Lie, Cheat and Steal
Okay, we've come to the finale of the exciting season that was Survivor Second Chance.
Six are left:
-Jeremy: he appears to have it all, a hidden immunity idol and a strong bond with Tasha, Spencer and Kimmi - can he hold on?
-Tasha: she has survived the ups and downs of a rigorous season, can she do what it takes to make it to the end?
-Keith: he's won multiple challenges but he has hovered on the outside for weeks - he may not be in the majority but he is definitely in the game.
-Wentworth: her second chance is simple, go big or go home. She played one idol that flipped the game and has another left, just waiting to strike again.
-Kimmi: her second chance has been 15 years in the making. She's been in on a number of blindsides and is in the majority alliance. She is going to go full force cause she wants to go out with a bang.
-Spencer: for most of the game he was on the bottom, but after winning two individual immunities and focusing on his social game, he finds himself on top. Will he continue to evolve or will he end up on the jury?
It's anyone's game.
Orkun - Night 35
-They returned from Tribal having just voted out Abi, and Keith is questioning why they did it. He says he wanted to take her to the final three because no one would vote for her - Spencer explains that him saying he wanted to take Abi to the end instead of Spencer is a reason for Spencer to vote her out. (Not too sharp a point on that Nale (his last name's Nale, get it?))
-Kimmi tells the camera that Kelley and Keith may look like they are the low men on the totem pole but this has left Kimmi the opening she needed to swoop in and make her dreams happen. She goes and tells Kelley her grand plan. She is going to tell Jeremy, Spencer and Tasha that they need to split the votes at the next tribal in case Keith or Kelley has another idol, then Kimmi, Kelley & Keith will vote together and take out Spencer or Jeremy. Kelley likes this very much.
-Kimmi knows in her four, she might not make it to the end, she doesn't want to leave her fate in the hands of the others, she's gained their trust, they're letting their guard down and she sees it as her time to shine. (You go, Kimmi.)
-They have to build a long set of puzzle stairs, carrying only one piece at a time (so you have to know what piece you need before running up the stairs because if you're wrong, all the way back down to switch it out.) Once they complete the staircase, they have to get working on a 3D slide puzzle (ugh, I hate slide puzzles). And I'm not going through a play by play - Spencer completes the stairs and puzzle first and wins Immunity!
-Kelley knows she and Keith are on the outs so she's putting her faith in Kimmi's plan - if it doesn't work, they are screwed.
Orkun - Day 36
-Back at camp Kimmi, very obviously, grabs Keith to go get water with her... it does not go unnoticed by Tasha and Spencer, that's for sure.
-At the water hole, Kimmi very specifically outlines, colours in, and shades the plan for Keith so there is no misunderstanding - Tasha, Jeremy, Spencer and I have been voting together, I will get them to split the votes and then me, you and Wentworth will vote for Jeremy. "We are blindsiding Jeremy." (I hope he gets it.)
-Back at camp Spencer is asking Tasha, "What's Kimmi up to?" Right away, they know. Spencer saw Kimmi talking to Wentworth last night and he sees Kelley go join Kimmi & Keith right now... now they have to convince Jeremy that Kimmi is up to something.
-Kelley did join Keith & Kimmi and she corroborates that she is on board with this plan and that Keith and her will tell the others that they are voting for each other in a bid to stay. But they are all very excited about this plan - it's gonna work.
-Kimmi goes and talks to Tasha, Jeremy & Spencer - it looks like a normal conversation - Spencer is the one who says they can't risk an idol so they'll split the votes... unless they try something. Kimmi says, there is only two of them, what can they try?
-Jeremy sees nothing wrong, he totally agrees but as soon as Kimmi walks away, Spencer and Tasha are shaking their heads, "She's a rat." (Tasha's favourite line it seems) and they fill Jeremy in on what they think is happening. Spencer tells Jeremy, "we three cannot split our vote."
-Jeremy does not believe that Kimmi will flip on them, he thinks Spencer and Tasha are just paranoid. He even goes and talks to Kimmi and she denies, denies, denies... at an octave higher than her normal voice (dead giveaway) but Jeremy is still a believer, especially when she starts with the waterworks... yes, she's a pretty good actress.
-Jeremy tries to convince Spencer that Kimmi is with them and they should still split the vote but Spencer is having none of it - "we cannot split the vote, we all have to vote Wentworth." Jeremy tells him that Kelley could have an idol (you might want to listen there) but Spencer doesn't think she'd have a second one and Jeremy's not going to reveal that he has a second one just to convince him.
They bring in the jury and Abi gives them all a telenovella beautiful villain scowl from the jury box (Ha! Priceless.)
-Jeremy says up to now there have been voting blocks but now it's tightening up into alliances.
-Kelley agrees it's pretty obvious that she and Keith are on the outs and the other four are a tight group.
-Tasha says she doesn't see it that way. (Oh come on, no one believes you!)
-Kimmi says she agrees that the vote is between Kelley & Keith tonight.
