It's Do or Die Time
Last week at Tribal Council, Tony bluffed that he could use the special power idol after the final 5 - hoping that would save him from the next vote and, in a surprise move (to me anyway) he didn't use his other idol to save Trish, he actually voted her out.
So we're down to the final 4:
Tony - the New Jersey cop that will stop at nothing to win the game. He found three hidden immunity idols and has orchestrated multiple blindsides - will his aggressive game get him to the end or will it backfire.
Woo - the martial arts instructor that was both a social and physical threat but to get to the end it will take something different from within - he will become the bowl (be adaptive) to come out on top.
Kass - she nicknamed herself Chaos Kass and it wasn't far from the truth. She has been the centre of conflict and was never afraid to change the game. She'll take down anyone that stands in her way. "It's Survivor, no one has integrity. It's a million bucks."
Spencer - he's gone from top to bottom more than any other Survivor and has never given up - will this underdog finally catch a break?
Solarrion - Night 36
The final 4 return from voting out Trish and they asked Tony why he voted for Trish. He said he didn't feel good about it at all but she hadn't done anything to be disliked by anybody and he couldn't take someone like that to the end. He turned on his most loyal ally but he felt like he had no other choice strategically.
-Spencer is amazed that he's there after being thrown under the bus over and over again - but he also found it demoralizing when Tony pulled out the special idol and hinted that it was guaranteeing him final three. (Don't buy his BS!)
-Kass was surprised about the special idol, but she's still not sure he can use it at final four (he can't! He's bluffing!)
-And Tony tells the camera he's going to keep bluffing and lying and doing whatever he needs to do to get himself to the end.
Solarrion - Day 37
-Kass was telling Tony that he was wrong about Trish, he made a paranoid decision about everyone liking Trish when Kass says almost nobody likes Trish. Kass tells the camera she thinks they made a mistake voting out Trish but it wasn't her so she doesn't care. She also thinks Tony had it easy with all these idols and he was on a winning team all the way up to the merge. (Had it easy? She's gone loopy.)
Then we see a boat coming in to shore... and Kass recognizes her husband! (What? I forgot they didn't do loved ones this season... well, apparently now it's time.) She says she might cry... damn it, I'm not supposed to be human, where's my devil horns?
Spencer has his sister there, Woo has his little cousin Mikey and Tony's friend, Arnold. All Tony asked was where is Marissa? [his wife] His buddy tells him she's proud of him but she couldn't come (apparently they had a 4 month old at the time - so I get it, but I also felt a little bad for Tony.) There were lots of tears, then they had a picnic and felt all rejuvenated spending time with loved ones and eating peanut butter.
-They read tree mail which tells them it's not a time to be afraid of heights to jump on in or they could be joining the jury, unless they win. They're a little shocked it's an immunity challenge with the loved ones there.
-Woo is talking to the camera and he's peanut butter drunk or something, he's picturing himself as sole survivor and proposing to his girlfriend, after getting her parents permission of course, (Dude, everyone's going to see this... you better actually mean it.)
-Kass talking to her husband says she's not a goat but she's hated. She's going to tell the women she came out there and she played like a man - as a man making the moves she made she'd be seen as strategic but as a woman, she's a b*tch. (Hey, b*tches get things done, I think we need to take that word back.)
-Spencer knows he has to go into this immunity challenge giving it all he's got because it's do or die, and he doesn't plan on dying.
Woo said it best, they all felt a second wind from their loved ones, giving them extra motivation to go out and kick some butt.
The loved ones will not be participating - they just watch from the sidelines (whew, I would be relieved if I were them.)
-The survivors will be perched on top of a pole out in the ocean, on Jeff's go they will drop a bucket attached to a rope down to the water, pull it back up and then pour the water down a chute, raising a key, once they can grab the key they will jump in the water and race to shore where they will unlock a case full of puzzle pieces and then have to solve a puzzle to win immunity. (Tony's out - when has he ever solved a puzzle?)
Off they go and those poles are high! The guys are off to a good start but Kass is shaking like a leaf and is having a hard time getting the water in the chute. Tony is the first one to reach his key and he refuses to jump off the pole because he CAN'T SWIM (What? I guess they really didn't have any swimming challenges this time.) Tony climbs down and doggie paddles to shore - Spencer gets his key and jumps in the water so he's able to catch up to Tony and they get started on the puzzles. Woo gets his key and he's swimming for shore. Kass is falling out of it still struggling to get water in her chute... then her rope gets stuck on the key pole and she has to climb down to unhook her rope so she can continue.
-Spencer is getting his puzzle together faster than the other two but this is a hard puzzle.
-Kass finally gets her key and with a strangled scream jumps in the water - she gets to shore and just finishes her puzzle - just like that she came from way behind to win immunity! (Way to go!)
And with her husband looking on and cheering her on, she says she just needed him there today. (Aww).
-Spencer says losing immunity was devastating but losing to a brain-dead weasel like Kass was the most humiliating way he could have lost today (get over yourself! Oh, and the neck thing, drives me mental.) It means too much to him to go out of the game this way - it's time to play his ass off.
Back at Camp
-Kass says she sealed her fate today, she's going to the final with two brawns...
-Tony is whining that he just wanted to wear that immunity necklace one time and now he won't have that chance (oh wah, Mr Hidden Immunity idol, I think you've had your share.)
