Bunking With the Devil
Last week we saw the first true blindside of the season when Bayon made their first trip to Tribal Council and Monica was voted out based mostly because Kimmi didn't like her.
Ta Keo - Night 13
(Huh, that's weird, usually we open with the tribe returning from Tribal council...)
A boat is coming into the beach in the dead of night and Jeff Probst jumps off and goes to wake Terry Dietz (uh oh) Jeff tells him that his son is in the hospital and his wife and the doctors think he should come home - of course he's going home, no question. (And I had a little cry with Kass, how devastating would that be? I couldn't even imagine.) They didn't tell us what was going on with the son, it almost seemed like it was a known condition though because there was no asking what had happened really.
But that puts into perspective the inanity of my nights activities... oh well, let's get back to our silly little competition show.
Angkor and Bayon show up.. and then there is the surprise of Ta Keo showing up without Terry and more tears as all the players, that are parents especially, get really emotional about the situation (man, why am I crying?)
Anyway, Ta Keo is going to soldier on and bring it home for Terry. The other tribes are also tight and ready to continue winning... but Jeff tells them this is the perfect time to switch it up, "Drop your buffs." (Again?)
-Savage is euphoric, those are the three most beautiful words in the world to him.
They will be shuffling back into two tribes of Ta Keo and Bayon - everyone gets a little box and the new tribes are:
Ta Keo: Kass, Woo, Savage, Ciera, Savage, Abi, Spencer and Wiglesworth.
Woo is happy to still be with Savage. Kass right away calls out Spencer as her former nemesis, and Spencer's not happy with the cluster-[expletive] that all the shuffles have created in terms of alliances and relationships.
Bayon: Jeremy, Kimmi, Keith, Wentworth, Joe, Tasha and Stephen
I can't remember who was on which tribe at the beginning anymore but Jeff points out that Kelley Wentworth is the only original Ta Keo on the new Bayon tribe... (she was screwed once Terry left anyway.) Stephen tells us the switch went perfect for him, for now - with Kelley being the obvious target, but he's still threatened by the Alpha guys on his tribe [Jeremy & Joe] (really? You've got to get over that if you want to get anywhere out there.)
Oh yeah, and it's time for the Reward Challenge:
One person from each tribe will go at a time, sliding on a slip and slide, picking up a ring and then tossing it at the end onto a post with pegs. First person to get their ring on the post wins a point, first tribe to three points wins reward of a Survivor picnic delivered to their camp: fried chicken, mac & cheese and brownies (they are freaking out.)
Off we go:
-Savage vs Jeremy - they are all oiled up (hello!?) - but Jeremy gets his ring on the peg a split second sooner and wins the point for Bayon.
-Kass vs Stephen - they didn't slide very far, then it's a slow foot race to the ring - and Stephen is as awkward as ever and cannot throw, allowing Kass to even up the score.
-Abi vs Kimmi - slip sliding along - Kimmi gets her ring on but it bounces right off, Abi starts to leave figuring she got the point but gets yelled at to go back and she ends up taking the point - Ta Keo is up 2 to 1.
-Woo vs Joe - and I think it was Kelley Wentworth, "Oil up Joe." (Really? They even put in fairy dust sound effects... come on.) They are pretty even but Woo just throws the ring that much too hard and it bounced off, letting Joe win the point. We're tied again.
Sudden Death:
Wiglesworth vs Wentworth - Wiglesworth first shot misses... Wentworth had to wait for her to get out of the way, takes her shot... and misses! Wiglesworth ends up winning the Point and REWARD for Ta Keo!
Savage is happy to still be with Abi and Woo, after what they went through at Angkor they are pretty solid, and if he can regroup with his former Bayon tribemates, Kass and Ciera, he feels like he'll be golden.
Ta Keo - Day 14
-They return to camp and the picnic is waiting! Spencer is trying to interact with Kass like a normal person but he's leery of her.
