Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Nov 26/14 Episode Recap

This Is Where We Build Trust

Last week on Survivor we saw the epic blindside of firefighter Jeremy after he tried to catch Jon in a lie about his hidden immunity idol... and they told us there are actually three hidden idols - Keith has one that Reed told everyone about, Jon has another that he told Jaclyn and Missy about and there is a third one at camp that no one has found yet (they showed Baylor and Natalie reading a clue at Exile island - I totally don't remember that.)

Huyopa - Night 24
They return from Tribal Council and the Rude boys (what I'm calling Keith, Wes and Alec) are looking at Reed like he's the mastermind because he was somehow able to magic his way into staying (if Keith is to be believed.) "Reed is a gamer. He's able to talk to people and figure the numbers which is way above me."
-Reed is telling them to lay low and let him figure things out.  Reed tells the camera he has to decide if he's going to side with the majority and pick off the Rude boys or if he tries to work with them to take out Jon.
-Natalie is talking to the rest of her alliance (which is now Jon and the girls) and tells them she feels totally blindsided and doesn't know if she can trust them (she's being very calm but it looked like she was more in shock.)
-Jon tells her the reason this happened was because he does have an idol that he found on Exile and he wouldn't have told her that unless he trusted her... he's trying to tell her everything is the exact same, but she's no dummy.  Natalie wants to give Jon a taste of his own medicine, she's just got to pick the right time.
-Later that night, everyone is sleeping and Natalie gets up to look for the third hidden immunity idol, the one Baylor showed her the clue to while they were at Exile island.  This is the first step in her plan of Revenge on Jon.

They are out on the water for this one.  Jeff tells them they will divide into two teams, dive into the water, climb up a platform, jump off the platform and grab a key, then swim over and collect a big ol' puzzle piece they have to swim back to their home platform, then the next person goes.  Once they collect all the puzzle pieces they have to build a puzzle statue - first team to get it right wins the reward: Ambassadors of baseball to the locals - deliver baseball equipment to a local village and enjoy watching them play while eating baseball food: hot dogs, hamburgers, caramel corn, etc.

Teams are:
Yellow: Reed, Alec, Jaclyn and Jon
Blue: Baylor, Missy, Natalie and Wes.
Keith is sitting this one out - no challenge and no reward for him.

Off they go - Wes gets blue out to a bit of a lead and Missy holds it against Jaclyn but then Reed gains the lead over Baylor and Alec keeps the lead over Natalie but the teams are still very close... until Blue can't get their pieces unlocked and Yellow completes their statue before Blue even gets started. 
As usual Jeff is trying to create drama, he asks Baylor why she was almost crying to lose this Reward and she says her mom hasn't won a reward yet and she really wanted to win for her (ugh) and wouldn't you know it, perfectly set up for Reed to step forward and say he wants to give up his place in the Reward for Missy (currying favour in that way doesn't work, just ask Jeremy... and hey, wasn't Reed the guy pointing out their hypocrisy?  The worm has definitely turned my friends.)
-And the winners send Wes to Exile Island. (I totally thought they were about to send Reed -  I would have laughed!)
-And we find out Reed's ulterior motive in giving up the Reward, he is going to be laying the ground work to take out Jon... (so he didn't want to go on Reward with him, that wouldn't get him an further in the game.)

-Happy Venezuelan kids getting baseball equipment and Missy feels recharged just by the pure joy of the kids.
-Jon shares some ice cream with a little boy and he tells us that he's always wanted kids but apparently Jaclyn can't have them - she has a condition - but he's not going to leave her for that, they'll adopt when the time comes (holy getting to know you, I don't know if they needed to share that with the world, but okay.)

Huyopa - Day 25
The others get back to camp and Reed's first order of business is explaining the game to Keith (LOL) - he lays it out that the other alliance knows he has an idol so they'll likely split their votes between Keith and Wes but Reed plans on voting with the Rude boys and at four strong they should be able to take out Jon. Keith thinks that's a good plan (though it doesn't seem like he gets the math.)
(I'm kinda surprised Reed didn't want to talk to Natalie.)
-Natalie has her own agenda, she sent the boys to check the fishing lines while she and Baylor went for "water" but what she is really doing is searching for that hidden immunity idol. Baylor's like, oh shoot, okay.  And Natalie finds the idol, buried right by the fire in the middle of camp... they were so excited and I swear Baylor tried to snatch it out of her hand at one point - but now Natalie has her new little twinnie - her idol.  And the girls start scheming.  Natalie tells Baylor they should keep Jon around for one more vote, take out Reed first then Jon so that the boys won't out number the girls anymore and they won't be able to pick them off.
-Even though Natalie wants Jon gone for Jeremy, she thinks Reed is the bigger threat because he's good at the challenges and also so good at the game play.

They will balance their feet on a very narrow perch (two inches deep at the most) and then hold onto a handle above their head with their back up against a plank.  If at any time they let go of the handle or if a foot comes off the perch, they are out.  Last person left balancing, wins immunity.

Off they go... and Jeff comes out with a covered item - it's tempting time.  He uncovers a plate of candy; gummy bears, chocolate bar, sugar, sugar, sugar!  Everyone is saying no, Jeff even takes a bite of the chocolate bar figuring no one is taking him up on it... and then Jon says he'll take it (What?) He steps off and makes a huge show of eating that chocolate bar (what a jerk.)
Keith calls him on being soft and showing how safe he's feeling... it'ss pretty telling to those not in the know about his hidden immunity idol.

30 minutes in and Missy gives up, for nothing she just can't take it anymore.
Next thing you know, Jeff brings out another temptation - plate of chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of milk and Baylor and Jaclyn are both down like a shot - beating Wes who asked if two people stepped down do they have to share it... I believe the answer is yes, and the girls beat him to it.

45 minutes in - Jeff brings out a plate of chicken wings and two cold beers - Wes is down like a shot and gets it all to himself - which is probably a good thing cause he doesn't look like he's good at sharing food. 
Keith points out to Natalie that she's the only one still up there from her team - proves that she's fighting for her team but he, Reed and Alec are fighting for their lives.
Jeff asks what does that say about Wes?  Keith says he has a food weakness and he'll have a talk with him later (meanwhile Wes is inhaling the wings - and tells us he won an eating contest in the past - no shocker there.)

1hr, 20 minutes - Jon is licking his plate - Keith's feet look purple and he finally steps down.  Leaving Natalie, Alec and Reed... and Alec is the net to step down.

3 hours in - Natalie and Reed are still battling it out and she starts negotiating with Jeff - "Any more food coming out?"  Basically, Reed doesn't look like he's moving and she doesn't want to step down for nothing - pizza? a cookie? glass of ice water??  Jeff says, "Alright" and he comes back with a tray with pizza, chicken wings, a cookie, beer and water...or she can hold on for the hidden immunity necklace.
Natalie says if she's going to step down, might as well eat something and she literally falls from the perch and can't move.  Once Reed hears Jeff say he's won immunity, he lets go but he also can't move - their legs are done.  Finally Natalie gets up and starts chowing down and Reed does perfect dancer splits in the sand while Jeff comes over and puts the necklace around his neck.

-Now Reed is just hoping he can rally people around him to take Jon out tonight.

Huyopa - Day 26
-They return from the Immunity challenge and Reed is ready to put his plan into action.  He's going to try and make the majority alliance split their votes 4 for Keith and 3 for Wes making them believe he and Alec are voting with them, then the Rude boys (and Reed) will vote four strong for Jon.
-So Reed fills in Alec, who is completely in and then they tell Missy & Baylor they will vote with them and Reed lays out the plan to split the votes between Keith and Wes.
-Missy then talks to Jon and she truly believes they need to flush out Keith's idol but Jon tells her that Reed is not going to vote with them (he's no dummy) but Missy is convinced that Reed and Alec really want to be in with them.  And to solidify, Alec comes up to them holding fish for some reason and he tells Jon he is totally in with them - he tries to look him in the eye, it's a little sideways... Jon  isn't sure of Alec but he feels like they are trying to build trust with him. 
-Jon says he's feeling like this is the first Tribal Council where he's not really calling the shots, he's at the mercy of his alliance and he doesn't like it.
-Jon goes on to tell the camera that he's saving the hidden immunity idol for him or Jaclyn, whoever makes it further and it would be selfish for him to use it for himself right now (what?) He's feeling reassured after his talk with Alec that things are going to go as planned tonight.(Why anyone would believe Alec is beyond me.)

Jeff starts off by pointing out that two very strong players have been voted off in a row, Josh and then Jeremy, how does that make you feel? -Jaclyn says she thinks she's in the five strong right now but who knows.
-Baylor acknowledges that trust is very difficult in this game. Just because someone saying they're 100% in with you doesn't mean that they are - ever.
Yet, not a single idol has been played this season.
-Keith says obviously somebody feels comfortable - I don't know.
-Natalie says if she ever has an idol it could feel like a blessing and a curse because you feel the pressure to use it at the perfect time and it's all about timing in this game.
-Reed says it was very telling at the challenge when five stepped down that were obviously very comfortable but it was interesting when Wes stepped down, he is obviously not with that group so it makes you wonder then, do Wes and Keith have an idol, are they sharing it or what really is happening here? (wow, no beating around the bush for Reed.)
It doesn't get more direct than that.
-Keith says, "no it does not - and then everyone is talking, idols are everywhere and all I can say (and he looks directly at Reed) is stick to the plan." (WHAT THE... Keith is so stupid!)
-Now all of them are looking around like what is he talking about? Keith and Reed have a plan? (I'm sure Reed was about ready to kill him.)
-Jon says this is so confusing... and the whole time he's talking Reed is whispering to him, 'don't let the paranoia set in, stick with this'... That was quite the bombshell.
-Natalie whispers to Jaclyn, "Do you trust him?" (talking about Reed) and she says no... then out loud says, "Just keep the same, we'll go with you guys."
-Reed cannot believe this is all falling apart right in front of his face.
-Then Jon says, "No" to whatever Jaclyn was saying.... (Now I'm confused, who's voting how?)
-Reed is whispering to Natalie and Jaclyn... Missy is saying this is chaos... What is Happening?!?  No one really knows right now.

