Gouge My Eyes Out
Last week they sentenced us to another week of Abi by voting Carter out. (I'm so done with Abi. Survivor why do you torture us so?)
Dangrayne - Night 33
They return from Tribal Council and Abi thanks them for keeping her. She tells the camera that she thinks they may have believed her fantasy immunity idol so she's going to try and keep the bluff going for next Tribal (Oh sweet jebus - we'll have to suffer through more bad acting too.)
-Lisa says the game doesn't seem fair when they have to get rid of someone as nice as Carter and keep the shrew (that was my word for Abi)- but, at this point, Lisa'd rather keep someone she can beat.
-Malcolm, talking to the camera, said it was really an eye-opener for him to hear Lisa admit she'd rather go to the end beside someone she can beat - he didn't know she was thinking that strategically. Good on her, but she tipped her hand and now he knows how dangerous she is going forward.
Dangrayne - Day 34
They are all sitting around when Abi picks up her bag and announces she's going to get some water.
-They all know what she's up to, continuing with the charade of having a hidden immunity idol. Malcolm figures the pressure was so great on her last night, she would never have not played an idol if she had one. They all agree, totally.
-Abi knows Malcolm isn't going anywhere, he's going to play his immunity idol so she thinks she needs to destroy the alliance Malcolm has with Denise so she can get them to vote Denise out next.
Literally lying in wait, Abi's sunbathing when everyone leaves her and Lisa alone... and she pounces. "Lisa, you have to be so careful. Malcolm, Skupin and Denise are so in an alliance together and you are so on the bottom." Lisa plays along "What did they say?" Lisa doesn't believe Abi for a second but she wants to keep Abi close, whether she keeps her in the game or if she goes to the jury. Abi goes on about Lisa being fourth... Yeah, thanks for the heads up on that. (Awkward dance of two people lying to each other, and they both know it.) Lisa is keeping her options open, she'd love to be able to vote off Denise and keep Abi around but she might have to sacrifice her to keep the alliance together - right now she's waiting for the right time to make her big move.
They have to race up and over a slide into the ocean where they will retrieve a bundle of rings. Once they have retrieved both bundles of rings, they must toss the rings and land one ring on each of the five pegs - first person to ring all five pegs wins Reward: helicopter to a boat with pizza & soft drinks and then go whale-shark watching. Plus the winner will choose 2 other people to take with them (interesting in an alliance of 4...)
-Off they go: and that is quite the slide - I bet they will all have sand in uncomfortable places (ouch!) Skupin and Malcolm are definitely leading the way on this one, with Denise a close-ish third. Abi & Lisa bringing up the rear. Skupin starts ringing the pegs, he's up to 4 when Malcolm has only 2. Malcolm ties it up...but still SKUPIN wins Reward!
-His last chopper ride he was being evacuated - this time will be much better. Skupin chooses Malcolm for letting his son experience camp with them and he chooses Lisa, his ally from the beginning. Poor Denise gets shafted again. Mike tells her she can have all his food and Lisa tells her to leave the dishes, she'll do them... and Abi looks like she's smelled a turd (is it really surprising to you? Or, it could be she sees her 'Lisa is fourth' argument blown to smithereens... she should be more worried about Denise strangling her when they are left alone together.)
-Abi, you look heart-broken. "I am. I guess my vote doesn't mean anything." (OMG! She takes passive-aggressive to a whole new level. Amazing.) Denise is just telling them to enjoy and have a good time. It's all good.
Dangrayne - Day 34
The two girls return to camp and Abi makes a crack about using the machete to kill them when they get back (holy!) She tells the camera she was upset because they proved again she is on the bottom of this "alliance" (Honey, you're not in the alliance. Hellooo?!)
-Abi thinks Denise is a horrible person and can't believe she has to spend the afternoon alone with her. The feeling is mutual - Denise sees Abi as the kid in kindergarten that pulls your hair and spits in your food and suddenly they're on a date. They are both miserable. Abi is blabbing on about Abi, "I'm the swing vote, Michael just doesn't seem to realize it." And Denise just keeps agreeing with her, "Yeah, I know." (It's like she's trying to talk down a hostage taker... and she's the hostage.)
