Cobra in My Teeth
Last week the Ice Girls were eliminated after they made some costly mistakes on the Detour, even after trying to cheat off Leo, Dr. Nicole had to be rescued in the Roadblock by Amy and the Afghanimals were the first team to the Pit Stop.
Indonesia - Leo & Jamal are the first team to head out at 7:25am - they get the clue to make their way to the King Cobra hut where they will have to EAT Roasted Cobra!!! (Oh heck no.) Once they have devoured the delicacy, they will receive their next clue.
-The boys are on their own now, their allies Ally & Ashley are gone and they are a huge target if being U-Turned twice is any indication, the rest of the teams want them gone (I think that's more for the annoyance factor than seeing them as a threat.)
-Tim & Marie are the next team out - 7:26am - Tim says Marie is the toughest girl he knows but she has some food issues... (uh oh) certain things she doesn't want to eat. (She's whining already.) "You must each finish your own serving... Oh No-o-o." (Yup, he can't eat it for you honey.) Some kind of meat is her worst fear - and it will be realized. Tim's already reminding her this is for a million dollars.
-Jason & Amy - 7:40am - She loves eating challenges, "Let's go!" He's a little more nervous. They are the only team left that hasn't come in first - they are the best losers.
-Travis & Nicole - 7:42am - The last leg was a mess - she just didn't get the concept of putting the instrument together (I just don't think she's good under pressure, but she can't admit that as a physician.) We get some insight into their dynamic - they met when she was a medical student and he was her supervising physician, so he still talks to her like she's a student (and it seems like she's used to him telling her or showing her what to do - just saying.)
Afghanimals are joking in the cab, Leo, "Maybe we'll have to eat snake." Jamal, "They don't eat snakes here." (Oh yeah...)
No sooner has he said that, then they arrive and see they are eating King cobras, right in front of a cage of live cobras. Jamal is playing it up, doing some gagging motions... but they tuck in.
Tim & Marie get to the CIC camp, but they are at the wrong location - no one's there. They wonder how they beat the boys there (you didn't.)
-Amy & Jason arrive at the correct place and belly up to the cobra bar beside the Afghanimals. Amy asks if Tim & Marie were already gone and they say, "Yup. Marie just ate the whole thing..."
-The boys enjoy lying to the other teams, it's not even lying, it's just joking around, messing with their heads... (Uh, if it's not the truth, then you're lying, dumb*ss.)
-Travis & Nicole are the next team to show up for their share of snake - they are doctors and don't get freaked out by animal parts or body parts - Travis was just worried they had to eat the whole snake but when they only got a small section he was psyched!
-Tim & Marie are aimlessly wandering around and she knows they are in the wrong place - Tim is arguing that this is the right mountain, it's the right acronym, it's got to be the right place (oh boy.)
-Leo & Jamal finish their rubbery, chewy portions of snake, except the bones and I guess that's alright because they get the next clue to make their way to the main entrance of Kawah Domas Crater.
-Jason & Amy are the next team done and he's the whiny one on this - the skin tastes snakish, he ate some bones... Amy just did it, no complaining, let's go!
-Travis & Nicole said it was actually better than they thought, "Tastes like chicken." They finish and head out. In the cab Travis was wondering about Tim & Marie, they didn't see them at the snake shack, either they inhaled it or they just didn't get there...
Speaking of - Tim & Marie are still totally in the wrong place, arguing about continuing to look around or going back... They have to get out of there soon or they'll never catch up.
-Kawah Domas - Leo & Jamal arrive and get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who's feeling hard-boiled?
-They are at an active volcano - they have to hard-boil eggs in a steaming volcanic spring - first they have to pick up 60 eggs from the egg man (that's two flats of eggs), then they have to travel on the back of a scooter to the volcanic spring (fun with flats of eggs in your hands) and then they have to boil a dozen of the eggs in the spring (put them in a basket on the end of a pole they lower into the water.) Once they think the eggs are done they have to take them to the egg man who will cut them open and, if they are hard-boiled, they'll get their next clue.
-Jamal, Travis and Jason are doing this one (Boy-power.) All their eggs survive the scooter ride but then they have to walk down some treacherous terrain (lots of roots and rocks and steps) to get to the spring. All the guys get their eggs in the water and now it's just a matter of patience - waiting for those babies to cook.
