Survivor Jackpot!
Last week we saw Ciera voted out first due to her mouth and in the second hour, the clash of the Survivor Titans played out at the Mana tribe with Tony and Sandra vying for control - Sandra came out on top and Tony went home with her (ill-advised) trash talk ringing in his ears.
The next day, the tribes assemble for what looks like a challenge but ends up being a Game Changing swap! Everyone's told to drop their buffs and they will do a blind pick to be redistributed into three tribes:
Nuku: Aubry, Jeff, J.T., Malcolm, Michaela and Sandra
Mana: Brad, Caleb, Debbie, Hali, Sierra and Tai
Tavua: Andrea, Cirie, Ozzy, Sarah, Troyzan and Zeke
So how did this shake out? JT is the only original member of Nuku remaining, everyone else was Mana before. Caleb and Hali are the two new members mixed in with the four remaining Mana tribemates. And, everyone on Tavua is former Nuku with only Troyzan being a former Mana member. Also, these poor saps on Tavua have to start over at a new camp with only the most basic supplies - nothing like have to build another shelter on day 7.
Nuku - Day 7
JT is showing the newcomers around camp and the former Manaians felt like they had won the lottery getting to use that camp - they have trained chickens, the shelter is great, they even decorated with glass floats... Malcolm and Jeff giggle like little girls, "How did this happen?"
-J.T. on the other hand, feels like the Survivor gods have let him down. He was excited about the swap until he found out he was stuck 5 to 1. His only hope of survival is to find a hidden immunity idol and his only hope of doing that is to get everyone out of camp so he can search. So, he proposes to take everyone out snorkelling and when they get out there, he finds an excuse to go back to shore (to get a tool to fix the spear) and leaves his tribemates stranded 1/2 mile out on the ocean. (HA!) Back at camp he starts frantically searching. Out on the water, they start to figure out that JT isn't coming back... is he looking for a hidden idol? (Oh, you better believe he is.) Instead of being upset, they all get it, but they also know that JT will likely be their first vote.
Mana - Day 7
We find out that it's Brad Culpepper who was the decorator of the camp - he gets to putting up some decorations at the Mana camp as well, to make it a home (who woulda thunk it?) He's feeling good being in the majority on this tribe - the former Nuku are going to stick together and it's going to come down to either Hali or Caleb.
-Tai was very happy to have Caleb back on his tribe, they played together before and Tai seems to still harbour a little crush. Tai talks to Brad about keeping Caleb because he adds strength to the tribe but Brad sees the Tai/Caleb bond as a threat and while telling Tai he's on board to keep Caleb around, he tells the camera he'd like to see Caleb go first.
Tavua - Day 7
They are all just trying to be positive, they are starting out fresh, yay! But nobody's really happy about having to build a new shelter. Ozzy takes the lead in that as he has played the game four times now he's got the skills and he wants to show that the tribe still needs him around.
-Cirie finds herself with new life through this swap, she was on the wrong side of the numbers before, now she's one of the majority, she just has to work on her relationship with Ozzy - he recognizes that they need each other now so he's content to work with her for now.
-The former Nuku five also have to try and make Troyzan feel welcome, as he's in a similar situation to J.T. being the only Mana member. The difference, Troyzan actually found a clue to a hidden immunity idol when he went searching, but he'll have to be sneaky because it is planted at the next Immunity challenge.
Nuku - Day 8
Goatagedon! JT asks if they had goats at their old camp and when Sandra hears goats, her mouth is watering - the queen wants to eat a goat. JT, still trying to ingratiate himself, says he can catch one but secretly hopes he doesn't. The tribe is united in the quest for the goat and start chasing them over the rocks. JT catches a baby and then Malcolm corners the mother so they end up with two goats... but when they realize that they caught the mother only because she wouldn't leave her baby, no one has the heart to kill them. Sandra is the only one still thirsting for some goat's blood (that should tell them something right there) but she needs someone else to kill it and no one has the heart. They all voted to let the goats go, agreeing instead to kill one of the chickens for dinner. (Oh, Tai's going to be upset.)