-Keith says they got to lie, cheat and steal, anything to get yourself one more step.
-Jeremy says there is a lot of idol chatter going around.
-When Jeff asks Spencer if they are voting with hidden idols in mind, Spencer lays out the whole deal - the four were planning on splitting the votes but he, Jeremy and Tasha are not splitting their votes.
They left Kimmi out on purpose and Spencer basically threatens her, "jump on board with us or maybe draw a rock and go home." (He can be such an arrogant you-know-what sometimes)
-Kimmi just let's out an "Arrrgghhh", she talks to someone outside the alliance and then the paranoia runs wild and she's being threatened to vote a certain way.
-Keith isn't going to beat around the bush - Spencer can spout all this because he's got immunity - they know what they got to do.
-Spencer whispers "you're fine" to Wentworth, which Jeff catches, and she says he tells me I'm fine but I trusted Spencer on the last vote and I wasn't fine.
-He says anyone is fine if they jump on board with us right now... (wow, the set of danglers on this guy.)
-Kimmi says she's obviously number four in their alliance and immediately Jeremy is telling her she's not (uh, Spencer just made it abundantly clear that she is) Spencer says if she just votes the way they said... and Keith pipes in, "you'll be number four." Tasha, "you're not number four." (OMG you guys, she's not stupid.)
-Keith says let's vote (he's had enough of this nonsense.) Everyone agrees they know how they're voting so that makes it...
Time to Vote:
They don't show us how anybody voted.
Tallying the Votes:
Anybody have a hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time do do so...
-Kelley says, You know Jeff... (Oh yeah!) I don't know what's going on tonight but I'm going to have to play it just in case - and she plays her idol. Jeremy and the jury love it... Tasha & Spencer, not so much. She goes and sits down and then...
-Jeremy stands up, Hold on Jeffery - and he plays his hidden idol too. That blows everyone away, any votes for Kelley or Jeremy will not count.
Wentworth - Does not count
Jeremy - Does not count
Wentworth - dnc
Jeremy - dnc
Wentworth - dnc
final vote is Jeremy - does not count and for the first time in Survivor history there have been no valid votes cast - What does that mean??
Tribal Council - Night 36
Jeff explains what's going to happen. They will revote: Spencer is still immune, Kelley is immune, Jeremy is immune so that means they can only vote for Kimmi, Tasha or Keith and everybody revotes.
-Since this in unprecedented Jeff gives them a couple minutes to talk and Jeremy is demanding, "Who voted for me?" Spencer has to spell it out for him that Kimmi, Wentworth and Keith voted for him - that's all he needed to know, Kimmi is dead to him now.
-When Kimmi gets up to vote Jeremy taunts her, "Kimmi, Kimmi, Kimmi, tsk tsk, so disappointed in you." Kimmi's response, "Ugh, really?" Spencer keeps nudging him to shut up but Jeremy's on a tear... he skips and jogs to make his vote.
This is pretty exciting... cause you know they are now tied - 3 votes for Tasha and 3 votes for Kimmi... now what???
So, per the rules, they can revote, unless Spencer, Wentworth, Jeremy & Keith confirm they will not be changing their votes ... which they all do. So they are deadlocked, now Spencer, Wentworth, Jeremy and Keith have to talk and try to come to a unanimous decision to vote out either Kimmi or Tasha - if they cannot all four agree on who to vote out, that will make Kimmi & Tasha immune as well and then by default, Keith, the only person that has received no votes, will go home. (WHAT??? That's ridiculous!) And Keith is a good egg, he doesn't want to switch his vote just to save himself, Kimmi is a single mom with two kids, he's ready to fall on his sword but Kelley stops him (and Fishbach even blurts out a 'no' from the jury box). Kelley thinks Keith should stay so she changes her vote to Kimmi and Keith changes his vote as well - so it is Kimmi going home (well, she wanted to do something big, and she sure did!)
And with Kimmi leaving in that weirdly spectacular fashion, Vikki M., Tori K., and Maureen M. are out of the pool.
Kimmi - gave it her all, that's all she's got. After 15 years to get this second chance, she thinks she hung in there pretty well.
Orkun - Night 36
-They return from Tribal Council and Keith is still a little confused on what happened. The results is he and Kelley are still in the minority.
-Kelley hates the feeling of being so close to the end and still being in so much trouble.
-They have a half circle shaped course where they will have to go to six different stations to retrieve a bag of puzzle pieces then complete the obstacle to get the bag back to their home base - once they have all six bags they can start on the puzzle which is one where they have to fit the pieces in place when the four corners all move... it's hard to explain, but it's a hard puzzle as well.
-I'm not going to do the blow by blow - but it was KELLEY that won immunity! (Way to go... oh, sorry Keith.)
-Keith says he's going to go down swinging, you just stay tuned.
Orkun - Day 37
-Jeremy, Tasha and Spencer go off to talk because Kelley winning immunity was the last thing they wanted to happen.
