Thursday, December 17, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Finale Recap

Lie, Cheat and Steal

Okay, we've come to the finale of the exciting season that was Survivor Second Chance.

Six are left:
-Jeremy: he appears to have it all, a hidden immunity idol and a strong bond with Tasha, Spencer and Kimmi - can he hold on?
-Tasha: she has survived the ups and downs of a rigorous season, can she do what it takes to make it to the end?
-Keith: he's won multiple challenges but he has hovered on the outside for weeks - he may not be in the majority but he is definitely in the game.
-Wentworth: her second chance is simple, go big or go home.  She played one idol that flipped the game and has another left, just waiting to strike again.
-Kimmi: her second chance has been 15 years in the making.  She's been in on a number of blindsides and is in the majority alliance.  She is going to go full force cause she wants to go out with a bang.
-Spencer: for most of the game he was on the bottom, but after winning two individual immunities and focusing on his social game, he finds himself on top.  Will he continue to evolve or will he end up on the jury?
It's anyone's game.

Orkun - Night 35
-They returned from Tribal having just voted out Abi, and Keith is questioning why they did it. He says he wanted to take her to the final three because no one would vote for her - Spencer explains that him saying he wanted to take Abi to the end instead of Spencer is a reason for Spencer to vote her out. (Not too sharp a point on that Nale (his last name's Nale, get it?))

-Kimmi tells the camera that Kelley and Keith may look like they are the low men on the totem pole but this has left Kimmi the opening she needed to swoop in and make her dreams happen.  She goes and tells Kelley her grand plan.  She is going to tell Jeremy, Spencer and Tasha that they need to split the votes at the next tribal in case Keith or Kelley has another idol, then Kimmi, Kelley & Keith will vote together and take out Spencer or Jeremy.  Kelley likes this very much.
-Kimmi knows in her four, she might not make it to the end, she doesn't want to leave her fate in the hands of the others, she's gained their trust, they're letting their guard down and she sees it as her time to shine. (You go, Kimmi.)

-They have to build a long set of puzzle stairs, carrying only one piece at a time (so you have to know what piece you need before running up the stairs because if you're wrong, all the way back down to switch it out.) Once they complete the staircase, they have to get working on a 3D slide puzzle (ugh, I hate slide puzzles).  And I'm not going through a play by play - Spencer completes the stairs and puzzle first and wins Immunity!
-Kelley knows she and Keith are on the outs so she's putting her faith in Kimmi's plan - if it doesn't work, they are screwed.

Orkun - Day 36
-Back at camp Kimmi, very obviously, grabs Keith to go get water with her... it does not go unnoticed by Tasha and Spencer, that's for sure.
-At the water hole, Kimmi very specifically outlines, colours in, and shades the plan for Keith so there is no misunderstanding - Tasha, Jeremy, Spencer and I have been voting together, I will get them to split the votes and then me, you and Wentworth will vote for Jeremy. "We are blindsiding Jeremy." (I hope he gets it.)

-Back at camp Spencer is asking Tasha, "What's Kimmi up to?" Right away, they know.  Spencer saw Kimmi talking to Wentworth last night and he sees Kelley go join Kimmi & Keith right now... now they have to convince Jeremy that Kimmi is up to something.

-Kelley did join Keith & Kimmi and she corroborates that she is on board with this plan and that Keith and her will tell the others that they are voting for each other in a bid to stay.  But they are all very excited about this plan - it's gonna work.

-Kimmi goes and talks to Tasha, Jeremy & Spencer - it looks like a normal conversation - Spencer is the one who says they can't risk an idol so they'll split the votes... unless they try something.  Kimmi says, there is only two of them, what can they try?
-Jeremy sees nothing wrong, he totally agrees but as soon as Kimmi walks away, Spencer and Tasha are shaking their heads, "She's a rat." (Tasha's favourite line it seems) and they fill Jeremy in on what they think is happening.  Spencer tells Jeremy, "we three cannot split our vote."
-Jeremy does not believe that Kimmi will flip on them, he thinks Spencer and Tasha are just paranoid.  He even goes and talks to Kimmi and she denies, denies, denies... at an octave higher than her normal voice (dead giveaway) but Jeremy is still a believer, especially when she starts with the waterworks... yes, she's a pretty good actress.

-Jeremy tries to convince Spencer that Kimmi is with them and they should still split the vote but Spencer is having none of it - "we cannot split the vote, we all have to vote Wentworth."  Jeremy tells him that Kelley could have an idol (you might want to listen there) but Spencer doesn't think she'd have a second one and Jeremy's not going to reveal that he has a second one just to convince him.

They bring in the jury and Abi gives them all a telenovella beautiful villain scowl from the jury box (Ha! Priceless.)

-Jeremy says up to now there have been voting blocks but now it's tightening up into alliances.
-Kelley agrees it's pretty obvious that she and Keith are on the outs and the other four are a tight group.
-Tasha says she doesn't see it that way. (Oh come on, no one believes you!)
-Kimmi says she agrees that the vote is between Kelley & Keith tonight.
-Keith says they got to lie, cheat and steal, anything to get yourself one more step.
-Jeremy says there is a lot of idol chatter going around.
-When Jeff asks Spencer if they are voting with hidden idols in mind, Spencer lays out the whole deal - the four were planning on splitting the votes but  he, Jeremy and Tasha are not splitting their votes. 
They left Kimmi out on purpose and Spencer basically threatens her, "jump on board with us or maybe draw a rock and go home." (He can be such an arrogant you-know-what sometimes)
-Kimmi just let's out an "Arrrgghhh", she talks to someone outside the alliance and then the paranoia runs wild and she's being threatened to vote a certain way.
-Keith isn't going to beat around the bush - Spencer can spout all this because he's got immunity - they know what they got to do.
-Spencer whispers "you're fine" to Wentworth, which Jeff catches, and she says he tells me I'm fine but I trusted Spencer on the last vote and I wasn't fine.
-He says anyone is fine if they jump on board with us right now... (wow, the set of danglers on this guy.)
-Kimmi says she's obviously number four in their alliance and immediately Jeremy is telling her she's not (uh, Spencer just made it abundantly clear that she is) Spencer says if she just votes the way they said... and Keith pipes in, "you'll be number four." Tasha, "you're not number four." (OMG you guys, she's not stupid.)
-Keith says let's vote (he's had enough of this nonsense.)  Everyone agrees they know how they're voting so that makes it...

Time to Vote:
They don't show us how anybody voted.

Tallying the Votes:
Anybody have a hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time do do so...
-Kelley says, You know Jeff... (Oh yeah!) I don't know what's going on tonight but I'm going to have to play it just in case - and she plays her idol.  Jeremy and the jury love it... Tasha & Spencer, not so much.  She goes and sits down and then...
-Jeremy stands up, Hold on Jeffery - and he plays his hidden idol too.  That blows everyone away, any votes for Kelley or Jeremy will not count.

Wentworth - Does not count
Jeremy - Does not count
Wentworth - dnc
Jeremy - dnc
Wentworth - dnc
final vote is Jeremy - does not count and for the first time in Survivor history there have been no valid votes cast - What does that mean??

Tribal Council - Night 36
Jeff explains what's going to happen.  They will revote: Spencer is still immune, Kelley is immune, Jeremy is immune so that means they can only vote for Kimmi, Tasha or Keith and everybody revotes.
-Since this in unprecedented Jeff gives them a couple minutes to talk and Jeremy is demanding, "Who voted for me?" Spencer has to spell it out for him that Kimmi, Wentworth and Keith voted for him - that's all he needed to know, Kimmi is dead to him now.
-When Kimmi gets up to vote Jeremy taunts her, "Kimmi, Kimmi, Kimmi, tsk tsk, so disappointed in you." Kimmi's response, "Ugh, really?" Spencer keeps nudging him to shut up but Jeremy's on a tear... he skips and jogs to make his vote.
This is pretty exciting... cause you know they are now tied - 3 votes for Tasha and 3 votes for Kimmi... now what???

So, per the rules, they can revote, unless Spencer, Wentworth, Jeremy & Keith confirm they will not be changing their votes ... which they all do.  So they are deadlocked, now Spencer, Wentworth, Jeremy and Keith have to talk and try to come to a unanimous decision to vote out either Kimmi or Tasha - if they cannot all four agree on who to vote out, that will make Kimmi & Tasha immune as well and then by default, Keith, the only person that has received no votes, will go home. (WHAT??? That's ridiculous!)  And Keith is a good egg, he doesn't want to switch his vote just to save himself, Kimmi is a single mom with two kids, he's ready to fall on his sword but Kelley stops him (and Fishbach even blurts out a 'no' from the jury box).  Kelley thinks Keith should stay so she changes her vote to Kimmi and Keith changes his vote as well - so it is Kimmi going home (well, she wanted to do something big, and she sure did!)

