Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Amazing Race 26 - Premiere Wed, Feb 25/15 Recap

Great Way to Start a Relationship

Is it possible to find true love on a 30K mile Race around the world?  10 strangers are going to try and find out.

There are 6 existing couples on the Race this season as well:
-New Kid on the Block Jonathan and his boyfriend of 7 years Harley, this is totally different than anything he did touring with NKOTB.
-Hairstylists Matt & Ashley, she thought he was gay at first being a hairstylist with really tight pants, they've been together 3 yrs.
-Pilot and Flight attendant Jeff & Lyda, first met 20 years ago at work but didn't start dating until they were both single, been together 4yrs.

And they are going to match 5 single men with blind dates right there at the starting line:
-Tyler, mobile app developer - Cutie McDimples says when they first meet him, most girls like him... but do you get a 2nd date?
-Blair, navy surgeon - extremely picky, doesn't want to waste a lot of his time if a girl doesn't meet his standards (oh boy.)
-Bergen, human resources - he hasn't been on many dates in the past three years because he's always been cheated on (I could stereotype gay men... and I just did.)
-Jelani, lawyer - he's got a great career, he's intelligent and kinda good looking...
-Jeff - sales - he thinks he's a great catch and 100% a 10.

And the girls (and one guy):

-Hayley - pediatric trauma nurse - she's tired of arrogant guys, she just wants someone like her who can handle her energy... and she's paired with Blair, the navy Surgeon (you know, the arrogant one who doesn't want to waste his time.) 
-Jackie - Las Vegas Show Girl is paired with Jeff, the Salesman of few words - and right away she is happy that he's tall, she jumps on him for a hug and wraps her legs around him - Whoa, hello!
-Tyler is matched with Laura - a talent booker who is very open to finding love on the Race.  What better story is there than "I met my
husband on the Amazing Race? (Run Tyler, run!)
-Lawyer Jelani is paired with lawyer Jenny and right away, I get from her body language that she's just not that into him, he, on the other hand looks very happy.  She tells the camera she's never been on a blind date before but she knows unlike a regular blind she's stuck with this one so she better make it work.
-Bergen is paired with Kurt, a pageant consultant, and they have an immediate bond of the same haircut and thick southern accents - okay, it's a little creepy these two are really similar, I hope that works for them.

Laura was the first to speak up with how impressed she is with her blind date/partner but Jelani gains some much needed points from Jenny by saying that he by far got the hottest partner.  Then they all say they are very happy and ready to go.
-The existing couples say they already know each other's strengths and weaknesses so they feel they will have the upper hand against the extreme blind daters.

Phil tells them right out of the gate they are going to get things started with a race for tickets to Tokyo, Japan.  They will have to run along the lake edge until they get to the grueling mud-run.  First 8 teams through the run will get tickets on the first flight to Tokyo, last 3 will be on the second flight.  Then they will drive a Ford Fusion Hybrid to the airport in style.  First team to complete the first leg will also win an Express Pass which could get you out of trouble... because Phil tells them, there is a U-Turn on this first leg.  (They didn't introduce us to all the teams, who is that hairy guy with the I <3 p="" shirt="" stops="" truck="">
Off they go: and the mud run was definitely an interesting way to start a blind date. 
-Nurse Hayley admits she can be high maintenance and hates being wet and dirty like that but she was a trooper (you can't really balk at the first thing.)

Oh, and we meet another long term couple: Lebya (Libby) & CJ, dating 10 years - off and on she tells us since high school - they've been through so much, no one knows each other like they do.
Mike & Rochelle - he's Grizzly Adams and she's bad ass roller derby chick - she came into his truck stop and it was love a first sight - and she is tough so he better do well :)
Harley is a fitness trainer so he's going to be pushing Jon along the way.
Olympians Aly & Steven, she's a short track speed skater and he's a bobsledder - he came home with two bronze medals from the last Olympics but really he came home with the Gold (and they look at each other all lovey-dovey - awww.  This is my team, and I'm feeling good!)

First flight:
Matt & Ashley (hairdressers), Jeff & Jackie (sales & showgirl), Laura & Tyler (she's calling him baby, I still think he should be running the other direction).
Trouble in medical paradise, high maintenance nurse Hayley isn't as physically fit as surgeon Blair and she's whining that he has to wait for her... and he's frustrated by their lack of progress (uh oh.)
Aly & Steven 4th on the first flight, Harley & Jonathan 5th, Jeff & Lyda 6th, Bergen & Kurt 7th and Jelani & Jenny get the last spot even though Blair was standing there waiting for Hayley (you could have gone and helped her dude...)
2nd flight is Blair & Hayley, Mike & Rochelle and last is Libby & CJ.
Then they get to shower together on their first dates too - as they are all trying to scrub some of the mud off before getting in the cars and heading for the airport.  The first flight doesn't leave until 11pm so they have some time.
In the cars the recorded video tells them to head to Tokyo and where to head once they get there to search for the next clue.  Caution, blind U-Turn ahead (What makes it blind you ask? They don't have to post the picture of who U-Turned who.)