-Abi keeps talking about playing her hidden immunity idol, Denise doesn't believe she has one, "yeah, yeah." To the camera, Denise says she just wants to gouge her eyes out - or pierce her eardrums to have a peaceful afternoon.
-They are just talking about the food - pizza, chocolate chip cookies, soda... Skupin doesn't eat sugar in real life so he's gorged himself on cookies and pop and Malcolm says, "He was acting like a drunk chick at a bar." (Hahaha...his system doesn't know how to process the fun!)
-The locals finally locate a whale shark and then they all put on masks and flippers and get in the water with it (oh, no... I think the size of that thing would have freaked me right out.) Malcolm was swimming right along side it, respectfully touching it as it swam past... (Okay, that was really cool, but I still think I would have soiled myself, a little.)
-Skupin's swimming around and he bumps into one of the whale sharks, Malcolm says his head is so messed up after a month in the game he was thinking, "Oh good, one less competitor."
-Back on the boat, Malcolm starts talking strategy - he throws Denise under the bus - the only way any of these three have a chance is if Denise isn't there. She's been to every tribal council, she's a fierce competitor and she hasn't screwed anyone over (but she wouldn't get Abi's vote.) He is asking them to commit to voting Denise out and them being the final three.
-Skupin wants to do it, he likes having things solidified and doesn't want to pull a Penner.(Good thinking, learn from his mistake.) He doesn't want to be a too-late-Larry. Skupin wants to stay with Malcolm, he has the most chance of winning immunity and remaining to the final 3 so he's the guy to hitch your wagon to, for sure.
-Lisa agrees, she's enjoyed not having the stress with their solid alliance of four (so let's cut off a limb. Poor Denise.)
They all give their word and agree to the final three. Later to the camera, Lisa is saying she's still keeping her options open though.
Dangrayne - Day 36
Denise has woken up with pain - instant burning pain in her neck. She's not sure if she's having an allergic reaction to something that bit her but she's in a bad way. There are fang marks (FANG MARKS!) in her neck and she's trying to tell herself to suck it up - she only has three days left - but you can tell she's suffering. Then she starts listing all the scary things out there - and they are showing us the spiders and snakes and scorpions... (Gah!) She's hoping it passes.
-And we have another prayer circle - Lisa is praying for a relief to Denise's pain. Michael chimes in as well and Abi is just taking it all in. Insincerely, "I feel really bad that Denise is hurt but when there is an immunity challenge coming up and it's final four..." what scares her the most is Denise winning immunity. She didn't go out there to feel bad for other people, she went there to win a million dollars.
Jeff asks how they are holding up after 36 days (oh, and that wasn't a set up.) Denise says she got bit that morning and she's still feeling the affects of it. Jeff points out to Abi - possible opening. Yeah, it's a possibility.
-The Challenge: they have to use planks to cross a rope bridge, picking up puzzle pieces along the way - once across they will assemble a maze with the puzzle pieces and use a ball to complete it. First person wins immunity.
-Off they go - They are making their way across the bridge on their knees, they have to untie the pieces from the ropes so that makes sense. Almost across Malcolm falls off and he has to start over - but really, he still has the hidden idol so it's not such a big deal.
-The rest of them are busy putting the maze puzzle together when Malcolm finally makes his way across. Denise almost has it... but not quite - Malcolm puts the maze together and rolls the ball through it and WINS IMMUNITY before any of the rest of them even got the puzzle done. (Wow. Yeah, he deserved that.)
Denise is just looking forward to the relief of not having to put up with Abi anymore (she could get that wish either way the vote goes tonight.)
Dangrayne - Day 36
Back at camp, Abi is crying to the camera about how devastating it was losing immunity to Malcolm (was it really that surprising? Really?) She's tired, hungry and emotionally weak - but she's going to keep on fighting.
-She approaches Michael about voting Denise out tonight because she's the better bet for them to make it to the final three.
-Skupin tells the camera you'd think it would be an easy decision but it's just not. Everything matters so much and he has to consider every scenario. He puts Abi off by telling her he has to check with Lisa... and he tells the camera, putting up with Abi for the next three days would definitely make them deserving of a million dollars.
