, Sierra is the godfather controlling Brad who is controlling Troy... she says it's like a chain and if they take out the top it will all shatter (nooo, it's "cut the head off the snake", she's got to learn her Survivor tropes.) Cirie thinks she could get Sierra out - Zeke is willing, Andrea is down, she trusts Sarah and she knows Michaela will go with it, she's got Aubry on board and she's sure Ozzy will vote with them - they are ready for war, she's all soldiered up.

-Andrea is also trying to gather her numbers to take over and she can't wait to get Sierra or Brad out - she's talking to Zeke and says she doesn't think they can tell Debbie or Tai what they're up to - Debbie is playing really hard right now... and as she goes on Zeke is realizing that Andrea and Cirie are the ones playing really hard right now, harder than he is - and he doesn't want to just follow in this game.  He sees that Sierra & Brad are sort of threats, but he thinks that Andrea & Cirie being so strategic and quieter about it, are really his main competition.
-Last time he played he was voted out because he shot for the moon too early, but do you want to regret making the move too soon, or waiting too long and not being able to make the move at all (uh oh) Zeke wants to take out Cirie or Andrea next - why wait?

They will be divided into two teams of six.  On Jeff's go, two tribe members will race out into the water and have to untie a series of knots to free a net with 14 wooden fish attached.  Once they get it to shore, the next two team members will have to untie the fish and hang them on hooks on a pole, then transport the pole up to the next two tribe members who will have to arrange the fish so they fit together as a puzzle.  First team to finish correctly will win a day of pampering at the Marshalls lounge - shower, soaps, fluffy robes.. then the food, burgers and apple pie.
Teams are: Sarah, Culpepper, Aubry, Michaela, Cirie and Sierra
Vs: Andrea, Tai, Ozzy, Troyzan, Debbie and Zeke
Pretty evenly picked I thought... and it was a close challenge - until Andrea & Tai missed one fish on the pole and had to go back, giving the other team a leg up, but then Zeke & Debbie rocked the puzzle and won the reward.

The fallout from the Reward loss - Cirie felt like she had failed her family, couldn't feed her kids, and it hit her hard.

On the Marshalls Reward, everyone was just so happy with the nice smelling soaps and lotions - feeling human again was so nice and they thanked Marshalls (gee, I wonder if Marshalls is a new sponsor of Survivor).  Tai even decided to streak since he had heard about it in the 60's and 70's... it was pretty funny but I'm sure none of them really wanted to see him running around naked - put on the robe already buddy.
-Zeke loves the Reward but is worried about getting too outside the game - so he takes it right back by pulling Debbie & Tai aside to propose his idea of taking Andrea or Cirie out of the game instead of Sierra or Brad. 
-Debbie is showing off her food baby - once you get that skinny out there, a big meal really does show (was that mean?) Anyway, she is telling Zeke everything he wants to hear, "let's vote out Andrea then." "I'm ready to make a big move."  But then she tells us that she is ready to make a big move but she doesn't need Zeke to do it.

Uh oh, it's the telephone pole with the small toehold grooves in it... we've all seen this challenge before.  They will start at the top of the pole and they just have to be the last person still holding on to win immunity.  Ozzy has played this one twice before and he's won both times... until today.  It was almost sad, taking away Ozzy's crowing achievement was TAI - they were up there 1hr 35mins and Tai could have stayed up there even longer I think.  At one point Ozzy said if he won he would go fishing later, if not, they would be hungry another day - but that doesn't mean anything to Tai, he's okay with hungry, he just wanted to beat Ozzy - and he did it.

Maku Maku - Day 24
-Zeke is ready to make his move to take out Andrea so he approaches Sierra and tells her that Cirie and Andrea are targeting her to go home but Zeke doesn't want to do that, he'd rather work with them to take out Andrea.
-Sierra doesn't trust what she's sees as Zeke's abrupt turn around - she thought he was tight with Andrea and she also doesn't like how he is condescending to her - she feels like Zeke thinks she's stupid and she doesn't trust him... but now she knows her name has come up.
-So Sierra goes and tells Cirie that Zeke told her that her name had come up for elimination.  Cirie immediately tells Andrea and Ozzy and they are flummoxed.  Andrea is furious and they are now thinking it's Zeke tonight.
-Andrea & Cirie tell Sarah that Zeke told Sierra it was her tonight so they are thinking Zeke now - Sarah's like, wait, what? Is that what we're doing?

-Then we see Sierra in the hammock with her new minion, Debbie and Debbie puts the bug in her ear, "If you really want to blow them out of the water, we take out Ozzy." Sierra is worried about "these idiots" (they show Tai, Brad & Troyzan) It's like herding cats.  Debbie says we make the decision and dictate to them this time... They are doing it.

-Debbie goes and tells Troyzan in Debbie fashion, "if you stick with us and keep your mouth shut, we're taking out Ozzy." Troyzan looks shocked but he's down (I think most of them, if it's not them, they'll do whatever.)  Debbie tells the camera if they listen to her, Brad, Sierra, Sarah, Troyzan, Tai, they will be massive game changers, largely thanks to her... and she has an extra vote, which she doesn't want to use this early but she's not sure if she has the numbers.
-Sarah is one of the reasons why, she's not sure if she wants to take out Ozzy or Zeke tonight, either way, a line will be drawn in the sand (whatever, they said that about the last vote and it didn't really change much.)

-Ozzy says this season seems like the stakes are higher, there seems to be espionage behind every coconut tree and it's much more cut-throat.
-Sarah agrees with Jeff that there have been so many switches that it is hard to know who is with who - it's like we're all just a bunch of single people waiting to hook up. 
-Ozzy's only argument to keep him is that there is nothing to eat back at camp and he's the provider bringing in fish to keep them all fed - it's a big thing when there are 15 days left (but I often wonder, would other people step up if Ozzy wasn't there to rely on, I think they would.)
-Aubry agrees this time has been way harder, there is no food unless Ozzy brings it in but it's also been more emotional, it affects morale, it's everything.
-Zeke does his own who's on first explanation of trying to figure out who to vote for - Do I think I can beat that person and do they think they can beat me - and if I think they think they can't beat me, how do I make them think they can beat me so that I'm safe. (Say what now?)
-Tai says it makes perfect sense...(sure) but Tai says Zeke is incredible, it would never even occur to Tai to think about it that way (I'm thinking Tai doesn't play chess, there is no subtlety in his game, but if he can keep winning immunity, he could make it to the end again, and lose when he can't articulate his case.)
-No one else really revealed anything - Debbie talked about the Air Force reserves... yeah we get it.

