I'm Not Crazy, I'm Confident
They're on a boat... in Fiji... and it's beautiful. The castaways are divided into three teams this season. Jeff welcomes them to the 35th season (say what?) of Survivor, and explains that they have been divided based on the positive traits most associated with them by others - this is how the world sees them:
Heroes - they are heralded for their courage, achievements or ideals.
-We meet Cowboy hat guy - Ben - former marine and family man (and my guy in the pool) - serving in the Marine corps he didn't see himself as a hero, it was just his job.
-Meanwhile Financial Analyst Chrissy tells the camera that she totally thinks she deserves to be on the heroes tribe because she had a career, took time off to raise her family and then went back to an awesome career - but she's not going to advertise that she makes a lot of money because she still wants to win a lot of money (oh yeah, you're a hero.)
Healers - win gratitude for their acts of service helping others heal their physical or emotional pain.
-Big buff dude, Cole, is a wilderness therapy guide, working with at-risk youth teaching them about nature and survival skills to help combat addiction. (He seems really nice.)
-Then Jeff talks to Dr. Mike who says he's a sex doctor (I said pardon?) He clarifies that he is a urologist and specializes in erectile dysfunction and male infertility... (uh, maybe he's the hero? Am I right?) This guy comes across as the biggest nerd - he tells the camera this is the biggest thrill in his life and though his kids think he's going to die, he's determined to rise to the occasion and win.
Hustlers - respected for their hard work ethic - get it done, no matter what, 100% of the time.
-We meet Ali, young attractive girl with big curly hair - she's a personal assistant to someone in YouTube (wow, YouTube stars have personal assistants now? crazy.)
-Then we meet Ryan, the bellhop, really slight guy wearing a turtleneck... in Fiji... A TURTLENECK people - what up with that? He's hoping other people know how to build shelter because he's not going to be leading the charge physically, that's for sure. (He tells us he weighs 125lbs... what?)
Jeff then hands out their buffs - Heroes are Blue, Healers Yellow and Hustlers Red - and tells them their first challenge is to transfer as much stuff off the bigger boat they are currently on to their smaller boats anchored nearby. The camera pans over the supplies - fruit, veggies... and a secret advantage (oooh.) We also noticed, no live chickens this year - huh.
Once Jeff rings the bell on the ship, that is their signal that everyone has to be in the water and they have to start rowing to shore.
Once on shore they will have to tie up their boat then work as a tribe to lift one tribe member up high enough to light a torch off the lit cauldrons suspended 15ft up. First tribe to get fire wins fire in the form of a huge fire making kit back at their camp. Second tribe gets flint and the last tribe is SOL.
When Jeff says go it's pandemonium as they start chucking stuff overboard. Someone on the yellow tribe starts asking "Who can Swim?" (Uh, this is Survivor, I hope you all can swim!) People are flinging themselves overboard and it's pencil-neck Ryan that ends up finding the secret advantage (by first impressions, he could probably use that) and he's so excited he can't even get it in his pants... (Darn you adrenaline!) Jeff rings the bell everyone has to be in the water and heading to the beach. The dawdlers are both Hustlers which puts their team way behind... and then they can't figure out how to row the boat to shore - they head the wrong way and one guys is paddling backwards (oy.)
-It's the Healers and Heroes in the running for the fire. Healers gets it first just barely ahead of the Heroes... and Hustlers finally make it to the beach.
Jeff tells the Healers they'll have a big fire already burning on their beach, he gives the Heroes their flint and then tells them all they have maps in their boats so they have to paddle to their beaches... and the Hustlers were never heard from again. (No, I kid... but Jeff did say they were still trying to figure out what show they are on.) Ali, the personal assistant, is feeling pretty nervous about her team at this point.
