Love Goggles
Last week we got our first look at Millennials vs Gen X and it was the older tribe that ended up at the first Tribal Council where the bossy Rachel was voted out.
Gen X - Day 5
They are still trying to make fire and are pretty frustrated with it. Oldest player, the boat mechanic with the long silver locks - Paul, is pretty much running the place and tells us that CeCe and David are on the outs, CeCe because she aligned with Rachel and David because he just can't handle it out here... and then David offers to take a shot at making fire, and he is successful! (Who can't make it out there?)
-Chris is the ginger trial attorney with the southern accent who was just as shocked as everyone else that it was David who got the fire going... but he's still going to be the next one out. He's the weakest challenge player so they are going to keep treating him like the tribe puppy, petting and making him happy - so they can vote him out.
-David decides he's going to gather big rocks to place as seats around his fire... and while he's out gathering rocks, might as well look for a hidden immunity idol. Oh, I thought he said big rocks... ha! Of course scrawny David does need to be able to carry them back to camp I guess.
-In the course of gathering 9 rocks throughout the day, wouldn't you know it, he finds the idol in a marked coconut at the base of a tree. He's just got to split it open... so maybe he doesn't have an idol (ha! But yes, he does find an idol - which is huge for him.)
Millennials - Day 5
And over on the Vanua tribe love is in the air - Figgy and Taylor are all googly eyed for each other - he's wearing love-goggles and she's mesmerized by his super blue eyes. It would almost be cute if it wasn't so stomach turning and stupid in a game for a million dollars.
-Michaela catches them making out in the middle of the night and she's disgusted, "You stink, your mouth is nasty, you got sand in your drawers, and you're kissing somebody. That's Disgustin!" She is not shy about outing them to the rest of the tribe the next day too.
-Jay is worried, Taylor and Figs are in his alliance and a power couple is a huge target right out of the gate - he pulls Taylor aside for a bro-talk (after he has a chauvinistic rant to the camera about getting stuck with a girl and bailing on your boys - oof, 20 year olds) but I don't think Taylor really cares - those are some mighty strong love-goggles.
Gen X - Day 6
Loner model Ken is out spear fishing and he gets them a big old octopus and returns the provider. The funny thing is, Ken relates most with David. Ken sees himself as the shy, awkward kid with the speech impediment that was never really accepted and he gravitates to David more than the alpha males on the tribe. Ken knows alliances are key in this game and he and David team up. They see "Paul's posse" and know they need to try and make a move and break up that group.
-David realizes that he and Ken look like opposites but he really likes Ken and decides he is the guy he can trust - so he shows him the hidden immunity idol and begs him not to tell anyone. Ken seems like a good egg and is sincere when he tells David, they're brothers. They know in order for them to move forward that Paul has to go.
Millennials - Day 6
Michaela has taken an instant dislike to Figgy and her flirtatiousness - in Michaela's view you are supposed to work your magic behind the scenes, "you have to pull the rabbit out of the hat, you can't just show up with the rabbit." (Michaela has the best lines, but she needs to take her own medicine - she is too blunt and that's also not good in this game.)
-But I digress, while everyone is gathered together for no reason that I can see, Figgy and Michaela kind of passive-aggressively get into it - Figgy wants to know what she did and Michaela basically says you know what you did... (I really don't think she does. Figgy isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.) But she is the queen bee right now and acts the victim which means Michaela has just made herself look like the b!tch.
-Adam, who kind of reminds me of Chris Hardwick, lists off the three huge mistakes that Figgy has made so far - Don't come blazing out of the gates, Don't get into a cat fight, and sure as hell, Don't get yourself into a show-mance.
Gen X - Day 6
-Paul is directing everyone to look for wood and he tells the camera that he has to be in control, that is his regular mode, he breathes control.
-Ken is talking to CeCe about how they have to take out Paul and she is on board with that... and they intersperse their bad mouthing Paul with scenes of him looking unwell. Really unwell - next thing you know Paul is down. His hands are numb and he's scared. The producers step in and they get Dr. Joe out there along with Jeff Probst who has scrambled the chopper). (Oh man, he is the old guy out there this time but he's by no means the oldest guy that's played this game - and they think he might be having a jammer. That is scary.)
-Luckily, they check his heart and he hasn't had a heart attack, it's just dehydration and some heat exhaustion - so they get him all squared away and he's good to stay.
