Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Oct 7/15 Episode Recap

We Got a Rat

Last week, after Abi and PG openly fought and Shirin sided with PG, Abi was welcomed over to the old school side leaving hard-chargers Spencer and Shirin on the outs, and ultimately, it sent Shirin home.

Ta Keo - Night 6
They returned from tribal council and Spencer is again vowing to improve his social game and thanking them for giving him another chance.
-Woo is just glad Shirin is gone and Terry sees it as a feather in their caps, that they were able to oust one of the most strategic players ever (she just didn't allow for the chess pieces having minds of their own.) Dietz tells the camera he's proud of himself, working the social game out there and (by befriending Abi) being able to go from the bottom to the top without making anyone mad at him.
-Life is sweet for the old schoolers, they are back on top and still have a no-brainer next vote of Spencer.

The tribes meet with Jeff - Bayon gets to see that Shirin was voted out at last tribal council and Jeff asks Ta Keo how they're feeling - Varner says they feel more united now that Shirin's gone.  Jeff asked Bayon - they couldn't be happier how things are going, Kass, "This is the freakin' love tribe.

Jeff, "Well, it's good to hear that both tribes are happy with the way things are going - it makes it the perfect opportunity to change things up.  Everybody drop your buffs..." amid many groans and "already"s? (except for Spencer who knows he's just been handed a reprieve) Jeff also informs them that they are switching from two tribes to three tribes... Shut the front door!

Six will end up at Bayon camp, six at the Ta Keo camp and six will be at a new beach where they will have to start from scratch - building a new shelter, etc.  Savage is scared, he hasn't had good luck with switches in the past, he's cultivated the love tribe and doesn't want to swap (well too darn bad.)

Jeff hands out little wicker boxes and we end up with:
Bayon: Jeremy, Monica, Stephen, Wiglesworth, Spencer, Kimmi (four original Bayon and two Ta Keo)
Ta Keo: Keith, Kass, Joe, Ciera, Terry, Kelley Wentworth (four original Bayon and two Ta Keo)
Angkor: Woo, Savage, Varner, PG, Abi and Tasha (the only even male/female split - and it's four Ta Keo and two Bayon).
Savage is devastated, if they go by tribal lines he and Tasha are on the outs - and they have some incredibly hard work to do in the next few days.
Meanwhile Spencer has a new lease on life in this game, the Survivor gods (godapus) have smiled on him.

Is it just me or are the huge, daytime flying, fruit bats terrifying?  Not a fan.Image result for fruit bats

Angkor - Day 7 (or day 1 for them?)
-The new tribe get to their beach and are taking stock - they thank godapus they have flint, but they have no food, no building materials...
-Savage and Tasha immediately go to gather bamboo and fronds to start building a shelter and the former Ta Keo four have a little pow wow.  Varner says about Savage, "That guy is going to drive me nuts, I can tell already." (You and me both!) and Woo begs that they don't do anything crazy, just stay stay with their four and get the other two out of there.
-PG tells the camera that the only luxury they have at this new tribe is to be in the majority - that's the only thing they have.

-Tasha & Savage are off trying to get some strategy together, she is hoping that some of them are on the outs and thinks they need to promise if/when they come together in the merge, that they'll stick with the Angkor alliance.  Tasha thinks if anyone can survive this situation, she can.

Ta Keo - Day 7
-This tribe thinks they got the lucky draws - Joe & Terry think they are the strongest guys out there and shouldn't lose anything - they also have Keith, Kass, Kelley and Ciera - in Terry's mind, a number of top draft choices.  Terry knows he and Kelley as the only two remaining members on Ta Keo, that they don't have the numbers, but he's confident they aren't going to lose any challenges so it won't matter. (Well, maybe overly optimistic but still a much better attitude than Savage.)
-To welcome the new tribe members, Terry decrees that they kill one of the chickens and have a chicken and rice feast (there ya go, if I was starving and someone gave me chicken, I'd be on his side.)

-Kass & Ciera are also congratulating themselves on how well they came out in the new pick.  They are happy with Keith and Joe, know Terry & Kelley are strong in challenges... and they have the numbers so if they stick voting with the old Bayon four, they should be just fine.

-Kelley starts working the new tribe members right away because she's pretty sure they're going to stick with their numbers so she's looking for a way in.  She tells Joe that Terry was fine, but they weren't really working together before.  She tells Kass & Ciera that Terry and Spencer were the two looking for the hidden idol the most - implying that she thinks Terry may have a hidden immunity idol (when she's the one with the idol... wow, she's playing it HARD.)  She tells the camera she is kicking Terry under the bus, just get under there! (Ha ha.)

Bayon - Day 7
-There are four remaining Bayon members and they've added Spencer and Wiglesworth - which Monica tells us is great because the Bayonians are in the majority.
-Jeremy, Stephen and Monica are slyly congratulating themselves and confirming they are staying four strong.  Stephen tells the camera he feels so liberated by this switch, he is go glad not to be on the bottom of Camp Macho anymore.

