It's a Fickle, Fickle Game
At the last tribal council, Dan played his advantage of the extra vote but it was Carolyn that had the last laugh when she played her hidden immunity idol that none of the guys even considered she might have... and Dan joined the jury. So we're down to the five:
Sierra, despite being a free-agent for most of the game, she's never lost her blue collar work ethic and hasn't offended anyone on the jury, but has she done enough to win their votes?
Will, embodied the no collar life-style by doing things on his own terms, not afraid to break the rules or turn on his alliance - has he lied, yes, but it doesn't matter, he's going to do whatever he has to to stay in it.
Carolyn - this White Collar isn't afraid to take charge, she found an immunity idol, won multiple challenges and has managed to put together blindside (Tyler) after blindside (Dan), resulting in an impressive Survivor resume and a massive target on her back.
Rodney - this tough guy has found the game harder than he thought. He's been shut out of Rewards, winless in Immunities and at times seemed on the edge of sanity but he's also responsible for one of the strongest alliances in the game, will it get him to the end? He thinks he's dominated in the social game, he made relationships which he thinks guarantee him sole survivor. (Really?)
Mike - he went from Top Dog to Under dog in the blink of an eye but in true blue collar fashion, he rolled up his sleeves and went to work - finding a hidden immunity idol and going on an epic winning streak when he needed it most - the question is, can he finish the job?
Merica - Night 35
-Carolyn had so much fun at Tribal - she was so happy she made the right decision in playing her idol. But quickly she's wanting to find out who voted Dan - she asks Will and he admits he voted for her and Rodney wants to nip that in the bud right away - he rounds up Carolyn, Will and Sierra and pulls them away.
-Much to Mike's delight - he loves watching them implode - but he can't believe Carolyn still went off with them, they just all voted for her, and he's still all alone.
-On the beach the first thing Rodney says to Carolyn, "Why didn't you tell us you had the idol? That is a huge breech of our trust, if you told us we all would have voted Dan and that would be that."
-Her response, "You all just voted for me." (Enough said in my opinion) but she wanted to know who else voted for Dan and they clue her in, "Yeah, that was Mike." (Duh.) Carolyn knows after a move like that you certainly learn who your friends are, and Mike had her back, unfortunately he doesn't have the numbers so she's not going to be all upset they voted for her she's got to play with these people to stay in it. She tells them she's so happy right now because there are no more hidden idols, no more advantages, they just have to play together to get Mike out. She tells the camera she knows she's got to watch her own back but her strategy is to use the common enemy of Mike to keep the alliance of four together and keep herself in it.
-They will race under a net crawl, then get to a shuffle board table where they will have to slide tiles through a slot at the other end, once all the tiles are through, they will use a machete to balance a stack of the tiles on and carry them through a series of obstacles to the finish table where they will have to sort the tiles into pairs based on the line patterns on them... three of the tiles will not match up. The tiles that don't match will have numbers on the back of them that hold the code to a combination that will unlock their box. First person to unlock the box and raise their flag, wins Reward of... unconditional love.
Oh, it's the crying episode - they trot out Carolyn's husband Joel, they were high school sweethearts, been together 40 years. Mike's Mom Deborah (oh, she's so cute!) She raised two kids, worked three jobs and graduated suma cum laude(?) she's where he got the work ethic. Rodney's Dad, Rodney Senior... Rodney keeps telling him, "I love you, brothah..." (uh, I don't like that) oh, and Rodney's monologuing about how he's finally found peace out there about his sister's death... (I know it's horrible but, blah, blah, blah - it's not all about you bro.)
Sierra's Dad, Danny - he gives her a very awkward arm crunched up hug... and finally Will's wife Monifa... there was some blubbering but then the humor comes back, he may be a hot mess but he's still cute though. And Will is fired up! Let's do this Jeff! I have a loved one to talk to.
-The winner will get time with their loved one, they will go back to camp with them and the winner also gets an advantage in the next immunity challenge.
-Off they go - and for the first time in this whole show, Will is the one in the lead after the net crawl - followed by Rodney and Mike, then the two girls.
-Mike is the first one to get all his tiles through the table and he takes off with a stack of tiles. Will is the next one to head out with some tiles but he keeps falling off the balance beam or dropping a tile and having to start over.
-Mike is trucking right along as usual. He's gotten all his tiles to the finish board before anyone even started a second stack.
-Mike tries his combination and Sierra is the only one who has all her tiles. He doesn't have the right order, has to try again. Sierra catches up to get her combination but it's Mike who raises his flag and wins the day with his mom at camp AND an advantage at the next immunity challenge.
Merica - Day 36
-Everyone is being very gracious and welcoming to Mike's Mom, she says Mike looks better than she thought he would, but he has lost weight - he always looks good to her though, he's her little boy (Aww.)
-Mike then says he's going to be selfish and steal his mom away for a little bit and he just unburdens himself to someone that loves him unconditionally - tells her about how he's on his own, they have all banded together against him and he's had to battle every day. Mom knows her job, she is there for him, to bolster his spirit and get him through the next few days so he can win. Mike knows this was the greatest day he's had out there, having someone there who one thousand percent wants him to succeed - this was a top 10 moment in his life, being able to share this with his mom (He's a good son - he may not understand percentage, but he didn't call her brothah, once.)
Day 37 - Immunity Challenge Advantage
-Mike and his Mom get to the playing field all alone and read the note that says in the challenge they will be blindfolded and have to find their way through a maze searching for four medallions. His advantage is, he has thirty minutes to explore the maze with the guidance of his loved one - and there is a water jug hourglass, once the water is gone, their exploration time is up.
-Poor Mom, she thought she was helping him find his way but even with her eyes open it was hard to get through the maze - she feels like she let him down because they didn't get anywhere near the immunity necklace in the thirty minutes they had. (It's not your fault, I wanted to give her a hug.)
-Jeff explains to everyone they will be blindfolded in the centre of a maze and they will race to find four medallions in the north, south, east and west of the maze - there are guide post set up to help them navigate (feel for the N-Off they go - and Mike is moving more quickly than the others. I thought Sierra was going to be first medallion, but she walked past the station which was along the other wall than the one she was following - so it is Mike who finds his first medallion. Sierra is the second one to stumble upon a medallion and then Mike finds his second one with Rodney right beside him so Rodney lucks into his first medallion. Will goes right by a station. Carolyn is nowhere near any of the stations (what is she doing?) Mike gets to the third station, I think that advantage did him a lot of good... and Rodney seems to have found his strategy, just follow Mike - so he gets his second medallion... and Rodney helps Sierra and Will find the station he was just at and they try to help Carolyn but she's still on the wrong side of the wall - though she finally finds one. Mike is now searching for his last medallion, which he finds, and he's searching for the immunity necklace... and it's MIKE still on the tear, winning immunity again.