-David tells the camera that he hates to say it, because he's glad Paul didn't have a heart attack, but when he went down he thought this could be a good thing for him - if Paul looks weak to the tribe, it'll be easier to get him gone.
-And just an aside - my girl Lucy is wearing black lace tights under her ripped up pants - what the heck is up with that? Who would ever wear such a thing and you're living on the beach in Fiji, how could you stand to be wearing tights?
They are out on floating platforms and the water is so crystal clear that the rafts look like they are hovering over the water - it was a weird optical illusion.
Anyway - head to head, one person from each tribe will jump off their platform, swim over to another platform, climb a cargo net, jump off the top grabbing a key hanging from a beam, swim with the key to a third platform and hang up the key so the next person can go - once they have all five keys they must find the one to open a box with a face mask inside. Once they have the mask they must dive down and untie five rings - once they have all the rings they have to throw them onto five targets. First tribe to get all their rings on the targets wins immunity... and a tarp as Reward.
-Off they go and it's pretty much neck and neck until David gets in the water and scrawny TV writer can barely dog paddle... oof. Millennials all perform relatively well, they are the first to get their mask and start getting their rings but Ken brings Gen X back up so they are neck and neck again. Finally both tribes are throwing their rings and CeCe is hitting the targets! Millennials are getting rings on targets too but in the end its GEN X that wins this Immunity! (I can't help it, I cheered - I am in no way impartial as I'm Gen X through and through.)
Millennials - Day 7
-They dejectedly return to camp but Zeke tells us he can't help but be a little tickled to be going to Tribal Council tonight. He came to vote people out and win a million dollars and he wants to get started.
-Figgy is in the hot seat right now, one person is not allowed to have two votes, it goes against the spirit of the game. Zeke, Mari, Adam and Hannah are talking about voting Figgy out and Mari wants to know what are the odds she'll see a blindside coming? They all say they don't think she will (what? Are you kidding me?) Michaela, Hannah and Will are also talking and Michaela assumes it's a no-brainer that they're voting Figgy, who else could it be?
-Zeke and Adam talk to Jay and tell him that they have to break up the twosome (why did you need to talk to him at all, you know how close he is with them? Is it me or are they all stupid?) Jay is smart enough to play along but he's freaking out, Figgy and Taylor were in his trifecta, and he was riding that pony to the end.
-Zeke goes on to say to Jay that he hopes taking Figgy out will bring Michaela into the group but if it doesn't, she will be the next to go.
-Jay goes and tells Michelle right away what he's learned and Michelle outright refuses to even entertain getting rid of Figgy right now - "We have to switch the vote." And they are going to target Mari (what? The professional gamer girl? I like her.) So first they have to try and get Figgy and Michaela to kiss and make up. Jay talks to Figgy and Michaela and tells them that Zeke told him Figgy was first to go and Michaela would be next so it's in Michaela's best interest to vote with them and take out Mari.
-Meanwhile Michelle is working on Will, he likens Figgy to Parvati and John Cochrane (Whhaaat? Parvati I could see but Cochrane, he's not a pretty, flirty girl) Will just means you give her momentum she can make it all the way to the end. Michelle thinks Figgy isn't fooling anyone so they can take her out later, Mari is the bigger threat being a strategic and physically strong player. Will doesn't like changing plans at this late hour.
-Michelle thinks she may have to pull some strings at Tribal Council to ensure they have the numbers and she gets what she wants.
Everyone is giddy - they feel like they are inside the TV, being in front of Jeff Probst at Tribal Council - it's a terrible thing but Adam for one, can't stop smiling.
-Jeff asks Mari if Millennials are better or less prepared for this type of game having been brought up with texting instead of calling, etc. She says her world is a 2D world playing games on her monitor but being there, looking into the eyes of real people, it's a very different thing. (Okay, didn't answer his question at all.)
-Zeke is having the adventure of a lifetime, he feels like he's the best version of himself out there because he wants to give 100% of himself out there.
-Michaela is not feeling that at all - she's not feeling the love.
-Adam says Michaela is straight shooter which is a hard thing on day one and Michaela starts defending herself but the real story is the side whispering of Michelle to awkward Hannah - telling her that she is voting Mari and asking her to switch her vote. Hannah whispers back that she wants to know why but Michelle just says she promises to tell her later.
-Jeff asks Hannah if people have been bonding and she throws it out there that Figgy and Taylor have been 'very' friendly. Zeke, "If the shelter is a rocking, don't bother knocking."
