The Final Four
Last week we found out there would be a final four and the Pit Stop was really just a quick stop as they went on to the City of Angels and the finale!
We all know the final four teams, but just in case, we have the Surfers, the Dentists, the Wrestlers and the Scientists... all great teams in their own right but I know who I want to win...
Once they touch down in Los Angeles they'll have to choose a marked Ford Explorer Sport and use the product placement technology to get their next clue (something sync, do we care?)
-The Scientists show up at the airport to a very chilly reception, the Surfers and Wrestlers are not very happy that no one was eliminated the last leg and Brooke doesn't pull any punches, telling the Scientists to their faces that she is very frustrated that they weren't eliminated.
Maya, "Why don't you love us?"
Brooke, "I do, but I love a million bucks more." (Exactly.)
-Dentist Jim tries to cheer Brooke up about it, telling her the girls are low hanging fruit, if someone's going to be eliminated mid-way through the leg, it'll likely be them. Brooke says if it's a mental thing, she and Robbie, you know...(motions like they've taken a lot of shots to the head and aren't exactly rocket surgeons) at least they never lose their sense of humour.
Los Angeles
-They hit the Explorers and the cars tell them to take their manila envelopes which contain a filming permit to downtown city hall and present them to the clerk.
-The Dentists are sure they are the only ones who know where they are going because no one is following them... but then they realize it's because they are heading in the wrong direction (it's wrong but I can't help but feel some glee when Jim messes up, maybe one day he'll learn a little humility.)
-The Surfers seem to know where they are going and the Wrestlers were following them... until Robbie decided to pull up beside them and missed the exit the Surfers took - oops. Brooke & Robbie stop at a car rental place and ask directions, the guy highlights a map for them.
-The Surfers get to City Hall right behind the Scientists (oh ho, the girls know LA.) The Scientists get the big 'ol rubber stamp on their permit saying approved and now they have to head to Southwest Marine Warehouse and present their permit to get their next clue.
-Scientists are the first out but stop and ask locals to borrow a smart phone to look up where they need to go.
-Surfers are right behind them out of City Hall but they just start driving.
-Jim & Misti get to City Hall and are back out before the Scientists start driving away.
-The Surfers stop at a fire hall and ask for directions and the guy recognized Bethany - that was kinda cool.
-The Scientists are the first to the Warehouse and they get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to be an Action Hero? (Who doesn't?)
-One person will learn a stunt from professional stunt men, then, when they're ready, they will have to pick up a satchel and crash through a window on the third storey of the building (eek).
-Maya is going to do this one. "I'm so excited." (When is she not?)
-The Surfers get to the warehouse and Adam is surprised the Scientists beat them there (it's like the Race karma is getting all the teams back for being kinda mean to the girls when they weren't eliminated... they're not going to win are they?)
-Adam is going to do this one.
-The Dentists crossed a bridge they didn't need to, stop and ask for directions and have to head back - Jim's sure they are in last place and Misti talks him back, "don't go negative, we can recover from this." (Especially since they aren't last...)
-The Wrestlers haven't made it to City Hall yet, they are heading to Santa Monica (oh man) they ask a guy stuck beside them in traffic and he tells them it's in the other direction - so much for the helpful car rental guy. (I'll be sad to see the Wrestlers go.) Bicker, bicker, bicker.
-Maya and Adam are both getting directions on what to do and Maya is surprisingly hesitant to jump during the practice, not even going through glass this time, just learning to twist and land on her back... finally she does it but that wasn't very good.
-Dentists finally get there and Jim is going to be the Action hero, he asks if they're the second team there and his trainer tells him they're third.
-Maya is the first to make her stunt-woman debut and she does a good job though she was pretty nervous - when it was over she was her excited bubbly self again - and they read the clue to head to the Coast Guard base at the end of Terminal Island and go to the marked response boats to get their next clue. Maya thinks she saw it close by and they take off on foot.