And they are all still wondering where Tim & Marie are... We see that they have finally gotten back in their taxi but they still haven't found the Cobra place (uh oh, that does not bode well for our bickering duo.)
-Amy is pressing Leo for details about when Tim & Marie left the cobra place and he's just stalling, "Uhhhhh". She stage whispers to Nicole, "He's such a liar!"
-The boys aren't sure how long they need to boil the eggs - 10-12 minutes? We'll let Jamal go after 5 minutes... (Some good-natured banter between the boys.)
-Tim & Marie finally find the Cobra place and she is freaking out that she has to eat snake. "I can't eat gross things." "I can't eat this!" (Wow, who knew the b*ll-buster would be laid low by a little piece of snake.) She's decided she's just going to rip pieces off and swallow them with water (no chewing, just right down) - that could work. Tim's all sweaty, he's not enjoying it much either.
-Their competitive side overrode the grossness factor and they got through the snake, she's proud of herself that she ate snake. They head for the Roadblock.
-Jamal has come clean with the guys that they lied about Tim & Marie (bonding over egg boiling.) Jay, "Man, why you got to lie so much?" But they were laughing, I think just relieved no one was ahead of them.
-Travis & Jay decide their eggs are cooked and they take off to get them checked - Jamal is giving his a few more minutes, he wants to be sure... which then gives Jason pause but he keeps heading back with Travis. They have to run back up the steps to the scooters then ride back to the egg man.
-Jason's are the first eggs to be checked - they are all cooked but a few still have a little bit soft yolks - he has to go back and do it again. "Okay, I guess I'll see you back there then." "Better hurry up before Marie comes." Travis is heading back too - his are all under done.
-Jamal is convinced that his will all pass, he waited another couple minutes... but then he gets some rejected and all of them had to head back.
-When Jamal gets back down to the spring, Travis & Jason tell Jamal to tell Marie that it only takes 8-10 minutes to hard boil the eggs - and he's thinking what hypocrites they are, giving him grief about lying then telling him to lie when it suits them. (I agree, hypocrites!)
-Tim & Marie show up to the Roadblock and she's going to do this one, even though she says she doesn't know how to hard boil eggs.
-Jason passes her on the scooter on his way back up and tells her it's quick - then tells the camera he's going to leave the lying to Jamal (You know, I think Jay's a bit simple.)
-Travis tells her it's a bit tiresome, so I'm sure in his mind he didn't lie to her... but he wasn't giving her any concrete advice either.
-Jamal passes her on the path and he just tells her it's straight down the path - he's not going to do anybody's dirty work.
-Jason's getting his eggs checked for the second time and there is no doubt these eggs are Do-one! It makes Tim nervous because if there is one thing Marie lacks (besides a strong stomach) it's patience. He's pretty much positive she's going to come back with soft boiled eggs.
-Jason & Amy are the first team to get the clue to the DETOUR - Paint Your Partner or Turn Over a New Leaf.
In Paint Your Partner: they have to make each other up as traditional Japanese brides without the use of a mirror. Once the beautician decides they are ready to be given away, he will hand over their next clue.
In Turn Over a New Leaf: They have to dress up as local tea pickers and search the vast, steeply- tiered fields of tea looking for a pair of pruning shears. Once they deliver the shears to the foreman, they'll receive their next clue.
Amy & Jason are going to paint their partner. They jump in their taxi and wonder if they should have waited for Travis & Nicole...
-But they are leaving right behind them and decide on Paint Your Partner as well because it looks like that's what Jason & Amy are doing and Amy definitely looks like someone who knows how to put on make up (All those pageants paying off :).)
Marie is still making her way down to the volcanic spring and she's complaining about how hot it is and how it smells like sulfur... (I think Tim is right, she's not going to give it enough time.)
-Jamal's eggs all pass and they get the Detour clue - they decide to Turn Over a New Leaf - they don't know anything about make up and they hope they can do the tea thing quickly...
-Meanwhile, Marie wasn't kidding when she said she doesn't know how to boil eggs. She put them in the basket okay but then she's holding the basket over the water, like she's toasting marshmallows or something - Put them IN the water! (How do you not know that boiling something means you put it in the water?)
-She finally does put them in the water but she's thinking it should only take 3-4 minutes... (uh oh) - "It's hot and it smells and I hate eggs and I just ate a snake - so far today blows." (Ha!)