Time to Vote:
Sierra votes Ozzy
Andrea votes Zeke - terrible game move, you suck at this game (wow, way to take it personally)
Cirie says her vote is just to spice it up a little bit - but they don't show who she voted for.

As Jeff says he's going to go tally the votes, Debbie stops him and says she wants to play her advantage she got on Exile by giving up the necessities of life (oh you liar) - she gets to go cast another vote.

Tallying the Votes for real:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.

Ozzy  - 1
Zeke - 1
Sierra - 1 (?) (This was Cirie)
Aubry - 1 (?) (This was Zeke)
Zeke - 2
Ozzy - 2
Zeke - 3
Ozzy - 3
Zeke - 4
Ozzy - 4, 5...6 - and it's OZZY joining the jury (wow, that vote changed quickly from Sierra or Zeke to Ozzy going home - crazy.)  And with Ozzy leaving, that takes Ethan G., Shira C., and Drew C. out of the pool.

Next time: The gloves are off, Andrea will  not trust Zeke again, Debbie feels like her alliance is set in concrete but Sarah is willing to make a move with Zeke.  It seems like the fur is going to continue to fly on Game Changers.

Ozzy's final thoughts: He didn't see it coming but it was inevitable.  He over-estimated his worth but if you don't win immunity or have an idol, you're sitting where he is sitting.  Survivor has changed him in ways he'll never forget and he's grateful.

Woof! That was a long one.  And Amazing Race is two hours tomorrow too - yikes.

Have a great rest of the week,



Monday, April 17, 2017

The Amazing Race 29 - April 13/17 Episode Recap

Bucket List Type Stuff

Last week Redbeard (Michael)& Cowgirl (Liz) went from last to first; Shamir showed us that he has anger issues and is a delicate flower who cannot take pain, especially to his sensitive man-bits; and unfortunately, the no-choice Swolesisters, Jessie & Francesca, came in last and were eliminated.

Michael & Liz are the first out at 8:47am - they read the route info that tells them they are flying 6000m to Tanzania, once there they have to make their way to the monument for soldiers that fought in the first World War and then find their next clue in the local paper sold nearby.  Since they are basically travelling around the world, everyone will be travelling together.  Oh yeah, and the clue also had a Caution: Blind Double U-Turn ahead.  Yikes!
-Michael & Liz are already strategizing on who they are going to U-Turn, Michael trots out the reality competition trope, "We're not here to make friends," and they are thinking to U-Turn Seth & Olive (Cop & Firefighter).  Leaving in fourth place, Seth & Olive realize it is likely they will be U-turned.
-Matt & Redmond, are proud that they have no drama in their team because, Redmond says, "we are team man." However, they've made an enemy of Ashton & Vanck by not sticking to their word about flipping a coin for spots at the Helipark - Ashton has not forgotten and she is thinking if they get to the board first she is going to U-Turn Matt & Redmond.  Matt does mention trying to get Ashton & Vanck back on their side just in case, but it seems like Redmond couldn't care less, he doesn't consider them competition so he's not worried.
-Floyd & Becca are their typically psyched selves to be heading to Tanzania.  They aren't too worried about the U-Turn because they are team fun and team adorable, who'd want to U-Turn them?
-Scott is trying to make 'Keesh' happen, which he tells us is something that is hotter than hot but still cool.  His partner Brooke says she's just too old for this (or to care, I think, and I'm with her) though she's not too happy when Scott agrees, she is too old (eek - that wasn't very keesh.)
-Tara (team Mom & Dad) also isn't there to make friends, they'll U-Turn people if they get the chance.
-Finishing out the teams are Logan & London, also no drama, though I think she may be a bit of a smitten-kitten.  And Shamir & Sara, as he prattles on about his "injury" Sara does her best not to roll her eyes - she is the opposite of smitten with her partner (and who could blame her?)

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Teams hit the ground running to the taxis and they are all heading out into the setting sun and the crazy traffic in Tanzania.  Logan coins the title of the episode, "This is bucket list type stuff here."
-They all hit the newspaper stand at about the same time and pour through the paper find the ad that they have to travel by ferry to Zanzibar to get their next clue.
-Everyone runs to the ferry terminal and they get in line to buy their tickets... except Matt & Redmond who sneak in sideways at the front and buy their tickets first - just adding to Ashton's reasons for not liking that team (I don't blame her, that would have had me fuming too.)
-Matt & Redmond said they just didn't engage, pretended they didn't hear everyone complaining about them skipping the line, "because now is not the time to get in an argument." (No, now is not the time to antagonize everyone by skipping the line, when you are all going to be on the same ferry... but they are team boy so what's the point, they are going to do what they want.)

7AM - They are all on the same ferry at sunrise, heading to Zanzibar.  They hit the island running and hop in cabs because once they get to the market, the first thing they'll hit is the double blind U-Turn... so it is definitely a race to the board.
First team to the board is Tara & Joey, and they U-Turn Seth & Olive just on their strength as a team alone (carp, that's my team.)
Second team, due to their cab passing Matt & Redmond's, is Ashton & Vanck and she is very quick to throw the boys up on the board. Matt & Redmond will also have to do both Detours.

DETOUR: Build it or Weave it
In Build it; they will have to put together a desk for a local school room, having to figure it out just from the pieces they have in their pile.  Once they get a pass from the carpenter they will have to deliver the desk to the school and have a quick Swahili lesson.
In Weave it; plastic bags are banned on the island of Zanzibar, the locals have replaced them with baskets woven from coconut leaves - the teams will have to weave two passable baskets to get their next clue.