-Adam is the next one to break through the glass and he looks like he was loving the whole process - Bethany tells him he may have a future in stunt work (sure, why not.) They also get the clue to head to the Coast Guard base and take off running.
-Jim is now practicing and he's focused as usual - just wants to get it done and get going. No one knows where the Wrestlers are.
-The Scientists are running away from the warehouse and Amy reads the rest of the clue which says they have to change out of the costume before leaving the stunt site.... guess who was still in the stunt gear - they had to turn around and go back. And the Surfers pass them cause Adam took off his gear right away.
-Finally, the Wrestlers find City Hall and get their permit stamped... now lets see if they can find the warehouse.
Coast Guard
-Adam & Bethany are the first team there and they get the clue to test their swimming skills with the US Coast Guard in open ocean training drills - and they're ecstatic, these two can swim like fishes. They choose a rescue boat, get suited up in wet suits and head out, getting instruction as they go.
Back at the warehouse, Jim is about to jump out a window. He does it face first and then turns his back in mid-air... good thing that was not real glass or Mcfakerson would be needing some stitches.
-Maya is busy trying to take off all her gear at the same time that Jim starts taking off his costume, but he can't find the clue in the satchel... the Scientists take off running again and finally Jim finds the clue - they are right behind the girls now heading for the Coast Guard station.
-Brooke & Robbie are lost again and wishing there was not going to be an elimination - Brooke just wishes the candy girls were eliminated like they were supposed to be and then they [the Wrestlers] would be where they should be (uh, what? You still would have gotten just as lost. How have the Scientists contributed to that?)
Coast Guard
-Amy & Maya get to the boats and Maya just wants to get going, she knows she cost them the lead by not removing her costume when she should have.
-Jim & Misti are right on their heels.
-Adam & Bethany finally get out to where the "rescue" is to take place and they are both in the water with no hesitation - they surf way gnarlier water than this - piece of cake for them to swim out to the buoy and grab the dummy.
-Maya is beating herself up on the boat, about making the mistake with the clothes.
-Jim is asking if he should be doing a front or side stroke? The Coast guard guy tells him whatever gets the job done.
-The Surfers are dragging "Oscar" the 200lb dead weight dummy back to the boat, he was no joke but they were so in their element that even that anchor didn't slow them down too much. Surfers are back in the boat and heading back before the Scientists get there - but they do pass on the water so they know how tight the race still is.
-Maya & Amy jump in the water and Maya tells us she's not the strongest swimmer, though she used to do triathlons and had to swim a mile, so she can do it... it was the fins that were hard, (yeah, that's it.)
-Jim & Misti also aren't the best swimmers, despite living on the water (aren't they from Florida or something?) but they watch their kids swim more than they go in. Jim says he can swim well enough not to drown (and I don't think muscle floats all that well so he's probably not the most buoyant either.)
-Neither of these two teams will be doing this task as quickly as Adam & Bethany did it, but they are still neck & neck when they get Oscar aboard and head back.
-Back at the dock, Adam & Bethany get the next clue to travel by taxi to ConGlobal Industries and search for their next clue next to the containers. Conveniently, there are taxis standing by.
-Jim & Misti get dressed and take off for ConGlobal while Amy & Maya are still struggling to get shoes on (what were you girls doing in the boat?? Who knew getting dressed and undressed would be the Scientists nemesis?) The girls jump in a cab and Amy runs down the order, Surfers, Dentists then them, no has seen the Wrestlers...
-Speaking of the Wrestlers, they are at the Roadblock, watching a stuntman jump out the window when... here comes Phil from behind a prop crate (oh, that's not good) - he tells them they missed their call time and they have been ELIMINATED. They are so disappointed but still proud of themselves. They said, "love us or hate us, you're never going to forget the pro-wrestlers."
ConGlobal Industries
-The Surfers are the first to arrive and get the clue to another ROADBLOCK - Who can't contain themselves? The person that didn't do the stunt, has to do this one.