Day 9 - Reward/Immunity Challenge
Three tribemates are tied together and must navigate through a rope obstacle course where they will fill a bucket with water and climb over a teeter-totter in order to fill it up enough to lower a gate. Another set of tribemates will untie puzzle pieces to solve a puzzle. The first two tribes to finish win immunity but the first tribe gets a tarp and has a choice of comfort (pillows/blankets) or spices for their food, with the item not chosen going to the second place tribe.
The teams set their order from the beginning, Nuku came in first, Tavua was second, which sends Mana to tribal council again (though it's mostly new players, it's that tribe going back to Tribal again.
Troyzan was able to successfully retrieve the Hidden Immunity Idol while acting as if he was overjoyed by the victory. Honestly, no one seemed suspicious of his over-acting because they weren't paying any attention to him.
Nuku chose the body comfort reward, which gave Tavua the spices.
Mana - Day 9
Everybody's talking. Tai is telling Debbie and Sierra he'd rather vote out Hali because he and Caleb are friends. Sierra hears that and agrees Caleb is stronger for challenges but is worried about their possible underlying alliance due to that past relationship. Brad is okay with voting Hali out first but he'd prefer to have Caleb go and he doesn't want to be seen as the chief so he's got to make Tai make the decision to vote Caleb out.
-Brad sits Tai down and tells him that Caleb remaining in the game would only hurt his chances at the merge and that he needed to do what he felt was right for his game in this season (well, well, looks like Brad Culpepper learned to play Survivor, and he's come to win.) "Are you in it for him or are you in it for you?" Tai of course says he's in it for himself and thanks him for his valuable advise (oh, he got so manipulated there, wow.) Tai wants to play with his head instead of his heart this time around but he's very torn about betraying a friendship.
Tribal Council
Jeff jumps right in trying to figure out how this tribe has split themselves up. Pointing out that Tai, Caleb and Debbie played together before. They agree that there was a perceived bond initially but it became apparent that Tai & Caleb had a friendship existing from before which Sierra, for one, found concerning.
-Sierra pointed out that she and Hali played together before, but they have no relationship whatsoever (I don't think they ended up on a tribe together but I don't really remember Sierra other than her eyebrows anyway.)
-Hali agreed that she has no pre-existing relationships with anyone and maybe Caleb is the bigger threat with more angles to work than she could ever have.
-Caleb says they have to decide if they want to keep someone who will kick butt in challenges and be loyal to keeping the tribe strong or go with Hali who is possibly easier to manipulate and take along (ugh, so sexist. Has he even spoken to Hali I wonder?)
-She turns it on him handily - Caleb just said he's stronger headed and a better player than her - in a game of Game Changers is that who you want around?
-Brad knows that Hali is a budding attorney and agrees she did very well, both Caleb and Hali have strengths, physical and mental that make them valuable to the tribe so it's a difficult decision (Okay, I remember Brad Culpepper as being kind of stupid when he played before, who is this guy? He has definitely upped his game.)
-Tai says he's got to look at the big picture not just the next challenge for this vote.
Time to Vote:
Hali votes Caleb
Caleb votes Hali
No one has a hidden immunity idol to play.
Caleb - 1
Hali - 1
Caleb - 2, 3, 4... and it CALEB voted out. Brad has an evil little grin on his face - oh yeah, he totally made that happen.
And with Caleb leaving, that takes Trish W., Gillian H., and Ian G. out of the pool.
Next week: JT starts an uprising against Sandra and the twists never stop coming - at the immunity challenge Jeff tells them that both losing teams will head to Tribal Council.
Caleb's final thoughts: The last time he played he went out day 9, this time, dagummit, he's going out day 9 again. He's happy he's able to walk out on his own two feet this time and his friendship with Tai is still intact, he wishes him well going forward.
Oh ho, so I wonder how they'll do two tribes at Tribal council, will they be all together and voting one person or will they still be separate and voting two people... it will be interesting.