To reach the Detour teams will have to cross the bay in a traditional boat piloted by a local - but as all the teams are reaching the board one after the other, the first teams are still running for the boats when the first U-turned team, Matt & Redmond get to the board and then it gets a little ugly when Redmond starts taunting Ashton & Vanck, "We're going to get you." She says they should have been nicer to begin with but he won't let it go, "I hope you're scared. Hey Vanck, are you scared? Because you should be scared." (What a bully, just shut up and take your punishment like a man, sheesh.)
Tara scolds Redmond to stop it but he gets one more lick in, "You only U-Turn if you're weak, so you must be weak." (And I guess losing a leg doesn't make you a nice guy.)
Meanwhile, Seth & Olive have reached the board and when they saw they were U-Turned Seth says, okay, we'll just have to deal with it. (See, yes, Seth is boring and maybe not exciting TV, but he's a grown up.)

So everyone is trying to get on the boats from in the water - not all that easy - Shamir gets his foot stuck in the muck... oh no, the world needs to stop, Shamir has a problem (I really can't stand that guy.) He needs Sara to hold his hand to drag him through the water (just shaking my head - she has the patience of someone who really wants to win a million dollars.)

Matt yells over to Joey & Tara's boat, asking if they U-Turned Seth & Olive.  Joey totally denies it (after Redmond going off about only weak teams U-Turning why would he admit it, it was a blind U-Turn for a reason), Matt mutters, "bold-faced liars." (Can you blame them? Obviously Team Man is no longer no-drama.)

All the teams are doing Build it to start with except Matt & Redmond who decide to start with that one and Logan & London since she's an artist and is convinced she can weave these baskets in her sleep.
Seth & Olive start with the opposite task to Matt & Redmond because Seth's theory is if they go fast, it will light a fire under Matt & Redmond to go faster (but this ultimately proves their doom because Seth & Olive had no one to light a fire under them when they were weaving - but I get ahead of myself.)

Build It:
-Shamir starts off with is usual defeatist attitude, "I can't build stuff.  My sister puts together all my Ikea furniture." (Really Shamir, what can you do?)  He and Sara struggle through this challenge.
-Michael (Redbeard) comes from a long line of carpenters so he better be good at this, he jumps right in sizing up the pieces, seeing how the slots fit together and the wooden pegs go in to anchor everything, he's ripping through it.

Weave It:
-This was my favourite thing almost ever on the Amazing Race - when Matt & Redmond show up to do the weaving, a local climbs up the super tall palm tree, singing the whole way - his voice reminded me of Harry Belafonte, it was awesome - and just bare hands and feet, no fall protection - crazy but Keesh - for sure.  He cuts the leaves for the boys to start weaving.  Oh, I heard Hakuna Matata in that song, no worries!
-London & Logan get there and she is greeting "Butterfly" our singer in the tree - he starts doing some tricks, oh, he's got a big rubber band between his feet, that must help with grip - but I love that guy, he was so fun.  Weaving the baskets however, was another story.  London thought she'd be go good at it because a lot of her art is crocheted - palm leaves and yarn are not the same.

Build It:
Everyone is figuring out there is only one way to put these desks together, each part has to be facing the right way or it won't fit together so there is a trick to it.
-Shamir got a splinter and Sara had to talk him through it, "You're okay, it's okay, you'll be okay..." (He would be so exhausting.)

Weave It:
-Matt has gotten the hang of the weaving and London hasn't - so she's freaking out and the more agitated she got, the worse it was, she couldn't focus and was worried it was taking too long - so Team LoLo decided to switch tasks.

Build It:
-Scott has his hands full trying not to let his negative-Nelly partner Brooke bring him down - she keeps going on about how this won't work, this doesn't fit here.... Becca is thinking her lucky stars that she and Floyd are both positive people, this building has been pretty painless for them.
-Everyone is surprised to see Logan & London show up, she admits the weaving was really hard.
-Mike & Liz are the first to get their desk inspected but they are missing one peg, so it fails.  Leaving the door open for Seth & Olive to be the first team to pass and head to the school.

Weave It:
Butterfly is still singing and almost twerking in that tree - ha! I wish they would show him in every episode - little transitional interludes with Butterfly.
-Meanwhile, Matt & Redmond can do anything and are almost finished the baskets.

Build It:
The desks are heavy and apparently it's a bit of a walk to the school so kinda hard for some of the women.  Olive is getting tired.  A piece falls off Mike & Liz's when she can't hold it up.
-Everyone else is starting to finish their desks except Sara as Shamir is just whining that they are last instead of doing anything productive.
-Logan & London are zipping through this, they are very happy they switched.  Oh, and Brooke is also whining at the judge not to smack it so hard (this desk has to withstand children, it has to stay together if he smacks it - sheesh.)

-Seth & Olive are the first to the school and they have to sit and repeat back four Swahili phrases. Good news, Good travels, Thank you very much, and Goodbye.  Then they have to take off to do the basket weaving.

Weave it:
Matt & Redmond are still there when Olive & Seth arrive but they expected that - Redmond thinks this may be difficult for Seth, his cop skills won't help him here - all he has to do is listen to Butterfly's serenade, Hakuna Matata! No worries.

Build it:
Matt & Liz and Joey & Tara have delivered their desks and move on to learning the Swahili - Matt & Liz are the first team to get the clue to travel to Darajani Market and then search for their next clue by the entrance.

Weave It:
Matt & Redmond have just gotten the nod on their baskets and they take off to build it.

Build It:
When Mat & Redmond get there, there are still teams building the desks - Floyd & Becca, Logan & London and of course Sara & Shamir - this was a huge confidence booster for the boys, they are not necessarily last.
-Shamir & Sara are still struggling and he's getting angry, at one point he's telling her something won't fit and when it doesn't, says, "You see my point? You see my point? You see my point?" (What an @sshole! Was that your point? Because that's what I saw.)  