And with Kimmi leaving in that weirdly spectacular fashion, Vikki M., Tori K., and Maureen M. are out of the pool.
Kimmi - gave it her all, that's all she's got.  After 15 years to get this second chance, she thinks she hung in there pretty well.

Orkun - Night 36
-They return from Tribal Council and Keith is still a little confused on what happened.  The results is he and Kelley are still in the minority.
-Kelley hates the feeling of being so close to the end and still being in so much trouble.

-They have a half circle shaped course where they will have to go to six different stations to retrieve a bag of puzzle pieces then complete the obstacle to get the bag back to their home base - once they have all six bags they can start on the puzzle which is one where they have to fit the pieces in place when the four corners all move... it's hard to explain, but it's a hard puzzle as well.
-I'm not going to do the blow by blow - but it was KELLEY that won immunity! (Way to go... oh, sorry Keith.)
-Keith says he's going to go down swinging, you just stay tuned.

Orkun - Day 37
-Jeremy, Tasha and Spencer go off to talk because Kelley winning immunity was the last thing they wanted to happen.
-Leaving Kelley & Keith to talk and she's got a plan - she's going to make him a fake idol to make the other three think he has one - and hopefully they'll turn on each other.
-Keith is game.  She does a good job using a medallion from a tree mail and beads she's been 'collecting' (right) but she wraps it up in the clue from her last idol and, Bob's your uncle, Keith has an idol.  They are just sneaky/careless enough so Jeremy can see Keith holding, then hiding it... She hopes this will get Jeremy or Spencer out.

-Jeremy tells Tasha he's feeling funny about them, "They're acting really funny."  And he's very worried they have an idol and will be voting for him.  He doesn't want to take a chance on it.
-So Tasha is laying down in the shelter with her back to Jeremy who is sitting beside her on the platform and then Keith is on a chair in front of Jeremy but obviously a million miles away because Jeremy starts to try and get his attention, waving at him, snapping... it was hilarious - he didn't want to say his name cause then Tasha would know but Keith is not paying any attention to him (LOL) finally Keith looks over and seems shocked to see Jeremy looking at him (hello, wake up) - Jeremy mouths "SPENCER" and they sign, you, me, Wentworth, tonight.  Apparently, enough not said and the deal is done.

-Keith goes and tells Kelley that Jeremy came to him (in a way) and offered up Spencer - she says okay but keep the idol and use it if things look like they're going south. He agrees, cause that gives him options, which is a good thing.

Final five is the last time you can use a hidden immunity idol so the fake idol could actually make a difference and during the discussion Kelley said her vote didn't matter, it looks like Keith is going home tonight... the perfect opportunity for him to whip out the fake idol and he even makes a move like he's going for it, but then he doesn't cause he's banking on Jeremy (I guess).

Time to Vote:
They don't show how anyone voted.

Tallying the votes:
-No one plays a hidden immunity idol which seemed to exasperate Jeremy.

Spencer - 1
Keith - 1
Spencer - 2
Keith - 2
Final vote is for KEITH! Ohhhh, even the jury all groaned - and as he leaves Keith says, "gol-ly."

Keith: you try to play with a little integrity, that's why I didn't play that cheesy idol.  Anyway crazy ride out here and he thanked all of America for giving him this second chance.

And with Keith's departure, Robert & Cindi, Judy C. and Emily H. are out of the pool.

-They will have one hand tied behind their backs and stand at a table with a spiraling wire apparatus on it.  On Jeff's go they will drop a ball down the chute and it will spiral through to the bottom where they will have to catch it and put it back in.  When Jeff says, they will have to add more balls and there is a gate on the course that will make the balls alternate which exit they will come out so as more balls are added they really have to stay focused because if at any time a ball hits the ground, they are out.
-This is a toughie - once they get up to four balls, it gets confusing and Kelley ends up waiting at the wrong exit and drops a ball.  She's devastated, that just cost her the game right there.
-Tasha is out not long after leaving it down to Spencer and Jeremy and it's JEREMY, finally winning an individual immunity!
And Jeremy loses it, he has a good ol' cry just out of relief that he's made it to the end more than anything.  Kelley is crying right along with him for the opposite reason. (And I can totally feel for them both.)
-Jeremy tells the camera this is for Val, Jordan & Cameron... and his son that isn't even born yet -( so he has two daughters with boy names? I think it's a good thing he's having a boy.)

Orkun - Day 38
-Jeremy tells the camera he's got Spence and he's got Tasha but when you get that necklace around your neck, all bets are off.  He's got to decide who is his best bet to take to the end so he'll win the million dollars.
-Spencer talks to Kelley and asks her who she is voting for tonight, if she tries to get them to vote for him, he's not going to hold it against her.  She's not telling him nothing.  He says he thinks he has a good chance at winning and he's going to vote for her tonight because he thinks she can kick his ass. (Ugh, that did not seem sincere in the least.)
-Kelley does think Spencer is a big threat and really, let's be honest, trying to get Jeremy to turn on Spencer is her only play.
-Kelley does talk to Jeremy and tells him that she believes everyone really respects Jeremy. With Spencer, he speaks very well and he's done a lot a playing both sides, so it depends on if people respect that or not.  She tells him that Spencer told her he thinks he has a good chance [of winning].
-Jeremy doesn't know who would be his safer bet - Spencer and Wentworth both have pretty impressive resumes.  Then the little devil comes out, "Would you do fire?" Hinting he may vote with her so there is a tie and then Wentworth and Spencer would have to burn the rope.
-Jeremy tells the camera he's not sure who to go with - Spencer is a smart player and Kelley is the underdog.

Spencer shows us how slimy he actually is by having a prepared argument against Kelley - so his telling her he wouldn't hold it against her was actually planting the seed so he could counter everything she said.
-Kelley makes her pitch against Spencer, pointing out that he is very articulate, is a big threat having won immunities and he said he thinks he can win.
-Spencer has her whole resume laid out - she's played an all-out game, she's won two immunities, played two hidden idols - "she's played the best game with this jury to get the votes tomorrow and if the two of you made the mistake of letting her be here tomorrow, I would vote for her and I would use all my energy making sure she won." (Wow, threatening them too, what a jerk.)
-No one has mentioned Tasha, which she should be upset about, they are discounting her... she is fine with that, just going to sit there and shut up.
-Jeremy said he's got to make a gut decision... and when Jeff asks if his decision will be based on him believing there is someone sitting there he thinks he can beat right now... and he says a tentative, "yes." He knows if he's wrong it will be a million dollar mistake but he's ready to vote.
-And Spencer repeats his threat, if you are about to vote for me, 100% [Kelley] wins, and if I go to the jury it would be a terrible move and I would do everything within my power to see her win. (You know you've just turned everyone off on the jury and made it that much easier for Jeremy to win against you... maybe that was his strategy?)

Spencer votes for Kelley
Kelley votes for Spencer and says it's the last time she will be writing his name down. (I know, right?)

Tallying the votes:
Spencer - 1
Wentworth - 1
Wentworth - 2
And it's Kelley with the final vote. (Boo... I liked her.)

Kelley: She just wanted to make the most of the experience this time and she did that - won some immunity, played some idols - it was everything she wanted it to be (except the not getting to the end part) and she is proud of herself.

And with Kelley out, that takes Dave & Lois L., Kim A., and Elaine R. out of the pool.

Orkun - Day 39
-They put the mirror and scale out for them - they are all so skinny... and then they get the day 39 breakfast feast!
-And there was a lot of blah blah blah... Tasha made it further than 17 other people.  Spencer had a lot of personal growth that allowed him to get from the bottom to the top.  Jeremy has done everything for his family, he just wants to take care of them.