-So Jeff is distracted talking to Taylor and Figgy about their, for lack of a better term, hooking up and Michelle is right back to whispering with Hannah - Even Jay gets in on the side whispers and confirms for Hannah that he's voting Mari too... and Jeff is wondering what the heck is going on.
-Hannah is too flummoxed to come up with a coherent response - she's all flustered and trying to laugh it off but she has no idea what's happening either.
-Oh and while Figgy and Taylor are trying to laugh off their coupledom and say it shouldn't matter to anyone else, Michaela makes it well known to Jeff that she openly dislikes Figgy and her treating everyone like they're stupid for not just doing what she wants. Figgy for her part, acts the dismissive mean girl,"Oh, are we doing this again?" and I really hope she goes home.
-Everyone else wants to know what Michelle and Hannah are still whispering about but Mari comes to Hannah's rescue saying she's sure it's just Hannah being Hannah and they shouldn't be paranoid, she's probably talking about puppies or butts or something. (Oh Mari, I think you really need to be a little more paranoid.)
Time to Vote:
Zeke votes Figgy
Figgy votes Mari
Hannah takes forever to cast her vote... I thought Jeff was going to go force her to make a decision - but finally she dramatically places her vote.
No hidden idol
Tallying the votes:
Figgy - 1
Mari - 1
Figgy - 2
Mari - 2 (hmm, she's not too happy)
Figgy - 3
Mari - 3, 4, 5 and 6... MARI is the first Millennial voted out (And that really sucks! Why do mean girls prosper?) The only thing Mari says as she leaves is, "Salty." (I think she was too open about her job as a gamer, strategic players are dangerous.)
Next week: Zeke and Adam feel betrayed by Hannah and there is a twist where the Millennials are all drawing from a bag for the opportunity to go visit the Gen X camp (I think.)
Mari's final thoughts: I got snagged from a mile away and I never saw it coming. Survivor is the hardest game I've ever played because it pulls on the heartstrings and playing with human emotion is totally different than playing on a TV screen and... it hurts, man. (Aw, I feel bad for Mari... and also for Bob L. and Sunnie C. who are also out of the pool.)
Have a great weekend everyone,
Last week we got our first look at Millennials vs Gen X and it was the older tribe that ended up at the first Tribal Council where the bossy Rachel was voted out.
Gen X - Day 5
They are still trying to make fire and are pretty frustrated with it. Oldest player, the boat mechanic with the long silver locks - Paul, is pretty much running the place and tells us that CeCe and David are on the outs, CeCe because she aligned with Rachel and David because he just can't handle it out here... and then David offers to take a shot at making fire, and he is successful! (Who can't make it out there?)
-Chris is the ginger trial attorney with the southern accent who was just as shocked as everyone else that it was David who got the fire going... but he's still going to be the next one out. He's the weakest challenge player so they are going to keep treating him like the tribe puppy, petting and making him happy - so they can vote him out.
-David decides he's going to gather big rocks to place as seats around his fire... and while he's out gathering rocks, might as well look for a hidden immunity idol. Oh, I thought he said big rocks... ha! Of course scrawny David does need to be able to carry them back to camp I guess.
-In the course of gathering 9 rocks throughout the day, wouldn't you know it, he finds the idol in a marked coconut at the base of a tree. He's just got to split it open... so maybe he doesn't have an idol (ha! But yes, he does find an idol - which is huge for him.)
Millennials - Day 5
And over on the Vanua tribe love is in the air - Figgy and Taylor are all googly eyed for each other - he's wearing love-goggles and she's mesmerized by his super blue eyes. It would almost be cute if it wasn't so stomach turning and stupid in a game for a million dollars.
-Michaela catches them making out in the middle of the night and she's disgusted, "You stink, your mouth is nasty, you got sand in your drawers, and you're kissing somebody. That's Disgustin!" She is not shy about outing them to the rest of the tribe the next day too.
-Jay is worried, Taylor and Figs are in his alliance and a power couple is a huge target right out of the gate - he pulls Taylor aside for a bro-talk (after he has a chauvinistic rant to the camera about getting stuck with a girl and bailing on your boys - oof, 20 year olds) but I don't think Taylor really cares - those are some mighty strong love-goggles.