-Jason is second guessing their Detour choice as they arrive at the place and Amy ignores him (Dude, you have the make-up ringer, just go with it.) Travis & Nicole arrive right on their heels and they all head inside. First things first, Travis has to shave his moustache & goatee - then we're good to go. -Jason is so out of his element, you can tell he's a little uncomfortable like this is going to threaten his manhood. (Get over yourself.) Nicole, "My husband looks like the the sexiest drag queen ever." And the boys can't stop giggling.
-Marie is still boiling her eggs and Tim is encouraged that she's been down there so long. He says the one good thing is that anything she does cook is usually well done, "Like hockey puck style." So maybe she'll accidentally over-cook these eggs. And she's heading back up to get tested (I guess they're not allowed to check one out themselves... they did make them take down 60 eggs, couldn't they cook 13 to have a checker? Probably not.)
-Leo & Jamal get to the tea fields, they don the shirt, skirt, hat and harvest baskets of the traditional tea pickers and head out onto the hill of tea - it's beautiful but sort of like looking for a needle in a haystack (oh man, this looks daunting.)
-Jamal, "I found it!" And he picks up a stick with a flag on the end. (Yeah, that's so not it.)
-Marie is getting her eggs checked and they argue about what yellow the yokes are (really?) She did accidentally on purpose over cook the eggs - they are all hard boiled and she gets the clue to the Detour. They decide to do the make up thing - even though Tim thinks maybe they should do the one the other teams didn't. She tells him Jay & Travis can't do make-up, "You're so metro, you'll be fine." (um, I don't know if that was meant as a compliment.)
-At the make up place, the guys are not having fun with this anymore - it's so tedious and (to Jason) humiliating. He's thinking they should have done the other task. Nicole is having trouble getting things to stick to Travis so she bobby pins stuff in his hair... the beautician is just looking dumbfounded (I don't think that's getting them a pass.)
-But the Tea fields are no better - Jamal tries to hand in the flag but how could they think that had anything to do with shears? They are still looking for something that they obviously have no idea what it looks like.. in a haystack.
Tim & Marie arrive at the make up task and Tim has to shave as well - they never knew what they'd have to do on the race but they absolutely never thought they'd be doing each other's make up.
Leo & Jamal - They finally decide they are never going to find the shears out there and even though they will be in last place, they're going to switch tasks. "Stupidest detour ever!"
The boys show up at the make up challenge and the rest of the teams are happy to see them, that means they couldn't find the shears and Amy says, "Can you say karma?"
-But as soon as the guys realize they have to shave to do the make up, "No Way!" They are heading back to the tea fields, and they feel motivated now - they know where the other teams stand on level of doneness - so they're convinced they're going to finish first.
-Jay & Amy are looking good - he was lucky she had a good base of make up to start with and she made him look so pretty... then they showed Travis and he was a sweaty horrible mess - his make up was running all over his face - Nicole had it all over her hands - Oh, that is never passing.
-Jay & Amy are the first team to finish and they got the clue to the Pit Stop - the base of the Chimahi Waterfall. They jump in their cab, make-up and all - Jay, "I feel ridiculous right now."
-Leo & Jamal get back to the tea picker hut and get suited up again - Jamal is taking more of a hands on approach this time, actually running his hands through the bushes - Leo is still just looking... I think they keeps passing the shears cause it's only the handles sticking out on the top of the bush...
-Travis looks like Dennis Rodman - his make up is a mess - it looks horrible and they get a fail.
-Tim & Marie also get a "not good enough" but figure they've just missed some jewelry... of course Marie yells, "WHAT?" at the poor guy (haha, I don't know why I'm finding them amusing today.)
-The look on the beautician guy's face when he sees Travis' melted make up is priceless.
-Tim & Marie finally realize that as they are trying to fix the make up, they were leaving black smudges from their hands - they cleaned their hands and took care of the smudges and they are the next team to get the clue to the Pit Stop.
-Jamal & Leo have now been in the fields for 3 hours - Leo finds a snake but still no shears. Jamal is trying to stay positive but Leo is quoting Spartacus - something about being defeated...
-I don't know why Nicole can't see that his make up is a mess - he points out that she has the make up all over her hands and she finally sees that she's smudged it all over his face (Honestly, she sucks in all of these tasks, if he wasn't there, she would have been gone long ago.) Finally they also get a pass once she's done the cleanup and they head for the Pit Stop.