Getting to know you in the cars with the blind daters:
-Jeff tells Jackie he can't sing or dance and she tells him she's a professional dancer - she's going to show the world how competitive Vegas Showgirls can be (hey, we saw the movie ;))
-Doctor and Nurse have the most awkward talk, starts with what they do, he hopes they don't have to take care of anyone on the race and then she tells him he looks older than he is (ouch)... and then product placement, time to take a selfie with their selfie cam... oh yeah and they will all be wearing Fitbits throughout the Race.  (Everyone's going to be wearing branding on their clothes next and it will become The Ford Motor Company Race soon, I swear.)
-Laura tells Tyler that she was a psych and business major and she's already doing a psych eval on him (and I'm doing one on her... I don't want to label anyone but she strikes me a little cray) she really appreciated him help pull her through the mud.  He says, we're a team. (Tyler could give Dr. Blair some lessons.)

-Speaking of, Hayley is prattling on in her annoying little voice that she thinks Blair is super attractive which is a good thing and she was worried that he might not like blond people, especially silly, little blondes.  And he just says, "Ahhh." (Hahaha, yeah, there is no love connection here.)
-Jelani and Jenny seem to be bonding better once they get talking about their professions as they are both lawyers.  He seems like a very positive guy and she has a sense of humour (they may have more potential than I thought.)

Once at the airport, Hayley & Blair get something to eat at the food court and she seems to be more into Blair than he is into her... then Jonathan & Hayley come talk to them and they ask what they do, Hayley's a fitness instructor and Jon's... a singer... he tells them he's in New Kids on the Block and Hayley went to their concert (way to recognize him then lady, she is not changing the perceptions of blondes at all this one.)
-We find out that pageant consultant Kurt has never had a boyfriend, never been in a relationship so, he says, hopefully this is the one for him. (Oof, no pressure.)
-We find out the longest dating couple, Libby and CJ, she says they are getting married, she better get a ring and he's saying, "no comment" (haha - this is going to be fun!)

First Flight is going to have a 45 minute lead over the second flight.

Once they reach Tokyo they have to find Kanda Myojin, a 1270 year old Shinto shrine.
First flight arrives and we have a few teams take the Skyliner train, a few teams take taxis and a couple teams take the Narita Express train... hopefully they're all heading in the right direction.

Second flight arrives, Libby & CJ take a taxi cause they don't have subways where they're from - Team Truck Stop takes the Skyliner train and the Medical team misses the train so they are now in last place. (Some how I don't think he'll be that upset to have this date end early.)

Shrine: Legal team, Jelani & Jenny are the first team to get there and they get the clue to the DETOUR: Syncing Steps or Samurai Sake
In Syncing Steps they will join a popular Japanese group and have to learn the slow motion robotic steps to a routine in order to get the next clue.
In Samurai Sake they have to memorize the names of 10 sakes then one team member must take a drink order from a table of samurai and then relay it to their partner at the bar - if they get it right and the Samurai accept the sake and give them a toast, they'll get their next clue.
Jelani & Jenny (Legal Team) choose Synching steps.
Jeff & Jackie (Team JJ) choose Samurai Sake (he did tell her he can't dance so no choreography for that guy.)

Truck Stop Love - we find out that Mike & Rochelle have been dating for 8 months and he hasn't met her son yet, this is a fast forward for their relationship - poor guy, as if this wasn't stressful enough.

Jeff & Jackie get to the Sake task and this seems impossible - the cool Samurai guy tells them the names of the sake rather quickly then sends them in to drink... well, they get a drink order for Kam bey and they have no idea what bottle that is so she just takes one out to the table and it's wrong... yeah, this could take a while.

-Jelani & Jenny get to the park where they see the Synching Steps guys doing their thing and they both think it's so cool... now to learn how to do it.  They choose an instructor and get to learning.

Shrine - Hairdressers Matt & Ashley choose the Synching Steps.
Blind daters Tyler & Laura ask Olympians Aly & Steven what they are going to do and it's Synching Steps for these teams too.
Harley & Jonathan choose Samurai Sake (really? I thought Jon would be totally in for synchronized dance moves with a group, but he says the dancing's not his thing, it takes him a good week to learn their routines so he hopes his memory is better.)

Sake - Jackie & Jeff prove to be very lucky with their second choice of bottles and they get the clue to Wakaba Hikashi Park - and the U-Turn.

Synching steps - Legal team give it a go and Jelani messes up.
Super over-confident Matt (who is reminding me of Dentist Jim from last season) & Ashley are next to attempt the dance and he totally messes them up - and eventhough he screwed up he says they don't have to practice anymore, he's got this (no, no you don't.)