Time to Vote:
They don't show us how anyone voted.
When Jeff goes to get the votes Natalie whispers to Jon, "Dude, play your idol."
Jon, "What? Are you sure?"
Natalie, "Up to you."
And Keith overhears, not too happy with that (it's your fault dumbass!) 
(Are we going to see all the idols tonight?)

Anyone want to play their hidden immunity idol?
Jon steps up and says he'd rather play it than go home with it in his pocket.  Keith tells Wes to pull his out and when Jeff confirms no votes for Jon will count, Keith steps up and tries to get Wes to play it but he tells dad to do it so Keith plays it and Jeff confirms any votes for Keith will also not count.

Jeremy's on the jury going, "They played both of them, oh snap!"

Reading the votes:
Jon - 1, 2, 3
Keith - 1, 2,
Jon - 4 (and he's laughing, he's so happy he played the idol)
Keith - 3... none of these votes have counted.
Wes - 1, 2... it's WES going home.  Keith looks upset that he used the immunity for himself, Wes said damn, damn, damn as he was leaving but I can't help but think he's just as happy he'll be able to eat again at Ponderosa.

Meanwhile the tribe is putting it together, that Reed and Alec voted for Jon... Alec is as slack jawed as ever but Reed now has to win Immunity every time or he's a goner.  And good for Natalie, she's now the only one with a hidden immunity idol.

Oh, and with Wes leaving, that takes Paul M., Shelley A., and Karen W. out of the pool.

Next time - two hour episode (they are trying to wrap it up for Dec 16th, I believe) - tensions run high, Reed calls Baylor a brat and Missy tells him to back off (ugh) and then Jon & Jaclyn have a fight and she won't talk to him - Will it change the game for good?

Wes' final thoughts: He hopes his dad wins the million bucks.  It was the experience of a lifetime and he was glad he got to play with his dad.  "Those wings were not worth a million dollars." He does regret stepping down but sometimes you have to wing it, "You got to risk it to get the biscuit." (Eloquent as ever.)

Happy 'Merican Turkey Day everybody.


Monday, November 24, 2014

The Amazing Race 25 - Nov 21/14 Episode Recap

Hot Sexy Knights

Do you remember what happened two weeks ago on the Amazing Race?  Yeah, me neither, crazy!  But they reminded us, they were in Palermo, the racers did the go-carting and then had to paint the ceiling or remember the opera singer clothes... and Tim & Te Jay were saved by it being a non-elimination round.

This week, the teams are all heading to Malta... and no one is quite sure where that is (I'm with them actually.) Phil informs us that it's an island nation in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea (thanks Phil.)
The Dentists are the first team to read the clue and Phil tells us once they arrive in Malta (by ferry) they will have to make their way to The Bridge Bar and then make their way up St Ursula's staircase (that is a lot of stairs) carrying a tray of heavy drinks to deliver to the Knights of Malta, to get their next clue.  (I'm thinking there is a lot of broken glass in our future.)
-Everyone's going to be on the same ferry but they headed out in this order: Dentists, Cyclists, Scientists - and we learned that Amy has a leg injury from pre-race workouts that is really bothering her this leg - Wrestlers, Surfers - they remind us that they still have the Express Pass - and Tim & Te Jay.

On the Ferry - Dentist Misti is talking to Wrestler Brooke pointing out that the Cyclist went off and were sitting by themselves again.  Brooke tells us she just can't stand the Cyclists, they do their own thing, are kinda solo and are super super strong so she wants to get rid of them.  So Brooke proposes to all the other teams that they agree to U-Turn the Cyclists if they get the chance and most of them seem to be on board, Bethany said they only thought of using a U-Turn if they had to, Maya said she'd agree if everyone else agreed and Tim says as long as it's not him, he's all in.  And everyone is laughing and getting along...
-The Cyclists see them all hanging out and can't believe they want to talk to each other.  When other teams ask them why they are off by themselves they get annoyed, "maybe we don't want to talk to you, maybe we need a minute... maybe we're just New Yorkers :)!"

Malta - the ferry pulls in and they are all running for taxi's - it's also dark, no idea what time it is.
-Bethany & Adam get to the bar first and way ahead of everyone else - how are they so lucky?  Anyway, the bartender at The Bridge Bar explains they will each have a round tray with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses on it.  They have to carry the tray balanced on the fingertips of one hand above their shoulder.  If they break anything they have to come back to the bar, get a broom and clean it up, then start over again - and they have to carry the tray up a very long flight of stairs to deliver it to the Knights.
-The rest of the teams start arriving as Adam & Bethany are climbing the stairs with their trays and carrying their backpacks on their backs still (ugh, wouldn't that be easier without the backpacks? but I guess they don't want to have to come back down to get their bags if they get the clue.)
-Adam & Bethany are doing awesome, slow and steady gettin' er done.
-Brooke is non-stop complaining as is her way.
-Dentist Jim, while telling his wife how to hold the tray, doesn't even make it out the door of the bar before he loses the wine glasses and he's sweeping.(Oh what a shame :))
-Maya does the same thing - she drops her glasses inside the restaurant.
-Bethany & Adam get to the Knights table and Bethany drops her glasses at the very last second (WHAT? Oh man! That sucks.) They have to go back, clean up and start over - (I think I would have cried.)

-Bethany & Adam take off running down the stairs passing everyone slowly coming up and they're all asking them questions but they are focused and not giving away where the Knights table is.
-The Dentists are trying to head out again as Bethany and Adam run into the bar, nearly making Jim drop his glasses again... and Maya does drop her's again - still not out the door.
-Surfers clean up their glass and head back down again, passing Tim & Te Jay and Tim drops a glass (Argh, another one so close.)
-The Cyclists are the first team to successfully deliver the wine and they get the clue to make their way to the Boathouse and search for their next clue.  The Wrestlers are right behind them both take off looking for cabs.
-The Cyclists get the only taxi out there and the Wrestlers ask if he'll call them another cab - the Cyclists assure them he is calling but as they drive away Kym asks Alli why she did that, we should have said no - and Alli tells him to cancel the other taxi (see, that's low) - luckily Brooke doesn't trust them as far as she can throw them and the Wrestlers continue to look for a cab - but, they have their usual cab luck - which is none.

-Misti & Jim deliver their wine, the Scientists drop more glasses, Adam & Bethany deliver their wine, Tim & Te Jay deliver the wine and find a taxi stand right away, and the Scientists bump into each other on the stairs and drop more glasses - attempt #5 coming up for them.
-Dentists find a cab, Surfers find a cab - Wrestlers, still looking.

Boathouse - the Cyclists and Tim & Te Jay are the first teams to arrive and they find a lit shelf that has 6 Malta Cross necklaces hanging from it - the crosses are marked with departure times for the next morning - three are 7:30am and three are 7:45am. (So the Scientists could take all night with the wine delivery and they'll still be caught up.)
-Misti & Jim are the third team taking the 7:30 spot leaving Surfers, Wrestlers and Scientists the 7:45.
-And they are all camping out on the concrete by the water at the boathouse - and for once Tim & Te Jay do more whining than Brooke.

7:30am - ROADBLOCK - Who's feeling Blue?  One person from each team will have to rappel 20 stories over a cliff into the blue grotto - once in the water, they will have to swim into the cave, retrieve their clue which is hanging off the side of a boat and then swim back to the boat where their partner is waiting for them.
Tim, Misti and Alli are doing this one.
7:45am: 2nd round will be Bethany, Amy and Robbie doing the rappelling (will we find something the one armed girl can't do?)
First group goes over the edge and Misti is a revelation, she's killing it!   Alli is behind her but starts to catch up as they lower themselves - coming down a distant third is Tim, "Shut up, it was scary."
-The ladies hit the water, they get to the boats to get unhooked from their rigging and then its back in the water swimming for the clue.  Alli makes it back first and Brooke, watching from the other boat says, "Of course the Cyclists get the clue first.  Hopefully my plan comes together and we can U-Turn them." (Of course there is no U-Turn this leg and, more importantly, in order for anyone to U-Turn them, you have to be ahead of them... I don't know if Brooke has thought that far ahead.)
-Cyclists read the clue which tells them to head to the Church of St Scholastica and look for their clue on this super narrow little street hidden behind the church. 

-First three teams are heading for the Church and the the second rounders start their rappel.  Who do you think was the first person over the side?  Bethany, of course.  And we hear Brooke b*tching from the boat again, "Of course Bethany is first, she's the best one too." (Bethany's a beast - she's fantastic) and she does just as well in the water, she's to the boat and back to Adam before the other two even get to the clue. Brooke, "Bethany is like the Terminator. She has one arm and she destroys every challenge.  How is that possible?" (Well, she's not complaining every minute for one thing.)
-Amy was able to pass Robbie in the swimming - he did a lot of splashing around but didn't make much progress - Maya says it all, "Muscle can sink."

