Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Amazing Race 25 Finale - Dec 19/14

The Final Four

Last week we found out there would be a final four and the Pit Stop was really just a quick stop as they went on to the City of Angels and the finale!

We all know the final four teams, but just in case, we have the Surfers, the Dentists, the Wrestlers and the Scientists... all great teams in their own right but I know who I want to win...

Once they touch down in Los Angeles they'll have to choose a marked Ford Explorer Sport and use the product placement technology to get their next clue (something sync, do we care?)

-The Scientists show up at the airport to a very chilly reception, the Surfers and Wrestlers are not very happy that no one was eliminated the last leg and Brooke doesn't pull any punches, telling the Scientists to their faces that she is very frustrated that they weren't eliminated.
Maya, "Why don't you love us?"
Brooke, "I do, but I love a million bucks more." (Exactly.)

-Dentist Jim tries to cheer Brooke up about it, telling her the girls are low hanging fruit, if someone's going to be eliminated mid-way through the leg, it'll likely be them.  Brooke says if it's a mental thing, she and Robbie, you know...(motions like they've taken a lot of shots to the head and aren't exactly rocket surgeons) at least they never lose their sense of humour.

Los Angeles
-They hit the Explorers and the cars tell them to take their manila envelopes which contain a filming permit to downtown city hall and present them to the clerk.
-The Dentists are sure they are the only ones who know where they are going because no one is following them... but then they realize it's because they are heading in the wrong direction (it's wrong but I can't help but feel some glee when Jim messes up, maybe one day he'll learn a little humility.)

-The Surfers seem to know where they are going and the Wrestlers were following them... until Robbie decided to pull up beside them and missed the exit the Surfers took - oops.  Brooke & Robbie stop at a car rental place and ask directions, the guy highlights a map for them.

-The Surfers get to City Hall right behind the Scientists (oh ho, the girls know LA.)  The Scientists get the big 'ol rubber stamp on their permit saying approved and now they have to head to Southwest Marine Warehouse and present their permit to get their next clue.
-Scientists are the first out but stop and ask locals to borrow a smart phone to look up where they need to go. 
-Surfers are right behind them out of City Hall but they just start driving.
-Jim & Misti get to City Hall and are back out before the Scientists start driving away.

-The Surfers stop at a fire hall and ask for directions and the guy recognized Bethany - that was kinda cool.

-The Scientists are the first to the Warehouse and they get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to be an Action Hero? (Who doesn't?)
-One person will learn a stunt from professional stunt men, then, when they're ready, they will have to pick up a satchel and crash through a window on the third storey of the building (eek).
-Maya is going to do this one. "I'm so excited." (When is she not?)

-The Surfers get to the warehouse and Adam is surprised the Scientists beat them there (it's like the Race karma is getting all the teams back for being kinda mean to the girls when they weren't eliminated... they're not going to win are they?)
-Adam is going to do this one.

-The Dentists crossed a bridge they didn't need to, stop and ask for directions and have to head back - Jim's sure they are in last place and Misti talks him back, "don't go negative, we can recover from this." (Especially since they aren't last...)

-The Wrestlers haven't made it to City Hall yet, they are heading to Santa Monica (oh man) they ask a guy stuck beside them in traffic and he tells them it's in the other direction - so much for the helpful car rental guy.  (I'll be sad to see the Wrestlers go.)  Bicker, bicker, bicker.

-Maya and Adam are both getting directions on what to do and Maya is surprisingly hesitant to jump during the practice, not even going through glass this time, just learning to twist and land on her back... finally she does it but that wasn't very good.

-Dentists finally get there and Jim is going to be the Action hero, he asks if they're the second team there and his trainer tells him they're third.

-Maya is the first to make her stunt-woman debut and she does a good job though she was pretty nervous - when it was over she was her excited bubbly self again - and they read the clue to head to the Coast Guard base at the end of Terminal Island and go to the marked response boats to get their next clue.  Maya thinks she saw it close by and they take off on foot.

-Adam is the next one to break through the glass and he looks like he was loving the whole process - Bethany tells him he may have a future in stunt work (sure, why not.)  They also get the clue to head to the Coast Guard base and take off running.
-Jim is now practicing and he's focused as usual - just wants to get it done and get going.  No one knows where the Wrestlers are.

-The Scientists are running away from the warehouse and Amy reads the rest of the clue which says they have to change out of the costume before leaving the stunt site.... guess who was still in the stunt gear - they had to turn around and go back.  And the Surfers pass them cause Adam took off his gear right away.

-Finally, the Wrestlers find City Hall and get their permit stamped... now lets see if they can find the warehouse.

Coast Guard
-Adam & Bethany are the first team there and they get the clue to test their swimming skills with the US Coast Guard in open ocean training drills - and they're ecstatic, these two can swim like fishes.  They choose a rescue boat, get suited up in wet suits and head out, getting instruction as they go.

Back at the warehouse, Jim is about to jump out a window.  He does it face first and then turns his back in mid-air... good thing that was not real glass or Mcfakerson would be needing some stitches.

-Maya is busy trying to take off all her gear at the same time that Jim starts taking off his costume, but he can't find the clue in the satchel... the Scientists take off running again and finally Jim finds the clue - they are right behind the girls now heading for the Coast Guard station.

-Brooke & Robbie are lost again and wishing there was not going to be an elimination - Brooke just wishes the candy girls were eliminated like they were supposed to be and then they [the Wrestlers] would be where they should be (uh, what?  You still would have gotten just as lost. How have the Scientists contributed to that?)

Coast Guard
-Amy & Maya get to the boats and Maya just wants to get going, she knows she cost them the lead by not removing her costume when she should have.
-Jim & Misti are right on their heels.

-Adam & Bethany finally get out to where the "rescue" is to take place and they are both in the water with no hesitation - they surf way gnarlier water than this - piece of cake for them to swim out to the buoy and grab the dummy.

-Maya is beating herself up on the boat, about making the mistake with the clothes.
-Jim is asking if he should be doing a front or side stroke?  The Coast guard guy tells him whatever gets the job done.

-The Surfers are dragging "Oscar" the 200lb dead weight dummy back to the boat, he was no joke but they were so in their element that even that anchor didn't slow them down too much.  Surfers are back in the boat and heading back before the Scientists get there - but they do pass on the water so they know how tight the race still is.

-Maya & Amy jump in the water and Maya tells us she's not the strongest swimmer, though she used to do triathlons and had to swim a mile, so she can do it... it was the fins that were hard, (yeah, that's it.)

 -Jim & Misti also aren't the best swimmers, despite living on the water (aren't they from Florida or something?) but they watch their kids swim more than they go in.  Jim says he can swim well enough not to drown (and I don't think muscle floats all that well so he's probably not the most buoyant either.)

-Neither of these two teams will be doing this task as quickly as Adam & Bethany did it, but they are still neck & neck when they get Oscar aboard and head back.

-Back at the dock, Adam & Bethany get the next clue to travel by taxi to ConGlobal Industries and search for their next clue next to the containers.  Conveniently, there are taxis standing by.

-Jim & Misti get dressed and take off for ConGlobal while Amy & Maya are still struggling to get shoes on (what were you girls doing in the boat?? Who knew getting dressed and undressed would be the Scientists nemesis?) The girls jump in a cab and Amy runs down the order, Surfers, Dentists then them, no has seen the Wrestlers...

-Speaking of the Wrestlers, they are at the Roadblock, watching a stuntman jump out the window when... here comes Phil from behind a prop crate (oh, that's not good) - he tells them they missed their call time and they have been ELIMINATED.  They are so disappointed but still proud of themselves.  They said, "love us or hate us, you're never going to forget the pro-wrestlers."

ConGlobal Industries
-The Surfers are the first to arrive and get the clue to another ROADBLOCK - Who can't contain themselves?  The person that didn't do the stunt, has to do this one.
Phil tells us there are 15,000 shipping containers at ConGlobal industries - they must find 9 specific containers representing 9 of the cities they've visited on the Race - each container has a colour coded number assigned to it that they have to memorize then write down on a requisition sheet in the correct order of when they visited the cities on the Race - once they have the right combination of numbers, the foreman will call in their next clue.
-Bethany felt the weight of the race come down on her right then.  This is for all the marbles, don't screw it up.

-The Scientists and Dentists arrive at the container port and it's Misti and Amy having to do this one.  Misti said she had her knickers in a twist the whole time (I think that was her polite way of saying she was freaking out) and Amy was worried because her leg is still bothering her but she just had to suck it up like the last leg and get it done.

-So they have this huge maze of shipping containers, they have to find the marked ones with the city names on them and memorize the number corresponding to their colour without writing anything down, then put the cities in order at the end... Did I mention they couldn't write anything down?  (This seems darn near impossible.  Or is that just my memory limitations balking?)

-Jim supposes they have been waiting there for 4 hours, and announces they are all tied for first right now, this is where the winner will be determined.... when they show Amy, Bethany and Misti finally finding the last of the containers they need ... now can they remember the numbers and put them in order?
-Amy is the first one back to write down her numbers... Jim is quietly bumping his head against the wall of a container.... and Amy nails it.  They call down a shipping container and there is a clue box inside.

-Bethany is back writing down her numbers and Misti gets back to write down her numbers...

-Amy & Maya read the clue to head to St Vincent Lighthouse... the finish line of the Amazing Race.  Maya takes off running and yelling like a loon as poor Amy is lumbering along behind her.

-Now the other teams just hope the taxi gets messed up or something - they show the girls in the cab and the driver has no idea where the lighthouse is... but Maya's trying to look it up on his smart phone.

-Bethany got her number wrong - she has two numbers in the wrong order (oh no!)  Adam is so supportive, telling her it's alright (and I really believe he would be okay if they didn't win - Jim, on the other hand, I think it would bug him for the rest of his life - I could see him wanting to do the show again if they don't win.)

-Misti also gets her number wrong on the first try.
-Bethany gets hers checked again and she's farther away this time (so frustrating.)
-Misti gets hers right the second time and they get the clue to the finish line.
-Poor Bethany is back in the stacks to check her numbers.

Amy & Maya are in the cab.
Jim & Misti are in a cab.
-Bethany gets the numbers right and they also head for the lighthouse.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Maya & Amy are the Winners of the Amazing Race.  Maya jumped on Phil and wrapped her legs around him - Amy collapsed on her hands and knees at the finish (with 1/2 a million, hopefully she can get some physio and let her leg heal.)
-This is only the third time in Amazing Race history that they have had an all-female team win the Race.  (The two doctors, with the vegetarian who ate the goat head and the sisters who couldn't swim... don't ask me their names.)
2) Misti & Jim - Phil tells them that no one has had better looking teeth after racing around the world than these two.  (Oh so true.)  Jim looks pretty disappointed but not mad and Misti has the same 1000 watt smile she always has on her face and though they didn't meet all their goals on the race, they're still happy.  They said aside from getting married and having kids, coming on the Race was the best decision they've ever made.
3) Adam & Bethany - they are so proud of how they were together on the Race and they love each other more now than before they started.  Adam says he wouldn't trade their love for a million dollars... but a million dollars still would have been a good thing.