-Leaving Kelley & Keith to talk and she's got a plan - she's going to make him a fake idol to make the other three think he has one - and hopefully they'll turn on each other.
-Keith is game. She does a good job using a medallion from a tree mail and beads she's been 'collecting' (right) but she wraps it up in the clue from her last idol and, Bob's your uncle, Keith has an idol. They are just sneaky/careless enough so Jeremy can see Keith holding, then hiding it... She hopes this will get Jeremy or Spencer out.
-Jeremy tells Tasha he's feeling funny about them, "They're acting really funny." And he's very worried they have an idol and will be voting for him. He doesn't want to take a chance on it.
-So Tasha is laying down in the shelter with her back to Jeremy who is sitting beside her on the platform and then Keith is on a chair in front of Jeremy but obviously a million miles away because Jeremy starts to try and get his attention, waving at him, snapping... it was hilarious - he didn't want to say his name cause then Tasha would know but Keith is not paying any attention to him (LOL) finally Keith looks over and seems shocked to see Jeremy looking at him (hello, wake up) - Jeremy mouths "SPENCER" and they sign, you, me, Wentworth, tonight. Apparently, enough not said and the deal is done.
-Keith goes and tells Kelley that Jeremy came to him (in a way) and offered up Spencer - she says okay but keep the idol and use it if things look like they're going south. He agrees, cause that gives him options, which is a good thing.
Final five is the last time you can use a hidden immunity idol so the fake idol could actually make a difference and during the discussion Kelley said her vote didn't matter, it looks like Keith is going home tonight... the perfect opportunity for him to whip out the fake idol and he even makes a move like he's going for it, but then he doesn't cause he's banking on Jeremy (I guess).
Time to Vote:
They don't show how anyone voted.
Tallying the votes:
-No one plays a hidden immunity idol which seemed to exasperate Jeremy.
Spencer - 1
Keith - 1
Spencer - 2
Keith - 2
Final vote is for KEITH! Ohhhh, even the jury all groaned - and as he leaves Keith says, "gol-ly."
Keith: you try to play with a little integrity, that's why I didn't play that cheesy idol. Anyway crazy ride out here and he thanked all of America for giving him this second chance.
And with Keith's departure, Robert & Cindi, Judy C. and Emily H. are out of the pool.
-They will have one hand tied behind their backs and stand at a table with a spiraling wire apparatus on it. On Jeff's go they will drop a ball down the chute and it will spiral through to the bottom where they will have to catch it and put it back in. When Jeff says, they will have to add more balls and there is a gate on the course that will make the balls alternate which exit they will come out so as more balls are added they really have to stay focused because if at any time a ball hits the ground, they are out.
-This is a toughie - once they get up to four balls, it gets confusing and Kelley ends up waiting at the wrong exit and drops a ball. She's devastated, that just cost her the game right there.
-Tasha is out not long after leaving it down to Spencer and Jeremy and it's JEREMY, finally winning an individual immunity!
And Jeremy loses it, he has a good ol' cry just out of relief that he's made it to the end more than anything. Kelley is crying right along with him for the opposite reason. (And I can totally feel for them both.)
-Jeremy tells the camera this is for Val, Jordan & Cameron... and his son that isn't even born yet -( so he has two daughters with boy names? I think it's a good thing he's having a boy.)
Orkun - Day 38
-Jeremy tells the camera he's got Spence and he's got Tasha but when you get that necklace around your neck, all bets are off. He's got to decide who is his best bet to take to the end so he'll win the million dollars.
-Spencer talks to Kelley and asks her who she is voting for tonight, if she tries to get them to vote for him, he's not going to hold it against her. She's not telling him nothing. He says he thinks he has a good chance at winning and he's going to vote for her tonight because he thinks she can kick his ass. (Ugh, that did not seem sincere in the least.)
-Kelley does think Spencer is a big threat and really, let's be honest, trying to get Jeremy to turn on Spencer is her only play.
-Kelley does talk to Jeremy and tells him that she believes everyone really respects Jeremy. With Spencer, he speaks very well and he's done a lot a playing both sides, so it depends on if people respect that or not. She tells him that Spencer told her he thinks he has a good chance [of winning].
-Jeremy doesn't know who would be his safer bet - Spencer and Wentworth both have pretty impressive resumes. Then the little devil comes out, "Would you do fire?" Hinting he may vote with her so there is a tie and then Wentworth and Spencer would have to burn the rope.
-Jeremy tells the camera he's not sure who to go with - Spencer is a smart player and Kelley is the underdog.
Spencer shows us how slimy he actually is by having a prepared argument against Kelley - so his telling her he wouldn't hold it against her was actually planting the seed so he could counter everything she said.
-Kelley makes her pitch against Spencer, pointing out that he is very articulate, is a big threat having won immunities and he said he thinks he can win.
-Spencer has her whole resume laid out - she's played an all-out game, she's won two immunities, played two hidden idols - "she's played the best game with this jury to get the votes tomorrow and if the two of you made the mistake of letting her be here tomorrow, I would vote for her and I would use all my energy making sure she won." (Wow, threatening them too, what a jerk.)
