Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Survivor Fans vs Favourites - May 8/13 Episode Recap

Don't Say Anything About My Mom

Last week they doubled up on the tribal councils and we saw Reynold (no surprise) and Andrea (Big Surprise) go home.

Enil Edam - Day 35
Dawn breaks on a new day and Eddie is left truly alone, a sitting duck without his girlfriend or his boyfriend :( 
-Eddie and Cochran are talking and Eddie says he knows he's next to go, Cochran points out he could win immunity, then who do you think will go?  Eddie says, you [Cochran] - and that gives him pause.  Cochran has always looked at himself as the scrawny useless guy that everyone would want to go to the end with, but now he's taking a step back and wondering if he can make it to the end of the game.

-Brenda & Dawn are talking and they confirm Eddie's take on things - if Eddie wins immunity Brenda thinks Cochran should go next and Erik's on board with her.
-Dawn isn't sure what to do, she thought she was a lock with Cochran and Sherri but now Brenda & Erik want to take her to the final three with them... she hopes, whichever way she goes, it proves she had options and she played a game that was worth a million dollars.

-Erik is having a really hard day - he's starving and feels trapped there - he's in a beautiful prison and the days are killing him.  He decides he's going to climb the highest coconut tree but then starts thinking he could fall out of the tree and break his leg... that would get him out of there and no one would think less of him... then he realizes he's defeating himself with thoughts like that (oh yeah, he's losing it.) He gets down out of the tree.  And whines a little more about wanting food.

Tree Mail - Eddie collects a Sprint smart phone and Dawn loses her shit just seeing the box.  Of course the tears start in earnest when they see the messages from their loved one's that are there - Brenda's dad, Dawn's husband (she is sobbing), Sherri's husband, Cochran's mom (aw, she hopes he's been using sunscreen), Eddie's dad (big man, he's proud to be his father ... crap, why am I crying?) and Erik's brother (he has really short hair - they don't look alike at all.)  Just seeing the video of
his brother has reinvigorated Erik and reminded him of why he's there - he hasn't been out there that long to go home with nothing.
They take a picture of themselves with the phone and can't believe how they look (yes, you are that skinny!)

They brought out the loved one's and I'm bawling! (Stupid crying episode! sniff
-Brenda thanks her dad for getting her this far because he told her to be humble this time around and she has been (AH! Yes, she was too cool for school the last time - listen to daddy!)
She even made Jeff cry and he said 26 seasons of Survivor and he's never broken - until now. (I know how you feel Jeff, sheesh.)
-Erik & his brother - bro-out
-Sherri & her husband - just crying and hugging.
-Cochran & his mom - so much crying (he says he's sorry he smells - aw)
-Eddie & his dad - his dad's so cute!
-Leaving Dawn to have and epic crying fit when she sees her husband - they run towards each other then stop before they touch... it was a little weird, but then they hugged and he told her the kids are all good and she  is still feeling guilty for not having money to buy her letters (at the auction? You have to get over that lady.)

So, the challenge: they will compete with their loved ones (Cochran's mom is apologizing already) they will spin around in circles unscrewing rails, once they have unscrewed all three rails and put them on the hooks between two posts, they will throw bolos (two balls connected by a rope) and attempt to get them around the rails.  First pair to land three bolos wins reward, which consists of the winning pair going back to camp where they have set up a floating backyard bbq - steak, burgers, beer, apple pie.

Off they go: and it's hilarious at first, gets better when they try to run when all dizzy but then Brenda's Dad takes a tumble (he was okay) and they are all getting tired so, not so much fun.  Erik & his bro and Brenda & her dad are leading the pack, everyone else is about even, with Cochran & his mom coming up the rear - "Don't you say anything about my Mom!" Cochran tells Jeff when he starts calling them out (What a good son.)
- Erik & his brother are the first team to start tossing the bolos - and they land one - but the rest get into it and Sherri's husband and Brenda both have two... it's a showdown and it's BRENDA & Her Dad who win the reward!  Of course Jeff tells her to pick someone to share it with - Brenda chooses Dawn.
-And just when I thought the crying was over, Jeff hands Brenda another Sprint phone and there is a video of... more loved ones that are also there.  Sherri falls to her knees when she hears one of her kids is there too (okay, that was a bit much - damn you tear ducts! Why you leak?)
-So, Brenda's choice now is, choose one other Survivor and their loved one to join the bbq or give up her love and the love she just teased Dawn with - and the other four Survivors and their loved ones will get to enjoy the bbq. (So hold on, love for her and Dawn or love for everyone else... that really sucks.)
-Brenda says of course she's going to give it to them (she really had no other choice, even with Dawn again sobbing uncontrollably beside her.)
I think Brenda may have just won this thing.

