This Is Where We Build Trust
Last week on Survivor we saw the epic blindside of firefighter Jeremy after he tried to catch Jon in a lie about his hidden immunity idol... and they told us there are actually three hidden idols - Keith has one that Reed told everyone about, Jon has another that he told Jaclyn and Missy about and there is a third one at camp that no one has found yet (they showed Baylor and Natalie reading a clue at Exile island - I totally don't remember that.)
Huyopa - Night 24
They return from Tribal Council and the Rude boys (what I'm calling Keith, Wes and Alec) are looking at Reed like he's the mastermind because he was somehow able to magic his way into staying (if Keith is to be believed.) "Reed is a gamer. He's able to talk to people and figure the numbers which is way above me."
-Reed is telling them to lay low and let him figure things out. Reed tells the camera he has to decide if he's going to side with the majority and pick off the Rude boys or if he tries to work with them to take out Jon.
-Natalie is talking to the rest of her alliance (which is now Jon and the girls) and tells them she feels totally blindsided and doesn't know if she can trust them (she's being very calm but it looked like she was more in shock.)
-Jon tells her the reason this happened was because he does have an idol that he found on Exile and he wouldn't have told her that unless he trusted her... he's trying to tell her everything is the exact same, but she's no dummy. Natalie wants to give Jon a taste of his own medicine, she's just got to pick the right time.
-Later that night, everyone is sleeping and Natalie gets up to look for the third hidden immunity idol, the one Baylor showed her the clue to while they were at Exile island. This is the first step in her plan of Revenge on Jon.
They are out on the water for this one. Jeff tells them they will divide into two teams, dive into the water, climb up a platform, jump off the platform and grab a key, then swim over and collect a big ol' puzzle piece they have to swim back to their home platform, then the next person goes. Once they collect all the puzzle pieces they have to build a puzzle statue - first team to get it right wins the reward: Ambassadors of baseball to the locals - deliver baseball equipment to a local village and enjoy watching them play while eating baseball food: hot dogs, hamburgers, caramel corn, etc.
Teams are:
Yellow: Reed, Alec, Jaclyn and Jon
Blue: Baylor, Missy, Natalie and Wes.
Keith is sitting this one out - no challenge and no reward for him.
Off they go - Wes gets blue out to a bit of a lead and Missy holds it against Jaclyn but then Reed gains the lead over Baylor and Alec keeps the lead over Natalie but the teams are still very close... until Blue can't get their pieces unlocked and Yellow completes their statue before Blue even gets started.
As usual Jeff is trying to create drama, he asks Baylor why she was almost crying to lose this Reward and she says her mom hasn't won a reward yet and she really wanted to win for her (ugh) and wouldn't you know it, perfectly set up for Reed to step forward and say he wants to give up his place in the Reward for Missy (currying favour in that way doesn't work, just ask Jeremy... and hey, wasn't Reed the guy pointing out their hypocrisy? The worm has definitely turned my friends.)
-And the winners send Wes to Exile Island. (I totally thought they were about to send Reed - I would have laughed!)
-And we find out Reed's ulterior motive in giving up the Reward, he is going to be laying the ground work to take out Jon... (so he didn't want to go on Reward with him, that wouldn't get him an further in the game.)
-Happy Venezuelan kids getting baseball equipment and Missy feels recharged just by the pure joy of the kids.
-Jon shares some ice cream with a little boy and he tells us that he's always wanted kids but apparently Jaclyn can't have them - she has a condition - but he's not going to leave her for that, they'll adopt when the time comes (holy getting to know you, I don't know if they needed to share that with the world, but okay.)
Huyopa - Day 25
The others get back to camp and Reed's first order of business is explaining the game to Keith (LOL) - he lays it out that the other alliance knows he has an idol so they'll likely split their votes between Keith and Wes but Reed plans on voting with the Rude boys and at four strong they should be able to take out Jon. Keith thinks that's a good plan (though it doesn't seem like he gets the math.)
(I'm kinda surprised Reed didn't want to talk to Natalie.)