-No one has mentioned Tasha, which she should be upset about, they are discounting her... she is fine with that, just going to sit there and shut up.
-Jeremy said he's got to make a gut decision... and when Jeff asks if his decision will be based on him believing there is someone sitting there he thinks he can beat right now... and he says a tentative, "yes." He knows if he's wrong it will be a million dollar mistake but he's ready to vote.
-And Spencer repeats his threat, if you are about to vote for me, 100% [Kelley] wins, and if I go to the jury it would be a terrible move and I would do everything within my power to see her win. (You know you've just turned everyone off on the jury and made it that much easier for Jeremy to win against you... maybe that was his strategy?)
Spencer votes for Kelley
Kelley votes for Spencer and says it's the last time she will be writing his name down. (I know, right?)
Tallying the votes:
Spencer - 1
Wentworth - 1
Wentworth - 2
And it's Kelley with the final vote. (Boo... I liked her.)
Kelley: She just wanted to make the most of the experience this time and she did that - won some immunity, played some idols - it was everything she wanted it to be (except the not getting to the end part) and she is proud of herself.
And with Kelley out, that takes Dave & Lois L., Kim A., and Elaine R. out of the pool.
Orkun - Day 39
-They put the mirror and scale out for them - they are all so skinny... and then they get the day 39 breakfast feast!
-And there was a lot of blah blah blah... Tasha made it further than 17 other people. Spencer had a lot of personal growth that allowed him to get from the bottom to the top. Jeremy has done everything for his family, he just wants to take care of them.
She tells Jeremy that he and Tasha let Spencer come in and disrupt the pecking order in their little family... to which Jeremy interrupted, "I never said Spencer replaced you, you said that." He went on the offensive about her hurting his feelings again by turning on him and she had no response to that - she felt bad and wandered back to her seat with her tail between her legs.
Jeremy picks 2, Tasha 3 and Spencer 4. (Alrighty then, unless the number was 1 and it's the closest that wins, did Spencer get her vote?)
(Gotta say, I'm a little disappointed there is no Sue Hawk award.)
They didn't show us how anybody voted... and Jeff takes the votes to the live studio with him.
I have to mention Jeff's hair was very high, little bit of a pompadour going on there Probst.
Jeremy - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... JEREMY swept!
So that means the winners of our Pool are: Kim B., Bryon L. and Tam J. Congratulations you guys.
The Reunion was kind of boring for such a good season. I think everyone liked each other so it was a big happy family reunion - where's the good TV in that?
But we did see that the next season is another Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty and they teased that a lot of injuries and med. evacs may be happening... ooohhhh.
Happy Holidays everyone,
Okay, we've come to the finale of the exciting season that was Survivor Second Chance.
Six are left:
-Jeremy: he appears to have it all, a hidden immunity idol and a strong bond with Tasha, Spencer and Kimmi - can he hold on?
-Tasha: she has survived the ups and downs of a rigorous season, can she do what it takes to make it to the end?
-Keith: he's won multiple challenges but he has hovered on the outside for weeks - he may not be in the majority but he is definitely in the game.
-Wentworth: her second chance is simple, go big or go home. She played one idol that flipped the game and has another left, just waiting to strike again.
-Kimmi: her second chance has been 15 years in the making. She's been in on a number of blindsides and is in the majority alliance. She is going to go full force cause she wants to go out with a bang.
-Spencer: for most of the game he was on the bottom, but after winning two individual immunities and focusing on his social game, he finds himself on top. Will he continue to evolve or will he end up on the jury?
It's anyone's game.
Orkun - Night 35
-They returned from Tribal having just voted out Abi, and Keith is questioning why they did it. He says he wanted to take her to the final three because no one would vote for her - Spencer explains that him saying he wanted to take Abi to the end instead of Spencer is a reason for Spencer to vote her out. (Not too sharp a point on that Nale (his last name's Nale, get it?))
-Kimmi tells the camera that Kelley and Keith may look like they are the low men on the totem pole but this has left Kimmi the opening she needed to swoop in and make her dreams happen. She goes and tells Kelley her grand plan. She is going to tell Jeremy, Spencer and Tasha that they need to split the votes at the next tribal in case Keith or Kelley has another idol, then Kimmi, Kelley & Keith will vote together and take out Spencer or Jeremy. Kelley likes this very much.
-Kimmi knows in her four, she might not make it to the end, she doesn't want to leave her fate in the hands of the others, she's gained their trust, they're letting their guard down and she sees it as her time to shine. (You go, Kimmi.)
-They have to build a long set of puzzle stairs, carrying only one piece at a time (so you have to know what piece you need before running up the stairs because if you're wrong, all the way back down to switch it out.) Once they complete the staircase, they have to get working on a 3D slide puzzle (ugh, I hate slide puzzles). And I'm not going through a play by play - Spencer completes the stairs and puzzle first and wins Immunity!