Savage starts us off: Arguably the most difficult season, congratulates them on making it to the end.  Tells them his vote is wide open as are most of the jury so their answers have to be completely honest tonight. (Okay, get off your soap box.) Then he discounts Tasha by only focusing on Jeremy and Spencer and she's done.
To Spencer he says his level of arrogance drove him crazy, barking at Jeremy that he was going to bury him if he didn't take him to the end, and he did that in front of the jury - any regrets?
  •  Spencer says when he played the first time he was very arrogant and he realized he used that as a mask of his insecurities so last night when he was feeling insecure, he reverted to the old Spencer but he is much more self aware now - he doesn't regret the move but he regrets how he presented it.
To Jeremy he asks him to explain his arrogant behaviour in calling out Kimmi at the epic tribal and then skipping to vote her out.
  •  Jeremy says he doesn't feel he was arrogant, he was upset.  He believed in her when the other two said she had flipped, and when it was proven that she did flip, it hurt his feelings and that was his reaction.
Fishbach: Says Jeremy bought trust, honour and integrity into a season where it didn't exist.  He said Tasha is perceived as doing his dirty work and he asks her to defend of deny that perception.
  •  Tasha says she's a strong independent woman and no one dictates her actions to her in life or in Survivor.  Anytime there was a decision in direct conflict with what she wanted to do, she dug in her heels and got what she wanted. (Ugh, that could have been said better - she sounded like a spoiled girl wanting to get her way.)
To Spencer he says he was surprised by his willingness to betray people through this idea of voting blocks (uh...wasn't that your idea?)
  •  Spencer said he didn't really have close relationships so he probably had to do more backstabbing and jumping between blocks at the expense of relationships, at the expense of yours. (Pandering, seemed to satisfy Stephen.)
Then Stephen said my favourite thing: "Thank you for all those words."(Ha! Cause they were just words to him, he knows who he's voting for.)
Ciera - Flippers rarely make it to the end and they rarely win but this season with voting blocks flipping was required - why should flipping be rewarded?
  •  Jeremy says the caliber of players was higher and you [Ciera] coming in telling us to make a big move, make a big play, opened up an avenue for us to move around.  It wasn't so much people flipping as voting blocks shifting around.
  •  Tasha thought it was a result of the multiple swaps, she started on Bayon and made some deals, then on Angkor, bottom, made some deals and then back on Bayon, made some more deals there - she was just trying to survive so flipping was something that needed to be done.
  •  Spencer says there were so many types of relationships that the voting blocks were very fluid.  When there were any type of blurred lines he had to take advantage of them by blindsiding threats - but it was the only way he could put himself in a position to climb to the top.
Keith - He says where he is from being humble is a pretty big thing so he asks Jeremy to convince him that Spencer deserves to win and vice versa - they do say nice things about each other but they're not trying to really convince anyone to vote for the other - sorry Keith - dumb question. (And Tasha was left out again - sexist crap.)

Abi - she has notes...She said Survivor is a game of Big Moves, then asks what where the subtle moves they made that got them to where they are right now.
  •  Tasha says reconnecting with Spencer from the last time they played - her relationship with him was stronger than her and Jeremy.
  •  Spencer said his subtle move was to try and switch the distrust of the guys in the middle from himself to Joe.
  •  Jeremy said his subtle move was not winning reward challenges so he could go back to camp and look for idols (it sounded like he threw the Reward challenges, but I think he meant he used those losses as opportunities to look for idols... why am I defending him?)
Kimmi - starts out telling Spencer he was being a downright bully at last night's tribal council and she will use that as an example to her kids of what they should never do.
She tells Jeremy that he and Tasha let Spencer come in and disrupt the pecking order in their little family... to which Jeremy interrupted, "I never said Spencer replaced you, you said that." He went on the offensive about her hurting his feelings again by turning on him and she had no response to that - she felt bad and wandered back to her seat with her tail between her legs.

Joe (Spectacular man-bun tonight) - he tells Tash he thought she had no idea what was going on most of the time so asks her to tell him a time she was able to turn something around.
  •  Tasha came from corporate America, she works with Alpha Males all the time... specific example was Joe's vote out - the guys were worried about an all-girl alliance so she stepped in and blah, blah, blah - she's not winning so who cares.
Wiglesworth - 15 years ago she lost by one vote based on one simple question - Pick a number between one and ten:
Jeremy picks 2, Tasha 3 and Spencer 4. (Alrighty then, unless the number was 1 and it's the closest that wins, did Spencer get her vote?)

Kass - she only addressed Spencer and it was a disgustingly self-centered question.  He famously said, "Kass 0% of winning" yet he's been playing like her this season.  How can he ask for her vote when he's been calling her a dumbass for two years?
  •  He does look a little chagrinned but also says he doesn't think it's hypocritical to ask for her vote because he does believe he's changed, (he's not the same little puke that made that comment - uh, I think you are.) (Plus he outlasted her again, she's got to deal with it.)
Wentworth - what was your second chance story about?
  •  Tasha - to build and maintain relationships.
  •  Spencer - teetering between who I was and who I am now, truly believes he's made relationships he couldn't have made before.
  • Jeremy - He gets emotional - everybody knows I'm here for Val, for Jordan and for Cameron - before I left Val tells me she's pregnant, and I'm buggin' out because I'm missing this.  She comes to visit and she tells me it's a boy and everyday I want to tell all y'all but I can't because I don't want to mess up my game because I'm doing it for them.  I don't even care about me, all I care about is my family, that's my second chance. (Boom! Drop the microphone.  You've got to hand it to Jeremy, I 100% believe he planned to do that from the day he got there - and it totally paid off.)
Time to Vote:
(Gotta say, I'm a little disappointed there is no Sue Hawk award.)
They didn't show us how anybody voted... and Jeff takes the votes to the live studio with him.

I have to mention Jeff's hair was very high, little bit of a pompadour going on there Probst.

Jeremy - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... JEREMY swept! 
So that means the winners of our Pool are: Kim B., Bryon L. and Tam J.  Congratulations you guys.

The Reunion was kind of boring for such a good season.  I think everyone liked each other so it was a big happy family reunion - where's the good TV in that?

But we did see that the next season is another Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty and they teased that a lot of injuries and med. evacs may be happening... ooohhhh.

Happy Holidays everyone,


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Amazing Race 27 - Finale Recap

We Got A Chance Baby!

It's the season finale, baby! (Ha)

They gave us a review of the three remaining teams:
-The Green Team went from thinking they were going to be eliminated in the first leg to winning 7 legs and dominating the race.
-The Reporters made an early alliance with the Green team but never stopped trying to beat them, resulting in a record setting 5 second place finishes.
-The Paparazzi never stopped fighting but, for some reason, it works for them.  They were able to survive a U-Turn and even came in first in the last leg.

Which brings us to Logan & Chris being the first team out at 3:54am and reading the clue to fly to Long Island, NY.  "Justin & Diana who?  We're about to win the Amazing Race."
-Kelsey & Joey are right behind them heading out at 3:55am, and there is no urgency at this point, they will all be on the same flight.   Now it's just trying to keep calm and focused to bring it home.

-At the airport these first two teams were talking and know that Justin has said he knows New York (but I'm sure he's told them he knows everything about everywhere.)

-Justin & Diana - 5:37am - (shouldn't they only be 55 minutes behind the others, oh, I guess they got to the mat behind them, duh.)  Justin is crowing about heading to New York, he's lived in New York for 20 years, Diana cautions him not to be cocky, but does he ever listen to reason?

-On the plane, Justin says they are going to finish first, Joey & Kelsey second and Logan & Chris may not even finish, no, they'll be third. (Ho boy.) He said the fact that they are heading to NY just added a lot of pressure to the other teams.

New York, New York

-Plane lands and they are all heading to Randall's Island and the FDNY Training Academy.

-Justin & Diana are the first team to arrive and Justin acts like a New Yorker in the cab, dickering with the driver about how much he's going to pay him to stay, the guy wants $100 over the fare and Justin refuses, gives him $50 and sends him on his way. (Wow, that was stupid.)

-Logan & Chris get there right behind them, they paid their driver and asked him to wait. (That's what you need to do - it's the last leg, what are you saving money for?)

-As Justin & Diana run to the clue box, Phil tells us they will face the "Mother of all Drills" at the firefighter training academy.  ROADBLOCK: Who wants to play with fire?
Not surprisingly, the guys are doing this one.
-They will suit up in all the firefighting gear, climb a ladder into the (controlled) burning building and search the smokey interior for a dummy that they will then have to carry outside and load on a gurney.  Once the rescue is complete, they will face their first memory challenge (first? Oh, ho this could be interesting.)

-Joey & Kelsey get there and they also ask their cabdriver to stay (of course, cause they're not stupid).  Joey is also doing this Roadblock.

-Justin & Chris are all suited up and start up the ladder right after each other, they are not alone at any point in this whole thing, they have firefighters with them making sure they are correctly suited up and safe.
-Justin gets his dummy, Chris is winded and complaining that this is stupid but he gets his dummy and is right behind Justin... then he drops the dummy on it's head trying to put it on the gurney (oops.)
-Joey is coming up the rear but he's not that far behind.

-They get to take off the helmet, jacket and tank then face the next part of the challenge - there are 9 helmets with the capital cities of each country they visited on them - they have to arrange the helmets in the right order of the legs when they visited each country. (Plus there were two extra helmets just to mess them up - is the capital of Brazil Brasilia or Rio De Janeiro?)
-Justin gets it on his first try, and they get the next clue to make their way to the location of the final race of the triple crown - Justin knows that is the Belmont Stakes.
-Chris isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and he doesn't get the cities, or is it the order, right... he's wrong in his first attempt anyway.
-Joey is working through the cities methodically, calm and cool as is his way.

