Monday, April 14, 2014

Amazing Race All-Stars - April 13/15 Episode Recap

The Gladiators Are Here

Two weeks ago, the Afghanimals eked out a first place win over the Cowboys, and the Country Singers were saved by a non-elimination leg.

Sri Lanka - the Afghanimals started out this leg at 2:41pm and read the clue to fly to the Eternal City (having to figure out that means Rome, Italy) and search Hadrian's Bridge for their next clue.  They take off not knowing where the heck the Eternal City is.
-The Cowboys were next out at 2:42pm - Jet knows it must be Rome because Hadrian was one of the emperors of Rome (hey, look at the history brain on Jet, I must admit I didn't know that.)
-Jessica & John - 3:01pm - Jessica finds it so much fun to live, eat, sleep the race and they are still hoping to redeem themselves this time.

-Travel agency - Leo & Jamal use the internet to figure out they need to go to Rome and are told the best flight available leaves at 1:20am and arrives in Rome at 7:50am.
-At another agency, the Cowboys and John & Jessica get the same flight info.

3:02pm - Dave & Connor head out followed by Brendan & Rachel at 3:05pm - Rachel says, "Eternal City, Ethiopia, Africa here we come!" Brendan, "How do you know that's where it is?" "I don't!" (Ha, that would be awful and hilarious if they actual went to Ethiopia...)
3:09pm - Globetrotters head out on their 30th Leg of the Amazing Race, they have been staying mid-pack but their strategy has been to make sure they always beat at least one team... (which is fine until the end I guess.) And Flight Time knows they are heading to Rome.
Last team out is the Country Singers at 3:26pm (so they are all pretty close together - pretty sure they'll all be on the same flight.)

Rome, Italy
The flight arrives and the four teams that were in the front of the plane encouraged the shuttle to leave before the rest of the teams got out from the back of the plane.  John & Jessica, Brendan & Rachel, Leo & Jamal and Caroline & Jen have a slight lead over Jet & Cord, Dave & Connor and the Globetrotters.
Hadrian's Bridge - John & Jessica are the first team to read the clue to the DETOUR: Gladiator or Charioteer
In Gladiator: They will have to dress in costumes and learn a series of sword fighting moves with a real Gladiator - once they've mastered the moves, they'll get their next clue.
In Charioteer: They have to do some remote control chariot racing. (HA! That looks awesome.) One team member controls the steering and the other the speed (uh oh, coordination could be a challenge) they must complete 5 laps around the course before the flame goes out to get the next clue (so they have a time limit too - this one could be harder.)
-John & Jessica choose Gladiator.  Brendan and Rachel choose Charioteer.  Leo & Jamal also choose Charioteer (huh, that surprised me.)

-The Country Singers find their Speed Bump on the bridge.  It tells them to go to the Pantheon, pick up a typewriter from an antiques dealer there, then take the typewriter to the building it resembles (how are they supposed to figure that out? - I hope everyone in Rome knows of the building they call the typewriter.) Once they get to that building they have to place the typewriter on a pedestal out front to continue racing with the rest of the teams. (This seems like a harder Speed Bump than they have been lately, I hope the girls can figure it out.)

-John & Jessica arrive at the Colosseum and head for the Gladiator task.  Brendan & Rachel head over to the Charioteer task and they are all getting dressed in their costumes - which Rachel is enjoying, "We love dressing up in costumes!" (says the girl that wears green sequins everyday - I can see it.)

-John & Jessica start their sword fighting lesson and it's a series of defensive moves they'll have to perform against the Gladiator that is going to try and kill them (ha, I kid.) John, of course, says it came easily to him because of his martial arts experience (but I tend to think that John has a higher opinion of himselves than is sometimes warranted.)

The rest of the teams are starting to arrive at the cluebox - The Globetrotters choose Chariots, Dave & Connor choose Chariots and the Cowboys are so happy thinking they'll be driving some horses, also choose Chariots.

-Rachel & Brendan are all suited up and run out to the chariots... only to find the mini-remote control versions (wha-wah... I have a feeling most of them will be disappointed.)  They start their first attempt and she's controlling the speed with a slow and steady attitude - of course too slow - the fire goes out on their 4th lap.
-Leo & Jamal show up all suited up as well and..."These aren't  real horses."

Speed Bump - Caroline & Jennifer get to the Pantheon and pick up their Olivetti typewriter then are asking people if they know of the building and a couple directs them...(okay, maybe not as hard as I thought.)

Gladiators - John & Jessica figure they have the sequence of moves down and start on their first attempt... alls well until Jessica sees the huge brute they will be sparring with - What? "He's not really going to hurt us, is he?"  John goes first and, even though he was the one telling Jessica it was sword only first then shield next, he screws up and uses the shield (that guy was scary!) They have to start over.