Healers are the first to their beach and we know it because there is a huge bonfire burning for them. Social worker Roark (female) tells the camera that healers are team players in terms of how they approach their careers and she thinks this group will do well. Nurse practitioner Jessica is crushing on Cole pretty hard (and who wouldn't, he's kind of dreamy with the curls and dimples and 8-pack abs.)
Then we see Joe, the smarmy probation officer with his pants falling down (I don't need to see that much of your red underwear dude), he was hoping to be on a tribe that he could manipulate. When you're a healer you lead with your heart, not your head. He's not a probation officer out there, he's there to win and they are all just his victims at this point (yeah, we don't like Joe already - he reminds me a lot of Spy-Shack Tony.)
Over on the Heroes beach everyone is working and it looks to be going really well, they are gathering bamboo and building a shelter... and then Lindsay says the hero cape has come off and she's thinking alliances (already?) She approaches the very buff JP (he's a firefighter) about who they should align with - apparently it's a given that Lindsay & JP will align... they're thinking Cowboy Ben. The other built guy, NFL player Alan, is sure he knows how people are playing the game with all his NFL experience, he's talking to Cowboy Ben (he's just wearing a cowboy hat, this is the ex-Marine) and they want to align with JP of course, keep it strong and Lindsay (oh yeah, she's a lifeguard and also very fit). It's the old ladies on the outside, as the other two member of the tribe are Chrissy (the Financial analyst) and Katrina (Olympic swimmer) who are both in their forties (so ancient.)
-Ashley and JP are talking a lot and Alan is super suspicious - they are coupling up, he knows it... (wow, that paranoia struck quick.) Chrissy & Katrina (the Mom-Squad) go to get water and the other four take this opportunity to confirm that they're going to work together - Lindsay says that's what she wanted from the beginning (it's the first day, what beginning? Sheesh.)
Hustlers - Day 1
Fisherman Lauren was disappointed they didn't win but she's a no-nonsense, let's just get on with it person and she's building a shelter. The rest of the tribe is helping, kinda, but they think they are hard working and getting stuff done... as they joke around with stick bugs.
Patrick is a big red-head with the start of an epic sunburn already - for some reason Ali thinks he's the guy to align herself with at this point and they agree to have each other's backs... though he's still uncertain about it.
Patrick openly wonders about who got the clue off the boat and Ryan looks like a deer in headlights... but he discretely takes himself off to explore his secret advantage. He's found an Immunity Super Idol... which means, if his tribe is the first to go to tribal council, he can play this idol after all the votes are read and whoever he plays it for is safe. The catch is that it is only good for the very first tribal council and if his tribe doesn't go to tribal, he has to secretly gift it to someone on the losing tribe. This is potentially huge for this guy who is wearing a turtleneck in the tropics and not even sweating... He is like a human Chihuahua.
Healers - Day 1
We finally hear from Desi, female physical therapist, who is also happy with her healer tribe, if nothing else they should be able to communicate together well.
-Dr. Mike is determined to go look for a hidden immunity idol (too soon!) He makes a lame excuse of checking on the fire and then takes off to look for an idol. Joe knows exactly what he's doing and then takes it on himself to confront Mike when he comes back. He asks him what's in his pockets, (none of your damn business) is what I would have said but Mike, being nice, shows him he has some twine from the bandanas - Mike tells him that he knows what he's been doing and thinks he has an idol... it was passive aggressive and bully-type behaviour... it just felt threatening and it didn't help that Joes pants were hanging down his butt again - there is a drawstring for a reason.
Anyway - Joe and Mike say they respect each other (but neither one trusts the other as far as he could throw him.)
Hustlers - Day 2
Ryan has decided that he's going to trust Surf Instructor Devon with the knowledge of his secret advantage. Ryan likes Devon because he is the opposite of him and he hopes that Devon will want to align with someone who is more strategically savvy than him (Devon is kind of pretty) - so he tells him about the super idol and Devon is so super happy that he's not going to be the first one out. They agree not to tell anyone else and it seems these two have bonded.