-Natalie has her own agenda, she sent the boys to check the fishing lines while she and Baylor went for "water" but what she is really doing is searching for that hidden immunity idol. Baylor's like, oh shoot, okay. And Natalie finds the idol, buried right by the fire in the middle of camp... they were so excited and I swear Baylor tried to snatch it out of her hand at one point - but now Natalie has her new little twinnie - her idol. And the girls start scheming. Natalie tells Baylor they should keep Jon around for one more vote, take out Reed first then Jon so that the boys won't out number the girls anymore and they won't be able to pick them off.
-Even though Natalie wants Jon gone for Jeremy, she thinks Reed is the bigger threat because he's good at the challenges and also so good at the game play.
They will balance their feet on a very narrow perch (two inches deep at the most) and then hold onto a handle above their head with their back up against a plank. If at any time they let go of the handle or if a foot comes off the perch, they are out. Last person left balancing, wins immunity.
Off they go... and Jeff comes out with a covered item - it's tempting time. He uncovers a plate of candy; gummy bears, chocolate bar, sugar, sugar, sugar! Everyone is saying no, Jeff even takes a bite of the chocolate bar figuring no one is taking him up on it... and then Jon says he'll take it (What?) He steps off and makes a huge show of eating that chocolate bar (what a jerk.)
Keith calls him on being soft and showing how safe he's feeling... it'ss pretty telling to those not in the know about his hidden immunity idol.
30 minutes in and Missy gives up, for nothing she just can't take it anymore.
Next thing you know, Jeff brings out another temptation - plate of chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of milk and Baylor and Jaclyn are both down like a shot - beating Wes who asked if two people stepped down do they have to share it... I believe the answer is yes, and the girls beat him to it.
45 minutes in - Jeff brings out a plate of chicken wings and two cold beers - Wes is down like a shot and gets it all to himself - which is probably a good thing cause he doesn't look like he's good at sharing food.
Keith points out to Natalie that she's the only one still up there from her team - proves that she's fighting for her team but he, Reed and Alec are fighting for their lives.
Jeff asks what does that say about Wes? Keith says he has a food weakness and he'll have a talk with him later (meanwhile Wes is inhaling the wings - and tells us he won an eating contest in the past - no shocker there.)
1hr, 20 minutes - Jon is licking his plate - Keith's feet look purple and he finally steps down. Leaving Natalie, Alec and Reed... and Alec is the net to step down.
3 hours in - Natalie and Reed are still battling it out and she starts negotiating with Jeff - "Any more food coming out?" Basically, Reed doesn't look like he's moving and she doesn't want to step down for nothing - pizza? a cookie? glass of ice water?? Jeff says, "Alright" and he comes back with a tray with pizza, chicken wings, a cookie, beer and water...or she can hold on for the hidden immunity necklace.
Natalie says if she's going to step down, might as well eat something and she literally falls from the perch and can't move. Once Reed hears Jeff say he's won immunity, he lets go but he also can't move - their legs are done. Finally Natalie gets up and starts chowing down and Reed does perfect dancer splits in the sand while Jeff comes over and puts the necklace around his neck.
-Now Reed is just hoping he can rally people around him to take Jon out tonight.
Huyopa - Day 26
-They return from the Immunity challenge and Reed is ready to put his plan into action. He's going to try and make the majority alliance split their votes 4 for Keith and 3 for Wes making them believe he and Alec are voting with them, then the Rude boys (and Reed) will vote four strong for Jon.
-So Reed fills in Alec, who is completely in and then they tell Missy & Baylor they will vote with them and Reed lays out the plan to split the votes between Keith and Wes.
-Missy then talks to Jon and she truly believes they need to flush out Keith's idol but Jon tells her that Reed is not going to vote with them (he's no dummy) but Missy is convinced that Reed and Alec really want to be in with them. And to solidify, Alec comes up to them holding fish for some reason and he tells Jon he is totally in with them - he tries to look him in the eye, it's a little sideways... Jon isn't sure of Alec but he feels like they are trying to build trust with him.
-Jon says he's feeling like this is the first Tribal Council where he's not really calling the shots, he's at the mercy of his alliance and he doesn't like it.
