Odd Woman Out
Last week they doubled the pleasure and took out big mouth Lindsey and, after a surprise switch up, super fan professor Max...
Nagarote - Day 15
-Shirin is left totally blindsided after her biggest ally, Max, was voted out. Her tune is totally changed from last week when she was so cocky - she goes to Carolyn with her tail between her legs asking if she's not going to play with her anymore. Carolyn tells her she values true loyalty, not fake loyalty...
-Shirin then tries Hali and she just tells her that Max was annoying and they find Shirin annoying too. Shirin then breaks down to the camera that this is tapping into her childhood insecurities growing up in a rich neighbourhood with beautiful, skinny people where she just didn't fit in and desperately tried to find acceptance. She's determined that she's going to do now what she couldn't do then - adapt, fix it. (Oh boy, this could get ugly.)
Escameca - Day 15
-Dan is regalling the new tribemates with his loss of the underwear story and Rodney is ready to kill himself having to listen to the same boring stories all over - he was hoping for some new blood to mix things up. He's looking for a little bromance, an east coast homey to chill with... like Joaquin for example. Rodney start spilling stuff about Mike - he goes to church, he's celibate... something Rodney can't fathom and Joaquin is playing right along - Rodney, "we're apples and oranges. We work hahd and play hahder."
-Rodney tells the camera that he's Batman and Joaquin can be his Robin - all those that think he's an idiot, wait until they see what he's got planned for this game.
-Joaquin seems stoked to see Max was voted out.
-The challenge - on Jeff's go both teams will race up a tower through a series of obstacles - once they reach the top, one at a time, they will try to launch sandbags from a big slingshot, to hit targets out in the field. First tribe to hit all six targets will win Reward of: A turtle migration under the stars... and they get to feast on beef stew, mac & cheese, hot chocolate...(yeah, natural wonder... not so exciting, but food, they get excited about.)
-Escameca sits Dan.
-And the guys take off like a shot - Escameca has a huge lead getting up the tower but Rodney can't hit a target. Jenn is the first one to hit a target for Nagarote (that must sting.)
The girls are better shots, they are up 2 to 1 but they tie up - then the guys take a 4 - 3 lead... and Shirin ties them up again...Joe takes the lead but Will ties them at 5 and ... it's JENN and Nagarote that win reward! (I think the girls and Will will enjoy the turtles more anyway.)
-Shirin hopes this reward will give her the chance to bond with these people more, because she knows her butt is on the line.
-Nagarote gets to their picnic dinner and Hali tells us how excited she was that they won that challenge like David and Goliath, "Just put a slingshot in our hands and we took down that giant!"
-Carolyn said they were having a good time eating the food, they were even tolerating Shirin. While Shirin thinks this is a great bonding moment.
-Then they go watch a poor turtle lay 120 eggs and the guide tells them maybe only one of those baby turtles will make it back to the ocean. Jenn takes that and applies it to her odds in Survivor - she has a way better chance at winning a million dollars than those turtles have at life, so that's pretty cool. (Deep and yet simple, that's our Jenn.)
Escameca - Day 16
-Mike, Dan and Rodney take off to check a crab trap and Joaquin takes that opportunity to talk to Sierra - asking if she has an issue with Dan. She tells him that she hates them all, which is music to Joaq's ears. He tells her Tyler is the most trustworthy guy out there (his White Collar bro) but he doesn't want to take Joe too far in the game (No Collar ringer)... he asks how she feels about Rodney and she says he's awful. Joaquin, "Not even Rodney?" Joaq is pretty sure he's got Rodney under control but Sierra doesn't know if she can play this game with him.
-Rodney comes over and I guess he's trying to be nice to her - he acknowledges that she may still be mad at him but she just needs to get over it and together they can make it to promised land and have a prime time story to tell for the rest of her life.
-Rodney tells the camera that he's got numbers everywhere, he's so confident he's going to win this thing he can see his arm being raised like Rocky Balboa at the end. (Oh please, let the Survivor karma get him!)
