Go Big or Go Home
This is the 25th season of the Amazing Race and they started out from Times Square in New York City... with a cheering crowd all around them (that was different.)
And off they go - they read the clue which tells them to start the race where the first race ended. Luckily there were contestants from the first season among the spectators and the teams ran over and found out they had to head to the Globe at Flushing Meadows park. TAXI! Luckily no lack of taxi's in New York but also no lack of traffic.
Flushing Meadows park - Adam & Bethany are the first team to find the clue box and they read the clue to fly to St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. (Oh, she can't tear open the clue... I wonder how she'll do with some of the physical challenges to come.)
Once they land in St Thomas they must make their way to the Vendors Plaza and sign up for a Sea Plane flight. Only two teams per float plane.
-Bethany & Adam and Tim & Te Jay take off in the seaplane and the views and water are beautiful - these teams are all hopeful they can win the SAVE.
The 2nd flight with the remaining 6 teams arrive and they are cut throat - the first couple teams sign up for the float planes without incident but when the last three teams arrive it's pushing and shoving - one of the firefighters is writing his name on the sheet when one of the barbie sisters rips the pen out of his hand and writes her name over it... what!?! Leaving the firefighters and wrestlers the last two teams. (OMG! Why are pretty people sometimes the ugliest people? And no acknowledgement of their heinous behaviour, they felt totally justified and entitled to steal that spot... it was awful.)
-The first seaplane lands and Tim & Te Jay are the first to the cluebox - they must take a boat out to a rocky outcropping, then climb the rocks to the other side where they will leap two storeys into the Caribbean Sea where they will find their next clue floating in a bottle.
-Tim & Te Jay are the first to the ROADBLOCK - one person must use a traditional liquid compass which is backwards to the standard compass where the direction you are facing is actually closest to you - starting at a designated landmark, they must use the compass and the shovels provided, which measure 1 yard, to find the coordinates in their clue and dig up a treasure chest which will have their next clue in it. (Oh man, this is going to be difficult.) And someone needs to learn to read the clue as Tim just starts digging at the landmark instead measuring out the coordinates... that does not bode well for them coming in first.
-The rest of the teams are climbing rocks and jumping in the ocean - or in float planes or still waiting for float planes... but slowly they all start arriving at the beach.
-Dennis & Isabelle are jumping off the rocks and he wants to throw up - I'm not sure if it was from exhaustion from the climb or fear but he hadn't eaten so there was nothing to throw up (gross.) But they jump and she lands butt first - ouch! Yeah, that hurt.
-Back at the beach, Tim also asks Jim how to use the compass and he tells him - Jim feels good that the teams in front of him are asking for help, means that he's ahead of them... because he just dug up his chest.
-Jim & Misti open the chest and inside is a shiny silver clue that tells them to make their way to the PIT STOP - Fort Christian. The last team to check in will be eliminated.
-Back at the rocks, Keith and Whitney are jumping and she's not comfortable with it - but they moved their wedding in order to come on the Amazing Race so there is nothing she's not going to do to win.
-Isabelle & Dennis finally make it to the beach and are relieved to see so many teams still there. Oh and cyclist chick finally found the anchor, "Ah, an anchor that looks like an anchor." (Yup, that's an anchor alright.)
-The last two teams are at the rocks now, the wrestlers are in 10th place and the firefighters are bringing up the rear.
-Back at the beach everyone is still there, no one else has found their chest. Wrestlers and firefighters are having issues with the little boats - but Michael and Scott manage to get to the beach, the wrestlers end up swamping their boat and have to drag it through the water... is this more proof that muscle doesn't float?
Now everyone is at the beach except the dentists... wrestler Robbie is using the compass like a magic 8-ball - Nici has to show him how to even line up North... oh boy.
And then... Tim finally finds their chest! Shut Up!
-Dennis has a mad blister right now. As the sun starts to set they (should) all know which way is West - Keith is confused why the compass is backwards.
-And wrestler Robbie is the next to find his chest (are you kidding me? Now that was just plain luck right there.) Nici is bitter she told him how to use the compass and she still couldn't find hers.
-Cyclists Kym & Alli are the next to find the chest (good thing she finally found that anchor.)
-Nici has never been so displeased to be on a beach in her whole life, daughter Shelley can't believe she can't just find the damn box so she can get some damn food (ha, these two are funny.)
-Dennis finally realizes the sun is setting behind him and he's been going the wrong way the whole time.
-Now the sun is down, it's dark and they are all exhausted - Keith & Whitney decide they have to convince the other two teams to give up and take the 4 hr penalty and they will have a foot race to the mat.
Here's How They Finished:
Next week: Looks like they are in England - teams go punting (lots of people falling out of boats) and in a race to the finish, there are lots of tears - Isabelle and Shelley both crying they don't want to go home... yikes.
It was weird having the Race on Friday night (but I still did the recap on Sunday because procrastination is my middle name :) Have a great week everyone.
This is the 25th season of the Amazing Race and they started out from Times Square in New York City... with a cheering crowd all around them (that was different.)