So, with that surprising (and if I'm totally honest, disappointing to me) win by the Scientists, the winners of our pool are:  Kim B./Gail W., Alexis G., Jeremy N., Lindsay J., Natalie M.
Congratulations!  (I'll contact you individually about your prize.)
Next season is going to be 11 dating couples and for the first time ever 5 of them will meet for the first time at the starting line for the most extreme blind dates ever (oh hell no.)

I hope you all have a very happy holiday season and we'll see you back here in February for Season 26 - which looks to be a doozy.



Thursday, December 18, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water FINALE recap - Dec 17/14

This Is My Time

Well, we've made it to the finale, can't say the same of Jon who got epically blindsided at the last tribal council.

Huyopa - Night 35
-They return from Tribal Council and Jaclyn does not hide the fact that she's mad and feeling betrayed.  Missy makes some comment about being loyal to a fault in real life, Jaclyn says that Jon is too and Natalie says, "well, not really." And Jaclyn lost her SHIT!  She screamed at Natalie that they were talking about real life, not in the game and "You don't know Jon!" (Yeah, not sure if that was the best move if she wants to stay in the game.)
-Natalie said it was good that Jaclyn had a freak out in front of everyone so if they were thinking of working with her, it's not happening.  The scary thing for Natalie now is that she has to make sure Missy & Baylor want to take her to the end.  She says Survivor is a lot of work but it's worth it if you want the big pay out in the end.

Huyopa - Day 36
-Baylor and Missy are thinking it's them and Natalie to the final three.  Missy is worried about her broken foot but the plan is for Baylor and Natalie to start crushing the challenges and keep Keith or Jaclyn from winning immunity from here on out. (Oh no, she just made sure that wasn't going to happen.)

The are attached to a rope which is woven through an obstacle, on Jeff's go they will climb over and through the obstacle to unspool the rope, when they think they'll have enough rope to make it through the rest of the course, they'll head out to assemble a bridge.  The bridge is just a frame which they have to add sticks to as a ladder up, then steps across and back down the other end.  They have to climb up and across the bridge to build it, when they run out of sticks they can carry, they have to go back to the beginning and get more.  When they have completed the bridge they then have to use sandbags to throw at
a pyramid of blocks set up on a table.  First person to knock all the blocks off the table will win the Reward... which was an advantage in the upcoming Immunity Challenge.
-No way Missy can compete in this one - so she sits. (I don't like the fact that they've let her stay in the game when she can't compete in any challenges.  Is that allowed, I mean, can someone opt not to compete in any challenges throughout the game?  I wonder how long you'd last that way... but I digress.)
-Off they go and it's basically Keith and Natalie competing through this whole challenge.  Baylor and Jaclyn were there but they didn't make much difference.  In the end, Keith's ability to carry more of the sticks at a time made a difference and he had a lead going into the sandbag throwing.
-He quickly knocks down most of the blocks but ends up with a seven ten split when Natalie starts throwing... but it is KEITH who wins the reward.  Jeff hands him an envelope that he must open in private... and he gets to choose someone to go to Exile Island.  The only person that had never been to Exile was Missy but he couldn't send her with the ankle injury so he sends Jaclyn (that was no surprise.)
-Natalie says she's got to win immunity over Keith next challenge even with the advantage because for her plan to work as she sees it, she's got to get rid of Keith next.

Exile Island - Day 36
-Jaclyn gets there and opens the urn but it's the same clue everyone else got so she throws it back in.  Then she has a little cry about being diagnosed with not being able to have kids when she was very young was way harder than this and she hears Jon encouraging her to rock it out.

Huyopa - Day 36
-Back at camp none of the girls are happy about Keith's victory, he's not sticking around to talk - he takes off to open his advantage right away.  The girls are hoping its an endurance challenge and they'll be able to beat him tomorrow, then he'll be going home for sure.
-Keith's advantage is HUGE!  A challene table has been delivered to a private location at camp, he can practice for as long as he wants but once he stops that's it.  The challenge looks hard and crazy - they
have a table with a mouse trap like set up on it - they will have to use a series of small round paddles to carefully maneuver a ball through the apparatus on the table, transferring the ball from paddle to paddle then dropping the ball down a chute a the end. 
-Keith decides he's going to practice until it gets dark.  And this thing looks like that's exactly what you need, practice.  He must have dropped that ball a million times - but holy, is he ever going to have an advantage over the girls for sure.

Huyopa - Day 37
-Baylor confirms that she and Missy are thinking it's them and Natalie in the end.  Natalie tells the camera that she has to decide if she's going to stay with Missy & Baylor or go with Jaclyn and Keith to the end (Natalie's still playing hard, that's fun to watch, someone still willing to mix it up near the end, exciting.)

-Jaclyn returns from Exile and Missy has appropriated one of Jon's shoes left behind to stuff her cast in so she'll be able to stand up for this challenge.
The girls get a look at the tables and Jeff explains what they'll need to do.  First person to transfer three balls across the table using only the little paddles will win Immunity... and do I really even need to tell you.  Keith blew them all away once he got his nerves under control.  KEITH wins immunity and I believe that will be the end of Jaclyn and my chances of winning the pool (curses!)

Live interlude, Jeff introduces us to a Make A Wish kid (Austin) who's wish was to visit the Survivor set and create a challenge.  We find out that he actually created the challenge from last week, that one that broke Missy's foot.  Way to go Austin.  But the best part was when he said he just wanted to help the show... "You're welcome." (His comedic timing was perfect.  Thank you Austin.)

Huyopa - Day 37
-Back at the camp, Keith was feeling good with the necklace around his neck and he thinks tonight's not going to be too hard, Jaclyn knows she's going to be on the jury.
-But then we see Natalie and Jaclyn going off for a chat and while
Missy's assuring Keith that Jaclyn's fine, she knows she's going to go. Jaclyn is talking to Natalie and asking her if she's still voting with the others.
-Jaclyn tells Natalie if she wants to vote one of them off (Missy or Baylor) that she won't vote her off the next day.  For Jaclyn it's just one more day there (but she tells the camera, she's not going down without a fight.)
-Natalie says she trusts Missy & Baylor 100% but at the end of the day - they're blood.
-Next we see Baylor talking to Natalie and assuring her that they will not be voting for Natalie but in the next breath she asks Natalie to play her idol for her mom (What? Where did that come from?  That'd throw up some red flags to me if I was Natalie.) 
-Natalie says without a doubt, big moves make an impact in this game but they also can put a target on your back.  She's not sure if she should play it safe and vote with Missy & Baylor or make that big move and vote with Jaclyn. 

-Jaclyn: Pro of having Jon gone, she doesn't have to worry about him but con, the one person she could trust 100% is gone.
-Keith said there was a cat fight at camp after last tribal council, it got heated but he never heard his name so it was good news for him.
-Missy tells Jeff she's pretty confident about the idol situation (meaning this is the last opportunity to play one) because she knows who has it. (Which is news to Jaclyn and Keith who didn't even know there was still an idol in play.)
-Jaclyn says one of the girls must have it, which could be potentially worse for her.
-Missy feels she and Baylor could be in the danger zone as the only pair still there but she also feels that she's in an alignment that is stuck like glue.
-Natalie admits that Jaclyn came to her, Jaclyn knew it was her or Keith and he won immunity so she did try to talk to Natalie and Missy said sometimes you just have to shrug your shoulders and admit its your time.

And with that, it's Time To Vote:
-Baylor votes Jaclyn
-Jaclyn votes for someone and tells the camera that Natalie told her to do it... (ooh, who's it for?)

Tallying the votes... If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now is the time. 
-Natalie says yeah and walks over to Jeff.  She says, "Jaclyn, did you vote for who I told you to vote for?" Jaclyn nods Yes, Yes, YES and Natalie says, "I'm playing this for Jac." (WHAT JUST HAPPENED??)
Jon does a double take, Jaclyn is smiling like a loon, Missy does not look happy and Baylor looks like she wants to cry.
-Missy tells Keith and Baylor that she's going home and that she loves them...
-Any votes cast for Jaclyn do not count.
-And Missy just turns her head and stares at Natalie... if looks could kill.

Jaclyn - does not count
Jaclyn - does not count
Jaclyn - does not count
Baylor - 1, 2... and it's BAYLOR voted out!  Much to the jury's delight.  (Oh man, Natalie better sleep with one eye open.)

Baylor - She's super proud of herself and she's not mad at Natalie, that was a really good move.
-With Baylor leaving, that took Ritch G., Sunnie C. and Vikki M. out of the money.

Huyopa - Night 37
-Natalie tells us she couldn't leave her fate in Missy & Baylor's hands and she knows if Keith wins immunity again tomorrow he'll likely want to take Missy out instead of her so she thinks this was the best move. 
-Natalie talks to Missy and Missy tells her she understands.  Missy tells the camera that it was a bit of a relief that she wouldn't have to write her daughter's name down on a voting ballot (huh, she didn't call her 'my kid' for once - for some reason that "my kid" really bugs me.)
-Missy cries to the camera that her fate is now totally out of her hands because she can't compete.
-Jaclyn thanks Natalie for giving her life... for one more day in the
game anyway and she makes some cocky comment about how she must have made the right choice because "I'm still here." (Oh, don't be cocky...)
-Natalie tells her it's the two of them against Keith for Immunity tomorrow and they can't let him win because Natalie doesn't want to go to the final against Keith.
-Jaclyn agrees that it should be the three girls to the final because Keith is the biggest threat.  (That Natalie, she's good.)

-Oh yeah, this is a big set up that Missy will have no way competing in.
-They start on top of a four storey tower, they will have to slide down a firemen's pole, slide down a slide and then maneuver through a series of obstacles collecting bags of puzzle pieces.  Once they have three bags of puzzle pieces they'll have to take them back up to the top of the tower, then slide back down to get the final two bags of pieces.  Once they have all 5 bags of pieces they can get started on the puzzle which is the Survivor logo which will also have three spaces missing.  They have to memorize those shapes, go back down the tower to a table below, then find the shapes and the corresponding numbers in them to figure out the combination to a lock at the top of the tower - first person to unlock the combination lock and raise their flag will win immunity and a spot in the final three.
It's Keith, Natalie and Jaclyn doing this one - Keith & Natalie are leading throughout the collection of the puzzle pieces but once they all get started on the puzzle, Jaclyn proves she's got some puzzle skill - she comes from behind to complete her puzzle first - she gets the shapes down but when heading down to the combination table she totally falls down the fireman pole (I could never do that right either) and she's very slow to get up (she's so skinny at this point, I bet she broke her boney buttocks... OUCH.)  Jeff rushes down to check on her but she slowly does make it to her feet and continues on.  Natalie has her shapes by now too and is hot on her heels but Jaclyn surprised me once again - she gets back to the lock, puts in the right numbers and WINS IMMUNITY!   (Way to Go JACLYN!)  and poor Keith, still struggling with the puzzle, "I couldn't git dat fer nuttin'."