Phil tells us there are 15,000 shipping containers at ConGlobal industries - they must find 9 specific containers representing 9 of the cities they've visited on the Race - each container has a colour coded number assigned to it that they have to memorize then write down on a requisition sheet in the correct order of when they visited the cities on the Race - once they have the right combination of numbers, the foreman will call in their next clue.
-Bethany felt the weight of the race come down on her right then. This is for all the marbles, don't screw it up.
-The Scientists and Dentists arrive at the container port and it's Misti and Amy having to do this one. Misti said she had her knickers in a twist the whole time (I think that was her polite way of saying she was freaking out) and Amy was worried because her leg is still bothering her but she just had to suck it up like the last leg and get it done.
-So they have this huge maze of shipping containers, they have to find the marked ones with the city names on them and memorize the number corresponding to their colour without writing anything down, then put the cities in order at the end... Did I mention they couldn't write anything down? (This seems darn near impossible. Or is that just my memory limitations balking?)
-Jim supposes they have been waiting there for 4 hours, and announces they are all tied for first right now, this is where the winner will be determined.... when they show Amy, Bethany and Misti finally finding the last of the containers they need ... now can they remember the numbers and put them in order?
-Amy is the first one back to write down her numbers... Jim is quietly bumping his head against the wall of a container.... and Amy nails it. They call down a shipping container and there is a clue box inside.
-Bethany is back writing down her numbers and Misti gets back to write down her numbers...
-Amy & Maya read the clue to head to St Vincent Lighthouse... the finish line of the Amazing Race. Maya takes off running and yelling like a loon as poor Amy is lumbering along behind her.
-Now the other teams just hope the taxi gets messed up or something - they show the girls in the cab and the driver has no idea where the lighthouse is... but Maya's trying to look it up on his smart phone.
-Bethany got her number wrong - she has two numbers in the wrong order (oh no!) Adam is so supportive, telling her it's alright (and I really believe he would be okay if they didn't win - Jim, on the other hand, I think it would bug him for the rest of his life - I could see him wanting to do the show again if they don't win.)
-Misti also gets her number wrong on the first try.
-Bethany gets hers checked again and she's farther away this time (so frustrating.)
-Misti gets hers right the second time and they get the clue to the finish line.
-Poor Bethany is back in the stacks to check her numbers.
Amy & Maya are in the cab.
Jim & Misti are in a cab.
-Bethany gets the numbers right and they also head for the lighthouse.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Maya & Amy are the Winners of the Amazing Race. Maya jumped on Phil and wrapped her legs around him - Amy collapsed on her hands and knees at the finish (with 1/2 a million, hopefully she can get some physio and let her leg heal.)
-This is only the third time in Amazing Race history that they have had an all-female team win the Race. (The two doctors, with the vegetarian who ate the goat head and the sisters who couldn't swim... don't ask me their names.)
2) Misti & Jim - Phil tells them that no one has had better looking teeth after racing around the world than these two. (Oh so true.) Jim looks pretty disappointed but not mad and Misti has the same 1000 watt smile she always has on her face and though they didn't meet all their goals on the race, they're still happy. They said aside from getting married and having kids, coming on the Race was the best decision they've ever made.
3) Adam & Bethany - they are so proud of how they were together on the Race and they love each other more now than before they started. Adam says he wouldn't trade their love for a million dollars... but a million dollars still would have been a good thing.
So, with that surprising (and if I'm totally honest, disappointing to me) win by the Scientists, the winners of our pool are: Kim B./Gail W., Alexis G., Jeremy N., Lindsay J., Natalie M.
Congratulations! (I'll contact you individually about your prize.)
Next season is going to be 11 dating couples and for the first time ever 5 of them will meet for the first time at the starting line for the most extreme blind dates ever (oh hell no.)
I hope you all have a very happy holiday season and we'll see you back here in February for Season 26 - which looks to be a doozy.