Charioteers - Brendan & Rachel are now trying to race their chariot at the same time as Leo & Jamal and it's harder because they are now running into each other... great.  They agree to try not to run into each other especially since they see Dave & Connor show up and don't want to have to do this with more teams there.

Gladiators - Jessica goes first this time and she's got it down, she's performing it like an actor and has a great death scene.  Then John's turn again and he messes up and uses his shield - again. (Hmm, comes naturally to him does it?)

Charioteers - When Leo & Jamal can't get 5 laps in the time allotted and Dave & Connor and the Globetrotters get there - they decide to switch tasks rather than battle through a crowd with their remote controlled chariot.
Once everyone gets their mini-chariots up an running - it's mayhem.  Brendan & Rachel, Dave & Connor, Globetrotters and then the Cowboys show up.  At one point Dave & Connor were almost finished their 5th lap and Brendan & Rachel slammed into them (Dave was not happy).  Rachel shrugs, "It's a race." (So I guess they're starting to play dirty? No, I think they just really have horrible control over the thing - if possible they were getting worse at it with every attempt.)  She mentions switching tasks, he says let's just switch and then she's telling him to just focus and do it... (I wish she'd make up her mind, sheesh.)

Speed Bump -Caroline & Jennifer finally deliver their typewriter and get the clue to the Detour - they choose Chariot and take off.

Gladiator - John is trying again and finally he dies successfully - Jessica goes second and does it correctly as well - so they are the first team to get the clue to head to the Piazza Di Spagna (but they have to figure out it's where 'John Keats spent his unhappy Roman holiday'.)  They take the clue to the cab driver who says, "no Piazza, street, street"... Hmm, they trust that he's knows where to go, but I'm thinking he really doesn't.

Charioteers - They are losing parts of the toys left, right and center - the charioteers are being dragged, the horses fall off -but even dragging a horse, Brendan & Rachel are the first team to finally complete the 5 laps in the time allotted and they get the clue to head for the Piazza of John Keats' unhappy Roman Holiday.

Gladiator - Leo & Jamal have finally arrived at the Gladiator task (they must be farther apart than they thought, seems like it took a while) and they have to get suited up again.

Brendan & Rachel's cab driver knows the Piazza of John Keats is the Spanish Steps - so they are heading to the right place.

Charioteers - Caroline & Jen show up just as Jet & Cord and Dave & Connor successfully complete their 5 laps and take off for the Piazza Di Spagna (hopefully.)

Gladiators - Leo & Jamal are all learned up and ready for their first attempt at fighting the hulking brute.  They play up to the ladies present but when the gladiator tosses a sword to Jamal he lets it fall then messes up his sequence.  The gladiator goes and boots Leo in the butt to let them know they have to go practice some more before they hope to spar with him. (Ha! I bet lots have people had wanted to kick Leo at one time or another.)

Charioteers - Globetrotters hit their five laps with no problem once the other teams were gone.  They get the clue and take off leaving the Country Singers the last team there... and they have a learning curve to overcome - this could still take them a while.

The Cowboys cab driver is taking them to John Keats street... I have a feeling they'll be seeing John & Jessica in the wrong place.  Oh, and it looks like the Globetrotters too are being taken to John Keats Street.

Caroline & Jen are feeling defeated, they have the mindset that they will likely be eliminated so might as well just have fun with doing a crazy remote control chariot race in Rome.  Taking the pressure off must have worked because they completed the 5 laps - and the Romans watching loved it because they hugged everyone.

Via John Keats - John & Jessica get to John Keats St. but there is no piazza, it's an apartment building - they get a guy on the street to look for the Piazza John Keats on his smart phone but he says there is no piazza just the street.

Piazza di Spagna - Brendan & Rachel get to the right place, the Spanish Steps and get the clue to the ROADBLOCK: Who can sum up the Spanish Steps?  They have to count the steps, not including the sidewalk, then add the number to the Roman numerals carved on the obelisk at the top - then write their answer in Roman numerals correctly to get the next clue. (Oh sweet Jebus!) MCMXXIV
-Brendan is going to do this one.  Apparently he's a math guy so he should be able to do this... but does he know Roman numerals?

Gladiators - Leo messes up this time but they were having a blast with this task - it was like play acting or being in a movie - they finally both died dramatically and got the next clue... but are unfortunately in last place at this point.

Spanish Steps - Brendan decides he's got to find out the year on the obelisk first so he runs up all the steps and asks a guy what year it was erected... and lucky for him, the gentleman takes the time to explain the Roman numerals to him - giving him the year and what the symbols mean.

Dave & Connor used their cab driver's phone to look up that they needed to go to the Spanish Steps.  Caroline & Jen's cab driver also looks it up on his phone and they are headed for the Spanish Steps.

John & Jessica finally decide to abandon their cab and take to the street but no one speaks English and they can't find a hotel or anywhere to check the internet... Jessica is having an unhappy Roman holiday.  Finally they find a hotel and check their computer.