Merica - Day 37
-They return to camp and congratulate Mike on his win... but now the alliance of four has to turn on each other and Carolyn has a plan - she has a bond with Mike and she wants to use that to get herself into the final four. Mike says he's going for wood and the two girls go with him - Carolyn tells him she's thinking Rodney tonight, he's dying anyway. They agree that Rodney does nothing around camp and never has, even Will does more.
-Mike says he's okay with either of the guys going tonight - he feels like he's developed something with Carolyn so he's not writing her name down 1000%... but he has no guarantees that if he doesn't win immunity again that they will take him to the final three - he heard them all working together against him in the challenge today.
-Sierra tells him she knows they had something at the get go that she might have messed up but she guarantees 100% that she will vote Rodney tonight (um... that's not really promising him final three at all.)
Anyway, these three shake on Rodney tonight.
-Next we see Mike and Rodney cuddling in the hammock - feet to head of course - and Mike tells him he's in a spot, the girls are floating Rodney's name, who are the guys thinking tonight?... and Rodney wants to go for a walk - so they relocate and Rodney tells the camera that "These broads (grr) are hilarious. They have been saying they can't stand Mike and now are kissing his @ss. I don't kiss no man's @ss, bro. I'm gonna say, "listen, whatchawannado?"
-Rodney's pitch to Mike: he's done nothing to make himself look good to the jury, Mike would have a better change against Rodney the vulgar @ss, than Sierra the sweetheart.
-Mike agrees that the only person that's been anywhere close to beating him in the last four immunity challenges was Sierra - Rodney guarantees Will will vote with them against Sierra and they will have an all guy final three, "forget these fake broads." (grr.)
-At this point, Mike doesn't trust any of these people - he's just got to follow his gut and figure out what's best for his game - knowing if he makes the wrong decision it could be a million dollar mistake.
Mike gives Dan a huge sh*t-eating grin when he comes in with the jury and Dan is so disgusted to see the immunity idol around his neck again - it was hilarious!
-Mike says he is 100% the swing vote tonight and it's kind of a weird position for him because people all of a sudden want him to vote with them - and he knows that he cannot trust any of the people sitting up there (though he does say he loves them all first) - the only person he can trust is himself.
-Rodney said after the challenge Mike came to him and said it was either him [Rodney] or Sierra tonight (did he really?) - but earnest Rodney says he swore this vote tonight on is sister's life so you know what he puts down is real.
-Sierra says Mike didn't tell her it was her or Rodney but she knows her name has come up and she plead her case today - which was she may not have won immunity but she was pretty close and she helps around camp... Jeff interrupted her and asked if that was more of a case to get rid of her than to keep her and she looks stunned for a minute then recovers with - Right now they are to the point of who deserves to still be there, who is trying hard and who still wants to be there.
-Jeff stirs it more by saying to Mike this was in direct opposition to the past couple tribal councils (I don't know about that, they tried to gas Carolyn last week.) But Mike plays along saying this group has kept weaker players in the game to take to the end - he had no part of that - the only way he is able to stay in the game is to keep winning.
-And Will decides this is a good time to make threats - "It sure is. If he doesn't win immunity tomorrow, he's going to be sorry. 150,000%." (Really Will? What are you doing?) Rodney also shook his head like, way to screw me bro.
-Sierra says she still wants to be there and she's proven it.
-Rodney says the conversations he had today were genuine so let's just get to the vote and it'll prove where I'm at in this game.
Okay then, It's Time to Vote:
Rodney votes Ciara - says he just out witted her.
Sierra votes Rodney
Tallying the votes:
No more hidden anything.
Sierra - 1
Rodney - 1
Sierra - 2, 3 - and it's a shocker for Dan anyway that Sierra was the next person voted out. Carolyn is not happy.
Sierra's final thoughts -do we care?
They will untie knots to open a rope gate then race up a huge flight of stairs to the top of a tower where they will retrieve a key then slide down a giant water side (oh good, at least they put some water on it this time, less slide rash) - they will then make their way through a multi-level obstacle course where they will use the key to release a bag of puzzle pieces which they will deposit on their table and then head back up. Once they have all three bags of puzzle pieces, they must put the pieces together to solve a lighthouse puzzle - first person with their finished lighthouse has a one in three chance of winning a million dollars.
-Off they go - and Mike is the first out followed closely by Carolyn, Will and lastly Rodney - but Rodney makes up a lot of time sprinting up the stairs and they are one after the other coming down the slide.
-We're Mike, Rodney, Will & Carolyn heading back up for the 2nd key and the stairs are taken much more slowly.
-Third time up the steps it's Mike.... Rodney.... Carolyn and Will falling out of it near the end.
-Mike has his third bag and he's getting started on opening his bags.
-Rodney has his third bag - he's actually making an effort to win this one, it seems weird to see Rodney actually work hard.
-Will does the dead man drop on his last slide down.
We're down to the puzzle and it's neck and neck - Mike and Carolyn now getting the pieces together. If Mike can win again he will join an elite group of 5 time individual immunity winners... and he does it - MIKE wins the final immunity challenge!
Merica - Day 38
They return to camp arm in arm... but Mike knows he has a huge decision tonight - if he makes the wrong one, it could cost him a million dollars.
-Mike heads for the river to think and Mama C follows. Rodney tells Will she wants to stay so bad, but she ain't. Will doesn't trust Mike but Rodney does, Mike said it would be Sierra yesterday and it was.
-Will says if you want to make it in the end you don't take someone named Mama, cause everybody loves their Mama.
-Mike tells Carolyn that he's not voting for her tonight, he was hard core Blue all the way to the end but they all turned on him so he doesn't want any Blue with him in the final. He says he wants Carolyn and him to vote Rodney and Rodney and Will to vote Carolyn so it will come down to the fire making challenge - and he wants Carolyn to nonchalantly practice making fire today.