-Leo is again talking about changing tasks when Jamal is re-searching one of Leo's earlier rows and he finds the shears! "See, getting your hands dirty does work." (I think he was just that much more determined not to shave off his beard.) They also head for the Pit Stop.
-Travis & Nicole's taxi passes Tim & Marie's and she starts freaking out, "You have to pass that cab, this is a race and you're making us lose!" Their cab driver is just doing his own thing, he's going the speed he's going and that it.
-Jamal is berating Leo in the cab for not searching the bushes like he told him to, it was all his fault they were there so long.
-Traffic! The great equalizer... Tim & Marie's cab is able to pass Travis & Nicole and it's a foot race down the stairs to the mat.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Jason & Amy - they finally won their first leg of the race - and they won a trip to Cancun, Mexico (Huh, and they got the cheap trip, figures.) Amy says they've just proved they are the strongest team.
2) Tim & Marie - Travis & Tim both got to the mat at the same time so it was down to the women - and Marie made it down first (much to Travis' dismay) "Come on."
3) Nicole & Travis - Phil says he thought Jason looked bad, but Travis, "You look like an angry showgirl."
4) Leo & Jamal - Phil says for the first time in the race they came in last... do you feel like you used up all your lives? (Oh, you know what the stall means.) This is a NON-ELIMINATION leg and they will survive to lie to everyone another day :)
They went from first to worst this leg but next leg, it's going to be from worst to first as the Globetrotters would say.
Next week is the two hour finale of the Amazing Race - it looks like they may be on a Wipe-out like game show at some point and we'll find out who wins the Amazing Race.
Who is still in the running:
Jason & Amy: Ozzy R., Sharon R., Sandy G., Vikki M. and Lindsay J.
Tim & Marie: Pat T., Miranne D., Lee B., Cara & Alex L. and Cindi C.
Travis & Nicole: Laura W., Ivor B., Fred & Gary M., Karen F. and Jeff T.
Leo & Jamal: Drew C., Michelle L., Lynne B., Heather G. and Kim A.
Have a great week everyone,
Last week the Ice Girls were eliminated after they made some costly mistakes on the Detour, even after trying to cheat off Leo, Dr. Nicole had to be rescued in the Roadblock by Amy and the Afghanimals were the first team to the Pit Stop.
Indonesia - Leo & Jamal are the first team to head out at 7:25am - they get the clue to make their way to the King Cobra hut where they will have to EAT Roasted Cobra!!! (Oh heck no.) Once they have devoured the delicacy, they will receive their next clue.
-The boys are on their own now, their allies Ally & Ashley are gone and they are a huge target if being U-Turned twice is any indication, the rest of the teams want them gone (I think that's more for the annoyance factor than seeing them as a threat.)
-Tim & Marie are the next team out - 7:26am - Tim says Marie is the toughest girl he knows but she has some food issues... (uh oh) certain things she doesn't want to eat. (She's whining already.) "You must each finish your own serving... Oh No-o-o." (Yup, he can't eat it for you honey.) Some kind of meat is her worst fear - and it will be realized. Tim's already reminding her this is for a million dollars.
-Jason & Amy - 7:40am - She loves eating challenges, "Let's go!" He's a little more nervous. They are the only team left that hasn't come in first - they are the best losers.
-Travis & Nicole - 7:42am - The last leg was a mess - she just didn't get the concept of putting the instrument together (I just don't think she's good under pressure, but she can't admit that as a physician.) We get some insight into their dynamic - they met when she was a medical student and he was her supervising physician, so he still talks to her like she's a student (and it seems like she's used to him telling her or showing her what to do - just saying.)
Afghanimals are joking in the cab, Leo, "Maybe we'll have to eat snake." Jamal, "They don't eat snakes here." (Oh yeah...)
No sooner has he said that, then they arrive and see they are eating King cobras, right in front of a cage of live cobras. Jamal is playing it up, doing some gagging motions... but they tuck in.
Tim & Marie get to the CIC camp, but they are at the wrong location - no one's there. They wonder how they beat the boys there (you didn't.)
-Amy & Jason arrive at the correct place and belly up to the cobra bar beside the Afghanimals. Amy asks if Tim & Marie were already gone and they say, "Yup. Marie just ate the whole thing..."