-When Spencer asks to speak to Tony about just that - Spencer is sure there will be a final two this season because Jeff didn't say a place in the final three and a chance to plead your case to the jury - he just said a place in the final three.
-Spencer goes on if Kass wins, she'll take Woo and if Woo wins he'll take Kass so if Spencer is still there, he promises Tony he will be the target over him - Kass will vote Spencer over Tony and Tony will vote Spencer over Kass. He's trying to tell him if he goes to the the final three with Kass & Woo he's screwed.
-Spencer's hope is to force a tie vote and then he'll take his chances building fire over just going home.
-Back at camp, Kass & Woo agree they are voting for Spencer and Woo is relieved. But then he's trying to reason out what might happen with a tie in final four - do we draw rocks? The jury? We...fight for it? I don't know. (Ha! At least he's trying to think about it, I guess.) It's the first one to try and make a fire?
-Kass knows she and Woo are voting Spencer and she doesn't know what Spencer and Tony may be cooking up but she knows it's not going to be her so do whatever you will. (And none of them even once mentioned voting out Tony.)
The jury looked surprised and a little mad when they heard the final four got visits from their loved ones.
-Kass says her husband cheering her on made all the difference to her winning immunity today.
-Tony said he was glad to see his friend but probably more upset not to see his wife.
-Spencer felt softened up seeing his loved one and it will bite if he goes home tonight, two days short of his dream.
-Spencer makes his pitch again about final two and wanting Tony to keep him - he says in front of the jury that he would take Tony to the end and take himself out of the running if he did not honour that (huh? Why would you say that? Everyone likes perplexed.)
-Tony says he would be nervous to take Spencer to the end and Spencer says he thinks Tony would win handily.
-Woo says he's not as outspoken but he was an integral part of the big moves that were made.
-Kass says supposedly they can't vote for Tony tonight, they're still waiting to have the powers revealed (the power of a snake oil salesman is what Tony has for them all to buy his crap, boggles the mind.) Woo is a likeable player that hasn't burned anyone, if it's a bitter jury Woo will win, if it's not a bitter jury, Tony or Kass have a shot.
-Kass admits to Tony that she thinks she has a better chance over Woo to win which validates everything that Spencer has been saying to Tony... he would be the next target to go.
Time to vote:
Spencer votes Woo - this is the only play I could make.
Tallying the votes:
-Tony takes this opportunity to explain the special powers of the idol - he can use it after all the votes have been read BUT it was only good until the final five so it is worthless. (Just had to rub their faces in it one more time.)
Spencer - 1
Woo - 1
Spencer - 2...3 - SPENCER is voted out and he is exasperated and does the snotty neck thing (ugh, just go home already.)
Spencer's final words: He gave the only argument he could tonight. Survivor isn't a game to him it's a passion so 37 days of it being his life and that being over is a tough pill for him to swallow. He learned a lot from the game and hopefully something can come from this misery that was Survivor.
Solarrion - Night 37
-They return to camp and congratulate themselves on final three.
But they aren't celebrating, they're a little depressed knowing that they will be facing an immunity challenge the next day instead of all three of them going to the jury.
-Kass says she thinks she'll be taken to the final two because both Tony and Woo think they can beat her.
-When Tony's off killing a coconut, Kass fist pounds it out with Woo, Tony can't win immunity tomorrow and if either of them win they will take the other to the end.
-Woo heard that Kass thinks she's going to win over him so he thinks he's good to get to the final two - then he tells her he'd be the stupidest Survivor ever to take Tony to the final with him.
-Oh man, that is some crazy maze they have set up.
-They will race through a maze of turnstiles - some will turn and some will not. They have to find four medallion stations, untie the medallions and take them, one at a time to their chest - once they have all four medallions they will be able to open their chest and take out the cogs - then they will have to arrange the cogs together correctly in a frame so they will work together when turned to raise a flag. First person to raise their flag, wins immunity and the chance to choose who goes with them to the jury.
Off they go - Tony & Woo are following each other through the maze so they are neck and neck - Kass goes her own way and she's up a medallion on the boys until her last medallion which takes her forever to find - the boys split up on the last medallion and Woo is able to find the last medallion first.
-Woo is the first one to open his chest and get the cogs out.
-Tony is the next one working on the puzzle (but you know, Tony and puzzles.)
-Kass finally gets back to the chest and she starts working on the cogs. She starts out quickly on the puzzle and almost catches up but it's WOO, by a fraction of a second, that wins final IMMUNITY!
-Kass felt like she lost the olympic marathon by a fraction of a second and she really needed it today - she thinks Woo may be able to beat her and she hopes he thinks so.
Solarrion - Day 38
-Woo feels like he won the ultimate prize, so stoked. He was was psyched but also felt a pit in his stomach, he's got a huge decision to make... and the politicking begins.
-Tony pulls Woo aside to make his pitch and he plays it perfectly - he says he's a Tai Kwon Do instructor so he has discipline, honour, integrity, loyalty - you've been loyal to me from day one so if you don't take me you can't say you've played with honour. If you take Kass to the final you have zero chance of winning. Woo asks why is that? And Tony tells him, because Kass has stories, she did stuff, you didn't. (Tony played him like a fiddle.)
-Woo says he's going to consider everything he said but he couldn't give him his decision yet.
-Tony says to the camera - I wouldn't have bought it, I would take my chances with Kass.