-Jon goes on to tell the camera that he's saving the hidden immunity idol for him or Jaclyn, whoever makes it further and it would be selfish for him to use it for himself right now (what?) He's feeling reassured after his talk with Alec that things are going to go as planned tonight.(Why anyone would believe Alec is beyond me.)
Jeff starts off by pointing out that two very strong players have been voted off in a row, Josh and then Jeremy, how does that make you feel? -Jaclyn says she thinks she's in the five strong right now but who knows.
-Baylor acknowledges that trust is very difficult in this game. Just because someone saying they're 100% in with you doesn't mean that they are - ever.
Yet, not a single idol has been played this season.
-Keith says obviously somebody feels comfortable - I don't know.
-Natalie says if she ever has an idol it could feel like a blessing and a curse because you feel the pressure to use it at the perfect time and it's all about timing in this game.
-Reed says it was very telling at the challenge when five stepped down that were obviously very comfortable but it was interesting when Wes stepped down, he is obviously not with that group so it makes you wonder then, do Wes and Keith have an idol, are they sharing it or what really is happening here? (wow, no beating around the bush for Reed.)
It doesn't get more direct than that.
-Keith says, "no it does not - and then everyone is talking, idols are everywhere and all I can say (and he looks directly at Reed) is stick to the plan." (WHAT THE... Keith is so stupid!)
-Now all of them are looking around like what is he talking about? Keith and Reed have a plan? (I'm sure Reed was about ready to kill him.)
-Jon says this is so confusing... and the whole time he's talking Reed is whispering to him, 'don't let the paranoia set in, stick with this'... That was quite the bombshell.
-Natalie whispers to Jaclyn, "Do you trust him?" (talking about Reed) and she says no... then out loud says, "Just keep the same, we'll go with you guys."
-Reed cannot believe this is all falling apart right in front of his face.
-Then Jon says, "No" to whatever Jaclyn was saying.... (Now I'm confused, who's voting how?)
-Reed is whispering to Natalie and Jaclyn... Missy is saying this is chaos... What is Happening?!? No one really knows right now.
Time to Vote:
They don't show us how anyone voted.
When Jeff goes to get the votes Natalie whispers to Jon, "Dude, play your idol."
Jon, "What? Are you sure?"
Natalie, "Up to you."
And Keith overhears, not too happy with that (it's your fault dumbass!)
(Are we going to see all the idols tonight?)
Anyone want to play their hidden immunity idol?
Jon steps up and says he'd rather play it than go home with it in his pocket. Keith tells Wes to pull his out and when Jeff confirms no votes for Jon will count, Keith steps up and tries to get Wes to play it but he tells dad to do it so Keith plays it and Jeff confirms any votes for Keith will also not count.
Jeremy's on the jury going, "They played both of them, oh snap!"
Reading the votes:
Jon - 1, 2, 3
Keith - 1, 2,
Jon - 4 (and he's laughing, he's so happy he played the idol)
Keith - 3... none of these votes have counted.
Wes - 1, 2... it's WES going home. Keith looks upset that he used the immunity for himself, Wes said damn, damn, damn as he was leaving but I can't help but think he's just as happy he'll be able to eat again at Ponderosa.
Meanwhile the tribe is putting it together, that Reed and Alec voted for Jon... Alec is as slack jawed as ever but Reed now has to win Immunity every time or he's a goner. And good for Natalie, she's now the only one with a hidden immunity idol.
Oh, and with Wes leaving, that takes Paul M., Shelley A., and Karen W. out of the pool.
Next time - two hour episode (they are trying to wrap it up for Dec 16th, I believe) - tensions run high, Reed calls Baylor a brat and Missy tells him to back off (ugh) and then Jon & Jaclyn have a fight and she won't talk to him - Will it change the game for good?
Wes' final thoughts: He hopes his dad wins the million bucks. It was the experience of a lifetime and he was glad he got to play with his dad. "Those wings were not worth a million dollars." He does regret stepping down but sometimes you have to wing it, "You got to risk it to get the biscuit." (Eloquent as ever.)
Happy 'Merican Turkey Day everybody.