Have a great week,
Last week we saw Ciera voted out first due to her mouth and in the second hour, the clash of the Survivor Titans played out at the Mana tribe with Tony and Sandra vying for control - Sandra came out on top and Tony went home with her (ill-advised) trash talk ringing in his ears.
The next day, the tribes assemble for what looks like a challenge but ends up being a Game Changing swap! Everyone's told to drop their buffs and they will do a blind pick to be redistributed into three tribes:
Nuku: Aubry, Jeff, J.T., Malcolm, Michaela and Sandra
Mana: Brad, Caleb, Debbie, Hali, Sierra and Tai
Tavua: Andrea, Cirie, Ozzy, Sarah, Troyzan and Zeke
So how did this shake out? JT is the only original member of Nuku remaining, everyone else was Mana before. Caleb and Hali are the two new members mixed in with the four remaining Mana tribemates. And, everyone on Tavua is former Nuku with only Troyzan being a former Mana member. Also, these poor saps on Tavua have to start over at a new camp with only the most basic supplies - nothing like have to build another shelter on day 7.
Nuku - Day 7
JT is showing the newcomers around camp and the former Manaians felt like they had won the lottery getting to use that camp - they have trained chickens, the shelter is great, they even decorated with glass floats... Malcolm and Jeff giggle like little girls, "How did this happen?"
-J.T. on the other hand, feels like the Survivor gods have let him down. He was excited about the swap until he found out he was stuck 5 to 1. His only hope of survival is to find a hidden immunity idol and his only hope of doing that is to get everyone out of camp so he can search. So, he proposes to take everyone out snorkelling and when they get out there, he finds an excuse to go back to shore (to get a tool to fix the spear) and leaves his tribemates stranded 1/2 mile out on the ocean. (HA!) Back at camp he starts frantically searching. Out on the water, they start to figure out that JT isn't coming back... is he looking for a hidden idol? (Oh, you better believe he is.) Instead of being upset, they all get it, but they also know that JT will likely be their first vote.
Mana - Day 7
We find out that it's Brad Culpepper who was the decorator of the camp - he gets to putting up some decorations at the Mana camp as well, to make it a home (who woulda thunk it?) He's feeling good being in the majority on this tribe - the former Nuku are going to stick together and it's going to come down to either Hali or Caleb.
-Tai was very happy to have Caleb back on his tribe, they played together before and Tai seems to still harbour a little crush. Tai talks to Brad about keeping Caleb because he adds strength to the tribe but Brad sees the Tai/Caleb bond as a threat and while telling Tai he's on board to keep Caleb around, he tells the camera he'd like to see Caleb go first.
Tavua - Day 7
They are all just trying to be positive, they are starting out fresh, yay! But nobody's really happy about having to build a new shelter. Ozzy takes the lead in that as he has played the game four times now he's got the skills and he wants to show that the tribe still needs him around.
-Cirie finds herself with new life through this swap, she was on the wrong side of the numbers before, now she's one of the majority, she just has to work on her relationship with Ozzy - he recognizes that they need each other now so he's content to work with her for now.
-The former Nuku five also have to try and make Troyzan feel welcome, as he's in a similar situation to J.T. being the only Mana member. The difference, Troyzan actually found a clue to a hidden immunity idol when he went searching, but he'll have to be sneaky because it is planted at the next Immunity challenge.
Nuku - Day 8
Goatagedon! JT asks if they had goats at their old camp and when Sandra hears goats, her mouth is watering - the queen wants to eat a goat. JT, still trying to ingratiate himself, says he can catch one but secretly hopes he doesn't. The tribe is united in the quest for the goat and start chasing them over the rocks. JT catches a baby and then Malcolm corners the mother so they end up with two goats... but when they realize that they caught the mother only because she wouldn't leave her baby, no one has the heart to kill them. Sandra is the only one still thirsting for some goat's blood (that should tell them something right there) but she needs someone else to kill it and no one has the heart. They all voted to let the goats go, agreeing instead to kill one of the chickens for dinner. (Oh, Tai's going to be upset.)