Jeff & Jackie can't find an empty taxi to get to the park.

More teams get to the shrine;  Jeff & Lyda and Bergen & Kurt are doing Synching steps - and they see Team Truck Stop show up which freaks them out because they were on the second flight and have caught up. (Narita Express train was not so Express for them.)
Team Truck Stop is also going to be Synching Steps. (Yikes).

Libby & CJ also doing Synching Steps and that means the Medical Team is lost and still in last place.  Hayley asks for directions and they finally find the shrine - and are also doing the dance.

Sake - Jonathan & Harley arrive and get the Sake breakdown, Harley takes the order and Jonathan grabs the right bottle first try!  Wow, this was definitely the task to choose.  Off they head for the U-Turn.

And they end up getting a taxi pretty much at the same time as Jeff & Jackie... hmm, I wonder if these teams will U-Turn anyone.

Back at the park and everyone is there - and no one can do this synchronized stepping - it's a lot harder than it looks.
-Over-confidant Matt is counting really loud but he's not actually doing the steps to the count - (I think he needs a mirror so he can see he's not doing anywhere near what he's supposed to be doing.)

Libby & CJ get directions to the park from a local store where the guy sends them to the train... and these poor suckers are awash in a sea of Japanese people and confusing train maps... they filmed it like an acid trip - but they finally get on a train.

Dr Blair & Hayley get to the Synching steps just before Libby & CJ... now all but two teams are at this task and no one has completed it successfully yet...
Until Laura & Tyler that is - they are the first team to get the pity pass on the Syncing Steps... He likes to dance and she thinks he has everything she could want in a partner.
-Legal team Jenny & Jelani are the next team to get a pass and they actually did it crisper in my opinion, of course they were there the longest too.

Jonathan & Harley's cab driver took them to a bank instead of the park they needed to go to.

Jeff & Jackie were the first team to the U-Turn board and they decide not to U-Turn anybody because they're pretty sure they're first.  They get the clue to the Pit Stop - UDX parking building.

Over-confident Matt is still messing up, and he's frustrated Matt now.
Olympians Aly & Steven are the next team to get a pass.

U-Turn board - Legal Team don't U-Turn anybody, neither do Laura & Tyler (I think the Syncing Steps was punishment enough for all these teams.)

Jeff & Jackie are running all over the UDX building (large parking structure) looking for Phil.  While Jelani & Jenny are being lawyerly while in the taxi re-reading the clue and dissecting the language - it says "in the vicinity" of the building, so he could be outside...

Meanwhile, in the building Jackie & Jeff re-read the clue and when she hears vicinity she wonders if he's outside, then looks daggers at Jeff, "If this costs us the Express Pass, it will be devastating..."(and that look said, "For you!")

Back at Syncing Step park - it's getting dark and we still have six teams... Bergen & Kurt are the next to finally get a pity pass.  Dr. Blair & Nurse Hayley are the next to pass and everyone else is just getting more bitter.

-Jonathan & Harley finally find the park & U-Turn board just as the Olympians get there - and neither team U-Turns anybody.  They head for the Pit Stop.

-Over-confident Matt & Frustrated Hayley (the hairdressers) are the next team to pass the dance routine.
-Rochelle is not very coordinated and she's crying with frustration (you can go do the sake.)

-Kurt & Bergen get to the U-Turn board and they also don't U-Turn anybody.

-Roller Derby Rochelle and Pilot Jeff have no coordination, and I bet they are so tired by this point... I think I would have switched tasks by now.  Libby & CJ are the next team to pass the dancing, it wouldn't get them into the troop but they technically did all the steps I guess.

And we're down to two.  Rochelle has a bit of a break down but Mike remains calm and encouraging until she pulls it together and they get a pass on their next attempt (Yay! I was rooting for these two crazy kids.) 
-Poor Pilot Jeff just cannot get the steps and Lyda thinks they are too tired to remember 10 sakes at this point.

Teams are still getting lost trying to find the park where the U-Turn is - Medical Team and Libby & CJ are lost again.

-Truck Stop Love is the next team to the U-Turn and they decide to U-Turn Pilot Jeff & Lyda - the only team they know is still behind them.  They are there to win a million dollars, not make friends (ah, there's the old reality show trope.)
-Medical Team is the next to the U-Turn board and choose not to U-Turn anyone.
-Over-confident Matt & Ashley are next and they don't U-Turn anyone either.

Back at the Sync step - Lyda is teary and finally puts her foot down, that they are not giving up and have to get this done.  Finally she drags him through the dance and they get a pass! (But I feel so bad for them...) They get to the U-Turn board and see that they've been U-turned but they also see that there are two clues in the box so there must be one other team still not there... They decide to U-Turn Jeff & Jackie (but they are way ahead of them) it's Libby & CJ still lost in Tokyo.