Gen X - Day 6
Loner model Ken is out spear fishing and he gets them a big old octopus and returns the provider. The funny thing is, Ken relates most with David. Ken sees himself as the shy, awkward kid with the speech impediment that was never really accepted and he gravitates to David more than the alpha males on the tribe. Ken knows alliances are key in this game and he and David team up. They see "Paul's posse" and know they need to try and make a move and break up that group.
-David realizes that he and Ken look like opposites but he really likes Ken and decides he is the guy he can trust - so he shows him the hidden immunity idol and begs him not to tell anyone. Ken seems like a good egg and is sincere when he tells David, they're brothers. They know in order for them to move forward that Paul has to go.
Millennials - Day 6
Michaela has taken an instant dislike to Figgy and her flirtatiousness - in Michaela's view you are supposed to work your magic behind the scenes, "you have to pull the rabbit out of the hat, you can't just show up with the rabbit." (Michaela has the best lines, but she needs to take her own medicine - she is too blunt and that's also not good in this game.)
-But I digress, while everyone is gathered together for no reason that I can see, Figgy and Michaela kind of passive-aggressively get into it - Figgy wants to know what she did and Michaela basically says you know what you did... (I really don't think she does. Figgy isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.) But she is the queen bee right now and acts the victim which means Michaela has just made herself look like the b!tch.
-Adam, who kind of reminds me of Chris Hardwick, lists off the three huge mistakes that Figgy has made so far - Don't come blazing out of the gates, Don't get into a cat fight, and sure as hell, Don't get yourself into a show-mance.
Gen X - Day 6
-Paul is directing everyone to look for wood and he tells the camera that he has to be in control, that is his regular mode, he breathes control.
-Ken is talking to CeCe about how they have to take out Paul and she is on board with that... and they intersperse their bad mouthing Paul with scenes of him looking unwell. Really unwell - next thing you know Paul is down. His hands are numb and he's scared. The producers step in and they get Dr. Joe out there along with Jeff Probst who has scrambled the chopper). (Oh man, he is the old guy out there this time but he's by no means the oldest guy that's played this game - and they think he might be having a jammer. That is scary.)
-Luckily, they check his heart and he hasn't had a heart attack, it's just dehydration and some heat exhaustion - so they get him all squared away and he's good to stay.
-David tells the camera that he hates to say it, because he's glad Paul didn't have a heart attack, but when he went down he thought this could be a good thing for him - if Paul looks weak to the tribe, it'll be easier to get him gone.
-And just an aside - my girl Lucy is wearing black lace tights under her ripped up pants - what the heck is up with that? Who would ever wear such a thing and you're living on the beach in Fiji, how could you stand to be wearing tights?
They are out on floating platforms and the water is so crystal clear that the rafts look like they are hovering over the water - it was a weird optical illusion.
Anyway - head to head, one person from each tribe will jump off their platform, swim over to another platform, climb a cargo net, jump off the top grabbing a key hanging from a beam, swim with the key to a third platform and hang up the key so the next person can go - once they have all five keys they must find the one to open a box with a face mask inside. Once they have the mask they must dive down and untie five rings - once they have all the rings they have to throw them onto five targets. First tribe to get all their rings on the targets wins immunity... and a tarp as Reward.
-Off they go and it's pretty much neck and neck until David gets in the water and scrawny TV writer can barely dog paddle... oof. Millennials all perform relatively well, they are the first to get their mask and start getting their rings but Ken brings Gen X back up so they are neck and neck again. Finally both tribes are throwing their rings and CeCe is hitting the targets! Millennials are getting rings on targets too but in the end its GEN X that wins this Immunity! (I can't help it, I cheered - I am in no way impartial as I'm Gen X through and through.)
Millennials - Day 7
-They dejectedly return to camp but Zeke tells us he can't help but be a little tickled to be going to Tribal Council tonight. He came to vote people out and win a million dollars and he wants to get started.
-Figgy is in the hot seat right now, one person is not allowed to have two votes, it goes against the spirit of the game. Zeke, Mari, Adam and Hannah are talking about voting Figgy out and Mari wants to know what are the odds she'll see a blindside coming? They all say they don't think she will (what? Are you kidding me?) Michaela, Hannah and Will are also talking and Michaela assumes it's a no-brainer that they're voting Figgy, who else could it be?
-Zeke and Adam talk to Jay and tell him that they have to break up the twosome (why did you need to talk to him at all, you know how close he is with them? Is it me or are they all stupid?) Jay is smart enough to play along but he's freaking out, Figgy and Taylor were in his trifecta, and he was riding that pony to the end.