-Justin & Diana meanwhile are realizing their shortsighted error when they can't sweet talk either of the other teams cabs to take them to Belmont.  Okay, sweet talk was not how they went about it, Justin just says they are ready to go to Belmont, the one cab driver tells him he doesn't know where that is and the other one says he's waiting for someone else.  Justin & Diana start to get more aggressive in their manner, "Don't you have a GPS? Does nobody want to make money?" And rather than argue the one driver says he doesn't want to go to Belmont and he leaves (Oh great, so you screwed another team as well.) Finally they realize those cabs are not going to take them and they take off running.

-Joey gets a no on his first check but after just swapping the African capitals he gets the clue.  He takes the time to change out of the pants and boots which gives Chris & Logan the chance to finish and run for the cabs ahead of them... but Chris sees that their taxi is gone (cause Justin ran him off) and they try to steal Joey & Kelsey's cab... but as soon as they get in Joey & Kelsey come running and they still owe that driver money so he's going to wait for them - Joey wrenches open the door and tells them to get the hell out which Chris does (because he seems like he's a decent person) but Logan is berating him immediately, "why did you get out of the cab, he's allowed to take us..." and she just went on and on and on and on...

-Justin & Diana have found a bus stop but no cabs and they are kicking themselves, "Damn, we should have kept our cab!" (Ya think?)
-Logan won't shut up (I get it, that was possibly a million dollar mistake, but yelling at him will not change it or get you closer to winning.)
-Kelsey & Joey are the only team in a cab on their way to Belmont.

-Justin & Diana decide to take the bus to get them off the island and somewhere where they can catch a cab - back in the city.
-Logan & Chris find a different bus and also ask to be let off at the first taxi they see. Logan, "We had a taxi." Chris says he got out of the cab because he thought their taxi was there and she just won't hear it, "you're not admitting it." (OMG! I could not function in a relationship like that.)

-Meanwhile Justin & Diana are taking equal blame or at least are not blaming each other for letting their cab go, they know it was a stupid mistake.  And their bus takes them in a big circle, putting them behind Logan & Chris now to get off the island.
-Logan & Chris hop off the bus and get a cab as soon as they are in the city.  Justin & Diana do the same but are now in third place.  (The dreaded curse of the cabs on the last leg has struck again.)

-Joey & Kelsey get to the racetrack and get their next route info clue from a jockey which tells them to take the next available helicopter to the Hamptons - there are helicopters inside the racetrack for them (cool.)  (And I just have to say, Kelsey has the worst posture ever, why did I never notice that before, she needs to stand up straight, ouch.)
-They are surprised to see that there are three helicopters... Joey whispers, "We might be in first." (Why are you whispering? - I know, he doesn't want to jinx it by saying it out loud, I get it.)

-Logan & Chris get to the racetrack and find the jockey with the flower draped horse - they get the clue and Chris says, "We're last!" Logan, "Shut up with that!"
-And they don't stop fighting even to notice that there are two helicopters there - Chris says he's taking his pants and boots off, she tells him he has to keep the boots, he can't run around NY city with no shoes and he says he can, watch him... (At least these two stayed true to form throughout the race.) Oh, and Logan finally notices there is another helicopter there but doesn't want to assume what that means.

-Justin & Diana get there and they know they are in last place when they see only one helicopter and the discarded pair of boots and pants.
Justin says some horses start slow but finish strong and that's going to be them this leg.

-Joey & Kelsey get the clue to hop on a ski-doo and drive themselves out to a marked lobster boat.  Joey proves why these two deserve to win, he says he just wants to win to make his family proud. (Aww)... and he lets Kelsey drive the Ski-doo, because she loves it!
-Logan & Chris get to the cluebox and she's still surprised that there is another clue in the box (yes, you are not last) - and they make a smart decision in heading to where they saw the ski-doos from the helicopter - Chris gets on and leaves Logan to push it out while he fiddles with his compass and she's yelling at him to help her (Arghhh!)
-Justin & Diana are coming in right behind them - and no one knows what a lobster boat looks like but I think they got a picture or map of where they should be.

Lobster Boats
-Joey & Kelsey find the boat and Phil tells us they have to pull up seven lobster pots then replace them with new ones... then they will face their second memory challenge - having to arrange the flags of the countries they visited in the right order (again, there is an extra mystery flag to mess them up.) (Doing the memory thing right after a physical challenge would make them that much more difficult too.)
-Chris & Logan get on their lobster boat and Chris tells the captain they want to catch these bastards [Kelsey & Joey] because they stole our cab (what?)
-The pulling up of the lobster pots is no easy feat - though Justin thinks it sounds pretty easy which makes them that much more depressed - but they are going to keep pressing forward.

-Everyone soon realizes though that this is a very physically demanding task... Kelsey & Joey work together at it.  Logan is watching Chris struggle with it because she doesn't want to bend over and fall in (what?) and Justin is just sad (yes, I rolled my eyes so hard I was afraid they'd stay that way.)

-Kelsey & Joey get all their pots in then have to set the empty ones out and they are handed a box, which is the flag arranging portion of the challenge.  They knew something like this was possible so they actually studied the flags of each country (look at the brains on the Reporters!)
-They flew through putting the flags in order but the tenth bonus flag they didn't recognize so assumed it must be Macau and put it on the end. Wrong!
-Logan & Chris move on to the flag portion and they have no idea what any of the flags are... SMRT these two.
-Justin & Diana finish with the lobster pots and they know all the flags so it's a piece of cake for them - Justin just hopes the other teams are stuggling.   Oh you know Chris & Logan are.  Joey says what I was thinking, "They're not exactly the brightest crayons in the box." (Ha!)

-Diana notices that there is an extra flag in the box, so they have hope that will mess someone up.  Kelsey & Joey used that flag as their last one and were wrong - but then realizing they only needed nine flags, took off the last one and got the clue - they returned to shore and dune buggied to their next clue.
-Justin & Diana are the next team to finish the flags and they head back to the beach.
-Logan & Chris are beating themselves up about not learning the flags (because that helps a lot) but they do process of elimination to try and figure it out.

-Kelsey & Joey get to their dune buggy and get the next clue - they have to assemble six Adirondack chairs then arrange them in order by the pictures painted on the back of the chairs of places they had visited on the race. (Oh man, this one is tedious, having to put the chairs together properly takes time - if you rush you makes mistakes.)
-And when Justin & Diana show up, Diana is great at putting things together and Justin starts running his mouth to try and get under Kelsey & Joey's skin.

-Kelsey & Joey are the first to finish the chairs but on their first check the judge makes them redo the backs on a couple chairs as they are out of line.  This gives Justin & Diana hope.
-Kelsey & Joey fix the out-of-line chairs and then the judge tells them the seat on the yellow one is not right. (Arghh!! At least he's telling them which chairs to re-do, that's something.)  Justin says, "we still have a chance, baby!"
-There is lots of hammering, both teams working furiously and they are getting their chairs judged at the same time...
-Justin & Diana are told the back on the light blue one is out of line and Kelsey & Joey get a congratulations and the clue to the PIT STOP! (What?! No way, I felt like I had been holding my breath, when were Justin & Diana going to pull ahead?)

Kelsey & Joey take off running for the marked path that will take them to Phil and finish line at a gorgeous Hampton estate and the assembled teams all go crazy when they see that Justin & Diana are not the winning team (Cause lets face it, they all didn't care who won as long as it wasn't the Green team.)  Yeah, everyone was losing their minds... and Kelsey & Joey won the only leg that mattered - they are the winners are the Amazing Race.  Joey says they are going to buy a place together and Joey wants to pay off his parents mortgage (you only won a million dollars... I guess real estate is cheaper where they live.) 
-And Joey asked if he could wear Enoch's huge gold chain - ha! It looked hilarious, but he won, he can be a pimp if he wants I guess.

And with Kelsey & Joey winning the Amazing Race, the winners of our pool are: Carol-Anne D., Kim K., Emily H., Drew C., and Lindsay J.  Congratulations all you WSBC people!

Justin & Diana run in second, and Justin tearfully says they are truly heartbroken - if they had just paid the cab the extra hundred... Diana says, "when you can pinpoint the one thing you did wrong, it will be the one thing that will haunt you."  (You know Justin is going to be that person who will keep trying to get on the show again... whatever, they won enough, a honeymoon, a babymoon, a vacation and cash... but it's still not enough for him because they didn't win the whole thing.)

Meanwhile, Chris & Logan are still putting the chairs together and he says he hopes Kelsey & Joey won but Logan snaps she doesn't because that means they could have won if they had kept the cab (Really? Would that have made you know the flags any better?  You might have just let Justin & Diana win in that case.)  When they finally do get to the finish line where everyone is still waiting Phil asks them about their relationship and they know they have to learn to communicate better, maybe they should go to therapy - but they are not breaking up, she says, "Don't do this at home."