Sake Samurai - Pilot Jeff proves to have a way better memory than dance ability and they get the right sake on the first try. (Oh, I bet they are kicking themselves!)

Libby & CJ are still lost, they've run into the same cab driver three times, he doesn't know where they need to go but then they get in anyway and he takes them to the park.  They are not U-Turned so they take the clue to the Pit Stop.

-Jeff & Lyda get back to the U-Turn board and grab the clue to the Pit Stop too.

-Libby & CJ head into the UDX building looking for Phil and CJ says the clue says in the vicinity...
-Jeff & Lyda  show up and...

Here's How They Finished:
1) Jelani & Jenny - The Legal Team - They tried the most awkward high five I have ever seen - but they agree this has been an awesome, really long date.  And they won the Express Pass.
2) Jeff & Jackie - Team JJ - (there are a lot of J names this season) - these two blind dating teams are proving the existing couples may not have an advantage in this game.
3) Tyler & Laura - another blind date team - they have been working together really well and who knows, there could be the potential for love... and that came from Tyler not her - huh.
4) Aly & Steve - the first Olympians to arrive and the first team with an existing relationship too...
5) Harley & Jonathan - Oh oh ohohoh... yeah, they started playing The Right Stuff (hahaha!)
6) Bergen & Kurt - they're not sure if this will be a love connection but they will definitely be friends.
7) Mike & Rochelle - Phil calls them on using the U-Turn and they said they thought they were second to last and had no choice.  A million dollars would mean security for Rochelle & her son.
8) Hayley & Blair - she shrieks when she sees him and when Phil says, that's a lot of shrieking, she blames it on Blair... and he takes the blame.  I think this super long day has made this bad blind date into an old married couple (okay, maybe not.)
9) Matt & Ashley - Matt agrees with Phil that Hayley & Blair could be a love connection.
10) Libby & CJ - They are still in the Race by the skin of their teeth.
11) Jeff & Lyda - **ELIMINATED** He gives her props for never giving up on him through the dancing - their relationship is as strong as ever. Lyda says she has no regrets but I'm sure sake will have new meaning to them forever more.

So with Jeff & Lyda being first out, that takes Kim B/Gail W., Jeremy N., Ozzy R., Bryon L. and Drew C. out of the pool.

And there is another new episode this Friday, Feb 27th.

It was a good start, I think this blind date twist is going to make for an exciting season.

Have a great weekend everyone,


Survivor Worlds Apart - Premiere Wed, Feb 25/15

It's Survivor Warfare

Last night was the premiere of Survivor Worlds Apart where 18 contestants were split into three tribes based on their occupations and approach to life.

White Collar: made up of a Yahoo Executive (I think that's my girl), a media consultant and former college professor (with an epic hipster beard) - this is Max who once taught a college course on Survivor and says there is very little he's set his mind to that he hasn't achieved (oy) and a Retail Buyer - this is So, she says she's made everyone who's worked for her cry at one time or another... she says she's the devil... (hey, hey, hey, that's up to us to decide :)
Carolyn - corporate exec, she's worked in some pretty hard core companies where everyone is going for your job, just like Survivor.
Blue Collar: State trooper, barrel racer (both women) and postal worker - they aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to get the job done.  We hear from oil and gas worker Mike, if you're not getting your hands dirty, you're not going to win - and my hands are going to be filthy.  Single mom and hairstylist Lindsey, says there is no one as strong as she is... and she's got sweet neck and face tattoos to prove it (?). 22 year veteran of the post office Dan, he's there to live his dream - he's wanted to be on Survivor since season one, episode one and he's determined to be remembered (oh no, that doesn't bode well for his poor tribemates.)
No Collar: Sailing instructor, U-Tube Sensation and Coconut vendor, they use their free spirit mentality to go further in life.
Sailing Instructor Jenn flies by the seat of her pants, she does what she wants to do, when she wants to do it (so not a lot of strategizing coming from this one I'm thinking.) Hali is a law student who wants to defend the poor and downtrodden - she's for the greater good.  Vince, the long haired coconut vendor with white feathers braided in it says he is a seeker of truth, a seer of real, he is guided by his own decisions and there are no rules for him (yeah, this guy would drive me crazy). He says his personality is like surfing a wave, so just let him surf it for a second.

 The ultimate challenge, white collar vs blue collar vs no collar... Which way of life will prove to be most valuable?
White Collar: Marketing Director, Joaquin - slicked back goomba hair - says he always wants to be the guy in charge - fast money, loose women, lots of champagne, are you kidding me? (No, are you kidding me? - I think Joaquin and I would have some issues.)
No Collar: Joe - jewelry designer - doesn't want people to see him as a threat, he wants them to think he's there for the beaches when he's really there to beat them in Survivor.
Blue Collar: Rodney, general contractor - people look at me and think I'm a meat head but in this competition I'm filet mignon and they're a bunch of steak 'ems (what is that?)
Jeff: 39 days, 18 people, ONE survivor!