-And it's Kass' turn to work on Woo - remember what Tony's been telling you the whole time, "Take Kass cause we can beat her." Why would his reasoning change now? He kept me all this way because he knows I'm unlikeable. You're like Fabio right now (oh yeah! Remember Fabio?) you haven't hurt anybody, nobody really knows you and everyone hates me. But if you go with Tony he's going to say he pulled you along, he made all the moves and why should he get all the money when I did all the work. (And her coup de gras) If I'm on there, I'm voting for Tony because he played the better game.
-Kass tells the camera she's horrified that the cool surfer dude who hasn't made a decision the whole game is in charge of her fate!
-Woo tells her he's going to take the day to consider his options and he's going to make the decision at tribal council.
-Woo tells the camera he would be more comfortable taking Tony to the final - this is someone he's played the whole game with but
he knows his chances against Tony are not so great. But then if he takes someone like Kass and breaks his loyalty to Tony, it goes against everything he is and he'd become the biggest hypocrite. (Oh come on! Don't be a Colby!)
Jeff starts with his usual banal questioning and Tony gets his pitch in again about him being loyal to Woo and voting out Spencer and he believes Woo will do the right thing and stay loyal to him.
-Kass wonders if Woo is loyal to Tony to the point of potentially losing a million dollars.
-Jeff tries to pull more from Woo but he asks if they can just get to the vote (Oh, thank you Woo, they always drag these things on so long!)
Time to Vote:
Woo is the only person voting and he votes to take out...
KASS! (What? OMG Woo, what have you done? He really did just Colby himself. And if you don't get that reference, see Season 2 of Survivor when Colby dominated the whole game but then good ol' boy basically stepped aside and let Tina Wesson win.) Oh, and that was a lot of hugging and was that a neck kiss Tony planted on Woo.. hmm, did these two just want to be alone?
Kass' final thoughts: Woo, stupid, stupid, stupid (so true to character there.) "I think he made a horrific million dollar decision, I think he could have actually beaten me." She is proud of the game she played, some people will hate her but hopefully some will appreciate she is a fan and played to win. In the end she had a hell of a time.
Solarrion - Day 39
-They got food for tree mail and with no girls left to cook for them they just threw everything in a pan and cooked the heck out of it. Tony, is still in game mode, so when he finds a clue in the food basket he pockets it and goes off on his own to read it - it just directed them to a mirror and scale they had set up for them to see how much they'd wasted away. Seeing it wasn't a game advantage Tony calls Woo over saying he "found" something (wow, this guy is unbelievable.)
-Woo is hilarious when he looks in the mirror, thinks he looks good! He seems really excited that he grew a mustache. (ha)
Final TRIBAL COUNCIL - Facing the Jury
Tony gets us started: He knows he has a lot of explaining to do for all his vote offs. He welcomes all their questions and will answer them all truthfully to let them all know it was nothing personal all the choices he made were based on strategy. He thanked Woo for bringing him here even after hearing if Tony makes it to the end he wins he still gave me a shot. He turns to Woo and thanks him and they shake hands. "Thanks, man." (Bro, thanks, bro!)
Woo - I came into this game knowing it's a game of lies, manipulation and it would be one of the hardest challenges I'd ever have to face. Being a Tai Kwon Do instructor I teach my students the five codes of TKD, respect, loyalty, integrity, discipline, and harmony between mind and body. I'm not saying I'm perfect person but I did my best to abide by those codes of conduct. We all gets down in this game but you have to find the motivation to keep going - for me it was the memory of my Mom who suffered a heart attack and went through a grueling recovery - she was the true testament to what willpower, strength and resilience was all about and it was a constant reminder to never give up and to fight every day to survive. (Hmm, I'm not sure if the sick mom was the way to play this, the jury looked sympathetic but still wondering what that has to do with anything.)
Question Time:
Sarah: Tony you swore you'd never write my name down on your badge and I swore I'd never write your name down on my badge.
I don't lnow what your badge means to you but mine means something to me so I don't think I can write your name down tonight.
Woo, if you and I flip-flopped places, who would you vote for, me or Tony?
(Say you!) Under the circumstances, if you made it through with no hidden immunity idols, I'd give you a lot of respect and I'd vote for you. (Good answer.)
Jefra: She says she's not bitter and she wants to be fair but she wants Tony to OWN his game. She asks him to look her in the eyes and own the fact that he backstabbed almost everybody on this jury... blah, blah, blah - the second you give me BS answers is the second I write a W down so fast.
- Tony says he owns everything but he didn't backstab her (uh, yeah, that's not owning it) he says she planned on backstabbing him so in his world all bets are off and he's free to break his word because she did it first.
She tries to get him back on point - Do you think you're a villain, the way you treated this jury? He says, uh, yeah, half and half, half villain and half good player. (They're all looking at him like, what?) I wasn't a villain I was just doing strategic moves to save myself.
Morgan: I'm beautiful and I know how to keep a man in my back pocket (really?) You were able to keep these men in your back pocket without having breasts, how did you do it? (Ugh, she's so vapid.)
-He says he was genuine at camp, offering food and water to people but his game play was different, all strategic to keep himself in the game. Guys like Woo were loyal and I appreciated it and they stayed with me. (I think Jefra rattled him, he's sounding a little dejected.)
