Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Amazing Race All Stars - March 16th Episode Recap

Smarter, Not Harder

Last week we said good-bye to Meghan & Joey before he got too annoying - they really have had the worst cab luck - not having their taxi wait for them on the Roadblock cost them the game.

This week, the leg started with Dave & Connor reading the clue at 9:06am to make their way to Prince Phillip Park (so they are staying in Malaysian Borneo.)  Dave & Connor are just happy to still be healthy and running the Race past leg three (where they had to quit last time.)
-Cowboys second out at 9:08am
-Leo & Jamal - 9:14am

-The Cowboys are the first team to get to the clue box in the park - it's a ROADBLOCK: Who has a spring in their step?
-They have to jump on a bamboo trampoline until they get high enough to grab their flag that is suspended from the ceiling of the long house (adjusted for height.)
-Ginger Cord is doing this one (Jet tends to make him do the more physical stuff - that's what little brothers are for.)
-Dave & Connor get there and Connor is doing this (that's what having kids is for ;))
-Leo & Jamal get there and Leo is going to do this one.

-Cord starts his jumps and... this is not going to be easy.  He falls pretty short of reaching the flag.  And they only have three tries before the next team gets a shot, so he has to step out and let Connor have a go... and he gets it on the first try (apparently cowboys can't jump.)
-Dave & Connor get the next clue which tells them to fly to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia - only three flights available and seating is limited.  Off they go.
-Cord is jumping again and still can't reach the flag - he has to step out this time to let Leo have his go.
-Leo doesn't make it on his first set of three, but he does on the second go around.  Cord still cannot jump high enough.  The Afghanimals take their leave.

-Dave & Connor are first to the airport, first on first flight.

-Margie & Luke are the next team to start the leg at 9:58am... and we learn that Luke is gay (did we know that?) The story of him coming out to his Mom was touching - she already knew and it didn't change their relationship, just as strong as ever. (Awww.)

-Leo & Jamal are the second team on the first flight - and we find out there are only three spots available on that flight.

-Back at the long house, Cord still hasn't been able to reach that darn flag (they finally found a challenge the cowboys can't do... huh, that makes me a little sad.)  Finally, he makes it on the 47th!! attempt (oof.  But I gotta say one thing, there is no whining and no giving up with those boys, he would have kept at it all day if he needed to - I love that about them.)

-Margie & Luke get to the Roadblock and he's going to do it, she's a little leery that he won't be able to hear the music/beat but too bad, he's doing it.  On his first attempt, he was watching the guy counting down so hard he couldn't look up at the flag and he fell on his butt... (hmm, this could also take a while.)

-Jet and a very sweaty Cord get to the airport and are the third team on the first flight.  That flight will be 1 1/2 hours ahead of the second flight (that is quite a lead.)

-The Globetrotters are the next team starting the leg at 11:04am... and you have to love these guys, they take the time to play with the local kids a bit, giving one kid a Globetrotters head band - so cute.

-We flash back to the long house and see Luke grab the flag (way to go!)
-The Globetrotters get to the Roadblock and Big Easy is finally doing the task -  they had to set the flag right up in the rafters for him... and it's going to take some momentum to get him up that high.

-At the airport - Margie & Luke find out they are the first team on the second flight.  And we find out the distribution - there will be three teams on the first flight, two on the second and three on the third.

-Big Easy gets his flag and falls on the trampoline - then hobbles away rubbing his back - a bamboo trampoline is like concrete, it doesn't give. (Ouch, don't break the Big Man!) They are the 2nd team on the second flight.

-Caroline & Jennifer are the next team heading out at 11:17am and they are surrounded by the kids the Globetrotters had attracted... or they could just love the blond hair.
-At the Roadblock, Caroline is excited to be doing the trampoline until she finds out it's a wooden trampoline... and she's having trouble finding the coordination to even get in the air. (Uh oh.)
-Once she concentrates on the beat, she finally gets in the air and grabs that flag.  They are first on the third flight which is only 25 minutes behind the second flight.