Huyopa - Day 38
-Jaclyn wants to talk everything out, that's how she played the whole game with Jon. (But he's gone now, don't trust these people...)
-Keith is making his pitch first to Jaclyn (the one with the necklace has the power) - Keith figures Jaclyn has a better chance with him & Nat (who is also there) instead of Missy & Nat.  Missy will get sympathy votes because of her ankle and she's got Baylor's vote.
-Jaclyn says she'll think about it but then wants to hash it all out with Natalie.  Obviously it's you and me, she says to Natalie, (really? does no one see that Natalie's going to win if they take her to the end?  She's just that good at steering them to her way of thinking, it's scary.)
-Natalie wants Jaclyn to vote Keith out so she tells her, "Vote Missy out, I really don't care, but I think Keith is scarier.  I don't know, it's up to you."
-Jaclyn tells her she's pretty sure it's Keith unless something crazy happens in her head, but she doubts it.
-Then something crazy, awesome happens in her head and she is asking Missy if she'd ever think of voting for Nat? 
-Missy says she thinks it's a toss up. (But in her head she's like YES!, keep talking.)
-Jaclyn says she thinks Natalie has the best game play of the four of them but then she just saved her life last night.
-Missy asks what Jon would do and without hesitation Jaclyn says, "He'd vote her off."

Jaclyn says it feels amazing to have immunity on day 38 but she's been talking to everyone and it's tough, it's a really tough position to be in.
-Natalie said it would be a nice gesture to get some reciprocation from Jaclyn for saving her last night - but she doesn't expect it... it would be nice.
-Jaclyn says she feels she does and she doesn't owe Natalie - she did blindside Jon and that left a bad taste in her mouth.
-Keith went through the same scenarios in his head and figured it had to be him or Missy tonight because Jaclyn does owe Nat. 
Jeff was curious why Natalie is not in this discussion and Missy said she doesn't think any of the three of them are safe tonight.
-natalie says they should get rid of Keith because everyone loves f
iremen, plus he's a very charismatic guy and everyone loves him.
-Keith, "I like that." (He's so cute, how can you not like Keith?) But he says they should get rid of Nat tonight because she's got a bunch of votes [on the jury] based on the way she's played the game.
-Natalie says she thinks she can win the game, not just for her but for Nadiya.  Everyone else had loved ones and she was there by herself almost from the beginning. (I missed some of her speech because they were showing Alec catching flies. Really dude, close you mouth for once.)  She took the harder routes, kicked ass in challenges and it's taken her this far - she's really happy with the way she's played. (Wow, I don't know that this was the right time to make that speech... easy enough to say, she's right, better send her packing.)

Time to Vote:
They don't show how anyone voted.

Tallying the votes:
Keith - 1
Missy - 1
Keith - 2, 3... and the lovable oaf is out... Bye Keith!  (It was a tough call, I always think it's dangerous for women to take a guy to the final because of general bias but I still think Natalie was the biggest threat.)

Keith - three of them voted for me, there was no blindside, there were three of them, I can barely handle one of them at home - no hard feelin's - I love em all. (Aw.)
And with Keith gone, Lynne B, Jeremy N and Gillian H. are out of the money.

Huyopa - Day 39
-They get their final feast of breakfast food and they ladies are talking to the camera about their chances.
-Missy is not intimidated by the 7 men on the jury, she's been married three times, she can talk to men.  She will face it head on, not bury her head in the sand like a failure, that's not her. (I don't buy it.)
-Natalie is so proud that she was able to do this on her own without her twin and she knows her parents will be proud too because they think the twins can't do anything on their own.  Now she's got to work through what she's going to say at tribal, she doesn't want to have any regrets.
-Jaclyn feels like she was underestimated from the beginning.  She
says this blood vs water was about family and she can't give Jon the family he wants without the money (uh, why not?  Do you need to win a million dollars to adopt?  Are they going to buy a baby? Am I going to hell for that one?)  The title of sole survivor would mean more to her than the money.  She can prove to all the girls that have her syndrome that there are ways, you can do it, never give up. (Hmm, I'm not sure how winning a reality show will help infertile girls but apparently Jaclyn thinks so.)

Jeff does his spiel - Alec's mouth only slightly open.

Opening statements:

Missy: She sits there humbly because it could easily have been reversed with any one of them.  They have a big decision tonight, like a murder trial (what?) because what they decide will affect the rest of her life. Her deal was loyalty from beginning to end... (and it's a shot of Alec's mouth hanging wide open, he looks so stunned, I lost what she was saying...) the hardest decision she made was voting Jon out, she had to wake up and play the game.  Day 33 was the hardest because she broke her foot but she brought her team to victory, she didn't quit and she's still there. She played the game with dignity, integrity and loyalty and that's why she thinks she deserves to be the sole survivor.

Jaclyn: I deserve to be the sole survivor because I went through a lot of ups and downs in this game, just like in real life (oh no... don't go there.)  She says she was in a bottom position at her original tribe but kept fighting then when the swap happened she was able to play with her loved one and they took up the middle position and she made the decision to switch from the Josh/Reed alliance to the Missy/Baylor alliance, if she hadn't made that decision the other two wouldn't be there with her right now. Jon gets blindsided (Alec, mouth wide open, eyes half mast, what has he found out in the jungle?) and I had to step it up, take the reigns and finish the game and that's why I'm here in the top three.  Then she talks about being diagnosed with not having half her reproductive organs but she turned that low point into her strength and she did the same in this game (or some such sh*t... don't bring real life into this thing, no one wants to hear that.)

Natalie: I feel I deserve your votes tonight, I deserve to be sole survivor because I out wit, out played, out lasted better than the two ladies sitting next to me.  I have out wit by making smart, risky and even scary moves by myself.  Out play, I feel I represent well in every challenge, volunteered twice to go to Exile,carried my weight around camp, never once did anybody call me lazy (that was a dig on Jaclyn). And Out Last, with Nadiya being voted out day three she changed the way she played from just surviving to if you're going to be here, you might as well win it.  She did everything with a purpose.  Sitting here on day 39 I feel so proud and am so honoured to be pleading my case here before you tonight, especially since, honestly, the right person to go home last night should have been me, not Keith. If they made the right decision (oh snap, threw them both under the bus with that.)

Now it shifts to the jury...

Jon - he sets up Jaclyn with a softball, asking her what big decision she made on her own: She says it was the first vote taking out Josh.  That swung the whole thing.  She knew if she was with the guys she's be on the bottom and she wouldn't be there now. (Hopefully that's what he wanted her to say.)

Keith - a little bitter betty tonight - Natalie, how's it feel that the last words you said to me were a lie? (Really, that's all you got.) At the end of the day she knew it was him or her and she had to sell him as the biggest threat to keep the focus off her.
Keith says he just hates the constant lying, he went through most the game without an alliance, without lying... (and you are on the jury now.) He doesn't know what else to say - so go sit down.

Alec - Nat, what was your biggest one move and how did it change things.  She said it was when she voted Alec out instead of Keith (that's what he wanted to hear) she knew she could work with Keith and he'd help her take Jon out and then Baylor breaking up all the couples in her alliance and leaving all singles.
-He asked Missy who claimed to be the Mother in this game, what was so motherly about the way she played the game? - She centered herself as the mom position in their dysfunctional family and from that center position she could direct people to vote for who she wanted out starting with his brother Drew. (Then Alec smoothed his hair on both sides and they put in sound effects... what they are doing with this Alec edit, it's hilarious and I've totally stopped listening to Missy again.)

Baylor: she is so happy to see three ladies up there - then she talks to her mom and gets choked up as she starts monologuing for Missy.
They've been through the ringer, often on one foot (I see what she did there) and they've been blindsided but getting to the end on one foot is the most incredible thing she's ever done and she's super proud of her. (Blah, blah, blah... I'm so sick of these two crying.)

Josh: Jaclyn do you think you're there on your own merit or was it because of choices made by stronger players that she was sitting there. - No, she doesn't think so.  Every decision she and Jon made was thoroughly discussed so if you are meaning Jon was the stronger player, no, her merit carried a lot of those decisions.
-He doesn't believe her - give me one move that was solely one move - and she says, "Voting YOU out was my idea." (and it sounds like she'd like to do it again.)

Wes: (He's such a goober, fan-boy) he's been watching [Survivor] since he was 9 and getting to play with his dad was like, oh crap... so how was it to play with your loved one?
Missy said it was a dream come true, blah blah, many crazy paths but this one was the best.  But she also loves Keith, he was the shoulder that carried her when she broke her foot (stop pandering to the crowd.)
Jaclyn said playing with Jon was different than the father/son thing but it was a communication thing for them for sure.
Nat (yeah, he asked her, who didn't get to play with her loved one at all) She said the longest she's been away from her twin was a week and a half so being 36 days without her makes her very proud that she could do this on her ow.... (Wes starting licking the side of his mouth, did he leave some crumbs in there? Having a little snack??  I totally stopped listening to Natalie.) If she was going to be the first one out, by god I was going to be the last.

Jeremy: He's a student of the game and when people make big moves he loves that.  He thought he was up there but they got him... Nat flat out balled out.  You just got to give it to her.  She balled out and you got to give her her credit, you know what I mean (and they show Alec again, totally stunned, mouth hanging open.. yeah, Jeremy's "balled out" comment is having no impact on stunned white boy.)  Don't be mad, give it to them, he doesn't need any back and forth, he's all good.