-Spencer is trying to learn from his mistakes of basically being Spock, playing logically with no emotion.  He's trying something different, trying to have feelings (that exactly what he said - ha.)  He's telling Jeremy how he hasn't told his girlfriend 'I love you' because it's very hard for him to open up to anyone (Dude, I'm sure she's thrilled you just told the whole world that story.)  But it seems to be working, Jeremy is giving him advice on dealing with the feels and in turn, Jeremy tells the camera he's digging the kid - he thinks Spencer is a stand up and guy and he's willing to keep him around for a while - he's not sure how long, but he'll use him for now.

Angkor - Day 8
-I can't help but think this is the short end of the stick tribe - they have nothing... and now it's raining to boot.  They are all just huddled together in their makeshift shelter, except Varner who is shouting to the skies how much he hates this place.
-Tasha tells the camera, she's been here before - she was on the losingest tribe her season, she knows what it's like to have no food, no shelter - this is just round two for her.

-Back in the shelter PG and Abi start sniping back and forth and Tasha is taking note that Abi has resentment towards PG and she's going to try and make that work in her favour.

-Once the sun is out again, people break off and Tasha is working Abi as they weave the palm fronds.  Tasha tells her that the old Bayon tribe was very harmonious, and when they come back together, Abi can join them.  This is music to Abi's ears, she doesn't want to side with PG if she can help it.

-Next, we see Tasha & Savage talking to Varner - Jeff tells her he just wants to make the jury this time, and she says he can be there...  The other two tribes have four Bayon members and two Ta Keo - if they are losing, then the Ta Keo people will be gone so when they merge, these Ta Keo will need Tasha & Savage. (That's their argument anyway.)
-Varner tells the camera that they promised him the jury, wasn't that sweet of them? (He's so sarcastic, I love it.)  He just wants to tell them they are on the bottom and he can get rid of them like that (snaps his fingers).  Varner has been watching them running up and down the beach all day, he doesn't know if they're making deals or what, but he's got to make sure they are not taking away Abi-Maria and they are not taking away PG.

Bayon - Day 9
-Stephen is still thinking about a hidden immunity idol, that would be the icing on the cake if they (the original Bayon four) could find it.  Jeremy agrees and says he's going to help him look... montage of Stephen, Jeremy, Monica and Kimmi searching high and low... until Jeremy finds the clue to the idol that will be on the back of the third box during the next challenge. (He's not too happy with this twist, he finally finds an idol but it's not an idol, only a clue to an idol that he has to grab with 18 people around him - great.)

-There are two idols now - for first and second place.

The challenge - each tribe will push a cart through an obstacle course, at each tower they will retrieve a key, they will use the keys to unlock chests and then put the chests on the cart - once they have all three chests, they must dis-assemble the cart, slide it through a barricade, put it back together and make their way to the end where two tribe members will use the pieces inside the chests to assemble a huge dragon puzzle (Has every challenge had a puzzle so far this season? It's been a toughy.)

This was the very first challenge of Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty and Spencer, Kass & Tasha were on the losing Brains tribe for this one - so with all of them on different tribes now, it will be redemption for two of them and history repeating itself for the other.   And they keep showing us Jeremy's hidden idol, stuck to the side of one of the chests.

Off they go - and they are pretty close together - Ta Keo gets ahead with the chests.  Jeremy slickly picks up his hidden idol with no one the wiser on Bayon and Angkor is right on their heels.
-Ta Keo kept it's lead through the dis-assembly/re-assembly and also took time to move obstacles to get their cart to the end quicker.
-It's now a race for second place between Bayon and Angkor.

-Joe & Kass start on the puzzle for Ta Keo.
-PG & Tasha for Angkor are starting when Ta Keo already has their first section completed.
-Spencer & Monica for Bayon are last to start on the puzzle.  Jeremy taps in on the puzzle.
-Woo tapped in for Tasha as they have fallen behind Bayon... but they catch up.

Ta Keo finishes the puzzle for first place.
It's neck and neck for second place... and Bayon takes second.
Angkor will be heading to tribal council. (I'm thinking b'bye Savage...)
But then, Varner starts mouthing 'Kimmi & Monica' to Wiglesworth on the Bayon tribe and Tasha jumps between them with her hands up, announcing,"Hey, we got a rat - we got a rat."  (Who is she talking to? She's in the minority in this new Angkor tribe, he's not on your side anyway, now you've alienated one of the majority members right before they have to vote someone out... could be b'bye Tasha.)

Jeff hands out the immunity idols and then asks Tasha what was going on - Varner says he was looking at Wigles and then Tasha starts yelling "we got a rat." Tasha says they are trying to bond as a tribe and that doesn't send the right message.  Varner then points at Savage says they made a deal then Savage turned around and made a deal with PG. Then Woo says how come no one made a deal with me? (Because you never seem to be around.)
-Varner knows he's made a big ol mess and he has to find a way to get out of it... somehow Tasha has turned this into a reason to get rid of him.