-She's freaking out - she has no choice though, she knows the other two boys are going to vote for her so she has no other options today. It's nerve-wracking but she's got her game face on and she's going to make it happen.
-Mike goes back to camp and talks to Rodney who is saying me and Will are voting Mama C so you can make it easy and have a nice breakfast tomorrow or you can split it... Mike tells him he's still got some thinking to do, Carolyn of course wants him to vote Rodney.
-Rodney tells the camera he's not sure what Mike's thinking but he already told him he wants to take him to the end so Rodney is confident that he is going to be in the final three.
-Mike tells the camera if Rodney loses tonight, it's poetic justice. He thinks he's smooth talked his way all the way into the final - so maybe he is making a million dollar mistake but he'd rather lose to Mama C than be the guy that took two goats to the end and won.
-Carolyn is off practicing making fire with all their flint (hmm, do they get that in the tie breaker?) And she's not getting the hang of it. Mike even gives her a pep talk... we'll see if it works.
Okay, the jury comes in and Sierra looks like she put all the make up on that she could find- she fixed her eyebrows but the fake lashes and stripes of blush - looks like she's out of practice - oof.
-They had a respectful start rehashing the touchy feely moments after the arduous final immunity challenge... but then we get into it.
-Rodney says that Mike told him that Carolyn wants to vote him tonight and she's gotten herself into a pickle and that's why he's feeling some Tupperware right now. (Okay, it sounded like Tupperware, I'm not exactly sure what the heck he said.)
-Carolyn says she's not in any jam, there are only three of them that can go and she's not voting for herself so it's either Will or Rodney, that's the bottom line.
-Mike says why vote Mama C, they call her mama for a reason, she may have votes on the jury but then why vote Rodney, he hasn't pulled his weight around camp - but this is a fickle, fickle game and often it doesn't matter what you do around camp - if you out witted, out played and out lasted and you did that long enough, you will find yourself in the final three.
Time To Vote:
Carolyn voted Rodney
Rodney voted Momma C
Tallying the Votes:
Rodney - 1
Carolyn - 1
Carolyn - 2
Rodney - 2
It's a tie! So it's on to the fire making challenge and the jury looks so happy - though Dan is laughing, probably because he knows neither of these two people ever lifted a finger to make the fire.
-Off they go and it becomes pretty obvious that this is going to take a while. Carolyn breaks her flint and Jeff gave her a back up.
20 minutes in and still no fire, no flame - Rodney gets his second flint from Jeff and Carolyn breaks another one - apparently Jeff has an unlimited supply of flint for them both because they both get another new one.
-The Jury is fighting sleep, this is worse than watching paint dry. I wonder how long they'll let this go on?
-45 minutes in, and neither of them have even made a flame at this point. Jeff tells them if they had been out there alone, they would have been in trouble. Oh, Rodney gets some flame but then blows it out. Carolyn got a slight flame but she was hacking at the flint so hard she missed it and it went out.
-53 minutes in... (Just let them pick rocks for jebus' sake.) Rodney gets flame going and he's started to try and get some kindling on there they have to get something growing to burn the rope... and Carolyn finally gets a fire going too (is there a producer under the table with a match?)
Rodney's fire is all coconut husk and Carolyn's is more established and it's CAROLYN that burns through her rope and earns her place in the final three.
(HA! Rodney has no one to blame but himself... and of course he blames Mike.)
Rodney's final whine: I wish I had just got to the final three, it would have been a breeze and I would have won this game. But for this scumbag red-neck to make me do a fire challenge, it's horsesh*t. (Anyway it devolves into more name calling because Rodney is a child and has to have a tantrum when he doesn't get his way- he gets no more coverage from me.)
Merica - Day 39
No more strategy or back-stabbing, they are done and the final three are hugging it out.
-Will still has his no collar attitude, he made the moves he had to make, let the chips fall where they may.
-Carolyn, this has been a dream of hers for 15 years and she got to play the game from beginning to end. This was a season of gamers and with gamers when one plan crumbles you have to have plan B and plan C which she learned in corporate America. She's nervous about who may vote for her - she's got to convince them that she made moves, she won challenges, she played a good game.
-Mike felt completely alone for a lot of this game but he learned that no matter what wall he comes up against, he can dig under it, go over it or if he needs to, bust through it. Blue collars finish the job, that's what they do and he knows a lot of people may not like him because he won so much so he's got to be prepared for a battle, because he wants the title of sole survivor and a million dollars.
And there are no opening remarks, except from Jeff, "If you want it, you better step up and take it."
Joe: He tells them they have to earn his vote tonight by manning up and dropping whatever front they have - he wants them to answer the questions posed to them honestly for once. Tells Will to man up - Tell Carolyn that she's kinda cold and hasn't made relationships so she has to show them how she out-played and out-wit. Mike, got five necklaces, hats off to you, but what else did you do? If they don't do any of these things they will lose his vote tonight.
Hayley: Mama C - you have been thrown into the stereotypical mother role here, how has that been a disadvantage to you?
- I think people see me as a Mom and not a player. Some of you are 25 years younger than me so the mother role does come out. She wanted to take care of them as a mother would but she still played hard in every single challenge and fought her way to be sitting there.
Rodney: He's got his BB (Best Bud) Will - wants to know how he was real and true to himself and how he kept it real with all the people on the jury to solidify his position as sole survivor.
- When he came into the game he knew he was going to be an underdog because he didn't have the knowledge of the game. So that's how he played it, trying to make friends, trying to have people like him (except Shirin obviously)- he's very giving, when he left the auction he shared his snacks, he could have hid 'em - he thinks he has a relationship with everyone on the jury - except Shirin (and she nods) - and maybe people don't respect that play but that's all he had. You can't be there in the final three just by luck.
Mama C - What power moves did you make?
- First was Tyler, she loves Tyler but if he was with her in the final three she wouldn't have a shot. Dan was the next one, only Mike voted with her, all her alliance did not - When plan A doesn't work you need contingency plan 1 and 2 - Mike was her back up plan and she used him to get herself to the end.
He had nothing for Mike.
Tyler - Starts with Mike - he put almost everyone there on the jury - what did he bring to the table in a redeeming social manner because what Tyler saw was a guy who was paranoid and looking to destroy everything that he was touching.
- Mike struggled with this one - he said he tried to make bonds with people and let them see he is a real person, at home he thinks he is a social person but looking at their faces he obviously failed at that - all he can say is he sucks, maybe he's not as genuine as he always thought himself to be.