-Eddie's Mom just wants to take him home and feed him.
-Sherri won't stop hugging her son, she is definitely embarrassing that poor kid.
-Cochran's dad is so pale! But he's sporting shades and manning the grill - Cochran says his dad is a neurologist and a bookish guy - this sunglasses and flipping burgers... "Since when are we doing that Dad?"

-And on the beach, Brenda and Dawn just get to watch everyone out on the barge having a grand ol' time.  Dawn is still crying - she's exhausted, she's hungry and she's pissed that Brenda got all the good favour today and she just got shafted.

-Erik makes a big heart with his arms and then the rest join in, yelling thank you to Brenda and saying it's not that great. (LIARS!)

-Brenda is urging Dawn to just get it out, she'll feel so much stronger afterward, and Dawn is moving into angry - she just wants to eat!  But then we're back to crying.
-Brenda hopes this was the right decision, despite what her stomach thinks and what Dawn thinks.  Every time you make a big move in this game, it's a double-edged sword.  They'll either keep you because they feel they owe you, or you're gone.
-Cochran is of the latter mindset.  Brenda's selfless act today immediately garnered favour but even his Mom recognized it could be a game winning move.  Cochran feels they're at the point where being likable is a liability and Brenda's going to start feeling that, if he has anything to say about it.

-We're on a platform out in the water and they will be standing on a log, leaning out over the water, while holding onto a handle attached to a rope behind their backs - the handle is connected to a winch and Jeff will be cranking it down, lowering them closer to the water - last person left standing wins immunity.
-Off they go and Erik is asking if Jeff has any food to offer - nope, not this time - they all have to make a go of it this time.
-Eddie know if he doesn't win this immunity he's going home so he's not letting go if he can help it. -Cochran is also nervous, but he's also Cochran, and after 15 minutes he's not able to hold on anymore - he's the first man down.
-25 minutes in and Eddie is really struggling... and he's out.  The rest of them all nod and smile, that's what they were all waiting for, and Erik lets go, as long as Eddie didn't win he's not going to suffer longer than he has to.
-Brenda looks like she could stay there all day again - will Sherri or Dawn be able to outlast her?  Sherri is not up to that challenge - she's out.
-Dawn tries to strike a deal with Brenda, "Eddie's out and I haven't won one..." But no, Brenda is there to challenge herself and she's not giving up.  Dawn says she respects that (but I'm thinking she is resenting the hell out of Brenda right now, this is not going to make Dawn feel any better about missing the bbq - I think Brenda better hold out for immunity.)
-Jeff lowers them a bit more and Brenda looks to be struggling... DAWN wins immunity!  For the first time in her Survivor Career!
-Brenda tells the camera if it had been Eddie still up there she would have held on a lot longer but someone as paranoid as Dawn, gotta keep her happy, she jumped in the water and it was all good. (uh huh.)

Enil Edam - Day 36
Coming back to camp Brenda is talking to the camera saying in her mind it's a straight forward vote for Eddie tonight and then, the plan is to take out Cochran next. "It's the perfect plan if we can stick to it."
-Erik, Brenda, Dawn & Cochran are together and Brenda confirms it's the easy vote for Eddie, yes?  They agree but Cochran then tells the camera if he had his choice between Eddie & Brenda, he'd rather have Brenda go, it will benefit him, and indirectly Dawn & Sherri as well. (Personally, I don't think they should take any Fans to the end - both Eddie & Sherri should go - in my opinion.)