AND the Susan Hawk award goes to...
Reed: Just a few things before we close: Nat, I loved watching your game play, it was dynamic, a little spastic but great.
Jaclyn: I really enjoyed getting to know you and blah blah blah...
Missy, you cast yourself as the motherly figure however fans of literary fiction will see through rather quickly to who your true character was, which was the Wicked Step Mother of the tribe.  It was the eccentric woman who comes and makes demands on everyone for the things which she thinks she's entitled.  She spoils her children by perhaps giving them more rice at dinner or the best places to sleep at night in the shelter.  She takes things that she's not entitled to or didn't earn herself which was evidenced by the fact that you got more gimmes in this game than anyone and you performed the worst of anyone at challenges.  Lastly, you made the quintessential wicked step mother move by abusing the help, which was the minority alliances throughout the game (He has everyone's rapt attention) you always made sure they felt inferior, you always kept them in their place, always made it eminently clear that they weren't coming to the ball (with a big sweep of his arm) the final tribal council here with you.  That to me feels like your fatal flaw, unlike in life, in Survivor, the outcasts have the final say (Wes licking his moustache again, he must have food in it).  So in a sweeping moment of poetic justice the people that you were so rude and terrible to, the people that you relegated to the jury are going to decide your fate.  This is why I love fairy tales, because they always have a happy ending, and the wicked step mother never wins.  Nat, Jaclyn, good luck.
(WOW, that was dramatic and awful and fantastic to watch.)  Missy's eyes got a little glassy, he got to her.  Baylor starts bawling of course and when Keith clumsily tries to pat her arm she tells him to just leave her alone.  Natalie looked a little shell-shocked and Jaclyn looked like she was worried about how Missy was taking it.... Hahaha, it was awesome.

Finally Time to Vote:
Jon votes for Jaclyn
Jeremy votes for Nat.
Reed votes for Jaclyn (huh, really?)
Baylor votes for Missy

Reading the votes at the live studio finale:
Jaclyn - 1
Nat - 1
Jaclyn - 2
Missy - 1
Nat - 2, 3, 4... and NATALIE is the Winner!!
And with Natalie, the winners of our pool are Manny W., Susan M. and Robert & Cindi.  Congratulations you guys.

It's really late and this was too long. 
-Jon & Jaclyn are now engaged.
-Reed is not apologetic for his final speech, he was talking about her character within the game.
-Missy is not over it, she actually has been a step mother and she wasn't expecting to be attacked like that. (Wah.)
-Keith will never live down "Stick to the plan" guys at the fire house bug him all the time.

Next season will be the 30th Season and it will be:
World's Apart:  White Collar vs Blue Collar vs No Collar
They make the rules, they play by the rules, they break the rules.
We'll have to see how that plays out starting in February 2015.

Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Amazing Race 25 - Dec 12/14 Episode Recap

Hooping It Up

Last week Brooke & Robbie went from first to last in Manila, but it was a non-elimination leg so they got to stay - though they will face a Speed Bump this leg while trying to earn a spot in the finale.

-This  leg opened with them showing us a wound on Misti's foot - but she is all smiles as always - she's just got to work that much harder to make it to the final three.
-The Dentists are the first out at 9:01am - they read the clue to travel by Jeepney to Rajah Sulayman Park in Manila - they head out on foot trying to find the station where they can catch the Jeepney and Jim tells us this is actually the first leg they will really be subject to elimination because their Save is 'no good no more' :)
They have to make sure they don't make any bad decisions as they have in the past couple legs.

-Scientists Amy & Maya start out on their heels - 9:02am - they read more of the clue which tells them they will have to go part way in one Jeepney then transfer to another Jeepney (oof.)  Maya's just excited to be riding in a Jeepney again.
-So the girls head out to the station and Maya is the first to flag down a Jeepney and get in - Jim & Misti watch and follow suit, teaming up to share the Jeepney ride... which the driver tells them will be 30-40 minutes.

-Surfers - 9:05am - they got $1 for this leg of the Race.  When the Surfers get to the station, the first Jeepney they ask tells them in order to get to Rajah Sulayman Park they need to catch a Jeepney on the other side of the road (uh oh... the Dentists continue their poor decision making by relying on someone else's mistaken travel plans... that first Jeepney is heading in the wrong direction.)
-And... the Surfers tell us their faith in God is what has sustained them through the Race and really through life. (Oh sweet Jebus.)

-Wrestlers - 9:07am - for once these two have transportation luck when the Jeepney driver they ask also tells them to catch one on the other side of the road.  After surviving the last leg Brooke is actually thinking positively about their chances of winning the Race (who are you and what have you done with Brooke?)
-Brooke also explains that all the Jeepneys follow a looping route, so the Jeepney the Dentists and Scientists took will eventually loop back around to the park but it would be a much longer trip than catching one at the point in the loop going the other way.

-The Surfers are the first team to the clue box in the park and they see that the Wrestler's Speed Bump in also there.  When Adam reads the clue it is the DETOUR - and all it says is: THIS or THAT?
It is another blind Detour.  They eeny-meeny-miney-mo to THAT.
Stop and ask for directions to both tasks and find out that THIS is closer so they decide to do THIS instead (why not?)

-The Wrestlers get to the park and see their Speed Bump - they have to help a street vendor transfer all his goods from his broken bicycle w/sidecar to the one they are provided in good working order- of course the thing is loaded to the gills and they have to pack it properly before they'll get a pass.
-Brooke checks how many clues are in the clue box and is encouraged that they look to be all there (well almost) - then she complains this is going to be a long Speed Bump (ah, there she is.) But Robbie tells her it's not going to be long at all, they've been there one minute.  She doesn't like him contradicting her but he tells her to be positive (Yeah! Sheesh.)

-The Dentists and Scientists are congratulating themselves on saving time, making a smart move and pulling ahead of the other teams (oh, Jim's gonna be eating those words.)

-Bethany & Adam arrive at THIS and find out their task is to play basketball - they have to shoot hoops while being guarded by a neighbourhood team - and they have to make 21 points to move on.  Adam & Bethany put on their jersey's and get going - I'm thinking he's going to be getting all the points but we'll see how she does with one arm.

-Brooke & Robbie are working on their Speed Bump and Robbie is working on just staying calm, Brooke is loose cannon enough for one team.

-The Scientists & Dentists Jeepney has to stop for gas but they take the fact that the station is called REPHIL as a good sign. (It's tough to watch them so happy and oblivious to the fact they are falling farther and farther behind.)

-Adam & Bethany are still Hooping it Up - she's dribbling and passing but he's making all the shots - except the free throws - he said he felt like Shaq, couldn't make a free throw (I know nothing about basketball but that seemed to be taking a dig at the big man - my husband tells me he was just stating a fact.)

-Robbie & Brooke finished the Speed Bump and are ecstatic to see the same number of clues in the clue box as before they started - they also decide to do THIS. 

-Back on the road, Dentist Jim is talking about he and Misti making some bad travel choices in the past few legs but traveling with the Candy Girls (as he calls them) their combined intellect will hopefully get them to the Pit Stop before the other teams make it to the park.... but then Jim finally asks where exactly the park is and the driver tells them it's in Manila - Maya realizes they are going the wrong way and have to get off... and it looks like the crow Jim is eating tastes pretty awful.  They finally change Jeepneys.

-Surfers - Adam & Bethany make it to 21 points and get a Route Info clue - to head to Divisio Market and look for a marked Jeepney to get their next clue.

-The Wrestlers show up just as the Surfers are leaving and Brooke is pumped that they chose the basketball task, she played basketball for years growing up... but she was apparently pretty rusty to start out with, all the enthusiasm but she kept losing he ball and missing the basket. 

-Scientists and Dentists have finally arrived at the park and make their decision on which task to do by asking a cabbie which location is closer, but in doing so block traffic and nearly get hit by a Jeepney (Jim is in focused bull dog mode - oblivious to things around him, it seems.) They head for THAT.

Meanwhile, the surfers are in a Jeepney heading to the market and Adam can't find their clue... he has a vague memory of one of the cross streets but without the clue they are blindly searching for the next clue box. (Uh oh.)

-Brooke has got her groove back on the court and she's like Mike out there - Robbie feeds her the ball and she gets the points... they get 22 points no problem and they head for the market.

-THAT - They have to become driver and passenger in a bicycle w/sidecar (I think it's called a padiak) - and they have to make 4 laps of the set course which is through Manila traffic, changing who pedals and who's the passenger so they each do 2 laps.  Misti's worried about her foot so Jim starts them out, Maya is starting as the driver and has trouble even getting the thing moving.  The best part of this task was the dancing traffic director with the huge orange gloves... I don't think I can do him justice but he was definitely enthusiastic in directing the traffic... with some Michael Jackson-esque dance moves.
-Oh, and despite their "superior intellect" Misti obviously doesn't know which way to put a bicycle helmet on - she wore it backwards the whole time.
-Jim is getting them a pretty good lead but the padiak is hard to steer and I think he resorted to his foot on the wheel to use as a brake (yikes).
-Maya is holding her own but the Scientists are definitely behind.

-The Surfers are the first team to Divisoria Market but without the clue they're not sure what the cross streets are to find the clue - Adam remembers one street name so they head there.

-In a cab, Brooke feels like she's going to puke (did I mention it's very hot in Manila) and tries to get the cab driver to put on the A/C, he won't because the cab will overheat... (pls don't show her puke.)

-Back at the bike race, they switch after the first lap and poor Misti's got to try and drag all 250+lbs of Jim along - it's hard going for her.  Amy sees her chance to pass them but unfortunately the steering is impossible on these things and when she tries to swing out around Misti and not hit her... she instead hits a parked car (oops.)  Luckily Amy's unhurt (I'm sure the show had to buck up for any damage to the parked car) and they got back on the road.  Amy is able to pass Misti but Jim acknowledges that he was equal to both Amy & Maya and Misti had an injured foot so she did great. 
-Amy kept going driving for lap 3 and the Dentists switched.

-Surfers still can't find the marked Jeepney without their clue.

-Wrestlers are the first team to get to the ROADBLOCK - Who is cuckoo for coconuts?  Deliver the Goods -They will have to deliver bundles of coconuts shells and brooms to three different shops to get their next clue.
-Robbie sees it's carrying stuff so he's going to do it... he picks up a string of coconuts and bundle of brooms but then doesn't know where to take them - the list of delivery locations was posted on the side of the Jeepney but he totally missed it.

-Back at the bike race, Jim was able to pull them back in the lead on the third lap but Misti lost it when they switch riders again for the final lap.  The Scientists come in at 15:35 followed by the Dentists at 16:04 (thank goodness they did it in time, I couldn't imagine having to do that all over again.)
-Both teams grab cabs to head for the market and they haven't seen any other teams so they have no idea they are behind.

-Robbie finally decides to re-read the clue since it's a million degrees and he can't just wander aimlessly - the clue says to deliver to the posted locations and he has to go back.  So he finds out the location, intersection of Dos Santos and Teborrah... but there don't seem to be street signs either (oh, how frustrating.)

-The Surfers finally decide to take a minute and search Adam's whole bag... and voila, there's the clue.

-The Dentists are the next team to make it the Roadblock followed very closely by the Surfers and then the Scientists who got stuck in traffic and decided to get out and walk the last bit.

-Jim and Adam are going the heavy lifting in this one but neither of them see the posted locations on the side of the truck - more aimless wandering.