Last week on Survivor we saw the epic blindside of firefighter Jeremy after he tried to catch Jon in a lie about his hidden immunity idol... and they told us there are actually three hidden idols - Keith has one that Reed told everyone about, Jon has another that he told Jaclyn and Missy about and there is a third one at camp that no one has found yet (they showed Baylor and Natalie reading a clue at Exile island - I totally don't remember that.)
Huyopa - Night 24
They return from Tribal Council and the Rude boys (what I'm calling Keith, Wes and Alec) are looking at Reed like he's the mastermind because he was somehow able to magic his way into staying (if Keith is to be believed.) "Reed is a gamer. He's able to talk to people and figure the numbers which is way above me."
-Reed is telling them to lay low and let him figure things out. Reed tells the camera he has to decide if he's going to side with the majority and pick off the Rude boys or if he tries to work with them to take out Jon.
-Natalie is talking to the rest of her alliance (which is now Jon and the girls) and tells them she feels totally blindsided and doesn't know if she can trust them (she's being very calm but it looked like she was more in shock.)
-Jon tells her the reason this happened was because he does have an idol that he found on Exile and he wouldn't have told her that unless he trusted her... he's trying to tell her everything is the exact same, but she's no dummy. Natalie wants to give Jon a taste of his own medicine, she's just got to pick the right time.
-Later that night, everyone is sleeping and Natalie gets up to look for the third hidden immunity idol, the one Baylor showed her the clue to while they were at Exile island. This is the first step in her plan of Revenge on Jon.
They are out on the water for this one. Jeff tells them they will divide into two teams, dive into the water, climb up a platform, jump off the platform and grab a key, then swim over and collect a big ol' puzzle piece they have to swim back to their home platform, then the next person goes. Once they collect all the puzzle pieces they have to build a puzzle statue - first team to get it right wins the reward: Ambassadors of baseball to the locals - deliver baseball equipment to a local village and enjoy watching them play while eating baseball food: hot dogs, hamburgers, caramel corn, etc.
Teams are:
Yellow: Reed, Alec, Jaclyn and Jon
Blue: Baylor, Missy, Natalie and Wes.
Keith is sitting this one out - no challenge and no reward for him.
Off they go - Wes gets blue out to a bit of a lead and Missy holds it against Jaclyn but then Reed gains the lead over Baylor and Alec keeps the lead over Natalie but the teams are still very close... until Blue can't get their pieces unlocked and Yellow completes their statue before Blue even gets started.
As usual Jeff is trying to create drama, he asks Baylor why she was almost crying to lose this Reward and she says her mom hasn't won a reward yet and she really wanted to win for her (ugh) and wouldn't you know it, perfectly set up for Reed to step forward and say he wants to give up his place in the Reward for Missy (currying favour in that way doesn't work, just ask Jeremy... and hey, wasn't Reed the guy pointing out their hypocrisy? The worm has definitely turned my friends.)
-And the winners send Wes to Exile Island. (I totally thought they were about to send Reed - I would have laughed!)
-And we find out Reed's ulterior motive in giving up the Reward, he is going to be laying the ground work to take out Jon... (so he didn't want to go on Reward with him, that wouldn't get him an further in the game.)
-Happy Venezuelan kids getting baseball equipment and Missy feels recharged just by the pure joy of the kids.
-Jon shares some ice cream with a little boy and he tells us that he's always wanted kids but apparently Jaclyn can't have them - she has a condition - but he's not going to leave her for that, they'll adopt when the time comes (holy getting to know you, I don't know if they needed to share that with the world, but okay.)
Huyopa - Day 25
The others get back to camp and Reed's first order of business is explaining the game to Keith (LOL) - he lays it out that the other alliance knows he has an idol so they'll likely split their votes between Keith and Wes but Reed plans on voting with the Rude boys and at four strong they should be able to take out Jon. Keith thinks that's a good plan (though it doesn't seem like he gets the math.)
(I'm kinda surprised Reed didn't want to talk to Natalie.)