Carolyn they started off on White Collar and he protected her - now he is gutted - what can she say to redeem herself in his eyes.
- You were my most difficult vote. It pained her to write his name down, does she regret that it hurt him, yes. All she can do is say she's sorry, Survivor makes you do things to get to this point that you may not be proud of, but if you don't do them, you are sitting on the jury (She outwitted you dude, go sit down.)
Sierra - White Collar, Blue Collar and a No Collar. She asks Will what traits from the other two players he wished he possessed.
- From a blue collar sense he liked Mikes work ethic but he didn't like his approach, demanding they get wood right now - you have to lead by example. As for Mama C, he liked how she took time to analyze things before she put them in motion.
Jenn - She has no qualms with any of the final three so she addresses the jury: Half of you are the most bitter people I have ever met in my life and angry at people who played better than you. You are all so mad at Mike for playing - everyone freaks out that he tried this strategy, didn't work - tried another strategy - didn't work - what else was he supposed to do? You were so on your whole group thing bullcr@p - you kicked him out of his house, set up a barbed wire fence and then said "try to come in, I dare you." (Rodney and Dan look really confused by her speech - I'm thinking Preach, Sister!) Mike is the only person that out-witted, out-played and out-lasted all of you - the others may have done one of those things but those aren't the rules of Survivor. You say you are super fans, and if you are, then you are going to vote for the person who deserves it. Get over it. Prove that you're a fan! (Dan is still shaking his head and rolling his eyes at her - yes, Bitter Betty, she was talking to you.)
Dan: He's not happy to have to follow that (I smell the Sue Hawk award coming on.)
Mike, Colby Donaldson proved that just because you win immunity doesn't mean you win this game. You have to get to the end with the right people and you have to put the right people on the jury. You didn't care about the jury, all you cared about was making it to the end - you better care about us tonight because there is no necklace to save your @ss tonight. (If he had a mike he would have dropped it, it was he just went back to his seat. I think Dan needs a diaper change.)
- Mike asks if he can address Dan-o - and gets the nod from Jeff - he says his biggest regret was losing Dan's trust at the auction, going back on his word put a wedge between them that he wasn't able to repair and he's truly sorry for that - it goes beyond gameplay, he hopes they can be friends but if not, he still wanted to apologize to him publicly for going back on his word.
Dan asks to go back up - and gets the okay from Jeff (I found the permission asking kind of funny) - Dan says, "That is, the most genuine thing you have said to me since the auction." Anyway he accepts Mike's apology because that was all baby wanted to hear - diaper all changed and Dan gives them all a heartfelt congratulations.
Shirin: She was really hoping that Mike and Will would both be in the final because she wanted to thank them both. Will for showing her she still had an open wound from her childhood that she needed mending, and she was able to stand up for herself against him and all the other people that didn't come to her aid - but she also miraculously had a protector in Mike who came into camp and took her away from the abuse for which she was grateful - But, that still doesn't mean that Mike has her vote. It's about the game they played so Carolyn is still in it.
She likens the three finalists to animals they observed out there:
Mike is a howler monkey - he's loud, he comes at you and if you threaten a howler monkey he will throw feces in your face and rip you limb from limb, because he voted every single one of you out, except for me.
Carolyn she says is a stingray - hidden, doesn't want to make waves, but if she senses anything near her threatening, she will sting you and she will sting you dead, and you are out of this game. Carolyn was on the winning side of every single vote, she is the only person with that distinction.
Will, is the dead fish that we dragged in with our nets - we were stoked having fish but if you bit into the dead fish he would poison you from within - he didn't have to make any alliances, he was the dead fish, eyes are glazed over, do what you want with me - that was his poison.
Please look at the game play - Aggressive, Stealthy... Dead Fish and with that she will quote Sue Hawk, "When we all go to vote, let it be the way that Mother Nature intended."
(How could I not have realized that Shirin was going to get the Sue Hawk award? Though she was much more articulate, she did the animal analogy, quite the tribute to our favourite lady trucker.)
Time to Vote for the Winner
Jenn voted for Mike - he deserves it 150,000% (he's got them all doing it.)
Rodney voted for Will - they kept it real in this game...
Sierra voted for Carolyn - she believed she played the best game in it's entirety.
Dan had to bring the Drama and bang his head against the table so everyone could hear it... (give it up already.)
Jeff goes to get the votes and we arrive live in the CBS studios for the final reading of the votes:
Mike - 1
Will - 1
Carolyn - 1
Mike - 2
Mike - 3
Mike - 4 - and MIKE is the Winner and Sole Survivor - He runs over and kisses Jeff and then nearly tackled his mother in the audience - holy crap dude!
And with Mike, our pool winners are: Sunnie C., Judy C., and Susan N. Congratulations!
They are also going to announce the winners of the Second Chance vote to be on the next season - Mike was one of the top 10 but now that he's won, he won't be back.
The one surprising thing that happened was that they apparently had some controversy with Dan after the shows aired where he was bad mouthing the show in the press and saying that a lot of his comments were taken out of context so they actually showed the raw footage of one of the disputed comments - basically throwing Dan under the bus - it was not classy on either of their parts but in the end I guess Jeff made his point that Dan may think he's being funny but just isn't aware of how he comes across to people. Dan pretty much says he doesn't care about being PC, he's going to be him and if you can't take a joke, too bad. (I see both sides, don't really care to see any more of Dan.)
There is still bad blood between Will and Shirin and he did finally give her an apology but it was coached in the way that she had to get to a point where she needs to forgive... yeah, not much of an apology but she also wasn't willing to let it go, she wanted to make an example of him and get on her soap box about domestic abuse... This is Survivor, I think we need to acknowledge it is a problem and just move on. Will's wife looked like she wanted to do some abusing of Shirin as well - so yeah, Jeff, lets move along.
Finally, Jeff is heartbroken that Rodney had to endure the worst birthday of his life... so he brought him out a cake and party hat and they sang... don't feed the beast Jeff, just don't do it.
Finally we get to the casting of the next Survivor - Second Chance
Season 1 - Kelly Wigglesworth
Season 2 - Kimmy and Jeff
Wes' dad Keith is getting a second shot.
Ciara and Vigas
Terry Deets? Andrew Savage (I don't remember half these people.)
Abi-Marie and Kass both villain women get second chances.
Monica? and Kelley Wentworth get second chances.