-Savage is just thankful to be out of the hell hole that was Angkor and, even though he likes Spencer, he knows Kass doesn't and getting back his Bayon peeps is more important.
-Savage talks to Kass and they make the pact of the three Angkor with Kass & Ciera and they'll target Spencer. When they fill in the other three, Savage says they'll tell Spencer it's Ciera and then totally blindside him.
-I would have reacted like Ciera did, "Hold the phone, why me?" Total mis-step on Savage's part, you have to finesse Ciera before throwing her name under the bus like that - she doesn't trust him and I think this five may be in trouble. She says she wants to be a team player and she may be willing to take one for the team once in a while, but this is not one of those times.
Bayon - Day 14
-Keith is trying to cook something over the fire on a stick, Kimmi takes it from him and he tells her not to drop it in, as she is saying she's not going to drop it... she drops it in the fire. (What the? Why did she take the stick in the first place?)
-Joe and Kelley Wentworth are talking in the hammocks. He's telling her she's going to have to do some work - she's the only original Ta Keo so the obvious first choice to go, but Joe made an alliance with her and Kass & Ciera at Ta Keo so he wants to keep all of them there for the merge. He thinks Kelley is stronger than Kimmi and Stephen so that may have to be her pitch to stay.
-She is happy to have Joe try to protect her, one thing he doesn't know is that she does have a hidden immunity idol but if she can hide behind him, she's going to do that as long as she can.
- Tasha, Joe & Stephen are talking about how the first vote should go, do they stay original Bayon and make it easy... Joe says he thinks Kimmi is weaker... and Stephen is not happy that Joe is already trying to break up the original Bayon (umm, you did vote off Monica last week...) But that was different apparently.
-Stephen runs to Jeremy and tells him that Joe wants to vote Kimmi, in his mind Joe has flipped on the Bayon alliance - Stephen sees his chance to try and get rid of Joe. He tells Jeremy he doesn't trust Joe and he'd be happy to lose him immediately.
-Jeremy doesn't want Joe to go first because he needs a shield, he does not want to be the biggest guy out there. (Operation Man-Bun Shield!)
-Stephen is trying to take Jeremy's advice yelled at him at the challenge and have confidence in himself - it may not manifest in challenges but Stephen knows he's good at the other aspects of the game, making strategic moves, knowing who to target and when to take them out.
-Stephen then talks to Tasha and makes his pitch to take out Joe with her, she sees where he is coming from but thinks it may be too early to make that move.
-Stephen then cries to the camera (and he's mortified that he's crying about it) but he has spent so many years obsessing about how much he put into the game last time and he still came up short - he doesn't want that to happen again because they wait too long to get rid of the golden boy again. (What I'm learning from watching this season, is that a lot of these people have spent a lot of years regretting and obsessing about this show... it's a little scary and sad, actually.) Stephen knows taking control of the game while he has the chance and voting out Joe now, would be THE move that set the tenor for the whole season.
-Uh oh, I think this is the gross eating challenge. Yup, they will race to get down local Cambodian delicacies - first to do so wins a point for their tribe, first to four points wins immunity.
Wiglesworth, Kimmi, Savage and Ciera have all had to participate in this challenge previously... It's a perennial favourite (if you could call it that.)
-First round they have to put up two tribe members so we have:
Tasha & Kimmi vs Spencer & Woo - and they have to eat two dead tarantulas... (gross, that's just going to be my comment on all of them, gross.) The boys win that point but not by much - I think Kimmi may be over the militant vegetarian phase of her life.
-Round two - Jeremy & Keith vs Savage & Ciera - they have to eat two giant water beetles (yuck!) but Ciera can't get it down quick enough and Bayon gets the next point.
-Round three - Fishbach & Wentworth vs Kass & Abi - it's a pig snout (actually this one seems less gross-ish) but Kass just can't do it - 2nd point to Bayon.