-Rodney then goes and talks to Mike and tells him that he's controlling Joaquin like his puppet. All they have to do is throw the next immunity and take Joe out of the game before the merge - and the thing's won. In his mind, once Joe's gone, who does he have to deal with?
-Mike is letting Rodney think he's the mastermind, but he knows very rarely does throwing challenges work in your favour. Mike feels like they are in a special circumstance though since his real alliance is with Kelly who is stuck by herself on the other tribe - Mike thinks if they can throw a couple challenges and keep her safe, he'll have his alliance back when they merge. (Well, it's a more noble reason than Rodney's but still, it's always bad to throw challenges... unless you're voting out the devil [Russell Hanz] that was the one time I was totally behind a tribe throwing a challenge).
-It's a memory challenge. Jeff will show them a series of items, once they have them memorized, they pull the lever that drops the curtain and then they have to go recreate the same series of items in the same order. First to get it right wins a point, first tribe to get three points wins immunity.
-Escameca sits Joaquin.
-Off they go:
-Rodney vs Carolyn - she quickly memorizes the items and drops the drape - Rodney has no idea (or does he) and totally messes up the items - First point to Red.
-Sierra vs Hali - and with both of these two actually trying - Hali still is the first to get it right and Red is up 2 - zip.
-Will vs Joe - Joe pulls the drape and he's the first one finished... getting the first point for Blue.
-Shirin vs Dan - and Dan flies through this one tying it up 2-2... which of course makes for more drama when the next paring is...
-Mike vs Kelly - Will he throw it or won't he... I think he was trying to throw it but apparently Kelly has a horrible memory so they are both wrong and they have to go again. Mike whispers to her when they get back to look again that he is giving it to her... she looks confused... then he talks her through memorizing the order and when he gets it wrong again... she gets it wrong too - what the?? Is she not letting him throw it or did the knock to the head scramble her brains - shouldn't cops be able to remember details?
-They take an item away and literally Mike tells her, I'm going to mix up the bottles so copy me just switch the bottles. Then he puts on a show like he was really trying to get it right and Kelly finally does have it right, painfully winning Immunity for Red - Nagarote.
-Kelly tells the camera when she knew Mike was throwing the challenge, that's the first time she ever truly trusted somebody (oh, that's sad) but she can't wait to get back with her Blue tribe, where she belongs. (I'm thinking this may bite Mike in the butt which will make Rodney just as happy and that just makes me mad.)
Escameca - Day 16
-When they get back to camp, Mike is genuinely apologizing to his tribe - he tells the camera, by throwing the challenge a part of him died in this game - but only Rodney knows the truth. And Mike's not really trusting Rodney anymore as he watches Joaquin totally pulling him in - those two are quickly looking like a power couple and in this game, a power couple has to be broken up before they start making power moves... (Oh, make it happen Mike, please!)
-Mike talks to Rodney, well as much as you can, Rodney is all bluster that everyone's on board for Joe, no need to talk anymore, it's a done deal. Rodney tells the camera that they had one purpose in the challenge which was to throw it and he's just as happy that Mike had to look the idiot to get it done.
-Then "Rod-quin" has a powwow - Joaq is saying how they can't lose Sierra but Rodney tells him, "this game is about me and you, I don't care about anybody else, bro." They start bro-ing out, both of them giddy that this should be a walk in the park from now on. (Oh Survivor Godopus, please bring your wrath down on these two idiots!)
-Next we see Mike and Dan talking to Joe - Joe says he's up for anything, he's tried to talk to Joaquin but whenever he does he's got a Rodney shadow and they just won't talk to him. Mike tells Joe that Rodney is wanting to take him out tonight... so they set their sites on Sierra. Mike says she's still really mad at Dan - who interjects that he's done nothing but grovel (seriously?) - Are they going to throw Joe at her? But no, it looks like Dan has seen the light.
-Mike and Dan go to talk to Sierra and Dan point-blank tells her he screwed up and wants to earn her trust - they point out how close Rodney and Joaquin have become and say they need to split them up - Joaquin needs to go first (OH! You should offer up Rodney, she'd go for that!)