-The boys enjoy lying to the other teams, it's not even lying, it's just joking around, messing with their heads... (Uh, if it's not the truth, then you're lying, dumb*ss.)
-Travis & Nicole are the next team to show up for their share of snake - they are doctors and don't get freaked out by animal parts or body parts - Travis was just worried they had to eat the whole snake but when they only got a small section he was psyched!
-Tim & Marie are aimlessly wandering around and she knows they are in the wrong place - Tim is arguing that this is the right mountain, it's the right acronym, it's got to be the right place (oh boy.)
-Leo & Jamal finish their rubbery, chewy portions of snake, except the bones and I guess that's alright because they get the next clue to make their way to the main entrance of Kawah Domas Crater.
-Jason & Amy are the next team done and he's the whiny one on this - the skin tastes snakish, he ate some bones... Amy just did it, no complaining, let's go!
-Travis & Nicole said it was actually better than they thought, "Tastes like chicken." They finish and head out. In the cab Travis was wondering about Tim & Marie, they didn't see them at the snake shack, either they inhaled it or they just didn't get there...
Speaking of - Tim & Marie are still totally in the wrong place, arguing about continuing to look around or going back... They have to get out of there soon or they'll never catch up.
-Kawah Domas - Leo & Jamal arrive and get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who's feeling hard-boiled?
-They are at an active volcano - they have to hard-boil eggs in a steaming volcanic spring - first they have to pick up 60 eggs from the egg man (that's two flats of eggs), then they have to travel on the back of a scooter to the volcanic spring (fun with flats of eggs in your hands) and then they have to boil a dozen of the eggs in the spring (put them in a basket on the end of a pole they lower into the water.) Once they think the eggs are done they have to take them to the egg man who will cut them open and, if they are hard-boiled, they'll get their next clue.
-Jamal, Travis and Jason are doing this one (Boy-power.) All their eggs survive the scooter ride but then they have to walk down some treacherous terrain (lots of roots and rocks and steps) to get to the spring. All the guys get their eggs in the water and now it's just a matter of patience - waiting for those babies to cook.
And they are all still wondering where Tim & Marie are... We see that they have finally gotten back in their taxi but they still haven't found the Cobra place (uh oh, that does not bode well for our bickering duo.)
-Amy is pressing Leo for details about when Tim & Marie left the cobra place and he's just stalling, "Uhhhhh". She stage whispers to Nicole, "He's such a liar!"
-The boys aren't sure how long they need to boil the eggs - 10-12 minutes? We'll let Jamal go after 5 minutes... (Some good-natured banter between the boys.)
-Tim & Marie finally find the Cobra place and she is freaking out that she has to eat snake. "I can't eat gross things." "I can't eat this!" (Wow, who knew the b*ll-buster would be laid low by a little piece of snake.) She's decided she's just going to rip pieces off and swallow them with water (no chewing, just right down) - that could work. Tim's all sweaty, he's not enjoying it much either.
-Their competitive side overrode the grossness factor and they got through the snake, she's proud of herself that she ate snake. They head for the Roadblock.
-Jamal has come clean with the guys that they lied about Tim & Marie (bonding over egg boiling.) Jay, "Man, why you got to lie so much?" But they were laughing, I think just relieved no one was ahead of them.
-Travis & Jay decide their eggs are cooked and they take off to get them checked - Jamal is giving his a few more minutes, he wants to be sure... which then gives Jason pause but he keeps heading back with Travis. They have to run back up the steps to the scooters then ride back to the egg man.
-Jason's are the first eggs to be checked - they are all cooked but a few still have a little bit soft yolks - he has to go back and do it again. "Okay, I guess I'll see you back there then." "Better hurry up before Marie comes." Travis is heading back too - his are all under done.
-Jamal is convinced that his will all pass, he waited another couple minutes... but then he gets some rejected and all of them had to head back.
-When Jamal gets back down to the spring, Travis & Jason tell Jamal to tell Marie that it only takes 8-10 minutes to hard boil the eggs - and he's thinking what hypocrites they are, giving him grief about lying then telling him to lie when it suits them. (I agree, hypocrites!)
-Tim & Marie show up to the Roadblock and she's going to do this one, even though she says she doesn't know how to hard boil eggs.