-Round four - first individual match up - Joe vs Wiglesworth and it's a deep fried frog... complete with everything - she just shoves the whole thing in her mouth and beats him handily - you go!
Tied 2-2
-Round five - Woo vs Kimmi - pig's brain (they did that on purpose, Kimmi refused to eat brains in her last season too) and she doesn't disappoint, she says she hasn't eaten pig in 30 years and to jump into brains is too extreme, her gift is to let Woo eat some brain. (Joe and Stephen looked pissed at her, for sure, and I guess I spoke too soon about the vegetarian thing.) Woo just eats it, easy peasy and Ta Keo is up 3-2
-Round six - Ciera vs Wentworth - great big scorpion. If Ciera can get it down, she will win it, but she can't and instead Kelley ties it up again.
-Final round - winner take all - Tasha vs Kass - and of course it's the balute. Duck embryo... Kass is unable to get any of it down and Tasha wins immunity for Bayon! (I think Bayon means those with the iron stomachs... Jeremy even comes up and takes a little bite of the balute Kass couldn't eat - he's hungry Jeff.)
-Kass will be more than happy to write Spencer's name down with a little frowny face - "Spencer Bledsoe, 0% chance of winning this game." (That's a call back to one of his swipes at her when they last played together.)
Ta Keo - Day 16
-They return to camp and it's a go with the plan to vote for Spencer. Woo confirms it's a lock with Savage and Ciera - they have to tell Spencer it's Ciera but Savage tells her not to sweat it and then tells them not to be seen talking to Ciera (yeah, that's a recipe for her to freak out for sure.)
-Woo is so Woo, in his mind it's decided and everything is rainbows and lollipops.
-Savage talks to Spencer and tells him it's got to be Ciera tonight - Spencer has wanted to play with Savage the whole time so he's excited to be in with him. Savage tells the camera he feels bad
putting up Spencer like that but nothing is getting in the way of his second chance. (Well, then you shouldn't have underestimated the little girl you casually threw out as the goat.)
-Because you bet Ciera is over talking to Kass and Abi about how uncomfortable she is to be the one Savage named as the decoy, "Who does he think he is?" She also tells the camera this is her second chance, may be her last chance, so she doesn't want to screw it up either.
-Ciera thinks they would be stupid to keep Woo over Spencer (what has Woo ever done to you? Nothing, he just isn't Bayon.)
-Kass has never wanted to play with Spencer again, she was happy to be without him this whole time and to get rid of him would be fine by her but if Ciera wants to vote Woo, she's got to step back and see if Spencer may have a better use to her for now.
-So, Kass talks to Spencer and fills him in that Savage has put his name up as going and they were to tell him it's Ciera - this shatters Spencer's little bubble of hero worship, he's left with wondering where he has to run - and he realizes he may have to bunk with the devil tonight and vote off Woo with Kass, Ciera and Abi.
-Kass, meanwhile, now has her pick of voting for Spencer with Wiglesworth, Woo and Savage or bringing out Chaos Kass and voting out Woo with Ciera, Abi and Spencer. (You know they want you to bring the drama.)
This is Kass & Ciera's first time to tribal council this season - they get their fire.
-Savage says he's been working on his personal game this time- developing deep, deep relationships (was two deeps necessary?) identifying the folks that are trustworthy and loyal and I've done pretty well doing that. (If he does say so himself.)
-Spencer says his second chance has been coming into this game and seeing these people as that - people. This is the hardest environment to do that, but also the most important.
-Woo says he learned from the first time when Tony was able to manipulate him into a million dollar mistake that he will need to be a little more cut-throat, and he's at peace with that.
-Kass says it's really hard to keep track of all the relationships with the original Bayon, old relationships from past seasons and new alliances in this last switch - who's really tight with who, and why? It's a lot of fun. She tells Jeff she doesn't know which Kass is here tonight, the new Kass or Chaos Kass.