-Sierra likes the feeling of having both sides fighting for her vote, it's refreshing, but after they hurt her so bad (oh come on, you can't let hurt feelings get in the way of a million $) siding with her old tribe makes her sick to her stomach. (So I guess Mike and Dan are the old tribe and Rodney's okay now? She needs to look at the big picture, or take some control and say, I'll vote with you if we take out Rodney - Can you tell I really dislike Rodney - a lot?)
-Dan is prattling on then he tells her to close her mouth, open her ears and just watch what happens. (I can't even... you just lost any ground you may have gained back - how does this guy survive in the real world?)
-Sierra knows right there that these people don't care about her, she says she hates Dan and she's very angry. They just want to use her for the moment but they're not going to keep her around.
-But as they are leaving for tribal she is saying she's not sure which side will be better for her in the long run... she's still not sure how she's going to vote.
-Jeff asks Joe if the Blue Collar four where a united front after the switch up.
-Joe says they seemed like one big happy but they have been looking for the cracks (huh, not outing Sierra, is that chivalrous or strategy?)
-Dan says they were definitely trying to find their way in, were there cracks in the armour? No doubt about it, there is dysfunction here and he's definitely concerned.
-Tyler says they really didn't have to do anything, what they found was bad blood, animosity and a lot of it seemed to revolve around Sierra (ouch, throwing her directly under the bus, way to go dude.)
-Sierra totally agrees; after last tribal she was mistreated - she was told how she sucked in challenges, how she didn't help around camp - they totally picked on her (Mike interjected that not all of us picked on her) but Dan and Rodney are hanging their heads a little. Sierra does acknowledge that Mike made them stop railing at her but she tells Jeff she's felt more appreciated in the 24 hours with the new guys than she did in 11 days with the three blue collar guys.
-Mike knows this is not good news, they may have been together for 16 days but he doesn't feel like they are a foursome - he is definitely afraid that the new people have woo'ed some of them away.
-Rodney then can't help himself and has to get his two cents in - that's the beauty about dropping your buffs, opportunities open. I got three new people over hehre and three people here that have been driving me nuts - I mean, what's going to be the best opportunity for me?
-Joaquin agrees with Jeff that he didn't think it would go this way after the switch up but when people come up to you and explain their reasons for hating each other, it couldn't have been any easier for him.
-Joe doesn't really know who he can trust, at least Joaquin has Tyler, poor Joe has no one.
-Jeff is trying to figure out why Sierra would throw away the time/trust/knowledge she'd gained of the blue collar guys just because new guys showed up and she again says they attacked her personally and killed any trust there. Mike is trying his best to be nice and woo her back but she's got to figure out who she can trust at this point.
-Mike says hopefully you can rely on the trust you made early on, or the trust you made with new people (he's looking at Joe) but you never really know who you can trust until you're leaving Tribal Council and that's a very scary predicament.
With that, it's TIME TO VOTE:
Joaquin votes Joe Cool
Joe votes Juaquin
Sierra votes JO... (Oh, tricky.)
No one played a hidden immunity idol.
Joe 1
Joaquin - 1
Joe - 2
Joaquin - 2
Joe - 3
Joaquin - 3
Final vote is for... Joaquin!!! And Rodney is flummoxed! Well, Survivor karma hit quickly but somehow bounced off Rodney and took out Joaquin.
Next week: Rodney feels betrayed by his tribe, ganging up behind his back - they're done-zo. But then they also MERGE! Wow, things are moving rather quickly.
Joaquin's final thoughts - he didn't see this coming (that's why it's called a blindside) he's sure Mike thought he was getting too close with Sierra and Rodney and took him out - but this was his fate so he'll take it with a smile on his face. (Yeah, don't really have a choice, bro.)
And with Joaquin leaving, that takes Ritch G., Cara & Alex L. and Shane B. out of the pool.