-Church of St Scholastica - The Cyclists lucked into finding the cluebox and then have to choose a DETOUR blind - either FLAG or SHINE - but they don't tell them anything about the tasks.
-Cyclists head to Flag - and we find out they will have to run along a greased pole set out over the water and then grab a flag before they fall off - there is a closer yellow flag and a farther red flag - each person must capture just one flag.
-Alli is saying, "We've got this, we have balance..." and in the background, the guy greasing the pole slips off (HAHAHA!! Now that's comedic timing.)
-As Alli & Kym are getting helmetted up, T&T and the Dentists get there and see the girls so they head down to the Flag task (Um, the clue?)
-Alli gets the yellow flag by walking out up to the greased part of the pole then jumping off and grabbing the yellow flag, which leaves just the farter red one's for Kym... and she's not happy about it.

-Meanwhile the Dentists and Tim & Te Jay are getting suited up when Tim finally twigs, they haven't seen their Speed Bump yet, oh, and they didn't even go to a Detour decision point... so the boys take off, find the alley and also find their Speed Bump.
Speed Bump: They both have to paint a Maltese cross on a shield and have it approved by the Knight before they can continue to the Detour (Huh, pretty easy Speed Bump.)

Flag - back at Flag Misti and Jim are actually running out on the log (and falling off very quickly) before Jim finally realizes this is a Detour (by looking at Kym & Alli's clue) and we didn't find the clue first... they leave and, ever the optimist, Misti says, "At least we know we don't want to do that Detour." (Amen sister.)

-Alli is giving Kym a pep talk about making it out to the red flag, but, come on, it is pretty much impossible.  And Kym is blaming Alli for leaving her with the hard one - they decide to switch. (My question, if both of them capture a yellow flag, could both of them keep trying for the red? - Why was it one flag per person?)

-Dentists, Surfers and Scientists are all looking for the clue box and Maya with the sharp eyes, gets them all up the little alley.  The Dentists know they are going to Shine and the Scientists say they're doing Shine too. Surfers are going to attempt Flag (good luck.)

-Tim & Te Jay are stenciling and painting their shields.

-Wrestlers get to the clue box, Brooke complaining that she's so sick of being in last place (Holy Debbie Downer, can we ever have a positive thought? Please?) And they are doing Shine.

Shine - each person puts on a Maltese Knight's helmet and chest plate then they have to polish each other's suit of armour.
-Everyone is gathering their armour and Brooke, "This is going to be hard. This is going to take forever." (Argh, shut up already.) But none of them are too happy about how long this is going to take, that's a lot of polishing and those suits are pretty rusty.

Flag - Adam & Bethany get to the Flag task and present the Express Pass - I think this may have been the last leg they could use it so it didn't matter what the task was, it was being used.  Bethany said the log thing looked fun, she wished they were doing that (I bet she would have captured the red flag too.)  Instead they get the clue to the Pit Stop: Fort Manoel.

Speed Bump - Tim & Te Jay finish their shields (Te Jay is not a good painter) but they get the nod and have already decided they are going to attempt the Flag task, they think they can do it (Really?)

Flag - the Scientists said they were doing Shine but can't even follow that simple arrow, they end up at Flag.  Tim & Te Jay are already suited up for the pole run but Tim didn't realize the pole was greased, "There's slime on it."  Te Jay gets a yellow flag... leaving Tim the red.
-Meanwhile, Amy can't run, she's got that leg injury and she just physically cannot run up the pole - so they have to switch to Shine (blessing in disguise.)

-Shine - The Dentists polish teeth everyday so they are doing pretty well at this.
-Brooke - complain, complain, complain - Robbie asks her if she wants to switch, he doesn't because everyone said the other task was really hard.
-The Scientists show up and Brooke is still complaining that they are so far behind, he points out they are not behind the team that just got there... still, she's not happy unless she's miserable, just let her complain.

Flag - There is no way Tim is going to get the red flag.  He keeps trying though.

Shine - The Dentists are crushing the polishing - just like doing a gold crown.
-Robbie finally calls Brooke on her attitude - "Do you have to be so negative about everything?" (I know, right?) And finally they decide to switch detours just to shut her up.
-Dentists are the first team to finish the polishing and they get the clue to the Pit Stop.

Flag - Tim is no closer to getting that red flag but they are heartened to see the Wrestlers show up.
-Robbie makes his first attempt and falls off the log before he even hits the grease.  Brooke tries it and complains that she broke her butt hitting the water.
-Tim & Te Jay are bickering - Te Jay is complaining that Tim's giving up (Really dude, you didn't have to rappel and swim earlier and then you took the easy flag... I'd smack him.) Tim just tells him to be quiet.
-Robbie makes a second attempt but they can't even make the yellow flag - he tells her he's over it, they're never going to get the red flag.  And she's mad - now they will definitely be last.  He's telling her they may be behind the other polishers and Tim could get the flag but they're never getting the red flag so it doesn't matter.  She's just going to pout as they polish their armour.
-The Scientists are happy to see the Wrestlers return, "We're still in it."  The Cyclists are judged and told to polish it some more.  The Scientists are also told to polish more...
-Then the Cyclists get a pass and head for the Pit Stop.
-The Scientists also get a pass on their armour and Maya wants to chest bump with the armour on, nearly knocking poor Amy over (She's got a bad leg!)
-Brooke, "This part of the Amazing Race is not amazing."

-Tim & Te Jay are still trying, well Tim is still trying, to capture the red flag but it's not happening - Tim knows it's too late for them to switch at this point but he doesn't know what else to do.  Finally they have no choice but the switch.

-Wrestlers are judged, "More polish please." Brooke, "Oh lord!"  Then Tim & Te Jay show up and Brooke is finally happy.
-The Wrestlers get a pass on their armour and run outside to find a taxi - what they find is Tim & Te Jay's taxi waiting for them, with their bags in it. (That's a rule, they can't take someone else's bags out of a taxi to take the car.)  And Brooke is complaining again how taxi's screw them every time (she is right there, but I can't help but wonder if she put more positive energy out there, if it wouldn't come back to her when they needed it.)
-Tim & Te Jay know that having their taxi wait could be the only thing that saves them.
-Brooke & Robbie go to a local cafe and have them call a taxi for them.
-Tim & Te Jay get a pass and head out to their cab.

 Here's How The Finished:
1) Adam & Bethany - They won $10K each!  Great leg to come in first!
2) Misti & Jim - Phil tells them they are Dentists in Shining Teeth.
3) Alli & Kym - The Maltese Falconer standing with Phil doesn't think Kym looks tough (Really? Oh, you know, he haven't seen any Maltese women. Haha)
4) Amy & Maya - Maya is so happy she runs a lap around the Pit Stop - She just loves life Phil! She Loves the Amazing Race!
5) Robbie & Brooke - Phil and Robbie do some pec flexing (don't ask)
6) Tim & Te Jay - they are fighters but are still ELIMINATED - they made it further than their expectations - and Te Jay hopes that his mom will now accept them as boyfriends, not just room-mates.
And with T&T's elimination, Marla L, Katie L, Vikki M, Heather G and Robert L are out of the pool.

Next week: the double U-Turn is in play, the Scientists get a painful massage, Adam & Bethany risk everything (looks like she had a Fast Forward clue) and Jim fights to hang on - OMG, it looks like he's walking a rope really high up between two buildings and his harness comes off the top rope... Holy Moly!  Can't wait!

Have a great week everyone,


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Nov 19/14 Episode Recap

Getting to Crunch Time

Last week the rude boys messed up by disrespecting Jaclyn and she influenced Jon into voting against the boys - taking Josh out.

Huyopa - Night 21
The tribe returns from Tribal Council and the game has changed:
-Reed is furious his partner is gone and he's rethinking how to play the game going forward on his own.
-Jon is wondering if everyone hates him but he says he had to follow his gut and after hearing how Jaclyn felt about the guys he knew it wasn't right to stay with them.
-Keith is outspoken as usual and though he's not happy that Jon lied to them he gets that it's part of the game - he tells the camera that he's starting to think maybe he should tell everyone to vote him off then play his hidden idol so they can take someone else out. (Hmm, that could possibly work... but I don't think Keith's a good enough actor to pull it off.)

-There is a plank over a mud pit... They will divide into teams and square off, one on one, balanced on he beam over the mud pit.  Goal is to knock the other person into the mud.  First team to 5 wins reward of: Luxury yacht cruise down the coast with sandwiches and beverages...

Then it starts POURING rain on them.

Blue team: Keith, Jaclyn, Jon, Missy and Wes
Yellow team: Alec, Baylor, Reed, Jeremy and Natalie (I just realized Natalie is going to be way skinnier than Nadya by the time this is over - it'll be like a before and after looking at those two.)  But I digress...
1st match up is: Wes vs Reed - and Reed takes it.
2nd - Natalie vs Jaclyn - Natalie bring her team up 2 to 0.
3rd - Jeremy vs Jon - and Jon puts them on the board - 2-1
4th - Baylor vs Missy - Baylor wins - it's 3-1
5th - Alec vs Keith - Keith is patient and it's 3-2
6th - Reed vs Wes - Wes gets it this time and we're tied 3-3
7th - Natalie v Jaclyn - same result, Natalie wins and it's 4-3
8th - Jeremy v Jon - Jon takes it and we're tied 4-4
Which makes the game point a Mother vs Daughter match: Baylor v Missy - and I want to see mom knock her off ... but, as usual, Missy is looking out for her kid and falls off - making the yellow team the winners. 