-She just says to Woo that she respects the fact that Woo chose a player that is worthy of sitting there beside him over a goat that was maybe not so worthy (so she gets another lick in at Kass - yes, Boobs McGee is a piece of work to the end.)
Jeremiah: He just wants to know if Tony actually has a wife and kid because if he swore on them and then broke that word, that is
the worse thing a guy could do where he comes from. If they don't exist well, no harm done.
-Tony says he does have a wife and baby and he loves them more than anything. Jeremiah tells him it's pathetic and won't let him explain.
-To Woo he says it's his time to prove he wants to be a millionaire - Woo says he definitely does want to win. (Huh, that was weird.)
Tasha - Tony, you managed to keep a loyal alliance of people despite your repeated lies and disloyalty to them, can you articulate to me how you did that?
-For every vote off I did, I explained to my alliance why I did it. The only time I would break my promise to you is if you broke it to me first. The only person I broke my promise to, regretfully, was Trish.
-She asked Woo how he chose to align with Tony over other people in his alliance. He said for the majority of this game they were not close it wasn't until the Solana five that Tony trusted Woo and going into the merge, Woo was the odd man out so he managed to mold and adapt himself even though he was the odd man out. (Uh, yeah, these two are not wordsmiths. Makes me wonder if lawyer Kass would have made this more interesting.)
LJ - Asks Tony who is he? Is this the real him or is he playing a fantasy game?
-Tony says he took one look at LJ and he was terrified of him so he was looking at anything he could to get him out. He told LJ he thought Woo had an idol so when LJ said maybe they should vote Woo out Tony was excited, LJ was willing to break his promise so Tony could break his promise to LJ. (Tony developed a warped code of ethics out there - in his mind everything was justified.)
Kass: Woo, last night you became the boss, you usurped the power of Tony for the first time, why did you not cut the head of the dragon off? The integrity of the game is to have the winner make the right moves. You didn't make a move when you could have that would have won you a million dollars.
- He says he had a huge responsibility in his hands, to him he's trying to be a man of principle. A million dollars means a whole
bunch to him but he felt his power move was to bring along someone who deserved to be here would bring me points from the jury.
-So you brought someone who deserved it more than you, to get points for yourself?
-We are all deserving Kass, but I didn't feel YOU deserved to sit here next to me. Tony did.
Trish: Woo, was it your idea or Tony's idea to blindside me?
-It was my idea, you have a great reputation with the jury, you're a sweetheart. I felt that I wouldn't have a shot with you at the final three.
Then the Sue Hawk came out - Tony, we bonded early days and shared intimate stories - but you would not be sitting here, if not for me. No one trusted you, they trusted ME and I had to convince them all to trust me about you. And I spent the whole game putting out little flames for Tony, so you could sit there. You came to me in your paranoia and demanded I swear I'd never leave you and you swore on... your... father's... grave.
I have one million dollar question for you, is it worth it to you to sacrifice your father for a million dollars (well, he didn't kill the guy but she was so fired up, talking about dead brothers and holes in her heart... yeah, the hate-filled glare Kass felt last week was trained right on Tony.)
-He tries with his line of crap and she tells him it's a yes or no question and he says, YES.
Spencer: He compares Woo to a dog - Tony was like his master, Woo sat, he fetched, he did whatever he was told and when he had the chance to take the biggest goat in Survivor history to the final two (referring to Kass as a goat again) you stayed loyal to your owner. Anything you can say to me to convince me this analogy doesn't make sense?
-As a student of the game, can you respect me if I took a goat (a sacrifice) to the finals?
-Spencer says yes, I'd expect you to take a goat.
-Woo says he's a different student, he preferred to take someone who deserved to go. (That never works out the deserving win over you.)
Spencer then turns his comments to the jury and advocates for Tony. Woo tries to excuse his passive play with not finding idols but why do you think Tony found all the idols, he looked more than anybody else. Tony was behind every great strategic decision he blinded his alliance to what was going on around them in the game like a puppet master (Tony is looking all sad-sack and beaten and Spencer is basically winning the game for him right here.) He took a slew of goats far into the game and has one in the final with him. He played with a ferocity this game rarely does see so when you put your pen to parchment tonight, vote for the only guy that actually played this game in a way that truly honours it.
Congratulations you two, 39 days out here isn't easy. Thanks. (Snotty neck thing when he goes and sits down - drives me nuts.)
Alright, time to vote:
Spencer votes for Tony - he says he wrote his name down many times in the game (did he? I don't remember then voting for Tony ever) it was a compliment then, definitely is now.
Tasha votes for Woo.
Tallying the votes, live... and the Winner of Survivor Caguyan is... TONY!
(Woo got one vote, the rest were all for Tony - I wonder if Spencer is going to get a cut?)
And with Tony deservedly winning a million dollars, we have a few more modest winners of our pool: Cara & Alex L., Sharon R., and Manny W. Congratulations you guys.
It's late and I'm not recapping the reunion, not much happened except Tony's wife again was not present, they said she was pregnant again and on bed rest... but now I'm wondering if she really does exist. Sarah still has beef with Tony, J'Tai still has crazy eyes and they didn't mention if Woo proposed or not.
Next season is going to be Blood vs Water II. I really liked that twist, I wonder if it will be returning players again or if everyone will be unknown? I guess we have to wait until September to find out.
Have a great Summer everyone!