Have a good weekend everybody,
Last week they doubled the pleasure and took out big mouth Lindsey and, after a surprise switch up, super fan professor Max...
Nagarote - Day 15
-Shirin is left totally blindsided after her biggest ally, Max, was voted out. Her tune is totally changed from last week when she was so cocky - she goes to Carolyn with her tail between her legs asking if she's not going to play with her anymore. Carolyn tells her she values true loyalty, not fake loyalty...
-Shirin then tries Hali and she just tells her that Max was annoying and they find Shirin annoying too. Shirin then breaks down to the camera that this is tapping into her childhood insecurities growing up in a rich neighbourhood with beautiful, skinny people where she just didn't fit in and desperately tried to find acceptance. She's determined that she's going to do now what she couldn't do then - adapt, fix it. (Oh boy, this could get ugly.)
Escameca - Day 15
-Dan is regalling the new tribemates with his loss of the underwear story and Rodney is ready to kill himself having to listen to the same boring stories all over - he was hoping for some new blood to mix things up. He's looking for a little bromance, an east coast homey to chill with... like Joaquin for example. Rodney start spilling stuff about Mike - he goes to church, he's celibate... something Rodney can't fathom and Joaquin is playing right along - Rodney, "we're apples and oranges. We work hahd and play hahder."
-Rodney tells the camera that he's Batman and Joaquin can be his Robin - all those that think he's an idiot, wait until they see what he's got planned for this game.
-Joaquin seems stoked to see Max was voted out.
-The challenge - on Jeff's go both teams will race up a tower through a series of obstacles - once they reach the top, one at a time, they will try to launch sandbags from a big slingshot, to hit targets out in the field. First tribe to hit all six targets will win Reward of: A turtle migration under the stars... and they get to feast on beef stew, mac & cheese, hot chocolate...(yeah, natural wonder... not so exciting, but food, they get excited about.)
-Escameca sits Dan.
-And the guys take off like a shot - Escameca has a huge lead getting up the tower but Rodney can't hit a target. Jenn is the first one to hit a target for Nagarote (that must sting.)
The girls are better shots, they are up 2 to 1 but they tie up - then the guys take a 4 - 3 lead... and Shirin ties them up again...Joe takes the lead but Will ties them at 5 and ... it's JENN and Nagarote that win reward! (I think the girls and Will will enjoy the turtles more anyway.)
-Shirin hopes this reward will give her the chance to bond with these people more, because she knows her butt is on the line.
-Nagarote gets to their picnic dinner and Hali tells us how excited she was that they won that challenge like David and Goliath, "Just put a slingshot in our hands and we took down that giant!"
-Carolyn said they were having a good time eating the food, they were even tolerating Shirin. While Shirin thinks this is a great bonding moment.
-Then they go watch a poor turtle lay 120 eggs and the guide tells them maybe only one of those baby turtles will make it back to the ocean. Jenn takes that and applies it to her odds in Survivor - she has a way better chance at winning a million dollars than those turtles have at life, so that's pretty cool. (Deep and yet simple, that's our Jenn.)
Escameca - Day 16
-Mike, Dan and Rodney take off to check a crab trap and Joaquin takes that opportunity to talk to Sierra - asking if she has an issue with Dan. She tells him that she hates them all, which is music to Joaq's ears. He tells her Tyler is the most trustworthy guy out there (his White Collar bro) but he doesn't want to take Joe too far in the game (No Collar ringer)... he asks how she feels about Rodney and she says he's awful. Joaquin, "Not even Rodney?" Joaq is pretty sure he's got Rodney under control but Sierra doesn't know if she can play this game with him.
-Rodney comes over and I guess he's trying to be nice to her - he acknowledges that she may still be mad at him but she just needs to get over it and together they can make it to promised land and have a prime time story to tell for the rest of her life.
-Rodney tells the camera that he's got numbers everywhere, he's so confident he's going to win this thing he can see his arm being raised like Rocky Balboa at the end. (Oh please, let the Survivor karma get him!)