-Kelley knows she and Keith are on the outs so she's putting her faith in Kimmi's plan - if it doesn't work, they are screwed.
Orkun - Day 36
-Back at camp Kimmi, very obviously, grabs Keith to go get water with her... it does not go unnoticed by Tasha and Spencer, that's for sure.
-At the water hole, Kimmi very specifically outlines, colours in, and shades the plan for Keith so there is no misunderstanding - Tasha, Jeremy, Spencer and I have been voting together, I will get them to split the votes and then me, you and Wentworth will vote for Jeremy. "We are blindsiding Jeremy." (I hope he gets it.)
-Back at camp Spencer is asking Tasha, "What's Kimmi up to?" Right away, they know. Spencer saw Kimmi talking to Wentworth last night and he sees Kelley go join Kimmi & Keith right now... now they have to convince Jeremy that Kimmi is up to something.
-Kelley did join Keith & Kimmi and she corroborates that she is on board with this plan and that Keith and her will tell the others that they are voting for each other in a bid to stay. But they are all very excited about this plan - it's gonna work.
-Kimmi goes and talks to Tasha, Jeremy & Spencer - it looks like a normal conversation - Spencer is the one who says they can't risk an idol so they'll split the votes... unless they try something. Kimmi says, there is only two of them, what can they try?
-Jeremy sees nothing wrong, he totally agrees but as soon as Kimmi walks away, Spencer and Tasha are shaking their heads, "She's a rat." (Tasha's favourite line it seems) and they fill Jeremy in on what they think is happening. Spencer tells Jeremy, "we three cannot split our vote."
-Jeremy does not believe that Kimmi will flip on them, he thinks Spencer and Tasha are just paranoid. He even goes and talks to Kimmi and she denies, denies, denies... at an octave higher than her normal voice (dead giveaway) but Jeremy is still a believer, especially when she starts with the waterworks... yes, she's a pretty good actress.
-Jeremy tries to convince Spencer that Kimmi is with them and they should still split the vote but Spencer is having none of it - "we cannot split the vote, we all have to vote Wentworth." Jeremy tells him that Kelley could have an idol (you might want to listen there) but Spencer doesn't think she'd have a second one and Jeremy's not going to reveal that he has a second one just to convince him.
They bring in the jury and Abi gives them all a telenovella beautiful villain scowl from the jury box (Ha! Priceless.)
-Jeremy says up to now there have been voting blocks but now it's tightening up into alliances.
-Kelley agrees it's pretty obvious that she and Keith are on the outs and the other four are a tight group.
-Tasha says she doesn't see it that way. (Oh come on, no one believes you!)
-Kimmi says she agrees that the vote is between Kelley & Keith tonight.
-Keith says they got to lie, cheat and steal, anything to get yourself one more step.
-Jeremy says there is a lot of idol chatter going around.
-When Jeff asks Spencer if they are voting with hidden idols in mind, Spencer lays out the whole deal - the four were planning on splitting the votes but he, Jeremy and Tasha are not splitting their votes.
They left Kimmi out on purpose and Spencer basically threatens her, "jump on board with us or maybe draw a rock and go home." (He can be such an arrogant you-know-what sometimes)
-Kimmi just let's out an "Arrrgghhh", she talks to someone outside the alliance and then the paranoia runs wild and she's being threatened to vote a certain way.
-Keith isn't going to beat around the bush - Spencer can spout all this because he's got immunity - they know what they got to do.
-Spencer whispers "you're fine" to Wentworth, which Jeff catches, and she says he tells me I'm fine but I trusted Spencer on the last vote and I wasn't fine.
-He says anyone is fine if they jump on board with us right now... (wow, the set of danglers on this guy.)
-Kimmi says she's obviously number four in their alliance and immediately Jeremy is telling her she's not (uh, Spencer just made it abundantly clear that she is) Spencer says if she just votes the way they said... and Keith pipes in, "you'll be number four." Tasha, "you're not number four." (OMG you guys, she's not stupid.)
-Keith says let's vote (he's had enough of this nonsense.) Everyone agrees they know how they're voting so that makes it...
Time to Vote:
They don't show us how anybody voted.
Tallying the Votes:
Anybody have a hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time do do so...
-Kelley says, You know Jeff... (Oh yeah!) I don't know what's going on tonight but I'm going to have to play it just in case - and she plays her idol. Jeremy and the jury love it... Tasha & Spencer, not so much. She goes and sits down and then...
-Jeremy stands up, Hold on Jeffery - and he plays his hidden idol too. That blows everyone away, any votes for Kelley or Jeremy will not count.
Wentworth - Does not count
Jeremy - Does not count
Wentworth - dnc
Jeremy - dnc
Wentworth - dnc
final vote is Jeremy - does not count and for the first time in Survivor history there have been no valid votes cast - What does that mean??
Tribal Council - Night 36
Jeff explains what's going to happen. They will revote: Spencer is still immune, Kelley is immune, Jeremy is immune so that means they can only vote for Kimmi, Tasha or Keith and everybody revotes.