Last week we found out there would be a final four and the Pit Stop was really just a quick stop as they went on to the City of Angels and the finale!
We all know the final four teams, but just in case, we have the Surfers, the Dentists, the Wrestlers and the Scientists... all great teams in their own right but I know who I want to win...
Once they touch down in Los Angeles they'll have to choose a marked Ford Explorer Sport and use the product placement technology to get their next clue (something sync, do we care?)
-The Scientists show up at the airport to a very chilly reception, the Surfers and Wrestlers are not very happy that no one was eliminated the last leg and Brooke doesn't pull any punches, telling the Scientists to their faces that she is very frustrated that they weren't eliminated.
Maya, "Why don't you love us?"
Brooke, "I do, but I love a million bucks more." (Exactly.)
-Dentist Jim tries to cheer Brooke up about it, telling her the girls are low hanging fruit, if someone's going to be eliminated mid-way through the leg, it'll likely be them. Brooke says if it's a mental thing, she and Robbie, you know...(motions like they've taken a lot of shots to the head and aren't exactly rocket surgeons) at least they never lose their sense of humour.
Los Angeles
-They hit the Explorers and the cars tell them to take their manila envelopes which contain a filming permit to downtown city hall and present them to the clerk.
-The Dentists are sure they are the only ones who know where they are going because no one is following them... but then they realize it's because they are heading in the wrong direction (it's wrong but I can't help but feel some glee when Jim messes up, maybe one day he'll learn a little humility.)
-The Surfers seem to know where they are going and the Wrestlers were following them... until Robbie decided to pull up beside them and missed the exit the Surfers took - oops. Brooke & Robbie stop at a car rental place and ask directions, the guy highlights a map for them.
-The Surfers get to City Hall right behind the Scientists (oh ho, the girls know LA.) The Scientists get the big 'ol rubber stamp on their permit saying approved and now they have to head to Southwest Marine Warehouse and present their permit to get their next clue.
-Scientists are the first out but stop and ask locals to borrow a smart phone to look up where they need to go.
-Surfers are right behind them out of City Hall but they just start driving.
-Jim & Misti get to City Hall and are back out before the Scientists start driving away.
-The Surfers stop at a fire hall and ask for directions and the guy recognized Bethany - that was kinda cool.
-The Scientists are the first to the Warehouse and they get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to be an Action Hero? (Who doesn't?)
-One person will learn a stunt from professional stunt men, then, when they're ready, they will have to pick up a satchel and crash through a window on the third storey of the building (eek).
-Maya is going to do this one. "I'm so excited." (When is she not?)
-The Surfers get to the warehouse and Adam is surprised the Scientists beat them there (it's like the Race karma is getting all the teams back for being kinda mean to the girls when they weren't eliminated... they're not going to win are they?)
-Adam is going to do this one.
-The Dentists crossed a bridge they didn't need to, stop and ask for directions and have to head back - Jim's sure they are in last place and Misti talks him back, "don't go negative, we can recover from this." (Especially since they aren't last...)
-The Wrestlers haven't made it to City Hall yet, they are heading to Santa Monica (oh man) they ask a guy stuck beside them in traffic and he tells them it's in the other direction - so much for the helpful car rental guy. (I'll be sad to see the Wrestlers go.) Bicker, bicker, bicker.
-Maya and Adam are both getting directions on what to do and Maya is surprisingly hesitant to jump during the practice, not even going through glass this time, just learning to twist and land on her back... finally she does it but that wasn't very good.
-Dentists finally get there and Jim is going to be the Action hero, he asks if they're the second team there and his trainer tells him they're third.
-Maya is the first to make her stunt-woman debut and she does a good job though she was pretty nervous - when it was over she was her excited bubbly self again - and they read the clue to head to the Coast Guard base at the end of Terminal Island and go to the marked response boats to get their next clue. Maya thinks she saw it close by and they take off on foot.