Angkor - Day 8
-They return to camp and Andrew is giddy that Varner made such a huge mistake after the challenge - he just handed me ammunition on a silver platter.
-Savage starts trying to take advantage of it right away when he goes for water with PG and Woo and makes the case that they still need his physical prowess in challenges, Jeff's not pulling his weight around camp, he's sleeping all day, scrambling and calling people out... he asks that they trust him and vote Jeff.
-Woo asks PG if they should talk, PG tells Savage he's made a very good case, "you're a good lawyer."  And when he leaves, Woo seems to have drunk the kool-aid (oh yeah, I forgot he's the worst strategist ever) Woo is saying they could get rid of Jeff and still have the majority with Abi (dude, PG hates Abi, where have you been?)
-PG tells the camera she doesn't know if Tasha & Savage would be loyal to them - you have to take everything that desperate people say with a grain of salt.

-At camp Abi is talking to Tasha, saying what Jeff did was not good, he needs to forget about the old tribe and work with the new one - she's going to vote for Varner, Tasha says she will too and Andrew is out trying to get them a fourth vote.
-Abi thinks Varner is too unpredictable and should go next but Woo did vote for her and PG is sketchy... 
-Abi goes and talks to PG and Woo, and in usual Abi fashion shows no social skills or tact.  She fights with PG again, tells them she knows she's on the bottom with her former Ta Keo people and she's not on the bottom with Tasha & Savage (how do you figure that?) so she's voting Varner with them.
-That decided PG right there - she wants Abi out and she goes and tells Tasha & Savage exactly that - they are safe, it's Abi.

-So Savage goes and tells Abi that PG wants her out so now they are all going to vote PG.
-Abi finds Jeff  Varner in his hiding place in the shelter (he hid to lick his wounds) and offers up PG tonight - he's all in, if it will keep him there, he'll vote however they tell him to.

-Meanwhile Tasha is assuring PG and Woo that they will vote Abi with them - and Tasha & Savage have successfully utilized the crack to keep themselves in the game - nay, to take over the tribe it would seem.
-Tasha feels fantastic having turned the tables, but now she's got to make the decision on the unpredictable Abi or indecisive PG.

-Savage said he couldn't process initially at the switch - the amount of work they would face setting up a new camp for one, and then to realize there were two Bayon and four Ta Keo's it was overwhelming.
-PG agreed that you're in trouble if you're in the minority after a switch.
-FF to Varner's meltdown after the challenge.  He said he was sending a signal to someone he cares about on another tribe and Tasha jumped out calling him a rat - and he didn't feel like he was being a rat - then it hit him that he'd had no food, no sleep and he just had an emotional meltdown. (I guess that was spilling about Savage making deals?? I didn't witness a meltdown per se.)
-Tasha said she felt like Jeff wasn't keeping it within the family - there was cross communication when he should have been focused on his family right there [the new Angkor tribe].  So her thought was take him out now, so they don't have to worry about loyalty later on.
-Jeff asks Varner if he thinks he's going home tonight and he doesn't actually say no- Varner says, "People can recover from all kinds of things. Wouldn't it be crazy if I could escape here tonight without even one vote?"  He continues that there have been so many names thrown around today he couldn't tell ya who was going home.
-When Jeff pushes for what names, Varner says he's heard Abi, PG and himself so you could say that Tasha and Savage have found their way from the bottom to the top.  All the decisions that are happening tonight have come from them.
-Abi says she thinks she could be going home from the amount of conversations happening at camp that she was not a part of.
-PG says she is true to her word, if she gives it to you, you can count on her to keep it.
-Abi pretty much says the same - she is a committal person and has been working to keep Angkor strong.
-Varner still has no idea who is going, but knows Savage & Tasha are in control of the vote tonight.

Time to Vote:
PG - votes Abi - she's wanted her out since day one.
Abi votes PG - you talk way too much, you have to learn to shut your mouth.

Tallying the Votes:
No hidden immunity idol
Abi - 1
PG - 1
Abi - 2
PG - 2
PG - 3... and Woo looks confused...
Final vote is for PG! #Blindside... Abi has a gloating grin on her face and then laughs at Woo, "second time you've written my name."  He just rolls his eyes... she really is the slippery devil.

So with Peih-Gee leaving, that takes Mike L., Kevin C., and Manny W. out of the pool.

Next week - Angkor is in misery, no food, no shelter, dead cove - it's hell.  But everyone suffers when they do a blindfolded challenge.

PG's final thoughts: They got me good.  She was very disappointed in Tasha & Savage but if they want to throw their lot in with Abi, good luck to them. She's a handful. (That was putting it mildly.)

Have a great Thanksgiving everybody,


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