Last week at Tribal Council, Tony bluffed that he could use the special power idol after the final 5 - hoping that would save him from the next vote and, in a surprise move (to me anyway) he didn't use his other idol to save Trish, he actually voted her out.
So we're down to the final 4:
Tony - the New Jersey cop that will stop at nothing to win the game. He found three hidden immunity idols and has orchestrated multiple blindsides - will his aggressive game get him to the end or will it backfire.
Woo - the martial arts instructor that was both a social and physical threat but to get to the end it will take something different from within - he will become the bowl (be adaptive) to come out on top.
Kass - she nicknamed herself Chaos Kass and it wasn't far from the truth. She has been the centre of conflict and was never afraid to change the game. She'll take down anyone that stands in her way. "It's Survivor, no one has integrity. It's a million bucks."
Spencer - he's gone from top to bottom more than any other Survivor and has never given up - will this underdog finally catch a break?
Solarrion - Night 36
The final 4 return from voting out Trish and they asked Tony why he voted for Trish. He said he didn't feel good about it at all but she hadn't done anything to be disliked by anybody and he couldn't take someone like that to the end. He turned on his most loyal ally but he felt like he had no other choice strategically.
-Spencer is amazed that he's there after being thrown under the bus over and over again - but he also found it demoralizing when Tony pulled out the special idol and hinted that it was guaranteeing him final three. (Don't buy his BS!)
-Kass was surprised about the special idol, but she's still not sure he can use it at final four (he can't! He's bluffing!)
-And Tony tells the camera he's going to keep bluffing and lying and doing whatever he needs to do to get himself to the end.
Solarrion - Day 37
-Kass was telling Tony that he was wrong about Trish, he made a paranoid decision about everyone liking Trish when Kass says almost nobody likes Trish. Kass tells the camera she thinks they made a mistake voting out Trish but it wasn't her so she doesn't care. She also thinks Tony had it easy with all these idols and he was on a winning team all the way up to the merge. (Had it easy? She's gone loopy.)
Then we see a boat coming in to shore... and Kass recognizes her husband! (What? I forgot they didn't do loved ones this season... well, apparently now it's time.) She says she might cry... damn it, I'm not supposed to be human, where's my devil horns?
Spencer has his sister there, Woo has his little cousin Mikey and Tony's friend, Arnold. All Tony asked was where is Marissa? [his wife] His buddy tells him she's proud of him but she couldn't come (apparently they had a 4 month old at the time - so I get it, but I also felt a little bad for Tony.) There were lots of tears, then they had a picnic and felt all rejuvenated spending time with loved ones and eating peanut butter.
-They read tree mail which tells them it's not a time to be afraid of heights to jump on in or they could be joining the jury, unless they win. They're a little shocked it's an immunity challenge with the loved ones there.
-Woo is talking to the camera and he's peanut butter drunk or something, he's picturing himself as sole survivor and proposing to his girlfriend, after getting her parents permission of course, (Dude, everyone's going to see this... you better actually mean it.)
-Kass talking to her husband says she's not a goat but she's hated. She's going to tell the women she came out there and she played like a man - as a man making the moves she made she'd be seen as strategic but as a woman, she's a b*tch. (Hey, b*tches get things done, I think we need to take that word back.)
-Spencer knows he has to go into this immunity challenge giving it all he's got because it's do or die, and he doesn't plan on dying.
Woo said it best, they all felt a second wind from their loved ones, giving them extra motivation to go out and kick some butt.
The loved ones will not be participating - they just watch from the sidelines (whew, I would be relieved if I were them.)
-The survivors will be perched on top of a pole out in the ocean, on Jeff's go they will drop a bucket attached to a rope down to the water, pull it back up and then pour the water down a chute, raising a key, once they can grab the key they will jump in the water and race to shore where they will unlock a case full of puzzle pieces and then have to solve a puzzle to win immunity. (Tony's out - when has he ever solved a puzzle?)
Off they go and those poles are high! The guys are off to a good start but Kass is shaking like a leaf and is having a hard time getting the water in the chute. Tony is the first one to reach his key and he refuses to jump off the pole because he CAN'T SWIM (What? I guess they really didn't have any swimming challenges this time.) Tony climbs down and doggie paddles to shore - Spencer gets his key and jumps in the water so he's able to catch up to Tony and they get started on the puzzles. Woo gets his key and he's swimming for shore. Kass is falling out of it still struggling to get water in her chute... then her rope gets stuck on the key pole and she has to climb down to unhook her rope so she can continue.
-Spencer is getting his puzzle together faster than the other two but this is a hard puzzle.
-Kass finally gets her key and with a strangled scream jumps in the water - she gets to shore and just finishes her puzzle - just like that she came from way behind to win immunity! (Way to go!)
And with her husband looking on and cheering her on, she says she just needed him there today. (Aww).
-Spencer says losing immunity was devastating but losing to a brain-dead weasel like Kass was the most humiliating way he could have lost today (get over yourself! Oh, and the neck thing, drives me mental.) It means too much to him to go out of the game this way - it's time to play his ass off.
Back at Camp
-Kass says she sealed her fate today, she's going to the final with two brawns...
-Tony is whining that he just wanted to wear that immunity necklace one time and now he won't have that chance (oh wah, Mr Hidden Immunity idol, I think you've had your share.)