No sooner had Jeff declared the winners when Natalie asked if she could give up her spot on the boat to Jon (because he was whining about not having any food since the merge) and Jeremy says he's going to give up his spot for Jaclyn... (as a thank you for flipping?) Jon and Jaclyn don't care why, they are moved by the gesture and so ready to get their feed on.  Jon, "I LOVE YOU GUYS!"
-Natalie says she was really nervous at tribal last night and when someone shows you loyalty it's only fair to show it back... (so sweet-ish.)
-But the winning team still gets to send someone to Exile Island and they choose Jeremy - (WHAT?! After he gave up his reward for Jaclyn... that's just not right, poor guy got screwed!)  But Baylor says they chose him to go to Exile because they think there is a hidden idol there and she wants her alliance to find it (Jon already has it, of course she doesn't know that.)

Huyopa - Day 22
-Natalie confirms that she gave up the reward to Jon as appreciation for their siding with them at Tribal and also so she has some leverage on him.
-Keith and Wes know it was a huge strategic move - Jon is never going to flip again after Natalie gave him his hearts desire (sandwiches?) - "Touche to them."
-Wes tells Natalie that he knows the other alliance is final six now but he just asks that they give him or his dad a heads up before they get voted out - he just doesn't want to be "#Blindsided."  The real reason is so they can play the hidden immunity idol Keith has if one of them is targeted to go home (they may be rough around the edges but those boys ain't dumb.)

Exile Island - Day 22
-Jeremy gets the clue to the hidden idol and he tells the camera he gave up the reward in appreciation for Jon & Jaclyn joining his alliance and he wanted to go to Exile so he could find the hidden immunity idol and show his alliance so they will trust him that much more... first, he has to find the idol... and he sees the yacht go by, oh burn.

-They are eating and Jon & Jaclyn are so grateful for the opportunity to share this experience (Blah, blah, blah... FOOD!)
-Reed is just rolling his eyes at the whole situation.  The gesture of giving up the reward was so transparent it makes him want to hurl.  He thinks he's going to have to stir up some chaos at camp because he's really got nothing to lose at this point.

Exile Island - Night 23
-Jeremy is up most of the night, there's no shelter, the weather was crappy... and he didn't find the idol.  He's tired and crabby and all he can think is that Jon must have already found the idol, which is great, but he wishes he had told him so he wouldn't have gone out there by himself for two days.

Huyopa - Day 24
-Jon is worried about when Jeremy comes back without the hidden immunity idol - he thinks they are going to figure out that he's been lying about finding the idol and his cover will be blown. (When was he supposed to have told everyone he had the idol - you can be in an alliance and still keep that stuff to yourself right?  Only one person wins the money in the end. Just sayin'.)

-Jeremy comes back looking pretty exhausted - he says it was a rough two nights... and you can see Jon feeling guilty (oh, get over it.)

The Challenge - They have to unspool a rope, dropping blocks into a basket.   First person to get all their blocks set up in a loose pyramid with the flag in the middle, wins immunity... oh, and they can only use their FEET! (Say Whaaaaa?  I'd be out, might as well just sit on the bench and watch - I do not have monkey feet.)

Off they go - some are using one foot, some both to get the rope unspooled - they get the pieces down relatively quickly - and we find out if they drop a piece outside the basket or on the ground they can pick it up with their hands and put it back in the basket but everything else has to be done with their feet.

-Reed is out to a good lead, dancer has a strong core and dexterous feet.  Keith and Jeremy are also doing pretty well.  Missy & Jon are not that monkey footed.
-It's Keith & Reed working on the third row and as Jeff says it Reed has a bunch fall over.  He catches back up just as Keith drops a bunch of his pieces.  Baylor comes from behind as the boys start falling apart and it's BAYLOR who wins individual immunity!

Huyopa - Day 24
They return from the challenge and Reed feels like he could be going home tonight so he's ready to light the camp on fire on his way out... and decides to start by seeing what Keith has in his bag.  He finds the note that came with the hidden immunity idol - then tells the camera that he always hates it when people go through other people's stuff but, "desperate times call for desperate measures." (It's still pretty skeevy!)
-With this knowledge Reed goes to the ladies, Missy, Jaclyn and Baylor, and shows them the note he found in Keith's bag - telling them that Keith has a hidden immunity idol (um, wasn't Keith in your alliance buddy?) but he tells the girls he's now voting with them.
-Missy knows Reed is scrambling, but if Keith does have an idol, that is definitely something they should worry about.  Baylor just can't believe Keith of all people has an idol and has been able to keep it a secret... Keith?! (Yes, you have underestimated the old coot.)

-Meanwhile, Keith has noticed that his piece of paper is missing from his bag and he tells Wes that someone broke into his bag and they know he has an idol so it may have to come into play sooner rather than later - And you better believe he ranted to the camera about people going through his stuff and having different values.

-Jaclyn fills Jon in on Keith having an idol, that Reed found the papers and Jon confirms he burned his so Keith must have his own idol.  It's getting crazy round here.
-Jeremy tells Natalie that Jon must have the idol from Exile because he looked high and low.  Now they're all paranoid that Jon is trying to take control and Jeremy decides to set him up and try and catch him lying about the idol because we all know Jon is a horrible liar - So Jeremy shows the clue to Jon and tries to get him to admit he found the idol but, to his credit, Jon doesn't crack - he tells them somebody must have the idol but it's not him.  And then Jeremy is back on board, he's got to trust him a little.
-But Jon's convinced that Jeremy didn't believe him so he's got to make a big move and he decides to go tell Missy that he found the idol (huh? I'm lost, why Missy?) But then he continues and tells her that he thinks they should take out Jeremy in the next vote or two cause he's their biggest threat.
-Missy plays along but she is really tight with Jeremy from the beginning and she watched Jon & Jaclyn barrel through people, she's not ready to make that play yet.
-Missy wants to stay six strong and split their votes between Reed & Keith to flush the idol.  She's worried if they start to rock the boat too hard that one of them is going to fell out.

-Josh comes back as the first member of the jury (already?)

-We start talking about trust and what part it plays when the tribe is split six to four.  Jeremy says it's not so much the six to four it's within the six - for instance, Jon & Jaclyn joined their alliance at last tribal council and he and Natalie gave up their reward to show their appreciation for that.
-Jaclyn says she's pretty sure they made the right decision because she doesn't think anybody in the other alliance would have done something like that for them (they show Alec when she said that and you can bet he never would have done that.)
-Jeff goes on to say after giving up the Reward, Jeremy then was sent to Exile island, "he's Mr. Giving." Jeremy has a huge grin "Da da da daaa!"
-Reed pipes up, "But Jeff, it's not completely selfless." (That wiped the grin off Jeremy's face) It serves a purpose, cementing in the trust, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.  It's self-serving in being selfless.
Jeremy agrees - True.
Jeff says it's the best move you can make, it's a win-win and everyone agrees. (Boring re-hash of stuff so far...)
-Any talk of Idols?  Day 24 and we haven't had an idol played yet.
-Missy says there has been talk but she just thinks that people are too comfortable, they shouldn't be feeling that comfortable in this game - it can switch on a dime.
-Jon is pretty confident that someone there has an idol (he's talking about Keith)
-Natalie says it is scary that someone in the four alliance could have an idol but it's also scary that someone in your own alliance has one and is hiding it from you (calling out Jon too.)
-Jaclyn pipes up that Alec and Reed have been forthcoming and talking to them but Wes and Keith have not, no scrambling makes her think that one of those guys have the idol.
-Wes argues back that she's never talked to him about strategy the whole time so why would he come to her?  And Jon assured them he was voting with them and lied so why would he trust them?
-Jon defends himself by bringing up how they didn't give Jaclyn the time of day while he was at Exile and why should they vote with them when they totally discount one of the two.
-Baylor says all they mean is why don't you talk to the girls more.
-Keith says he talks to Missy all the time but then sputters about why he doesn't talk to any of the other girls - (he couldn't think of how to say 'girls are stupid' in a politically correct way.)
-Reed is celebrating that people are fighting and he's not involved - things can change from one second to the next and he's just trying to make it to the next second and find his opportunity to stay.
-Jeremy saw his opportunity when Jon was away to make sure Jaclyn was taken care of - he has a wife and if someone takes care of his wife, he's got your back (still digging at John Rocker?)
-Natalie says what has to happen tonight for her is for the alliance to stick to the plan and not let themselves get distracted by desperate people who will say anything to get what they want.

Time to Vote:
Jeremy votes for Keith
Keith votes Reed
Natalie votes Keith
Alec votes Reed
(looks like there is no six and four anymore)

Playing a hidden immunity idol... is, nobody... what is going on?  Why won't people play their darned idols?  (I guess they figure the vote is going to be split so the rude boys voted Reed... I get it.)

Keith - 1
Reed - 1
Keith - 2
Reed - 2, 3
Jeremy - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... and they blindsided Jeremy!  The reactions on everyone's faces were priceless!  Jaclyn wouldn't look at Natalie, Natalie asks Missy, WTF?, all the rude boys are smiling incredulously and Reed winks at Josh like it was all his doing.