Heroes - Night 2
Alan is watching Lindsay and JP laughing and talking and he's convinced that there is something going on there and he has to make sure everyone knows that these two are stronger together. So he confronts JP and says he knows he has an idol and wants to see what's in his pockets - he turns out his pockets and tells him there is no idol. Lindsay comes over and can't figure out what Alan is talking about (turns out Alan didn't see any idol but he's hoping to throw suspicion on JP and Ashley to get one of them out. What?) He keeps pushing JP saying he doesn't believe he doesn't have an idol until he even shucks off his pants - to the skin (hello) - to prove he's not hiding anything. (That was super weird and uncomfortable, I think Alan just made himself look bad, not the other two.)
First they have to run up a cargo net to the top of a platform then pull a heavy cart up the other side - they all have to get in the cart then ride it down, roller coaster style, into a pile of sawdust. Then they have to choose a table maze - first tribe to it gets first choice, next can choose from the two remaining and the third team gets the last maze. Then they have to work together to get the maze to the top of an even taller tower - once it's up there, two tribe members will have to work together to get three balls through the maze - last team to complete it will be going to tribal council. Hustlers are still playing for fire as well. Oh, and Jeff said, this season Tie votes are back in...were they ever out? What is he talking about?
Anyway, they're off and pretty much neck and neck - I think the game was won or lost in the decision on which table maze to play. The first tribe took what looked like the most complicated to me - a true maze/labyrinth looking table. The next tribe took one that had bigger spaces but triangles and obstacles to manoeuver around and the maze that was left, was a single line down the middle - which looked the easiest to me... and that proved correct. The Healers were left with this simple rail maze which of course was deceptive, it was difficult because you had to keep the ball straight down the middle or it would fall off the raised middle as it had small bumpers and then gaps along the sides. But the Healers have steady hands and they're good under pressure - they get the first immunity.
Leaving Heroes and Hustlers neck and neck... they were both circling that third hole when Hustlers pulled out the second place immunity win. Sending the Heroes to tribal council. As Jeff is blabbing away, Chrissy quietly crumples to the ground and when they finally notice she's actually in distress not just being dramatic, she pukes on camera (nice.) No one can say they didn't give their all.
And guess who is going to get Ryan's super idol?? Yup, the puker.
Heroes back at camp - Mom-Squad goes off to get wood or something (why are these two always going off together?) and Cowboy Ben seems kinda oblivious to the tension in his alliance - Alan doesn't trust Ashley and JP and they think he's off his rocker... but they still say they're all good.
-Later Alan has Katrina approach him and he says no one's been talking to him about votes, they call Chrissy over and (why is Katrina yelling?) they think the four of them, including Ben, should vote Ashley out (because they always want to keep the guys... grr).
-Ben doesn't know why they didn't just leave things alone, go with the original plan, but now at least he and Alan have their choice of who they want to align with - JP & Ashley or the Mom-Squad.
-Oh, and when Chrissy is getting ready for tribal she finds the immunity super idol in her bag... wow, how lucky did she get? She only knows she'll play it for herself if she has to, otherwise she's going to see how things play out.
Chrissy says right away she felt like she didn't belong in this tribe, that the four main physical threats would band together leaving her and Katrina on the outs. Katrina agreed that being older than the rest of the tribe did seem to put them at a disadvantage.
-Lindsay said day 2 1/2 things started to go sideways when Alan got it in his head that JP had an idol.
-Alan says he didn't accuse Ashley, it was Ashley and JP. She tells Jeff that he even made JP strip off his clothes looking for this non-existent idol.
-Alan says you can deny deny deny, doesn't mean I'm going to believe you.
-JP wants none of it, he's all calm. Alan has a right to his opinion, whatever. That does not sit well with Alan, he's trying to stir it up and JP is not cooperating.
-Chrissy says there was some concern that they could have a power couple in the tribe.
