Monday, December 7, 2015

The Amazing Race 27 - Dec 4/15 Episode Recap

It's Not Easy Beating Green

Last week Justin & Diana U-Turned the Paparazzi but they survived it and sent Denise & James Earl home. 

This episode, Justin & Diana get hit with some Race karma... first they've made enemies of the Paparazzi to which Justin says, "Whatever, they're last, have fun staring at my back." (He's such a cocky you-know-what... and you know what happens to the cocky on the Race.)

They are also the first team to head out the next day at 7:40am and they read the clue to fly to Hong Kong.  When they land they will catch a Peninsula Hotel green Rolls Royce which will take them to their next clue.
-Justin & Diana say coming in first never gets old, they have 7 first place wins and coming in first this leg will tie the record... which means nothing if they don't make the final three.  Justin thinks it's their destiny to win (which just makes us all hope they don't.)

-The perpetually second place Reporters head out at 7:47am, they are tired of losing and are ready to take on the Goliath of the Green team to get first place... and ultimately win.

-The Cheerleaders are next out at 8:50am and Krista anyway is really excited to be leaving India.  They think they can beat the Reporters and the Paparazzi but, "It's not easy beating Green."

-Paparazzi are last at 8:54am and Chris is being an obnoxious American in the tuk-tuk, short and demanding with the driver, "Fast, fast, fast, fast." (You're all going to be on the same flight, chill out.)

Hong Kong
-Cheerleaders and Reporters are the first teams to find the Rolls Royces.  Justin & Diana and the Paparazzi finally find them as well and Logan snaps at Chris when he's anxiously asking if they're last (is there another car there? Yes, you're last.)

At the Peninsula Hotel they get the clue to the DETOUR: Sam's or Cells.
-Sam is a famous tailor in Hong Kong, in Sam's they have to go cut out six pieces of fabric for a suit jacket, once they get that right, they will have to deliver a finished suit to Sam's son, who will give them their next clue.
-In Cells, they have to search through hundreds of used cell phones until they find one that will turn on and they have to call the number that comes up to get the location of their next clue.

-Cheerleaders, Reporters and Paparazzi all choose Sam's.
-Justin & Diana are on their own with Cells.

Sam's - they get the order from the store, then have to go to the workshop and what every team says when they climb the stairs up to the workshop, "Oh my god, it's so hot." (It's not called a sweatshop for nothing apparently.)
-The Cheerleaders think they are actually making a suit, they are putting the pattern on a dummy, trying to figure out how it works.  The  Reporters get down to pinning the pattern and cutting the fabric. (Read the clue ladies.)
-Chris turns out to be the only one that knows you fold the fabric and cut mirror images of the pieces - but Logan thinks he's wrong and makes him do it one piece at a time.  Krista heard Chris' idea and thought that was great so she did it right saving lots of time.  Joey & Kelsey did it one piece at a time and they cut a piece out of the wrong side of the cloth having to do it over.

Cells - Justin & Diana's dumb luck held through this task, he finds a phone that works almost right away - and they get the clue to head to  Kweilin St - instead of looking around them, they jump in a taxi at Kweilin St and takes off... where they are going is anybody's guess.

Sam's - The Cheerleaders are the first team done the cutting and they head back to Sam's Tailor - they get the clue to head the Turbo Jet Ferry terminal and take the ferry to Macau - there they must make their way to the House of Dancing Water (a Cirque du Soleil type show) to get their next clue.  The girls get very excited when they see the word 'dancing.'
-Kelsey & Joey are the next team to finish the cutting and head to get the next clue.

Cells - in the taxi Justin asks the driver how long to get to the place and he tells them 45 minutes - what? That's a long taxi, they are starting to realize this could be wrong but they are trapped.
-The driver finally takes them to a hotel and at the hotel they find out the street they needed was about a block from where they started - they didn't need to take a taxi at all.  Now Justin is full on being rude to the driver and Diana tries to put him in check. Justin says, "He doesn't understand, so I'm not being rude to him." And then Justin turns on her, tells her she's not being productive and should basically shut up (errgh! This guy - it really irks me how he turns on her when things don't go their way - great partner skills dumb@ss.)

Sam's - Logan & Chris have now finished and are heading for the ferry terminal, like the other two teams they are worried about where the Green team is, no one has seen them - they could be finished by now for all they know. (Yeah, they could be finished by this cab driver and at this point, I think that would be GREAT!)

Cells - A poopy-pants Justin & Diana get to the cellphone store, within walking distance of where they picked up the phone, and get the clue to head to the Hong Kong Island ferry to Macau - they have to take a taxi, which makes them that much madder - needless to say they get a different taxi.  Before grabbing the cab though, they find a local that speaks english and he tells them there are two ferries to Macau and he writes out instructions to the Kowloon terminal which is closer. (What? Oh no... hahaha.) Diana even says, "Is this right Justin?" and he says "It's fine." (Rules don't apply to Justin when he's not in first place apparently... and I'm enjoying watching them meltdown, it's human nature to cheer when the mighty fall, right?)

-Chris & Logan's driver tries to tell them there is a closer ferry terminal too but Chris is very adamant that they have to go exactly where they are told to go.

-On the ferry, Cheerleaders, Reporters and Paparazzi realize that Justin & Diana are not on the boat and the guys say, "They're probably already on the mat." But Krista really doesn't think so.

-At the Kowloon ferry, Justin tries to buy the premier class ticket like the clue says, but they don't sell them there, the woman even tells them that is only on the Hong Kong side and Justin again disregards that, "Whatever." They are excited when they hear this is the first ferry today and think they have caught up with the other teams... (but they are all on the correct ferry.)