-Zeke goes on to say to Jay that he hopes taking Figgy out will bring Michaela into the group but if it doesn't, she will be the next to go.
-Jay goes and tells Michelle right away what he's learned and Michelle outright refuses to even entertain getting rid of Figgy right now - "We have to switch the vote." And they are going to target Mari (what? The professional gamer girl? I like her.) So first they have to try and get Figgy and Michaela to kiss and make up. Jay talks to Figgy and Michaela and tells them that Zeke told him Figgy was first to go and Michaela would be next so it's in Michaela's best interest to vote with them and take out Mari.
-Meanwhile Michelle is working on Will, he likens Figgy to Parvati and John Cochrane (Whhaaat? Parvati I could see but Cochrane, he's not a pretty, flirty girl) Will just means you give her momentum she can make it all the way to the end. Michelle thinks Figgy isn't fooling anyone so they can take her out later, Mari is the bigger threat being a strategic and physically strong player. Will doesn't like changing plans at this late hour.
-Michelle thinks she may have to pull some strings at Tribal Council to ensure they have the numbers and she gets what she wants.
Everyone is giddy - they feel like they are inside the TV, being in front of Jeff Probst at Tribal Council - it's a terrible thing but Adam for one, can't stop smiling.
-Jeff asks Mari if Millennials are better or less prepared for this type of game having been brought up with texting instead of calling, etc. She says her world is a 2D world playing games on her monitor but being there, looking into the eyes of real people, it's a very different thing. (Okay, didn't answer his question at all.)
-Zeke is having the adventure of a lifetime, he feels like he's the best version of himself out there because he wants to give 100% of himself out there.
-Michaela is not feeling that at all - she's not feeling the love.
-Adam says Michaela is straight shooter which is a hard thing on day one and Michaela starts defending herself but the real story is the side whispering of Michelle to awkward Hannah - telling her that she is voting Mari and asking her to switch her vote. Hannah whispers back that she wants to know why but Michelle just says she promises to tell her later.
-Jeff asks Hannah if people have been bonding and she throws it out there that Figgy and Taylor have been 'very' friendly. Zeke, "If the shelter is a rocking, don't bother knocking."
-So Jeff is distracted talking to Taylor and Figgy about their, for lack of a better term, hooking up and Michelle is right back to whispering with Hannah - Even Jay gets in on the side whispers and confirms for Hannah that he's voting Mari too... and Jeff is wondering what the heck is going on.
-Hannah is too flummoxed to come up with a coherent response - she's all flustered and trying to laugh it off but she has no idea what's happening either.
-Oh and while Figgy and Taylor are trying to laugh off their coupledom and say it shouldn't matter to anyone else, Michaela makes it well known to Jeff that she openly dislikes Figgy and her treating everyone like they're stupid for not just doing what she wants. Figgy for her part, acts the dismissive mean girl,"Oh, are we doing this again?" and I really hope she goes home.
-Everyone else wants to know what Michelle and Hannah are still whispering about but Mari comes to Hannah's rescue saying she's sure it's just Hannah being Hannah and they shouldn't be paranoid, she's probably talking about puppies or butts or something. (Oh Mari, I think you really need to be a little more paranoid.)
Time to Vote:
Zeke votes Figgy
Figgy votes Mari
Hannah takes forever to cast her vote... I thought Jeff was going to go force her to make a decision - but finally she dramatically places her vote.
No hidden idol
Tallying the votes:
Figgy - 1
Mari - 1
Figgy - 2
Mari - 2 (hmm, she's not too happy)
Figgy - 3
Mari - 3, 4, 5 and 6... MARI is the first Millennial voted out (And that really sucks! Why do mean girls prosper?) The only thing Mari says as she leaves is, "Salty." (I think she was too open about her job as a gamer, strategic players are dangerous.)
Next week: Zeke and Adam feel betrayed by Hannah and there is a twist where the Millennials are all drawing from a bag for the opportunity to go visit the Gen X camp (I think.)
Mari's final thoughts: I got snagged from a mile away and I never saw it coming. Survivor is the hardest game I've ever played because it pulls on the heartstrings and playing with human emotion is totally different than playing on a TV screen and... it hurts, man. (Aw, I feel bad for Mari... and also for Bob L. and Sunnie C. who are also out of the pool.)
Have a great weekend everyone,