That was a pretty epic blindside. I totally thought they'd stick to the plan to vote Keith and Reed - but sucks to be Jeremy right now, he gave up the reward and volunteered for Exile... and what did he get?  Too tired to play with his usual finesse he pushed Jon too hard and it sent him home.
With Jeremy leaving, that takes Sharon R., Terry B., and Krista H. out of the pool.

Next episode: Natalie's out for revenge and goes looking for Jon's idol - Jon is public enemy number one from the other side too - Alec convinces Jon it's Keith going home and then they plan to flip it... (being the swing vote always comes back to bite you at some point.)

Jeremy's last thoughts: He can't believe they turned on him, he was so forthcoming with his alliance, if he knew it was going to go like this he would have taken that last reward.  "A good guy lost, a good guy lost this time." (I agree, I liked Jeremy, for all his manipulation, he still seemed a good egg.)

Have a great rest of your week everybody,


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Nov 12/14 Episode Recap

Wrinkle in the Plan

Last week on Survivor, the tribes merged, there was a lot of wheeling dealing and then Julie got caught hoarding trail mix and couldn't own up to it, so she quit... they didn't even make them go to Tribal Council! Both Josh and Jeremy were sure the other was going home and were that much angrier at Julie for messing up their plans.

Huyopa - Day 19
-They wake up still pissed off that Julie just up and left like that - Missy especially was not happy with this wrinkle in their plan to vote Josh out.
-Meanwhile, Jon is waffling to Jaclyn, they had decided to side with Josh and vote Jeremy out but now Jon is wondering if he's actually playing the game or just being deceitful.  Jaclyn actually rolled her eyes at him - to  her way of thinking, they are in a power position because both sides are still vying for their votes, this is a good thing.  Jon confirms that he has to consider what is his best path and right now, that does not include Jeremy. (Hmm, we'll see if that doesn't change before they finally go to Tribal Council again.)

-They will divide into two teams.  On Jeff's go, they will race to load big, heavy puzzle pieces into a cart - they will then push that cart to the base of the tower where they will use the pieces to build a temple (staircase) - one person will climb the temple to release a statue and then they must pull the rope to hoist the statue up to the top of the structure they have set up there - once the statue hits the top it will raise their team flag and they will win reward.  Reward is: Survivor style taco bar - chicken, steak, corn, beer, ice tea and margaritas.

Orange: Keith, Natalie, Reed, Jeremy & Wes
Blue: Jon, Alec, Baylor, Josh & Jaclyn
Missy was not picked so she doesn't have to participate but she also has no shot at the reward. (Is that good and bad news?)

Off they go - Yellow has a bit of a lead on the first load of pieces - all the firemen on the one team, they are used to having to lift heavy stuff... and blue has less muscle and one more girl (not that I'm making excuses...)
-Blue is not giving up though, they push on through and both teams get to building their temple.
-Yellow finishes their temple and raises their flag way ahead of blue.
-Yellow gets not only the taco bar but they also chose Jon to go to Exile island, all by his lonesome.  They said it was because they thought he could handle it on his own (whatever, it's more likely they all think he's on their side and don't want anyone trying to win his vote in the next two days.)

-First things first, margaritas all around!  Then they get down to real eating and not talking - because they are from two different alliances, Reed just wanted to keep it a casual meal but Natalie pipes up, "Are we supposed to be strategizing or something?"  She knows very well if Missy or Jon were there with her and Jeremy it would be all strategy but it's Reed, Keith & Wes.
-Keith, bless him, does try to make some game-like conversation - he says his pick last night would have been Julie so if they had gone to tribal even after her quitting, he would have no idea who to vote for.
-Jeremy is not buying it for a minute - he knows very well they were targeting him... but he appreciates that Keith is at least trying to play the game, he's just not very good at it - Oh Burn! (But also, so true.)

-And then Wes made a huge pig of himself, didn't listen to dad telling him to slow down - Keith said, "Wesley's a good kid, hadn't been to jail yet," (is that his yard stick for good kid?) "but he does make some mistakes."  It totally looked like he was going to be wasting all that food but I think a couple big burps and he was able to keep it down - though he did feel like crap. (I don't think Wes is a mental giant either.)

Huyopa - Day 19
-Back at camp, they are having some rice broth, probably pretending it was margaritas... and Josh tells us it couldn't have gone better in terms of him being back at camp with the people he needed to talk to - meaning Baylor.  He takes her aside and basically tells her he thinks she owes him because he stuck his neck out for her in the beginning and Baylor tells the camera she was taught you should give a gift without expecting anything in return, she doesn't feel like she owes him anything.
-She tells him that people have been telling her that he's just using her for her vote (did you follow that?) - He says, "I'm sure your mom has been saying that." (Oh, dude, wrong tactic - don't attack the momma!) But he pretty much knows that Baylor is lost to him.
-Josh then goes and fills in Jaclyn and she assures him that it doesn't matter if Missy & Baylor vote for him because she and Jon are not going to write his name down.  Josh just hopes he can trust her word.

Exile Island - Day 19
-Jon's so lonely, he misses Jaclyn and then he says, "With me away, she has a chance to build those relationships up so she's not just seen as the tag-along." (Seriously?  I get all feminist offended but then realize that everyone does seem to be talking to him and not her, so I have to admit he does have a point. Sigh.)
-Jon gets a clue to a hidden immunity idol on Exile Island - it eludes to low tide and a sword... so he goes looking along the shoreline and then up a big rock on the swordlike peninsula... and what does he find, a hidden immunity idol! (Ho-oh, that could be interesting.)

Huyopa - Day 21
-Wes was having difficulty after the reward and serenaded the camp to burps and farts all night - Alec & Keith think it's funny and join in if they can but Baylor, Missy & Jeremy are disgusted and think the boys are just rude pigs.
-Jeremy admits they can act like that at the firehall sometimes but when a woman comes into the room you shut it down.  These guys are so rude, they are always the first to eat, jumping in front of the girls, "Where are your manners?"
-Alec is still treating Baylor like his little sister - in that he makes her clean up his fish guts and if she complains asks her if she wants to eat... Baylor knows he's just trying to bug her but it's working.  Missy tells her he's rude to her too and to just let it roll off her back.
-But then Keith targets Baylor too - telling her to get up and help him get firewood since she's been laying around all day doing nothing and, right in front of Missy, says if she was his kid she'd have had her butt whooped seven times today (really?)
-And finally Alec tells the girls to keep the fire going as the Rude Boy trio are traipsing off somewhere and they say okay but he adds, "I know Natalie would but I don't know if they will." [talking about Baylor and Jaclyn.] (They can hear you!)
-Jaclyn can't believe how much the guy's behaviour has changed since Jon has been away (or are you just noticing it now because you're not off with Jon and are getting some of the brunt of it.)  She can't believe they are treating her so poorly when they need her vote and should realize that Jon will do what she wants him to do.  Jaclyn tells Baylor and Natalie that the guys just lost her vote with the fire comment - Jon can vote with them if he wants but she's not.

-The Rude boys are half-assed talking about strategy, they have to make sure Jeremy doesn't win individual immunity and Keith says, "We have to  touch base with... Jon."  And I could see the wheels moving... Alec asks who else they have to touch base with and he says, "I would think Jaclyn." (You know, that girl you just insulted.) and Alec dismisses her out of hand, "No, no, Jon's down with the boys." (Oh, I hope she makes that chauvinist learn a million dollar lesson... but who am I kidding, Alec's not getting anywhere near winning.)

-Jon comes back and is welcomed by all.

-It's a memory challenge - they have to use their cubes to repeat back a series of symbols that Jeff shows them.
First round: Jon first out, Reed next out and then Wes & Alec out (B'bye.)
Second round: Natalie first out, Baylor next out, Jaclyn out, then Missy & Keith both out and we're down to the final two - Josh & Jeremy (and they chose different icons)... JEREMY wins individual immunity! (Ohh, the one thing they didn't want, but I'm glad - I can't help it though, I like Jeremy.)

Huyopa - Day 21
Back at camp, everyone is congratulating Jeremy but he knows Josh and his goons were coming for him - he's revelling in their gritted teeth congrats.

-Jon whispers to Jaclyn that he has the hidden idol and she does not have a poker face - good thing no one was watching that but us.

-Jeremy knows tonight's vote is all down to Jon & Jaclyn and he hopes they are on his side or he's going to have to keep winning immunity to keep himself alive.

-Josh & Reed are talking to Alec & Wes and they are thinking Baylor tonight - the rude boys know Keith would be 100% in so Josh declares it's Baylor and he's hoping J&J (Jon & Jaclyn) are still willing to vote on his side or this could be his last day out there.

-But speaking of J&J, Jon asks her how it's been the last couple days around camp without him there and she tells him she doesn't want to vote with the boys anymore, they don't speak to her when he's not there they do nothing but discount her and going forward, the guys are their biggest competition in the immunity challenges.  Jon points out that they are not going to win over Jeremy in the end but she seems willing to give it a shot...
-Then Reed comes over to talk to them and when he asks how it's going she can't hide that she's not happy he's interrupted them - Jon plays politician though and asks who they are voting for tonight and Reed tells them Baylor because she's so annoying.  Jaclyn just doesn't say anything.
-Jaclyn tells the camera that she thought Jon would have her back but he's looking really far ahead which is stupid... she doesn't know what they are going to do now.