-Rodney then goes and talks to Mike and tells him that he's controlling Joaquin like his puppet. All they have to do is throw the next immunity and take Joe out of the game before the merge - and the thing's won. In his mind, once Joe's gone, who does he have to deal with?
-Mike is letting Rodney think he's the mastermind, but he knows very rarely does throwing challenges work in your favour. Mike feels like they are in a special circumstance though since his real alliance is with Kelly who is stuck by herself on the other tribe - Mike thinks if they can throw a couple challenges and keep her safe, he'll have his alliance back when they merge. (Well, it's a more noble reason than Rodney's but still, it's always bad to throw challenges... unless you're voting out the devil [Russell Hanz] that was the one time I was totally behind a tribe throwing a challenge).
-It's a memory challenge. Jeff will show them a series of items, once they have them memorized, they pull the lever that drops the curtain and then they have to go recreate the same series of items in the same order. First to get it right wins a point, first tribe to get three points wins immunity.
-Escameca sits Joaquin.
-Off they go:
-Rodney vs Carolyn - she quickly memorizes the items and drops the drape - Rodney has no idea (or does he) and totally messes up the items - First point to Red.
-Sierra vs Hali - and with both of these two actually trying - Hali still is the first to get it right and Red is up 2 - zip.
-Will vs Joe - Joe pulls the drape and he's the first one finished... getting the first point for Blue.
-Shirin vs Dan - and Dan flies through this one tying it up 2-2... which of course makes for more drama when the next paring is...
-Mike vs Kelly - Will he throw it or won't he... I think he was trying to throw it but apparently Kelly has a horrible memory so they are both wrong and they have to go again. Mike whispers to her when they get back to look again that he is giving it to her... she looks confused... then he talks her through memorizing the order and when he gets it wrong again... she gets it wrong too - what the?? Is she not letting him throw it or did the knock to the head scramble her brains - shouldn't cops be able to remember details?
-They take an item away and literally Mike tells her, I'm going to mix up the bottles so copy me just switch the bottles. Then he puts on a show like he was really trying to get it right and Kelly finally does have it right, painfully winning Immunity for Red - Nagarote.
-Kelly tells the camera when she knew Mike was throwing the challenge, that's the first time she ever truly trusted somebody (oh, that's sad) but she can't wait to get back with her Blue tribe, where she belongs. (I'm thinking this may bite Mike in the butt which will make Rodney just as happy and that just makes me mad.)
Escameca - Day 16
-When they get back to camp, Mike is genuinely apologizing to his tribe - he tells the camera, by throwing the challenge a part of him died in this game - but only Rodney knows the truth. And Mike's not really trusting Rodney anymore as he watches Joaquin totally pulling him in - those two are quickly looking like a power couple and in this game, a power couple has to be broken up before they start making power moves... (Oh, make it happen Mike, please!)
-Mike talks to Rodney, well as much as you can, Rodney is all bluster that everyone's on board for Joe, no need to talk anymore, it's a done deal. Rodney tells the camera that they had one purpose in the challenge which was to throw it and he's just as happy that Mike had to look the idiot to get it done.
-Then "Rod-quin" has a powwow - Joaq is saying how they can't lose Sierra but Rodney tells him, "this game is about me and you, I don't care about anybody else, bro." They start bro-ing out, both of them giddy that this should be a walk in the park from now on. (Oh Survivor Godopus, please bring your wrath down on these two idiots!)
-Next we see Mike and Dan talking to Joe - Joe says he's up for anything, he's tried to talk to Joaquin but whenever he does he's got a Rodney shadow and they just won't talk to him. Mike tells Joe that Rodney is wanting to take him out tonight... so they set their sites on Sierra. Mike says she's still really mad at Dan - who interjects that he's done nothing but grovel (seriously?) - Are they going to throw Joe at her? But no, it looks like Dan has seen the light.
-Mike and Dan go to talk to Sierra and Dan point-blank tells her he screwed up and wants to earn her trust - they point out how close Rodney and Joaquin have become and say they need to split them up - Joaquin needs to go first (OH! You should offer up Rodney, she'd go for that!)