-Cochran realizes Brenda could be a hard sell with everyone so gung ho about taking Eddie out but he gently broaches the subject with Sherri and she says she was already there - it would be the perfect time to blindside Brenda because she would not be expecting it.
-Cochran then goes and talks to Dawn and she agrees that Brenda is a huge threat, everyone likes her, she garnered so much favour today (Yes, Dawn is well aware) but Dawn is still being wishy-washy - she's thinking if they don't take out Eddie now and he goes on a winning streak, he could upset all their plans.  In her mind worst case is they vote out Eddie and have this same discussion tomorrow.
-Cochran still wants to take out Brenda when it will be easy to do it - he knows she's brought up his name to go next - he's trying to gently coax Dawn to his way of thinking...
-Dawn is thinking - probably way too much.  She does know that Brenda is a big threat but she's leery of putting too much of her game in Cochran's hands, that's sent her home before...  She's really confused.

Dawn, wearing the immunity idol for the first time - how does it feel?
-It's good to come to tribal council and just breathe - it's good to be safe but more than anything it's the feeling of "I did that." Bucket list thing.
Brenda, [talking about the immunity challenge] what's the feeling of 'you know you're at your end and there is just one person left'?
-In this case, it was okay because it was Dawn.  I wanted her to win it as opposed to me just jumping off.  I knew I had maybe 5 more minutes on this thing, then I fell off.
Eddie, on the other side, you felt the pressure that you needed to win.
-Absolutely, I knew if I didn't win I would probably be packing my bags for the last time...
And yet, how many times have you said that?
-I'm kind of like a broken record, but my one amigo fuse is running short.
So, the  other big event, the loved ones.  Brenda, you get to the loved one challenge and you win and you're faced with a big dilemma...
-Yeah, here I am standing with my dad and my sister's here then the dilemma, it was the two of us or the four of them - it was a no-brainer.  It was hard and easy at the same time.
Dawn, does a gesture by Brenda buy her anything in this game?
-I think it does buy her something.  Everyone was very happy.  I think the long term on that is going to benefit her in the game.
Sherri, would you agree?
-Definitely, everyone is looking at Brenda as a saint and you just couldn't do anything to her, right now.
Cochran, there is an easy vote right now, it's Eddie. But nothing about this season has been easy or predictable.
-Yeah, Eddie is the easy vote but the easy vote is not always the smartest vote.  It's about weighing short term gratification versus long term benefits - that's a constant struggle in this game.
Eddie, what are the odds tonight that you survive this vote?
-I really think this is the final send off for myself. But I've come to terms with it. Everything has been so unbelievable, I've just had the best time.

Alright, Dawn's not going home, Eddie's pretty sure he is going home - It's time to vote:
Sherri votes for Brenda (oh?)
Brenda votes Eddie...

Tallying the votes:
No hidden immunity idols.

And it's started raining - (oh, that's definitely a sign.)
Eddie - 1, 2
Erik - 1
Brenda - 1, 2, 3 - Holy!  Brenda turns around and says, "I was genuine with you guys.  I was honest to you guys."  And as Jeff snuffs her torch, she puts her hands over her heart, "It hurts." and she leaves crying.  (THAT WAS PERFECT! She took all the smug off their faces - Cochran and Dawn look a little gutted - ha! Even Erik throws them a "how could you" look. Awesome.)  Eddie's looking around like, What just happened?
Oh, and with Brenda's unceremonious departure, Cara & Alex L, Cheryl J and Ian G are out of the pool.

Next episode is the Finale on Sunday.
Here's who's still in the running:
Dawn Meehan: Drew C, Shane B and Katie L
Erik Reichenbach: Susan N, Robyn A and Annemette J
John "Cochran": Ryan H, Robert L and Fred & Gary M
Sherri Biethman: Chandra K, Ivor B, and Roxanne S
Eddie Fox: Bernice R, Lynne B and Bryon L

There are only 3 days left in this completely unpredictable season and they hint that someone gets taken out... medically? Jeff, in the dark, saying this game just got rocked again (OH! Who is it?)

Brenda's final thoughts: just crying - she's in shock, it just hurts so much. (Wow, no good deed goes unpunished in Survivor. Nice guys definitely finish last out there.)

Have a great rest of your week everyone,


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