Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - October 1, 2014 Episode Recap

Method to This Madness

Last week: We found out there would be Exile Island this season which adds a new wrinkle in the Blood vs Water drama... and we were spared some Twinnie annoyance when Nadiya was the first person voted out.

Coyopa - Night 3
They get back to camp and first thing Josh pulls Baylor aside (these two have a weird thing going) and he told her that he was the one who voted for her only to throw the guy alliance off realizing he and Baylor are tight - he tells the camera he wants to stick with the guys but keep Baylor on the side (playing both sides will bite you in the end).  She kinda buys it but still thinks it was kinda sketchy for him to do that without giving her the heads up.

Hunahpu - Day 5
The young guys are playing "Look what I can do" with Reed the dancer guy lifting his leg straight up beside his head, football frat boy Jon doing squats with logs on his shoulders and, not to be out done, former model Drew - who says he can do all that, also does a few unimpressive pushups with his feet up on the sleep platform.
-Firefighter Jeremy can't believe how stupid they are being, he's older and has nothing to prove, he's already got all the girls on his side after his emotional show down with his wife on the first day.
-And then... they lost the flint.  Well, Jon lost the flint and he knows he's in the doghouse so he admits it right away - he had the flint last and he's an idiot for losing it - he hopes his genuine remorse will keep everyone from holding this blunder against him. (Well, we'll see if they have fire tonight or not.)

-The teams show up at the arena and Natalie realizes her sister is gone... and she's crying.  Jeff asks her if this is one of the first times she's truly been without her sister and she chokes out yes, and that she hasn't cried in a decade (What? Not even at sucky commercials?  Come on.) Well, she's crying now and it seems like it's because she has not been without her sister... ever. (Pull it
together!  Now you don't have to worry about her, play the game.)

The Challenge:  one person from each tribe will balance a ball on a large disc mounted on a stick. They have to keep the ball on the disc as they maneuver through a series of obstacles - ball drops, you go back to the start.  Once they finish, they must roll three balls into the targets (like Skeeball) - first person to seat all three balls wins Reward: Fishing gear.

They Rock/Paper/Scissor and Coyopa wins with John Rocker winning with paper over Reed's rock. 

John also volunteers to do the challenge which means he is head to head against his girlfriend Julie. (She looks surprised by that - did you think they were going to change it up?)

Off they go - and Julie is proving to be slower and steadier, John drops his ball a few times and has to start over again and again - she's shorter so can make it under the obstacles easier.  She is onto the balls and he's still going through the obstacles.
She lands her first ball and he's got to go back to the beginning again.  She lands her second and then third ball... JULIE wins reward and John Rocker is going to Exile Island.  She can't believe she beat him at something like this and she's crying (really?) She says, "he's just really good at everything" and he just seems mad - nevermind that he lost to his girlfriend, he lost to a GIRL. (Oh the horror! See you meathead!)
-And Julie has to choose someone from her tribe to go to Exile as well and she chooses Jeremy (a little revenge for him sending his wife there last week?)

So the exilees leave and as Jeff is sending everyone else back to camp when Reed makes a proposal to Jeff Probst - he says they have lost their flint and asks if they can keep the fishing gear but barter their beans for more flint.  Jeff is a tough negotiator, and this aint his first rodeo - he knows they waited until they knew if they won or not before making their pitch and then they offered the thing of least value - he don't need no stinkin' beans.  The only offer Jeff would entertain was for them to forgo all the fishing gear and take flint instead.  Nope, they were not willing to do that.  Jeff warns them, when it rains and their fire goes out and they can't start another one, the price for flint will be way more than just fishing gear.  The young guys are all machismo - we'll keep the fire going, I'll eat raw fish - Natalie is the voice of reason - we need fire!  So they make the deal, they give up the fishing gear and Jeff tells them they will have flint back at their camp.
-Jon knows it's his fault they won't have fish, because he lost the flint (well, you better hope you win immunity again.)