Tara & Joey are the first team to reach Darajani Market and they read the clue to the - ROADBLOCK: Who's ready to do some market research?  What's for dinner?
Following a shopping list, one person must shop through the market, buying everything on the list (so they had better have enough money - this also proves an issue) - once they deliver the correct food to the family chef, they'll get their next clue.
-Joey is doing this one, and he doesn't know what half the items on the list are.
-Michael is going to do this one, as a butcher and someone in the food industry, he's familiar with the ingredients.

Build it:
Scott & Brooke, Ashton & Vanck, and Floyd & Becca have all completed the Swahili lesson and are heading for the Roadblock.
-Seth & Olive are still weaving baskets.
-Logan & London are finished, heading to the school and Matt & Redmond are getting their desk checked (yeah, they're done, they seem to be good at everything, ugh.)
-Shamir & Sara still don't have the seat on theirs.  Shamir starts telling Sara they have to pick it up and she finally snaps at him, "You realize I haven't stopped right?" (No, he has no capacity to realize his own shortcomings, it must be her fault they're behind.)

-Michael is loving this, he's in his element.  Joey, not so much.
-Vanck lucks out and has a couple guys helping him out, they are grabbing all the stuff for him.
-Floyd, Brooke & London are working together.
-When it comes time to pay all the vendors, that's when we start to realize that the money may be an issue and they are going to have to haggle to pay for all the items they need.

-Sara & Shamir finally get their desks together and then can't figure out how to work together to carry them to the school... oh, these two.
-Seth & Olive are just getting the handles on the baskets.

-Matt is going to do the marketing for them.  The other teams are still trying to not lose their shirts to the merchants in the market.
-Joey is the first back with all his stuff but his chicken is still alive, that is not correct, it needs to be halal, which is the method of slaughtering the bird in keeping with Islamic law.  Michael knew that being a butcher so he chose his live chicken then had to ask for it to be prepared halal.

-Shamir & Sara finish the Swahili lesson and are heading out in eighth place.
-Seth & Olive finish their baskets and are now in last place but heading to the Roadblock.

-Liz & Michael are the first team to get the clue to the PIT STOP: Emerson on Hurumzi, a rooftop hotel where they can overlook stone town and meet up with Phil.
-Joey & Tara are heading out right behind them.
-Floyd, London & Brooke have been working together in the market, each of them paying for certain things and they pretty much have realized they've been getting screwed on the pricing.

-Shamir & Sara show up and the cab driver is asking for more than they want to spend - they end up giving all their money to the cab driver which means that Sara has almost no money to get all the food (I'm blaming Shamir, isn't he supposed to be a money guy? ha.)

-Matt finishes the Roadblock before Floyd, London & Brooke and Scott is just gobsmacked, two detours and a Roadblock before any of them even finish (curse those guys!)

-Sara has to use all her begging and desperate pleas to make her limited money stretch.  She has to go back to some of the vendors to ask for a refund - luckily she has a local translate and advocate for her (yes, sometimes being a pretty girl does help in these situations.)

-Olive finally gets there and she has the money problems too - she's trying to pay with Brazillian currency and the vendor is having none of it - she tries to just take off but Seth, ever responsible, says they have to figure this out or they won't be able to check in.  They finally get the vendor to agree to accept it.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Liz & Michael - They won a trip to Amsterdam... Huh, I wonder if they win two trips? Or would they have to go together?
2) Tara & Joey - good job today partner.
3) Ashton  & Vanck - Phil asks them about U-Turning Matt & Redmond, Ashton says there was some bad blood from before and doesn't understand why they were so surprised by it.
4) Matt & Redmond - and Redmond starts in on Ashton & Vanck again, "oh, we're two minutes behind them and we did both Detours." (Seriously dude, you came in fourth, why antagonize them?)
5) Floyd & Becca - They showed their cab driver giving Floyd his card which I found curious...
5) London & Logan
6) Brooke & Scott

** And then we find out that Floyd & Becca don't have their passports and Phil tells them they can't be checked in unless they have their passports so - they have to go do what they need to do.  Becca's Fun-time persona is totally out the window when she berates Floyd for being a total idiot (Whoa!) and not zipping up his fanny pack.  Luckily they have the cab driver's card and conveniently, their passports were in the cab (well, would you look at the producer manipulation of this episode, Jebus.)

7) Shamir & Sara - I'm sorry to say I was a little disappointed they didn't come in last.
8) Floyd & Becca - She admits she lost a lot of trust in Floyd in that moment and is going to hold on to their passports from now on.
9) Olive & Seth - ***ELIMINATED*** Boo! This was my team.  They have no regrets, it's been a great experience they just wish they could have stayed longer (Me too!)
And with Seth & Olive's elimination, that takes me, Sheila G., Carol-Anne D., and Lois L. out of the pool. (sigh.)

Next week will be a two hour episode.  Vanck & Ashton start fighting and Brooke reaches her breaking point (which we know isn't very difficult to reach, she is the female Shamir this season.)

Have a great week everyone,



Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Survivor Game Changers - April 12/17 Episode Recap

What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile

Wow, just wow.  To let you in on a little bit of my process in writing the recaps, I've taken to watching the show through once and then re-watching to write the recap so I know what I can leave out, etc.
But this Tribal Council was so shocking and emotional it made me wonder if I could go back and write the recap like I didn't know what was coming... so I'll give it a shot and I hope I don't give too much away.

So, last week Sandra finally had her torch snuffed for the first time by Jeff Probst and ding-dong the Queen is dead.  But that leaves Varner as a bit of a sitting duck on Nuku... and Debbie also joined the tribe after her stint on 'Exile'.

Nuku - Night 16
Debbie has decided that what happened on Exile would stay on Exile - she has no intention on letting herself or Mr. Cochrane down, her lips are sealed.  She tells them there was no flint (that's true) and then switches the topic to tribal council.
-Ozzy was not too happy that Tai threw his name out there - but as we all know, including Tai, he's not good at Tribal.  He got confused with what was going on and he just went with his gut, he thinks Ozzy needs to go and he just says it... for all he knew he was on the bottom, even with two hidden immunity idols, Tai is always nervous.
-Jeff Varner is mad - he got blindsided big time and he would like to just "punch every one of those b!tches in the throat-bone" (is that a thing?).  But Jeff can't show them he's mad, he needs them. 
-Zeke apologizes to Jeff and Jeff's working it, saying he understands, it's a game, he's done it himself, yada yada yada.  Zeke tells Jeff that he really likes him and wants to play with him and take him to the final three.  They hug and Jeff thinks they've bonded - he's not done just yet.

