It's a Me Game, Not a We Game
Last week we saw the most epic blindside ever when Tai became the mouse that roared by not giving Scot his hidden immunity idol and sending the big man home.
Dara - Night 27
Back at camp after Tribal, Aubry cannot wipe the smile off her face... everyone was on a super high except Jason who was on scramble mode after losing his partner and his hidden idol in one fell swoop. Jason is putting it out there that he's available to anyone wanting to do something nutty. Julia and Michele weren't that happy either having been left out of the decision to blindside Scot (but really, can you blame them? Julia was so obviously playing both sides and Michele was her bestie.)
-Jason appears to be the next target if they can keep him from winning immunity.
Dara - Day 28
-Tai feels bad about betraying Scot & Jason and in true Tai fashion wants to make up - Jason listens to his apology and even understands why he did what he did, doesn't mean he has to like it - and Jason is totally gunning for Tai now.
They are tethered together in teams of two, they will have to face obstacles and untie three rings, once they have all the rings, they have to throw them at a floating hook and stick all three to win Reward which is being picked up by helicopter, flown to a remote sandbar and having a Survivor picnic with fried chicken and wine.
They picked the pairs and Jason was the odd man out - so he will not participate.
Pairs were: Joe & Tai, Aubry & Julie and Cydney & Michele. In the end it was Cydney & Michelle that were able to get all their rings on the hook and win reward.
-Of course Jeff tells them they can pick one more person to go with them (could have included Jason) but they chose Aubry - they said it was because she hasn't eaten, but really, who else would they pick?
Reward - Michelle wants to use this opportunity to let these two girls know that she may be tight with Julia but she wants to work with them, and it could have been the wine, but Aubry trusts her.
-Cydney brings up to Aubry the seed that Jason planted - they are going to have to get rid of Tai if either one of them wants a chance at winning... Aubry agrees that's probably true but she's not ready to think about that yet.
-Cydney knows they need to keep Tai around for now, but she's also ready to use Joe and Michele to take him out when the time comes.
Back at camp - Jason & Julia are thinking they have to approach Cydney to try and find a chink in the alliance and get rid of Tai.
-Once she gets back they tell her that they are going to vote for Tai and hopefully she'll vote with them so they can send Tai home with an idol in his pocket. Cydney is open to listening, she knows this is a Me game, not a We game and she's going to do what's right for her.
-They have to run/swim over an obstacle and out to a platform in the water. On the platform is a large wheel that has a number of pictures of animals with corresponding numbers. They have to try and memorize as many of the number/picture pairs as possible then run/swim back to the beach and use the numbers that correspond with the pictures on their tables to spin a wheel and pick the correct key to open a box of puzzle pieces with letters on them. First person to solve the puzzle by spelling BLINDSIDED wins immunity.
This comes down to memory and it's the young girls Michele and Julia who are able to get the correct key on their first try while everyone else had to run back out to the water to look again. And it was Michele that solved the word puzzle. Double challenge wins for Michele this episode... better watch out or you'll be the next target.
Dara - Day 29
Back at camp Aubry is questioning if Jason is their best vote tonight because there will be people that hate him on the jury, with Julia, she has no blood on her hands so she'll be tougher to beat (really?) They've agreed as a group that they'll vote Julia tonight, but Michele does not look happy about it.
-Michele asks what she should tell them when Julia asks how they're voting - Cydney tells her if they ask you or me, we're in for the Tai thing.
-This worries Tai, he doesn't ever like to hear his name come up so he's bringing his hidden idol and his advantage tonight - he is not going home with an idol in his pocket.
OMG - so Jason & Cydney are talking and she's saying she's in for the Tai vote tonight, and then they showed a full back shot of the HORRIBLE partial tattoo Jason has on his back, like, he let his daughters tattoo him(and if that is the case, I'd feel bad, but it can't be.) I almost think he has the most reason to win the money just to get that thing fixed - WoW, that was really bad!
Jason tries to say that he's willing to be used as a vote for others to further their game but then he gets aggressive and condescending while attacking Tai's character as a flipper - and proves (to me anyway) why no one would want to keep him around. Tai stands up for himself in a calm way, which just proves he's still a better person.
-Julia points out that Michele and Cydney are perceived to be on the bottom of the five alliance right now and so Jeff focuses on them.
-Michele knows at the end of the day, when you are sitting in front of that jury, you better have something to say.
-Cydney also knows you want people to respect your game play, you don't get rewarded for throwing people under the bus left and right.
-So everyone in the five needs to make their mark and Jason & Julia want to help them do that (riiiighhhtt.)
Time to Vote:
Jason votes for Tai
Aubry votes for Julia
Tallying the votes... before Jeff comes back with the votes Tai whispers in Aubry's ear, "Should I play my idol?" She tells him, "I think you're fine, but it's your gut."
Jeff asks if anyone wants to play a hidden idol now is the time...
(Play it. Play IT!) And Tai does NOT play it (WHAT?)
Tai - 1
Julia - 1
Tai - 2
Julia - 2
Julia - 3... 4 - JULIA is voted out - and Michele starts crying. Own it! She voted her friend out, it happens on this game.
And with Julia leaving the game tonight, that took Kim A., Emily H., and Bob L. out of the pool.
Next week: Jason is down and out... until the alliance starts crumbling from within. Tai talking about voting Michele, Cydney not happy with him trying to call the shots. (Uh oh.)
Julia's final thoughts - I'm young, I've grown up out here, I'm proud of how I played (yada, yada, yada - go home Julia.)