-Since this in unprecedented Jeff gives them a couple minutes to talk and Jeremy is demanding, "Who voted for me?" Spencer has to spell it out for him that Kimmi, Wentworth and Keith voted for him - that's all he needed to know, Kimmi is dead to him now.
-When Kimmi gets up to vote Jeremy taunts her, "Kimmi, Kimmi, Kimmi, tsk tsk, so disappointed in you." Kimmi's response, "Ugh, really?" Spencer keeps nudging him to shut up but Jeremy's on a tear... he skips and jogs to make his vote.
This is pretty exciting... cause you know they are now tied - 3 votes for Tasha and 3 votes for Kimmi... now what???
So, per the rules, they can revote, unless Spencer, Wentworth, Jeremy & Keith confirm they will not be changing their votes ... which they all do. So they are deadlocked, now Spencer, Wentworth, Jeremy and Keith have to talk and try to come to a unanimous decision to vote out either Kimmi or Tasha - if they cannot all four agree on who to vote out, that will make Kimmi & Tasha immune as well and then by default, Keith, the only person that has received no votes, will go home. (WHAT??? That's ridiculous!) And Keith is a good egg, he doesn't want to switch his vote just to save himself, Kimmi is a single mom with two kids, he's ready to fall on his sword but Kelley stops him (and Fishbach even blurts out a 'no' from the jury box). Kelley thinks Keith should stay so she changes her vote to Kimmi and Keith changes his vote as well - so it is Kimmi going home (well, she wanted to do something big, and she sure did!)
And with Kimmi leaving in that weirdly spectacular fashion, Vikki M., Tori K., and Maureen M. are out of the pool.
Kimmi - gave it her all, that's all she's got. After 15 years to get this second chance, she thinks she hung in there pretty well.
Orkun - Night 36
-They return from Tribal Council and Keith is still a little confused on what happened. The results is he and Kelley are still in the minority.
-Kelley hates the feeling of being so close to the end and still being in so much trouble.
-They have a half circle shaped course where they will have to go to six different stations to retrieve a bag of puzzle pieces then complete the obstacle to get the bag back to their home base - once they have all six bags they can start on the puzzle which is one where they have to fit the pieces in place when the four corners all move... it's hard to explain, but it's a hard puzzle as well.
-I'm not going to do the blow by blow - but it was KELLEY that won immunity! (Way to go... oh, sorry Keith.)
-Keith says he's going to go down swinging, you just stay tuned.
Orkun - Day 37
-Jeremy, Tasha and Spencer go off to talk because Kelley winning immunity was the last thing they wanted to happen.
-Leaving Kelley & Keith to talk and she's got a plan - she's going to make him a fake idol to make the other three think he has one - and hopefully they'll turn on each other.
-Keith is game. She does a good job using a medallion from a tree mail and beads she's been 'collecting' (right) but she wraps it up in the clue from her last idol and, Bob's your uncle, Keith has an idol. They are just sneaky/careless enough so Jeremy can see Keith holding, then hiding it... She hopes this will get Jeremy or Spencer out.
-Jeremy tells Tasha he's feeling funny about them, "They're acting really funny." And he's very worried they have an idol and will be voting for him. He doesn't want to take a chance on it.
-So Tasha is laying down in the shelter with her back to Jeremy who is sitting beside her on the platform and then Keith is on a chair in front of Jeremy but obviously a million miles away because Jeremy starts to try and get his attention, waving at him, snapping... it was hilarious - he didn't want to say his name cause then Tasha would know but Keith is not paying any attention to him (LOL) finally Keith looks over and seems shocked to see Jeremy looking at him (hello, wake up) - Jeremy mouths "SPENCER" and they sign, you, me, Wentworth, tonight. Apparently, enough not said and the deal is done.
-Keith goes and tells Kelley that Jeremy came to him (in a way) and offered up Spencer - she says okay but keep the idol and use it if things look like they're going south. He agrees, cause that gives him options, which is a good thing.
Final five is the last time you can use a hidden immunity idol so the fake idol could actually make a difference and during the discussion Kelley said her vote didn't matter, it looks like Keith is going home tonight... the perfect opportunity for him to whip out the fake idol and he even makes a move like he's going for it, but then he doesn't cause he's banking on Jeremy (I guess).
Time to Vote:
They don't show how anyone voted.
Tallying the votes:
-No one plays a hidden immunity idol which seemed to exasperate Jeremy.
Spencer - 1
Keith - 1
Spencer - 2
Keith - 2
Final vote is for KEITH! Ohhhh, even the jury all groaned - and as he leaves Keith says, "gol-ly."
Keith: you try to play with a little integrity, that's why I didn't play that cheesy idol. Anyway crazy ride out here and he thanked all of America for giving him this second chance.
And with Keith's departure, Robert & Cindi, Judy C. and Emily H. are out of the pool.