-Skupin goes to talk to Lisa and tells her the Abi wants them and her in the final three. Lisa says that would be perfect - Abi may get Pete and Artis but that's it. (And they are still voting like they said they would tonight - so win, win.)
-Denise is talking to Malcolm and asks, since final five is the last chance to play his hidden immunity idol, and he won immunity, would he consider giving it to her. He's thinking (Heck no) but he says, "if the situation called for it. But they wouldn't keep Abi." Denise agrees (Come on, you were at last tribal, Lisa basically admitted she was going to try and drag Abi along to the end.)
-Malcolm tells the camera that they are voting for Abi tonight so Denise doesn't have to worry (hold the phone, was the talk on the boat for after Abi's gone? I misunderstood. Yeah, could be some blindsiding coming to both of these guys tonight.)
-Lisa & Skupin, running the scenarios realize if they vote Denise out tonight and Malcolm wins the next immunity again, they both are not guaranteed the final three - he could keep Abi around to spite them.
-Lisa thinks they may need: "You, me and Denise against Malcolm in the final immunity challenge." As much as she'd like Abi around as the easy win, they may need Denise to help take out the biggest threat, Malcolm.
Lisa, Malcolm wins immunity and as far as I know still has a hidden immunity idol, walk me through what happened when you got back to the beach today.
-Well, it was just Abi playing Survivor and not going down without a fight and presenting some really strong arguments.
(That has Malcolm and Denise throwing them glances.)
So, Abi, you're feeling like you're the one that's in trouble tonight?
-Yes, my back's against the wall.
But, with respect (or not), you've been detested, laughed at, then told you're not likable, not a good person, has nothing to do with culture, you're just not nice (wow Jeff, want to kick her in the face while you're at it?) That's what you've been told. And yet, you might be somebody good to take to the end.
-Absolutely, I'm the best person to take to the end with them. Because everyone here can beat me.
-Denise agrees, if that is the way you want to play Survivor, Abi is the perfect person to take because she truly hasn't outwitted, outplayed and outlasted (well, she has outlasted everyone on the jury, be real.)
Jeff jumps on that - you could say she has outlasted 13 people (yeah, all the jury is rolling their eyes.)
-Denise - you could also say there was some luck to that (now Abi's rolling her eyes) Tandang never had to go through tribal councils.
-Lisa jumps in 'cause her Tandang colours were about to burst - I don't think it was all luck that Tandang never went to tribal council. (That's not what she meant.) Lisa says they didn't go to Tribal because of the strength of their players, it wasn't luck - and Denise just kept agreeing but didn't clarify (she meant Abi was the lucky one, she sat out most of the challenges and reaped the reward of the tribe's strength, not her own. But Denise lets it go.)
Malcolm, at what point are you thinking who you want to sit next to at the end?
-Winning this game has taken over most of his thoughts and he wants it as much as anybody sitting there. Who he thinks he can beat is definitely being considered right now.
-Abi speaks up, "Excuse me. I am just letting you know that they cannot beat Denise. I'm going to speak the truth. She's manipulated, she's really good with her words and she's a physical threat.
So Abi, you think Denise can win the game if she gets to the end.
-Oh yeah, absolutely. Denise or Malcolm, it's going to be one of the two. Lisa & Skupin are not winning this game. (She ends with an evil little smirk on her face.)
Skupin, what's your reaction to that?
-You know Jeff it's a number of things because...
-Abi cuts him off - Because you're an idiot (whoa). That's why you're going to lose a million dollars. (Wow, I'm sorry, who was she calling an idiot?)
-Skupin tries to go on - Wow. To finish my thought.
-She does it again - You're a moron... such a moron.
-Denise puts her head in her hands - (you should be cheering, she's saving your life right now.)
Jeff interrupts Skupin now, Hold on, Abi just called you an idiot and a moron twice.
-It's just her way of communicating, I don't understand it.
-Abi - He thinks he's going to win a million dollars at the end. He's not.
Lisa, is there any strategy to say, the more that Abi talks, the better my chances (OH, Lisa looks like steam is coming out of her ears, she did not like how Abi spoke to Skupin.)