-Robbie finally finds the first point of delivery but the shop keeper tells him he needs two more strings of coconuts... and that's when Robbie realized he didn't look at the posted number of things he needed to delivery either (oh man, they are all probably so tired and hot by the time they're doing this, I'm sure their brains aren't working to the fullest.)
-Robbie is the first one to complete a delivery, I think he's got the hang of it now.

-Jim & Adam run into each other in their aimless wandering and Jim starts to tag along with Adam... who finally reads the clue and figures out they need to go back and find the posted locations.
-Amy has started her attempt at the deliveries and poor girl, these things are really heavy.  She's started shaking and doesn't look so good.

-Adam & Jim get the posted locations finally and Jim tries to tag along with Adam but he pours on the gas and takes off without Jim.

-Robbie's the first one to complete all the deliveries and he gets the clue to the PIT STOP: Fort San Diego - they jump in a cab.

-Amy finally finds her first delivery and then finds out, like Robbie, that she didn't have the complete order - she has to go get 2 more strings of coconuts. (Did I mention she's not looking very good.)

-Jim's also struggling with the weight of the items and he asks a kid in the street if he can borrow his handcart (well, look who's finally being resourceful).

-Amy really can't carry the whole delivery at once and ends up dropping everything in the middle of the street.  She saw Jim with a handcart and goes and finds one to use as well.

-Adam is the next one to complete all the deliveries and he's just soaked in sweat - they jump in a taxi for the Pit Stop - luckily for him, it's got A/C.

-Jim makes his final delivery and gives the handcart back to it's owner (I think that poor kid was following him around the whole time, I hope he got something.)

-Amy is hunched over like and old woman and pouring water over her head but she's still got a delivery to make.  Finally she finishes and they get in a cab for the Pit Stop, but in the cab she's shivering and trying not to pass out (oh great, heat stroke, lovely.)

Here's How They Finished:
1) Wrestlers, Brooke & Robbie - they made Amazing Race history just like the Cowboys, worst to first in one leg... and they won a spot in the final leg.  Oh, by the way, the next leg starts now - Phil hands them their next clue and a manila envelope that they are to open only when instructed to do so.  The clue tells them to fly to the City of Angels (Los Angeles, CA).
2) Surfers, Adam & Bethany - they get the clue and head out for LA.
3) Dentists, Jim & Misti - Jim's not too happy to find out they don't get a rest - but off they head for the airport.
4) Scientists, Amy & Maya - first thing first, they have to provide some medical aid to Amy, bring over an umbrella, a chair, take her blood pressure (which was pretty low) and give her water - she's a trooper though and wants to hear what Phil's going to say...
"Well, it's been a long journey all around the world and I'm sorry to tell you, you are the last team to arrive.  How would you like to complete that journey around the world?" For the first time ever, they are going to have four teams in the finale.
-Maya has an overly dramatic reaction of shock and joy, while Amy looks like she just hopes she doesn't die on the way to the airport.
-Phil does caution them that he will be eliminating one team at some point during the last leg (hmm, that's new too.)

So there you have it, all four teams will be Racing in the finale and here is who is still in the running in the pool:
Wrestlers - Robbie & Brooke: Roxanne S., Monica S., Kim A., Karen S. and Hardeep G.
Surfers - Adam & Bethany: Jeff T., Maggie H., Alicia H., Shane B., and Don T.
Dentists - Jim & Misti: Cara & Alex L., Cindi C., Donna P., Carol-Anne D. and Ozzy R.
Scientists - Amy & Maya: Kim B/Gail W, Alexis G., Jeremy N., Lindsay J. and Natalie M.

Good luck everybody!

 Have a great week and we'll know next Friday, December 19th, who will be the winner of the Amazing Race 25.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Dec 10/14 Episode recap

Let's Make a Move

Last episode Natalie made a move to thwart Jon's authority by switching her vote from Keith to Alec, making the stunned Alec the last eliminated so she can use Keith to hopefully enact her revenge on Jon.

Huyopa - Night 32
-They returned from Tribal Council and Natalie started acting her *ss off - pretending she was confused about who she was supposed to vote for and ended up voting for Alec by mistake.
-Jon & Jaclyn seem to have bought it, Jon tells her it's no big deal but he tells the camera it IS a big deal at this point.

Huyopa - Day 33
-Natalie goes and talks to Keith and fills him in that she kept him there and he needs to be tight with her and Missy & Baylor - not to listen to the beauty queen (Jaclyn).
-Keith, "I heard that." - He just can't believe he keeps squeaking by, but he's grateful.

-They are divided into two teams and belted together, then they have to run through a hay tunnel, go over and under hitching posts, fill a bucket with water, climb over a teeter-totter, fill a second bucket until it's heavy enough to lower a gate, then cross the gate and complete a plank puzzle - first team to complete the puzzle wins a Survivor Style Spa: Hot shower, massage, and spa food - steak, brownies.
Teams are: Keith, Missy & Jon vs Natalie, Baylor and Jaclyn

Off they go - the younger girls get out to a lead and Missy takes a couple falls, then twists her ankle really badly.  The girls only have to use two buckets to lower their gate with Natalie keeping the water steady and Jaclyn landing on her butt a couple time - but then Jon ends up spilling a lot of their second bucket and they have to get a third, even with Missy hobbling along.

-The girls have quite a lead on the older three but they get working on the puzzle quickly... and it's Jon, Keith and Missy that win the Reward.  Jon fusses over Missy's ankle but she shoos him off and then Jon makes a statement about this spa day being exactly what Missy needs to feel as young as she looks (I rolled my eyes) but Missy loves it.  Jaclyn tells Jon he's annoying her right now, obviously she'd like to be going to a spa and Jon says, "Did I say I was going?" He makes the magnanimous gesture of giving up his spot to... Baylor!  So the mother and daughter can have this memory for the rest of their lives (Oh, still a burn to Jaclyn.)

-Keith, Missy & Baylor have to send someone to Exile Island and Jon's saying he'll go but Natalie volunteers (I'm sure she'd rather be there than stuck with Jon or Jaclyn again.)

-Baylor makes Missy get on her back and carries her piggy back, Jeff tells Missy to let him know if they need medical to look at her ankle (Keith, ever the gentleman, just follows behind.)

-And Jon & Jaclyn get camp all to themselves.  Jon tells the camera he gave up his spot to solidify his alliance and also gain favour with the jury. (I smell Survivor karma coming, ask Jeremy how it worked for him giving up his Reward, then going home.)

-Baylor carried Missy all the way there and when they sit down by the food, first thing they do is take a look at Missy's ankle.  She  tells the camera she was trying to hide how much pain she was in but she could just feel it swelling.  Keith takes a look and doesn't think it's good.  Missy is determined that she's going to power through.
-Then they get down to eating and Keith isn't sure about this rabbit food (they got spa food) but it was edible so he was happy.  Then  he knocked the funk off in the shower and they moved on to the massage where he was entertaining the ladies with his constant commentary - he doesn't get around to these types of things in Louisiana, but he felt rejuvenated and ready for the next 6 days (don't tell the guys at the fire station.)

Huyopa - Day 33
-Jon congratulates himself on his great idea to switch with Baylor and Jaclyn agrees.  Then they discuss what a big mistake Natalie
made at last tribal council by voting for the wrong person - Jon says he's going to make sure the jury hears about that.  But then Jaclyn shows she is more than a pretty face, she wonders if Natalie might have something going with Keith and she did it on purpose to keep a better pair for her since she's now up against two couples.  Jon was taken aback, that had never crossed his mind, he says he doesn't see Nat flipping.  But they are both worried because Keith is freakishly good at the challenges and if he keeps winning immunity they'll have to split up their five sooner than they thought.
Exile Island
-Natalie has a mini breakdown about missing her sister, this is the longest they've been apart in 28 years - but she's going to use her twin as inspiration to keep her eyes on the prize and make it through the last few days.

-Keith and Baylor support Missy as she walks to the mat - clearly, Jeff says, they have something to talk about.  But first they welcome Natalie back from Exile and Baylor hands her a coconut of rice to eat, and she starts crying - Exile was emotionally draining for her.
-Then Jeff moves on to Missy who also starts crying, her ankle keeps getting worse but she refuses to quit.  The challenge is obviously involving balancing on some crazy apparatus and Missy won't be able to do that on one foot.  So Jeff makes the call to have medical examine her ankle (now Baylor is crying and Keith is getting upset) and the doctor says he has to consider the possibility that she may have a fracture but the only way to be sure is if she has an x-ray and the only way to get an x-ray is to pull her from the game.
COMMERCIAL (oh, come on.)
-We come back to more tears but the doctor says with so few days left he can immobilize the limb so no further damage is done, he won't pull her from the game, it's her decision.  Missy refuses to quit but she is going to sit out the challenge while they wrap her ankle.

On to the challenge - they will hold on to two rope handles while their feet will be balanced on two blocks on a teeter-totter - attached to the teeter-totter is a vase, if the vase drops, they're out.  Last person with their vase standing wins immunity.  And the wind has kicked up... great.

Off they go - and despite Baylor and Keith wobbling a bunch, it's  Jaclyn who is the first person to lose her vase - followed shortly by Baylor.
We have some time elapse... then a big wind kicks up and Keith loses his vase.  We're down to Jon and Natalie.  Wind comes up again and just like that, Jon's vase drops (through no fault of his own) and NATALIE wins immunity! (Twinnie power!)

-Jon sees Natalie's winning immunity as making up for her screw up at last Tribal Council so they can do what they tried to do before - take Keith out. (Yeah, he has no idea they're gunning for him.)

Huyopa - Day 35
-Jon has faith that God has a plan for him and whatever way things go he has to accept it's the best for him. (I doubt God cares if you vase falls in a Survivor challenge, but what do I know.)
-Natalie is still acting her butt off, asking Jon if they should be watching Keith - but Jon's sure Keith knows he's going home so no need to scramble.

-Natalie goes and talks to Keith and tells him her plan is to take Jon out tonight but he has an idol so she thinks they should split their votes between Jon & Jaclyn, then if he plays the idol Jaclyn goes home, if there is a tie, they revote and Jon goes home, that would be her dream come true.
-Keith is all in for Mr. All American or Miss USA going home - then he'll be in the top 5.  Natalie even coaches him how to act at Tribal, "don't get all crazy, just act sad that you're going home."
-Keith thinks he can trust this plan, if not, he's a goner (reallly, what does he have to lose?)

-Jaclyn's paranoia is right on the money, she was worried that they could blindside Jon or her tonight but he doesn't think that's going to happen.  He's all about visualizing the win, and it usually works out for him - plus he still has his idol (which will only save him, hello.)

