Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Survivor South Pacific - Thanksgiving Recap show

A Closer Look

It is American Thanksgiving which means... Recap episode!  Well, actually, new scenes we kept from you so we could do... A Recap Episode!

We are treated to a little more insight to some of our favourite characters... oh, this is reality TV, right... some of our favourite Survivors. 
-Dawn: the first day Ozzy proved his laid-backedness by encouraging everyone to go swimming instead of building a shelter - and Dawn started her meltdown with her Mormon sensibility making it near impossible for her to go in the water.  There was no way she was showing her underwear and she got more frantic about it the more her tribe bugged her to go in.  She even threw Cochran to the wolves, "He's not going in, you're not bugging him."  And then they did (so you could argue, she started the Cochran baiting... but it would have happened anyway.)
-Mikayla: after the ripping hunks of pig off a carcass challenge when they got to take the meat back to camp to eat - she got sick that night and was whining about her stomach acting up the next day.  "I don't even want to see pork today." She announced to Coach.  Then, she committed an unforgivable sin, in Coach's eyes, she put two heaping teaspoons of sugar in her coffee.
-Coach: he watched Mikayla take more than her share of sugar and started a slow burn.  He did not confront her, he skulked off and vented to Albert that he couldn't believe she was so selfish!  He'd already decided she was going so he wasn't going to make a big deal of it... Instead, he decides he wants to roast up some hunks of pig fat and eat it right in front of the nauseous Mikalya... the fat smells kind of off but he eats it anyway and pretends to gag, like he's going to throw up... What a jerk. 
-Coach is now billing himself as a man of God and they show more of he and Brandon bonding over prayer.  I don't think they kept much of Brandon from us - except he has been trying to provide for the tribe by fishing from the beginning - he's not that good at it but he wants to redeem his family name.
-Big, what did they call him? Papa Bear, the gay former police officer - tried to give Cochran advice on how to pick up women.  Compliment her earrings, pretend you want to buy some for your sister... then he gets Whitney to stand-in as a possible pick up.  Cochran does an extremely awkward job of pretending to do what Papa Bear told him and (after Papa Bear leaves) tells Cochran, "If you compliment my earrings, I'm going to think you're gay." (Yeah, don't listen to the gay guy.  His heart was in the right place but I don't think he did him any favours.)
-We learn that Whitney & Keith were much closer than they showed us up to now - the only shelter they had built at Savaii was only big enough for 2-3 people at most.  Whitney & Keith were usually snuggled up in there at night - a couple times Cochran tried to share but he had the audacity to try and share the blanket and move around so he was banished.  He says, all they do is whisper and giggle - wouldn't be surprised if 9mos from now we meet the product of that relationship. (Survivor baby!)
-Oh, and we see more of the Cochran bating - Ozzy made Cochran clean the fish he caught - which is a gross job, even when you've had experience in it, and Cochran is an animal lover - belongs to PETA - said he didn't stick fingers anywhere you shouldn't (TMI, bud.)  Then, when they decided to eat one of the chickens he tells Cochran he's holding the chicken while Ozzy cuts it's head off... then Ozzy laughs his butt off at Cochran's holding of the chicken (eyes closed, mouth open... near his crotch - you get it.) 
-When the tribes finally merged, Upolu had to go to Savaii's camp (because it was the worse camp) and Coach was incensed at the lack of a shelter (two person shelter, everyone else having to sleep in the sand) - No wonder Ozzy has never won this game, who treats their people like that?  Coach sees how Cochran is treated by his own tribe and right there he decides he's going to target Cochran to flip.
-Ozzy approached Coach when they first merged and proposed they go to the final together - I want to play with you man... There was a lot of dancing in the talk they had - both of them lying their butts off... it was a little sad, but it showed a bit more of Ozzy's arrogance that Upolu kept siting when they upset the other tribe.
-Then we see Coach's epic talk with Cochran where he shares his 'nicknaming' of everyone after Greek Gods - Ozzy is of course Narcissus - his arrogance was his undoing.  Whitney was the most beautiful siren (don't remember the name...) Edna was Echo - talks too much.  And he saw Cochran as Hercules (Hercules...Hercules...) he rode a bull through the city then slayed it when he no longer needed it... He paints Cochran as the saviour of them all.  And, last but not least - Coach should be called Zeus - he is the father figure, taking care of all his children.
-Cochran believes, if he's not mistaken, Zeus ate his children.  He's afraid he could share that fate if he's not careful, Coach may try to devour him in the game.
-With Ozzy gone and Brandon not being the best fisherman - they are hungry and decide it's time to kill another chicken (they have 2 left, decide to kill the black one as the white one is still producing eggs.)  Brandon goes and grabs the black chicken by it's feathers (or something equally stupid) and of course the chicken gets away... (Is it again the classic struggle of man vs chicken?) No, he's angry he messed up and goes and kills the last chicken instead... much to everyone's displeasure - went from 2 chickens to no chickens in a few minutes.
-Albert then tried to convince Sophie they should vote Brandon out with Dawn & Whitney but Sophie reigned him back in - she said Albert likes to think he's a great strategian but it would make no sense to make everyone angry by making a totally unnecessary 'big move' - just to make a big move. (She does not understand good TV, I can see why the producers didn't air this part.)  Yes, it is the better move to win the game to stay the course and follow the party line but it makes for boring TV... that is the kiss of death on a Reality TV Show! 

So, I think that was about it... I don't know what I want to happen, or who should win - though Coach's holier-than-thou attitude could blow up in his face - God doesn't like hypocrite's using his name to further their nefarious agendas.  I've never like Ozzy - his arrogance has always turned me off -  if Dawn can't pull it off and win me any money - I think I have to go with the pencil-neck geek - hopefully Cochran can use his brains to pull off the upset of the century - that'd be awesome.

Have a great American Gobble-Gobble Day everyone,


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