No one seems that surprised that Sandra was voted out.

First, three members of the tribe will be attached to ropes wrapped around a maypole - they have to unspool the ropes to release a key.  Once they have the key, one tribe member will have to untie a bunch of knots releasing some ladder rung/boards, two other tribe members must then build the ladder and another person takes the key up the ladder to unlock a bag of balls - then everyone goes up and over the ladder where another tribe member will untie the bag of balls and then they have to launch one ball at a time by jumping on one end of a board, with the ball on the other to get five balls in the five target baskets.  First tribe to get one ball in each target will win reward of 10 pizzas along with soft drinks.  The collective gasps, screams and ohmygodohmygodohmygod, at pizza, you would think this was manna from heaven - they all want that pizza RIGHT NOW! But no samples, they want it they have to win it and they definitely want it (they are losing their damn minds, I think this season has been very lean food-wise and it shows.)

So off they go and it's Nuku off to the lead with the first group, Ozzy, Andrea and Sarah working quickly to unspool the ropes and get that key.  They are able to keep this lead through the whole challenge with Ozzy getting them the final ball in the basket too - NUKU wins the pizzas and Mana is the most dejected I've seen a team almost ever.

Do you remember those promos where they showed Aubry and Culpepper crying - I was wondering would they get letters from home, what causes the water works... well it turns out, it stems from losing the pizza.

Mana - Day 17
-They return to camp and Sierra lays it out, on day 17 things are pretty bleak - they're exhausted, she hasn't eaten in three days, she can't sleep, she's lost a crap-ton a weight and it's gotten real right now.
-They are all sitting around the fire and Sierra starts talking about how hard this game is, how she cried before she came and Aubrey is right there with her, she asked herself why she was doing this to herself again.  Aubrey says she played the last time people asked why she was different and she couldn't explain what she had been through, what this game puts you through.  Now the crying has started, Cirie, Aubrey and Culpepper - he breaks down too, he played before for 12 days but his wife went all the way to 39 days and when she came home she was hurting and he didn't understand why, he's starting to realize (I would think this game breaks you down and in some ways distills you to your basal self... I could see being changed by it, for sure...) That's enough crying for him - he takes off to wash his clothes and pull himself together.
-Aubrey seeks him out at the shoreline and thanks him for opening up, it means a lot to her and now she feels more of a connection to him.  Cirie also comes down and joins them and agrees, thanking him for being so open - Brad feels more comfortable with them now too, and he's seeing himself being able to play with his five: Sierra, Troyzan, Aubrey,Cirie and himself.  Leaving Hali and Michaela out in the cold... (they didn't cry, are they dead inside?)

Nuku - Day 17
They are eating pizza! There is no crying on this tribe... but there is scheming.  Jeff Varner knows he is still on the bottom and winning pizza means nothing to keeping him there.  He knows Ozzy is the beast that, once they are down to individual immunity will win everything, so he has to get Ozzy out of there.
-Jeff talks to Sarah and tells her that they need him in a merge, he's got connections on the other side that can help them out.  She is open to his argument and asks who he wants to see go next and he does not hesitate or beat around the bush - he wants Ozzy out so the rest of them could at least have a chance at winning immunity one time or making it to the end.
-She seems hesitant once he brings up voting out Ozzy, but I think that is the cop caution. She does know that would be a huge move and she is ready to show that she can be a game changer, maybe it is time to cut Ozzy throat (whoa, that escalated quickly.)

This one is out on the water.  On Jeff's go four tribe members will swim out to a raft then pull themselves along to four buoy stations where one person will dive down to release a set of buoys (balls) which will float to the surface, they have to put all the balls in the bag on the raft  before moving on to the next station - once they have collected all the buoys (which each have a letter on them) - the three remaining tribe members will have to arrange the buoys to spell out a 13 letter word: Metamorphosis (huh? what does that have to do with anything?)  First tribe to get the word wins immunity, other tribe is going to tribal council.

Off they go and the Nuku tribe with Ozzy, the merman, of course gets all the buoys collected first, but it's the big brain of Hali and her ability to figure out the obscure word that wins MANA immunity.  Nuku will be heading back to tribal council and Jeff Varner is having kittens, he's got to try and make them vote for Ozzy or he is going home.

Oh, and I just have to say, Hali is wasting away to nothing, her waist looks like she could snap in half at any moment, please feed that girl.

Nuku - Night 18
-Freaking Metamorphosis - no one was even close to getting that word, even though Jeff Probst said that is the one thing that Survivor is about (really?)
-Jeff Varner says he knows his name is on the block for scramble afternoon - he asks if he can speak to everyone one-on-one - he'll make his pitch and be at peace. "You don't have to lie to me, I don't have an idol."
-Jeff and Ozzy go for water and the other five quickly start strategizing - Debbie wants to vote out Varner, Sarah says she thinks it should be Ozzy, Zeke wants to save Jeff Varner but he also doesn't want to vote out Ozzy just yet because (he tells the camera) he's set it up so that he will still have bigger threats out there (operation Ozzy-shield).
-Next we see Jeff and Zeke talking - Zeke tells him he has a 50% chance of going home tonight, he's going to try and save Jeff but he doesn't know if he can make it happen and the girls are going to be trying to make him feel comfortable.  This was a lightbulb moment for Jeff, he's realizing that Zeke and Ozzy may be working together and Zeke does not want to vote out Ozzy... "I wonder if the girls know that."
-Jeff goes and tells Sarah that Zeke told him he was probably going home and that the girls were going to lie to him - this made Sarah mad.  Jeff also talks to Andrea and tells her that Zeke is working with Ozzy, he is not on her team... Then Jeff says he knows something about Zeke that nobody else has picked up on, it's insignificant to this game but this is not the guy you think he is... Jeff says if he has to raise mortal hell, he's going to do it (and boy does he) He is not going quietly off this island.
-Jeff's machinations seemed to have bourn fruit - Sarah is really pissed off that Zeke appears to have thrown her and Andrea under the bus with Varner and she's thinking maybe they do need to get rid of Ozzy, if he and Zeke are working together, and keep Varner.