-Lisa sticks by her earlier assertion that she would keep someone around that is easier to beat and she makes no apologies.
-Abi - And I would be easier to beat.
So, if you can't win, why do you care?
-I came this far, I would like to at least make it to final three.
Malcolm, you're a fan of the game, you know that has worked before.
-Yeah, and it's worked all the way to a million dollars before - so if you are going to keep Abi because she's a goat, be prepared, she's not going to go down without a fight. She could still pull this thing off.
Jeff calls Abi a loud mouth.
- Abi agrees, it's just the way she's been playing. She says Denise plays like she's the elite (which Denise doesn't agree with) the difference, I'm here to win a million dollars, she's here to make friends, clearly. (Well, by that argument, they should keep Denise then.)
-Denise, no, I'm here for a million dollars, thank you.
-Alright, we'll see.
Time to Vote:
Abi votes for Denise - calls her patronizing and not nice, "I really don't like you." (Huh, I couldn't tell.)
(Penner gives Abi the blurry finger on the way by - Abi just smiles.)
Denise votes for Abi - If this vote doesn't go as planned, there is something seriously wrong in the universe.
Tallying the votes: (I'm almost holding my breath... they can't keep her any longer right?)
No one plays a hidden immunity idol (of course.)
Denise 1
Abi 1, 2, 3 - YAY! Ding dong the witch is dead! She wishes them all luck then disappears in a puff of smoke! (Ha, no, I kid.)
Skupin does skip a happy dance on the way back to camp though.
Next episode is the Finale this Sunday, December 16th - 2 hours plus the 1 hour reunion - the final four are jockeying for position... it should be interesting.
Abi is dead to me - but her admitting that her 'straight-talk' bit her on her big Brazilian butt was pretty funny.
So, for the finale here is who is still in the running:
Denise: Tori K, Maddy D and Lynne B
Lisa: Shane B, Laurie T and Wendy E
Malcolm: Krista H, Julie T, Cara & Alex L
Michael Skupin: Tobi M, Ian and Sharleen H
Good Luck everyone, this has turned into a pretty good season, I can't wait to see who wins!
Last week they sentenced us to another week of Abi by voting Carter out. (I'm so done with Abi. Survivor why do you torture us so?)
Dangrayne - Night 33
They return from Tribal Council and Abi thanks them for keeping her. She tells the camera that she thinks they may have believed her fantasy immunity idol so she's going to try and keep the bluff going for next Tribal (Oh sweet jebus - we'll have to suffer through more bad acting too.)
-Lisa says the game doesn't seem fair when they have to get rid of someone as nice as Carter and keep the shrew (that was my word for Abi)- but, at this point, Lisa'd rather keep someone she can beat.
-Malcolm, talking to the camera, said it was really an eye-opener for him to hear Lisa admit she'd rather go to the end beside someone she can beat - he didn't know she was thinking that strategically. Good on her, but she tipped her hand and now he knows how dangerous she is going forward.
Dangrayne - Day 34
They are all sitting around when Abi picks up her bag and announces she's going to get some water.
-They all know what she's up to, continuing with the charade of having a hidden immunity idol. Malcolm figures the pressure was so great on her last night, she would never have not played an idol if she had one. They all agree, totally.
-Abi knows Malcolm isn't going anywhere, he's going to play his immunity idol so she thinks she needs to destroy the alliance Malcolm has with Denise so she can get them to vote Denise out next.
Literally lying in wait, Abi's sunbathing when everyone leaves her and Lisa alone... and she pounces. "Lisa, you have to be so careful. Malcolm, Skupin and Denise are so in an alliance together and you are so on the bottom." Lisa plays along "What did they say?" Lisa doesn't believe Abi for a second but she wants to keep Abi close, whether she keeps her in the game or if she goes to the jury. Abi goes on about Lisa being fourth... Yeah, thanks for the heads up on that. (Awkward dance of two people lying to each other, and they both know it.) Lisa is keeping her options open, she'd love to be able to vote off Denise and keep Abi around but she might have to sacrifice her to keep the alliance together - right now she's waiting for the right time to make her big move.