Finally the three trucks carrying the tribes make it to the beach and they disembark to meet Jeff.
White Collar - Shirin, our Yahoo Executive (and my pick in the pool) says she's wanted to play this game since she was 16, 10 years of applying and yet she's never been more prepared to play this game - it's Fate! (I surely hope so!)

Jeff welcomes them and explains how they are divided.

White collar: professionally in some position of authority, they like calling the shots and making the rules.
We hear from Tyler - who has taken off his glasses and cocked a hip to try and look more cool maybe... but, reading a book by it's cover, I'm not feeling it.  He says he worked in one of the most cut-throat talent agency in the world and sees no problems going from the urban jungle to the actual jungle.
Blue collar: professionally usually physically involved in your work, usually following the rules.
Jeff talks to Dan who agrees he's with his brothers and sisters, blood, sweat and tears, calluses on their hands but at the end of the day smiles on their faces knowing they've done a good days work (and Shirin is rolling her eyes at him - crap, is she the bitch?)
 Jeff asks hairdresser Lindsey if she agrees with Dan's speech and she says, "The winner of this show is on this mat." (okay then.)
No collar: The free spirits - their professions tend to center around their passions - they don't make the rules or follow the rules - they tend to break the rules.
Coconut vendor Vince says he embraces that 100%, seeing these people he knew he was with his family.  The free smiles tells him all he needs to know.

Then we hear from Rodney again who lies about his profession, saying he moves furniture, all the office equipment the lazy people won't move... but then he tells the camera he "don't do that no more" - now he uses his mind and hustles selling himself to make money. (It says he's a general contractor so it's not as salacious as it sounded.)

White collar Carolyn says the other tribes are giving them a bad rap, they work just as hard and have just as much free spirit as anyone else there (bor-ring!)
Joaquin says it's fine being on the White collar tribe - his 9 to 5 doesn't define who he is.

Jeff then tells them to choose one person to represent their tribe. Professor Max says the one thing he's learned by studying this game is that you never put yourself in a position of power... they choose Joaquin as their rep.

Blue collar: they go with wisdom and choose Dan, the grey-bearded speaker of truth!  He knows it's a double edged sword.
No collar: takes a little discussion but Will promises them sandwiches so they choose big guy Will. 
-Jeff asks what he's going to make sandwiches with and he blusters on about having a whole food array from the sea...
We find out Will is the U-Tube sensation that had a video of himself and his wife dancing at a gas station go viral.

Jeff then wants them to choose a second member to help them make a decision:  Dan is joined by Oilman Mike, Joaquin has So volunteer and Will is joined by Sailing instructor Jenn.

White collar is the Masaya tribe, Blue Collar is Escameca and No collar is Nagarote.  Jeff gives them all maps to their camp and tells them when they get there, the couples will split up and make a big decision for the tribe.
Carolyn of the White collar tribe says she feels like the other tribes is out to get them but she doesn't think this has to do with class, it's just Survivor Warfare!

No Collar - Day 1
Hali - law student - is really happy with her tribe, they're all laid back and she thinks they'll have a great time.
Nina, is the older lady on the tribe and she tells them all she's completely deaf, she lost her hearing 7 years ago but has cochlear implants so she can hear.  They all agree they got her, hands in.
-Before they all split up to scout spots for camp, Jenn suggests they discuss what they all want supposing the decisions she and Will have to make will have to do with food or shelter... Advantage is number one, food two... working as a team, that's how they'll win.
-So off Will and Jenn go to make their decision - they have the choice between Honest or Deceive.  If they choose to deceive they will get a small bag of beans for the tribe and a clue to the hidden immunity idol.  If they choose to be honest, they will get a large bag of beans for the tribe and they'll gain favour.
-They decide to be Honest, obviously they are making the decision that will benefit the whole tribe, they are not in the individual game, they are doing the best for the group.

Blue Collar - Day 1
Mike and Dan are faced with the same dilemma - Dan says in his heart he wants to be a good guy but villains win this game - unfortunately he thinks it's too early to be a bad guy.  They agree they should take the big bag of beans.
-So the guys get back to camp and tell the others their choice and barrel racer Sierra doesn't believe they chose the big bag of beans, she thinks it's a little bag and they kept the clue for
themselves (so it begins...) Sierra tells Lindsey she thinks they're lying and Dan & Mike know they made the right decision, they just don't know if everyone believed them.