-Natalie has her own agenda, she sent the boys to check the fishing lines while she and Baylor went for "water" but what she is really doing is searching for that hidden immunity idol. Baylor's like, oh shoot, okay. And Natalie finds the idol, buried right by the fire in the middle of camp... they were so excited and I swear Baylor tried to snatch it out of her hand at one point - but now Natalie has her new little twinnie - her idol. And the girls start scheming. Natalie tells Baylor they should keep Jon around for one more vote, take out Reed first then Jon so that the boys won't out number the girls anymore and they won't be able to pick them off.
-Even though Natalie wants Jon gone for Jeremy, she thinks Reed is the bigger threat because he's good at the challenges and also so good at the game play.
They will balance their feet on a very narrow perch (two inches deep at the most) and then hold onto a handle above their head with their back up against a plank. If at any time they let go of the handle or if a foot comes off the perch, they are out. Last person left balancing, wins immunity.
Off they go... and Jeff comes out with a covered item - it's tempting time. He uncovers a plate of candy; gummy bears, chocolate bar, sugar, sugar, sugar! Everyone is saying no, Jeff even takes a bite of the chocolate bar figuring no one is taking him up on it... and then Jon says he'll take it (What?) He steps off and makes a huge show of eating that chocolate bar (what a jerk.)
Keith calls him on being soft and showing how safe he's feeling... it'ss pretty telling to those not in the know about his hidden immunity idol.
30 minutes in and Missy gives up, for nothing she just can't take it anymore.
Next thing you know, Jeff brings out another temptation - plate of chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of milk and Baylor and Jaclyn are both down like a shot - beating Wes who asked if two people stepped down do they have to share it... I believe the answer is yes, and the girls beat him to it.
45 minutes in - Jeff brings out a plate of chicken wings and two cold beers - Wes is down like a shot and gets it all to himself - which is probably a good thing cause he doesn't look like he's good at sharing food.
Keith points out to Natalie that she's the only one still up there from her team - proves that she's fighting for her team but he, Reed and Alec are fighting for their lives.
Jeff asks what does that say about Wes? Keith says he has a food weakness and he'll have a talk with him later (meanwhile Wes is inhaling the wings - and tells us he won an eating contest in the past - no shocker there.)
1hr, 20 minutes - Jon is licking his plate - Keith's feet look purple and he finally steps down. Leaving Natalie, Alec and Reed... and Alec is the net to step down.
3 hours in - Natalie and Reed are still battling it out and she starts negotiating with Jeff - "Any more food coming out?" Basically, Reed doesn't look like he's moving and she doesn't want to step down for nothing - pizza? a cookie? glass of ice water?? Jeff says, "Alright" and he comes back with a tray with pizza, chicken wings, a cookie, beer and water...or she can hold on for the hidden immunity necklace.
Natalie says if she's going to step down, might as well eat something and she literally falls from the perch and can't move. Once Reed hears Jeff say he's won immunity, he lets go but he also can't move - their legs are done. Finally Natalie gets up and starts chowing down and Reed does perfect dancer splits in the sand while Jeff comes over and puts the necklace around his neck.
-Now Reed is just hoping he can rally people around him to take Jon out tonight.
Huyopa - Day 26
-They return from the Immunity challenge and Reed is ready to put his plan into action. He's going to try and make the majority alliance split their votes 4 for Keith and 3 for Wes making them believe he and Alec are voting with them, then the Rude boys (and Reed) will vote four strong for Jon.
-So Reed fills in Alec, who is completely in and then they tell Missy & Baylor they will vote with them and Reed lays out the plan to split the votes between Keith and Wes.
-Missy then talks to Jon and she truly believes they need to flush out Keith's idol but Jon tells her that Reed is not going to vote with them (he's no dummy) but Missy is convinced that Reed and Alec really want to be in with them. And to solidify, Alec comes up to them holding fish for some reason and he tells Jon he is totally in with them - he tries to look him in the eye, it's a little sideways... Jon isn't sure of Alec but he feels like they are trying to build trust with him.
-Jon says he's feeling like this is the first Tribal Council where he's not really calling the shots, he's at the mercy of his alliance and he doesn't like it.