They have to race up and over a slide into the ocean where they will retrieve a bundle of rings. Once they have retrieved both bundles of rings, they must toss the rings and land one ring on each of the five pegs - first person to ring all five pegs wins Reward: helicopter to a boat with pizza & soft drinks and then go whale-shark watching. Plus the winner will choose 2 other people to take with them (interesting in an alliance of 4...)
-Off they go: and that is quite the slide - I bet they will all have sand in uncomfortable places (ouch!) Skupin and Malcolm are definitely leading the way on this one, with Denise a close-ish third. Abi & Lisa bringing up the rear. Skupin starts ringing the pegs, he's up to 4 when Malcolm has only 2. Malcolm ties it up...but still SKUPIN wins Reward!
-His last chopper ride he was being evacuated - this time will be much better. Skupin chooses Malcolm for letting his son experience camp with them and he chooses Lisa, his ally from the beginning. Poor Denise gets shafted again. Mike tells her she can have all his food and Lisa tells her to leave the dishes, she'll do them... and Abi looks like she's smelled a turd (is it really surprising to you? Or, it could be she sees her 'Lisa is fourth' argument blown to smithereens... she should be more worried about Denise strangling her when they are left alone together.)
-Abi, you look heart-broken. "I am. I guess my vote doesn't mean anything." (OMG! She takes passive-aggressive to a whole new level. Amazing.) Denise is just telling them to enjoy and have a good time. It's all good.
Dangrayne - Day 34
The two girls return to camp and Abi makes a crack about using the machete to kill them when they get back (holy!) She tells the camera she was upset because they proved again she is on the bottom of this "alliance" (Honey, you're not in the alliance. Hellooo?!)
-Abi thinks Denise is a horrible person and can't believe she has to spend the afternoon alone with her. The feeling is mutual - Denise sees Abi as the kid in kindergarten that pulls your hair and spits in your food and suddenly they're on a date. They are both miserable. Abi is blabbing on about Abi, "I'm the swing vote, Michael just doesn't seem to realize it." And Denise just keeps agreeing with her, "Yeah, I know." (It's like she's trying to talk down a hostage taker... and she's the hostage.)
-Abi keeps talking about playing her hidden immunity idol, Denise doesn't believe she has one, "yeah, yeah." To the camera, Denise says she just wants to gouge her eyes out - or pierce her eardrums to have a peaceful afternoon.
-They are just talking about the food - pizza, chocolate chip cookies, soda... Skupin doesn't eat sugar in real life so he's gorged himself on cookies and pop and Malcolm says, "He was acting like a drunk chick at a bar." (Hahaha...his system doesn't know how to process the fun!)
-The locals finally locate a whale shark and then they all put on masks and flippers and get in the water with it (oh, no... I think the size of that thing would have freaked me right out.) Malcolm was swimming right along side it, respectfully touching it as it swam past... (Okay, that was really cool, but I still think I would have soiled myself, a little.)
-Skupin's swimming around and he bumps into one of the whale sharks, Malcolm says his head is so messed up after a month in the game he was thinking, "Oh good, one less competitor."
-Back on the boat, Malcolm starts talking strategy - he throws Denise under the bus - the only way any of these three have a chance is if Denise isn't there. She's been to every tribal council, she's a fierce competitor and she hasn't screwed anyone over (but she wouldn't get Abi's vote.) He is asking them to commit to voting Denise out and them being the final three.
-Skupin wants to do it, he likes having things solidified and doesn't want to pull a Penner.(Good thinking, learn from his mistake.) He doesn't want to be a too-late-Larry. Skupin wants to stay with Malcolm, he has the most chance of winning immunity and remaining to the final 3 so he's the guy to hitch your wagon to, for sure.
-Lisa agrees, she's enjoyed not having the stress with their solid alliance of four (so let's cut off a limb. Poor Denise.)
They all give their word and agree to the final three. Later to the camera, Lisa is saying she's still keeping her options open though.
Dangrayne - Day 36
Denise has woken up with pain - instant burning pain in her neck. She's not sure if she's having an allergic reaction to something that bit her but she's in a bad way. There are fang marks (FANG MARKS!) in her neck and she's trying to tell herself to suck it up - she only has three days left - but you can tell she's suffering. Then she starts listing all the scary things out there - and they are showing us the spiders and snakes and scorpions... (Gah!) She's hoping it passes.