-Adam is the next one to break through the glass and he looks like he was loving the whole process - Bethany tells him he may have a future in stunt work (sure, why not.) They also get the clue to head to the Coast Guard base and take off running.
-Jim is now practicing and he's focused as usual - just wants to get it done and get going. No one knows where the Wrestlers are.
-The Scientists are running away from the warehouse and Amy reads the rest of the clue which says they have to change out of the costume before leaving the stunt site.... guess who was still in the stunt gear - they had to turn around and go back. And the Surfers pass them cause Adam took off his gear right away.
-Finally, the Wrestlers find City Hall and get their permit stamped... now lets see if they can find the warehouse.
Coast Guard
-Adam & Bethany are the first team there and they get the clue to test their swimming skills with the US Coast Guard in open ocean training drills - and they're ecstatic, these two can swim like fishes. They choose a rescue boat, get suited up in wet suits and head out, getting instruction as they go.
Back at the warehouse, Jim is about to jump out a window. He does it face first and then turns his back in mid-air... good thing that was not real glass or Mcfakerson would be needing some stitches.
-Maya is busy trying to take off all her gear at the same time that Jim starts taking off his costume, but he can't find the clue in the satchel... the Scientists take off running again and finally Jim finds the clue - they are right behind the girls now heading for the Coast Guard station.
-Brooke & Robbie are lost again and wishing there was not going to be an elimination - Brooke just wishes the candy girls were eliminated like they were supposed to be and then they [the Wrestlers] would be where they should be (uh, what? You still would have gotten just as lost. How have the Scientists contributed to that?)
Coast Guard
-Amy & Maya get to the boats and Maya just wants to get going, she knows she cost them the lead by not removing her costume when she should have.
-Jim & Misti are right on their heels.
-Adam & Bethany finally get out to where the "rescue" is to take place and they are both in the water with no hesitation - they surf way gnarlier water than this - piece of cake for them to swim out to the buoy and grab the dummy.
-Maya is beating herself up on the boat, about making the mistake with the clothes.
-Jim is asking if he should be doing a front or side stroke? The Coast guard guy tells him whatever gets the job done.
-The Surfers are dragging "Oscar" the 200lb dead weight dummy back to the boat, he was no joke but they were so in their element that even that anchor didn't slow them down too much. Surfers are back in the boat and heading back before the Scientists get there - but they do pass on the water so they know how tight the race still is.
-Maya & Amy jump in the water and Maya tells us she's not the strongest swimmer, though she used to do triathlons and had to swim a mile, so she can do it... it was the fins that were hard, (yeah, that's it.)
-Jim & Misti also aren't the best swimmers, despite living on the water (aren't they from Florida or something?) but they watch their kids swim more than they go in. Jim says he can swim well enough not to drown (and I don't think muscle floats all that well so he's probably not the most buoyant either.)
-Neither of these two teams will be doing this task as quickly as Adam & Bethany did it, but they are still neck & neck when they get Oscar aboard and head back.
-Back at the dock, Adam & Bethany get the next clue to travel by taxi to ConGlobal Industries and search for their next clue next to the containers. Conveniently, there are taxis standing by.
-Jim & Misti get dressed and take off for ConGlobal while Amy & Maya are still struggling to get shoes on (what were you girls doing in the boat?? Who knew getting dressed and undressed would be the Scientists nemesis?) The girls jump in a cab and Amy runs down the order, Surfers, Dentists then them, no has seen the Wrestlers...
-Speaking of the Wrestlers, they are at the Roadblock, watching a stuntman jump out the window when... here comes Phil from behind a prop crate (oh, that's not good) - he tells them they missed their call time and they have been ELIMINATED. They are so disappointed but still proud of themselves. They said, "love us or hate us, you're never going to forget the pro-wrestlers."
ConGlobal Industries
-The Surfers are the first to arrive and get the clue to another ROADBLOCK - Who can't contain themselves? The person that didn't do the stunt, has to do this one.