-Ashley says that is ridiculous, there is no "her and JP", they've had no conversations other than those right in front of everyone.
-Alan is all buggy-eyed - I just wanted everyone to know there is something more powerful than the tribe, within the tribe. Whether these folks believe or not, I know what I know. I'm not crazy, I'm confident. (Alan has to work on not bugging his eyes out when he's trying to convince someone he's not crazy - cause he definitely has the crazy eyes going on.) Ashley tells him he's very silly.
-Ben says they are the heroes and shouldn't bicker about this, they should get on with it and hash this out later.
-Oh no, Mr Drama, Alan, throws it out that he'd like nothing better then to sit back with his feet up as they are talking about voting out Katrina or Chrissy but he had to make it known what was happening [with Lindsay & JP.] Really, did you have to?
-Now Katrina & Chrissy know for sure they were on the block and Ben is trying to just do some damage control... but it's Time to Vote!
Tallying the votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol to play at this point. Super idol is after the votes.
Katrina - 1
Ashley - 1
Katrina - 2, 3, 4 - And it's Katrina... Oh, is Chrissy going to play the Super Idol??? Nope. Turns out she voted for Katrina too. So it's the Olympic swimmer, who was the first voted out of the game.
That means: Andria S., Philip K. and Cara & Alex L. are out of the pool... but you get your $ back!
Next week: Chrissy and Ben may be the new power couple on the Heroes tribe. There is a budding romance on the Healers tribe between Wilderness Therapy Guide Cole and Nurse Practitioner Jessica (they do make a pretty cute couple) and an inevitable break up on the Hustlers tribe when Patrick shows his true crazy colours and drives Ali away.
Katrina's final words were boring - she was way too skinny to last long in this game - her face was almost skeletal already on day three - maybe this was a blessing in disguise for her.
So, there you have it, episode one was just an hour but the recap is long because we don't know who anyone is yet. I think Alan is going to be the trouble maker, we'll see if they start mixing them up quickly with all these potential couples happening.
Have a great rest of your week.
They're on a boat... in Fiji... and it's beautiful. The castaways are divided into three teams this season. Jeff welcomes them to the 35th season (say what?) of Survivor, and explains that they have been divided based on the positive traits most associated with them by others - this is how the world sees them:
Heroes - they are heralded for their courage, achievements or ideals.
-We meet Cowboy hat guy - Ben - former marine and family man (and my guy in the pool) - serving in the Marine corps he didn't see himself as a hero, it was just his job.
-Meanwhile Financial Analyst Chrissy tells the camera that she totally thinks she deserves to be on the heroes tribe because she had a career, took time off to raise her family and then went back to an awesome career - but she's not going to advertise that she makes a lot of money because she still wants to win a lot of money (oh yeah, you're a hero.)
Healers - win gratitude for their acts of service helping others heal their physical or emotional pain.
-Big buff dude, Cole, is a wilderness therapy guide, working with at-risk youth teaching them about nature and survival skills to help combat addiction. (He seems really nice.)
-Then Jeff talks to Dr. Mike who says he's a sex doctor (I said pardon?) He clarifies that he is a urologist and specializes in erectile dysfunction and male infertility... (uh, maybe he's the hero? Am I right?) This guy comes across as the biggest nerd - he tells the camera this is the biggest thrill in his life and though his kids think he's going to die, he's determined to rise to the occasion and win.
Hustlers - respected for their hard work ethic - get it done, no matter what, 100% of the time.
-We meet Ali, young attractive girl with big curly hair - she's a personal assistant to someone in YouTube (wow, YouTube stars have personal assistants now? crazy.)
-Then we meet Ryan, the bellhop, really slight guy wearing a turtleneck... in Fiji... A TURTLENECK people - what up with that? He's hoping other people know how to build shelter because he's not going to be leading the charge physically, that's for sure. (He tells us he weighs 125lbs... what?)