-And we have another prayer circle - Lisa is praying for a relief to Denise's pain. Michael chimes in as well and Abi is just taking it all in. Insincerely, "I feel really bad that Denise is hurt but when there is an immunity challenge coming up and it's final four..." what scares her the most is Denise winning immunity. She didn't go out there to feel bad for other people, she went there to win a million dollars.
Jeff asks how they are holding up after 36 days (oh, and that wasn't a set up.) Denise says she got bit that morning and she's still feeling the affects of it. Jeff points out to Abi - possible opening. Yeah, it's a possibility.
-The Challenge: they have to use planks to cross a rope bridge, picking up puzzle pieces along the way - once across they will assemble a maze with the puzzle pieces and use a ball to complete it. First person wins immunity.
-Off they go - They are making their way across the bridge on their knees, they have to untie the pieces from the ropes so that makes sense. Almost across Malcolm falls off and he has to start over - but really, he still has the hidden idol so it's not such a big deal.
-The rest of them are busy putting the maze puzzle together when Malcolm finally makes his way across. Denise almost has it... but not quite - Malcolm puts the maze together and rolls the ball through it and WINS IMMUNITY before any of the rest of them even got the puzzle done. (Wow. Yeah, he deserved that.)
Denise is just looking forward to the relief of not having to put up with Abi anymore (she could get that wish either way the vote goes tonight.)
Dangrayne - Day 36
Back at camp, Abi is crying to the camera about how devastating it was losing immunity to Malcolm (was it really that surprising? Really?) She's tired, hungry and emotionally weak - but she's going to keep on fighting.
-She approaches Michael about voting Denise out tonight because she's the better bet for them to make it to the final three.
-Skupin tells the camera you'd think it would be an easy decision but it's just not. Everything matters so much and he has to consider every scenario. He puts Abi off by telling her he has to check with Lisa... and he tells the camera, putting up with Abi for the next three days would definitely make them deserving of a million dollars.
-Skupin goes to talk to Lisa and tells her the Abi wants them and her in the final three. Lisa says that would be perfect - Abi may get Pete and Artis but that's it. (And they are still voting like they said they would tonight - so win, win.)
-Denise is talking to Malcolm and asks, since final five is the last chance to play his hidden immunity idol, and he won immunity, would he consider giving it to her. He's thinking (Heck no) but he says, "if the situation called for it. But they wouldn't keep Abi." Denise agrees (Come on, you were at last tribal, Lisa basically admitted she was going to try and drag Abi along to the end.)
-Malcolm tells the camera that they are voting for Abi tonight so Denise doesn't have to worry (hold the phone, was the talk on the boat for after Abi's gone? I misunderstood. Yeah, could be some blindsiding coming to both of these guys tonight.)
-Lisa & Skupin, running the scenarios realize if they vote Denise out tonight and Malcolm wins the next immunity again, they both are not guaranteed the final three - he could keep Abi around to spite them.
-Lisa thinks they may need: "You, me and Denise against Malcolm in the final immunity challenge." As much as she'd like Abi around as the easy win, they may need Denise to help take out the biggest threat, Malcolm.
Lisa, Malcolm wins immunity and as far as I know still has a hidden immunity idol, walk me through what happened when you got back to the beach today.
-Well, it was just Abi playing Survivor and not going down without a fight and presenting some really strong arguments.
(That has Malcolm and Denise throwing them glances.)
So, Abi, you're feeling like you're the one that's in trouble tonight?
-Yes, my back's against the wall.
But, with respect (or not), you've been detested, laughed at, then told you're not likable, not a good person, has nothing to do with culture, you're just not nice (wow Jeff, want to kick her in the face while you're at it?) That's what you've been told. And yet, you might be somebody good to take to the end.
-Absolutely, I'm the best person to take to the end with them. Because everyone here can beat me.
-Denise agrees, if that is the way you want to play Survivor, Abi is the perfect person to take because she truly hasn't outwitted, outplayed and outlasted (well, she has outlasted everyone on the jury, be real.)