White Collar - Day 1
Carolyn approaches this as first day of training and you start with the introductions:
Joaquin, from New York, Marketing Director for blah blah blah.
Tyler, worked at largest Hollywood talent agency.
Max, California, researcher and consultant...
Carolyn is all proud that they all knew what to do, they're not ashamed of being white collar.
Joaquin and So face their decision and Joaquin proves he's as  slimy as his hair - immediately he says they are choosing Deceive, and he pretty much bullies her into agreeing.  He says if there is an advantage he's going to take it and he refers to her as a cutie, so discounting her right away - ugh, this guy.
She agrees, who doesn't like to have an advantage but that also means she's kind of stuck with Joaquin... she feels like she made a deal with the devil (well, something that slithers anyway.)
Joaquin and So head back to camp, hiding the clue under a rock along the way and then they concoct this story that there were three boxes, honest, deceive and neutral and they chose neutral because they were afraid of what would happen with the other two (that makes no sense.)  Carolyn doesn't trust them, she thinks they have the clue to the hidden immunity idol but she can't be pissed off at anyone, this is a game.
Shirin and Max don't buy it either - they were terrible liars.
Shirin knows that it was obviously Honesty or Deception and those two chose deception so she wants to start making connections (networking!) and she approaches Carolyn who was down and they also talk to hipster academic Max who is also in - so these three are tight and going to work it from there.

Blue Collar - Day 1
Girls are catching crabs, guys are gathering wood, they work together to make fire... blue collar are all pitching in and getting things done.

Rodney and Lindsey start to bond over their many tattoos, and he shares the story of the memorial piece he has for his murdered sister... He says he knew he could get any of the girls with that story (WHAT?) and it's his strategy to get all the girls.  And then he said this, "Girls want to sit back and let a man take the leader role," (I think I'm going to have a problem with Rodney too) so he wants to get the girls, be their leader and take them to the merge with him. (Or one of the women can use him as a human shield, that could work.)
Oilman Mike tries to prove he's a man by eating a scorpion... gross...but then it comes right back up... hahaha!

No Collar - Day 1
-They bond over their first coconut, they just love everyone... then Feather Vince approaches Jenn to make an alliance... or is it more?  He instantly liked her smile but then tells the camera one of his weaknesses is his intense attraction to women (ick)... Jenn says he was exactly what she thought he was (she's no dummy) but he's also playing harder than she would have guessed so she's using a smile and nod approach with Vince right now.
-Back at camp, Vince has decided how he wants the shelter to be built and Joe, who's worked in construction, goes along until Vince tells him to do something that is wrong and he stands up to the feathered one...which doesn't sit well with Vince.  Vince says Joe wanting to do things his way and only his way has put up a big red flag to him (no, he just doesn't want to do it your way, and that rankles... I think Vince and Joe are duking it out for alpha.)

Blue Collar - Day 2
They are having trouble getting the shelter built because they don't have anyone making decisions.  Lindsey makes a suggestion and Dan straight out says it's stupid, that's the stupidest thing you could do... Sierra and Lindsey are not impressed with Dan's gruff demeanor, to them, he's the one that doesn't belong. (Me thinks Dan is hangry.  Give him a cheeseburger and he'd be much nicer.)
-State Trooper Kelly sees Dan condescendingly lecturing the younger girls and knows he just doesn't have the social skills to deal with 20 year olds.
-Dan can't win so he goes to get firewood - Rodney swoops in and tells his girls that they have to get rid of Dumbledore.
-Mike is assuring Dan that he has a friend in him, if no one else on the tribe.

No Collar - Day 2
-Joe sets out to make fire, he researched how to do it on U-Tube then practiced every day before going out there.  Jenn seems smitten with tall, good looking Joe and Vince isn't happy with her flirting with his rival... and it's just made worse when Joe does get the fire going and becomes the conquering hero.
-Vince now has to feel out who Jenn is as a person... and the first thing he asks her is if she's attracted to Joe. (Oh sweet jebus, Vince has got to go.) Jenn can't believe Vince got his puppy dog feelings hurt but she thinks she can handle him, she assures him she still wants to align with him - but the damage is done, he just thinks she's fake now... Then he wheedles a hug out of her and gets his smelly pit all up in her face... I think Jenn may be out after that.

White Collar - Day 2
-They seem to have gotten the farthest with their shelter but it's obviously not good enough for talent agent assistant Tyler who says it's average... yet I didn't seem him lift a finger to build it.
-They make a list of priorities - fix the shelter and get fire.  The girls work on the shelter and Tyler and Joaquin are trying to make fire but obviously there was no U-Tube or practicing before hand and Tyler can't figure out why he can't get the fire going.  None of them know how to do it - Joaquin says why would they, they hire blue collar to start the fire - he throws up his hands and goes to look for the hidden immunity idol.
-Carolyn is pretty sure Joaquin and So have a clue to the hidden idol so she's watching them like a hawk.  She sees So searching in a tree and going from seasons past she starts looking around too... and Carolyn finds the hidden immunity idol!  Way to go lady!