-John & Jessica next team out at 12:13pm - They have adjusted their mindset from the last time they ran the Race - they are not trying to be first on every leg, they want to run it smarter. (Hope that works out - cause you can't win if you're not first at least once - at the end.)
-They get to the Roadblock and Jessica says she'll do this one... and she proves rhythmically challenged as well.  Not much airtime happening.
-15th attempt, she couldn't get the rhythm, she was slipping on the wood and kept falling on her butt.  Looks like her discouragement may be their undoing.

-Brendan & Rachel are the last team to depart at 12:45pm - they say their outlook on the race has changed this time as well - last time he just wanted to make it to the end, which they did - but this time they want to win - Rachel says it's because she wants babies and he said if they win, they can have babies. (Ho boy, watch out for the lady on the baby train - that could get ugly.)

-And speaking of ugly... Jessica's feet were just destroyed by the bamboo trampoline - she still hasn't reached the flag but because they have to do this in bare feet, she's got huge blisters and her feet
start bleeding.  She has to stop to have medical take a look and wrap her feet.  Once that's done - she gets that flag and they head out.

-Brendan & Rachel get to the Roadblock and she's jumping... maybe.  He yells at her, "Smarter not harder!" and she says (my favourite line so far) "I'm trying my smartest!" (Hahaha) And then we find out she was trying to do this in pantyhose and that's why she kept falling down - once the hose came off - she got the flag right away. (Just shaking my head... that was her smartest?)

-Hours later, the first flight finally heads out - it's way later in the day, they had a long wait at the airport.
-Second flight was delayed which allowed the third flight to leave at about the same time - so that means Margie & Luke and the Globetrotters are possibly now in the rear and Margie & Luke were eliminated in leg four by the Globetrotters the last time they were on the show... hoping this is not a case of deja vu.

First flight lands and they jump in cabs to the intersection where the clue box awaits - Leo & Jamal are the first team there and they get the clue to the DETOUR: Mixmaster or Master mix? both tasks require the teams to join the nightlife at Sky Bar.
Mix Master: they have to choose a scratch coach and learn how to DJ. (Hear a scratch pattern, copy it - seven different patterns of increasing difficulty.) If they fail they have to go to the back of the line to try again.
Master Mix: they have to properly pour a pyramid of cocktails without mixing the colours. (Oh, how do I describe this?) they have seven martini glasses set up, row of four on the bottom and row of three offset on the top - then they have seven shakers one inside the other and they have to pour from one end of the shaker snake to the other, getting the contents of the different shakers in the different glasses...all red on the bottom row, all yellow on the top (OMG! No thanks.)
-Leo bar-tends for a living so they choose Master Mix.
-Dave & Connor and the Cowboys choose Master Mix as well - they all have zero rhythm, no DJ-ing for these boys.
-Afghanimals get to the Sky Bar and they want to join the party ... but when it comes to mixing the drinks, it's all business - (Am I the only one that thinks this looks impossible for a lay person to pull off?)
-Cowboys and Dave & Connor get up to the bar and none of them drink (Dave & Connor are Mormons, and I remember the Cowboys drinking beer for the first time in Germany on the Race before.) This is going to be ridiculous. 
-And the Afghanimals show us, on their first attempt - everything comes up orange - there is no yellow and red.  FAIL.

-Second flight arrives one minute before the third flight so they are all scrambling for taxis - Margie & Luke end up sharing a van with the Globetrotter.  Brendan & Rachel and John & Jessica also grab a van and the Country Singers are able to beg a taxi to take them alone.

-At the bar - no one is pouring these drinks right - between the spilling and breaking of glasses - this is one expensive Detour for the show.

-Brendan & Rachel and John & Jessica are the next team to the Detour clue box and Jessica wants to learn to DJ while Rachel is sure her years of cocktail waitressing with let her pour 7 drinks at once.
-Country Singers are doing Mix Master - music should be right up their alley.
-Globetrotters are Mix Mastering with the DJ and Margie & Luke are going to try pouring the drinks.

-In the bar, the Afghanimals are cutting their losses - they decide to switch tasks.
-On their 10th attempt, the Cowboys succeed in pouring the drinks! (Right on, back to form these two.) They get the clue to the PIT STOP, Batu Caves.