Back at camp Keith proves that he does not know how this game is played.  Missy asks him in front of Jeremy and Natalie if he's just going along with what Josh says now or do they have a chance... and he goes on a rant about how lazy Baylor is and how Missy does everything for her (OMG! This guy needs to give his head a shake - yes, everything he said may be true and she may need to hear it, but not when you are competing for a million dollars - you tell her she is the best mother you've ever seen and you wish you had a daughter like hers - then you vote her out... It looks like he doesn't understand women or Survivor.)

-Later, Baylor asks Missy what Keith said and she tells her he said it's you... ominous music accompanies her eyes bugging out - and they know they have to talk to J&J... well, Missy says she has to go talk to Jon.
-Missy says to Jon that they should stick to their original plan to vote Josh and he's all wishy-washy with her.

-Jaclyn does not want to vote with those guys but Jon is not on the same page with her, he doesn't want to face Jeremy in the end.

-Jeremy doesn't trust Jon, he's sneaky - and I guess after tonight they'll know if he was being clear or shady.

-Jaclyn says, "No matter what happens, somebody's not going to be happy."

-Jeremy knew if he didn't win immunity today people would be writing his name down.
-Josh said he knew his name was being tossed around as well and that he needed the immunity tonight.
Jeff asks, "Are the alliances just known?"
-Wes says basically, it's him & Alec, Josh & Reed and of course his dad.
-Which takes us to the other alliance of Jeremy, Natalie, Missy & Baylor and leads us to Jon & Jaclyn still being the belle of the ball with everyone vying for their votes.
-But it also comes out that while Jon was at Exile, none of the guys talked to Jaclyn (except Josh, so he looked confused) but the young guys totally discounted her and she was feeling very disrespected by them. (Alec looks scared,'oh, should I have been nice to her?' Idiot.)
-Missy lays it out that the young guys are acting like they are at a frat house - burping, farting, spitting... they don't care if a female's there or not.
-And Keith pipes up that they are not at the Hilton and these are normal body functions (huh, doesn't feel so good having your kid criticized right in front of you, does it.)
-Natalie had brought up how the young guys were treating Jaclyn and how she feels protective of the original Hunahpu and felt Jon was someone they could trust from the beginning.
-Reed wants to pitch them his side - why would they, as a couple, want to side with a bunch of singles, don't you think they will just turn on you and try to take Jon out?
-Jeremy jumps in that Reed's side would turn on them too and try to take Jon out as he's the biggest physical threat [after himself of course].
-Jon says he's okay with their lynch pin status right now but they are having to make game changing decisions that are pretty scary.

Alec votes Baylor - says he's sorry she can't handle hanging with the big boys. (Who would that be?)
Baylor votes Josh - says she stopped trusting him when he wrote her name down the first tribal and didn't tell her.

No one plays a hidden immunity idol even though Keith and Jon both have one now.

Baylor - 1
Josh - 1
Baylor - 2
Josh - 2
Baylor - 3
Josh - 3
Baylor - 4
Josh - 4
Baylor - 5
Josh - 5
Final vote is for... JOSH!  (And Jaclyn proved they should have been nicer to her while Jon was away. Happy wife, happy life.)  Too bad Josh and Jeremy couldn't both stay and they get rid of Alec... I appreciate the gamesmanship of their rivalry - now we have to suffer through more frat boy crap.
And with Josh leaving, that takes Cindi C, Donna P and Cara & Alex L. out of the pool.

Next time: With his moral compass gone, Reed is willing to lie, cheat and steal to stay in the game - he goes through Keith's bag and tells everyone he has an idol - which throws the camp into turmoil (oh, fun!)

Josh's final thoughts - he never fully trusted the alliance he was with there at the end.  He thinks he revealed a little too much of who he was out there and that got him sent packing but he's thankful he made it as far as he did and it's been an awesome experience. (I didn't mind Josh but I think he was a little too clinical in his approach, he should have led with his gut more and maybe he'd still be there.)

Have a great rest of your week everybody,


Monday, November 10, 2014

The Amazing Race 25 - Nov 7/14 Episode Recap

Pretty Fly for a Food Scientist

Last week we bade a fond farewell to Shelley & Nici, they worked on not fighting instead of keeping sharp and ultimately a poor sense of direction cost them the Race.

This week the Dentists are the first team to head out at 9:44pm - they read the clue to fly to Palermo, Sicily! Once there they must make their way to Teatro di Verdura where they'll find their next clue.
-They are stoked to be going to Sicily, well... to be leaving Marrakech. They said the Race has been the most fun they have had in their 16 year relationship - it forces them to get over petty squabbles quickly because you have to keep communicating if you want to win the Race.
-They head straight to a travel agency to book the best possible flight to Palermo.

-Surfers are the next team out at 11:29pm - doing these challenges and travelling this much as a newlywed couple has been kind of like bootcamp but it's also been a great bonding experience. (I have not seen these two fight... are they a perfect couple? Ah, I just can't hate them.)

-Kym & Alli are next out at 11:31pm - Kym is excited they are finally heading somewhere she's never been before. (Huh, is that why she seems to know where everything is or is the bike messenger training where she is just freaky good at directions?)

-Back at the travel agency, the Dentists are making the soul crushing realization that the first flight they can get to Sicily won't get them there until 8pm the following evening, so it's a day of living in the airport.

-12:04pm, Tim & Te Jay - they are doing better than they thought on the Race, in terms of bickering, they fight more at home than they have on the Race.

-Travel agency - the Cyclists and Surfers get there about the same time and it's the Cyclists that get inside first and get the better flight with the Dentists.

-Wrestlers next heading out at 12:29pm - they are really excited about Sicily... and even though they think this is the most amazing experience ever, they are missing working out and tanning and twitter and eye brow threading (that was Robbie that mentioned the eyebrow threading... yeah, they are starting to look a little shaggy :) and he's lost half an ab.

-Travel agency, Tim & Te Jay show up as the Cyclists are leaving and Bethany & Adam and T & T learn that they can't get the same flight, they will be getting in 40 minutes later. (What? That sucks! Those wily Cyclists!)

-The Cyclists are in the car and realizing they are going to be travelling with the Dentists they let us know that the McFakersons are not their favourite team - they think they are their biggest competition and they won the Save then were saved by a non-elimination round - it's like they have 9 lives. Alli pipes up that Jim is also a little nasty (when the eyes start bugging out, watch out!)

-Airport - the Cyclists find Jim & Misti's car and write "Team No Fun" in the dust on the back window. Because they are all business and look with disapproving bugged out eyes whenever the girls want to party on the bus. They imagine they are not the Dentists favourite people either but they don't really care.

-Travel Agency - everyone else is there now - Surfers, T&T, Wrestlers and Scientists and they are all not very happy that the two arguably strongest teams will have a 40 minute lead on them because of the flight situation (but whatchagunnado?)

Next day - first flight lands in Palermo and they see a beautiful sunset at the airport. The Dentists and Cyclists agree to work together to get to Teatro di Verdura (?) - they even split a cab. In voice over the Jim let us know how they feel about the Cyclists - they felt the girls were quite standoffish in the beginning but now they don't feel the same way about them... Misti says, but "we don't love them like we love the other teams." However, both teams know it's to their benefit to work together so they are all acting like they like each other for now.

Second flight arrives and it's like the taxi drivers are vying for their business - there is a huge crowd of drivers out there. And once they are in the cabs - the Surfers driver passes the Wrestlers and Brooke's not too happy about it - Robbie just wants pizza (always thinking with his stomach.)

-Cyclists and Dentists arrive at the Teatro blah-di-blah - and they find tambourines hanging that have a departure time on the back of 6:30, 6:40 or 6:50am... and they are told to dance the night away with the traditional band and dancers - they grab the 6:30am tambourines and the girls force Jim to dance with them.
-The rest of the teams arrive, grab their tambourines and join in the dancing.

-6:30am - The Dentists and Cyclists get the clue to make their way to Villa Costanza to find their next clue - first things first, they have to try and find a cab in an area where there are none.

-6:40am - The Scientists and Wrestlers are the next team to head out...

-The Cyclists and Dentists were lucky to run into a local woman who was able to call them both cabs - Kym says they travelled and wined and dined with the Dentists, now they're besties! The Dentists say this wouldn't be happening in leg 12 but for now they're okay hanging with another team.

-The Wrestlers and Scientists are running looking for a taxi and Brooke is complaining, as usual - they are also arguably the team in the best shape and she's always saying she can't run anymore... they just stop and stand on a street corner hoping a cab will drive by.

-By this time T&T and the Surfers have also started out and are also having no luck finding cabs.

ROADBLOCK - Who wants to put their foot to the floor-io?
-This looks so fun! They will have to drive a classic motor car race route up Mount Pelligrino in go carts! If they can make it in under 4 min, 7 sec - they will get their next clue and they can ride back down the course in a classic race car driven by a professional driver (those cars are awesome, and the view is amazing - Palermo is beautiful guys.)

-Kym and Jim are going to be driving the go carts - the most competitive two on the Race, going neck and neck. They suit up (Kym's overalls could fit two of her, and they just fit Jim) - they take off before other teams show up.

-The Scientists are the first next team to find a taxi and the Wrestlers are bitter... but still just stand around.