Lots of obstacles - first they slide down into a pile of hay, then high step through a bamboo obstacle- then one person has to start trying to release a ladder using either a ring of keys to try and unlock a series of locks or untying a ridiculous amount of knots.  The tribes are all neck and neck to the ladder and they all start trying the locks but soon they all tap out and have a second person start on the knots - this is where the divide starts - So and Joe get the White and No collar tribes ahead and it's Mike making Blue fall behind.
-After using their ladder to get through another couple obstacles, they then have to make a decision on the final puzzle they're going to attempt - a big picture 5 piece puzzle - a visual 10 piece put the leaves on the tree puzzle - or a 50 piece spell out the saying puzzle.
-No Collar is the first tribe to the puzzle choice and they go for the visual make a pretty tree 10 piece puzzle.
-White Collar goes for the easiest 50 piece puzzle (huh, I thought they'd do the 5 piece.
-Blue is still way behind.
Jenn started the puzzle for No collar but quickly taps out for Joe and he starts flying through the puzzle.
-Shirin can't figure out the easy puzzle (oh great.)
-Blue finally gets to choose their puzzle and they also go with the 10pc.
Joe, wins first immunity for No Collar and they also get a great big fire making kit.
Shirin is starting to get the first word together on their 50 pc puzzle.
Sierra starts working on the tree puzzle and when she gets a piece Shirin starts freaking out.   Max forces Shirin to tap out and Mike steps in for Sierra.
Max is making progress but 50 is a lot more than 10 pcs and Blue Collar is able to make the come back to win the 2nd immunity and reward of flint. 
That mean White Collar is going to tribal council and Shirin may be leaving as she was totally ineffectual on the puzzle... great.
So says that Shirin and Carolyn were the weakest links on their team... huh, what did Carolyn do? Or not do? 

White Collar - They get back to camp and they know what needs to happen - they wonder if they should make a chart of the order they will get rid of people - how white collar.
Carolyn tells the camera they all know it's one of the girls going home tonight because they are perceived as being weaker... it is what it is.
Max talks to So, she crushed her part in the challenge so she's not going anywhere - Max thinks she's thinking Shirin but So says at least Shirin spoke up and tried, Carolyn was content to do nothing and that's worse in her opinion.
So talks to all the boys to get them on board with voting out Carolyn and Carolyn is quietly watching all this worried that they may want her out because she's the oldest (no, you're probably the smartest and that's more threatening.)
-Carolyn straight out asks Joaquin and So who they are voting for and they both hesitate a little too long before J. gives her his New York word that he's not voting for her and So says she can vouch for that (your words mean nothing to her... Carolyn is not feeling comfortable.)
-Tyler is the only one that comes to Carolyn and tells her that her name has been brought up then he asks what she knows about idols and she tells him she KNOWS none of them have the idol... because she has it.  Tyler tells her she won't have to play it.
-Carolyn goes to talk to her alliance of Shirin and Max and the girls want to take So out.  Max knows Carolyn is older which puts her on the outs but then So put herself in a bad position when she chose to lie to the tribe from the get go - they have to talk to The Big Man (Tyler).
-Tyler says going by strength, Carolyn should go but going by integrity, So would be the choice to leave... then Carolyn admitted she had an idol which makes Tyler think she should be the first person voted out... either way, someone is going to be shocked! (The most shocking elimination ever?  I doubt it.)


Jeff wants to start with the opening dilemma, he asks Joaquin how that went.
-He sticks to the three box story.
-Shirin says she's a big fan of the show and isn't buying his story.  She thinks they have a clue to a hidden immunity idol and they were being dishonest.
-Max says he's not angry they made that decision, he'd probably have made the same decision but he would have just done a better job of lying about it. (Exactly, So should have taken some acting lessons before going out there.)
-So says it's a little heart-breaking for it come out this way, the four of us are really strong...
-Carolyn pipes in, Four? Who are the four? (If you have to ask, it's not you.)
-Joaquin supplies the answer: Joaquin, Max, Tyler and So.
-And then everyone is accusing everyone of lying, Carolyn and So declare they don't trust each other...
-So makes her pitch that Shirin and Carolyn are the weakest links, Carolyn tries to say that So's ability to untie knots does not make her a stronger player but Tyler disagrees and supports that So's focus and ability gave them a lead in the challenge.
-So remains calm and continues to point out that Carolyn did nothing and she contributed in the challenge but Carolyn is obviously on the defensive and desperately says she's been working her butt off around camp and is baffled they would try to vote her out first.
-Tyler knows they have to try and remain strong mentally and physically if they want to have a shot against the other tribes.
-Max is thankful to the Survivor gods for making his first tribal council everything he could want, with a wicked downpour and lots of drama.

Time to Vote:
Carolyn votes for So.
So votes for Carolyn.

Tallying the votes:
Hidden Immunity idol: Carolyn makes a show of looking at Joaquin and So, but then doesn't play her idol...