-Justin says after the heartbreak is over they will be able to look back and enjoy it... (You know he's not going to rest until they can try again.)

-Finally Kelsey says, "This just in, we just won the Amazing Race!" (And it was fantastic!)

Quick preview of the next season which starts in February, all eleven teams are couples that connect with millions through social media - now they will have to unplug to run the Amazing Race. "It just got real."

So, I'm debating if I'm going to continue to do these recaps.  I know a lot of you tell me you like to read them but often don't have time or don't bother if you haven't seen the show... It's a lot of work for me and I'm starting to find it a bit of a chore.
I'm taking a poll, everyone who reads the recaps, please reply to this email or comment on the blog and let me know if you want them to continue.



Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Dec 9/15 Episode Recap

Villains Have More Fun

Last week we saw Joe faint at the immunity challenge and, despite trying to throw Abi under the bus and the other guys being absolutely terrified by the possibility of an all-girl alliance, they finally made the common sense decision obvious to all of us watching, and voted out the Man-Bun.

Orkun - Night 32
-No one seems too broken up about Joe leaving, Abi, of course if glorying in his demise but the others seem pretty good especially when Kelley points out they all have equal chance to win immunities now.
-Keith was a little shocked with the vote, not because they got rid of Joe, he figured that was a good time to vote him out - but he wasn't very happy that he was left out of the discussion.  He wanted to get Tasha out of there... (Do you think maybe he should have talked to somebody and found out what they were doing? This is kinda on Keith for laying back with his immunity necklace and not playing through.)
-Tasha is not too happy that Keith voted for her, now she's got her eye on him, saying he's put a target on his back.

Orkun - Day 33
-Jeremy & Spencer are deeply concerned. Jeremy says he's feeling total buyer's remorse [for voting out Joe.]  They are worried they may not have a group of four if there is an actual girl's alliance so they have to lock down Tasha and Kimmi.  Spencer feels his game slipping away and prays he can keep it together until the end. (Oh paranoia, Survivor's closest friend.)

-They will be attached to a rope and race to unspool that rope (climbing in, over and around an obstacle) when they think they have enough rope they will move on to the next obstacle and assemble a horizontal bridge which they will cross and then they will have to throw sandbags to knock down a stack of blocks - first person to knock down all their blocks wins Reward of... a visit to the temple they passed through on their first day, they will be blessed by the monks, given some good food and a night sleeping in the temples.

-When they last played this challenge, Keith won... can he repeat?
-Spencer was in the lead but Keith and Jeremy finished the bridge first (I was thinking the two firefighters should be good at the rope management considering hoses are their lifeline on the job) - but Keith comes up short on the rope and can't reach the sandbags.  Keith gets throwing but doesn't get all the blocks off the table with the sandbags, meaning he's got to go collect them... and he just has enough rope.
-Spencer, Jeremy & Tasha were throwing sandbags but they all had to go get more rope and it's KEITH who repeats and wins Reward!

Of course he gets to choose people to join him.
First pick is Kelley, she brought him his wife.
Second pick is Spencer, he has no logic for this choice other than Spencer didn't get to spend time with his girlfriend so give him something.  He keeps babbling that Jeremy and his wife are solid (so his not seeing her is okay?) and uh, uh, (yeah, he forgot Tasha's name - that did not earn him points) her cousin... (he finally stopped, probably realizing he was getting himself in deeper with his rambling on.)
-Tasha can't believe that Keith has made it this far after his bumbling speech - is he playing up the southern bumpkin thing or is he really that slow?

Orkun - Day 33
-Abi comes back to camp and points out that they have underestimated Keith - he may be the new golden boy winning all the challenges and Kimmi and Tasha agree he should be the next to go.
-To the camera Abi says she loves watching them scramble and struggle, "I'm a villain, and villains have more fun."
-Jeremy has kept his mouth shut and the girls try to draw him out about his reluctance to vote out Keith. Tasha says it straight out, if he's worried about an all-girls alliance, he doesn't need to be.  Jeremy says it's not that (but it is that.)  He tells the camera that he's regretting voting out Joe and keeping Abi - he's not upset about the Reward, he can wait to eat on day 39 - he just has to make it there.
-Tasha thinks Jeremy has to stop trying to control everything and he's got to have some faith in the people he can trust - like her.  But if he doesn't trust her and get on board with her making this move in the game, he might miss the boat cause that ship is sailing.

-The Temples are ancient and amazing - they walk through the temples then receive a blessing from the monks and then they watch some dancing and just relax.  Finally they get down to the food and talking about the game.  Why not make this the final three - sure, that sounds good. (What else are you going to say?)
-Spencer tells the camera of course your going to make a final three deal when there is this few people left an your on reward - but he's still keeping his options open.  His dream final three is with Abi & Keith, it's a question of making it happen now.
-They talk about next vote, Keith thinks Jeremy but Spencer says they may be expecting that so he thinks Tasha and then Jeremy.  All they need is a sound and rational fourth to make this happen... and their fourth is Abi. (Good luck with that.)

Back at camp - Jeremy & Tasha are sitting wanting to talk but Abi won't leave them alone as she is making rice.  Tasha asks her if it's okay for her and Jeremy to talk (meaning get the hell out of here) and Abi says it's alright if they talk [but I'm not leaving you alone] but it would be better if you included me... So Jeremy and Tasha abandon that idea and say they'll wait until later. 
-Abi tells the camera that she thinks Tasha is making a mistake wanting to stick with Jeremy, Abi thinks she has way more in her pocket at this time than he does.
-Jeremy asks the camera if Abi is a Scorpio, "Cause Scorpios are crazy." (hahaha) He says he has two at his house and that's why he drinks. (Ha, she's going to hear that you know.)

-Abi finally leaves and Kimmi comes back wondering what she missed cause they both were just shaking their heads.  You have to watch everything you say around and to Abi.  Tasha tells the camera she has come too far to let Abi-Maria Gomez ruin her game.

-When Tasha and Jeremy do finally get to talk by themselves, Tasha asks how he feels about voting Abi out, and Jeremy is all for that - one less girl.  Their worry then is Spencer, he could run and tell Kelley and Keith and the whole thing could blow up in their faces.


On Jeff's go, they will race out into the water and across a series of obstacles then jump in and retrieve a key from a buoy and race back. With the key they will open a chest and use the puzzle pieces inside to complete a shape puzzle.  First person done wins immunity.
-Off they go and it's Jeremy & Spencer neck and neck until Spencer slips on a boat obstacle and does the splits into the water (OUCH) he's got to go back to the last obstacle and try again.  Jeremy is the first in the water going for the key, but he's not a strong swimmer.  Keith slips on the boat too but he doesn't fall in, just lands on his butt.
-Jeremy and Spencer are back from the swim at the same time but Jeremy is exhausted, he didn't have a feast at the Reward like Spencer did... but then Spencer falls on an obstacle again and has to go back - letting Jeremy take the lead again... and Tasha is having some trouble in the water.
-Jeremy and Spencer start on the puzzle and it's a quick one, SPENCER wins Immunity - completing the puzzle in 15 seconds or so.

-Still out in the water, Tasha starts calling for help, she's going down as she's exhausted and can't keep her head above water.  They have a diver on her very quickly and hunky doctor comes to take a look but she's coughed up a lot of water and just needs to recover from the fright.  She's in no danger and returns to the beach where the other contestants are glad she's okay - it's become apparent, two challenges in a row now, that they are giving it all they have this second time around and Tasha just didn't have anymore to give today.

-"Tasha nearly drownd-ed", Keith says to the camera, but he's still expecting to vote her out tonight with Kelley, Spencer and Abi.

Orkun - Day 35
-Tasha is so nervous about tonight, while still trying to recover from her near drowning, she's also worried that Keith, Kelley & Spencer bonded on the Reward - she wants to make sure Spencer is still with them.
-Her worries are well founded since Keith, Kelley, Spancer and Abi are meeting and agreeing that they are still on board to vote out Tasha tonight.  Abi's in as long as it's not her, she's starting to think about who she wants to take with her to the end (oh boy, you know you've kept her a
round too long when she's thinking she's running the show.)
-Next Tasha & Jeremy have cornered Spencer and they're telling him they cannot let Wentworth, Abi and Keith get to the end, especially in this season, it would be a dis-service to take a goat to the end.  Spencer agrees and they tell him it's Abi tonight and they have Kimmi on board as well.
-So now Spencer has a huge decision to make - does he go with the goats or take out the big guns?  It's the breaking point at seven, this is the point of no return.