We meet the teams as they arrive by taxi:
- Adam & Bethany, newly married surfers from Hawaii- she lost an arm in a shark attack and was the subject of the movie Soul Surfer... there is someone with a can-do attitude.
- Amy & Maya, food scientists from Madison, Wi - they study candy and ice cream (yum!) They want to prove scientists are more than lab coats and beakers.
- Dennis & Isabelle -dating, accountant and model, from California - he's Cambodian and she's Vietnamese, they want to prove to her family (they wanted her to date a nice Vietnamese boy) that this relationship is getting cemented and may lead to marriage.
- Brooke & Robbie, dating pro wrestlers from Texas and New Jersey - they are intimidating in, and out, of the ring - they are about one thing, and that's winning.
- Keith & Whitney - engaged from Nashville - they met on Survivor (and I don't really remember them... well I remember his great hair and chin dimple and her twang... but personality-wise, nope.) They didn't win Survivor but they're gunna win the Race.
- Kym & Alli - competitive street cyclists from New York - what the heck? They race bicycles through traffic - that's nutty. They are adrenaline junkies and are going to race like guys.
- Lisa & Michelle - barbie doll looking sisters and realtors from Miami, FL - they are aggressive in their work and use their looks to help them which they intend to do on the race as well.
- Michael & Scott - firefighters from Boston, MA - they responded to the marathon bombing and are proud to represent the people of Boston.
- Tim & Te Jay - college sweethearts from Pasedena, CA. They met as freshmen in college and the rest is Herstory (oh boy). I don't know who is who - one of them has been trying to tell his mom they are boyfriends not just room mates... (Well, coming out on national TV might just do it.)
- Shelley & Nici - mother & daughter flight attendants from Detroit, Mi - they look like sisters, they are only 17 years apart - they know everything they are going to have to do as a team on the race will only bring them closer, so, game on!
- Misti & Jim - married dentists from Columbia, SC - these two are amazingly fake looking - fake tan, fake hair, fake teeth... and oh those teeth - the whitest veneers I've ever seen! He thinks they are perfect competitors for the race - they picture their dreams coming true and they do. (wow).
And off they go - they read the clue which tells them to start the race where the first race ended. Luckily there were contestants from the first season among the spectators and the teams ran over and found out they had to head to the Globe at Flushing Meadows park. TAXI! Luckily no lack of taxi's in New York but also no lack of traffic.
Shelley & Nici tell their driver to drive it like he stole it and he cheers along! Woo! Go Big or Go Home!
-There are only seats for 5 teams on the first flight which gives those teams a 40 minute head start. But when Adam & Bethany get to the airport, they go to the wrong ticket counter, allowing Tim & Te Jay to be the first team to check in, then Isabelle & Dennis get there... and Adam & Bethany end up 3rd, followed by Kym & Alli and finally Fakey Mcfakersons, Misti & Jim are the 5th team.
-That puts Whitney & Keith first on the 2nd flight with wrestlers Brooke & Robbie, Realtors Lisa & Michelle, Scientists Amy & Maya, Mom/daughter Shelley & Nici and firefighters Michael & Scott.
-Misti & Jim get the best taxi driver, she takes off like a shot and says she likes being with the winning team cause she's a winner! And they get to the Vendors Plaza first, but they can't find the sign up sheet... which allows Adam & Bethany, Tim & Te Jay and cyclists Kym & Alli to sign up before the dentists... with Dennis & Isabelle (which is my team) coming up the rear.
-2nd float plane takes off with the Dentists and Cyclists on board - one of the cyclist girls is feeling air sick but knows it would be bad form to throw up on another team - Don't get any puke in Misti's weave!
-Michael & Scott feel they can't be gentlemen anymore - Brooke agrees, she would have gone psycho if they had done that to her.
-At the rocks they have to jump out of the boat then climb a rope net - which Bethany does with one hand no problem... she is pretty amazing. Meanwhile Te Jay is complaining that the salt water is stinging his lips (sheesh... of course that would be me until I remembered Bethany was doing all this with one arm.)
-Dentists and Cyclists are right behind them.
-Then they all start leaping (one at a time) but they are doing it with no problems. In the bottle is a picture of a bi-mast schooner ship - Blackbeard's Revenge. They are taken to the ship and Blackbeard gives them their next clue - they have to get in one of the small boats off the side of the ship and pull themselves along a strung line to the beach to get their next clue.-Tim & Te Jay are the first to the ROADBLOCK - one person must use a traditional liquid compass which is backwards to the standard compass where the direction you are facing is actually closest to you - starting at a designated landmark, they must use the compass and the shovels provided, which measure 1 yard, to find the coordinates in their clue and dig up a treasure chest which will have their next clue in it. (Oh man, this is going to be difficult.) And someone needs to learn to read the clue as Tim just starts digging at the landmark instead measuring out the coordinates... that does not bode well for them coming in first.
-Adam at least knows to start at the wheel and measure out from there but he can't figure out the compass. (yeah, that's gonna be a b*tch.)