Shirin is getting a second chance (please keep your pants on)
Steven (lost to JT) and Woo are getting second chances.
Tasha (from crazy J'Tia season)gets a second chance.
Jeremy (had to battle his wife on the first day)gets a second chance.
Spencer and Joe (man-bun) are the last two filling out the Second Chance season of Survivor in Cambodia.
So 20 returning Survivors and there are a bunch I don't really remember... See you in September.
At the last tribal council, Dan played his advantage of the extra vote but it was Carolyn that had the last laugh when she played her hidden immunity idol that none of the guys even considered she might have... and Dan joined the jury. So we're down to the five:
Sierra, despite being a free-agent for most of the game, she's never lost her blue collar work ethic and hasn't offended anyone on the jury, but has she done enough to win their votes?
Will, embodied the no collar life-style by doing things on his own terms, not afraid to break the rules or turn on his alliance - has he lied, yes, but it doesn't matter, he's going to do whatever he has to to stay in it.
Carolyn - this White Collar isn't afraid to take charge, she found an immunity idol, won multiple challenges and has managed to put together blindside (Tyler) after blindside (Dan), resulting in an impressive Survivor resume and a massive target on her back.
Rodney - this tough guy has found the game harder than he thought. He's been shut out of Rewards, winless in Immunities and at times seemed on the edge of sanity but he's also responsible for one of the strongest alliances in the game, will it get him to the end? He thinks he's dominated in the social game, he made relationships which he thinks guarantee him sole survivor. (Really?)
Mike - he went from Top Dog to Under dog in the blink of an eye but in true blue collar fashion, he rolled up his sleeves and went to work - finding a hidden immunity idol and going on an epic winning streak when he needed it most - the question is, can he finish the job?
Merica - Night 35
-Carolyn had so much fun at Tribal - she was so happy she made the right decision in playing her idol. But quickly she's wanting to find out who voted Dan - she asks Will and he admits he voted for her and Rodney wants to nip that in the bud right away - he rounds up Carolyn, Will and Sierra and pulls them away.
-Much to Mike's delight - he loves watching them implode - but he can't believe Carolyn still went off with them, they just all voted for her, and he's still all alone.
-On the beach the first thing Rodney says to Carolyn, "Why didn't you tell us you had the idol? That is a huge breech of our trust, if you told us we all would have voted Dan and that would be that."
-Her response, "You all just voted for me." (Enough said in my opinion) but she wanted to know who else voted for Dan and they clue her in, "Yeah, that was Mike." (Duh.) Carolyn knows after a move like that you certainly learn who your friends are, and Mike had her back, unfortunately he doesn't have the numbers so she's not going to be all upset they voted for her she's got to play with these people to stay in it. She tells them she's so happy right now because there are no more hidden idols, no more advantages, they just have to play together to get Mike out. She tells the camera she knows she's got to watch her own back but her strategy is to use the common enemy of Mike to keep the alliance of four together and keep herself in it.
-They will race under a net crawl, then get to a shuffle board table where they will have to slide tiles through a slot at the other end, once all the tiles are through, they will use a machete to balance a stack of the tiles on and carry them through a series of obstacles to the finish table where they will have to sort the tiles into pairs based on the line patterns on them... three of the tiles will not match up. The tiles that don't match will have numbers on the back of them that hold the code to a combination that will unlock their box. First person to unlock the box and raise their flag, wins Reward of... unconditional love.
Oh, it's the crying episode - they trot out Carolyn's husband Joel, they were high school sweethearts, been together 40 years. Mike's Mom Deborah (oh, she's so cute!) She raised two kids, worked three jobs and graduated suma cum laude(?) she's where he got the work ethic. Rodney's Dad, Rodney Senior... Rodney keeps telling him, "I love you, brothah..." (uh, I don't like that) oh, and Rodney's monologuing about how he's finally found peace out there about his sister's death... (I know it's horrible but, blah, blah, blah - it's not all about you bro.)
Sierra's Dad, Danny - he gives her a very awkward arm crunched up hug... and finally Will's wife Monifa... there was some blubbering but then the humor comes back, he may be a hot mess but he's still cute though. And Will is fired up! Let's do this Jeff! I have a loved one to talk to.
-The winner will get time with their loved one, they will go back to camp with them and the winner also gets an advantage in the next immunity challenge.
-Off they go - and for the first time in this whole show, Will is the one in the lead after the net crawl - followed by Rodney and Mike, then the two girls.
-Mike is the first one to get all his tiles through the table and he takes off with a stack of tiles. Will is the next one to head out with some tiles but he keeps falling off the balance beam or dropping a tile and having to start over.
-Mike is trucking right along as usual. He's gotten all his tiles to the finish board before anyone even started a second stack.
-Mike tries his combination and Sierra is the only one who has all her tiles. He doesn't have the right order, has to try again. Sierra catches up to get her combination but it's Mike who raises his flag and wins the day with his mom at camp AND an advantage at the next immunity challenge.
Merica - Day 36
-Everyone is being very gracious and welcoming to Mike's Mom, she says Mike looks better than she thought he would, but he has lost weight - he always looks good to her though, he's her little boy (Aww.)
-Mike then says he's going to be selfish and steal his mom away for a little bit and he just unburdens himself to someone that loves him unconditionally - tells her about how he's on his own, they have all banded together against him and he's had to battle every day. Mom knows her job, she is there for him, to bolster his spirit and get him through the next few days so he can win. Mike knows this was the greatest day he's had out there, having someone there who one thousand percent wants him to succeed - this was a top 10 moment in his life, being able to share this with his mom (He's a good son - he may not understand percentage, but he didn't call her brothah, once.)
Day 37 - Immunity Challenge Advantage
-Mike and his Mom get to the playing field all alone and read the note that says in the challenge they will be blindfolded and have to find their way through a maze searching for four medallions. His advantage is, he has thirty minutes to explore the maze with the guidance of his loved one - and there is a water jug hourglass, once the water is gone, their exploration time is up.
-Poor Mom, she thought she was helping him find his way but even with her eyes open it was hard to get through the maze - she feels like she let him down because they didn't get anywhere near the immunity necklace in the thirty minutes they had. (It's not your fault, I wanted to give her a hug.)