-Savage isn't unnerved by that - he was with Kass at the original Bayon and he hasn't seen Chaos Kass (so maybe it's about time you got introduced.)
-Ciera says navigating people is one of her strengths - she was with Savage from the beginning but then he grew tight with Woo... (why would you bring that up?) It's all about the battle between your heart and your gut and your mind (and your mouth, obviously.)
-Savage isn't uncomfortable hearing his name in any context at Tribal because he has no doubts about tonight. His judgement is his judgement, if he blows it, it's on him. (Oh, they have to vote out Woo now just to take Savage down a peg.)
-Ciera says they are all second time players and they all have plans - somebody's plan is not working out tonight.
Time to Vote:
Savage votes for Spencer - because he's too good at this game.
Spencer votes Woo - he thinks tonight lies in the hands of Chaos Kass, "God help me."
Tallying the votes:
No one has or plays a hidden idol.
Spencer - 1
Woo - 1
Spencer - 2, 3
Woo - 2, 3
Last vote is for WOO! He seems kinda psyched about the "blindside!" Savage just shrugs, he had no clue... (that's what you get when you think she's just a girl and she'll do as she's told. Boom!)
And with Woo leaving us tonight, that takes Drew C., Susan H., and Lindsay J. out of the pool.
Woo's last thoughts - difficult way to leave the game but an amazing run. This game is the toughest both mentally and physically so win or lose it was an achievement of a lifetime and he's stoked to be a part of this Survivor family. (Aww, I like Woo. He seems too nice to play this game... or maybe just to nice to win it.)
Next week: The Merge is coming and the game is on. Also, Chaos Kass is back - they've unleashed the beast.
There was also a little blurb with Terry Dietz and his son Danny - Danny needed a heart transplant and one became available so the actual second chance survivor is Danny. (Aww, sniffle - what's wrong with me?)
Oh yeah, and with Terry leaving, that also took Kevin R., Shira C., and Shelley A. out of the pool.
Have a great weekend everyone,
Last week we saw the first true blindside of the season when Bayon made their first trip to Tribal Council and Monica was voted out based mostly because Kimmi didn't like her.
Ta Keo - Night 13
(Huh, that's weird, usually we open with the tribe returning from Tribal council...)
A boat is coming into the beach in the dead of night and Jeff Probst jumps off and goes to wake Terry Dietz (uh oh) Jeff tells him that his son is in the hospital and his wife and the doctors think he should come home - of course he's going home, no question. (And I had a little cry with Kass, how devastating would that be? I couldn't even imagine.) They didn't tell us what was going on with the son, it almost seemed like it was a known condition though because there was no asking what had happened really.
But that puts into perspective the inanity of my nights activities... oh well, let's get back to our silly little competition show.
Angkor and Bayon show up.. and then there is the surprise of Ta Keo showing up without Terry and more tears as all the players, that are parents especially, get really emotional about the situation (man, why am I crying?)
Anyway, Ta Keo is going to soldier on and bring it home for Terry. The other tribes are also tight and ready to continue winning... but Jeff tells them this is the perfect time to switch it up, "Drop your buffs." (Again?)
-Savage is euphoric, those are the three most beautiful words in the world to him.
They will be shuffling back into two tribes of Ta Keo and Bayon - everyone gets a little box and the new tribes are:
Ta Keo: Kass, Woo, Savage, Ciera, Savage, Abi, Spencer and Wiglesworth.
Woo is happy to still be with Savage. Kass right away calls out Spencer as her former nemesis, and Spencer's not happy with the cluster-[expletive] that all the shuffles have created in terms of alliances and relationships.
Bayon: Jeremy, Kimmi, Keith, Wentworth, Joe, Tasha and Stephen
I can't remember who was on which tribe at the beginning anymore but Jeff points out that Kelley Wentworth is the only original Ta Keo on the new Bayon tribe... (she was screwed once Terry left anyway.) Stephen tells us the switch went perfect for him, for now - with Kelley being the obvious target, but he's still threatened by the Alpha guys on his tribe [Jeremy & Joe] (really? You've got to get over that if you want to get anywhere out there.)