-I think it's Alli of the cyclist girls who is supposed to start at the anchor but runs to the bell.. Tim asks her if she's supposed to start at the bell too and she's telling the camera, yes, it looks like a bell but it's an anchor too (uh, really? I guess it could be used for one in a pinch, but, that is not an anchor... and all her wrong measures are going to be that much wronger if she starts at the wrong place - sheesh.)
-Fakey Dentists get there and Jim is going to do this because the Save is on the line so he better do it (whatever) Misti tells us that Jim is the smartest person she knows, he had the highest MCAT scores
that either of their medical schools had ever seen so she knew he would be quick at this task (really, he's smart? Then why would he ever think being that dark orange looks good? I guess it makes his teeth pop, but it's not attractive.)
-Adam runs over to check with Jim about how to read the compass and Jim has a compass in his watch, which shows them that they were using the compasses backwards - reset and they start again.
-Once Jim knows how to use the compass though, he bangs it out.
-Back at the beach, Tim also asks Jim how to use the compass and he tells him - Jim feels good that the teams in front of him are asking for help, means that he's ahead of them... because he just dug up his chest.
-Jim & Misti open the chest and inside is a shiny silver clue that tells them to make their way to the PIT STOP - Fort Christian. The last team to check in will be eliminated.
-Back at the rocks, Keith and Whitney are jumping and she's not comfortable with it - but they moved their wedding in order to come on the Amazing Race so there is nothing she's not going to do to win.
-Isabelle & Dennis finally make it to the beach and are relieved to see so many teams still there. Oh and cyclist chick finally found the anchor, "Ah, an anchor that looks like an anchor." (Yup, that's an anchor alright.)
-Dennis is going to do the digging and when Keith and Whitney get there Keith is digging as well. And Mom of the Shelley/Nici pair is digging (I think she's Nici...)
-Back at the beach everyone is still there, no one else has found their chest. Wrestlers and firefighters are having issues with the little boats - but Michael and Scott manage to get to the beach, the wrestlers end up swamping their boat and have to drag it through the water... is this more proof that muscle doesn't float?
Now everyone is at the beach except the dentists... wrestler Robbie is using the compass like a magic 8-ball - Nici has to show him how to even line up North... oh boy.
-Barbie realtor doesn't even know her directions - Adam asks her what direction the sun sets in and she has it backwards - when he tells her to flip it, she still doesn't get it (but if she's reading the compass backwards, she's going to be right, right? Sun sets in the East she says... sigh.)
-Dennis has a mad blister right now. As the sun starts to set they (should) all know which way is West - Keith is confused why the compass is backwards.
-And wrestler Robbie is the next to find his chest (are you kidding me? Now that was just plain luck right there.) Nici is bitter she told him how to use the compass and she still couldn't find hers.
-Cyclists Kym & Alli are the next to find the chest (good thing she finally found that anchor.)
-Adam finally finds his chest too - so Soul Surfer is off.
-Dennis finally realizes the sun is setting behind him and he's been going the wrong way the whole time.
-Scientist Maya is the next to find their chest, then Dennis and finally momma Nici... which leaves Survivor Keith, Barbie Realtor Lisa and Firefighter Scott still fruitlessly searching for buried treasure.
-It takes no convincing on the Realtor Barbies part and the Firefighters think about it for show but in the end they all agree and run for the taxis.
-Keith and Whitney are the first team to the taxis, they leave.
-Michael gets to the taxi at the same time as Lisa and he shoves past her into the cab, then Scott totally pushes her out of the way and he jumps in. (Okay, it was horrible, but I was cheering for the firemen, after what the barbies did to them with the float planes, it was karma coming back on them... the girls, of course, didn't see it that way.)Here's How They Finished:
1) Misti & Jim (Fakersons/dentists)- they won the Save and still their teeth are amazing :)
2) Tim & Te Jay (boyfriends)- Yay!
3) Kym & Alli (cyclists)
4) Brooke & Robbie (wrestlers)
5) Adam & Bethany (Soul Surfers)
6) Amy & Maya (scientists) We can do this!
7) Dennis & Isabelle (my team)
8) Shelley & Nici (mother/daughter)
9) Keith & Whitney
10) Michael & Scott
11) Lisa & Michelle - ELIMATED! they didn't expect to be last - Lisa says they came in playing friends and not mean but [the firefighters] pushed her and sliced her arm on the cab, "if you have to be ruthless, that's what we do in business and we should have done it here." (Huh? It's like they didn't even realize what they had done to the firefighters earlier that day... really? I can't say I'm sorry to see them go. B-bye!)
And with Lisa & Michelle's elimination, Patty F., Andria S., Susan N., Shelley A., and Lee B. are out of the pool.
Next week: Looks like they are in England - teams go punting (lots of people falling out of boats) and in a race to the finish, there are lots of tears - Isabelle and Shelley both crying they don't want to go home... yikes.
It was weird having the Race on Friday night (but I still did the recap on Sunday because procrastination is my middle name :) Have a great week everyone.