-Jeff explains to everyone they will be blindfolded in the centre of a maze and they will race to find four medallions in the north, south, east and west of the maze - there are guide post set up to help them navigate (feel for the N
Merica - Day 37
-They return to camp and congratulate Mike on his win... but now the alliance of four has to turn on each other and Carolyn has a plan - she has a bond with Mike and she wants to use that to get herself into the final four. Mike says he's going for wood and the two girls go with him - Carolyn tells him she's thinking Rodney tonight, he's dying anyway. They agree that Rodney does nothing around camp and never has, even Will does more.
-Mike says he's okay with either of the guys going tonight - he feels like he's developed something with Carolyn so he's not writing her name down 1000%... but he has no guarantees that if he doesn't win immunity again that they will take him to the final three - he heard them all working together against him in the challenge today.
-Sierra tells him she knows they had something at the get go that she might have messed up but she guarantees 100% that she will vote Rodney tonight (um... that's not really promising him final three at all.)
Anyway, these three shake on Rodney tonight.
-Next we see Mike and Rodney cuddling in the hammock - feet to head of course - and Mike tells him he's in a spot, the girls are floating Rodney's name, who are the guys thinking tonight?... and Rodney wants to go for a walk - so they relocate and Rodney tells the camera that "These broads (grr) are hilarious. They have been saying they can't stand Mike and now are kissing his @ss. I don't kiss no man's @ss, bro. I'm gonna say, "listen, whatchawannado?"
-Rodney's pitch to Mike: he's done nothing to make himself look good to the jury, Mike would have a better change against Rodney the vulgar @ss, than Sierra the sweetheart.
-Mike agrees that the only person that's been anywhere close to beating him in the last four immunity challenges was Sierra - Rodney guarantees Will will vote with them against Sierra and they will have an all guy final three, "forget these fake broads." (grr.)
-At this point, Mike doesn't trust any of these people - he's just got to follow his gut and figure out what's best for his game - knowing if he makes the wrong decision it could be a million dollar mistake.
Mike gives Dan a huge sh*t-eating grin when he comes in with the jury and Dan is so disgusted to see the immunity idol around his neck again - it was hilarious!
-Mike says he is 100% the swing vote tonight and it's kind of a weird position for him because people all of a sudden want him to vote with them - and he knows that he cannot trust any of the people sitting up there (though he does say he loves them all first) - the only person he can trust is himself.
-Rodney said after the challenge Mike came to him and said it was either him [Rodney] or Sierra tonight (did he really?) - but earnest Rodney says he swore this vote tonight on is sister's life so you know what he puts down is real.
-Sierra says Mike didn't tell her it was her or Rodney but she knows her name has come up and she plead her case today - which was she may not have won immunity but she was pretty close and she helps around camp... Jeff interrupted her and asked if that was more of a case to get rid of her than to keep her and she looks stunned for a minute then recovers with - Right now they are to the point of who deserves to still be there, who is trying hard and who still wants to be there.
-Jeff stirs it more by saying to Mike this was in direct opposition to the past couple tribal councils (I don't know about that, they tried to gas Carolyn last week.) But Mike plays along saying this group has kept weaker players in the game to take to the end - he had no part of that - the only way he is able to stay in the game is to keep winning.
-And Will decides this is a good time to make threats - "It sure is. If he doesn't win immunity tomorrow, he's going to be sorry. 150,000%." (Really Will? What are you doing?) Rodney also shook his head like, way to screw me bro.
-Sierra says she still wants to be there and she's proven it.
-Rodney says the conversations he had today were genuine so let's just get to the vote and it'll prove where I'm at in this game.
Okay then, It's Time to Vote:
Rodney votes Ciara - says he just out witted her.
Sierra votes Rodney
Tallying the votes:
No more hidden anything.
Sierra - 1
Rodney - 1
Sierra - 2, 3 - and it's a shocker for Dan anyway that Sierra was the next person voted out. Carolyn is not happy.
Sierra's final thoughts -do we care?
They will untie knots to open a rope gate then race up a huge flight of stairs to the top of a tower where they will retrieve a key then slide down a giant water side (oh good, at least they put some water on it this time, less slide rash) - they will then make their way through a multi-level obstacle course where they will use the key to release a bag of puzzle pieces which they will deposit on their table and then head back up. Once they have all three bags of puzzle pieces, they must put the pieces together to solve a lighthouse puzzle - first person with their finished lighthouse has a one in three chance of winning a million dollars.
-Off they go - and Mike is the first out followed closely by Carolyn, Will and lastly Rodney - but Rodney makes up a lot of time sprinting up the stairs and they are one after the other coming down the slide.
-We're Mike, Rodney, Will & Carolyn heading back up for the 2nd key and the stairs are taken much more slowly.
-Third time up the steps it's Mike.... Rodney.... Carolyn and Will falling out of it near the end.
-Mike has his third bag and he's getting started on opening his bags.
-Rodney has his third bag - he's actually making an effort to win this one, it seems weird to see Rodney actually work hard.
-Will does the dead man drop on his last slide down.
We're down to the puzzle and it's neck and neck - Mike and Carolyn now getting the pieces together. If Mike can win again he will join an elite group of 5 time individual immunity winners... and he does it - MIKE wins the final immunity challenge!
Merica - Day 38
They return to camp arm in arm... but Mike knows he has a huge decision tonight - if he makes the wrong one, it could cost him a million dollars.
-Mike heads for the river to think and Mama C follows. Rodney tells Will she wants to stay so bad, but she ain't. Will doesn't trust Mike but Rodney does, Mike said it would be Sierra yesterday and it was.
-Will says if you want to make it in the end you don't take someone named Mama, cause everybody loves their Mama.
-Mike tells Carolyn that he's not voting for her tonight, he was hard core Blue all the way to the end but they all turned on him so he doesn't want any Blue with him in the final. He says he wants Carolyn and him to vote Rodney and Rodney and Will to vote Carolyn so it will come down to the fire making challenge - and he wants Carolyn to nonchalantly practice making fire today.
-She's freaking out - she has no choice though, she knows the other two boys are going to vote for her so she has no other options today. It's nerve-wracking but she's got her game face on and she's going to make it happen.
-Mike goes back to camp and talks to Rodney who is saying me and Will are voting Mama C so you can make it easy and have a nice breakfast tomorrow or you can split it... Mike tells him he's still got some thinking to do, Carolyn of course wants him to vote Rodney.
-Rodney tells the camera he's not sure what Mike's thinking but he already told him he wants to take him to the end so Rodney is confident that he is going to be in the final three.