We are at Tribal Council at the 40 min mark in the show and I said to my husband, getting to tribal this early means something is going to happen... if I only knew.

Jeff Varner starts us off by saying he's pretty sure he's going home tonight, which then makes Debbie nervous because if someone comes out and says that, there is usually a surprise coming.

Varner then starts laying out his story - he's been talking to everyone over the past couple days and he thought he was getting somewhere in his bid to vote Ozzy out but then it became apparent to him that there is a secret alliance between Zeke and Ozzy - (they both look a little wary but keep it cool) - Varner continues, "there is deception going on here and you guys (he's referring to Debbie, Tai, Sarah and Andrea) are on the bottom."  He proposes that they vote for Ozzy and take care of the situation.  Debbie thinks that was really good... and if he stopped there, things could have gone his way but oh no, Varner's on a role... "There is deception here.  Deception on levels, Jeff, that these guys don't even understand."  Jeff tells him to continue.  Varner turns to Zeke and asks, "why haven't you told anyone that you are transgender?" (WHAT? HOLY HELL!? Why would he ever think that was okay???) Everything just stops for an instant, Zeke goes completely blank as they all absorb what was just said.  Varner says what he is revealing is a deception... (OMG, I can't even...) Immediately all hell breaks loose - Andrea yells at him that is personal and has nothing to do with the game and she is crying - Tai is yelling at him too, "that is not deception, that is so dirty Jeff", Debbie is telling him he has no right and Varner is still trying to defend himself, "I'm not knocking him."  He says he argues for transgender rights in the state of North Carolina everyday, he would never do anything to hurt anyone here but he pleads to Jeff Probst that he felt like he was fighting for his life and had to throw everything at the wall.
Tai, Andrea, Debbie are still yelling at Varner that he does not have the right to out anybody - it is Zeke decision if he wants to share that information no one else's.  Zeke finally says, kind of in shock, that in the two seasons of playing Survivor, he's never told anybody.

Varner is still defending himself, he wanted to show the ability to deceive and the rest of them are all (rightfully) disgusted - saying that is not Zeke deceiving them in a game.

Jeff Probst finally jumps in and points out to Varner that what he is arguing is a huge leap in logic, that by not revealing himself as transgender, Zeke is inherently deceptive... and I think it finally starts to sink in with Varner what he has done - in his desperation to stay in this stupid game for a million dollars, he has jarringly out-ed Zeke not just to his tribe mates but to potentially millions of people - his selfish actions have real-world consequences for Zeke in his real life... and finally Varner apologizes for the first time... and then just doesn't stop.

I found this very painful, and I was crying through a lot of it, I just couldn't believe that someone, who says he's an advocate for the LGBTQ community, could use this knowledge against someone in this way - it was disgusting and I don't have the appetite to go through all of it again. 

Zeke is the bigger man, he seems to have gotten over some of the shock and says that he knew that it could have come out at some point so he wasn't adverse to talking about it but this was a crappy way for it to have happened (Varner still trying to apologize, but too late) and all his tribe mates are squarely on Zeke's side, supporting him in his right to come out or not as transgender, that fact has no bearing on this game and they see him the same.  Zeke does start talking about Metamorphosis being the word of the episode (and then I was like, hold on... was this a set up to bring it all back to metamorphosis? Or am I being super jaded?) and he has done so many cool things and changed so much, while it's still not cool what Varner did, he's fine.

Varner is shocked at himself - no one cares, you are dead to us - just stop talking.

Sarah, while crying, said some very touching things that totally got me crying - she is thankful that she got to know Zeke over these 18 days and he's kick ass. Coming from the Midwest and a conservative background, this knowledge [that he's transgender] makes no difference to her and that shows how much she has grown, so she's sorry it came out that way but she's thankful that it did and she got to know him as Zeke not as he was afraid they'd look at him as, she'll never see him that way.

Zeke also hopes that maybe this knowledge will help some Survivor viewers, not that he thinks he should be anyone's role model, but maybe it will lead to a greater good.  (And we get to see Zeke's smile again, which was a relief to me, I love how much joy Zeke takes in this game and it would have been so sad if he lost that.)

They don't even have to vote, Probst polls them, everyone agreed it was Varner going home and even he tearfully says he's ready to go.  Zeke gives Varner a hug as he says he's sorry again, Zeke even consoles him, saying that it's going to be okay - see he really is the bigger man here.  Varner slinks off into the night.

Next week: it is the merge and everyone goes in with guns blazing.

Jeff Varner's final thoughts: I don't even know what I was thinking, it was me, wrapped up in this game, trying to do anything I could... and he starts crying, "but no one should ever do what I did tonight. I am so sorry to anyone I offended, especially Zeke and his family." (Well at least he feels shame - I bet this is going to impact him maybe even more than Zeke.) 
Oh yeah, and with Varner's epic lapse in judgement taking him out of the game, that also takes Tamara J., Emily H., and Sean M./Milizza C. out of the pool.

That was a tough one.  Definitely a Tribal for the ages.  I know I'll never forget it, that's for sure.

Have a great rest of your week.



Friday, April 7, 2017

The Amazing Race 29 - April 6/17 Episode Recap

Scared Spitless

CBS special report on the Syrian strike had my recording starting 5 minutes in, but I don't think we missed much - just the teams talking about how they are getting along with their total stranger partners.

Seth & Olive are the first team out at 11:16pm and they read the clue to head to Sao Paulo, Brazil.  The travel agency doesn't open until 5am so there are a lot of teams at the little place together - and they end up 2 to 3 teams per flight along 5 different flights... and then one single team on the 6th flight - that is #Swolesisters - Jessie & Francesca.