Jeff jumps on that - you could say she has outlasted 13 people (yeah, all the jury is rolling their eyes.)
-Denise - you could also say there was some luck to that (now Abi's rolling her eyes) Tandang never had to go through tribal councils.
-Lisa jumps in 'cause her Tandang colours were about to burst - I don't think it was all luck that Tandang never went to tribal council. (That's not what she meant.) Lisa says they didn't go to Tribal because of the strength of their players, it wasn't luck - and Denise just kept agreeing but didn't clarify (she meant Abi was the lucky one, she sat out most of the challenges and reaped the reward of the tribe's strength, not her own. But Denise lets it go.)
Malcolm, at what point are you thinking who you want to sit next to at the end?
-Winning this game has taken over most of his thoughts and he wants it as much as anybody sitting there. Who he thinks he can beat is definitely being considered right now.
-Abi speaks up, "Excuse me. I am just letting you know that they cannot beat Denise. I'm going to speak the truth. She's manipulated, she's really good with her words and she's a physical threat.
So Abi, you think Denise can win the game if she gets to the end.
-Oh yeah, absolutely. Denise or Malcolm, it's going to be one of the two. Lisa & Skupin are not winning this game. (She ends with an evil little smirk on her face.)
Skupin, what's your reaction to that?
-You know Jeff it's a number of things because...
-Abi cuts him off - Because you're an idiot (whoa). That's why you're going to lose a million dollars. (Wow, I'm sorry, who was she calling an idiot?)
-Skupin tries to go on - Wow. To finish my thought.
-She does it again - You're a moron... such a moron.
-Denise puts her head in her hands - (you should be cheering, she's saving your life right now.)
Jeff interrupts Skupin now, Hold on, Abi just called you an idiot and a moron twice.
-It's just her way of communicating, I don't understand it.
-Abi - He thinks he's going to win a million dollars at the end. He's not.
Lisa, is there any strategy to say, the more that Abi talks, the better my chances (OH, Lisa looks like steam is coming out of her ears, she did not like how Abi spoke to Skupin.)
-Lisa sticks by her earlier assertion that she would keep someone around that is easier to beat and she makes no apologies.
-Abi - And I would be easier to beat.
So, if you can't win, why do you care?
-I came this far, I would like to at least make it to final three.
Malcolm, you're a fan of the game, you know that has worked before.
-Yeah, and it's worked all the way to a million dollars before - so if you are going to keep Abi because she's a goat, be prepared, she's not going to go down without a fight. She could still pull this thing off.
Jeff calls Abi a loud mouth.
- Abi agrees, it's just the way she's been playing. She says Denise plays like she's the elite (which Denise doesn't agree with) the difference, I'm here to win a million dollars, she's here to make friends, clearly. (Well, by that argument, they should keep Denise then.)
-Denise, no, I'm here for a million dollars, thank you.
-Alright, we'll see.
Time to Vote:
Abi votes for Denise - calls her patronizing and not nice, "I really don't like you." (Huh, I couldn't tell.)
(Penner gives Abi the blurry finger on the way by - Abi just smiles.)
Denise votes for Abi - If this vote doesn't go as planned, there is something seriously wrong in the universe.
Tallying the votes: (I'm almost holding my breath... they can't keep her any longer right?)
No one plays a hidden immunity idol (of course.)
Denise 1
Abi 1, 2, 3 - YAY! Ding dong the witch is dead! She wishes them all luck then disappears in a puff of smoke! (Ha, no, I kid.)
Skupin does skip a happy dance on the way back to camp though.
Next episode is the Finale this Sunday, December 16th - 2 hours plus the 1 hour reunion - the final four are jockeying for position... it should be interesting.
Abi is dead to me - but her admitting that her 'straight-talk' bit her on her big Brazilian butt was pretty funny.
So, for the finale here is who is still in the running:
Denise: Tori K, Maddy D and Lynne B
Lisa: Shane B, Laurie T and Wendy E
Malcolm: Krista H, Julie T, Cara & Alex L
Michael Skupin: Tobi M, Ian and Sharleen H
Good Luck everyone, this has turned into a pretty good season, I can't wait to see who wins!
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