-Mike tells the camera if Rodney loses tonight, it's poetic justice. He thinks he's smooth talked his way all the way into the final - so maybe he is making a million dollar mistake but he'd rather lose to Mama C than be the guy that took two goats to the end and won.
-Carolyn is off practicing making fire with all their flint (hmm, do they get that in the tie breaker?) And she's not getting the hang of it. Mike even gives her a pep talk... we'll see if it works.
Okay, the jury comes in and Sierra looks like she put all the make up on that she could find- she fixed her eyebrows but the fake lashes and stripes of blush - looks like she's out of practice - oof.
-They had a respectful start rehashing the touchy feely moments after the arduous final immunity challenge... but then we get into it.
-Rodney says that Mike told him that Carolyn wants to vote him tonight and she's gotten herself into a pickle and that's why he's feeling some Tupperware right now. (Okay, it sounded like Tupperware, I'm not exactly sure what the heck he said.)
-Carolyn says she's not in any jam, there are only three of them that can go and she's not voting for herself so it's either Will or Rodney, that's the bottom line.
-Mike says why vote Mama C, they call her mama for a reason, she may have votes on the jury but then why vote Rodney, he hasn't pulled his weight around camp - but this is a fickle, fickle game and often it doesn't matter what you do around camp - if you out witted, out played and out lasted and you did that long enough, you will find yourself in the final three.
Time To Vote:
Carolyn voted Rodney
Rodney voted Momma C
Tallying the Votes:
Rodney - 1
Carolyn - 1
Carolyn - 2
Rodney - 2
It's a tie! So it's on to the fire making challenge and the jury looks so happy - though Dan is laughing, probably because he knows neither of these two people ever lifted a finger to make the fire.
-Off they go and it becomes pretty obvious that this is going to take a while. Carolyn breaks her flint and Jeff gave her a back up.
20 minutes in and still no fire, no flame - Rodney gets his second flint from Jeff and Carolyn breaks another one - apparently Jeff has an unlimited supply of flint for them both because they both get another new one.
-The Jury is fighting sleep, this is worse than watching paint dry. I wonder how long they'll let this go on?
-45 minutes in, and neither of them have even made a flame at this point. Jeff tells them if they had been out there alone, they would have been in trouble. Oh, Rodney gets some flame but then blows it out. Carolyn got a slight flame but she was hacking at the flint so hard she missed it and it went out.
-53 minutes in... (Just let them pick rocks for jebus' sake.) Rodney gets flame going and he's started to try and get some kindling on there they have to get something growing to burn the rope... and Carolyn finally gets a fire going too (is there a producer under the table with a match?)
Rodney's fire is all coconut husk and Carolyn's is more established and it's CAROLYN that burns through her rope and earns her place in the final three.
(HA! Rodney has no one to blame but himself... and of course he blames Mike.)
Rodney's final whine: I wish I had just got to the final three, it would have been a breeze and I would have won this game. But for this scumbag red-neck to make me do a fire challenge, it's horsesh*t. (Anyway it devolves into more name calling because Rodney is a child and has to have a tantrum when he doesn't get his way- he gets no more coverage from me.)
Merica - Day 39
No more strategy or back-stabbing, they are done and the final three are hugging it out.
-Will still has his no collar attitude, he made the moves he had to make, let the chips fall where they may.
-Carolyn, this has been a dream of hers for 15 years and she got to play the game from beginning to end. This was a season of gamers and with gamers when one plan crumbles you have to have plan B and plan C which she learned in corporate America. She's nervous about who may vote for her - she's got to convince them that she made moves, she won challenges, she played a good game.
-Mike felt completely alone for a lot of this game but he learned that no matter what wall he comes up against, he can dig under it, go over it or if he needs to, bust through it. Blue collars finish the job, that's what they do and he knows a lot of people may not like him because he won so much so he's got to be prepared for a battle, because he wants the title of sole survivor and a million dollars.
And there are no opening remarks, except from Jeff, "If you want it, you better step up and take it."
Joe: He tells them they have to earn his vote tonight by manning up and dropping whatever front they have - he wants them to answer the questions posed to them honestly for once. Tells Will to man up - Tell Carolyn that she's kinda cold and hasn't made relationships so she has to show them how she out-played and out-wit. Mike, got five necklaces, hats off to you, but what else did you do? If they don't do any of these things they will lose his vote tonight.
Hayley: Mama C - you have been thrown into the stereotypical mother role here, how has that been a disadvantage to you?
- I think people see me as a Mom and not a player. Some of you are 25 years younger than me so the mother role does come out. She wanted to take care of them as a mother would but she still played hard in every single challenge and fought her way to be sitting there.
Rodney: He's got his BB (Best Bud) Will - wants to know how he was real and true to himself and how he kept it real with all the people on the jury to solidify his position as sole survivor.
- When he came into the game he knew he was going to be an underdog because he didn't have the knowledge of the game. So that's how he played it, trying to make friends, trying to have people like him (except Shirin obviously)- he's very giving, when he left the auction he shared his snacks, he could have hid 'em - he thinks he has a relationship with everyone on the jury - except Shirin (and she nods) - and maybe people don't respect that play but that's all he had. You can't be there in the final three just by luck.
Mama C - What power moves did you make?
- First was Tyler, she loves Tyler but if he was with her in the final three she wouldn't have a shot. Dan was the next one, only Mike voted with her, all her alliance did not - When plan A doesn't work you need contingency plan 1 and 2 - Mike was her back up plan and she used him to get herself to the end.
He had nothing for Mike.
Tyler - Starts with Mike - he put almost everyone there on the jury - what did he bring to the table in a redeeming social manner because what Tyler saw was a guy who was paranoid and looking to destroy everything that he was touching.
- Mike struggled with this one - he said he tried to make bonds with people and let them see he is a real person, at home he thinks he is a social person but looking at their faces he obviously failed at that - all he can say is he sucks, maybe he's not as genuine as he always thought himself to be.
Carolyn they started off on White Collar and he protected her - now he is gutted - what can she say to redeem herself in his eyes.
- You were my most difficult vote. It pained her to write his name down, does she regret that it hurt him, yes. All she can do is say she's sorry, Survivor makes you do things to get to this point that you may not be proud of, but if you don't do them, you are sitting on the jury (She outwitted you dude, go sit down.)