-Jon goes on to tell the camera that he's saving the hidden immunity idol for him or Jaclyn, whoever makes it further and it would be selfish for him to use it for himself right now (what?) He's feeling reassured after his talk with Alec that things are going to go as planned tonight.(Why anyone would believe Alec is beyond me.)
Jeff starts off by pointing out that two very strong players have been voted off in a row, Josh and then Jeremy, how does that make you feel? -Jaclyn says she thinks she's in the five strong right now but who knows.
-Baylor acknowledges that trust is very difficult in this game. Just because someone saying they're 100% in with you doesn't mean that they are - ever.
Yet, not a single idol has been played this season.
-Keith says obviously somebody feels comfortable - I don't know.
-Natalie says if she ever has an idol it could feel like a blessing and a curse because you feel the pressure to use it at the perfect time and it's all about timing in this game.
-Reed says it was very telling at the challenge when five stepped down that were obviously very comfortable but it was interesting when Wes stepped down, he is obviously not with that group so it makes you wonder then, do Wes and Keith have an idol, are they sharing it or what really is happening here? (wow, no beating around the bush for Reed.)
It doesn't get more direct than that.
-Keith says, "no it does not - and then everyone is talking, idols are everywhere and all I can say (and he looks directly at Reed) is stick to the plan." (WHAT THE... Keith is so stupid!)
-Now all of them are looking around like what is he talking about? Keith and Reed have a plan? (I'm sure Reed was about ready to kill him.)
-Jon says this is so confusing... and the whole time he's talking Reed is whispering to him, 'don't let the paranoia set in, stick with this'... That was quite the bombshell.
-Natalie whispers to Jaclyn, "Do you trust him?" (talking about Reed) and she says no... then out loud says, "Just keep the same, we'll go with you guys."
-Reed cannot believe this is all falling apart right in front of his face.
-Then Jon says, "No" to whatever Jaclyn was saying.... (Now I'm confused, who's voting how?)
-Reed is whispering to Natalie and Jaclyn... Missy is saying this is chaos... What is Happening?!? No one really knows right now.
Time to Vote:
They don't show us how anyone voted.
When Jeff goes to get the votes Natalie whispers to Jon, "Dude, play your idol."
Jon, "What? Are you sure?"
Natalie, "Up to you."
And Keith overhears, not too happy with that (it's your fault dumbass!)
(Are we going to see all the idols tonight?)
Anyone want to play their hidden immunity idol?
Jon steps up and says he'd rather play it than go home with it in his pocket. Keith tells Wes to pull his out and when Jeff confirms no votes for Jon will count, Keith steps up and tries to get Wes to play it but he tells dad to do it so Keith plays it and Jeff confirms any votes for Keith will also not count.
Jeremy's on the jury going, "They played both of them, oh snap!"
Reading the votes:
Jon - 1, 2, 3
Keith - 1, 2,
Jon - 4 (and he's laughing, he's so happy he played the idol)
Keith - 3... none of these votes have counted.
Wes - 1, 2... it's WES going home. Keith looks upset that he used the immunity for himself, Wes said damn, damn, damn as he was leaving but I can't help but think he's just as happy he'll be able to eat again at Ponderosa.
Meanwhile the tribe is putting it together, that Reed and Alec voted for Jon... Alec is as slack jawed as ever but Reed now has to win Immunity every time or he's a goner. And good for Natalie, she's now the only one with a hidden immunity idol.
Oh, and with Wes leaving, that takes Paul M., Shelley A., and Karen W. out of the pool.
Next time - two hour episode (they are trying to wrap it up for Dec 16th, I believe) - tensions run high, Reed calls Baylor a brat and Missy tells him to back off (ugh) and then Jon & Jaclyn have a fight and she won't talk to him - Will it change the game for good?
Wes' final thoughts: He hopes his dad wins the million bucks. It was the experience of a lifetime and he was glad he got to play with his dad. "Those wings were not worth a million dollars." He does regret stepping down but sometimes you have to wing it, "You got to risk it to get the biscuit." (Eloquent as ever.)
Happy 'Merican Turkey Day everybody.