Hunahpu - Day 5
-Flint is waiting for them when they get back to camp and (unrelated) Natalie breaks down, she has a good, old-fashioned warbler.  They all rally around her, assuring her that her sister is fine and realizing their twin bond was way more powerful than most of the couples out there.  Natalie finally says she's going to use it as motivation to keep her head in the game and at least go as far as she can (That's not a winning attitude, I think Nadiya was the dominant twin, we'll see if Natalie can suck it up.)

Coyopa - Day 5
-They are talking about John Rocker, Dale wasn't sure who he was but he knows the history about the pitcher for the Braves that gave a racist interview and was run out of the league - this makes Val nervous because her African-American husband is now at Exile Island with John Rocker.
-Josh says maybe he's changed - he's willing to give him the benefit of the doubt - he tells the camera he wants the guy that pisses everyone off on his team, he's the best person to keep close to you as cannon fodder to get you to the end.

Exile Island - Day 5
-Jeremy is not happy being on Exile Island, it's dry, desolate and to top it off, he has to be there with John Rocker - yeah, he knows who he is.  Jeremy knows he said some racist things in the past but he believes people can change - though it's still going to follow you (which I took to mean he doesn't think that Rocker has changed.) 
-So they choose urns and Jeremy gets the one with the clue and he decides to share it with John Rocker, kind of casually saying, you take care of Val and I'll take care of Julie (these are their significant others on each of their tribes.)  John agrees... but Jeremy tells the camera, if Val is voted out, Julie is gone right after.

Oh, they are out on a platform in the water - John & Jeremy return from Exile Island and join their tribes.

The Challenge:
They will square off sumo style, one on one and using a padded bag try to push their opponent off the platform into the water (we've seen this one before.) First tribe to win 5 match ups, wins immunity.
Hunahpu sits Julie.
First match: Blond vs blond - Kelly vs Jaclyn: Miss Michigan, Jaclyn wins for Coyopa.
2nd: Brother vs brother - Drew vs Alec: darn, Big brother Drew wins for Hunahpu (I'm not a fan of that guy.)
3rd: Jeremy vs Wes, firefighters both: and the younger Wes takes it for Coyopa (surprisingly, wife Val was yelling the loudest celebrating Jeremy's defeat, hmm.)
4th: Natalie vs Val: Natalie did it for Nadiya - tying it up 2-2
5th: Jon the flint loser vs John Rocker: both big guys but the slightly smaller and much younger Jon wins it over Rocker - pulling Hunahpu ahead. (And Rocker has a cut on his nose, they butted heads, literally, a couple times.)
6th: Mother/daughter Missy vs Baylor: They both talk big before it starts, Baylor says something like she better not break my nose and the next thing you know Mom's drawn blood and they both drop the bags, more worried about the split lip than winning... but they reset and Baylor's crying which you can see has totally demoralized Missy, she can't cause her daughter pain - guess who wins.  We are tied again.
7th: Reed vs Josh (boyfriends squaring off): [just an aside here, model Drew is so self-centered that he doesn't even know the name of the guy on his team and shouts, Go Josh!  Jon tells him, "Reed's on our team." OMG!]  And Reed wins that one - Hunahpu up 4-3.
8th: Clash of the old guys - Keith vs Dale - fireman vs farmer - if Keith wins it's over - But it's farmer Dale that takes it and we are tied again.
Final showdown starts at the beginning again: Kelly vs Jaclyn - Dale can't watch because it's Kelly's birthday today (that's his daughter) but he has to root for Jaclyn - and Jaclyn can't pull it out again, birthday girl Kelly wins Immunity for Hunahpu and Coyopa is off to Tribal Council - again.

Val is worried, she has no alliance other than Jaclyn and she hasn't found the hidden idol yet. (We'll see if Rocker keeps his word to Jeremy.)