Sierra - White Collar, Blue Collar and a No Collar. She asks Will what traits from the other two players he wished he possessed.
- From a blue collar sense he liked Mikes work ethic but he didn't like his approach, demanding they get wood right now - you have to lead by example. As for Mama C, he liked how she took time to analyze things before she put them in motion.
Jenn - She has no qualms with any of the final three so she addresses the jury: Half of you are the most bitter people I have ever met in my life and angry at people who played better than you. You are all so mad at Mike for playing - everyone freaks out that he tried this strategy, didn't work - tried another strategy - didn't work - what else was he supposed to do? You were so on your whole group thing bullcr@p - you kicked him out of his house, set up a barbed wire fence and then said "try to come in, I dare you." (Rodney and Dan look really confused by her speech - I'm thinking Preach, Sister!) Mike is the only person that out-witted, out-played and out-lasted all of you - the others may have done one of those things but those aren't the rules of Survivor. You say you are super fans, and if you are, then you are going to vote for the person who deserves it. Get over it. Prove that you're a fan! (Dan is still shaking his head and rolling his eyes at her - yes, Bitter Betty, she was talking to you.)
Dan: He's not happy to have to follow that (I smell the Sue Hawk award coming on.)
Mike, Colby Donaldson proved that just because you win immunity doesn't mean you win this game. You have to get to the end with the right people and you have to put the right people on the jury. You didn't care about the jury, all you cared about was making it to the end - you better care about us tonight because there is no necklace to save your @ss tonight. (If he had a mike he would have dropped it, it was he just went back to his seat. I think Dan needs a diaper change.)
- Mike asks if he can address Dan-o - and gets the nod from Jeff - he says his biggest regret was losing Dan's trust at the auction, going back on his word put a wedge between them that he wasn't able to repair and he's truly sorry for that - it goes beyond gameplay, he hopes they can be friends but if not, he still wanted to apologize to him publicly for going back on his word.
Dan asks to go back up - and gets the okay from Jeff (I found the permission asking kind of funny) - Dan says, "That is, the most genuine thing you have said to me since the auction." Anyway he accepts Mike's apology because that was all baby wanted to hear - diaper all changed and Dan gives them all a heartfelt congratulations.
Shirin: She was really hoping that Mike and Will would both be in the final because she wanted to thank them both. Will for showing her she still had an open wound from her childhood that she needed mending, and she was able to stand up for herself against him and all the other people that didn't come to her aid - but she also miraculously had a protector in Mike who came into camp and took her away from the abuse for which she was grateful - But, that still doesn't mean that Mike has her vote. It's about the game they played so Carolyn is still in it.
She likens the three finalists to animals they observed out there:
Mike is a howler monkey - he's loud, he comes at you and if you threaten a howler monkey he will throw feces in your face and rip you limb from limb, because he voted every single one of you out, except for me.
Carolyn she says is a stingray - hidden, doesn't want to make waves, but if she senses anything near her threatening, she will sting you and she will sting you dead, and you are out of this game. Carolyn was on the winning side of every single vote, she is the only person with that distinction.
Will, is the dead fish that we dragged in with our nets - we were stoked having fish but if you bit into the dead fish he would poison you from within - he didn't have to make any alliances, he was the dead fish, eyes are glazed over, do what you want with me - that was his poison.
Please look at the game play - Aggressive, Stealthy... Dead Fish and with that she will quote Sue Hawk, "When we all go to vote, let it be the way that Mother Nature intended."
(How could I not have realized that Shirin was going to get the Sue Hawk award? Though she was much more articulate, she did the animal analogy, quite the tribute to our favourite lady trucker.)
Time to Vote for the Winner
Jenn voted for Mike - he deserves it 150,000% (he's got them all doing it.)
Rodney voted for Will - they kept it real in this game...
Sierra voted for Carolyn - she believed she played the best game in it's entirety.
Dan had to bring the Drama and bang his head against the table so everyone could hear it... (give it up already.)
Jeff goes to get the votes and we arrive live in the CBS studios for the final reading of the votes:
Mike - 1
Will - 1
Carolyn - 1
Mike - 2
Mike - 3
Mike - 4 - and MIKE is the Winner and Sole Survivor - He runs over and kisses Jeff and then nearly tackled his mother in the audience - holy crap dude!
And with Mike, our pool winners are: Sunnie C., Judy C., and Susan N. Congratulations!
They are also going to announce the winners of the Second Chance vote to be on the next season - Mike was one of the top 10 but now that he's won, he won't be back.
The one surprising thing that happened was that they apparently had some controversy with Dan after the shows aired where he was bad mouthing the show in the press and saying that a lot of his comments were taken out of context so they actually showed the raw footage of one of the disputed comments - basically throwing Dan under the bus - it was not classy on either of their parts but in the end I guess Jeff made his point that Dan may think he's being funny but just isn't aware of how he comes across to people. Dan pretty much says he doesn't care about being PC, he's going to be him and if you can't take a joke, too bad. (I see both sides, don't really care to see any more of Dan.)
There is still bad blood between Will and Shirin and he did finally give her an apology but it was coached in the way that she had to get to a point where she needs to forgive... yeah, not much of an apology but she also wasn't willing to let it go, she wanted to make an example of him and get on her soap box about domestic abuse... This is Survivor, I think we need to acknowledge it is a problem and just move on. Will's wife looked like she wanted to do some abusing of Shirin as well - so yeah, Jeff, lets move along.
Finally, Jeff is heartbroken that Rodney had to endure the worst birthday of his life... so he brought him out a cake and party hat and they sang... don't feed the beast Jeff, just don't do it.
Finally we get to the casting of the next Survivor - Second Chance
Season 1 - Kelly Wigglesworth
Season 2 - Kimmy and Jeff
Wes' dad Keith is getting a second shot.
Ciara and Vigas
Terry Deets? Andrew Savage (I don't remember half these people.)
Abi-Marie and Kass both villain women get second chances.
Monica? and Kelley Wentworth get second chances.
Shirin is getting a second chance (please keep your pants on)
Steven (lost to JT) and Woo are getting second chances.
Tasha (from crazy J'Tia season)gets a second chance.
Jeremy (had to battle his wife on the first day)gets a second chance.
Spencer and Joe (man-bun) are the last two filling out the Second Chance season of Survivor in Cambodia.
So 20 returning Survivors and there are a bunch I don't really remember... See you in September.