-When Spencer asks to speak to Tony about just that - Spencer is sure there will be a final two this season because Jeff didn't say a place in the final three and a chance to plead your case to the jury - he just said a place in the final three.
-Spencer goes on if Kass wins, she'll take Woo and if Woo wins he'll take Kass so if Spencer is still there, he promises Tony he will be the target over him - Kass will vote Spencer over Tony and Tony will vote Spencer over Kass. He's trying to tell him if he goes to the the final three with Kass & Woo he's screwed.
-Spencer's hope is to force a tie vote and then he'll take his chances building fire over just going home.
-Back at camp, Kass & Woo agree they are voting for Spencer and Woo is relieved. But then he's trying to reason out what might happen with a tie in final four - do we draw rocks? The jury? We...fight for it? I don't know. (Ha! At least he's trying to think about it, I guess.) It's the first one to try and make a fire?
-Kass knows she and Woo are voting Spencer and she doesn't know what Spencer and Tony may be cooking up but she knows it's not going to be her so do whatever you will. (And none of them even once mentioned voting out Tony.)
The jury looked surprised and a little mad when they heard the final four got visits from their loved ones.
-Kass says her husband cheering her on made all the difference to her winning immunity today.
-Tony said he was glad to see his friend but probably more upset not to see his wife.
-Spencer felt softened up seeing his loved one and it will bite if he goes home tonight, two days short of his dream.
-Spencer makes his pitch again about final two and wanting Tony to keep him - he says in front of the jury that he would take Tony to the end and take himself out of the running if he did not honour that (huh? Why would you say that? Everyone likes perplexed.)
-Tony says he would be nervous to take Spencer to the end and Spencer says he thinks Tony would win handily.
-Woo says he's not as outspoken but he was an integral part of the big moves that were made.
-Kass says supposedly they can't vote for Tony tonight, they're still waiting to have the powers revealed (the power of a snake oil salesman is what Tony has for them all to buy his crap, boggles the mind.) Woo is a likeable player that hasn't burned anyone, if it's a bitter jury Woo will win, if it's not a bitter jury, Tony or Kass have a shot.
-Kass admits to Tony that she thinks she has a better chance over Woo to win which validates everything that Spencer has been saying to Tony... he would be the next target to go.
Time to vote:
Spencer votes Woo - this is the only play I could make.
Tallying the votes:
-Tony takes this opportunity to explain the special powers of the idol - he can use it after all the votes have been read BUT it was only good until the final five so it is worthless. (Just had to rub their faces in it one more time.)
Spencer - 1
Woo - 1
Spencer - 2...3 - SPENCER is voted out and he is exasperated and does the snotty neck thing (ugh, just go home already.)
Spencer's final words: He gave the only argument he could tonight. Survivor isn't a game to him it's a passion so 37 days of it being his life and that being over is a tough pill for him to swallow. He learned a lot from the game and hopefully something can come from this misery that was Survivor.
Solarrion - Night 37
-They return to camp and congratulate themselves on final three.
But they aren't celebrating, they're a little depressed knowing that they will be facing an immunity challenge the next day instead of all three of them going to the jury.
-Kass says she thinks she'll be taken to the final two because both Tony and Woo think they can beat her.
-When Tony's off killing a coconut, Kass fist pounds it out with Woo, Tony can't win immunity tomorrow and if either of them win they will take the other to the end.
-Woo heard that Kass thinks she's going to win over him so he thinks he's good to get to the final two - then he tells her he'd be the stupidest Survivor ever to take Tony to the final with him.
-Oh man, that is some crazy maze they have set up.
-They will race through a maze of turnstiles - some will turn and some will not. They have to find four medallion stations, untie the medallions and take them, one at a time to their chest - once they have all four medallions they will be able to open their chest and take out the cogs - then they will have to arrange the cogs together correctly in a frame so they will work together when turned to raise a flag. First person to raise their flag, wins immunity and the chance to choose who goes with them to the jury.
Off they go - Tony & Woo are following each other through the maze so they are neck and neck - Kass goes her own way and she's up a medallion on the boys until her last medallion which takes her forever to find - the boys split up on the last medallion and Woo is able to find the last medallion first.
-Woo is the first one to open his chest and get the cogs out.
-Tony is the next one working on the puzzle (but you know, Tony and puzzles.)
-Kass finally gets back to the chest and she starts working on the cogs. She starts out quickly on the puzzle and almost catches up but it's WOO, by a fraction of a second, that wins final IMMUNITY!
-Kass felt like she lost the olympic marathon by a fraction of a second and she really needed it today - she thinks Woo may be able to beat her and she hopes he thinks so.
Solarrion - Day 38
-Woo feels like he won the ultimate prize, so stoked. He was was psyched but also felt a pit in his stomach, he's got a huge decision to make... and the politicking begins.
-Tony pulls Woo aside to make his pitch and he plays it perfectly - he says he's a Tai Kwon Do instructor so he has discipline, honour, integrity, loyalty - you've been loyal to me from day one so if you don't take me you can't say you've played with honour. If you take Kass to the final you have zero chance of winning. Woo asks why is that? And Tony tells him, because Kass has stories, she did stuff, you didn't. (Tony played him like a fiddle.)
-Woo says he's going to consider everything he said but he couldn't give him his decision yet.
-Tony says to the camera - I wouldn't have bought it, I would take my chances with Kass.