-Sierra likes the feeling of having both sides fighting for her vote, it's refreshing, but after they hurt her so bad (oh come on, you can't let hurt feelings get in the way of a million $) siding with her old tribe makes her sick to her stomach. (So I guess Mike and Dan are the old tribe and Rodney's okay now? She needs to look at the big picture, or take some control and say, I'll vote with you if we take out Rodney - Can you tell I really dislike Rodney - a lot?)
-Dan is prattling on then he tells her to close her mouth, open her ears and just watch what happens. (I can't even... you just lost any ground you may have gained back - how does this guy survive in the real world?)
-Sierra knows right there that these people don't care about her, she says she hates Dan and she's very angry. They just want to use her for the moment but they're not going to keep her around.
-But as they are leaving for tribal she is saying she's not sure which side will be better for her in the long run... she's still not sure how she's going to vote.
-Jeff asks Joe if the Blue Collar four where a united front after the switch up.
-Joe says they seemed like one big happy but they have been looking for the cracks (huh, not outing Sierra, is that chivalrous or strategy?)
-Dan says they were definitely trying to find their way in, were there cracks in the armour? No doubt about it, there is dysfunction here and he's definitely concerned.
-Tyler says they really didn't have to do anything, what they found was bad blood, animosity and a lot of it seemed to revolve around Sierra (ouch, throwing her directly under the bus, way to go dude.)
-Sierra totally agrees; after last tribal she was mistreated - she was told how she sucked in challenges, how she didn't help around camp - they totally picked on her (Mike interjected that not all of us picked on her) but Dan and Rodney are hanging their heads a little. Sierra does acknowledge that Mike made them stop railing at her but she tells Jeff she's felt more appreciated in the 24 hours with the new guys than she did in 11 days with the three blue collar guys.
-Mike knows this is not good news, they may have been together for 16 days but he doesn't feel like they are a foursome - he is definitely afraid that the new people have woo'ed some of them away.
-Rodney then can't help himself and has to get his two cents in - that's the beauty about dropping your buffs, opportunities open. I got three new people over hehre and three people here that have been driving me nuts - I mean, what's going to be the best opportunity for me?
-Joaquin agrees with Jeff that he didn't think it would go this way after the switch up but when people come up to you and explain their reasons for hating each other, it couldn't have been any easier for him.
-Joe doesn't really know who he can trust, at least Joaquin has Tyler, poor Joe has no one.
-Jeff is trying to figure out why Sierra would throw away the time/trust/knowledge she'd gained of the blue collar guys just because new guys showed up and she again says they attacked her personally and killed any trust there. Mike is trying his best to be nice and woo her back but she's got to figure out who she can trust at this point.
-Mike says hopefully you can rely on the trust you made early on, or the trust you made with new people (he's looking at Joe) but you never really know who you can trust until you're leaving Tribal Council and that's a very scary predicament.
With that, it's TIME TO VOTE:
Joaquin votes Joe Cool
Joe votes Juaquin
Sierra votes JO... (Oh, tricky.)
No one played a hidden immunity idol.
Joe 1
Joaquin - 1
Joe - 2
Joaquin - 2
Joe - 3
Joaquin - 3
Final vote is for... Joaquin!!! And Rodney is flummoxed! Well, Survivor karma hit quickly but somehow bounced off Rodney and took out Joaquin.
Next week: Rodney feels betrayed by his tribe, ganging up behind his back - they're done-zo. But then they also MERGE! Wow, things are moving rather quickly.
Joaquin's final thoughts - he didn't see this coming (that's why it's called a blindside) he's sure Mike thought he was getting too close with Sierra and Rodney and took him out - but this was his fate so he'll take it with a smile on his face. (Yeah, don't really have a choice, bro.)
And with Joaquin leaving, that takes Ritch G., Cara & Alex L. and Shane B. out of the pool.
Have a good weekend everybody,