Carolyn - 1
So - 1
Carolyn - 2
So - 2, 3, 4... and it's SO who is the first person votes out. (Hm, I'm surprised that Shirin escaped even being on the block... but I think it goes to show, if you're going to lie, be better at it.)
And with So being the first casualty of the game: Katie L., Krista K., and Jeff T. are out of the pool. 

Next week: The White collar tribe becomes the naked tribe (Don't try to Richard Hatch us again, please) and Nina (deaf lady) takes on her whole tribe (yes, there is crying, are the no collars jerks?)

So's final thoughts: This was her worst nightmare.  They definitely made a mistake and got rid of someone who is an asset in challenges.  This hurt a lot... blah blah blah. (I know I overused the blah blahs but the show was long.)

Have a great rest of your week everybody,

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Amazing Race 26 - Blind Date - POOL PICKS

Amazing Race 26: Extreme Blind Date
Aly & Steven1. Heather G.   Jelani & Jenny 1. Shelley A.
Dating 7 months2. Emily H. Blind Dating 2. Patty F.
Olympian3. Donna P.   3. Andria S.
  4. Susan N.   4. Pat T.
  5. Coleen T.     5. Robert L.
Bergen & Kurt1. Danny R.  Lebya & CJ1.Cara & Alex L.
Blind Dating 2. The Dream Team  Dating for 10 years2. Tori K.
 3. Lois & Dave L. Put a ring on it already!3. Krista H.
 4. Carol-Anne D.   4. Elaine R.
  5. Natalie O.     5. Shane B.
Blair & Hayley 1. Kim A.  Matt & Ashley1. Ian G.
Blind Dating 2. Hardeep G./Harjeet P. ENGAGED2. Laura W.
  3. Sue S.  3. Alexis G.
  4. Miranne D.  4. Rachel R.
  5. Chandra K.    5. Lynne B.
Harley & Jonathan1. Roxanne S.   Mike & Rochelle1. Lee B.
Dating for 7 years2. Lindsey J. Dating for 2 years2. Sue & Hannelore
NKOTB 3. Don T.   3. Philip K.
 4. Monica S.   4. Sandy G.
Non-Elimination (3rd leg) 5. Nenad M.     5. Jeff T.
Jeff & Lyda1. Kim B./Gail W.   Tyler & Laura 1. Sia D.
Dating for 4 years2. Jeremy N. Blind Dating 2. Kevin R.
 3. Ozzy R.   3. Cindi & Robert
 FIRST OUT 4. Bryon L.  WINNERS 4. Sharon R.
 5. Drew C.     5. Bob L.
Jeffrey & Jackie1. Denise R.
Blind Dating2. Katie L.
 3. Cindi C.
 4. Jasmina J. Phil Keoghan
  5. Bernice R. Host - Eye Brow Expressionist
Premiere: Wednesday, February 25th

Survivor 30: Worlds Apart - POOL PICKS

Survivor 30: Worlds Apart
Tribe:  Masaya White Collar   Tribe:  Escameca Blue Collar   Tribe: Nagarote No Collar
Max Dawson1. Kim B./Gail W.   Lindsey Cacaddan1. Roxanne S.  Joe Anglim1. Ian G.
Age: 37 2. Bernice R. Age: 242. Robert L. Age: 252. Manny W.
  3. The Dream Team    3. Philip K.    3. Sue S.
Tyler Fredrickson1. Cindi & Robert   Dan Foley1. Natalie O.  Jenn Brown1. Nenad M.
Age: 332. Alexis G. Age: 472. Jenn G. Age: 222. Lee B.
  3. Lynne B.    3. Andria S.    3. Shelley A.
So Kim1. Katie L.   Mike Holloway 1. Sunnie C.  Hali Ford1. Cameron A.
Age: 312. Krista H.   Age: 38 2. Judy C.   Age: 252. Maureen M.
 FIRST OUT3. Jeff T.    WINNER 3. Susan N.     3. Amy K.
Shirin Oskooi1. Elaine R.  Rodney Lavoie Jr.1. Tam J.  Nina Poersch1. Lindsey J.
Age: 312. Cindi C.  Age: 242. Sue & Hannelore  Age: 512. Gillian H.
 3. Coleen T.     3. Tori K.    3. Jeremy N.
Carolyn Rivera 1. Donna P.   Kelly Remington1. Carol-Anne D.   Will Sims II 1. Bryon L.
Age: 52 2. Kevin C.   Age: 442. Heather G.   Age: 41 2. Sharon R.
  3. Chandra K.     3. Lois & Dave L.     3. Mike L.
Joaquin Souberbielle1. Ritch G.   Sierra Dawn Thomas1. Drew C.   Vince Sly1. Monica S.
Age: 272. Cara & Alex L.   Age: 272. Emily H.  Age: 32 2. Kim A.
 3. Shane B.     3. Kevin R.   Coconut Vendor3. Bob L.
Premiere: Wednesday, February 25th