Jeff then hands out their buffs - Heroes are Blue, Healers Yellow and Hustlers Red - and tells them their first challenge is to transfer as much stuff off the bigger boat they are currently on to their smaller boats anchored nearby. The camera pans over the supplies - fruit, veggies... and a secret advantage (oooh.) We also noticed, no live chickens this year - huh.
Once Jeff rings the bell on the ship, that is their signal that everyone has to be in the water and they have to start rowing to shore.
Once on shore they will have to tie up their boat then work as a tribe to lift one tribe member up high enough to light a torch off the lit cauldrons suspended 15ft up. First tribe to get fire wins fire in the form of a huge fire making kit back at their camp. Second tribe gets flint and the last tribe is SOL.
When Jeff says go it's pandemonium as they start chucking stuff overboard. Someone on the yellow tribe starts asking "Who can Swim?" (Uh, this is Survivor, I hope you all can swim!) People are flinging themselves overboard and it's pencil-neck Ryan that ends up finding the secret advantage (by first impressions, he could probably use that) and he's so excited he can't even get it in his pants... (Darn you adrenaline!) Jeff rings the bell everyone has to be in the water and heading to the beach. The dawdlers are both Hustlers which puts their team way behind... and then they can't figure out how to row the boat to shore - they head the wrong way and one guys is paddling backwards (oy.)
-It's the Healers and Heroes in the running for the fire. Healers gets it first just barely ahead of the Heroes... and Hustlers finally make it to the beach.
Jeff tells the Healers they'll have a big fire already burning on their beach, he gives the Heroes their flint and then tells them all they have maps in their boats so they have to paddle to their beaches... and the Hustlers were never heard from again. (No, I kid... but Jeff did say they were still trying to figure out what show they are on.) Ali, the personal assistant, is feeling pretty nervous about her team at this point.
Healers are the first to their beach and we know it because there is a huge bonfire burning for them. Social worker Roark (female) tells the camera that healers are team players in terms of how they approach their careers and she thinks this group will do well. Nurse practitioner Jessica is crushing on Cole pretty hard (and who wouldn't, he's kind of dreamy with the curls and dimples and 8-pack abs.)
Then we see Joe, the smarmy probation officer with his pants falling down (I don't need to see that much of your red underwear dude), he was hoping to be on a tribe that he could manipulate. When you're a healer you lead with your heart, not your head. He's not a probation officer out there, he's there to win and they are all just his victims at this point (yeah, we don't like Joe already - he reminds me a lot of Spy-Shack Tony.)
Over on the Heroes beach everyone is working and it looks to be going really well, they are gathering bamboo and building a shelter... and then Lindsay says the hero cape has come off and she's thinking alliances (already?) She approaches the very buff JP (he's a firefighter) about who they should align with - apparently it's a given that Lindsay & JP will align... they're thinking Cowboy Ben. The other built guy, NFL player Alan, is sure he knows how people are playing the game with all his NFL experience, he's talking to Cowboy Ben (he's just wearing a cowboy hat, this is the ex-Marine) and they want to align with JP of course, keep it strong and Lindsay (oh yeah, she's a lifeguard and also very fit). It's the old ladies on the outside, as the other two member of the tribe are Chrissy (the Financial analyst) and Katrina (Olympic swimmer) who are both in their forties (so ancient.)
-Ashley and JP are talking a lot and Alan is super suspicious - they are coupling up, he knows it... (wow, that paranoia struck quick.) Chrissy & Katrina (the Mom-Squad) go to get water and the other four take this opportunity to confirm that they're going to work together - Lindsay says that's what she wanted from the beginning (it's the first day, what beginning? Sheesh.)
Hustlers - Day 1
Fisherman Lauren was disappointed they didn't win but she's a no-nonsense, let's just get on with it person and she's building a shelter. The rest of the tribe is helping, kinda, but they think they are hard working and getting stuff done... as they joke around with stick bugs.