We get to know Shamir a bit better when he has a very angry and impatient reaction to the travel agent's slow typing - one of the flights filled up before she could get their tickets booked and he lost it a bit - Sara had to be the calm voice of reason and take over as he was just being a complete jerk. (Hmm, if he's getting that wound up already, they are going to have some problems.)
Shamir tells the camera that he is from the Bronx, he works for one of the largest investment banks and he's an alpha male so he's very aggressive at times - if you're not you'll get chewed up and spit out. (Ugh.)

Once in Sao Paulo they have to make their way to the helipad and sign up for a helicopter ride over the city - they will land at a skyscraper then have to make their way to a square at street level to find their next clue.

-First flight is Vanck & Ashton (nerd & blond) and Redmond & Matt (one leg & snowboarder) - they agree instead of racing to the helipad to flip a coin when they get there to decide who gets to put their name on the list for the first helicopter ride.  Ashton totally believes they will do this, Matt totally believes whoever gets there first will take the first spot.
-Matt & Redmond get to the helipad first, no sign of Vanck & Ashton so they writes their names down in the first spot.
-When Ashton & Vanck do arrive she's mad that they didn't keep their word.  When she confronts them TheBoys just kind of shrugs it off and laugh at her... #sorrynotsorry... and they've made an enemy of this team - Ashton & Vanck were very civil, no reason to raise hell just yet - but it may be coming for them later.
-The rest of the teams keep arriving and putting their names down - I think the first flight came in around midnight, the rest were through the early morning hours, still dark, and the first helicopter didn't take off until sometime in the actual daylight morning.
-I just got to say, Redmond has the best hat, it looks like a toque made of little pompom balls - I want one. Matt says he chose Redmond because he knows how difficult it is to come back from an injury, nothing as serious as losing a leg, but he really admires his strength and they are working well together.
-A lot of the teams are just amazed at the congestion of this city - tons of skyscrapers, as far as they can see and the traffic in the streets is insane - Jessie & Francesca are stuck in that traffic having come in on the last flight, just trying to get to the helipad.  These two are getting along amazingly, they seem to really like each other.

-Matt & Redmond are the first team to get the clue to the DETOUR - Keep the Beat or Work your Feet.
In Keep the Beat they have to join a samba group - learn a routine on a big drum and a shaker/small cymbal type percussion instrument and then keep the beat correctly/perform to get their next clue.
In Work Your Feet they have to build a work out station under a freeway using an old refrigerator, a giant truck tire, a rain barrel and other found objects to create barbells - once they have the set up exactly right, they will get their next clue.

TheBoys choose Work Your Feet because Redmond only has one.
Shamir & Sara are next to the cluebox and they are heading to Keep The Beat (let's hope Shamir can keep a beat or things may get heated again.)
Ashton & Vanck are also going to set up some gym equipment.

Work Your Feet - this task does require some strength and attention to detail but Matt & Redmond seem to be knocking it out rather quickly.

Keep The Beat - Shamir & Sara show up and first they have to put on the shirts (I like it when they have to dress up, this one was a little lame, just a shirt, yawn) but then they have to go out and learn their instruments... both of them seem to have a problem stopping on the right beat... it's going to take them a few tries.

Seth & Olive (policeman & firegirl) are going to Work their feet and Redbeard & Cowgirl (Michael & Liz) we learn were both band geeks so they choose to Keep the Beat.

Work Your Feet - Matt & Redmond get their station checked as Ashton & Yanck are starting to put theirs together. Ashton & Vanck are focused, both detail oriented and they want to beat the boys.  They get a chance when Matt & Redmond don't pass... because they didn't put any water in their barrel.  The boys do figure it out and they try to hide what they are doing but you can't not hear water being poured in a barrel.  Matt & Redmond are the first team to get the next clue - they have to head to a certain street and look for the marked bicycle to get the next clue.

Keep the Beat - more teams are arriving and everyone seems really energized by the beat of the Samba music.  No one has passed yet.

We see Brooke & Scott (lawyer and Harvard/ginger) stuck in traffic trying to get to the gym/work your feet task.  Brook is super high-strung and freaking out about the traffic so they get out of the taxi and start walking instead, she falls down during a hissy fit and hurts her elbow and then is a complete baby about it the rest of the leg.  (She annoyed me greatly, just saying.)

Team SwoleSisters are finally in the helicopter and they know they are in last place but they are still being super positive and enjoying every minute they have on the Race. (Come one girls, I'm liking these two and want them to stay.)

Work your feet - Seth & Olive have now arrived and Seth wants to put on work gloves because this is a pretty dirty task - Olive calls him on it, You really care about the cleanliness of your hands at a time like this, seriously? (I think Seth may be a little bit of a princess. Can I say that? He is my guy in the pool.)

Keep the Beat - Shamir & Sara still can't stop on cue and they are heading into their third attempt.

TeamFun, Floyd & Becca  are super pumped about Keep The Beat - he's in the drumline at school so this is right up his alley (and whenever Becca talks I still do a double-take, her voice is so low, it's crazy.)

Matt & Redmond's taxi almost takes off with their bags still in the back, but they get them... and then these two cannot find the marked bicycle rider - the cab might have dropped them off in the wrong place.

Work Your Feet - Ashton & Vanck get their clue and Seth & Olive are right behind them.  This task seems much easier than the Samba (but isn't that always the way, any of them where they have to do music seems to always take forever.)
-Brooke & Scott finally find the gym and get started setting up the work out station, to her constant "ow,ow" and good thing she's left handed because she bruised her right elbow.  To Scott's credit he is super patient with her and takes up the slack.

Keep the Beat - Michael & Liz and London & Logan do not pass on their first attempts but Shamir, who was wining about the small abrasion on his hand - finally pass. 
In the cab, Shamir was totally serious about how sore his hand was, (there was a little scratch) he doesn't think it's broken, just bruised.  And Sara is starting to realize that she is saddled with a huge man-baby. (That poor girl.)
Michael & Liz pass on their second attempt - Being a band-geek finally paid off!- London & Logan, not so lucky (but I've got to say London seems delightful, she always has a smile on her face and she's super enthusiastic, she'd be a fun partner I think.)