-Surfers and T&T kept moving and finally found a taxi stand so they all headed out.

-By absolutely dumb luck, the Wrestlers finally have a taxi drive by them 40 minutes from their start time and they head for the Roadblock.

-Speaking of which - Kym and Jim finally make it to the go-carts and the starting line - and they are OFF! OMG, that looks so fun - except the cobblestoned areas, magic fingers for sure. And Jim is very conscious of the time limit so he's pedal to the metal - Kym is having fun as she is wont to do - and she's not letting him get away from her either.

-Scientists have made it to the Roadblock and it's Maya going to be driving for them - her overalls also swallow her but she thinks she's "pretty fly for a food scientist."

-Jim is weaving back and forth trying to keep Kym from passing him but she has the advantage of being way lighter than him - he just wanted to make sure if he wasn't going to make it in time, neither would she - but they both made it with 8 (Jim) and 4 (Kym) seconds to spare. They then get their next clue which they can't open until the meet up with their partners again - and they get to choose a classic car to ride back down in - Kym gets in a black car and Jim in a little red convertible (don't ask me what they were, I have no idea, but they were sleek and gorgeous.)

-Maya gets to run the course by herself in the go cart and it didn't serve her well because she didn't make it in time and has to go back down and try again. And the next heat can't start until she comes back down - so Adam & Te Jay are sitting in their go carts waiting.

Kym & Jim get back to their partners and open their clues to the DETOUR - Painters or Posers?
-In Painters they will have to restore a fresco by laying on their backs on top of a very high scaffold - once their painting meats the standards of the restoration artist, the priest will give them their next clue. (I'd totally do that one.)
-In Posers they have to go to a beautiful opera house and listen to 10 opera singers perform a short selection from 10 different operas - then they must identify the costumes of the singers they just saw and write the name of each character and their opera in the correct order... (hold on, how are they supposed to know that? Painting it is.)
-Dentists and Cyclists agree, they are all heading to Painting.

-Back at the Roadblock - the Wrestlers have arrived before Maya makes it back from her failed attempt so the next heat is Adam, Te Jay, crazy Brooke and Maya! It's truly a race and Brooke is a crazy woman - she weaves through them all screaming the whole time and takes a huge lead but Maya catches up to her and Adam, being bigger can't keep up, he's back with Te Jay who I think is just too timid but with Brooke to follow they all make it in time this time. They get the clue and choose their classic sports cars to travel down in style... and Brooke ends up with the old man who's out for a Sunday drive (she has no car luck today.)

Detour - the Dentists and Cyclists arrive at the church (I guess), they head upstairs and the first thing we learn is "Oh god, it's hot!" and close and they are packed in tight together trying to paint a fricken cherub on the ceiling... and trying to keep your hand steady... I guess this isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

-Adam and Maya are the first two back to their partners and they both decide to do Painters... in the cab Adam reads that only 4 teams can do the Painters task, it's first come first serve. Adam is glad they still have the Express Pass in case they need it.

-Te Jay and Brooke get back and Tim really wants to do the paintinng so they are going to try and be the fourth team in - Brooke & Robbie knowing only 4 teams can do it, go for the Opera.

-Painters - Misti & Jim are used to using their hands for fine precision work being dentists so they are kind of enjoying the painting (except for his excessive sweating).

-Kym & Alli however have laid down on the wrong side of each other as Kym is left handed and Alli is right handed and they kept bumping into each other... and the excessive sweating... and their arms were getting tired.

-Surfers, Scientists and T & T all arrive at the Painters task and it's a race up the stairs... and those little guys weaselled their way in there ahead of Amy & Maya - once they saw there were already two teams there the Scientists had to turn around and head for the opera. Tim & Te Jay celebrate... a little prematurely... cause once they get started they realize this painting task is not easy.

-Opera - Brooke & Robbie are getting their first look and listen to the performers and they are gobsmacked... they can't understand a word they said and from reading the clue they thought they'd be singing their names for them to right down later... they are ready to head to the other detour right away but only 4 can do that one so they head up to look at the program they need to fill out and realize they can totally do this - the gallery is full of costumes and they only need to remember the outfits the singers were wearing and put them in order - the outfits have signs that give the name of the character and opera - (OHHHH, yeah, this one is way easier!)

-They did remember a couple right away but now that they know what they are looking for, with one more performance they should be able to nail this.

-Back at Painting - the Dentists and Cyclists get their painting judged and they are both lacking - some details left out, some lines too thick and wobbly...

-Bethany has her hair in the paint and Tim & Te Jay are squabbling.

- Back at the opera -when the Wrestlers head back, the Scientists have arrived so they watch the performance together - the Wrestlers take off before it's over cause they were just looking at the costumes and then both teams are looking for the costumes to fill out their programs.

-Painting - Jim & Misti are the first team to get a pass and they get the clue to head to the Pit Stop - Villa Niscemi.

-Kym & Alli finish right behind them - and Alli is whining in the taxi, "If only we could have painted faster than them."

-Opera - the Wrestlers get an incomplete on their first check because Brooke forgot to write down the opera under one of the characters. They wait to see if the Scientists pass, which they don't - so Robbie says, "Let's just do this together" and the girls agree - they are going to bang this out together. And they go to check out the performance one more time.

-Painting - they are all miserable. Adam & Bethany of course are not complaining cause they're perfect - but they don't get a pass, they have to clean up some of their lines. Tim & Te Jay do nothing but complain and hope the Opera thing is just as hard - they also don't get a pass - missing some lines and a little messy.

-Opera - they all consult on their program then the Scientists hand theirs in and it's right - everyone celebrates but then the Wrestlers realize they let the girls go first... and they were there first - that was dumb. They are right as well but now heading out behind the girls... and frustrated that they could have just given up first place.

-Painting - Adam & Bethany finally get a pass and T&T were wishing they had just done the Opera ... but finally their torture comes to an end and everyone is heading to the Pit Stop.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Jim & Misti - This is the 300th leg of the Amazing Race and they have won a trip to Jamaica.
2) Kym & Alli - Kym appreciates Jim's competitiveness, as long as she can beat him - now they just have to find a way to break his knee caps.
3) Amy & Maya - Maya is all positive, when the Wrestlers come in right behind them, "here's to working together today..."
4) Brooke & Robbie - but they were bummed the girls beat them to the mat (but 3rd and 4th - it doesn't really matter.)
5) Bethany & Adam - I couldn't help but notice when she went to hug Adam that her stump moved like she was hugging him with both arms - I don't know why that touched me...
6) Tim & Te Jay - Phil was sorry to say they were the last to arrive... but they aren't going home today because this is a NON-ELIMINATION round - tears to cheers! They will have to complete a Speed Bump next leg but Te Jay says if the Dentists can do it, we can do it.

So everyone made it another week... and I totally want to visit Palermo now - it's so beautiful!

Have a great week everyone,


Oh, and it looks like there is no Amazing Race this Friday, in the preview Phil said in two weeks they are heading to Malta.
So what's on Friday? The Hollywood Film Awards? What's that? (I'm a bit of a sucker for awards shows too - especially movies :))

And don't forget to pay your respects tomorrow, Lest we forget.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Nov 5/14 Episode Recap

Million Dollar Decision

Last week we saw Dale make a Hail Mary play by trying to leverage a fake idol to stay in the game but in the end Jon & Jaclyn stuck with mom & daughter Missy & Baylor and Dale was voted out... Making Dale & Kelley the first completely eliminated pair.

Coyopa - Day 16
-It's the next day after they voted out Dale and Keith has his shorts in a knot because he got a couple votes - "That wuddn't in the plan."
-Missy feels bad and tells him that they were just trying to flush Dale's idol but she's burned her bridges with Keith - he needs someone who will stay loil (loyal) and he's got no problem leaving Missy and Baylor high and dry.

Hunahpu - Day 16
-They get tree mail that tells them to pack everything up and follow the map to the headland trail where they'll receive further instructions.  They all assume it's the MERGE! (who's going to be first to realize they could have made it without giving everything up for more rice?)
-Josh is a little frustrated that they are merging already because they haven't had the chance to get Jeremy out, but he and Reed are sure they are going to run the game once they merge.
-Jeremy is happy that he doesn't have to take a back seat to Josh & Reed anymore, he's seeing his chance to get them out. (So, no love lost between Jeremy and Josh... there can only be one alpha in the pack.)

Coyopa - Day 16
-They get the same tree mail and they all celebrate - they've made it to the MERGE!  Jon even quoted Kat from last BvW, "No one wants to date someone who didn't make it to the merge!" But he & Jaclyn can keep dating, cause they made it. (How sweet.)

MERGE at the headland trail... FOOD!
They all come together and hug and EAT!  Everyone is having a good time except Julie who is having a hard time seeing all the united couples when she's without John, "Makes me want to cry a little bit." (Ugh! Don't be one of those girls.)
-Reed reads a note that came with their new buffs - Congratulating them on the merge and telling them they are all going to be living at the Coyopa camp.
-They start to gather up all their stuff and all the left over food so they can continue the feast later. 

They head off for Camp, everyone carrying their fair share and Josh's mind is going, he's trying to figure out if they'll have the numbers, how his game looks from this point forward.