Oh yeah, and it's time for the Reward Challenge:
One person from each tribe will go at a time, sliding on a slip and slide, picking up a ring and then tossing it at the end onto a post with pegs. First person to get their ring on the post wins a point, first tribe to three points wins reward of a Survivor picnic delivered to their camp: fried chicken, mac & cheese and brownies (they are freaking out.)
Off we go:
-Savage vs Jeremy - they are all oiled up (hello!?) - but Jeremy gets his ring on the peg a split second sooner and wins the point for Bayon.
-Kass vs Stephen - they didn't slide very far, then it's a slow foot race to the ring - and Stephen is as awkward as ever and cannot throw, allowing Kass to even up the score.
-Abi vs Kimmi - slip sliding along - Kimmi gets her ring on but it bounces right off, Abi starts to leave figuring she got the point but gets yelled at to go back and she ends up taking the point - Ta Keo is up 2 to 1.
-Woo vs Joe - and I think it was Kelley Wentworth, "Oil up Joe." (Really? They even put in fairy dust sound effects... come on.) They are pretty even but Woo just throws the ring that much too hard and it bounced off, letting Joe win the point. We're tied again.
Sudden Death:
Wiglesworth vs Wentworth - Wiglesworth first shot misses... Wentworth had to wait for her to get out of the way, takes her shot... and misses! Wiglesworth ends up winning the Point and REWARD for Ta Keo!
Savage is happy to still be with Abi and Woo, after what they went through at Angkor they are pretty solid, and if he can regroup with his former Bayon tribemates, Kass and Ciera, he feels like he'll be golden.
Ta Keo - Day 14
-They return to camp and the picnic is waiting! Spencer is trying to interact with Kass like a normal person but he's leery of her.
-Savage is just thankful to be out of the hell hole that was Angkor and, even though he likes Spencer, he knows Kass doesn't and getting back his Bayon peeps is more important.
-Savage talks to Kass and they make the pact of the three Angkor with Kass & Ciera and they'll target Spencer. When they fill in the other three, Savage says they'll tell Spencer it's Ciera and then totally blindside him.
-I would have reacted like Ciera did, "Hold the phone, why me?" Total mis-step on Savage's part, you have to finesse Ciera before throwing her name under the bus like that - she doesn't trust him and I think this five may be in trouble. She says she wants to be a team player and she may be willing to take one for the team once in a while, but this is not one of those times.
Bayon - Day 14
-Keith is trying to cook something over the fire on a stick, Kimmi takes it from him and he tells her not to drop it in, as she is saying she's not going to drop it... she drops it in the fire. (What the? Why did she take the stick in the first place?)
-Joe and Kelley Wentworth are talking in the hammocks. He's telling her she's going to have to do some work - she's the only original Ta Keo so the obvious first choice to go, but Joe made an alliance with her and Kass & Ciera at Ta Keo so he wants to keep all of them there for the merge. He thinks Kelley is stronger than Kimmi and Stephen so that may have to be her pitch to stay.
-She is happy to have Joe try to protect her, one thing he doesn't know is that she does have a hidden immunity idol but if she can hide behind him, she's going to do that as long as she can.
- Tasha, Joe & Stephen are talking about how the first vote should go, do they stay original Bayon and make it easy... Joe says he thinks Kimmi is weaker... and Stephen is not happy that Joe is already trying to break up the original Bayon (umm, you did vote off Monica last week...) But that was different apparently.
-Stephen runs to Jeremy and tells him that Joe wants to vote Kimmi, in his mind Joe has flipped on the Bayon alliance - Stephen sees his chance to try and get rid of Joe. He tells Jeremy he doesn't trust Joe and he'd be happy to lose him immediately.