Phil tells us there are 15,000 shipping containers at ConGlobal industries - they must find 9 specific containers representing 9 of the cities they've visited on the Race - each container has a colour coded number assigned to it that they have to memorize then write down on a requisition sheet in the correct order of when they visited the cities on the Race - once they have the right combination of numbers, the foreman will call in their next clue.
-Bethany felt the weight of the race come down on her right then. This is for all the marbles, don't screw it up.
-The Scientists and Dentists arrive at the container port and it's Misti and Amy having to do this one. Misti said she had her knickers in a twist the whole time (I think that was her polite way of saying she was freaking out) and Amy was worried because her leg is still bothering her but she just had to suck it up like the last leg and get it done.
-So they have this huge maze of shipping containers, they have to find the marked ones with the city names on them and memorize the number corresponding to their colour without writing anything down, then put the cities in order at the end... Did I mention they couldn't write anything down? (This seems darn near impossible. Or is that just my memory limitations balking?)
-Jim supposes they have been waiting there for 4 hours, and announces they are all tied for first right now, this is where the winner will be determined.... when they show Amy, Bethany and Misti finally finding the last of the containers they need ... now can they remember the numbers and put them in order?
-Amy is the first one back to write down her numbers... Jim is quietly bumping his head against the wall of a container.... and Amy nails it. They call down a shipping container and there is a clue box inside.
-Bethany is back writing down her numbers and Misti gets back to write down her numbers...
-Amy & Maya read the clue to head to St Vincent Lighthouse... the finish line of the Amazing Race. Maya takes off running and yelling like a loon as poor Amy is lumbering along behind her.
-Now the other teams just hope the taxi gets messed up or something - they show the girls in the cab and the driver has no idea where the lighthouse is... but Maya's trying to look it up on his smart phone.
-Bethany got her number wrong - she has two numbers in the wrong order (oh no!) Adam is so supportive, telling her it's alright (and I really believe he would be okay if they didn't win - Jim, on the other hand, I think it would bug him for the rest of his life - I could see him wanting to do the show again if they don't win.)
-Misti also gets her number wrong on the first try.
-Bethany gets hers checked again and she's farther away this time (so frustrating.)
-Misti gets hers right the second time and they get the clue to the finish line.
-Poor Bethany is back in the stacks to check her numbers.
Amy & Maya are in the cab.
Jim & Misti are in a cab.
-Bethany gets the numbers right and they also head for the lighthouse.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Maya & Amy are the Winners of the Amazing Race. Maya jumped on Phil and wrapped her legs around him - Amy collapsed on her hands and knees at the finish (with 1/2 a million, hopefully she can get some physio and let her leg heal.)
-This is only the third time in Amazing Race history that they have had an all-female team win the Race. (The two doctors, with the vegetarian who ate the goat head and the sisters who couldn't swim... don't ask me their names.)
2) Misti & Jim - Phil tells them that no one has had better looking teeth after racing around the world than these two. (Oh so true.) Jim looks pretty disappointed but not mad and Misti has the same 1000 watt smile she always has on her face and though they didn't meet all their goals on the race, they're still happy. They said aside from getting married and having kids, coming on the Race was the best decision they've ever made.
3) Adam & Bethany - they are so proud of how they were together on the Race and they love each other more now than before they started. Adam says he wouldn't trade their love for a million dollars... but a million dollars still would have been a good thing.
So, with that surprising (and if I'm totally honest, disappointing to me) win by the Scientists, the winners of our pool are: Kim B./Gail W., Alexis G., Jeremy N., Lindsay J., Natalie M.
Congratulations! (I'll contact you individually about your prize.)
Next season is going to be 11 dating couples and for the first time ever 5 of them will meet for the first time at the starting line for the most extreme blind dates ever (oh hell no.)
I hope you all have a very happy holiday season and we'll see you back here in February for Season 26 - which looks to be a doozy.