Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Dec 10/14 Episode recap

Let's Make a Move

Last episode Natalie made a move to thwart Jon's authority by switching her vote from Keith to Alec, making the stunned Alec the last eliminated so she can use Keith to hopefully enact her revenge on Jon.

Huyopa - Night 32
-They returned from Tribal Council and Natalie started acting her *ss off - pretending she was confused about who she was supposed to vote for and ended up voting for Alec by mistake.
-Jon & Jaclyn seem to have bought it, Jon tells her it's no big deal but he tells the camera it IS a big deal at this point.

Huyopa - Day 33
-Natalie goes and talks to Keith and fills him in that she kept him there and he needs to be tight with her and Missy & Baylor - not to listen to the beauty queen (Jaclyn).
-Keith, "I heard that." - He just can't believe he keeps squeaking by, but he's grateful.

-They are divided into two teams and belted together, then they have to run through a hay tunnel, go over and under hitching posts, fill a bucket with water, climb over a teeter-totter, fill a second bucket until it's heavy enough to lower a gate, then cross the gate and complete a plank puzzle - first team to complete the puzzle wins a Survivor Style Spa: Hot shower, massage, and spa food - steak, brownies.
Teams are: Keith, Missy & Jon vs Natalie, Baylor and Jaclyn

Off they go - the younger girls get out to a lead and Missy takes a couple falls, then twists her ankle really badly.  The girls only have to use two buckets to lower their gate with Natalie keeping the water steady and Jaclyn landing on her butt a couple time - but then Jon ends up spilling a lot of their second bucket and they have to get a third, even with Missy hobbling along.

-The girls have quite a lead on the older three but they get working on the puzzle quickly... and it's Jon, Keith and Missy that win the Reward.  Jon fusses over Missy's ankle but she shoos him off and then Jon makes a statement about this spa day being exactly what Missy needs to feel as young as she looks (I rolled my eyes) but Missy loves it.  Jaclyn tells Jon he's annoying her right now, obviously she'd like to be going to a spa and Jon says, "Did I say I was going?" He makes the magnanimous gesture of giving up his spot to... Baylor!  So the mother and daughter can have this memory for the rest of their lives (Oh, still a burn to Jaclyn.)

-Keith, Missy & Baylor have to send someone to Exile Island and Jon's saying he'll go but Natalie volunteers (I'm sure she'd rather be there than stuck with Jon or Jaclyn again.)

-Baylor makes Missy get on her back and carries her piggy back, Jeff tells Missy to let him know if they need medical to look at her ankle (Keith, ever the gentleman, just follows behind.)

-And Jon & Jaclyn get camp all to themselves.  Jon tells the camera he gave up his spot to solidify his alliance and also gain favour with the jury. (I smell Survivor karma coming, ask Jeremy how it worked for him giving up his Reward, then going home.)

-Baylor carried Missy all the way there and when they sit down by the food, first thing they do is take a look at Missy's ankle.  She  tells the camera she was trying to hide how much pain she was in but she could just feel it swelling.  Keith takes a look and doesn't think it's good.  Missy is determined that she's going to power through.
-Then they get down to eating and Keith isn't sure about this rabbit food (they got spa food) but it was edible so he was happy.  Then  he knocked the funk off in the shower and they moved on to the massage where he was entertaining the ladies with his constant commentary - he doesn't get around to these types of things in Louisiana, but he felt rejuvenated and ready for the next 6 days (don't tell the guys at the fire station.)

Huyopa - Day 33
-Jon congratulates himself on his great idea to switch with Baylor and Jaclyn agrees.  Then they discuss what a big mistake Natalie
made at last tribal council by voting for the wrong person - Jon says he's going to make sure the jury hears about that.  But then Jaclyn shows she is more than a pretty face, she wonders if Natalie might have something going with Keith and she did it on purpose to keep a better pair for her since she's now up against two couples.  Jon was taken aback, that had never crossed his mind, he says he doesn't see Nat flipping.  But they are both worried because Keith is freakishly good at the challenges and if he keeps winning immunity they'll have to split up their five sooner than they thought.
Exile Island
-Natalie has a mini breakdown about missing her sister, this is the longest they've been apart in 28 years - but she's going to use her twin as inspiration to keep her eyes on the prize and make it through the last few days.

-Keith and Baylor support Missy as she walks to the mat - clearly, Jeff says, they have something to talk about.  But first they welcome Natalie back from Exile and Baylor hands her a coconut of rice to eat, and she starts crying - Exile was emotionally draining for her.
-Then Jeff moves on to Missy who also starts crying, her ankle keeps getting worse but she refuses to quit.  The challenge is obviously involving balancing on some crazy apparatus and Missy won't be able to do that on one foot.  So Jeff makes the call to have medical examine her ankle (now Baylor is crying and Keith is getting upset) and the doctor says he has to consider the possibility that she may have a fracture but the only way to be sure is if she has an x-ray and the only way to get an x-ray is to pull her from the game.
COMMERCIAL (oh, come on.)
-We come back to more tears but the doctor says with so few days left he can immobilize the limb so no further damage is done, he won't pull her from the game, it's her decision.  Missy refuses to quit but she is going to sit out the challenge while they wrap her ankle.

On to the challenge - they will hold on to two rope handles while their feet will be balanced on two blocks on a teeter-totter - attached to the teeter-totter is a vase, if the vase drops, they're out.  Last person with their vase standing wins immunity.  And the wind has kicked up... great.

Off they go - and despite Baylor and Keith wobbling a bunch, it's  Jaclyn who is the first person to lose her vase - followed shortly by Baylor.
We have some time elapse... then a big wind kicks up and Keith loses his vase.  We're down to Jon and Natalie.  Wind comes up again and just like that, Jon's vase drops (through no fault of his own) and NATALIE wins immunity! (Twinnie power!)