Day 9 - Reward/Immunity Challenge
Three tribemates are tied together and must navigate through a rope obstacle course where they will fill a bucket with water and climb over a teeter-totter in order to fill it up enough to lower a gate. Another set of tribemates will untie puzzle pieces to solve a puzzle. The first two tribes to finish win immunity but the first tribe gets a tarp and has a choice of comfort (pillows/blankets) or spices for their food, with the item not chosen going to the second place tribe.
The teams set their order from the beginning, Nuku came in first, Tavua was second, which sends Mana to tribal council again (though it's mostly new players, it's that tribe going back to Tribal again.
Troyzan was able to successfully retrieve the Hidden Immunity Idol while acting as if he was overjoyed by the victory. Honestly, no one seemed suspicious of his over-acting because they weren't paying any attention to him.
Nuku chose the body comfort reward, which gave Tavua the spices.
Mana - Day 9
Everybody's talking. Tai is telling Debbie and Sierra he'd rather vote out Hali because he and Caleb are friends. Sierra hears that and agrees Caleb is stronger for challenges but is worried about their possible underlying alliance due to that past relationship. Brad is okay with voting Hali out first but he'd prefer to have Caleb go and he doesn't want to be seen as the chief so he's got to make Tai make the decision to vote Caleb out.
-Brad sits Tai down and tells him that Caleb remaining in the game would only hurt his chances at the merge and that he needed to do what he felt was right for his game in this season (well, well, looks like Brad Culpepper learned to play Survivor, and he's come to win.) "Are you in it for him or are you in it for you?" Tai of course says he's in it for himself and thanks him for his valuable advise (oh, he got so manipulated there, wow.) Tai wants to play with his head instead of his heart this time around but he's very torn about betraying a friendship.
Tribal Council
Jeff jumps right in trying to figure out how this tribe has split themselves up. Pointing out that Tai, Caleb and Debbie played together before. They agree that there was a perceived bond initially but it became apparent that Tai & Caleb had a friendship existing from before which Sierra, for one, found concerning.
-Sierra pointed out that she and Hali played together before, but they have no relationship whatsoever (I don't think they ended up on a tribe together but I don't really remember Sierra other than her eyebrows anyway.)
-Hali agreed that she has no pre-existing relationships with anyone and maybe Caleb is the bigger threat with more angles to work than she could ever have.
-Caleb says they have to decide if they want to keep someone who will kick butt in challenges and be loyal to keeping the tribe strong or go with Hali who is possibly easier to manipulate and take along (ugh, so sexist. Has he even spoken to Hali I wonder?)
-She turns it on him handily - Caleb just said he's stronger headed and a better player than her - in a game of Game Changers is that who you want around?
-Brad knows that Hali is a budding attorney and agrees she did very well, both Caleb and Hali have strengths, physical and mental that make them valuable to the tribe so it's a difficult decision (Okay, I remember Brad Culpepper as being kind of stupid when he played before, who is this guy? He has definitely upped his game.)
-Tai says he's got to look at the big picture not just the next challenge for this vote.
Time to Vote:
Hali votes Caleb
Caleb votes Hali
No one has a hidden immunity idol to play.
Caleb - 1
Hali - 1
Caleb - 2, 3, 4... and it CALEB voted out. Brad has an evil little grin on his face - oh yeah, he totally made that happen.
And with Caleb leaving, that takes Trish W., Gillian H., and Ian G. out of the pool.
Next week: JT starts an uprising against Sandra and the twists never stop coming - at the immunity challenge Jeff tells them that both losing teams will head to Tribal Council.
Caleb's final thoughts: The last time he played he went out day 9, this time, dagummit, he's going out day 9 again. He's happy he's able to walk out on his own two feet this time and his friendship with Tai is still intact, he wishes him well going forward.
Oh ho, so I wonder how they'll do two tribes at Tribal council, will they be all together and voting one person or will they still be separate and voting two people... it will be interesting.
Have a great week,
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