-The Afghanimals are learning the DJ-ing... well, Jamal is trying to learn and Leo can't stop kicking himself for how much time they wasted on the drinks.. then he tries the scratching and he can't do it - of course not, PAY ATTENTION!

The rest of the teams arrive... just as Dave & Connor finally have a perfect pour! (It was a thing of beauty - yes, I'm biased because this is my team.)

-There are now four teams learning the scratching - much to Leo & Jamals dismay - but it's the Globetrotters that make the first attempt in the actual DJ booth.  Leo & Jamal are right behind them.
-But the Globetrotters also proved that practice is required - FAIL.
-Leo & Jamal get up there and their practice worked out for them - they Passed! and got the clue for the Pit Stop.

-Back behind the bar - Brendan & Rachel and Margie & Luke are pouring some pretty orange drinks - ho boy.
-Globetrotters are trying the DJ-ing again, followed by John & Jessica this time.
-Globetrotters fail again.
-John & Jessica - they did alright on the first scratch but then she tried to rewind the disc or something - Crash and Burn!
-Globetrotters head back up and back down.

-Brendan & Rachel are talking about switching tasks but they decide to stick it out... and they almost got it and their 14th attempt - Arghh! Except the last glass!
-Luke can't even look - on Margie's 13th attempt and she's trying to tell him to calm down, his epic frustration is not helping here.

-John & Jessica fail DJ-ing again, Globetrotters fail again... and then the Country Singers get in on the mix.  And the Blond girls proved that extra practice time paid off - they pass and get the clue to the Pit Stop.
-John & Jessica finally slow their roll and get the scratches right!

-Brendan wants to smash some glasses - and Luke is freaking out even more when he sees another team leave and they cannot get the drinks thing done.
-Brendan on his 28th attempt - Margie on 23rd attempt - Margie & Luke have to make this work too - they don't really have the option to change tasks with him being deaf.

-Globetrotters finally scratch it right and take off for the Pit Stop.
-Luke reaches his breaking point, drops the shakers on the floor and stalks off to the bathroom to cry.  Margie says he doesn't think he can do it anymore. (I'm frustrated with Luke, this is his third time around on the Race, you'd think he'd have learned how to control the emotion a little better by now.)
-Luke comes back out and Margie makes him sweep up the broken glass.  Brendan & Rachel even come over and try to bolster him (why are you all coddling him? He's a grown man, acting like a big baby!)
-But back to pouring and neither team is any closer to getting these drinks poured correctly.  Margie asks if Brendan & Rachel want to give up and take the time penalty together - but Rachel doesn't think they should. "You should never give up on the Amazing Race."
-This pep talk was just what Margie & Luke needed.  They focused, worked together and actually poured those drinks correctly.  Margie says, "Rachel turned it around for us."
-Too bad it didn't work on Brendan, cause their drinks were still muddled up messes.

And the club is now closed - the music is off - everyone is gone... except Brendan & Rachel... Then she leads them in a prayer which they scored it with inspirational music (really?) After 3 hours and 12 minutes, they finally make the perfect pour.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Jet & Cord - they won a trip to London, England.  Cord said, "We're like butter... we're on a roll." (Ha, groan, ha.)
2) Dave & Connor - I think they got some education spending three hours in a bar.
3) Leo & Jamal - they're still hungry for a first place finish, but them cowboys are tough to beat.
4) Caroline & Jennifer
5) Jessica & John
6) Flight Time & Big Easy
7) Margie & Luke - Phil asks what is it with them and drinks (Luke had a meltdown at a tea task before.) They said Rachel was so nice and encouraging, she's probably regretting that right now.
8) Brendan & Rachel - NON-ELIMINATION Leg... they will encounter a Speed Bump next leg. (At least Rachel has matured in the Race - Luke could learn a thing or two from her lack of whining and crying this time.)

Next week - Cowboys do some fishing - the Globetrotters are spinning some plates and Brendan & Rachel go for broke on a 30 minute connecting flight (Watch them sprint through the airport!)

Have a great week everyone,

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