-Joe has a full on curly man-bun happening tonight.
-Keith and Spencer agree that the Reward of visiting the temples was a once in a lifetime experience and Spencer adds that he couldn't help but wonder what was going on with the four people left at camp though.
-Jeff moves on to Tasha's rescue at the immunity challenge...

-Fishbach was the perfect audience when Jeff starts the recap for the jury, he mouths wow about the reward visiting the temple and he's full on mouth agape listening to Jeff talk about Tasha's near drowning.

-Tasha says she was definitely exhausted mentally and physically after the challenge but tried to act like she wasn't - she thought she was drowning [dying] ... Jeremy, "That's scary."
-Spencer says any event in Survivor is the opportunity for change, good or bad. (Tasha didn't like hearing that.)
-When Jeff asked if there had been any talk of hidden idols, Kimmi said they do discuss if they have the numbers when voting and how to vote in case one is played.
-Keith doesn't address the numbers talk directly - he just says he thinks the vote tonight will get them back to where they need to be.
-Jeff points out they are all saying "we" trying to find out who the "we" is, but everyone seems to think they are the we.  Jeremy and Tasha try to throw him off that scent, saying there have been many voting blocks going around and Tasha says everyone seems to be leaving their options open, but they need to recognize these windows of opportunity and lock in so the outcome will be more favourable for all the we's. (huh?)
-Jeff asks if anyone feels confident that their 'we' will reign supreme and Keith (oh sweet, simple Keith) says he's confident his 'we' will reign supreme, now let's just get to the vote. (He's sick of this jibber jabbering Jeff.)
-Spencer shakes his head at Keith - says he admires the confidence but he knows if the vote doesn't go his we's way, things might not be so good for tomorrow.
-When Jeff asks Jeremy about his confidence in his we, he says, "which we?"
-Abi is excited by that, makes her wonder which we she should go with herself.  (WHEEEE!!!!)

Time to Vote:
Kimmi votes for Abi
Keith votes for Tasha

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol

Abi - 1
Tasha - 1
Abi - 2
Tasha - 2
Abi - 3
Keith - 1 (Whaaattt??? Who voted for Keith?)
Abi- 4... and it's ABI voted out tonight.  (Ding dong the villain is gone.)

And with Abi leaving, that takes Jenn G., Monica S., and Gillian H. out of the pool.

Next Wednesday, Dec 16th is the Season Finale and reunion show and everyone is in it to win it.

Abi's final thoughts - she really didn't think it was her time to go, just when she thought she was safe, she got blind-sided.  She thinks she had a lot of personal growth this time around.  She's just happy not to be with those crazy people anymore. (Hahaha -  Pot, it's the kettle calling.)

And this is how everyone actually voted:
Abi votes for Keith (Why? Oh, I guess Tasha/Jeremy must have told her they were voting Keith when they were really voting for her.)
Keith voted Tasha
Kelley voted Tasha
Tasha voted Abi
Kimmi voted Abi
Jeremy and Spencer voted Abi.

And with 6 people still in the game here is who has a shot at the money:
Jeremy: Kim B., Bryon L., Tam J.
Tasha: Bob L., Jeff T., Christine L.
Kimmi: Vikki M., Tori K., Maureen M.
Keith: Robert & Cindi, Judy C., Emily H.
Spencer: Lynne B., Katie L., Sue & Hannelore
Kelley: Dave & Lois L., Kim A., Elaine R.

Good luck everybody,


Monday, December 7, 2015

The Amazing Race 27 - Dec 4/15 Episode Recap

It's Not Easy Beating Green

Last week Justin & Diana U-Turned the Paparazzi but they survived it and sent Denise & James Earl home. 

This episode, Justin & Diana get hit with some Race karma... first they've made enemies of the Paparazzi to which Justin says, "Whatever, they're last, have fun staring at my back." (He's such a cocky you-know-what... and you know what happens to the cocky on the Race.)

They are also the first team to head out the next day at 7:40am and they read the clue to fly to Hong Kong.  When they land they will catch a Peninsula Hotel green Rolls Royce which will take them to their next clue.
-Justin & Diana say coming in first never gets old, they have 7 first place wins and coming in first this leg will tie the record... which means nothing if they don't make the final three.  Justin thinks it's their destiny to win (which just makes us all hope they don't.)

-The perpetually second place Reporters head out at 7:47am, they are tired of losing and are ready to take on the Goliath of the Green team to get first place... and ultimately win.

-The Cheerleaders are next out at 8:50am and Krista anyway is really excited to be leaving India.  They think they can beat the Reporters and the Paparazzi but, "It's not easy beating Green."

-Paparazzi are last at 8:54am and Chris is being an obnoxious American in the tuk-tuk, short and demanding with the driver, "Fast, fast, fast, fast." (You're all going to be on the same flight, chill out.)

Hong Kong
-Cheerleaders and Reporters are the first teams to find the Rolls Royces.  Justin & Diana and the Paparazzi finally find them as well and Logan snaps at Chris when he's anxiously asking if they're last (is there another car there? Yes, you're last.)

At the Peninsula Hotel they get the clue to the DETOUR: Sam's or Cells.
-Sam is a famous tailor in Hong Kong, in Sam's they have to go cut out six pieces of fabric for a suit jacket, once they get that right, they will have to deliver a finished suit to Sam's son, who will give them their next clue.
-In Cells, they have to search through hundreds of used cell phones until they find one that will turn on and they have to call the number that comes up to get the location of their next clue.

-Cheerleaders, Reporters and Paparazzi all choose Sam's.
-Justin & Diana are on their own with Cells.

Sam's - they get the order from the store, then have to go to the workshop and what every team says when they climb the stairs up to the workshop, "Oh my god, it's so hot." (It's not called a sweatshop for nothing apparently.)
-The Cheerleaders think they are actually making a suit, they are putting the pattern on a dummy, trying to figure out how it works.  The  Reporters get down to pinning the pattern and cutting the fabric. (Read the clue ladies.)
-Chris turns out to be the only one that knows you fold the fabric and cut mirror images of the pieces - but Logan thinks he's wrong and makes him do it one piece at a time.  Krista heard Chris' idea and thought that was great so she did it right saving lots of time.  Joey & Kelsey did it one piece at a time and they cut a piece out of the wrong side of the cloth having to do it over.

Cells - Justin & Diana's dumb luck held through this task, he finds a phone that works almost right away - and they get the clue to head to  Kweilin St - instead of looking around them, they jump in a taxi at Kweilin St and takes off... where they are going is anybody's guess.

Sam's - The Cheerleaders are the first team done the cutting and they head back to Sam's Tailor - they get the clue to head the Turbo Jet Ferry terminal and take the ferry to Macau - there they must make their way to the House of Dancing Water (a Cirque du Soleil type show) to get their next clue.  The girls get very excited when they see the word 'dancing.'
-Kelsey & Joey are the next team to finish the cutting and head to get the next clue.

Cells - in the taxi Justin asks the driver how long to get to the place and he tells them 45 minutes - what? That's a long taxi, they are starting to realize this could be wrong but they are trapped.
-The driver finally takes them to a hotel and at the hotel they find out the street they needed was about a block from where they started - they didn't need to take a taxi at all.  Now Justin is full on being rude to the driver and Diana tries to put him in check. Justin says, "He doesn't understand, so I'm not being rude to him." And then Justin turns on her, tells her she's not being productive and should basically shut up (errgh! This guy - it really irks me how he turns on her when things don't go their way - great partner skills dumb@ss.)

Sam's - Logan & Chris have now finished and are heading for the ferry terminal, like the other two teams they are worried about where the Green team is, no one has seen them - they could be finished by now for all they know. (Yeah, they could be finished by this cab driver and at this point, I think that would be GREAT!)

Cells - A poopy-pants Justin & Diana get to the cellphone store, within walking distance of where they picked up the phone, and get the clue to head to the Hong Kong Island ferry to Macau - they have to take a taxi, which makes them that much madder - needless to say they get a different taxi.  Before grabbing the cab though, they find a local that speaks english and he tells them there are two ferries to Macau and he writes out instructions to the Kowloon terminal which is closer. (What? Oh no... hahaha.) Diana even says, "Is this right Justin?" and he says "It's fine." (Rules don't apply to Justin when he's not in first place apparently... and I'm enjoying watching them meltdown, it's human nature to cheer when the mighty fall, right?)

-Chris & Logan's driver tries to tell them there is a closer ferry terminal too but Chris is very adamant that they have to go exactly where they are told to go.

-On the ferry, Cheerleaders, Reporters and Paparazzi realize that Justin & Diana are not on the boat and the guys say, "They're probably already on the mat." But Krista really doesn't think so.