-Jeremy doesn't want Joe to go first because he needs a shield, he does not want to be the biggest guy out there. (Operation Man-Bun Shield!)
-Stephen is trying to take Jeremy's advice yelled at him at the challenge and have confidence in himself - it may not manifest in challenges but Stephen knows he's good at the other aspects of the game, making strategic moves, knowing who to target and when to take them out.
-Stephen then talks to Tasha and makes his pitch to take out Joe with her, she sees where he is coming from but thinks it may be too early to make that move.
-Stephen then cries to the camera (and he's mortified that he's crying about it) but he has spent so many years obsessing about how much he put into the game last time and he still came up short - he doesn't want that to happen again because they wait too long to get rid of the golden boy again. (What I'm learning from watching this season, is that a lot of these people have spent a lot of years regretting and obsessing about this show... it's a little scary and sad, actually.) Stephen knows taking control of the game while he has the chance and voting out Joe now, would be THE move that set the tenor for the whole season.
-Uh oh, I think this is the gross eating challenge. Yup, they will race to get down local Cambodian delicacies - first to do so wins a point for their tribe, first to four points wins immunity.
Wiglesworth, Kimmi, Savage and Ciera have all had to participate in this challenge previously... It's a perennial favourite (if you could call it that.)
-First round they have to put up two tribe members so we have:
Tasha & Kimmi vs Spencer & Woo - and they have to eat two dead tarantulas... (gross, that's just going to be my comment on all of them, gross.) The boys win that point but not by much - I think Kimmi may be over the militant vegetarian phase of her life.
-Round two - Jeremy & Keith vs Savage & Ciera - they have to eat two giant water beetles (yuck!) but Ciera can't get it down quick enough and Bayon gets the next point.
-Round three - Fishbach & Wentworth vs Kass & Abi - it's a pig snout (actually this one seems less gross-ish) but Kass just can't do it - 2nd point to Bayon.
-Round four - first individual match up - Joe vs Wiglesworth and it's a deep fried frog... complete with everything - she just shoves the whole thing in her mouth and beats him handily - you go!
Tied 2-2
-Round five - Woo vs Kimmi - pig's brain (they did that on purpose, Kimmi refused to eat brains in her last season too) and she doesn't disappoint, she says she hasn't eaten pig in 30 years and to jump into brains is too extreme, her gift is to let Woo eat some brain. (Joe and Stephen looked pissed at her, for sure, and I guess I spoke too soon about the vegetarian thing.) Woo just eats it, easy peasy and Ta Keo is up 3-2
-Round six - Ciera vs Wentworth - great big scorpion. If Ciera can get it down, she will win it, but she can't and instead Kelley ties it up again.
-Final round - winner take all - Tasha vs Kass - and of course it's the balute. Duck embryo... Kass is unable to get any of it down and Tasha wins immunity for Bayon! (I think Bayon means those with the iron stomachs... Jeremy even comes up and takes a little bite of the balute Kass couldn't eat - he's hungry Jeff.)
-Kass will be more than happy to write Spencer's name down with a little frowny face - "Spencer Bledsoe, 0% chance of winning this game." (That's a call back to one of his swipes at her when they last played together.)
Ta Keo - Day 16
-They return to camp and it's a go with the plan to vote for Spencer. Woo confirms it's a lock with Savage and Ciera - they have to tell Spencer it's Ciera but Savage tells her not to sweat it and then tells them not to be seen talking to Ciera (yeah, that's a recipe for her to freak out for sure.)
-Woo is so Woo, in his mind it's decided and everything is rainbows and lollipops.
-Savage talks to Spencer and tells him it's got to be Ciera tonight - Spencer has wanted to play with Savage the whole time so he's excited to be in with him. Savage tells the camera he feels bad
putting up Spencer like that but nothing is getting in the way of his second chance. (Well, then you shouldn't have underestimated the little girl you casually threw out as the goat.)