-Jason passes her on the scooter on his way back up and tells her it's quick - then tells the camera he's going to leave the lying to Jamal (You know, I think Jay's a bit simple.)
-Travis tells her it's a bit tiresome, so I'm sure in his mind he didn't lie to her... but he wasn't giving her any concrete advice either.
-Jamal passes her on the path and he just tells her it's straight down the path - he's not going to do anybody's dirty work.
-Jason's getting his eggs checked for the second time and there is no doubt these eggs are Do-one! It makes Tim nervous because if there is one thing Marie lacks (besides a strong stomach) it's patience. He's pretty much positive she's going to come back with soft boiled eggs.
-Jason & Amy are the first team to get the clue to the DETOUR - Paint Your Partner or Turn Over a New Leaf.
In Paint Your Partner: they have to make each other up as traditional Japanese brides without the use of a mirror. Once the beautician decides they are ready to be given away, he will hand over their next clue.
In Turn Over a New Leaf: They have to dress up as local tea pickers and search the vast, steeply- tiered fields of tea looking for a pair of pruning shears. Once they deliver the shears to the foreman, they'll receive their next clue.
Amy & Jason are going to paint their partner. They jump in their taxi and wonder if they should have waited for Travis & Nicole...
-But they are leaving right behind them and decide on Paint Your Partner as well because it looks like that's what Jason & Amy are doing and Amy definitely looks like someone who knows how to put on make up (All those pageants paying off :).)
Marie is still making her way down to the volcanic spring and she's complaining about how hot it is and how it smells like sulfur... (I think Tim is right, she's not going to give it enough time.)
-Jamal's eggs all pass and they get the Detour clue - they decide to Turn Over a New Leaf - they don't know anything about make up and they hope they can do the tea thing quickly...
-Meanwhile, Marie wasn't kidding when she said she doesn't know how to boil eggs. She put them in the basket okay but then she's holding the basket over the water, like she's toasting marshmallows or something - Put them IN the water! (How do you not know that boiling something means you put it in the water?)
-She finally does put them in the water but she's thinking it should only take 3-4 minutes... (uh oh) - "It's hot and it smells and I hate eggs and I just ate a snake - so far today blows." (Ha!)
-Jason is second guessing their Detour choice as they arrive at the place and Amy ignores him (Dude, you have the make-up ringer, just go with it.) Travis & Nicole arrive right on their heels and they all head inside. First things first, Travis has to shave his moustache & goatee - then we're good to go. -Jason is so out of his element, you can tell he's a little uncomfortable like this is going to threaten his manhood. (Get over yourself.) Nicole, "My husband looks like the the sexiest drag queen ever." And the boys can't stop giggling.
-Marie is still boiling her eggs and Tim is encouraged that she's been down there so long. He says the one good thing is that anything she does cook is usually well done, "Like hockey puck style." So maybe she'll accidentally over-cook these eggs. And she's heading back up to get tested (I guess they're not allowed to check one out themselves... they did make them take down 60 eggs, couldn't they cook 13 to have a checker? Probably not.)
-Leo & Jamal get to the tea fields, they don the shirt, skirt, hat and harvest baskets of the traditional tea pickers and head out onto the hill of tea - it's beautiful but sort of like looking for a needle in a haystack (oh man, this looks daunting.)
-Jamal, "I found it!" And he picks up a stick with a flag on the end. (Yeah, that's so not it.)
-Marie is getting her eggs checked and they argue about what yellow the yokes are (really?) She did accidentally on purpose over cook the eggs - they are all hard boiled and she gets the clue to the Detour. They decide to do the make up thing - even though Tim thinks maybe they should do the one the other teams didn't. She tells him Jay & Travis can't do make-up, "You're so metro, you'll be fine." (um, I don't know if that was meant as a compliment.)
-At the make up place, the guys are not having fun with this anymore - it's so tedious and (to Jason) humiliating. He's thinking they should have done the other task. Nicole is having trouble getting things to stick to Travis so she bobby pins stuff in his hair... the beautician is just looking dumbfounded (I don't think that's getting them a pass.)
-But the Tea fields are no better - Jamal tries to hand in the flag but how could they think that had anything to do with shears? They are still looking for something that they obviously have no idea what it looks like.. in a haystack.
Tim & Marie arrive at the make up task and Tim has to shave as well - they never knew what they'd have to do on the race but they absolutely never thought they'd be doing each other's make up.