Ashton & Vanck are the first team to find the bicycle rider with the huge red & yellow scarf marking her as the cluebox for the next task - a ROADBLOCK - Who likes things squeaky clean?
-One team member must rappel down the side of a high-rise building and clean a window to the exacting standards of the judge - once the window is squeaky clean, they'll get their next clue.
-Ashton is going to do this one for them.

Keep the Beat - London & Logan get lucky on their third attempt and get the next clue. 
-Floyd & Becca come in with so much energy and excitement they seem to charge up the samba group and they pass with flying the colours the first time (of course they did.)

Roadblock - Ashton is getting suited up in her overalls and harness for the window cleaning - it's a little terrifying but she's okay and looking forward to washing that window.
-Mike & Liz arrive and she's going to be cleaning the window (probably a good choice.) She is the one who is 'scared spitless' as she goes over the side of the building.

Detour - Jessie & Francesca (SwoleSisters) have just gotten the clue and they decide to Keep The Beat (Really? I thought for sure these two, who obviously work out A LOT, would do the gym equipment, but what do I know?)

Roadblock - more teams are arriving and we have Redmond and Seth heading up to wash the windows.
Next teams to get there are Brooke & Scott and he says he's going to do this (because she hurt herself as she keeps reminding us, her elbow has a boo-boo) but he also has a debilitating fear of heights and falling and he has a little cry in the elevator on the way up (ooh, I did feel bad for Scott.)
-Sara & Shamir are debating who should do it and Mr. Impatient says he'll just do it (which proves to be a HUGE mistake.)

So the windows are really caked with a waxy, chalky type stuff that takes some elbow grease to get off and if they leave any smudge anywhere, they do not get the clue.  Also, the rappel is one way, if they missed a spot at the top of the window by the time they get to the bottom and don't pass, they have to get lowered to the ground and then go all the way back up to start again... this happened to Seth.  The girls were more careful and thorough - Liz and Ashton get the clues to head to the PIT STOP: the Urban Rainforest- Trianon Park (right in the middle of the city).
-Michael & Liz jump in a cab.  Vanck checks a map and decides they can run there - he and Ashton take off on foot.

Roadblock - Floyd & Becca - she is a rockclimbing instructor - of course she's going to rappel down the building.  Tara & Joey- she is the mom of four but she's also been an army paratrooper for 20 years, she's got this one.
-London & Logan get there and she's not sure, so he steps up and gets a hug (she's so cute.)

Meanwhile Scott is still talking himself through the fear, and he's doing really well.  Redmond is having some trouble anchoring himself close to the window but he's getting it. Shamir, when he started said he liked this more than the drum but then the harness starts to become uncomfortable and he's not liking it anymore - this gets worse when he fails the cleaning and has to go down and back up. We hear all about how painful his testicles are in the harness (man-baby).

Keep The Beat - Francesca & Jessie finally finish the samba and head to the Roadblock.

-Everyone is working on the windows when Shamir starts to freak out that his testicles are about to rupture and he has to get down, he punches and breaks the window in front of him (What the???) and he's lowered to the ground where he insists he needs an ambulance.(This guy is unbelievable.)  He goes to the ambulance and Sara is not very impressed with her partner - she hopes he's not giving up. 
-Logan lets us know that none of the guys that were in that harness were very comfortable.

-The Swolesisters finally show up but can't find the bicyclist.

-Scott, Becca, Logan, Tara all get the pass on their windows and the first three teams head off running together, Brooke saying she'll keep up as well as she can, but her arm hurts (your partner just faced his greatest fear and you can't run because your elbow hurts - someone please smack her.)
-Tara & Joey grab a cab to the pit stop - Mom & Dad are smart.

-Shamir finally emerges from the ambulance having been given an all clear to continue - Sara is pretty frustrated about how much time he wasted on a non-injury.  For a million dollars, you should be able to put up with a little discomfort. (Suck it up, buttercup!)  They are the last team there - until Jessie & Francesca happen to run up to Sara, still not seeing the girl with the clue as she keeps riding right by them - Sara misdirects them to head back up the street to look for the clue... she felt a little bad, but not too bad.

-Shamir's balls hurt, he gets lowered down again and is just standing there as Francesca heads up to start cleaning the window.

Here's How they Finished:
1) Liz & Michael - they won a trip to Barbados.  From last to first, they did well this leg, but in the interview he seems to like to talk for them, I saw her shoot him a look (could be nothing.)
2) Ashton & Vanck - the most mismatched team but they are learning to work together - and they finished ahead of Matt & Redmond which made Ashton pretty pumped - she does hold grudges.
3) Matt & Redmond - they were bummed because they had been so far ahead of the pack and thought they'd win the leg - Redmond even had a joke prepared, when Phil told them they won leg two he was going to ask for it, cause he needs a second leg (groaner.)
4) Seth & Olive - they left the helipad team 4 and they are still team 4... and they're boring, sigh.
5) Becca & Floyd - foot race to the mat, Scott got there first but they beat Brooke (her arm, remember?)
6) Brooke & Scott - she didn't mention that she hurt her arm to Phil, I was shocked.
7) Tara & Joey
8) London & Logan
9) Shamir & Sara - Shamir is angry, he throws his backpack on the way to the mat and acts like they hung him by his balls on purpose, "Really funny," he says sarcastically to Phil who is a nonplused, "well, you have to get past this obviously, do you want to keep going?"  And he says he's going to keep going of course but Sara is fighting back tears, her partner is an immature jerk and his attitude is going to kill her chances at a million dollars. That's my prediction anyway.
10) Jessie & Francesca - ** ELIMINATED ** they still have smiles on their faces, they had a great time running the race together, even if it was only two legs -Friends for Life and now they can go be bodybuilders together.

So, with Jessie & Francesca leaving us too soon, that takes Nenad M., Ethan G., Rachel R. and Miranne D. out of the pool.

Next week: Shamir & Sara's problems persist and the U-Turn gets teams seeing red. 

Have a great weekend everybody!