-Because you bet Ciera is over talking to Kass and Abi about how uncomfortable she is to be the one Savage named as the decoy, "Who does he think he is?" She also tells the camera this is her second chance, may be her last chance, so she doesn't want to screw it up either.
-Ciera thinks they would be stupid to keep Woo over Spencer (what has Woo ever done to you? Nothing, he just isn't Bayon.)
-Kass has never wanted to play with Spencer again, she was happy to be without him this whole time and to get rid of him would be fine by her but if Ciera wants to vote Woo, she's got to step back and see if Spencer may have a better use to her for now.
-So, Kass talks to Spencer and fills him in that Savage has put his name up as going and they were to tell him it's Ciera - this shatters Spencer's little bubble of hero worship, he's left with wondering where he has to run - and he realizes he may have to bunk with the devil tonight and vote off Woo with Kass, Ciera and Abi.
-Kass, meanwhile, now has her pick of voting for Spencer with Wiglesworth, Woo and Savage or bringing out Chaos Kass and voting out Woo with Ciera, Abi and Spencer. (You know they want you to bring the drama.)
This is Kass & Ciera's first time to tribal council this season - they get their fire.
-Savage says he's been working on his personal game this time- developing deep, deep relationships (was two deeps necessary?) identifying the folks that are trustworthy and loyal and I've done pretty well doing that. (If he does say so himself.)
-Spencer says his second chance has been coming into this game and seeing these people as that - people. This is the hardest environment to do that, but also the most important.
-Woo says he learned from the first time when Tony was able to manipulate him into a million dollar mistake that he will need to be a little more cut-throat, and he's at peace with that.
-Kass says it's really hard to keep track of all the relationships with the original Bayon, old relationships from past seasons and new alliances in this last switch - who's really tight with who, and why? It's a lot of fun. She tells Jeff she doesn't know which Kass is here tonight, the new Kass or Chaos Kass.
-Savage isn't unnerved by that - he was with Kass at the original Bayon and he hasn't seen Chaos Kass (so maybe it's about time you got introduced.)
-Ciera says navigating people is one of her strengths - she was with Savage from the beginning but then he grew tight with Woo... (why would you bring that up?) It's all about the battle between your heart and your gut and your mind (and your mouth, obviously.)
-Savage isn't uncomfortable hearing his name in any context at Tribal because he has no doubts about tonight. His judgement is his judgement, if he blows it, it's on him. (Oh, they have to vote out Woo now just to take Savage down a peg.)
-Ciera says they are all second time players and they all have plans - somebody's plan is not working out tonight.
Time to Vote:
Savage votes for Spencer - because he's too good at this game.
Spencer votes Woo - he thinks tonight lies in the hands of Chaos Kass, "God help me."
Tallying the votes:
No one has or plays a hidden idol.
Spencer - 1
Woo - 1
Spencer - 2, 3
Woo - 2, 3
Last vote is for WOO! He seems kinda psyched about the "blindside!" Savage just shrugs, he had no clue... (that's what you get when you think she's just a girl and she'll do as she's told. Boom!)
And with Woo leaving us tonight, that takes Drew C., Susan H., and Lindsay J. out of the pool.
Woo's last thoughts - difficult way to leave the game but an amazing run. This game is the toughest both mentally and physically so win or lose it was an achievement of a lifetime and he's stoked to be a part of this Survivor family. (Aww, I like Woo. He seems too nice to play this game... or maybe just to nice to win it.)
Next week: The Merge is coming and the game is on. Also, Chaos Kass is back - they've unleashed the beast.
There was also a little blurb with Terry Dietz and his son Danny - Danny needed a heart transplant and one became available so the actual second chance survivor is Danny. (Aww, sniffle - what's wrong with me?)
Oh yeah, and with Terry leaving, that also took Kevin R., Shira C., and Shelley A. out of the pool.
Have a great weekend everyone,