Leo & Jamal - They finally decide they are never going to find the shears out there and even though they will be in last place, they're going to switch tasks. "Stupidest detour ever!"
The boys show up at the make up challenge and the rest of the teams are happy to see them, that means they couldn't find the shears and Amy says, "Can you say karma?"
-But as soon as the guys realize they have to shave to do the make up, "No Way!" They are heading back to the tea fields, and they feel motivated now - they know where the other teams stand on level of doneness - so they're convinced they're going to finish first.
-Jay & Amy are looking good - he was lucky she had a good base of make up to start with and she made him look so pretty... then they showed Travis and he was a sweaty horrible mess - his make up was running all over his face - Nicole had it all over her hands - Oh, that is never passing.
-Jay & Amy are the first team to finish and they got the clue to the Pit Stop - the base of the Chimahi Waterfall. They jump in their cab, make-up and all - Jay, "I feel ridiculous right now."
-Leo & Jamal get back to the tea picker hut and get suited up again - Jamal is taking more of a hands on approach this time, actually running his hands through the bushes - Leo is still just looking... I think they keeps passing the shears cause it's only the handles sticking out on the top of the bush...
-Travis looks like Dennis Rodman - his make up is a mess - it looks horrible and they get a fail.
-Tim & Marie also get a "not good enough" but figure they've just missed some jewelry... of course Marie yells, "WHAT?" at the poor guy (haha, I don't know why I'm finding them amusing today.)
-The look on the beautician guy's face when he sees Travis' melted make up is priceless.
-Tim & Marie finally realize that as they are trying to fix the make up, they were leaving black smudges from their hands - they cleaned their hands and took care of the smudges and they are the next team to get the clue to the Pit Stop.
-Jamal & Leo have now been in the fields for 3 hours - Leo finds a snake but still no shears. Jamal is trying to stay positive but Leo is quoting Spartacus - something about being defeated...
-I don't know why Nicole can't see that his make up is a mess - he points out that she has the make up all over her hands and she finally sees that she's smudged it all over his face (Honestly, she sucks in all of these tasks, if he wasn't there, she would have been gone long ago.) Finally they also get a pass once she's done the cleanup and they head for the Pit Stop.
-Leo is again talking about changing tasks when Jamal is re-searching one of Leo's earlier rows and he finds the shears! "See, getting your hands dirty does work." (I think he was just that much more determined not to shave off his beard.) They also head for the Pit Stop.
-Travis & Nicole's taxi passes Tim & Marie's and she starts freaking out, "You have to pass that cab, this is a race and you're making us lose!" Their cab driver is just doing his own thing, he's going the speed he's going and that it.
-Jamal is berating Leo in the cab for not searching the bushes like he told him to, it was all his fault they were there so long.
-Traffic! The great equalizer... Tim & Marie's cab is able to pass Travis & Nicole and it's a foot race down the stairs to the mat.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Jason & Amy - they finally won their first leg of the race - and they won a trip to Cancun, Mexico (Huh, and they got the cheap trip, figures.) Amy says they've just proved they are the strongest team.
2) Tim & Marie - Travis & Tim both got to the mat at the same time so it was down to the women - and Marie made it down first (much to Travis' dismay) "Come on."
3) Nicole & Travis - Phil says he thought Jason looked bad, but Travis, "You look like an angry showgirl."
4) Leo & Jamal - Phil says for the first time in the race they came in last... do you feel like you used up all your lives? (Oh, you know what the stall means.) This is a NON-ELIMINATION leg and they will survive to lie to everyone another day :)
They went from first to worst this leg but next leg, it's going to be from worst to first as the Globetrotters would say.
Next week is the two hour finale of the Amazing Race - it looks like they may be on a Wipe-out like game show at some point and we'll find out who wins the Amazing Race.
Who is still in the running:
Jason & Amy: Ozzy R., Sharon R., Sandy G., Vikki M. and Lindsay J.
Tim & Marie: Pat T., Miranne D., Lee B., Cara & Alex L. and Cindi C.
Travis & Nicole: Laura W., Ivor B., Fred & Gary M., Karen F. and Jeff T.
Leo & Jamal: Drew C., Michelle L., Lynne B., Heather G. and Kim A.
Have a great week everyone,
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