-They will have one hand tied behind their backs and stand at a table with a spiraling wire apparatus on it. On Jeff's go they will drop a ball down the chute and it will spiral through to the bottom where they will have to catch it and put it back in. When Jeff says, they will have to add more balls and there is a gate on the course that will make the balls alternate which exit they will come out so as more balls are added they really have to stay focused because if at any time a ball hits the ground, they are out.
-This is a toughie - once they get up to four balls, it gets confusing and Kelley ends up waiting at the wrong exit and drops a ball. She's devastated, that just cost her the game right there.
-Tasha is out not long after leaving it down to Spencer and Jeremy and it's JEREMY, finally winning an individual immunity!
And Jeremy loses it, he has a good ol' cry just out of relief that he's made it to the end more than anything. Kelley is crying right along with him for the opposite reason. (And I can totally feel for them both.)
-Jeremy tells the camera this is for Val, Jordan & Cameron... and his son that isn't even born yet -( so he has two daughters with boy names? I think it's a good thing he's having a boy.)
Orkun - Day 38
-Jeremy tells the camera he's got Spence and he's got Tasha but when you get that necklace around your neck, all bets are off. He's got to decide who is his best bet to take to the end so he'll win the million dollars.
-Spencer talks to Kelley and asks her who she is voting for tonight, if she tries to get them to vote for him, he's not going to hold it against her. She's not telling him nothing. He says he thinks he has a good chance at winning and he's going to vote for her tonight because he thinks she can kick his ass. (Ugh, that did not seem sincere in the least.)
-Kelley does think Spencer is a big threat and really, let's be honest, trying to get Jeremy to turn on Spencer is her only play.
-Kelley does talk to Jeremy and tells him that she believes everyone really respects Jeremy. With Spencer, he speaks very well and he's done a lot a playing both sides, so it depends on if people respect that or not. She tells him that Spencer told her he thinks he has a good chance [of winning].
-Jeremy doesn't know who would be his safer bet - Spencer and Wentworth both have pretty impressive resumes. Then the little devil comes out, "Would you do fire?" Hinting he may vote with her so there is a tie and then Wentworth and Spencer would have to burn the rope.
-Jeremy tells the camera he's not sure who to go with - Spencer is a smart player and Kelley is the underdog.
Spencer shows us how slimy he actually is by having a prepared argument against Kelley - so his telling her he wouldn't hold it against her was actually planting the seed so he could counter everything she said.
-Kelley makes her pitch against Spencer, pointing out that he is very articulate, is a big threat having won immunities and he said he thinks he can win.
-Spencer has her whole resume laid out - she's played an all-out game, she's won two immunities, played two hidden idols - "she's played the best game with this jury to get the votes tomorrow and if the two of you made the mistake of letting her be here tomorrow, I would vote for her and I would use all my energy making sure she won." (Wow, threatening them too, what a jerk.)
-No one has mentioned Tasha, which she should be upset about, they are discounting her... she is fine with that, just going to sit there and shut up.
-Jeremy said he's got to make a gut decision... and when Jeff asks if his decision will be based on him believing there is someone sitting there he thinks he can beat right now... and he says a tentative, "yes." He knows if he's wrong it will be a million dollar mistake but he's ready to vote.
-And Spencer repeats his threat, if you are about to vote for me, 100% [Kelley] wins, and if I go to the jury it would be a terrible move and I would do everything within my power to see her win. (You know you've just turned everyone off on the jury and made it that much easier for Jeremy to win against you... maybe that was his strategy?)
Spencer votes for Kelley
Kelley votes for Spencer and says it's the last time she will be writing his name down. (I know, right?)
Tallying the votes:
Spencer - 1
Wentworth - 1
Wentworth - 2
And it's Kelley with the final vote. (Boo... I liked her.)
Kelley: She just wanted to make the most of the experience this time and she did that - won some immunity, played some idols - it was everything she wanted it to be (except the not getting to the end part) and she is proud of herself.
And with Kelley out, that takes Dave & Lois L., Kim A., and Elaine R. out of the pool.
Orkun - Day 39
-They put the mirror and scale out for them - they are all so skinny... and then they get the day 39 breakfast feast!
-And there was a lot of blah blah blah... Tasha made it further than 17 other people. Spencer had a lot of personal growth that allowed him to get from the bottom to the top. Jeremy has done everything for his family, he just wants to take care of them.
Savage starts us off: Arguably the most difficult season, congratulates them on making it to the end. Tells them his vote is wide open as are most of the jury so their answers have to be completely honest tonight. (Okay, get off your soap box.) Then he discounts Tasha by only focusing on Jeremy and Spencer and she's done.
To Spencer he says his level of arrogance drove him crazy, barking at Jeremy that he was going to bury him if he didn't take him to the end, and he did that in front of the jury - any regrets?
- Spencer says when he played the first time he was very arrogant and he realized he used that as a mask of his insecurities so last night when he was feeling insecure, he reverted to the old Spencer but he is much more self aware now - he doesn't regret the move but he regrets how he presented it.