-At the Kowloon ferry, Justin tries to buy the premier class ticket like the clue says, but they don't sell them there, the woman even tells them that is only on the Hong Kong side and Justin again disregards that, "Whatever." They are excited when they hear this is the first ferry today and think they have caught up with the other teams... (but they are all on the correct ferry.)

Hong Kong ferry arrives first and the Reporters, Cheerleader and Paparazzi jump in cabs heading to the City of Dreams where the Dancing Water show is held.
-Kowloon ferry gets in and Justin & Diana also head for the House of Dancing Water.

City of Dreams - ROADBLOCK: Who wants to rise to the occasion?
-Teams will join the water show by performing a daring 30ft jump into the water below, then they must find a golden fish below the surface and swim to the fisherman's raft to get their next clue.  If they can't find the fish before the music ends, they must wait for the next performance before they can attempt the challenge again. (oof.)
-Kelsey, Krista and Logan are doing this one.  Chris seems really excited to be able to just watch the show.
-The girls are all pretty excited to get their make-up and hair done - did I mention, they have to get all costumed up for this?  Fun!
And the girls are also hoping that they can get Justin & Diana out of there this leg.

Showtime - the girls look great and get into the water for the epic show-opener - it was really cool - the audience team members were really enjoying the spectacle.  Logan, Kelsey & Krista jump off the huge mast of the ship and start searching in the bubbles and dark commotion for the fish.

-Meanwhile, Justin & Diana have arrived at the City of Dreams but they are at the farthest end from the theatre... Oh yeah, their Race luck is all bad today - so they are hoofin' it - and Justin is again being a jerk to Diana.

-At the show, Logan is the first one to find a fish.  Kelsey finds her fish right behind her and they both get to leave.  Krista cannot see anything under water and even though she is right near the fish, she can't see them - the music ends, all the performers groan and she's going to have to do it again.

Justin & Diana finally get the clue to the Roadblock and Diana is going to do this one.

Logan & Chris meanwhile are reading the clue to the PIT STOP: Nam Van Lake, home of their famous Dragon Boat races - last team to check in WILL be eliminated.

Diana passes Logan and asks how it was, Logan says, "You'll find out." (Awkward) but the other teams are all super psyched to realize the Green team is in last place.
-When Justin finds out from Tiffany that there is actually swimming involved after the jump in the water he, of course, thinks he would have done better on this task (because Justin thinks he's King Shit of everything... can you tell I really don't like this guy?)

-Next show starts and Diana didn't make it - and Justin is crying, sure that they are screwed.  Krista is doing this one alone... but she still can't find a fish - even the performers were trying to direct her over to where the fish are...
-Justin is crying to the camera, "I'd give up all our wins just to make it through this one." (Oh wah! Cry me a river.)  Diana is all costumed up and crying because she has to wait the 20 minutes for Krista to finish - she just doesn't want to go home so close to the end, they've come so far...
COME ON KRISTA!  It's right beside you!! and the music ends - NOOOOO!  Justin & Diana have a shot. (Crap!)

-As the next show is about to start Justin is saying that Diana can't breathe when she gets nervous, she has panic attacks... and this task was 100% designed for him.  If they go home this close to the end, he's never going to get over it. (Stop talking to him please, I don't want to listen to this blowhard anymore.)
-The girls both do the jump and what do we hear from Krista? "I can't see anything."  Meanwhile, Diana goes to the side and it almost seems like the guy checking if she was okay told her where the fish was because she dives down and comes up with a fish.
-Krista is skunked again when the music stops - and she cryingly says she can't do it anymore.  

-Krista does go up again for her fourth attempt and she still can't find the fish.  She's in the wrong headspace - Tiffany has to give her a pep talk to get her to keep trying - she tells her how she's always looked up to her, she never quits, yada yada yada, she's rejuvenated and ready to keep on going.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Logan & Chris - They won a trip for two to Peru and they will be in the finale, next week.  (Why is it that the constantly fighting teams seem to usually stay in it to the end... they may not win but bringing the drama seems to keep you in the game.)
2) Of course it was Joey & Kelsey - is there a prize for most 2nd place finishes? Joey, "Really?"  They are happy to have made it to the finale, and none of them will cry if Justin & Diana are eliminated today.
3) Justin & Diana... BUT  WAIT... that's right, they incurred a 30 minute penalty for taking the wrong ferry and another 25 minutes because the ferry they did take was shorter - so they have to wait out a 55 minute penalty.... (at this point I was thinking OH PLEASE KRISTA - find the f'n fish!)

Justin almost collapses on the mat - because he's a drama queen and Phil asks the other teams who are still waiting there, "You didn't see that one coming, did ya?" (Oh Phil, you wonderful unsmiling bastard.)

They'd cut to the Cheerleaders then back to Justin & Diana blubbering through their penalty - it was nerve-wracking for all of us.

Krista's fifth attempt: She finally finds the fish and everyone is cheering, especially the performers (ha! I bet they were sick of having to do this over and over again too.)

-The Cheerleaders get in a taxi which drops them off at the wrong place, WHAT??

Just as Tiffany & Krista come into view running down the pier, Justin & Diana's penalty time elapses and they are checked in as team number three.  (Dammit, in the end their Race luck held and we have to suffer through more Justin.  I guess I should say they have run a good race and deserve to be in the finale, but it is begrudgingly because I don't like that guy.)

4) Tiffany & Krista - ***ELIMINATED*** They are proud that they made it so far, especially because so many people counted them out from the beginning.  Besides, Krista says, "You can always marry rich." (Okay, that was funny - but hopefully not inspiring.)

And, with Tiffany & Krista leaving, that takes Cindi C., Susan N., Bernice R., Laura W. and Sia D. out of the pool.

The finale is this coming Friday, Dec 11th - and in the pool race for the money is:

Logan & Chris: Krista H., Bob L., Ozzy R., Robert & Cindi and Kim B.
Kelsey & Joey: Carol-Anne D., Kim K., Emily H., Drew C. and Lindsay J.
Justin & Diana: Shelly P., Heather G., Rachel R., Shane B., and Kim A.

Good Luck everybody,


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Dec 2/15 Episode Recap

Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart

Last week we saw Ciera leave when Jeremy used one of his hidden immunity idols to save Stephen... but not for long because in the second episode Fishbach was taken out, mostly at Spencer's bidding, even though he played his advantage.

Orkun - Day 30
-Jeremy is feeling uneasy with Stephen gone, he checks in with Spencer who spearheaded getting Stephen voted out, that they are still good. 
-Spencer may not want to go to the end with Jeremy but he feels like he is someone he can still use.  He tells him things are going to stay as they have been.  Which Jeremy doesn't like, these voting blocks keep shifting and he can't control what's going on.

Kimmi is talking to Wentworth in the hammock - she says if they vote out Joe and the women are willing to work together, they could have the numbers with an all-girl alliance of Tasha, Abi, Kelley & Kimmi.  Kelley loves that, she is totally in.
-Kimmi then talks to Tasha and says if they get rid of Joe, they will be able to get out Spencer, Keith and Jeremy... Tasha is listening but I'm not sure she's in. 
-Kimmi tells the camera she didn't leave her family and go out there to be somebody's pawn - she came to win and it's time for her to make her move.  (You go Kimmi!)

Jeff is a jerk - he asks how they're doing being away from family and gets Jeremy all choked up - then he says a big part of Survivor has always been the family visit... which gets them all excited... but sometimes they do something different... which built them up and let them down... but this time we are not doing anything different... wait, what? We are bringing the love to you.  (Holy crap, what an emotional roller coaster, I'm surprised no one punched him.)

-And everyone is crying before they even see any family.
-Jeremy's wife Val comes out - Bahhahhwaaah! And she whispers to him that it's a boy, but she's not really showing and he doesn't want anyone to know still.
-Tasha's cousin Christina - who is like a sister to her.
-Spencer's girlfriend Marcela - Oh, she's so cute and more tears and he finally says I Love You, which is a huge deal for him (so you do it on TV, way to cheapen it bro.)
-Abi's mom, Vera - cute little Brazilian woman, who thinks Abi is her angel... oh boy.
-Keith's wife Dana - he calls her Big D, really?
-Wentworth's Dad Dale - he played before but has new respect for those that stay home knowing what it's like (huh? Whatever, she's done better without him, that's for sure.)
-Part of Joe's dream of Survivor has always been to have his Dad come for the loved one's show and he didn't reach it last season (did they have a loved ones episode last episode?) Anyway, he made it this time - his Dad Pat, gray man-pony (hahaha, last generation's man-bun.)
Kimmi's dad Russ - he's all sweated through his shirt and they haven't done anything - this was also a dream of her Dad's.