-Baylor and Natalie solidify what they want to happen (splitting the votes, taking Jon out) but then Baylor has to try to convince Missy... easier said than done.  Missy treats Jon like the son she never had and she dismisses Baylor's idea about voting him out - she has an agreement with Jon and she won't go back on it.  Even Natalie tells her she doesn't trust Jon going forward and still, in Baylor's opinion, Missy is being true to form by putting the men in her life before herself. (You have a broken ankle, do you think he's taking you to the end?)

-Missy does some thinking on it and realizes if she wants to go to the end with her daughter, the Jon & Jaclyn show has got to end - but it's important to Missy that she feels like she's played the game honestly and she's having a tough time with considering going against her word.

Jeff just says Keith's name and he starts with his pitch - he's tried to pierce this five and they're solid but he's got a vote and they should try and make a big move and use it - making a big move looks good to the jury.
-Keith says, trust me, I'm trustworthy. [Spits] (and they show Alec catching flies, does this guy ever not have his mouth hanging open? Sheesh.)
-Jon says it's not about Keith being trustworthy, it's more that Jon's built this trust with the group of five and how can he expect to trust them if they can't even trust him. (Trusty, trust, trust... he just said it so much that it doesn't even have meaning anymore.)
-Jaclyn then proves she's not as smart as I have been giving her credit for - she says it's natural for people to imagine different scenarios but she doesn't think she and Jon are going anywhere. (That had all the jury shaking their heads or looking agape - did she really just say that?)
-Natalie agrees that blood is thick and hard to penetrate, she is the only single in their five alliance and after being gone for two days at Exile, who knows what she's missed - she's very glad she won bloody immunity.
-Jeff asks Jon how much time he spends thinking about his final speech (oh Jeff's setting you up, be humble... but you know he
wasn't) he said he's been thinking about his final speech quite a bit (which has all the jury nudging each other, can you believe the conceit... and it's making Missy realize that he thinks he's already won this thing) And Jon said something about it being so rare to have built up this kind of loyalty and trust (blah, blah, wasn't really listening, this was all about watching everyone's reactions.)
-Jeff talks to Missy about having to Out Wit, Out Play, Out Last and she says with a broken foot she's not even sure where to begin.  Could someone offering their vote potentially break up their 5 alliance, sure, but she's very loyal to a fault, that's her life and she's remained loyal to the people she's loyal to from the very beginning, she hasn't wavered. (Loyally, loyal, loy-al - whatever.)

Time to Vote:
They don't show us how anyone voted.
Hidden Immunity Idol?  Jon does not play it.

Tallying the votes:
Keith -1
Jaclyn - 1
Keith - 2
Jaclyn - 2 (that had Jon and Jaclyn wrinkling their brows)
Jon - 1, 2 (and he is not happy, but the jury is - lots of grinning from the boys.)
There is a three way tie so Jon, Jaclyn and Keith will not vote and the other three revote for one of those three. (Jon looks like he's making his peace with it... he's got to know it's him.)

Jon - 1, 2... that's enough and it's JON going home.  He says no hard feelings but I have a feeling that's just being polite... and Jaclyn looks mad (he wouldn't have listened to you anyway.)

-So with Jon leaving; Bryon L, Alexis G. and Carol-Anne D. are out of our pool.

Next Wednesday, Dec 17th is the 2 hour finale of Survivor Blood vs Water - and Missy cries some more about her foot and Jaclyn is fighting to make it, literally fighting with Natalie defending Jon's character.

Jon's final thoughts: he thought he was doing a really good job putting his trust in the right people but Missy & Natalie really did a good job gaining his trust - he didn't feel this one coming and he really wishes he had played his idol.  Now he's rooting for Jaclyn, "I know you can do it, babe. You know you've got my vote."

So, heading into the finale, here's who still has a chance at the money in our pool:
Jaclyn - Lindsay J, Coleen T, Julie T
Baylor - Ritch G, Sunnie C, Vikki M.
Natalie - Manny W, Susan M, Robert & Cindi
Keith - Lynne B, Jeremy N, Gillian H.
Missy - Kim A, Lee B, Drew C. (huh, ABC look at that.)

Who would have thought Missy & Baylor would be the last pair standing? Unbelievable... I have to root for Jaclyn since she's my girl in the pool... but I have a feeling that Natalie may take it in the end.

Have a great rest of your week everyone,



Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Amazing Race 25 - Dec 5/14 Episode Recap

Smells Like Dirty Tube Socks

Last week we had the shocking elimination of the Cyclists when they were beaten out of the Fast Forward by the Surfers.

This week, the teams head for the Philippines, once they touch down in Manila, they must pick up their first clue from a flower vendor.  Adam & Bethany are the first team out at 2pm - they start at a travel agency and are feeling pretty shaky after the screw up they had last leg booking flights - but they take the guy's word the 7:25pm flight is the earliest - arriving in Manila at 11pm.
-Brooke & Robbie 3:35pm - they also go to the travel agency and book the same flight as the Surfers, they also find out there are not that many seats left on the 7:25pm flight.  Brooke tells us she's surprised that they've made it as far as they have, especially since they are not the smartest, they have no idea what continent they're on most of the time, yet they've hung in there.
-Dentists 3:48pm - they head straight for the airport because they are determined not to repeat the mistake of the last leg by following another team in booking flights.  And Jim is in Tony Robbins, bug-eyed, we will annihilate them all-mode.
-Scientists - 4:27pm - they decide to head to the airport and ask the taxi driver if they can use his phone to call travel agents on the way to the airport - they get the 7:25pm flight.
-The Dentists go to the travel agent at the airport and they find out the 7:25 flight was fully booked - they get the next flight leaving at 8:10pm. Jim is so mad!

-When picking up their boarding passes the Scientists are talking to the Wrestlers about what time they finished last leg - a full hour after the Wrestlers - Brooke asks them what took so long (oh she's good) and Maya is very nice but still calls her on telling them the clue wasn't at that Merlion - Brooke continues to play dumb, "I don't think I knew what you were asking." Robbie too says they thought they already had it... (wow, I wouldn't have the balls to lie like that but the kid gloves are off for the Wrestlers, it's every man for himself and they are there to win.)

Manila, Philippines - When they all get to the flower vendor after 11pm (even though there are still a ton of people in the streets) there is a sign telling them they can pick up their clue at 6:30am - so everyone will be caught up... and no one wants to sleep on the streets there so they all go find lodging.

6:30am - the clue tells them to take a ride in a Jeepney to the Rosario Municipal Plaza to find their next clue.  Super bubbly Maya was loving the Philippines, being immersed in the culture, passing the money back and forth between other patrons and the Jeepney driver, she was beside herself with joy.... then we looked in on Brooke who is ready to throw up from the smell of garbage in the streets. Robbie says it kind of smells like dirty tube socks (yum). The Dentists are very upset seeing the naked little children  squatting in the streets where they could get run over - makes them realize how much they have to be thankful for.

-All the teams arrive at the next clue at the same time and it's the DETOUR - Catch or Coach.
-In Catch - teams will have to wade in to Manila bay, use a tub to fill a bucket with fish and transport it back to a broker on shore.  Once they have filled three buckets on shore, they'll get their next clue.
-In Coach - teams must correctly assemble a side car and properly mount it on a motorcycle tuk-tuk.  When the head mechanic says it's okay, they'll get their next clue.
-Dentists, Surfers and Scientists decide to do Coach - the clue tells them they have to take a motor-tricycle to the task but the Scientists don't read that part and start out on foot.  Bethany even yells at them as they pass them in their sidecar "Where are you going?" But the girls didn't even notice - but they did wonder where everybody went.

-The Wrestlers are the only team to go fishing.

-Finally the Scientists do re-read the clue and realize they have to go back and catch a motor-tricycle - Maya finally realizes why Bethany asked what they were doing and she's upset with herself for not reading the clue.

-Catch- The Wrestlers get to the docks and Brooke is complaining (surprise) that it smells so gross, and anticipating how much it's going to stink (you chose fish - it's going to stink, Princess.)
-They decided from the beginning that they were going to choose the physical challenges over the picky detail-oriented tasks - and this one is very physical.  Robbie would hold the bucket, Brooke would fill it, then they would both walk it back through the really rough water... (I would not have been able to do this one, good thing those two are strong.) And Brooke is gagging the whole way.

Coach - the Dentists and Surfers get to the mechanic's place and get to work assembling their motor-tricycle.  Jim & Misti have put many a toy/bike together over the years for their kids so, over-confident Jim is sure they'll blow everyone away.  Adam just has a love of mechanical things and Bethany acts as his assistant - he tells her what he needs and they work together seamlessly.

-Catch - The Wrestlers are cheered by the locals when they bring the bucket of fish to shore - they loved that - but then they find out they have to transfer the fish BY HAND from one bucket to the next and the little fish are sharp and slimy - Brooke is getting cut up and Robbie is now the whiny baby, he doesn't like touching animals.. and they're slimy. (Ha! it was pretty funny finding the big man's achilles heel.)

-Coach - the Scientists show up and they get to work on the motorcycle - problem, they don't really know their tools very well, but they are smart girls and they're detail-oriented so they're sure they can figure it out.

-Catch - the Wrestlers are back in the water and realizing that they can't fill the bucket completely because it gets too heavy and then trying to get it back to shore the waves fill the bucket with water and they lose fish - the start bickering and then realize that's not helping them - they calm down and just get down to business.

-Coach - among the chickens at the mechanic's yard, the teams are sweating away as they continue to assemble.  Jim is sure he's killing it.  Bethany is wondering how the fishing is going - she said they didn't want to get anywhere near the Philippines water (probably a wise idea.)

Speaking of the water - Brooke & Robbie are realizing they are going to have to make at least four trips to fill their three buckets at the broker - (I'm just going to say, this task really sucks and I'm proud of how well the Wrestlers are doing.)

-Coach - Dentists are the first to get judged and Jim is positive they are going to get the clue - but nope - he's put the shocks on wrong... and it's like Amsterdam all over again - he'll adjust a little thing without seeing the one glaring error.
-The Surfers are still plugging away.
-The Scientists are working and their motorcycle has a rosary hanging from the handle bars - Maya says they've chosen a blessed bike, God is on their side.  And Amy made me love her a little when she said, "I don't think the Lord cares which tuk-tuk we decided to build." (Amen.)

-Catch - holy crap!  The rain started, the wind kicked up and the waves were pummeling them - Robbie said the rain kind of energized them, made him feel like he was more of a man - working hard - in the rain! (whatever.)

-Coach - Dentists still can't find their error.

-Catch - Wrestlers are the first team to complete the Detour and with fishy hands they read the clue to head to the Rice Fields.

-Coach - Surfers are the first team to complete their motor-tricycle correctly and they also head for the Rice Fields.  Jim is mad - and still can't see the two shocks should be parallel... Finally, finally he realizes he forgot to attach one of the shocks.