-And it's Kass' turn to work on Woo - remember what Tony's been telling you the whole time, "Take Kass cause we can beat her." Why would his reasoning change now? He kept me all this way because he knows I'm unlikeable. You're like Fabio right now (oh yeah! Remember Fabio?) you haven't hurt anybody, nobody really knows you and everyone hates me. But if you go with Tony he's going to say he pulled you along, he made all the moves and why should he get all the money when I did all the work. (And her coup de gras) If I'm on there, I'm voting for Tony because he played the better game.
-Kass tells the camera she's horrified that the cool surfer dude who hasn't made a decision the whole game is in charge of her fate!
-Woo tells her he's going to take the day to consider his options and he's going to make the decision at tribal council.
-Woo tells the camera he would be more comfortable taking Tony to the final - this is someone he's played the whole game with but
he knows his chances against Tony are not so great. But then if he takes someone like Kass and breaks his loyalty to Tony, it goes against everything he is and he'd become the biggest hypocrite. (Oh come on! Don't be a Colby!)
Jeff starts with his usual banal questioning and Tony gets his pitch in again about him being loyal to Woo and voting out Spencer and he believes Woo will do the right thing and stay loyal to him.
-Kass wonders if Woo is loyal to Tony to the point of potentially losing a million dollars.
-Jeff tries to pull more from Woo but he asks if they can just get to the vote (Oh, thank you Woo, they always drag these things on so long!)
Time to Vote:
Woo is the only person voting and he votes to take out...
KASS! (What? OMG Woo, what have you done? He really did just Colby himself. And if you don't get that reference, see Season 2 of Survivor when Colby dominated the whole game but then good ol' boy basically stepped aside and let Tina Wesson win.) Oh, and that was a lot of hugging and was that a neck kiss Tony planted on Woo.. hmm, did these two just want to be alone?
Kass' final thoughts: Woo, stupid, stupid, stupid (so true to character there.) "I think he made a horrific million dollar decision, I think he could have actually beaten me." She is proud of the game she played, some people will hate her but hopefully some will appreciate she is a fan and played to win. In the end she had a hell of a time.
Solarrion - Day 39
-They got food for tree mail and with no girls left to cook for them they just threw everything in a pan and cooked the heck out of it. Tony, is still in game mode, so when he finds a clue in the food basket he pockets it and goes off on his own to read it - it just directed them to a mirror and scale they had set up for them to see how much they'd wasted away. Seeing it wasn't a game advantage Tony calls Woo over saying he "found" something (wow, this guy is unbelievable.)
-Woo is hilarious when he looks in the mirror, thinks he looks good! He seems really excited that he grew a mustache. (ha)
Final TRIBAL COUNCIL - Facing the Jury
Tony gets us started: He knows he has a lot of explaining to do for all his vote offs. He welcomes all their questions and will answer them all truthfully to let them all know it was nothing personal all the choices he made were based on strategy. He thanked Woo for bringing him here even after hearing if Tony makes it to the end he wins he still gave me a shot. He turns to Woo and thanks him and they shake hands. "Thanks, man." (Bro, thanks, bro!)
Woo - I came into this game knowing it's a game of lies, manipulation and it would be one of the hardest challenges I'd ever have to face. Being a Tai Kwon Do instructor I teach my students the five codes of TKD, respect, loyalty, integrity, discipline, and harmony between mind and body. I'm not saying I'm perfect person but I did my best to abide by those codes of conduct. We all gets down in this game but you have to find the motivation to keep going - for me it was the memory of my Mom who suffered a heart attack and went through a grueling recovery - she was the true testament to what willpower, strength and resilience was all about and it was a constant reminder to never give up and to fight every day to survive. (Hmm, I'm not sure if the sick mom was the way to play this, the jury looked sympathetic but still wondering what that has to do with anything.)
Question Time:
Sarah: Tony you swore you'd never write my name down on your badge and I swore I'd never write your name down on my badge.
I don't lnow what your badge means to you but mine means something to me so I don't think I can write your name down tonight.
Woo, if you and I flip-flopped places, who would you vote for, me or Tony?
(Say you!) Under the circumstances, if you made it through with no hidden immunity idols, I'd give you a lot of respect and I'd vote for you. (Good answer.)
Jefra: She says she's not bitter and she wants to be fair but she wants Tony to OWN his game. She asks him to look her in the eyes and own the fact that he backstabbed almost everybody on this jury... blah, blah, blah - the second you give me BS answers is the second I write a W down so fast.
- Tony says he owns everything but he didn't backstab her (uh, yeah, that's not owning it) he says she planned on backstabbing him so in his world all bets are off and he's free to break his word because she did it first.
She tries to get him back on point - Do you think you're a villain, the way you treated this jury? He says, uh, yeah, half and half, half villain and half good player. (They're all looking at him like, what?) I wasn't a villain I was just doing strategic moves to save myself.
Morgan: I'm beautiful and I know how to keep a man in my back pocket (really?) You were able to keep these men in your back pocket without having breasts, how did you do it? (Ugh, she's so vapid.)
-He says he was genuine at camp, offering food and water to people but his game play was different, all strategic to keep himself in the game. Guys like Woo were loyal and I appreciated it and they stayed with me. (I think Jefra rattled him, he's sounding a little dejected.)
