Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Survivor BvBvB - April 20/16 Episode Recap

I'm Not Here to Make Good Friends

Last week the boys made a cocky display of their hidden immunity idol riches but they didn't have to go to the Super Idol because the other alliance got rid of one of their own, taking out the quirky Debbie.

After tribal council, the guys are super happy they are all still there and they still have their idols - speaking of idols, Tai hands back Jason's idol.

Dara- Day 25
The next morning, Tai goes to Scot and suggests it's time that they extend an olive branch and try to unite the tribe... but Tai is of the mistaken belief that Scot would care about making that happen.
-Scot goes and pretty much threatens Aubry, basically telling her she does what they want and they will start providing for the tribe again... and he wants Cydney out.
-Aubry knew exactly what he was selling, but she was not buying - she said she smells what he's stepping in, but there wasn't a chance in hell she was going to work with them.

In this challenge they will have to stand with one foot on the end of a balance beam, on the other end is a stack of clay pots.  If the pots fall, you're out.

As a twist for this Reward, they have the choice of three things: Food (which included a HUGE hamburger and all the fixins, fries, drinks), Love (which is their letters from home), or Advantage (which is an unknown advantage in the game.)  Everyone gets to choose which reward they want, and then they will be competing only against the other people that chose that same Reward (Cool!)

Love: Only Julia and Joe - and yes, Joe was first out so Julia got her letters.
Food: Scot, Jason and Michelle (cocky jerks those two guys, so grossly confident they go for food right away) - But Michelle won the food (ha!) and she just had to stuff her face right there in front of everyone.
Advantage: Tai, Cydney and Aubry - this was the hardest fought battle - they all looked very strong except Aubry who had a lot of wobbles but kept recovering.  Cydney was true to form, super strong and then just dropped out of nowhere.  So it was Aubry and Tai and in the end, TAI won the advantage (is he going to win every endurance challenge?)

Dara - Day 25
Back at camp Tai goes and reads his advantage and it says he just won himself an extra vote... and he can play it any time up to five people left.
He's happy to have something that no one knows about, it makes him feel like he's got a bit more power.
Julia tries to guide the girls to vote for Tai so she can hopefully flush out one of the hidden idols and still stay loyal to her alliance with Jason & Scot.
-Aubry doesn't trust Julia as far as she can throw her so she goes along with the plan to vote out Tai - but she's working her own angle in the background.
-Aubry goes and talk to Tai like an actual person, admitting to feeling vulnerable out there and he connects with her.  He likes her energy and wants to work with her - she tells him that "some" of the girls are pushing the vote to get idols out, and she wants him to know that he can trust her and she has his back.  She hopes that he sees her as an alternative to how Jason & Scot & Julia are playing the game.
-Tai goes and talks to Jason & Scot and tells them that Aubry talked to him and said she was a free agent and open to talking to them... so Tai is thinking this is great, he likes Aubry and wants to work with her... and Scot stomps on him.
-Scot says, "How bout this idea? At the next tribal, we take Aubry out."
-Tai realizes right there he has no say in his alliance, he talks, but they just don't listen. (Goliath does not realize that he just handed David the first stone.)

Uh oh, more clay pots.  In this challenge they will stand with their arms outstretched and use just their fingertips to press against two wooden discs, attached to the discs are clay pots - once their fingertips give out and they can't keep up the pressure, the pots fall and they are out of the challenge.
This one comes down to Jason & Aubry (surprisingly Tai was out about midway through) and I thought she was going to be able to gut it out... but in the end JASON won immunity. (Dang it!)

But they used Aubry's good showing to further their argument to vote her out - now she's a physical threat as well. (Ugh, they are so sexist, drives me mental.)
Jason figures they will play their Super Idol so Scot and Tai are safe, and from here on out the guys are unstoppable (are you sure about that?)

Dara - Day 27
-Julia fills Scot & Jason in on the plan that they are going to vote for Tai to flush his idol.
-Scot figures that's fine, they'll play the super idol and no one is leaving - they don't tell Julia they are voting Aubry and they try to sway her to vote with them so they can use her vote when it comes time to vote Tai out - so she will be in their final three.  She is stoked for that, figuring she'll definitely win against the guys in the end.
-Aubry is not going down without a fight though, she knows they have to split up Scot & Jason, which Cydney totally agrees with  - and the only in they can think of is Tai.
-Aubry expertly utilizes her connection with Tai, appealing to his better nature she tells him that the vote was going to be for him tonight but she wants to take out Scot because the guys are despicable people - and she'll have Cydney and Joe on board so they could do it.
-Tai is honest and tells her he's a little afraid of Jason & Scot and she immediately soft pedals, "What's best for you? I want you to be comfortable. I'm relying on you to put yourself out there.  This is your game, you'd be making a big move, and you have three people totally behind you."  Okay, he's thinking about it... Argghh!
-Aubry goes and tells Joe he's voting for Scot. Okay.
-Tai goes back to camp and Scot tells him they are probably voting for him (Tai) but don't play your idol, we'll wait until the votes are read and then, Boom, Super Idol! (Yeah, totally do that! Except for the Super Idol part.)  And then Jason hands his hidden immunity idol to Scot... oh, this is going to be good, either way.

Jason & Scot were just as insufferable at tribal as they were last week.  We're not going anywhere, they have to take out one of their own and either they decide, or we decide. (I dislike them immensely right now.)
-Tai is being quiet and Jeff calls him out on it, asks if he's uncomfortable with the boasting?  Tai says it's not how he is in his regular life but this is war and he's committed to this guy (was that just his accent or did he only say he was committed to Jason? Oh, I don't know...)
-They tip their hand a little by praising Aubry's game play - but then Jason ends threateningly, "You might as well jump on the train, otherwise the world is going to be dictated for ya." (Please Survivor karma, do your thing!)

Time to Vote:
Julia votes for Tai
Jason votes for Aubry
Aubry votes for Scot and prays to the camera, "Please, please, please, please, please, please." (My sentiments exactly!)

Tallying the Votes:
Anyone want to play a hidden immunity idol?  Julia is whispering to Tai to play it, Scot is whispering to Tai NOT to play it... and he shakes his head - he's not playing it (phew.)

Tai - 1
Aubry - 1
Scot - 1
Tai - 2
Aubry - 2
Scot - 2
Scot - 3... last vote is Scot and he just sits there as Jeff declares, "Ninth person voted out and fourth member of our jury..."
Scot's got a little smile on his face, he looks at Tai, Tai looks at him, Tai looks at Jason, Jason's nodding for him to hand over his hidden idol, Scot has his hand out for Tai's hidden idol and Tai shakes his head.
Scot, "You're not doing it?"
Tai, "No." "Sorry."
Scot, "Wow." (HA Ha! You bet, wow!  That was AWESOME! Couldn't have happened to a more deserving giant.)

So, with Scot's fantastic blindside, Robert L., Shane B., and Vikki M. are out of the pool as well.

Next week: Jason is angry and wants revenge.  Julia even threatened the chicken (but we all know that chicken is a goner if Tai gets voted out.)

Scot's final thoughts: it's a bad feeling having an idol in his pocket that belongs to Jason, obviously they couldn't trust Tai but it was a good play by him... and I'm out. (B'Bye big guy, I won't really miss you.)

Have a great weekend everyone,


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