-Rice Field - Robbie & Brooke are shocked that there are no other teams there - they can't believe they are in first place! 
-The task is a Switchback - an impossible task that was on the Race in a past season that totally killed a teams chances of moving on.  They have to use a water ox to plow a flooded rice field and unearth a clue.
-There are four rice fields they have to choose from and Brooke takes the lead choosing the ox... which promptly starts pooping as they are following behind it - her farm-girl swagger went right out the window - both she and Robbie were so grossed out.
Coach - The Dentists finally finish the motorcycle to the mechanic's satisfaction and they head for the Rice Fields.

Rice Fields - the Surfers show up, much to the Wrestlers' dismay, and they choose their rice field... making Brooke & Robbie realize they chose the largest field and once the choice has been made they can't change.   To her credit, Brooke knows it could take hours and they just can't stop... but then their ox is pooping at them again.

Coach - the Scientists finally finish their motorcycle.

Rice fields - The Dentists show up and Brooke says she's going to be so mad if they get the clue quick... and then the Scientists show up and everyone is getting down and dirty.
-No one can figure out how to direct their ox but the reactions are so different:
Surfers: This is hilarious - I know right?
Dentists: How do you direct this thing?
Scientists:  I can't even walk in this [mud].
Wrestlers: Oh my god, we're going to lose! 

Dentists are the first team to find their clue - I think Misti stumbled over it just by blind luck.
-Scientists had barely gone 10 ft when they found their clue (maybe God did care which rice field they chose after all.)  They weren't even dirty.

-Dentists and Scientists read the clue to search on foot for Phil and their next PIT STOP - the clue said the last team to check in MAY be eliminated (well we all know what that means.)

-Brooke is back to complaining about how tired she is (but after the fishing and now the plowing, I think she has actually earned the right to complain today.)

-The Surfers are happily plowing along, "let's go ox-y" when Bethany casually reaches down, "Hon, here it is."
-Almost at the same time, Brooke shrieks, "There it is!" and both teams have found the clue.

- It's a foot race to the mat... this one was so close...

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Dentists - Jim & Misti - Jim's thumb came out, as this is their fifth first place win - and they won a trip to Vietnam.
2) Scientists - Maya & Amy - so close to first place for them, they were on the mat with the Dentists but happy-Maya doesn't care, she loves the Race so much.
3) Surfers - Adam & Bethany - it was a foot race to the mat...
4) Wrestlers - Brooke & Robbie - but this was a NON-ELIMINATION leg - Phil said it wouldn't have been fair to eliminate them today with it being so close. 
Brooke & Robbie are actually looking at this leg as a positive, they proved they can beat the other teams by being first to the last challenge - they are looking at it like winning a wrestling championship, and they've won a bunch of those.

Next week: Brooke & Robbie have a basketball Speed Bump, Jim tries to stay with Adam through a task but Adam takes off without him, and Amy crashes a bicycle tuk-tuk into a parked car (ouch!)

We still have one more episode before the finale on December 19th.

And a refresher for those still in the running:
Adam & Bethany: Jeff T., Maggie H., Alicia H., Shane B. and Don T.
Brooke & Robbie: Roxanne S., Monica S., Kim A., Karen S. and Hardeep G.
Misti & Jim: Cara & Alex L., Cindi C., Donna P., Carol-Anne D. and Ozzy R.
Amy & Maya: Kim B/Gail W, Alexis G., Jeremy N., Lindsay J. and Natalie M.

Have a great week everyone,


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Dec 3/14 Episode Recap

Kinda Like Cream Cheese; Still Holding On

Okay, so they showed two episodes last night and I like to get some sleep so the recap is going to be a little more bare bones today... who am I kidding, it's a little supersized, sorry.

-Last week we saw Wes go home after Natalie got Jon and subsequently Keith to play their idols, saving themselves but leaving Wes the only other guy with votes.

Huyopa - Night 26
-Let the fall out begin.  Alec is mad at Keith for giving away their plan at Tribal and making Jon play his idol... Keith said he thought that was the plan (yeah right) but Reed couldn't kick him when he's down - he screwed up and his son went home because of it.
-Alec couldn't care less, he's just worried about Alec.

-On the other hand, Jon is congratulating himself on his sniffing out the blindside attempt and Natalie calls him on it, he wasn't going to play his idol until she told him to - but he insists he was going to play it.  Natalie can't believe he still thinks he's running things.
-Jaclyn thanked Natalie for telling him to play the idol and when Jon & Jaclyn are alone he tells her not to give credit to other people when he makes good plays like that - when he's in the final three he wants to use that as proof he's the best player.  Well, this does not sit well with Jaclyn, "What if I'm in the final three and you're not." (Exactly! He's doing the same thing the other guys did, just discounting her - she's a crutch, his vote in the hole to use to get to the end.) She can't believe he wanted to take all the credit for something that she and Natalie helped him do, "Screw you, I'm going to the top then." (YEAH!)

-How well do you know your tribe mates?  Jeff will ask questions about the people they are playing the game with.  Get it right and you get to chop someone's rope - if you get three chops, you are out of the challenge.  Last person standing wins reward of: afternoon of horseback riding to a beautiful resort where they'll have bbq beef, chicken and brownies.  They will spend the night and return to camp the next day.

-Off they go - and I'm just going to tell you order they went out.
Reed is the first one out - three chops right away, first round.
Alec is next out, followed quickly by Keith in the second round.
And once the bottom three were out, the alliance of five is just discussing who they are going to leave to win when Jeff steps in and just cuts to the chase, why go through the charade of the game if they are just going to let Missy win.
-He declares Missy the winner, Jon volunteers to go to Exile Island (why not send Alec, Reed or Keith?  I don't get that) and Missy chooses Baylor and ... Natalie to share her reward.  Well that's also very telling.  Jaclyn said it was hard but not unexpected she'd be left out.
-Jeff says something like, she has to go back to camp with people that don't like her very much and Reed says, "We like her a lot."
- Baylor says something like he likes everyone and Reed calls her a brat which gets Missy's back up, with her customary, "That's my kid." (Chill out mama bear) Reed says what I've been thinking - "yes, she's your kid but she's also an adult and if she's going to act like a brat I'm going to tell her she's a brat."  Missy tries to tell him off but he's smiling at her, this is exactly what he wants, to get them all riled up - he's loving it. (Enjoy your Reward!) 
-As the ladies walk away (with Missy flipping the bird) Jeff asks what just happened?  Jaclyn says Jon sacrifices himself for the alliance and the top three took off leaving Jaclyn the butt end again.  And she has the fool's chorus behind her, "That's exactly what happened." (She is going to be the belle of the ball back at camp tonight.)

Exile Island
-Jon gets another clue to yet another hidden immunity idol (Oh, that's why he wanted to go there... I think there are just too many of these hidden idols in this game now.)  He knows being the biggest threat in this game puts a target on your back so he's not going to stop until he finds this hidden idol.  And he does find it. (phfft)

-They get to see some of the beautiful country away from the beach, and they eat, and they strategize.  They are nervous that Jaclyn will be swayed by the three guys because she's so insecure (no, she can count - everyone seems to think she's not so smart.)
-Then Natalie and Baylor share the news that they found an idol and Missy says she's so proud that Baylor is proving that she can play this game but her initial reaction said she was mad they kept it from her.
-Natalie asks how they would feel about them as the final three and Missy & Baylor are on board - to Natalie this would be her ideal final three, she'd be a shoe in to win over Missy & Baylor in her mind (uh, yeah you would.)

Huyopa - Day 27
-Jaclyn is mad she didn't get to go horseback riding but she also can't believe that Missy chose Natalie over her - especially when Jon just sacrificed himself to Exile (remember the last time Jaclyn was ignored, ask Josh how that went.)
-Reed, Alec and Keith did learn from that last time and are sucking up to Jaclyn big time - they give her a whole coconut full of rice (a bit of over kill) but Reed is hoping to capitalize on the events of the day and make her see that the three on reward are going to eliminate Jon & Jaclyn as soon as the rest of them are gone.
-Jaclyn knows what they are up to, but still she is interested in what they have to say. 
-Reed tells her that Missy is more ruthless than Jon and she's going to turn on them sooner rather than later ... Jaclyn sees the logic and can't believe she and Jon are in the swing position, again, and she's ready to tell him they have to flip the game when he gets back from Exile, again.

Huyopa - Day 28
-The Reward girls return to camp and Missy is in her Mother mode with Jaclyn (ugh, also so fake) but she wants to make sure Jaclyn knows she's still with her - who knows what the boys have said to her overnight.  Missy tells Natalie to keep her ears open, they are watching Jaclyn like hawks.
-Alec is trying to cozy up to Jaclyn now, thinks she's a cool chick, maybe she'll vote with us maybe she won't but being nice to her is just like adding cream cheese, "can't hurt nothing by putting some cream cheese on it" (steak, bread, fruit... you know, he might be right.)
-Natalie thinks Jaclyn flirting with Alec is very inappropriate with Jon away - her talking to Alec is making all the girls very nervous because if she's swayed, Jon could be swayed. (You're just thinking about that now?)

-They will balance an oversized paddle on a stand - on Jeff's go they will roll a ball down the handle and try to land it in one of six holes on the paddle, first person to get a ball in all six holes wins immunity.
-Off they go - and this is not so easy - you get one ball balanced but could lose it when sending the next ball... oof.
-Jon had an early lead but Keith came from behind and KEITH wins individual immunity!
-Reed thinks he could be dead man walking tonight unless Jaclyn can sway Jon (they need to take out Missy then Jon & Jaclyn would be the last surviving pair and you know Baylor's not winning with Mom gone.)

Huyopa - Day 29
-Jaclyn has to fill Jon in an what's happened since he's been gone - they are in the middle again and they have a big decision to make - go with Reed and vote out Missy or go with Missy and vote out Reed.
-Jon just wants to spend time with his girlfriend so while she's trying to fill him in he snaps at her that he already knows all of this - discounting her again... and they fight.  (Jon's just tired and cranky but she's had to play the game the whole time he's been away - I can see both sides.)
-Jaclyn refuses to talk to him anymore if he doesn't want her help, then screw him.
-In swoops Reed at the worst possible moment to make his pitch and Jon cuts him off too, he doesn't trust that Reed wants to work with them, he just wants to blindside Jon.  Reed says he could just as easily make this pitch to Missy right now but he isn't because he doesn't want to work with her, he wants to work with them...
...and then Natalie comes and joins the party and Jon continues to tell Reed that he just doesn't trust his pitch right now but he is wink-winking at him, letting him know this is for Natalie's sake.