-She just says to Woo that she respects the fact that Woo chose a player that is worthy of sitting there beside him over a goat that was maybe not so worthy (so she gets another lick in at Kass - yes, Boobs McGee is a piece of work to the end.)
Jeremiah: He just wants to know if Tony actually has a wife and kid because if he swore on them and then broke that word, that is
the worse thing a guy could do where he comes from. If they don't exist well, no harm done.
-Tony says he does have a wife and baby and he loves them more than anything. Jeremiah tells him it's pathetic and won't let him explain.
-To Woo he says it's his time to prove he wants to be a millionaire - Woo says he definitely does want to win. (Huh, that was weird.)
Tasha - Tony, you managed to keep a loyal alliance of people despite your repeated lies and disloyalty to them, can you articulate to me how you did that?
-For every vote off I did, I explained to my alliance why I did it. The only time I would break my promise to you is if you broke it to me first. The only person I broke my promise to, regretfully, was Trish.
-She asked Woo how he chose to align with Tony over other people in his alliance. He said for the majority of this game they were not close it wasn't until the Solana five that Tony trusted Woo and going into the merge, Woo was the odd man out so he managed to mold and adapt himself even though he was the odd man out. (Uh, yeah, these two are not wordsmiths. Makes me wonder if lawyer Kass would have made this more interesting.)
LJ - Asks Tony who is he? Is this the real him or is he playing a fantasy game?
-Tony says he took one look at LJ and he was terrified of him so he was looking at anything he could to get him out. He told LJ he thought Woo had an idol so when LJ said maybe they should vote Woo out Tony was excited, LJ was willing to break his promise so Tony could break his promise to LJ. (Tony developed a warped code of ethics out there - in his mind everything was justified.)
Kass: Woo, last night you became the boss, you usurped the power of Tony for the first time, why did you not cut the head of the dragon off? The integrity of the game is to have the winner make the right moves. You didn't make a move when you could have that would have won you a million dollars.
- He says he had a huge responsibility in his hands, to him he's trying to be a man of principle. A million dollars means a whole
bunch to him but he felt his power move was to bring along someone who deserved to be here would bring me points from the jury.
-So you brought someone who deserved it more than you, to get points for yourself?
-We are all deserving Kass, but I didn't feel YOU deserved to sit here next to me. Tony did.
Trish: Woo, was it your idea or Tony's idea to blindside me?
-It was my idea, you have a great reputation with the jury, you're a sweetheart. I felt that I wouldn't have a shot with you at the final three.
Then the Sue Hawk came out - Tony, we bonded early days and shared intimate stories - but you would not be sitting here, if not for me. No one trusted you, they trusted ME and I had to convince them all to trust me about you. And I spent the whole game putting out little flames for Tony, so you could sit there. You came to me in your paranoia and demanded I swear I'd never leave you and you swore on... your... father's... grave.
I have one million dollar question for you, is it worth it to you to sacrifice your father for a million dollars (well, he didn't kill the guy but she was so fired up, talking about dead brothers and holes in her heart... yeah, the hate-filled glare Kass felt last week was trained right on Tony.)
-He tries with his line of crap and she tells him it's a yes or no question and he says, YES.
Spencer: He compares Woo to a dog - Tony was like his master, Woo sat, he fetched, he did whatever he was told and when he had the chance to take the biggest goat in Survivor history to the final two (referring to Kass as a goat again) you stayed loyal to your owner. Anything you can say to me to convince me this analogy doesn't make sense?
-As a student of the game, can you respect me if I took a goat (a sacrifice) to the finals?
-Spencer says yes, I'd expect you to take a goat.
-Woo says he's a different student, he preferred to take someone who deserved to go. (That never works out the deserving win over you.)
Spencer then turns his comments to the jury and advocates for Tony. Woo tries to excuse his passive play with not finding idols but why do you think Tony found all the idols, he looked more than anybody else. Tony was behind every great strategic decision he blinded his alliance to what was going on around them in the game like a puppet master (Tony is looking all sad-sack and beaten and Spencer is basically winning the game for him right here.) He took a slew of goats far into the game and has one in the final with him. He played with a ferocity this game rarely does see so when you put your pen to parchment tonight, vote for the only guy that actually played this game in a way that truly honours it.
Congratulations you two, 39 days out here isn't easy. Thanks. (Snotty neck thing when he goes and sits down - drives me nuts.)
Alright, time to vote:
Spencer votes for Tony - he says he wrote his name down many times in the game (did he? I don't remember then voting for Tony ever) it was a compliment then, definitely is now.
Tasha votes for Woo.
Tallying the votes, live... and the Winner of Survivor Caguyan is... TONY!
(Woo got one vote, the rest were all for Tony - I wonder if Spencer is going to get a cut?)
And with Tony deservedly winning a million dollars, we have a few more modest winners of our pool: Cara & Alex L., Sharon R., and Manny W. Congratulations you guys.
It's late and I'm not recapping the reunion, not much happened except Tony's wife again was not present, they said she was pregnant again and on bed rest... but now I'm wondering if she really does exist. Sarah still has beef with Tony, J'Tai still has crazy eyes and they didn't mention if Woo proposed or not.
Next season is going to be Blood vs Water II. I really liked that twist, I wonder if it will be returning players again or if everyone will be unknown? I guess we have to wait until September to find out.
Have a great Summer everyone!