Coyopa - Day 6
-They return to camp and Rocker, Val and Jaclyn are at the well.  Rocker tells Val that it was a pleasure hanging out with Jeremy.  She asks him if he got the clue and he says Jeremy got the clue but he shared it with him - she acts like, of course, and asks if he found the idol.   He says no, and she said she found one there and one here... (huh?)  So she's straight up lying, trying to save herself and Jaclyn.  As soon as they leave, John is looking for the idol.  He counts 7 paces north of the well and he's digging... and Voila!  He's bought himself three more days in the game.  Well, ideally he wants to hold on to it and ensure he makes it through the merge.  But now he has to figure out a way to protect Val.
-Rocker is in the water with Wes and Josh and he tells them that Val told him she has two idols and will play them for herself and Jaclyn so he proposes they vote three for Val and three for Baylor.
-Josh says if they catch wind of it, one of the guys is going home, so they can't let them know three votes are going for Baylor.
-Then Rocker goes off with Val, right in front of the guys (they're not going to trust that) and John tells Val they are splitting the votes for her and Baylor so if she plays her idol she's safe, he told Jeremy he'd look out for her and he's looking out for Julie. (Does he really not realize that she doesn't have an idol... he just found it.) Anyway, Val's not trusting John, she doesn't say anything about idols.  She and Jaclyn will vote Baylor and it's all good. 
-But Josh has taken notice of John and Val walking off together and they've never walked off together before.  Josh is trying to figure out what this means for him and what is going to get him to the top.

Jeff points out that this tribe has gone 0 for 4 so far...
-Dale: they made a mistake pitting loved ones against each other, except for Baylor and her Mom, every other loved one match up, they lost.
-Alec agrees - he's wanted to fight his brother like that for a long time and he didn't win - but it's not the first time they've failed to decide before they just threw a match up out there.
-Rocker says it's just a matter of time, they will gel, it'll click and they will be right back up there.
-Jeff points out that time is an issue - Josh agrees, and uses a Broadway analogy... gist is they have to make some changes and re-open.
-Val thinks they should make some changes, like at camp, some people are trying to play both sides... such as Baylor.
-Baylor tries to defend herself, says Val has had it out for her ever since she brought the girls together and Baylor decided to side with the guys...
-Jaclyn - But you said you were with us!
-Baylor tries to weakly defend herself and Val jumps down her throat , You told me to vote Dale, Own it.(oh yeah, you are outmatched there little girl... and Dale looks surprised.)
-Jeff asks Wes about how they can regroup with this tension and Wes says they heard Val has two idols, that's caused tension too.
-Val won't be surprised if she gets votes and now Baylor won't either, but she says it will be sad if there is a bunch of flipping now just due to some crazy talk. (I wonder if Josh told her anything.)

Time to Vote:
Baylor votes for Val: no words, just an exasperated noise.
John Rocker votes for Baylor
Wes votes for Val: We just want to see that idol girl.

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays a hidden idol - Baylor rolls her eyes and Rocker looks like his head just exploded.

Val - 1
Baylor - 1
Val - 2
Baylor - 2
Val - 3
Baylor - 3, 4...
Val - 4 - they are tied which means there is a re-vote, neither Val nor Baylor will vote this time and everyone else can only vote for one of those two.
Rocker's having kittens and still hasn't realized that she was lying about the idol... you found the idol dummy!  And I bet it will never cross his mind to play his idol for her. Hmm, but he might not have brought it with him actually.

2nd vote:
Baylor - 1
Val - 1, 2, 3, 4 - that's enough, it's Val going home.  Why did he even put her name up, why not Jaclyn and Baylor... oh well. Rocker is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

And with Val leaving, that takes Manny W (1), Kim B/Gail W and Jeff T. out of the pool.

Next week: John Rocker's past is exposed to the other tribe by Jeremy and when they start goading him at the challenge his temper comes out... (oh boy, you're not going to improve your image that way.)

Val's final thoughts: She feels like she played big, made big moves considering she wasn't there for two days, just wished she could have played longer.  She is proud of what she did and thinks Jeremy seeing her gone will inspire him, make him go harder, and she's happy about that.

Have a great rest of the week everyone,


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