-Jeremy is thinking along the same lines, this is where the game really starts, the first half was the prelims, now they have to all step their games up.  And Jeremy starts by working his numbers, he's got Natalie and Julie and he wants two couples so he's talking to Jon [& Jaclyn] and Missy & Baylor is his other target.
-Jon tells Jeremy that they are down with Missy & Baylor - then Jeremy fills him in that Wes is down with Josh, and Josh is running everything from their end, "He's on his game right now, yo."
-Jon's like, "okay, we have seven, so first vote we vote for Josh." And Jeremy is happy that he's got his numbers and we're moving forward.
-Jeremy goes and talks to Missy and they have old home week, they've been together since day one so it's all good.

-Everyone gathers to choose a new tribe name and they go with the hybrid: # Huyopa

- Josh is very aware that Jeremy's been going around talking to everyone and Josh knows if Jeremy gets his numbers before he and Reed get theirs, they're screwed.

Huyopa - Day 17
-Josh is the first person to wish Wes a happy birthday... big daddy Keith totally forgot but he seems to think it's no big deal - he catches Wes a crab to roast... (don't say he never give ya nothin'.)

-Josh & Reed are talking numbers, right now they are tight with Wes & Keith and Alec but that's only five - Josh thinks he can guilt on Baylor since he did save her once and then have Missy transfer over with Baylor giving them seven. (A day late and a dollar short boys.)
-So while Josh & Baylor are walking and talking she says she's still with him as far as she knows... but she tells the camera it's really hard for her being aligned with Josh right now - Missy had a bunch of alliances and Baylor had one... "so it's like, thanks for helping me get this far, but now I have to vote you out." (Welcome to Survivor.)
-Josh reads her right, she's being very sketchy and he tells the camera he was actually a little hurt (and I rolled my eyes - dude, you wrote her name down once, don't play the injured party now. Own it.)

-Baylor then talks to Missy and tells her that Josh approached her and she's feeling torn - Missy tells her to just listen to Mommy - she has to be phony, put on a smile and tell him what he wants to hear but underneath have your game face on.  Missy is worried that Baylor has such a need to please and she is more worried about Josh being mad at her than winning the game. 
-Missy tells the camera she's feeling really good playing the game with Baylor cause she's able to redeem herself in her daughter's eyes ... (I hardly think a reality show is going to make up for her crappy upbringing, but you go ahead and tell yourself that.)

-Josh realizes that Baylor is totally under her Mom's influence and they have no choice but to make a play for Jon & Jaclyn at this point - so he goes over and just lays it out for them:
Don't get into bed with Jeremy, he's the biggest threat and he's talking to Everyone.  "Who do you think they're going to give the million dollars to?  Two successful Broadway performers, or a fireman with two kids?"
-Initially Jon & Jaclyn looked uncomfortable that he wanted to talk to them but by the end of his plea they seem to have really listened and may be considering. They go off and make a show of discussing what they should do... (but who are we kidding, they played that way with Kelley & Dale too - they're not switching.)

Huyopa - Day 18
*Trail Mix Scandal* - Everyone is starving (as usual) and they are scrounging through every bag looking for every scrap of food they brought back from the feast.  They are sure someone brought the trail mix but no one can find it. 
-Julie tells the camera that she has some of the trail mix left in her bag but to her, she was smart enough to grab it, so it's hers.  She'll share it with who she likes but she's not putting it out for the hoard to gobble up.

BUT, while Julie is off by herself sunbathing, Jon starts going through everyone's bags and finds her stash - they are horrified that someone would be hoarding food and they take it and eat it all.
-Wes tells the camera that's one of the most selfish things you can do in Survivor and Jon is angry - you don't steal someone's food! (Wait, who's bag was it in?  And who stole who's food?  Amazing.)
-Julie comes back to camp and she feels the tension in the air - the rest of them are openly saying things like, "Who does she think she is?" and, "I can still taste that trail mix we just ate."  No one actually confronts her though, and she doesn't acknowledge it either... but she knows she's in trouble.

They will have to balance a ball on a disc suspended over two ropes.  To make it more difficult, at specific intervals they will have to move back farther on the rope making it that much harder to keep tension and keep the ball from falling off.  After 25 minutes they are going to add a second ball.  If at any time a ball falls, they're out. Last person left standing wins the first Individual Immunity.
-Off they go and right away Jeremy is the first one out (huh? did you fall asleep for a second?) the round is only 10 minutes... and as soon as Jeff announces one minute left, Missy is out of the challenge, closely followed by Julie... just hang on!
-2nd round - they have moved back to the farthest end of the ropes and the wind picks up - knocks Reed out, Baylor's out, Alec, Jaclyn, Natalie.... and we're down to Josh, Wes, Keith and Jon with 10 minutes left to go in this round.
-3rd round - all the guys made it and they now have 2 balls on their discs... Josh is out quickly (which made Jeremy happy), followed by Jon and it's dad vs son... and KEITH wins first Individual Immunity - by the skin of his teeth.

Huyopa - Day 18
-Jeremy thought he was going to kill in these challenges - but he sucks!  He was out first, before a Mom (Missy), even Julie, of all people. "I was out before Julie," he says incredulously - but he still feels safe for tonight's vote because he does have the numbers.

-Meal time... is actually broth time (where did Hunahpu's rice go?) and everyone is still mad at Julie... Alec takes a shot, "I sure would like some trail mix." And again, Julie doesn't acknowledge that she heard anything, she just walks away by herself.  She cries to the camera that she doesn't know what to do, she's really lost right now. (OMG! How about being a grown up and clearing the air? Has someone else taken care of you your whole life?  What am I saying, of course they have.)

-Julie is confiding to Missy, not about the food, but that she is feeling like quitting, and Missy is being Mom to her, telling her she understands how hard she's had it (whatever) but asking her not to go yet (they can't stand you but they still need your vote.)
-Julie knows they just want to use her for her vote and she gets it, that's how the game is played but she's already proven how selfish she is and Julie is going to make her decision based on what SHE needs. (Ugh, just go home.)

-Jon & Jeremy are talking and they know that Josh is still going to be gunning for Jeremy.  Jeremy asks what Josh's reasoning was for taking him out and Jon tells him it was because he was going to win all the individual immunity challenges... "But I suck at these challenges!" Jeremy is very likable and personable but he is the biggest player out there and he realizes that Josh is the only one in the other alliance that is playing the game.  If they take Josh out, it's over!  Jon and Jeremy are still on point, to take Josh out tonight.

-Josh also knows that Jeremy is the only other person playing as hard as he is and he's playing well - which frustrates him.  Josh's strategy now is to focus on taking out the singles and he talks to Keith & Wes and Jon and they all agree if they take out the singles there will be more camaraderie and when they are down to the 8, they can duke it out. 

-Jon says he's found himself doing a 180 in terms of what alliances he's supporting.  He goes and tells Jaclyn that he doesn't think they can trust Jeremy and they're going to vote him out tonight.  She doesn't know if that's a good idea but Jon tells her its better for their game to go with the couples... and she's alright with that (huh, that was easy.) Though they keep dragging it out that they don't want to flip but they are a couple so they should be okay (blahdy-blah-de-blah.)

-Back at camp almost everyone is gathered under the shelter, then someone asks, "Where is Julie?"
-Alec is all proud of his passive aggressive hating on her that she totally overheard and Baylor says she took off with her bag... which sets Missy & Jeremy on high alert. But Missy tells him that she said she wouldn't quit...

-The next thing we see is Jeff coming down the beach to meet with Julie... and she very dry-eyed tells him that it's been too hard for her being around couples when she isn't with John and that they are being mean to her - Jeff is following her reasoning exactly, he's not being judgemental at all...but I am, (come on, she knows she's not going to win and everyone hates her so she wants to quit... just let her go.)
-She says she's not going to stay there because Missy tells her they need her, they just want to use her to get themselves farther in the game.
-Jeff says, what about those people that are aligned with you, this could be a million dollar quit (Jeff, she doesn't give a dried apricot about anyone but herself...) of course she says she feels really guilty about that and finally we get some crocodile tears... but it looks more like she is consciously doing this to mess with everyone - (yeah, all I heard was me, me, I, "this is what I need") - and she quits the game. (Wow, I think she and Rocker are meant for each other.)

Jeff goes to tell the tribe - they all gather on a log and he gives them Bad news: If you were in an alliance with Julie, you just lost a member.
-Jeremy is disgusted again - she was his numbers and she screwed him.
-Josh says it made all their odds better, one less person, unless she was your only alliance.
-And it comes out that she hid food from everyone, they were all really mad at her and they think she just couldn't face up to the fact that she is a very selfish person.
Good news: No Tribal Council - which means somebody may have just gotten a million dollar break.
No one is happy that Julie left, especially Josh and Jeremy.
-Josh because he was pretty sure they were going to blindside Jeremy at the Tribal Council tonight - which now isn't happening and who knows how things will shake up in the next few days.
-Jeremy because he was sure that Josh would be going home tonight and now his plan is totally messed up.

And with Julie taking the cowards way out, that takes Robert L., Monica S. and Kevin R. out of the pool.

Next week: It's a battle of the sexes with Alec refusing to provide for the women and Missy standing up to his chauvinistic ways... which puts a strain on Jon & Jaclyn - she doesn't want to align with the guys anymore and Jon doesn't understand why (gee, I don't know, cause they treat her like crap? Boys, sheesh.)

Do we care about Julie's exit interview? "Only I know how tough this was on ME..." (we don't care, b-bye!)

Have a good rest of your week everybody,