Reward challenge - they will have to dig up a rope and the bags of puzzle pieces attached to it, then spin around a post to remove the handle and get another bag, then walk a balance beam while dizzy to retrieve one more bag.  Once they are across with all the bags they will use the pieces inside the bags to solve a word puzzle - Nourishment - and put all the pieces on a vertical stick to spell the word.  First person to get the word correct will win BBQ and get to bring their loved one back to camp.

Off they go - and Kimmi is in the lead to the post - Keith is the first one to get his bag and he tries to walk the balance beam like a drunk... this is going to be the sticking point maybe as they have to start over when they fall off.
-Keith is the first to start on the puzzle but he has no idea what the word is and keeps telling Joe he doesn't know (he's not going to help you.)
-They are all working on the word except Kimmi who just cannot get across the balance beam and it's Kelley Wentworth who figures out the word first and wins Reward!

-Jeff of course tells her she gets to choose three tribe members who also get their family to visit - She chooses Keith, Abi and Kimmi - then Jeff gives her one more (oh, come on) and she chooses Joe because he needs to make out with his dad some more (they did kiss a lot, which is fine but a little creepy.)
-And leaving three people out is really mean when five people get to stay - totally showing Tasha, Jeremy and Spencer they're on the outs, or at least not in with Wentworth I guess.

Orkun - Day 30
-The atmosphere is a family cook out, they are all relaxed and enjoying a beach picnic.  Keith says he would have been happy with a fifth cousin from his daddy's side, but Big D was the ultimate prize (I can't believe she's okay with being called Big D, but that could just be me.)
-Joe sneaks off with his dad to show him the Orkun flag that he painted and Pat tells him he's never had a friend like Joe, he's his hero... yes, he's chosen this moment on national television to finally open up to his son (I am so jaded. It's not the dead grandmother bit, but it just doesn't seem super genuine to me.)

-Back at camp, Jeremy, Spencer and Tasha are brokenly making some gruel (rice) and Spencer realizes that he's got to get his head back in the game and do everything he can to win.
-He apologizes for the Stephen vote but tells him it was nothing against them - then he asks how they feel about them being the final three (what are they going to say) absolutely, the unloved are sticking together.
-Tasha tells the camera that she has the option to go with Spencer and Jeremy to the end or she also has the option of the girls only alliance.
-Spencer asks what their thoughts are on Joe? Spencer didn't take Joe out when they had the chance last because he wanted to take out Stephen, but now they have to get rid of Joe, everyone agrees.

-They will be balancing a wooden statue on a pole.  At regular intervals they will add a section to the pole making it longer and harder to control - if the statue drops, they're out.
And today - it is last man and last woman standing that will win immunity.

-Off they go - and it's pretty windy too.  They have to add a section while still keeping the statue balanced, everyone gets through that transition.  They have to add a section every five minutes.  Everyone is still there after 20 minutes and 10ft of pole, Jeff tells them to be mindful of the statues when they drop... and he no sooner says that than Kimmi loses her statue and is the first out.
-Abi is the next out, she just didn't have the wrist strength to keep it up.
-25 minutes in, they have to add another section and Tasha is out meaning Kelley Wentworth wins the Female Immunity.
-Spencer drops out next, followed by Jeremy and we're down to Keith and Joe again.
-30 minutes in, the last section of pole has to be added - they are at 16 ft of pole, which are bending and wobbling like crazy but they both battle back...
-1hr, 20 minutes and both of them are still holding up their statues, until Joe passes out (oh! I thought someone was going to get a statue in the head, but no) of course once they realize he's fainted and not moving, all hell breaks loose - Jeff declares Keith the winner and then starts calling for medical to see to Joe who's crumpled in the dirt.

-The doctor looked Joe over, and once he started coming around, they brought an umbrella for some shade and the doctor said he used up all his energy stores and when his blood sugar crashed, his body gave out - but he's in no danger, he was already looking a lot better - no danger of being pulled from the game.
-But for Joe, it's curtains - he's going into Tribal council with no immunity - it's just a tough situation for him for sure.

Orkun - Day 32
-Back at camp most of them are telling Joe to take it easy and rest but Abi is jazzed at the drama, to see the magnificent Joe beaten by a 52 year old man, "it was awesome!" (She's a little twisted.)
-Kelley is finally talking to Abi about Kimmi wanting an all-girl alliance and Abi is excited, "She does? That's awesome." And they think Tasha is in (but that was before you snubbed her with her loved one) - but the foregone conclusion is they get rid of Joe tonight, then decide what they want to do from there.
-Kelley says the fact that Joe pushed himself to the point that he passed out is frightening, she can't compete with that so he has to go.

-Joe asks Jeremy if he wants to talk and then gets up like an old man - Joe's proposal is that they take out Abi because everyone wants to go to the end with her, she's easy to beat - so every tribal she's not voted out, makes it more and more dangerous that she'll make it to the end - and he wants players to make it to the end (meaning she's not deserving? Outlasting is one of the basic tenants of Survivor, right?)
-Joe thinks this argument stuck with Jeremy, he's hoping it will carry him through another vote without immunity around his neck.

-Jeremy goes and talks to Spencer and Tasha saying it's easy to just vote out Joe, should they do that or vote Abi or someone like that?  Tasha says just so you know, the girls are talking about an all-girl alliance (what? why tell them that?) she wants to be up front with them and asks them to believe that's not going to happen.  Now Jeremy is second-guessing voting out Joe (way to go Tasha!)
-Jeremy & Spencer are freaking out about the girls taking over, especially because it's so quiet... and Tasha knows she might have screwed up.  That's all the guys are focused on now - can't let the women take over.
-Spencer says keeping Joe or getting rid of him, he's terrified either way.  And he's not sure that this is Tasha's best final three - she may think she can beat the girls easier and maybe they should quash this thing before it gets started. (Okay, I'm kind of loving how just the suggestion of an all-girls alliance is spooking them - yeah, you should be afraid.)
-They realize they are still going to need Tasha though, if they want to keep Joe and keep the numbers to get rid of the girls so Jeremy goes to talk to her.
-Tasha talks sense to Jeremy "so you vote out Abi, that keeps Joe in the game and he wins out." Jeremy,"You think he's going to win out?" Tasha, "You couldn't beat him today. Spencer couldn't beat him today." (Exactly, focus on the actual threat to you winning the game.) Tasha doesn't want Joe to escape another tribal council and now it appears they are at a stalemate.

-Joe said it was humbling to realize, and reach, his breaking point. (And he's got pouty, trying not to cry face going on.)
-Kimmi said it was an epic battle and to see one of them go down it was really frightening for them. (For you?)
-Kelley says once they knew he was going to be okay, you are
thinking about the game and realize these guys will actually pass out to win a challenge.
-Jeremy says Joe not having immunity does cross your mind, to take him out, but it doesn't change the game plan.  These next two votes are crucial.
Tasha - Crucial.
Joe - Crucial.
-Jeremy says voting blocks have gotten them this far but it's getting down to the nitty gritty and time to pick an alliance to get you to the end.  Jeremy says they pretty much know who's on the block tonight.
-Joe says he knows he is and Abi also knows she is... but she always feels like she's on the bottom.  And Joe breaks out his argument that everyone would like to sit beside her at the end but she's taking up a spot that could be someone else's chance to win. (So totally throwing her under the bus as a useless player that has no chance to win, nice.  If I didn't dislike her so much I would wish she did win.)
-Spencer says if the person you want in the final three does nothing to help you get there, that is a problem (more anti-Abi sentiment.)
-Abi thinks there is a mold growing and they need to get rid of the bad apple (that would be Joe, I assume.)
-Joe hopes that the people he talked to today stick to the plan because it only takes four after this vote and if you don't have four people you can trust, you're going to be 8, 7, 6... (Only 7 after this vote so 7, 6, 5... but whatever.)

Time to Vote:
Abi votes for Joe and says, "Please get a haircut, you look like a clown." (Oh, burn.)
Joe votes Abi
Spencer is still terrified that this is a winning or losing vote but they don't show us who he voted for.

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.

Joe - 1
Abi - 1
Tasha - 1 (What, someone voted for Tasha?)
Joe - 2
Joe - 3
Joe - 4 - And Joe is the next person voted out - it had to be done, they would have been dumb to keep the winningest guy around - look at last season with Texas Mike, if Joe made it to the end, he'd win.

And with Joe leaving tonight, that takes Ian G., Ritch G., and Shane B. out of the pool.

Next time: Jeremy and Spencer are worried their game is slipping away and it looks like a lot of sliding, falling and almost drowning at a water challenge.

Over Joe's final thoughts we see how everyone voted and everyone voted for Joe except him and Keith who voted Tasha (I knew no one talked to Keith... and he had immunity so he didn't care.)

Joe's final thoughts: No regrets, he played the best game he knew how and he reached so many goals, getting his dad out there alone was a million dollar experience. (Snore.)

Have a great rest of your week everyone,