Patrick is a big red-head with the start of an epic sunburn already - for some reason Ali thinks he's the guy to align herself with at this point and they agree to have each other's backs... though he's still uncertain about it.
Patrick openly wonders about who got the clue off the boat and Ryan looks like a deer in headlights... but he discretely takes himself off to explore his secret advantage. He's found an Immunity Super Idol... which means, if his tribe is the first to go to tribal council, he can play this idol after all the votes are read and whoever he plays it for is safe. The catch is that it is only good for the very first tribal council and if his tribe doesn't go to tribal, he has to secretly gift it to someone on the losing tribe. This is potentially huge for this guy who is wearing a turtleneck in the tropics and not even sweating... He is like a human Chihuahua.
Healers - Day 1
We finally hear from Desi, female physical therapist, who is also happy with her healer tribe, if nothing else they should be able to communicate together well.
-Dr. Mike is determined to go look for a hidden immunity idol (too soon!) He makes a lame excuse of checking on the fire and then takes off to look for an idol. Joe knows exactly what he's doing and then takes it on himself to confront Mike when he comes back. He asks him what's in his pockets, (none of your damn business) is what I would have said but Mike, being nice, shows him he has some twine from the bandanas - Mike tells him that he knows what he's been doing and thinks he has an idol... it was passive aggressive and bully-type behaviour... it just felt threatening and it didn't help that Joes pants were hanging down his butt again - there is a drawstring for a reason.
Anyway - Joe and Mike say they respect each other (but neither one trusts the other as far as he could throw him.)
Hustlers - Day 2
Ryan has decided that he's going to trust Surf Instructor Devon with the knowledge of his secret advantage. Ryan likes Devon because he is the opposite of him and he hopes that Devon will want to align with someone who is more strategically savvy than him (Devon is kind of pretty) - so he tells him about the super idol and Devon is so super happy that he's not going to be the first one out. They agree not to tell anyone else and it seems these two have bonded.
Heroes - Night 2
Alan is watching Lindsay and JP laughing and talking and he's convinced that there is something going on there and he has to make sure everyone knows that these two are stronger together. So he confronts JP and says he knows he has an idol and wants to see what's in his pockets - he turns out his pockets and tells him there is no idol. Lindsay comes over and can't figure out what Alan is talking about (turns out Alan didn't see any idol but he's hoping to throw suspicion on JP and Ashley to get one of them out. What?) He keeps pushing JP saying he doesn't believe he doesn't have an idol until he even shucks off his pants - to the skin (hello) - to prove he's not hiding anything. (That was super weird and uncomfortable, I think Alan just made himself look bad, not the other two.)
First they have to run up a cargo net to the top of a platform then pull a heavy cart up the other side - they all have to get in the cart then ride it down, roller coaster style, into a pile of sawdust. Then they have to choose a table maze - first tribe to it gets first choice, next can choose from the two remaining and the third team gets the last maze. Then they have to work together to get the maze to the top of an even taller tower - once it's up there, two tribe members will have to work together to get three balls through the maze - last team to complete it will be going to tribal council. Hustlers are still playing for fire as well. Oh, and Jeff said, this season Tie votes are back in...were they ever out? What is he talking about?
Anyway, they're off and pretty much neck and neck - I think the game was won or lost in the decision on which table maze to play. The first tribe took what looked like the most complicated to me - a true maze/labyrinth looking table. The next tribe took one that had bigger spaces but triangles and obstacles to manoeuver around and the maze that was left, was a single line down the middle - which looked the easiest to me... and that proved correct. The Healers were left with this simple rail maze which of course was deceptive, it was difficult because you had to keep the ball straight down the middle or it would fall off the raised middle as it had small bumpers and then gaps along the sides. But the Healers have steady hands and they're good under pressure - they get the first immunity.