Spanish Steps - Dave & Connor get there and see Rachel, they ask her where the clue box is, she tells them it's a Roadblock but doesn't tell them where the clue box is, she just points (she doesn't have to tell you anything.) They see the chestnut vendor with the clues and Dave is going to do this one.  He starts with counting the steps, seems logical since Brendan will have to run the steps three times starting at the top, counting down then going back up to get the next clue (I don't think Brendan is the smarty pants he thinks he is.)
-Regardless, Brendan realizes the first sewer grating is not a step, he counts the rest then goes to his new friend at the top who helps him write out his answer in Roman numerals and he gets it right!  And gets the clue to the PIT STOP.  Which is also a riddle of sorts - they have to figure out they need to make their way on foot to the Piazza Del Popolo.  They ask a horse & buggy driver and he just waves them in a vague direction and she takes off running.

The Afghanimals get in a cab and the driver says no Piazza, Via John Keats. (Uh oh)
-The Cowboys are at the Via John Keats and ask a guy working at a coffee shop who tells them they should be at the Spanish Steps - they are not happy.
-Globetrotters were also taken to the wrong place - they ask someone who tells them it's the Spanish steps so they get back in the cab and take off.
-John & Jessica finally figure out to head to the Spanish Steps, it's where John Keats died - off they go.

Spanish Steps:
-Dave doesn't know his Roman numerals, he didn't have a helpful old man to figure it out for him at the top.  He gets the answer wrong and has to go back down the steps to the chestnut vendor and pick up another postcard before he can try again.
-Caroline & Jennifer get there and Jennifer is going to do this one.  They were just happy to see one other team still there, so they know they're still in it, little did they realize they are actually in third place at this point.  And Caroline tells us that she and math are not best friends so this is definitely one for Jen to do.

Somewhere else in Rome - Leo & Jamal are asking a guy on the street if he knows the Piazza di John Keats and he looks it up on his phone - Spanish Steps.

Spanish Steps - Caroline & Dave have sort of teamed up, they both found the number of steps and had people help them figure out the Roman numerals - but they checked their answers with each other and then both got the clue to the Pit Stop from Audrey Hepburn.
-They remain together to figure out where to go from there.

-Meanwhile, Jet & Cord have finally arrived.  Jet is doing this one and he asks some tourists for help with the Roman numerals and gets the clue to the Pit Stop.
-The Globetrotters finally get to the steps as well and Flight Time is doing this one - but he doesn't know Roman numerals and obviously doesn't read what he needs to do because he asks someone for the number of steps and hand over the post card with 135 written on it - (Really?) He keeps trying different number of steps but is having no luck (I know, READ THE CLUE!)

Still in cabs are: John & Jessica and Leo & Jamal, hoping that other teams have screwed up and they may still have a chance.

Spanish Steps: Leo & Jamal show up, luckily for Flight Time.  Jamal counts the steps and at the top Flight Time asks him how many steps he got, Jamal says it's based off the date on the obelisk and he's like, "It's based off the date?" (Man, if the Globetrotters had been the last one's there, they would never have gotten through this task.)
-John & Jessica are the last team to arrive much to Leo's delight, they were not in last place.
-John however knows his Roman numerals and makes his first guess with the incorrect # of stairs.

-Jamal is the next one to get the right number with help from a tourist and her smart phone - the Afghanimals get the clue to the Pit Stop. While they're reading the clue, Jessica says they can help John... and Leo says they'll help them as long as they promise not the beat them and not to U-Turn them. (They're assuming there are still teams behind them as well.)
Both the Globetrotters and John & Jessica promise both those things and Leo & Jamal give them the Roman numerals.
Flight Time is able to write it out and head back up to get his clue but John had to run back to the chestnut vendor to get a clean postcard first... Jessica is praying there is someone still behind them.
Flight Time gets his clue.
John gets his clue.
And it's a foot race to the mat.

Piazza del Popolo - Pit Stop:
Here's How They Finished:
1) Brendan & Rachel - won a trip to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia!  They've been struggling to stay in the Race so this is huge for them.
2) Caroline & Jennifer - they got to the mat at the same time as...
3) Dave & Connor - who allowed the girls to step on the mat first and when Phil told them their placing Teams #2 & 3 they were shocked and ecstatic!
4) Jet & Cord - They remind us they still have an Express Pass and the next leg is their last opportunity to use it.
5) Leo & Jamal - They're shocked to hear they're 5th... which means...
6) Flight Time & Big Easy - they were lucky they didn't lose that foot race.
7) Jessica & John - ***ELIMINATED!***  She was teary, couldn't believe they were out - and John, ever the politician, puts on a big smile and says she's the best, blah, blah, blah.

So, with John & Jessica's elimination, that takes Marla L., Cindi C., Sue & Hannelore and Denise R. out of the pool.

Next week:  It's a Double U-Turn and it looks like people are starting to play dirty. (Ooh, love it.)

I hope everyone is having a great week,


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