-Reed finds the wink encouraging but thinks Jaclyn may not have seen it and is still stewing about Jon blowing up at her - so that's troubling to him.
-Reed tells Keith & Alec there is still hope, if they stay the course that Jon & Jaclyn could vote with them tonight.

-Keith isn't so sure, as he's watching Jon sitting with Missy... and we see Jon share the fact that he found the hidden immunity idol with Missy (What?  You tell her and not Jaclyn?  What is going on?)
-Jaclyn wasn't surprised that Jon went and talked to Missy after their fight, he looks to his mom for advise in real life and Missy has taken on that role out there but it made Jaclyn even madder that he talked to Missy for half an hour and didn't come talk to her.

-Jaclyn vents to Baylor and Natalie, saying "Screw him, he doesn't need me, I don't need to be here." Natalie did not want to hear that, she needs J&J to be a unit, she can't handle more surprises at tribal council.
-Finally Jon comes to talk to Jaclyn and she refuses to talk to him, at all.  He says he's sorry he snapped and she just walks away.
-He can't believe they have tribal council tonight, they are not on the same page and Jaclyn is refusing to talk to him.
5 hours later - Jon tries to talk to her and she tells him she's still not ready to talk... then she goes and flirts with Alec in front of him and now Jon won't talk to her... everyone is walking on eggshells watching these two fight and they hold everyone's fate in their hands.

-Reed talks to Jaclyn - he knows this could be a fatal fight for him if she can't discuss things with Jon and she says he won't talk to her now... (Oh, to be young and in love... if a million dollars wasn't on the line - suck it up you two. Sheesh!)

Jon tells Jeff about his and Jaclyn fighting, everyone witnessed the aftermath and Reed still found the opportunity to pitch to both of them.
-Jeff points out that they are the clearly in the middle again.
-Reed says he pointed out that Missy took Baylor and Natalie on the reward which shows them that Jon & Jaclyn are on the bottom when it gets to five so come with the boys and we'll figure something out.
-Missy knows that's not good for her, but she points out two days ago they tried to take Jon out and now Alec is all flirting trying to get in with Jaclyn.
-They discuss the flirting a little (give me a break, really?)
-Jaclyn admits she was hurt Missy didn't take her on reward but then the guys being nice to her has just amped up the paranoia.
-Baylor points out it's nice for them to be able to decide which alliance they want to go with (you shouldn't have allowed that to happen again.)
-Missy knows the decision to take Natalie on Reward could cost her.

Time to Vote:
-Missy votes Reed - by the way, my child's not a brat (yes, she is.)
-Reed votes Missy - this could be the only time he writes her name down.

Hidden immunity idol?  Nobody plays one.

Reed - 1
Missy -1
Reed - 2, 3, 4, 5.... REED is voted out of the game. Well, I can't say I blame them really.  He was a good player and it would be easier to win over Missy in the end.

With Reed leaving, Maggie H., Sue & Hannelore and Nanad M. are out of the pool.

Reed's final thoughts - playing the game together brought him and Josh even closer and even having his torch snuffed by Jeff was sort of a dream come true.

Huyopa - Night 29 (two hours don't forget)
-Everyone felt like Tribal was almost couples counseling and J&J have resolved their issues - they apologized and are back in each other's arms.
-Alec still insists he wasn't flirting with Jaclyn but watching the other couples (there is only J & J and Missy & Baylor so who are you watching?) he realizes he's got no one to talk to - he may not have much to hold on to, but he's still holding on. (Huh, showing us Alec when they really don't show him that much makes me think he's the next to go.)

-Alec asks Jon if they're going to vote him out next and Jon gives a great politician answer, "I don't see you splitting us up." (Meaning his alliance of five.)  Jon tells the camera he feels he has found people he can trust in his alliance and he's in control of the game.

-They will stand on a small block while stabilizing a ball against an overhead board with a rounded handle - not a great description but trust me, it looks really hard.  Last person left standing wins a King sized canopy bed delivered to camp and they will get to eat in bed, chicken parm, spaghetti, garlic bread, wine and dessert... and they get to send someone to Exile Island.
-Off they go and it's Alec out right away during Jeff's first spiel, well that was dumb.
-20 minutes in - Missy is the next out, Keith looks at the camera and that break in concentration takes him out.  Baylor is next out.  Jon's struggling, and his ball falls.  Leaving Natalie and Jaclyn... and it's NATALIE who wins Reward.
-She sends Alec to Exile Island to no one's surprise and she chooses Jaclyn (trying to make it up to her) and Jon to join her in the bed.  Natalie tells the camera she's wanted to get Jon out since he voted out Jeremy so sharing her Reward with him is to gain his trust so he won't see her revenge coming (oh, do not get on the bad side of Twinny, her revenge will be that much sweeter for being served cold.)

Huyopa - Day 30
-Waiting at camp is the king sized bed - that Jon, Jaclyn and Natalie get to share - but they realize it may not be so sweet with Missy, Baylor and Keith looking on.  Missy has already said having it rubbed in their faces won't be fun.  Jon is worried when Missy & Baylor take off with Keith to get water and Natalie tells them to stop being so paranoid - she's not worried (it's Keith, he wouldn't know how to pitch them even if he tried.) 

On the Bed - they are eating and drinking and Natalie's still thinking how she's going to vote Jon out. Jon's just chillin', enjoying the wine,  he thinks he's in charge so why worry.  And we find out Jon wants to be a sommelier - we find out his dad taught him about wine - blah blah blah - Natalie says listening to his pretentious wine talk was torture.
-Hubris goes before a fall - and Jon is so confident in his position in the tribe and he trusts Missy and Natalie so much that he shares with her that he found another hidden immunity idol. (Natalie is too good at this, I'd be trusting her too at this point - but Jon still shouldn't have told everyone about his idol - some paranoia is still good.)

Huyopa - Day 31
-Jon & Jaclyn are still in the bed and Natalie is over talking to Baylor, telling her it was the worst experience of her life having to spend that much time with Jon - he's so fake and comfortable - he's already banking on the money and what it will do for them in their perfect life.
-Natalie tells Baylor they should vote for Jon but for her not to tell Missy because she's blinded by Jon, Baylor says Missy is blinded by trying to help men (oh, some childhood trauma there) - Baylor feels Natalie is her "Survivor sister" and she's in to get rid of Jon. They plan on talking to Keith and Alec and the four of them will take out Jon.

-Keith is frustrated with J&J sleeping all day, especially Jon just coasting.  And they show everyone else working around camp, gathering wood, while Jon & Jaclyn are literally sleeping the day away.
-When they finally wake up, Jon notices how much wood they gathered and he feels a weird vibe in camp (yeah, they are all hating on you right now) - which worries him because they are so close to the end.  Jaclyn says they will go get water, she's also noticed the weird vibe at camp and asks if Jon really trusts Natalie - he says yes, and she thinks maybe she's just being paranoid (no, you're totally right, she's a snake.)
-Jaclyn is worried that Keith is trying to sway the others to take out Jon but he's just not seeing it - she's worried if he's not careful, they could blindside him.

They've done this one before - they have to balance a row of blocks on a wobbly table they will stabilize with a rope - every time they place a tile, they have to let out the rope to move back to get another tile which often makes the table tilt and if their blocks fall over, they have to reset all the tiles before they can get another one to add.  (I have a feeling I would suck at this.)

-Off they go - Keith is off to an early lead but then he dumps them and John and Jaclyn go ahead... Keith catches up, Jaclyn dumps hers and it's Keith and Jon in the lead when Keith drops them again - now Jon is in the lead and if he can hold on... Keith drops his again and it's JON winning individual immunity. (And no one seems that happy about it except him and Jaclyn.)

-Natalie has to come up with a plan B and fast...(take out Jaclyn, see how he does without his support system... oh, hold on, I just realized Jaclyn is my pool pick, nevermind.)

Huyopa - Day 32
-Jon's not worried at all with immunity around his neck so he proposes to his alliance that they split their votes three for Keith and two for Alec just in case one of them has a hidden idol.

-Alec knows it's him or Keith tonight and he decides to make a play to stay... by cozying up to Baylor, who, despite her condemnation of her mother's weakness for men, falls for his act and likes the attention.  She says she's glad Alec's not going home tonight and tells him not to worry.

-Keith asks Natalie where he stands and she tells him to face it, Alec is useless so he should be worried.  But then she realizes (that you can take out Jaclyn and cut out Jon's heart?) no, she could swap her vote to Alec ensuring that Keith stays and garner his loyalty to use him later to take out Jon.

-Natalie shares her plan with Baylor who now has a thing for Alec and she says Alec will do whatever they say if they keep him around... and Natalie's not sure if going against her alliance is smart at this point.

We know it's a strong five alliance with Keith and Alec on the outside so they look at who is better in challenges - and Alec, looking slack jawed as ever, is happy to hear that they think Keith is better in challenges than him.  But Keith points out he's not good at some things (memory and puzzles maybe). 
Then a rat disrupts things and even being out there 32 days, Missy and Natalie still scream and look replused - Alec, on the other hand, is ready to eat that rat after two days at Exile, he'd eat anything.
-Jon reveals that his dad is dying of brain cancer and he teared up when he won immunity because his dad would be proud of him and he doesn't have many chances left to make him proud. (Oh, he's tugging on the ol' heart strings, pulling out all the stops...)  Jon says he regrets that he didn't have a closer relationship with his dad and he starts really crying.
-Jeff asks Keith, being a dad, do you think this kind of personal sharing could work against you in this game? (which makes Jon stiffen a little - yeah, they think your sharing was a ploy to garner sympathy, was it? Probably.) Keith says he hopes the jury is sharper than that and can see through some of this.
-Keith offers his vote up to the five if they want to use him, he's willing.
-Natalie says she knows everyone there, at the end of the day, wants to win the million bucks but tonight she's confident that there will be no surprises in how the alliance of five is voting.

Time to vote:
Alec votes for Kieth - yes, he spelled it wrong.
Keith votes for Alec  - (what other choice do they have?)

Hidden Immunity idol - no one plays one.

Tallying the Votes:
Kieth - 1
Alec- 1
Keith - 2
Alec - 2
Keith - 3
Alec - 3
And the final vote is ALEC... and Jon looks mad and confused, Missy just looks confused and shocked.  Natalie pretends she's surprised but she is smiling underneath.

And with Alec leaving, Marla L., Bernice R. and Mike L. are out of the pool.

Next week: Natalie is still set on taking Jon out - and Missy is injured during a challenge which could pull her from the game.

Alec said some stuff but do we really care? - the best part, "I didn't win but at least I beat Drew, which counts as a win to me."

FYI, the season finale of Survivor Blood vs Water is going to be on Wednesday, December 17th.

Have a great rest of your week everybody,