Hong Kong ferry arrives first and the Reporters, Cheerleader and Paparazzi jump in cabs heading to the City of Dreams where the Dancing Water show is held.
-Kowloon ferry gets in and Justin & Diana also head for the House of Dancing Water.

City of Dreams - ROADBLOCK: Who wants to rise to the occasion?
-Teams will join the water show by performing a daring 30ft jump into the water below, then they must find a golden fish below the surface and swim to the fisherman's raft to get their next clue.  If they can't find the fish before the music ends, they must wait for the next performance before they can attempt the challenge again. (oof.)
-Kelsey, Krista and Logan are doing this one.  Chris seems really excited to be able to just watch the show.
-The girls are all pretty excited to get their make-up and hair done - did I mention, they have to get all costumed up for this?  Fun!
And the girls are also hoping that they can get Justin & Diana out of there this leg.

Showtime - the girls look great and get into the water for the epic show-opener - it was really cool - the audience team members were really enjoying the spectacle.  Logan, Kelsey & Krista jump off the huge mast of the ship and start searching in the bubbles and dark commotion for the fish.

-Meanwhile, Justin & Diana have arrived at the City of Dreams but they are at the farthest end from the theatre... Oh yeah, their Race luck is all bad today - so they are hoofin' it - and Justin is again being a jerk to Diana.

-At the show, Logan is the first one to find a fish.  Kelsey finds her fish right behind her and they both get to leave.  Krista cannot see anything under water and even though she is right near the fish, she can't see them - the music ends, all the performers groan and she's going to have to do it again.

Justin & Diana finally get the clue to the Roadblock and Diana is going to do this one.

Logan & Chris meanwhile are reading the clue to the PIT STOP: Nam Van Lake, home of their famous Dragon Boat races - last team to check in WILL be eliminated.

Diana passes Logan and asks how it was, Logan says, "You'll find out." (Awkward) but the other teams are all super psyched to realize the Green team is in last place.
-When Justin finds out from Tiffany that there is actually swimming involved after the jump in the water he, of course, thinks he would have done better on this task (because Justin thinks he's King Shit of everything... can you tell I really don't like this guy?)

-Next show starts and Diana didn't make it - and Justin is crying, sure that they are screwed.  Krista is doing this one alone... but she still can't find a fish - even the performers were trying to direct her over to where the fish are...
-Justin is crying to the camera, "I'd give up all our wins just to make it through this one." (Oh wah! Cry me a river.)  Diana is all costumed up and crying because she has to wait the 20 minutes for Krista to finish - she just doesn't want to go home so close to the end, they've come so far...
COME ON KRISTA!  It's right beside you!! and the music ends - NOOOOO!  Justin & Diana have a shot. (Crap!)

-As the next show is about to start Justin is saying that Diana can't breathe when she gets nervous, she has panic attacks... and this task was 100% designed for him.  If they go home this close to the end, he's never going to get over it. (Stop talking to him please, I don't want to listen to this blowhard anymore.)
-The girls both do the jump and what do we hear from Krista? "I can't see anything."  Meanwhile, Diana goes to the side and it almost seems like the guy checking if she was okay told her where the fish was because she dives down and comes up with a fish.
-Krista is skunked again when the music stops - and she cryingly says she can't do it anymore.  

-Krista does go up again for her fourth attempt and she still can't find the fish.  She's in the wrong headspace - Tiffany has to give her a pep talk to get her to keep trying - she tells her how she's always looked up to her, she never quits, yada yada yada, she's rejuvenated and ready to keep on going.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Logan & Chris - They won a trip for two to Peru and they will be in the finale, next week.  (Why is it that the constantly fighting teams seem to usually stay in it to the end... they may not win but bringing the drama seems to keep you in the game.)
2) Of course it was Joey & Kelsey - is there a prize for most 2nd place finishes? Joey, "Really?"  They are happy to have made it to the finale, and none of them will cry if Justin & Diana are eliminated today.
3) Justin & Diana... BUT  WAIT... that's right, they incurred a 30 minute penalty for taking the wrong ferry and another 25 minutes because the ferry they did take was shorter - so they have to wait out a 55 minute penalty.... (at this point I was thinking OH PLEASE KRISTA - find the f'n fish!)

Justin almost collapses on the mat - because he's a drama queen and Phil asks the other teams who are still waiting there, "You didn't see that one coming, did ya?" (Oh Phil, you wonderful unsmiling bastard.)

They'd cut to the Cheerleaders then back to Justin & Diana blubbering through their penalty - it was nerve-wracking for all of us.

Krista's fifth attempt: She finally finds the fish and everyone is cheering, especially the performers (ha! I bet they were sick of having to do this over and over again too.)

-The Cheerleaders get in a taxi which drops them off at the wrong place, WHAT??

Just as Tiffany & Krista come into view running down the pier, Justin & Diana's penalty time elapses and they are checked in as team number three.  (Dammit, in the end their Race luck held and we have to suffer through more Justin.  I guess I should say they have run a good race and deserve to be in the finale, but it is begrudgingly because I don't like that guy.)

4) Tiffany & Krista - ***ELIMINATED*** They are proud that they made it so far, especially because so many people counted them out from the beginning.  Besides, Krista says, "You can always marry rich." (Okay, that was funny - but hopefully not inspiring.)

And, with Tiffany & Krista leaving, that takes Cindi C., Susan N., Bernice R., Laura W. and Sia D. out of the pool.

The finale is this coming Friday, Dec 11th - and in the pool race for the money is:

Logan & Chris: Krista H., Bob L., Ozzy R., Robert & Cindi and Kim B.
Kelsey & Joey: Carol-Anne D., Kim K., Emily H., Drew C. and Lindsay J.
Justin & Diana: Shelly P., Heather G., Rachel R., Shane B., and Kim A.

Good Luck everybody,


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