Leaving Heroes and Hustlers neck and neck... they were both circling that third hole when Hustlers pulled out the second place immunity win. Sending the Heroes to tribal council. As Jeff is blabbing away, Chrissy quietly crumples to the ground and when they finally notice she's actually in distress not just being dramatic, she pukes on camera (nice.) No one can say they didn't give their all.
And guess who is going to get Ryan's super idol?? Yup, the puker.
Heroes back at camp - Mom-Squad goes off to get wood or something (why are these two always going off together?) and Cowboy Ben seems kinda oblivious to the tension in his alliance - Alan doesn't trust Ashley and JP and they think he's off his rocker... but they still say they're all good.
-Later Alan has Katrina approach him and he says no one's been talking to him about votes, they call Chrissy over and (why is Katrina yelling?) they think the four of them, including Ben, should vote Ashley out (because they always want to keep the guys... grr).
-Ben doesn't know why they didn't just leave things alone, go with the original plan, but now at least he and Alan have their choice of who they want to align with - JP & Ashley or the Mom-Squad.
-Oh, and when Chrissy is getting ready for tribal she finds the immunity super idol in her bag... wow, how lucky did she get? She only knows she'll play it for herself if she has to, otherwise she's going to see how things play out.
Chrissy says right away she felt like she didn't belong in this tribe, that the four main physical threats would band together leaving her and Katrina on the outs. Katrina agreed that being older than the rest of the tribe did seem to put them at a disadvantage.
-Lindsay said day 2 1/2 things started to go sideways when Alan got it in his head that JP had an idol.
-Alan says he didn't accuse Ashley, it was Ashley and JP. She tells Jeff that he even made JP strip off his clothes looking for this non-existent idol.
-Alan says you can deny deny deny, doesn't mean I'm going to believe you.
-JP wants none of it, he's all calm. Alan has a right to his opinion, whatever. That does not sit well with Alan, he's trying to stir it up and JP is not cooperating.
-Chrissy says there was some concern that they could have a power couple in the tribe.
-Ashley says that is ridiculous, there is no "her and JP", they've had no conversations other than those right in front of everyone.
-Alan is all buggy-eyed - I just wanted everyone to know there is something more powerful than the tribe, within the tribe. Whether these folks believe or not, I know what I know. I'm not crazy, I'm confident. (Alan has to work on not bugging his eyes out when he's trying to convince someone he's not crazy - cause he definitely has the crazy eyes going on.) Ashley tells him he's very silly.
-Ben says they are the heroes and shouldn't bicker about this, they should get on with it and hash this out later.
-Oh no, Mr Drama, Alan, throws it out that he'd like nothing better then to sit back with his feet up as they are talking about voting out Katrina or Chrissy but he had to make it known what was happening [with Lindsay & JP.] Really, did you have to?
-Now Katrina & Chrissy know for sure they were on the block and Ben is trying to just do some damage control... but it's Time to Vote!
Tallying the votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol to play at this point. Super idol is after the votes.
Katrina - 1
Ashley - 1
Katrina - 2, 3, 4 - And it's Katrina... Oh, is Chrissy going to play the Super Idol??? Nope. Turns out she voted for Katrina too. So it's the Olympic swimmer, who was the first voted out of the game.
That means: Andria S., Philip K. and Cara & Alex L. are out of the pool... but you get your $ back!
Next week: Chrissy and Ben may be the new power couple on the Heroes tribe. There is a budding romance on the Healers tribe between Wilderness Therapy Guide Cole and Nurse Practitioner Jessica (they do make a pretty cute couple) and an inevitable break up on the Hustlers tribe when Patrick shows his true crazy colours and drives Ali away.
Katrina's final words were boring - she was way too skinny to last long in this game - her face was almost skeletal already on day three - maybe this was a blessing in disguise for her.
So, there you have it, episode one was just an hour but the recap is long because we don't know who anyone is yet. I think Alan is going to be the trouble maker, we'll see if they start mixing them up quickly with all these potential couples happening.
Have a great rest of your week.