Have a great weekend everyone,
Last week we saw the most epic blindside ever when Tai became the mouse that roared by not giving Scot his hidden immunity idol and sending the big man home.
Dara - Night 27
Back at camp after Tribal, Aubry cannot wipe the smile off her face... everyone was on a super high except Jason who was on scramble mode after losing his partner and his hidden idol in one fell swoop. Jason is putting it out there that he's available to anyone wanting to do something nutty. Julia and Michele weren't that happy either having been left out of the decision to blindside Scot (but really, can you blame them? Julia was so obviously playing both sides and Michele was her bestie.)
-Jason appears to be the next target if they can keep him from winning immunity.
Dara - Day 28
-Tai feels bad about betraying Scot & Jason and in true Tai fashion wants to make up - Jason listens to his apology and even understands why he did what he did, doesn't mean he has to like it - and Jason is totally gunning for Tai now.
They are tethered together in teams of two, they will have to face obstacles and untie three rings, once they have all the rings, they have to throw them at a floating hook and stick all three to win Reward which is being picked up by helicopter, flown to a remote sandbar and having a Survivor picnic with fried chicken and wine.
They picked the pairs and Jason was the odd man out - so he will not participate.
Pairs were: Joe & Tai, Aubry & Julie and Cydney & Michele. In the end it was Cydney & Michelle that were able to get all their rings on the hook and win reward.
-Of course Jeff tells them they can pick one more person to go with them (could have included Jason) but they chose Aubry - they said it was because she hasn't eaten, but really, who else would they pick?
Reward - Michelle wants to use this opportunity to let these two girls know that she may be tight with Julia but she wants to work with them, and it could have been the wine, but Aubry trusts her.
-Cydney brings up to Aubry the seed that Jason planted - they are going to have to get rid of Tai if either one of them wants a chance at winning... Aubry agrees that's probably true but she's not ready to think about that yet.
-Cydney knows they need to keep Tai around for now, but she's also ready to use Joe and Michele to take him out when the time comes.
Back at camp - Jason & Julia are thinking they have to approach Cydney to try and find a chink in the alliance and get rid of Tai.
-Once she gets back they tell her that they are going to vote for Tai and hopefully she'll vote with them so they can send Tai home with an idol in his pocket. Cydney is open to listening, she knows this is a Me game, not a We game and she's going to do what's right for her.
-They have to run/swim over an obstacle and out to a platform in the water. On the platform is a large wheel that has a number of pictures of animals with corresponding numbers. They have to try and memorize as many of the number/picture pairs as possible then run/swim back to the beach and use the numbers that correspond with the pictures on their tables to spin a wheel and pick the correct key to open a box of puzzle pieces with letters on them. First person to solve the puzzle by spelling BLINDSIDED wins immunity.
This comes down to memory and it's the young girls Michele and Julia who are able to get the correct key on their first try while everyone else had to run back out to the water to look again. And it was Michele that solved the word puzzle. Double challenge wins for Michele this episode... better watch out or you'll be the next target.
Dara - Day 29
Back at camp Aubry is questioning if Jason is their best vote tonight because there will be people that hate him on the jury, with Julia, she has no blood on her hands so she'll be tougher to beat (really?) They've agreed as a group that they'll vote Julia tonight, but Michele does not look happy about it.
-Michele asks what she should tell them when Julia asks how they're voting - Cydney tells her if they ask you or me, we're in for the Tai thing.
-This worries Tai, he doesn't ever like to hear his name come up so he's bringing his hidden idol and his advantage tonight - he is not going home with an idol in his pocket.
OMG - so Jason & Cydney are talking and she's saying she's in for the Tai vote tonight, and then they showed a full back shot of the HORRIBLE partial tattoo Jason has on his back, like, he let his daughters tattoo him(and if that is the case, I'd feel bad, but it can't be.) I almost think he has the most reason to win the money just to get that thing fixed - WoW, that was really bad!
Jason tries to say that he's willing to be used as a vote for others to further their game but then he gets aggressive and condescending while attacking Tai's character as a flipper - and proves (to me anyway) why no one would want to keep him around. Tai stands up for himself in a calm way, which just proves he's still a better person.
-Julia points out that Michele and Cydney are perceived to be on the bottom of the five alliance right now and so Jeff focuses on them.
-Michele knows at the end of the day, when you are sitting in front of that jury, you better have something to say.
-Cydney also knows you want people to respect your game play, you don't get rewarded for throwing people under the bus left and right.
-So everyone in the five needs to make their mark and Jason & Julia want to help them do that (riiiighhhtt.)
Time to Vote:
Jason votes for Tai
Aubry votes for Julia
Tallying the votes... before Jeff comes back with the votes Tai whispers in Aubry's ear, "Should I play my idol?" She tells him, "I think you're fine, but it's your gut."
Jeff asks if anyone wants to play a hidden idol now is the time...
(Play it. Play IT!) And Tai does NOT play it (WHAT?)
Tai - 1
Julia - 1
Tai - 2
Julia - 2
Julia - 3... 4 - JULIA is voted out - and Michele starts crying. Own it! She voted her friend out, it happens on this game.
And with Julia leaving the game tonight, that took Kim A., Emily H., and Bob L. out of the pool.
Next week: Jason is down and out... until the alliance starts crumbling from within. Tai talking about voting Michele, Cydney not happy with him trying to call the shots. (Uh oh.)
Julia's final thoughts - I'm young, I've grown up out here, I'm proud of how I played (yada, yada, yada - go home Julia.)
Have a great weekend everyone,