-Jon sees Natalie's winning immunity as making up for her screw up at last Tribal Council so they can do what they tried to do before - take Keith out. (Yeah, he has no idea they're gunning for him.)

Huyopa - Day 35
-Jon has faith that God has a plan for him and whatever way things go he has to accept it's the best for him. (I doubt God cares if you vase falls in a Survivor challenge, but what do I know.)
-Natalie is still acting her butt off, asking Jon if they should be watching Keith - but Jon's sure Keith knows he's going home so no need to scramble.

-Natalie goes and talks to Keith and tells him her plan is to take Jon out tonight but he has an idol so she thinks they should split their votes between Jon & Jaclyn, then if he plays the idol Jaclyn goes home, if there is a tie, they revote and Jon goes home, that would be her dream come true.
-Keith is all in for Mr. All American or Miss USA going home - then he'll be in the top 5.  Natalie even coaches him how to act at Tribal, "don't get all crazy, just act sad that you're going home."
-Keith thinks he can trust this plan, if not, he's a goner (reallly, what does he have to lose?)

-Jaclyn's paranoia is right on the money, she was worried that they could blindside Jon or her tonight but he doesn't think that's going to happen.  He's all about visualizing the win, and it usually works out for him - plus he still has his idol (which will only save him, hello.)

-Baylor and Natalie solidify what they want to happen (splitting the votes, taking Jon out) but then Baylor has to try to convince Missy... easier said than done.  Missy treats Jon like the son she never had and she dismisses Baylor's idea about voting him out - she has an agreement with Jon and she won't go back on it.  Even Natalie tells her she doesn't trust Jon going forward and still, in Baylor's opinion, Missy is being true to form by putting the men in her life before herself. (You have a broken ankle, do you think he's taking you to the end?)

-Missy does some thinking on it and realizes if she wants to go to the end with her daughter, the Jon & Jaclyn show has got to end - but it's important to Missy that she feels like she's played the game honestly and she's having a tough time with considering going against her word.

Jeff just says Keith's name and he starts with his pitch - he's tried to pierce this five and they're solid but he's got a vote and they should try and make a big move and use it - making a big move looks good to the jury.
-Keith says, trust me, I'm trustworthy. [Spits] (and they show Alec catching flies, does this guy ever not have his mouth hanging open? Sheesh.)
-Jon says it's not about Keith being trustworthy, it's more that Jon's built this trust with the group of five and how can he expect to trust them if they can't even trust him. (Trusty, trust, trust... he just said it so much that it doesn't even have meaning anymore.)
-Jaclyn then proves she's not as smart as I have been giving her credit for - she says it's natural for people to imagine different scenarios but she doesn't think she and Jon are going anywhere. (That had all the jury shaking their heads or looking agape - did she really just say that?)
-Natalie agrees that blood is thick and hard to penetrate, she is the only single in their five alliance and after being gone for two days at Exile, who knows what she's missed - she's very glad she won bloody immunity.
-Jeff asks Jon how much time he spends thinking about his final speech (oh Jeff's setting you up, be humble... but you know he
wasn't) he said he's been thinking about his final speech quite a bit (which has all the jury nudging each other, can you believe the conceit... and it's making Missy realize that he thinks he's already won this thing) And Jon said something about it being so rare to have built up this kind of loyalty and trust (blah, blah, wasn't really listening, this was all about watching everyone's reactions.)
-Jeff talks to Missy about having to Out Wit, Out Play, Out Last and she says with a broken foot she's not even sure where to begin.  Could someone offering their vote potentially break up their 5 alliance, sure, but she's very loyal to a fault, that's her life and she's remained loyal to the people she's loyal to from the very beginning, she hasn't wavered. (Loyally, loyal, loy-al - whatever.)

Time to Vote:
They don't show us how anyone voted.
Hidden Immunity Idol?  Jon does not play it.

Tallying the votes:
Keith -1
Jaclyn - 1
Keith - 2
Jaclyn - 2 (that had Jon and Jaclyn wrinkling their brows)
Jon - 1, 2 (and he is not happy, but the jury is - lots of grinning from the boys.)
There is a three way tie so Jon, Jaclyn and Keith will not vote and the other three revote for one of those three. (Jon looks like he's making his peace with it... he's got to know it's him.)

Jon - 1, 2... that's enough and it's JON going home.  He says no hard feelings but I have a feeling that's just being polite... and Jaclyn looks mad (he wouldn't have listened to you anyway.)

-So with Jon leaving; Bryon L, Alexis G. and Carol-Anne D. are out of our pool.

Next Wednesday, Dec 17th is the 2 hour finale of Survivor Blood vs Water - and Missy cries some more about her foot and Jaclyn is fighting to make it, literally fighting with Natalie defending Jon's character.

Jon's final thoughts: he thought he was doing a really good job putting his trust in the right people but Missy & Natalie really did a good job gaining his trust - he didn't feel this one coming and he really wishes he had played his idol.  Now he's rooting for Jaclyn, "I know you can do it, babe. You know you've got my vote."

So, heading into the finale, here's who still has a chance at the money in our pool:
Jaclyn - Lindsay J, Coleen T, Julie T
Baylor - Ritch G, Sunnie C, Vikki M.
Natalie - Manny W, Susan M, Robert & Cindi
Keith - Lynne B, Jeremy N, Gillian H.
Missy - Kim A, Lee B, Drew C. (huh, ABC look at that.)

Who would have thought Missy & Baylor would be the last pair standing? Unbelievable... I have to root for Jaclyn since she's my girl in the pool... but I have a feeling that Natalie may take it in the end.

Have a great rest of your week everyone,



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