To Jeremy he asks him to explain his arrogant behaviour in calling out Kimmi at the epic tribal and then skipping to vote her out.
- Jeremy says he doesn't feel he was arrogant, he was upset. He believed in her when the other two said she had flipped, and when it was proven that she did flip, it hurt his feelings and that was his reaction.
Fishbach: Says Jeremy bought trust, honour and integrity into a season where it didn't exist. He said Tasha is perceived as doing his dirty work and he asks her to defend of deny that perception.
- Tasha says she's a strong independent woman and no one dictates her actions to her in life or in Survivor. Anytime there was a decision in direct conflict with what she wanted to do, she dug in her heels and got what she wanted. (Ugh, that could have been said better - she sounded like a spoiled girl wanting to get her way.)
To Spencer he says he was surprised by his willingness to betray people through this idea of voting blocks (uh...wasn't that your idea?)
- Spencer said he didn't really have close relationships so he probably had to do more backstabbing and jumping between blocks at the expense of relationships, at the expense of yours. (Pandering, seemed to satisfy Stephen.)
Then Stephen said my favourite thing: "Thank you for all those words."(Ha! Cause they were just words to him, he knows who he's voting for.)
Ciera - Flippers rarely make it to the end and they rarely win but this season with voting blocks flipping was required - why should flipping be rewarded?
- Jeremy says the caliber of players was higher and you [Ciera] coming in telling us to make a big move, make a big play, opened up an avenue for us to move around. It wasn't so much people flipping as voting blocks shifting around.
- Tasha thought it was a result of the multiple swaps, she started on Bayon and made some deals, then on Angkor, bottom, made some deals and then back on Bayon, made some more deals there - she was just trying to survive so flipping was something that needed to be done.
- Spencer says there were so many types of relationships that the voting blocks were very fluid. When there were any type of blurred lines he had to take advantage of them by blindsiding threats - but it was the only way he could put himself in a position to climb to the top.
Abi - she has notes...She said Survivor is a game of Big Moves, then asks what where the subtle moves they made that got them to where they are right now.
- Tasha says reconnecting with Spencer from the last time they played - her relationship with him was stronger than her and Jeremy.
- Spencer said his subtle move was to try and switch the distrust of the guys in the middle from himself to Joe.
- Jeremy said his subtle move was not winning reward challenges so he could go back to camp and look for idols (it sounded like he threw the Reward challenges, but I think he meant he used those losses as opportunities to look for idols... why am I defending him?)
She tells Jeremy that he and Tasha let Spencer come in and disrupt the pecking order in their little family... to which Jeremy interrupted, "I never said Spencer replaced you, you said that." He went on the offensive about her hurting his feelings again by turning on him and she had no response to that - she felt bad and wandered back to her seat with her tail between her legs.
Joe (Spectacular man-bun tonight) - he tells Tash he thought she had no idea what was going on most of the time so asks her to tell him a time she was able to turn something around.
- Tasha came from corporate America, she works with Alpha Males all the time... specific example was Joe's vote out - the guys were worried about an all-girl alliance so she stepped in and blah, blah, blah - she's not winning so who cares.
Jeremy picks 2, Tasha 3 and Spencer 4. (Alrighty then, unless the number was 1 and it's the closest that wins, did Spencer get her vote?)
Kass - she only addressed Spencer and it was a disgustingly self-centered question. He famously said, "Kass 0% of winning" yet he's been playing like her this season. How can he ask for her vote when he's been calling her a dumbass for two years?
- He does look a little chagrinned but also says he doesn't think it's hypocritical to ask for her vote because he does believe he's changed, (he's not the same little puke that made that comment - uh, I think you are.) (Plus he outlasted her again, she's got to deal with it.)
Wentworth - what was your second chance story about?
- Tasha - to build and maintain relationships.
- Spencer - teetering between who I was and who I am now, truly believes he's made relationships he couldn't have made before.
- Jeremy - He gets emotional - everybody knows I'm here for Val, for Jordan and for Cameron - before I left Val tells me she's pregnant, and I'm buggin' out because I'm missing this. She comes to visit and she tells me it's a boy and everyday I want to tell all y'all but I can't because I don't want to mess up my game because I'm doing it for them. I don't even care about me, all I care about is my family, that's my second chance. (Boom! Drop the microphone. You've got to hand it to Jeremy, I 100% believe he planned to do that from the day he got there - and it totally paid off.)
(Gotta say, I'm a little disappointed there is no Sue Hawk award.)
They didn't show us how anybody voted... and Jeff takes the votes to the live studio with him.
I have to mention Jeff's hair was very high, little bit of a pompadour going on there Probst.
Jeremy - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... JEREMY swept!
So that means the winners of our Pool are: Kim B., Bryon L. and Tam J. Congratulations you guys.
The Reunion was kind of boring for such a good season. I think everyone liked each other so it was a big happy family reunion - where's the good TV in that?
But we did see that the next season is another Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty and they teased that a lot of injuries and med. evacs may be happening... ooohhhh.
Happy Holidays everyone,